: r ft itS 4 I4lllll( FIT Buy Vour Coys' and Girls' Shoes at a Coys' This busy mioo department of ours is confined to fhoes for boys, girls nnd women our expert fitters have had years of experience in fitting children's feet with comfortable, perfect fitting shoes. It will pay you to bring your boy and girl here, where their roods are given careful, expert attention. All shoe are indelibly marked In plain figure with the elr.e and price tho long wearing qualities leave aa Impression Just aa Indelible. Shops In all leathers, either button or lace styles. Boyi Sizes Children's Sizes 1 to 6 $3.00 and $3.50 8 to 11 . . $2.00 and $2.50 Little Men's Big Girls' Sixes Sizes $2.50 and $3.00 2l2 to 6. . .$3.00 and $3.50 Misses Sizes 11 to 2 $2.50 and $3.00 -TV, Tit youm norm 1MC-1&20 FARNAM BTftdJT Judiciary the thro.i pardons three men mho wore Imprison d for havlne at tempted to blw up the palsce and the lure If q office. Tha throne again commands Yuan Ehl Kal to con to Peking. - . Wa Tina; Fn la Recalled. LONDON, Nov. 8 The dlspalcn to the London Times, announcing the ap pointment by the revolullor.ary author itles of lr. Wu Ting-fang, former Chi nese minister to Waahlnglcn, to an Im portant office, believed to ba minister of foreign affairs of the revolutionary organisation at Shanghai, while hot of ficially confirmed, Is accepted as prob ably correct. Wu Ting Fang fell out with tha ruling authorities at I'eklng be cause of his advanced reform views. MEN WHO BROKE JAIL AT HARDIN, ILL, SURRENDER CAR.ROLLTON, 111., Nov. 1-Aftrr flee ing for twenty-four miles and swimming a swollen stream, exhaustion, exposure and hunger caused Elmer Carter, who sawed his way out of the Calhoun county jail st tinrdln. 111., last night, to sur render to a farmer near here today. Carter, charged it killing Marshal Charles Hon, of Kampavllle and Nlmrod Voval. charged with killing William Har , ding, both escaped, but Foval returned, saying that Carter compelltd him to Join In the Jail break. SAYED FROM DANGEROUS OPERATION-NEIGHBOR APVISED WHAT TO DO FOR BLADDER TROUBLE, . I too, wish to a4d my testimonial to the thousands oU ho- doubt' bave n 'will - tell you what your1 great medicine did for i i m. - .. .' Several months ago I was taken very shk with bltidilrr trouble, had Intense pRlns and suffered totally, at times I could not stand on my feet or sit In a chair and often was forced to cry out with ia!n. I consulted two doctors who save me different kinds of medicine, which did me no good. It teemed as though the mors of their mediclno I took, the worse I be cam. The doctors seemed to ba greatly puxsled over luy vase and after holding a consultation 1 was told that I had a ae vere cane of l.ilUiuinatlon of tha bladder and an operation was very necessary. 1 was being prepared to b taken to tha hoiplul, whan a neighbor cam to my house and said, "Why don't you try a bottl of Vr. KUmerV Swamp-Root" I waa willing fo try anything to get relief from nty suffering. My wife bought a bottle of your n.edlcln which I began taking and aoon noticed a change for the better. I continued taking it and got better right Along, my appetite returned and I was able to resume work. I have used about fourteen bottles of Bwamp-Iloot and know that had I not taken It, I would have been operated on, and perhaps never recovered. I never fall to tell my friends about Dr. Kilmers Swamp-lloot as I know It will save many people from a if faring and perhaps, as In r.iy.case, a dangoroua operation. . y0Jr gratefully, HAML'EI. WILSON. il fierce St N. K., Minneapolis, Minn. Stat or Minnesota, I v sa County of Hennepin I Personally appeared before ma this :t!h day of fcpt.. 119, Samuel Wllaon. of the city 3f Minneapolis of the tstate of Minnesota, who subscribed the above and on oath ray that same la true In u beta nee and In fart. M. M. KtatRIlHli; Notary Public. Commission expires March It, lat. Letter to r. Kilmer si Co. sting-ham ton. X. T. freve What Swans-Keel Mill 0 rr Yea. Band to Dr. Kilmer dt Co., Binghamton. N. T., for a sample bottle. It will con vince anyono. You will also receive a booklet of valuable luforn atlon, telling all about the aldnoys and bladder. When writing, be sure to mention The Omaha Daily He, iteirular fifty-cent and one dollar sis bottles for sale at all drug stores. - LOOK OUT You Kavs Ona Pair of Eyes til'.K I'K, to sea that they get proper attention. It la our business to take rare of other people's Eyes. Experience, skill and facili ties enable us to do tbla to your advantage and satisfaction. BY- m and Girls' Store Jury Box Filled in McNamara Trial IXS ANGELES, Nov. 7.-The McNs mara Jury wss completed today as to cnauenges ror cause. Kach sld then was entitled to use Its peremptory chal lenges, tne detense having twenty and the prosecution ten. The defense, how ever, announced that It would offer fur ther Information to contest Talesman Qeorjre W. McKee. The twelve men on the box were Robert F. Haln. rai'Xiiitr; F. D. Oreen, orange grower; Oeorire W. McKee, real estate dealer: A. C. Winter, builder and contractor; W. N. Frampton. farmer; Oeorge W. Johnson, retired; Bam Men denhall, orange grower; Frank Frakea. fermer; Uyron I.fslc, miller; M. T. Me Neely. tailor; William F. Clark, retired farmer, and Oeorge W. Norton, retired merchant. 820,000 Again Taken From a Mail Pouch QftKKNSBORO, N. C. Nov. s.-That a Untied, Htates mall pouch routed from Raleigh to New York and containing 20, 000 disappeared two weeks atco In a man ner similar to the recently reported , ft theft of the pounch at Lynchburg. Va., became known here today. Hcyond admitting the lone of the peukage, the official refuse to discuss the matter. GOVERNOR ASKS PEOPLE TO REMEMBER THANKSKIVING "That Interesting period of' the year Is here when, In accordance with a long and well established custom, we, as the people of a great and free aetjo, turn our attention in suppliants end thanks-, giving to Him, 'rthe, giver et every good and perfect gift!" . ' We cease our toll and strlfs. The day la devoted in Various ways to manifusta, tlons of gratitude. All aordlnea on this day Is laid aside and let us harken unto the fact that our people have been pre served from pestilence and famine and serious contagion. The early and the latter rains have fallen and the earth has yielded a bounteous harvest as a recompense to the toll of the husband man. Labor has found ready employment at liberal reward. Opportunities for the ac complishment of good things are every, where manifest and manifold. Better things and higher standards are more and more becoming exahitehan. via. and wrong are being pursusd and visited wun punisnment. A higher plane is clearly outlined and well defined, upon which those who conduct public and pri vate affairs must stand. All of these Innumerable blessings sum mon us forth to the exerotse of that graUtude which is the crowning virtue of the human heart. Therefore, In keeping with tha tradl tlone of the fathers and the proclama tion or the president of the I'nlted States, I. Chester H. Aldrlch, governor of the state of Nebraska, do hh Thursdsy, the loth day of November. A. j. ii, aa a day of public and private thanksgiving to as ill.tiu n,.i our preserver, protector snd benefactor; no he sunshine on the Just end the unjust alike. ' Whose tenrtai. - are over us all; end that the world mey -now, ma mat it may be. made more emphatto as a dav of nui.n ii,..i..u. In. I do hereby call upon our people " "" m ineir respective places of worship and In the manner beat anit each congregation or aasembly, render thanks and prayer unto Him from whom all blessings flow. And In every home throughout all our land may there be that consideration for better thin. t.i.. comes from thanksgiving, melody and prayer. In testimony whereof. I hava v,. set my hsnd and caused to be affixed mereto the great eeal of the state of Ne braska, this fth day of Novemhae A n 1M1. ' ' CHKSTER II. ALDK1CH. Governor. ADDISON K. WAIT. Secretary of State. INTEREST IN MUSIC IS GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE "Interest In nmslo seems to be Increas ing all over the country,- anld F. W. Teeple, member of the firm of Prtp a Teeple. piano manufacturers of Chicago, wno was in Omaha Mondsy. Num.i.i. concerts seem to be the direct cause of was. in Chicago there are concerts galore and they are all veil attended and I notice that Omaha Is having a maiuiucen run or spleruld concert!." l.tarmaa swlle ta Street. BEATR1CK Neb., Nov. &-8pecial Tsl-egram.-Whlle agisting removing the structural arch at the corner of Fifth 'and Court streets todsy Oeorge Howe, a line man for the New Home Telephone com pany, fell distance of about twenty feet and sustained sever internal Injuries. 1 " Llreloaa; Bealag to dyspepsia, IKrr complaints and kidney troubles Is necUuwa Kiectrio Klttere la the guaranteed remedy. Ma, Fee seie by CLOSING UP THE CAMPAIGN Woikeri of Both Parties Busy in the Last Hours. DEMOCRATS STILL CRY FRAUD Cballensrera to Be at Pnlle to Head Off I rrr alar I lira sa4 ftesab lloana to herknate Irna orratlc Mkaldaaerrr. Tuesday la elerllnn div Candidates and their friends were busy all day Monday and will be active until the tiolia close Turuliv nlirht fWnn. orats are strucallna- to lrt a rn,u.t or two. hsvlng ssnririced most of their ticsct, county. Judicial and state. Re publicans, confident of the election of th entire ticket, are working to make the pluralities as lars-e aa Doaalhle. realitlnir that the more dcclatve the victory this yesr, the better will the party be pre pared for next year's national battle. All day there were conferenrwa nf rm. dldatea and workers on both iMm Aa In all campaigns It developed In the last nours that some oosalbllltles ha.l t.n overlooked and men were sent out to see the voters and to plead for thslr support. halleaarera at tha Pnlla. t-'ampalKn manaaara if both raria completed breuarati una trt Lava ihiL lenger at every voting place, ready to wiwbi-i any attempt at fraudulent voting. Democrats still sre making their dls- proven claims that the republicans by irauauient reglatratlon have laid th. foundation of a scheme to steal the elec Hon. ltepubllcans, not misled by the crv of "top thief!" from the organisation wiai uss been guilty of such practlcea, will be ready to stop any crooked work that may be attempted. It la reported that some dlsreputablea have been employed to pose as republl cuns attempting to vote Illegally In order that the democrats may have them ar reated and thus prejudice the electorate agalnat the party. The republlcana will be on the lookout for attempts to execute such a scheme. , Kotarlea at City Hall. John W. Iiattln and (iiU . it . two Omaha lawyers-will sit in solemn and respected stats in tha -i.. . offlCe all day Tueaday. from I o'clock In the morning until n the evening, and hear the excuses of voters who are not registered. Mayor Dahlman has named them notaries for the examination of ex cuses. ) The two notaries wilt -. i-. prompUy In the majority of cases whether ...an wno am not register is entitled to voio oy tne probability and soundness the excuse he auhmita It Of "'"'P'y neglected to reglaer he will be barred from the ballot, unless he can adduce sufficient evidence to prove the negieci was justified. On ths other hand If alckness. death, marriaa-a nr misfortune of the family prevented the ir iruiu registering Be wilt not be re tuaed the right to vote at tha an..i election. Kemoe Permitted to Talk. James C. Lindsay, who waa rh.i,.. of the meeting held Saturday evening at Magnolia ball, Twenty-fourth and Ames, insists tnere was no foundation r,.r a misunderstanding of the purpose and character of the meeting as a republican gathering. "At tha dtisens' meat In hcM previous," said Mr. Lindsay, aonounoe msnt was made of the one to be held fiat-' uraay evening, and it waa Ur....ir,.n.. Stated that lio Indoraamanta' an,ii. h. made. Homeone had to pay for the use 9 . l. l. 1 1 . . . . ... - naii, ana me. repuuncans of ths Twelfth ward shouldered the bill. Nat urally, then, it was organised aa a re publican meeting. But Ura fupmlllal democratic candidates to address the vol ers, and they were given courteous treat. ment. even being Invited to sit ou ths platform. It la safe to say no republican candidate would be given such a chance at a democratic meeting, and the Twelfth wurd republicans need offer no apologies to anyone because of Baturday night's meeting. Ksther, they can take a par donable pride in the course they pur- aueo. Blx polling places have been chm. Since the last election. The changea are: Beoond Ward fourth rii.t rift 17IU TM --. , vi fill. ton street. beoond Ward-Fifth district, IMt South Sixteenth street. oovin sterh's?re.ardnm i,,vtiet- 15a web- Klfth wird-Fourtb district, UM Sher man avenue. Hixth Ward Viva ill.i, mi.a k. Twenty-fourth streVl. w .igntn ward Third dlstrlot. (U North Seventeenth sireet. APPOINTMENTS MADE FROM THREE STATES From a 8taff Correspondent.) WASHINQTON. Nov. L-ftn.l.i t-k agram )-Claude It. Davenport of Chad run. Neb., has been appointed a teacher at the Carlisle, Fa., Indian school. Nora D. Booth ef Mitchell, g. d.. has been appointed a clerk In the treasury de partment. Alfred U Stoddard of VlUlara. Ta ... appointed a copyist In ths patent office. Postal savings banks will be established December 4 aa follows: In Nebraska-Benkleman. Ruehviiia m Edward, Wood Klver. In Iowa Brooklyn. Essex. Lanalna xt.t. vern. Odcbolt. Stansgore, West Branch, vviiiiamsburg. In South Dakota-FaulktoD. Bpearfjah. AUTOMOBILE RACING CARS REACH YUMA, ARIZ. Tt'XIA. Nov. . Contestanta In th t - - - - mvm Angeloa to Phoenix automobile races ar- riveu ai luma ims morning in the fol lowing order: Lexlnaton. S:45 o'ciork: Paim lUri I:sV; Cadillac, 4:43; Red Cross Truck, :li! The Pope Hartford broke three wheels on th wsy from Los Angeles to this olty. Beainnine at S a'rJock tha Mrlm, left here In the following order: National. ritodda'd-I ta vtnn Kranklln, ktulck. Widland No. 11; KUnd- srs, Aiaaweii, vuica, is; is. ai. jr.. Cole; Lexington, Pop-liartford and Cadillac I DEATH RECORD. slearl Oaoar K, l.rarstard. LAWHENfC Kan K'n a . - v. uiuuri Oscar K. Lesrnard, pioneer, and one of me luunorre vi um repuoncan party In Kilmil A iA at hi hn.. V . . -- ..' ..w.,. iiki m iimsy, aged T2. During hie public career Colonel Learnard served at different times as district Judge, stats senator and was for on year superintendent of the Haskell inuiaii inaiiiui. jte (urmeriy waa owner of the lAwreooe Dslly Journal, now ths Lawrence Journal-World. TO flKK A (4ltU 1.1 DAV Take Lexatlv Bromo Quinine tabieta tirnaalata rauiid munv If li tMii... I l,W.Wniil s aJgaa4ar t ea k-ea. (m, Fremonters Hurt ' As Auto Turns Over KLKIIOn., Neb. Nov. . 'Speclsl ificKram ) oisr Jtolmea, driving a party of three men from Fremont to Omaha In his automobile, came Into Elk horn at hlsn speed at 6 o'clock this aft ernoon and In rnund'.ng a corner the auto upHpf, turning completely over. Thomas, Clydo Emory and Wllllmn Dodds, all of Fremont, were severely brulxed, but the driver excaped with but a few scratches. The three passengers were hurled against a telephone pole. The auto, ac cording to Holmes, became unmanageable an was running st such a speed thst It would not round the corner. The sccl dent occurred on the principal street of Klkhorn. The party was able to con tinue the trip In "another conveyance. Aviator Fowler is Near El Paso, Tex. EL TAPO, Tex., Nov. . Aviator Hob ert O. Kowler expects to follow the South ern Pacific railroad tracks from here to New Orleans on his transcontinental flight. He took a force of mechanicians today to Msatodon, where his machine was wrecked yesterday. He said he would probably fly Into El Paso late today. Methodist Bishops to Meet in Lincoln fF'rom a Btsff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. .-(Hpecial.)- A.. of the Methodist bishops In I tha world will gather In this city April IB, 1912, according to sctlon taken by ths conference held In Oklahoma City, and which has Jut cloned. The meeting will continue for ten days and will attract several of the most prominent men 1n the country In addition to the eccle siastical authorities. ej IIS Lm. "?r. Folks Pally That is what we are doing. i For Gold Medal Flour now far . outsells any other flour in existence. Yet 13,000 millers are grinding flour All sorts, all grades of flour. But millions of "women have made their comparisons, and the figures above show the test of time. You'll reach the same conclu sion. Sometime you'll insist, like these millions of others, on Gold Medal Flour for your baking. For Gold We wash ' e rr.a rv wASMBURN-CR0SWCa goid MedalFloub WOMEN MAKE UP TICKET Iowa Schoolma'ami Seek to Beat Slate Made by Men. HOPE TO BZ THE DICTATORS NtaiWr of the Lead Ins; Kdnrators Anion; Fair e Helag ('eldered for Offices Mall Order llooee Makes Charge. (From a Htaff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINS, Is.. Nov. .-(Speclal Tel egramsAn organisation of the woman teachers of the state has been effected for the purpose of trying to control ths election of the officers at the coming Piat Teachers' association meeting this week. Jt Is planned to have a slate pre pared. Including a candidate for presi dent of the association, and for the women to combln and defeat the slste made by the men. I'sually the women are In great majority at the conventions and they believe they can be orgsnlied to dictate nominations. For president the names of Dr. Adele Fuchs and Principal Mae Ooodrel! of this city and ids Fordyce of Cedar Itsp- ids ars being considered. I.ate.t In Mall Fraod. A peculiar method of usln gtne malls to defraud camo to light In federal court today when Q. 8. Moss was arraigned on a charge of fraud. It was asserted he sent to a Chicago mall order house for a diamond ring and when It was re ceived he substituted an Imitation dia mond for the original and sent it back. claiming the ring was not as represented and demanded his money back. IOWA CENTRAL LEASED TO MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS NEW YORK, Nov. . -Committees of the Minneapolis & St. Louis and Iowa Central railroads have concluded their negotiations and have arranged the de tails of the lease of the Iowa Central to the Minneapolis dk Bt. Louis. The Minne Medal Flour we use selected wheat. and brush and scour it. We pass it through twenty grindings. Then the flour is times over, through silk. Only the flour that comes -through the perfect flour ever goes into Gold Medal barrels and bags. Washburn-Crosby's apolis A Ft. Ixiuis stockholders w ill meet In December to authorise an Increase In the cspltailzntion of fvoOO.O) preferred stock snd I9.KOOO common Mm k. This additional atoc k will tie ujed fur th transfer of Iowa Central stock. A new bond Issue of fTTi.MlO.O) also will be au thorised for refunding and construction purposes. The key to success in business Is the Judicious and persistent use of newspaper advertising. Remarkable Home-Made Wrinkle Remover (From Modern Housekeeper.) A wrinkle removing preparation which acts powerfully and quickly may at the same time be entirely harmless, as has been amply demonstrated In the case of the famous saxollte solution. While acting so marvelouxly on wrinkles of every sort, the saxollte Is really bene ficial to the skin Itself, giving the latter tone and In. proving the texture. In the rase of bag;y cheeks or chin, also, more than mere .emporary results are ob tained. One ounce of pure powdered saxollte, securable at any drug store, dissolved In a half pint witch haxel. makes this most effectual wrinkle remover. te as a wash lotion. The effect Is wonderful and Immediate. Adv. Or. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder is packed in a dust-tight metal box, with patent measuring tube, which is both safe and convenient for tourists. sifted, ten fine-mesh 1 1 1 1-11' 3 ! I II I H I as J II t '4 IT li I i i i mm Jfyr You'll be -NN. j' lighted with the to TVt f suits of Calumet Baking Fj Powder. No disappoints j f do flat, heavy, soggy biscuita, V I I J cake, or pastry. 1 "V I El Tint Ilia litMal .!n;..l i I 1 C t I i I uniformly raised and most deli J J i nuns wuu jou tver tie, t 1 I A ""'''"'''re'WerM'e J f j Y w" Fa. E.iUon. V t ay I ONLY For en year's rental of a safety box In our Safe Deposit Vaults, and have absolute protection aaalnst Are or burglsrs for your bonds, valuable papers and Jewelry. Should you nesjlect this and lose your valuables, a hundred times this amount will aot eve your loss. Omaha Safe Deposit & Trust Co. Street '..level entrance to Vapjts, L.D.ilUbUUNUO. South End 16th St. VIADUCT Long Ton" 5 Christmas Cards pDFF " Send only 2c stamp and receive S very finest Oold Kmboesed Christmas Post Cards FllEK, to introduce poxt card offur. Capital Card Co., Copt. 386, Topeka, Jtan. The Omaha Bee reaches more readers in Omaha tlian any other paper. AMI SESiENTS. AMERICAN THEATER Tonight Matins Today FkUCSa 860 OsTIiT MIB3 Vs. LAlfu and th WOOD W A MO STOCK OOIaJrAITT la Xug-eae Walter s Flay ef "HILLY" Next VVtV "THK tKKnTKU.' vmaha's run Canter." Pally Mat.. 15-25-50 Eva-s.. 15-fl5-SO-TSa LM.BI .veajon a itecoia lioi.ici s. Fam Howe and llLs LOVE MAKEKS EXTKAVAOANKA AND VAUDEVILLE, 'J'lie Aquatic .Jystery, "O'Devio;" JTanW Cleineno' Deer Team, Poney iour & i, J. Davey, Xciluh Dallas, lviUian ic iJoore. If in Ktuulv Chorus. Xadls' Dim Matin Every Week Day. ;Trlil'llIM;iffl 3 Tonirht Until Wadneadaw Popular Matin Wednesday Th Most XttUod of Musical Show. "THE RED ROSE" Kt Sunday Geo. Evaus Minstrels' Special Tuesday Matinee. KRUO THEATER Ma tine Today 9:30; Tonight, 6:3a Best 3ats CCo. o lumber Tanks Soodl OLrls and Billy Breauan, ta Umpire. Iiaffydlll w-sek. Trlses for beat tiaffy. dill. Tuesday nlslit elettlun returns will be reud from the ntuxe. Matinee Kvcry la 2:15: Every Nlslit 3.1C A M wr im ....... I '...,.11.411 ....I The TaesdST Morulas; Musical Clab pTesente CHABI.E8 WAKEFIELD C ADM AST aad 71VL KEITbTEOY kiartl In a Lecture Keoital, Tha American Indian Music Talk T. W. C. A. AUDITOAIUM Tuesday Afternoon, sov. 7 lb, 4 . M. rickets 60o and ai.OO at A. Kosp'. His ItolfoniaiiH, l'firo. Ma lame lies.suii, hlc fale. Connelly and Webb, DeliiKir md Adair, Mac lUe and levering. Kln Moacope, Or,heun.' Concert Orchestra, t'rlcea 10i iav, f0i'. 76r; Matinee loc, oeat seat 25c; except hat. and 8unduy. 'f V if V.