Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    Till-: 11KK: OMAHA. MulAY. NOVEMBER C. l!Ut.
Theaters Are
All Unusually Busy
ittrai tions i iim ui .
American: ' Billy .
oyd: "Jim tho 7enman."
Branasli: "Tho Ht Rom."
Gayoty: BnrUsqve.
JCrnsrs Borlepu.
Orpheumi Var.deTUle
Matlneat it the fcaytty, Xruf and
Orpoanm theaters.
"The H ,. nl the llraiidcl..
'The Kort Hose." a musical comedv In
three RctM; music and lrie bv Hsrrv
. Bmllh and ltohcrt H. smith; music bv
Hobert Hood Ihiwer: under direction
of John C. Klsher. Thu lriiu:lnulf ;
Andre, his master's voice
, JWnoltl rrascnnu
Gyp. hrr own master
,r .Marguerite Ie Von
M. Lnipre. master of the Htudlo
... Wayne Nunn
Hick Lorimer, the models artist
Sidney Uroughton
Jola. an artista model Zoe Harnett
.Monza Lorimer, au American milllon-
'rp '. Hurry Short
Daisy l'laitt. who has the chec ks
. Olivia Depp
Wlaa Plant, a millionaire. American....
Adwin Hums
Hon. Lionel Talboys, who cannot
check his love K. V. I.aceby
liaron Leblauc, looking for his daugh-
. tor .- Wallace Ileery
TUme. Joyant. next to the dealer
Grace Ellsworth
Raphael Spiegel, a picture dealer
Joseph. W. Standiah
Maxlme Dupont, looking for the
Karon Wayne Nunn
John C. risher in "Tho Ited Hose"
furnishes us with the most extensive
lirograni of slnglnB and dancing that has
been displayed on a single stage In many
years; ho lias also provided a company
that in more numerous In Its personnel
than is usually presented, even by the
most ambitious of managers, and has
otherwise displayed an opulence that Is
most refreshing in his efforts to make
Ma entertainment worth- while. And
when It Is added that his sinpers can
ring', that his dancers can dance, and
that his comedians are really funny, the
story of the evening is about told. "The
Red Rose" Is extensive in every way, and
to particularize means to exhaust the
vocabulary of praise, so the task will not
be undertaken. The best way to get a
full notion of what Is offered is to at
tend at tho Brandeis while the company
Is holding- foi-th there and see for your
self. It has three long acts, each stuffed
full of the prettiest of pictures of girls
and men, with songs and dances and
humorous sallies, and all telling a really
connected story of life, and love in Paris,
In whins, students, the nobility, and the
Americans who visit the French capital.
Miss Zoo Burnett Is the hard workinsr
member of the company; she has not an
idle moment, for when she Is not on the
Ftage slngins In a captivating way, or
Canclng in a way still mbre fetching, she
Is In her dressing room Inwlly setting
into another sown, more stunning than
the last. She wears about a dozen dif
ferent costumes, all of tho latest, and
scmo that are cilmoHt daring, but every
one an exquisite creation; incidentally.
she has the hats to go with them, and
If it is only viewed from a sartorial
standpoint, her performance Is a distinct
hit. But Miss Harnett can sing wonder
fully well, and dance beautifully, so she
Is a real treat.
Miss De Von Is a saucy soubrette of a
dashing sort, and Miss Ellsworth In
troduces herself to us as another female
comedian of quality. Kach of theso young
persons can dauco and sing. And tWa
statement goes . for the whole feminine
contingent of the company, the same
counting well over a score of pretty
Klrls, who are given the opportunity of
appearing in many differing garbs, all
Mr. rrascona slugs with a single fault;
his tones are sweet and pure, but his
enunciation Is such as to prevent any.
ne from catching a word of his songs.
The men are well selected, and the male,
chorus Is especially strong. Song hits
and dance numbers that bring demands
for more abound, in fact "The Itcd
Rose" Is even more than the advance
notices iiromlued, it is as good a musical
piece as has been presented hero In a
long time, or as is likely to be seen hero
this season. Its reception at the' Bran
dels last night was most enthusiastic, and
It ought to be very popular during the
remainder of Its time In town. The en
gagement lasts till after 'Wednesday
night, with a matinee on Wednesday
Blllr" at the American
After having teamed for two weeks on
serious drama patrons of. the American
theater enthusiastically welcomed ' the
change to farce comedy Sunday after
noon, when the Woodward titock com
pany began a week's run with "Billy."
"Billy" la what might be called a
screaming farce. The play Is built around
a couple of sets of false teeth, the own
ers being Billy llargravc, a foot bull hero
and Mrs. Moane, tho mother of Beatrice,
with whom Hargrave is In love. Sam
Kustace also loves Beatricu. When all
uro voyaging across the Atlantic Eustace
poisons Mrs. fc-loane usalnst Hargrave by
painting him us a fait young man and
fickle. Hargrave proposes to Beatrice
and begins with a confession that he has
false teeth. Ono of the crew awkwardly
bumps against him, knocking him down.
Ho loses his teeth, lit flees in embar
rassment. Beatrice thinks the confession
to abruptly ended was to have been a
confession of a "past." Hargrave, des
perate for teeth, steals those of Mrs.
i-Uoane while she bleep. Kustace, to win
favor with her, endeavors to find the
thief. Hargrave's ' lost teeth are put up
at auction. Ho is determined to have
them and Kustace, thinking they are Mrs.
Sloane'a, makes u contest. The bidding
starts at fn, jumps quickly to hundredj
and finally the teeth ure knocked down
to Hargrave at $l.tx.
He eplaln"to Beatrice. She apologist..
fur doubting him and all imlu well.
Miss Eva lang a: id Austin Webb in the
leading rules find opportunity to ikuiuu-
! urate their abilities. Mr. Webb nuti..,
a fine, hearty college follow. MUa Lam
as a stubborn, pretty, sweet. ount; tlrl,
, finds herself In a part well suited lj her.
Seldom has she appeared to LttU-.- ad
vantage. Mis Blanche MoiiHon offers a splendid
piece of character uetln in her portrayal
of the mother of Beatricu. MLss Lotus
Itobb makes for Hargrave tl.o sort of
later that any fellow might like to have.
Miss Jean Margo, the stewardess, mukiM
the most of a CJernsan character und
does all that could be required In Ipihllnf
up her side of several side-splitting scenes
with Hargrave. Frank Jones, the new
comedian of the Woodward company,
plays the boatswain and offers ample
proof that Manager Woodward made no
mistake whin he picked hjni for a good
actor. Robert T. Preaton. Ik Kain Kustace,
the lover who loe. Jle la thoroughly
familiar aitu hi liuts, feels ikt part, und
Dnran iiratn nr am
State ticket
inwiiniiiii iiiajuow
toys' Suits,
Overcoats Furnishings
We have never shown such winter clothes for boys, ncr
such great varieties as are ready at this store now. The good
things you've come to know about this store is only magni.
ficd by the immense showing of fall and winter garments.
The standard of quality and value-giving ure higher than
ever before, assortments greater and varieties better than
at any previous time. If you have not already done so, "give
us your boy to clothe."
$2.50, $3.50, $4.50 and up to $12
therefore plays It with a fino naturalness
and spontaneity.
Bni'lrsiiuc nt the Cjcyety.
Sam Howe'B menu for the pr?5.-nt sea
son imparted a very laiste assortment f
enjoyment to the audiences at the Oayety
yesterday. Sam Howe calls his organi
zation "Love Makers." Mayhap they
are; but yesterday they were fun makers.
It Is a good show, with such a sprinkling
of all sorts of burlesque that It Is very
easy to enjoy. Ohapcly girls swimming
In a huso tank of water brought out a
nolxy demonstration of approval. Two
trained dceis, tho property of Frank
demon, drew a small wagon about the
ttage, and though they have but recently
been broken to drive In harno.-s, they
acted as though they had been pulling
wagons for several years.
Sam Jlowe himself, with a brilliant
group of chorus girls and much attractive
scenery about him, led the love-making
contingent cn a merry chaso through two
high gecred acts. The olio is strong
with one coon singer of merit.
For Tuesday night Munuger Johnson
announces that election returns will be
reported from the stage of the tJayety.
"Jim Ike IViimun
"Jim the J'enmau, a
Mr Charles Young,
Mrs. ltalHtou
jnmoB l;iiH(nn
bHron Hartfeld
upmlll Kenwood...
IvOuli 1'i-rcival
Agues italHton
Ucoi3 IMImoii
l,orl Di-lliH-ourt
Lady luin.-conibc...
.Nii-fc. ("liipFione
1 r. rellvwlM'..
Mr. Netlicrby
Florence Hubert,
t the Iloytl.
four-act play by
The chhI:
....Florence Itoberts
lhurlow llergcu
'1 lieodore Huberts
.....Frank Denlih.irnu
Clarence Arpt-r
Florence Hmyme
isuac 1 nllon
Ktan.ey tie W'ul.e
,. Mane liakpr
lau it lift-hit r
Kurl t. I 'wire
(Jeorgu AicManus
Thuodere Huberts
cliancn to win the audienco by chuckle
or picturesque gesture. It wus his por
tion to depict a man unscrupulous,' ambi
tious to reuch a hlgii plane financially
atid socially, weakly bowing to the will of
another man and fearful only of detec
tion, llo did It in a masterly manner.
Outnlde of the three stars, the work of
Frank L'enlthornu was especially com
mendable. Tho stupid young English
cuptaln, who Is in reality a clever do
tectlve, was excellently portrayed by
him. Mr. Denlthorne was a member of
tho Woodward fitoel; company In Omaha
for two seasons.
Tho story, as already hinted, hlngos on
the faculty of Ilalston for imitating
hundwrltlng. Ho and the baron perpe
trated numberless frauds through this
talent. Tho two are exposed through the
coming to Fngland, at the request of
Captain Hedwood, the detective, of Louis
Percival, who had lost JCW.ilflO through a
forgery hi America. Percival was an old
friend of Halston and was once engaged
to Mrs. Halston. In an Interview be-
and 'lliuiluw Iter Ken. all stuiu well
known to Umuha theater-goers, uppeared
at the- 1:0yd last ni:jhl in "Jim the Tea
man, that ramu "J mi the I'timian
which attained great success in New
York und London a number of years aK".
With this trl-star combination, supported
ulth a metropolitan cast of merit, tne
play la one that probably will not be ex
celled in Omaha all season In dramatic
Miss P.obcits has played "for several
years through the wot, usually in so
culled problem plays, and few actresses
are b.-Mcr known hi re and better liked
than she. Hhe lived up to the reputation
of lior talent laHt nlgiil as Mrs. Halston,
wlfo of Julius KalMoii, otherwise "Jim
I tho Penman," who wins his wife by
jfoio'ory, glows wealthy by forgery, be u member of Anllamcnt und inar
i rles his daughter to a nobleman before
tills crimes uio Uncovered. Miss Hoberts'
' portrayal of the t motions of the "pen
I man's'' wlfo in s between the wife
and In r huebaivl, when he diseovers
what ho i. and betwe-tn her end the
fianco wiiO U I u-. ..n lo-l to her through
h r litihbaiivl s Uf. i!-t.oii, is powerful. Not
a detail is overdrawn.
Ail v. iil remember '. heo-iore Hoberts as
Joe Portugal?, the hull-breed. In the
"Hlght of Way." Mr. Hoberts taltes the
purt in the pl.iy at tho Hoyd of llanfeM,
the wicked bj,roii, aiio urgts Kui.ston on'
In his forgeries, plans nil the coops ami !
takes part in the proceeds. Mr. Hoberts I
is as picturesque a baton as he was a I
Canadian halt-bierd, ti'.s giant and ex
pressive frame and his mobile featuns, i
controlled to a nicety, attia ting the clos
est Interest of auiiieiiee. 11 is every
gesture, his chuckle and tils laugh are i
as fasclnuttug ss ills fiemllrh K'ee over '
the rnrntul sufferings of Ins pail mi in
crime are repellaiit.
Tliuiluw ileum iu (vie UaU small
Laxative Water
Quickly Relieves
tliM miiMj mi aim am imi fliffrilfflU
aU4lsJ .
tween lilm and Mrs. Italston h tlenlea
that ho ever wrote her a letter breaking
off the engagement and she denies that
sho wrote him one. After events prove
that Halston wrote them botn, also tho
check on which the baron drew Percl-
vnl's money from the bank. Halston dies
of heart failure and the baron is taken
In custody Just as Hedwood recovers the
diamonds that the two have stolen from
Lord lellncourt, who that day had be
come Hnlsion's son-ln-taw.
The eurtaln drops without another
meeting between Mrs. Halston and Perci
val, but little doubt Is left that they
will wed. A second performance of the
piny will bo given tonight.
Vaudeville nt the Orplieiim.
Mere mention of the fact that a musical
act Is topping the bin at the urpheum
this week cannot by any means suffice to
convey the assurance that any such pre
sentation Is good enough to serve as a
headllncr. llut 11. A. liolfe is among the
congress of virtuosos In what the autVor
Is pleased to style "The Holfonlans." He
Is the producer of many vaudeville acts,
among which Is "The Courtiers." recently
playing ut the Orphcum with tremendous
succers. "The Holfonlans" appear In a
lawn fete on a Virginia country estate.
They play ami they sing, and everything
Is done gracefully, exquisitely, magnifi
cently. Holfe, too, by the wn'. Is known
ns America's premier cornetlst, and he
fully sustains his reputation with his
marvelotm performance.
Madamo Hesson comes with her
llsh company In a dramatic, playlet, "The
Woman Who Knew." The lines are finely
drawn, though tremendous In effect, deal
ing with passions that bring on divorces,
and though highly dramatic, there Is a
burst of comedy at tht climax that lifts
the audience from tears.
It sounds like a bit absurd, but It la
true, that at tho matinee performance
Bunday a man, a big hearty fellow, went
Into such paroxysms of laughter that he
cried, and It was necessary for his friends
to carry him out of the theater. This
happened when Chick Kales, the comody
piotean entertainer, was presenting his
conception of "A Country School Enter
tainment." With remaikable versatility
ho makes seven changes of character so
rapidly that the audience Is astounded.
Aside from showing wonderful Ingenuity
In quick changes he gives the most laugh,
able performance seen at the Urpheum
this season. Ills art runs nearly thirty
minutes, and still the audience does not
tire of him.
Wero, an Italian musician, gives a per
formance with that novel Instrument, the
piano accordion, lie deserves the encores
he received Bunday. Jack Connelly and
Margaret Webb appear in a musical ub-
Hinility, "A Htormy Finish." This act is
great. John Helmorn and Miss olive
Adair give "Scenes ltehtnd tho Hectics."
It la full of comedy and goes big. Mae
Kae ami Levering tlo some novel work as
trick bicyclists, exploiting an entirely new
line of comedy.
llnrlesqne at thn Krna.
Hlg Hill Hi t n n a n. one of the four men
who officiated ns umpires In the recent
championship Imse ball engagement be
tween the New York (Hants and the
Philadelphia Athletics, told the nldlence
at the Krug yesterday some Interesting
Inside facts about the big series and about
the "grand old men" of the game. Pren
nan'a talk was accompanied by motion
pictures of tho series, and everybody who
was present was pleased with the story
and the views.
The National league umpire Is an added
feature with the "Yankee loodle dliis,"
a show that has much merit because of
a strong set of principals and a very nice
looking bunch of girls, who are dressed
In pretty costumes. Harry Seyon Is a
successful fun producer. Then there are
Lew Heynolds and Pam llawley, two
onmndlaiiH of more tlmn burlesque talent.
Miss Jennie f Hailstone, who has been here
before, Is as lively are featured in the
ever. Three numbers are featured in the
lllo. Collins and Hnwley scorod heavily
with a dancing and singing act. A walts
tng contest Is on the bill for Thursday
night. On Friday an amateur perform
ance will be an added attraction.
J, W. Copelsnd oi Tjsyton. ft., purchases
a bottle of chamberlain's Cough Hemedy
for hta boy who had a cold, and before
the bottle waa all used the boy's cold waa
gone. I that not better than to pay it
13 doctor's bill. Vor sale by all dealers.
White tinlltjr of Murder.
CAIRO. III., Nov. r..Jamea White, a
former Cairo saloonkeeper, was convicted
by a verdict returned this morning of
killing Frank Otterson, u rlverman, In
October, 1H10, and was sentenced to life
Imprisonment. White, after being at lib
erty nearly u year after tho crime, was
arrested In Colorado.
Sick headache ta cf.usea Tiy a disordered
stomach. TaKe Chamberlain' Tablets
and correct that and the hcadachna will
disappear. For tale by dcatara.
Tyrr I V illal MM IT
Pierce' Arrow
Pierce Arrow
-r? r
Can't Beat It
because you can't
equal it. The bottles
bear the triangular
"Tho finest Boo
Evoi Drowod"
aOI .10 D ttrnt, HmM, Nik
fhonei liouglaa ua
Read This Extraordinary Statement
It is more than -an argument. It is such a state
ment as cannot be made by any other dealer in Omaha
who has sold any quantity of other makes of high
priced '. automobiles for any considerable length of
time. We want you to read this carefully and con
sider how much it means in assured satisfaction to the
purchaser of a Pierce Arrow. Here it is:
There is not one man in our territory who
over bought a Pierce Arrow, no matter how
long ago he bought it, nor how high his f inanoial
standing, but who still owns that same Pierce
Arrow with the exception of one party for whom we
disposed of his car at the highest price that has ever
been paid for a second-hand car in this territory to
enable him to purchase a higher powered Pierce.
Such men as buy Pierce Arrow automobiles could not be induced under nny
circumstances to continue to use a car which in any way failed to absolutely fulfill
its intended purpose of giving dependable1, uninterrupted daily service to its owner.
In the continued ownership of a car so good, so responsive to every demand,
o creditable in appearance and m low in upkeep costs, these men have found the
one great factor of economy iu motor car buying, that is, they have avoided the
high rate of yearly depreciation which usually is a source of greater expense than
all items of car maintenance combined.
Our entire year's allotment of Pierce's will be delivered on
definite schedule and we have but few open delivery dates between
now and April 1st. Part of these cars are coming through with
closed bodies. We shall be pleased to have you call at our sales
room, 'phone or write us if you desire further information.
H. E. Fredrickson Automobile Company
2044-46-48 Farnam Street
Daughter of Thomas ,
Dawson Sustains a .
Fractured Skull
(Krnni a Staff oi roHponilont.)
WASHINGTON. I. l. Nov. r.. (Spnliil
Telntram.) Thinnnn ". I iiiwmm, formerly
of I'ounrll llluffs, fur many years con
nenlnl with tho Htiitn ririuirtinmt, wa
muUlcnly railed to Ilultlinuro ycatonlay
brcniis of th notion condition of hU
A-ypar-nld daughter, who Is In Johns llojw
klnn hoxnltHl,
Tha ililld sustained a fiaoturetl skull
a few weeks UK", hy falllnK from a seat
fnhl near her homo In this rlty, while
playliiK with a number of other children.
Hhe was removed to tho Johns Hopkln
hospital, nnd tho fracture reduced. Her
condition Improved until Thursday nlRht,
when sho became suddenly worse, und Is
now In a precarious condition.
There Is ft hit of romance connected,
with this child's birth. Mr. Dawson.
while t'nlted Htates minister to llraxll,
met, loved and married a daughter ot
one ot tho leading families of the l'.ra
sllian capital. Home tlnio after hla mar
riage he secured an extended have of
absence to visit his parents In Council
Bluffs and. Incidentally, so that bla first
born should flrwt see tho light of duy
In tho United Males.
Counterfeit Itnllara
buy trouble, but a Konulnu quarter buys
Pr, King's New IJfo 1'llln; for constipa
tion, malaria and jaundice. For sale by
lUntoil limit Co.
Conk Hofiiram to Nrw Vork.
SOUTHAMPTON. KliBland, Nov. 6-Dr.
Frederick A. Cook, the explorer, ,was &
passenger on the North German l.lovd
steamship George WaHh Ingtnn, which,
sailed from here today for New York.
Pr. Conk came abroad for tho puipoho
of making a lecture tour, but after spuak
lug at I'oiMmhugan he abandoned h.a
orlxlnal Idea.
i iBi whf Twnawrj K'lWfflBigaaaggsn
One of these
1 0 , 000
U yours If you will secure two
subscriptions to a weekly
il. "iV; H
' ,
-fa,,' -it r M
3 9tt : j
n ssi I
i r j
Pierce Arrow
Pierce Arrow
of blitck lluiniNhed klin
drlect oak witn iulol m:tut
numcrlj, laiKH brass pendul'iiit
tlixk uml ornuiiiDiital eldo v. eitlu.s,
nip boll Mlrike tho Imlf i.our
and CMUiedral gong on I ha hour.
t-lZK jS'-jXl.', la youra ul no tai
coil to you.
A Superb Xinas Gift
A 1'eifiH't Timekeeper
A UandHomo object of American
art, auituhiu for Ilia tinest boina
Jf we hear from you before Nov.
15, this clock will bo shipped Ltec
15. bend u your name and aJ
ilrtHa uiil we will tell you what
to do. lo gel it. It is worth lhj
aaklnt; for.
147 Xiaai 4tU St. How York City