rn .r F or the WOMLN FOLK Police to Arrest Society Women Who Play Poker If I riml i.n III.. I til- 1 1. 'I . M.H'ii'I. ' I ill!. I 1 . i.' i : ;. II ut ! inl-un n-- (;irf. tl u s 11 1 r. 1 1. . Will hu lllih'.l 1 anil ll.iulri; 10 "i i -i K h i tl-.r-'p sami'', In ' i i Hi'' II nit lis hrm i u.l":nUi li.ivp I'.'en srrliv.islv Kinvl thrlr nlc Players' Club Plans PafJiday, returned with Mis. There Is a possibility that the Players' club will give the flrat presentation of the ooxedv. which they are now rehearsing, at so.ne other place before playing l:i Omaha. Till Is a favorite cuetom Tilth ptofpsslonal players. Besides bilnglnx 'nore money Into the club treasury, it will buslne tr'.! tn New Yoi-it Ie excellent practice for those taking part in the play. -Ml of the roles have been a.isiancd for the nust play, which will be given No vember IS at the Brandeia. The comedy, "A Cottage In the Air," which is adapted from JJe book. Princess I'rtscilla's Fort night. Is by t):e author of Elisabeth and JF"r Oil man Garden. Thoee who will take part are Mrs. Harry Doorly. Miss Ftntxes Todd, Miss Aiabella Kimball, Mrs. Rex Morehouse. Mirs Louise McPherson, Miss Kutn Hitchcock, Mrs. George Mclntyre, Mr. Ilex Morehouse, Mr. Oeorge fclntyre, , .Mr. Harry Poorly, Mr. Homer Conant, :Ar. Robert Dinning, Mr. Taylor and Mr. l-'n?ynn3 Ulootlgnod. Pleasures Past :in. Henry V. lot'.- ar.J 3 lis a Dorothy Morgan entertained at a beautifully ap pointed luncheon today at Hillside In compliment fo Miss Louis Lord, who will bo a bride of the week. Small tables seating eight guests were used. White chrysanthemums formed the centerpiece for the table for the wedding party and rod rosea were used at the other tables. About fifty guests were present. M'3 Uall Howard, MIhs Mnurte and Miss Iela Whitely bbac a Hallowe'en party Friday evening at the home of J Mis Howard. Those pretrnt were; arrived Cudaliy. Colonel and Mra. H. W. Jewell leave today for the routh to be Rone eeverul weeks. Th?y will be accompanied as far at Chicago by Sin. C i:. liarrlntlon. who Is on her way to Xe-.v Vurk to visii lnr daughter. Mrs. I". I,. Woterrield. Mr. Ktank Hamilton will lave on n hip week. j Miss Mlr'am 'attiHut' wi'l I save Tuesday for diU-ayu, where he n 111 be i one of the attteiulanH at the Wilson- Ford wedding. .Miss Patterson v.llt go tn i New York after .the wedding to resume her voice sf.uly with Mr. Harry Rowel r!iel!ey. i For the Future MUj G i ace Bui bank of West Trieste. - field, X. M who will be maid of honor! at the Yaughan-l.ord wedding Thursday evening, w ill entertain at dinner this -,. 'lllit",i. Nov. ii - A ti' I ,.f oiie.iuih . brtwerM Wiinmil iruM. I s v w I 1V t'l t 'minim r. polliv ( uptn'ii l umuuHiilir'; ; ; station In tli f.ishloiuibie nn tli : t, , . iclcncc lI'MI'rl iivil- 'is till ri r, t.i- 1 ti(in of tin- i;uu'lli!ii; liw rvM'rtril I 'tixlsv. lit the iillcc iiitnity ns.ihi'.t K'llul.liiit, t'Hptniii I'l'ilniiii,' put a I . hi I Ion wonvii's p. ker partlr. In iiiiiin r:s-it ! of Wllh ll it ! ,;(i. '!! :'l.!l.- Mill ii.l.i I n j Isrs,' Sllll'1. - f " ' J Two iiu'll In wlio.ii' 'i.ini.'S the h.miii i "v f( . liavo bt-cn held defiid him to sM! them. v 11 ' after lie luul sebt t'ctoclli e Hrouuil WTr-i- ic;u h l.'i.i. V I litis them to stop. river nil s- f. i "I'll have nil the patrol Winiii nt tin- 'luie j. '! v, station In service toi!i." he mild. ",',ui l res '!t Hit in. t Inn - Hi e ant AiN. WILLIAM SAVAGE DROWNED NEAR NEBRASKA CITY M ill. AHii v '! I'V, , I.., Nv. -Sue. i I..IA ilh.i ! '.i'. w in e walklm; on ii'l lni:'t In frii'il of thl' city nt n.oit :i e .1 1 : ! i . '.,! l 'i ':... 1 . .1 .' I .. I . 1- tlfv l Vll.i r.'.t lita.i.-.t tie 'e I I li'. v iliioc i'" :i :e i;rnl Plague in Italy is Decreasing CIIIASi). SwIUerlnnd. Nov. . The bill-' letln istieil by the Italian government Miotvs a further decresse In the number of elmltrn mses In that country for the p'i led from October U to October T lu re were no canes In the cltlen of X plcs anl Uenon or In the province! uf Ca-crtii and Canipobasso. The total number of chscs reportej f,r the period vere p-fi and of deaths $1 of the- i altstiisetta province reported fil r,M and ." deaths ami Messina 18 ca.'es I iiril - iVoll.s. Total Kclipse ct the fiinetloiis tit stomarh. liver, kid nrvn slid bowels H quickly disposed of with l'.ieetrle Pitters. Se. For sala b I'.ealon I ritK "o. evening In the olive room at the Hotel Rome In honor of Mlsa Louisa Lord and -I Dr. Roger Throop Vatighan. Covers will be placed for Mlies Misses Louise Lord. Dorothy Morgan, Alice Cary McGrew, Gladys Peters. Elleabeth Fickens, Grace Buthank. Messrs. Messrs. Prentiss Lord. Ralph Peters. Wayland Magee, Wilson Austin, Hal Yates, l, Vaughan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelly. One of tha largest parties of the week will be tho "Rube" dancing party given this evening at Chambers' academy by the Junior club. Tha members of the younger set will all attend in rube costume. Mlssee Kuth Comp, Isabella Ncal. eivelyn Neal, .Minnie Oovet.i, Messrs. j;url LlndberK, Ken Johnson. Misses I.ila Marshdll, Maud White, y, i.la Whilely, t.,ali Howard. .Mensrs. Lawrence Kulinke, Karl Brady, lOllsworth Deveroux, Jred Witt i hasjes 1)1 ugh, - Robert Marshall. Mr. and jars. Charles Martin enter tained tit a travelogue party Paturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Barker In honor of Mr. and Mra. Licorge liarker and Mr. ahd Mrs. Joseph Marker 3. I'ollowJng tha pictures an en joyable musical program was given by Miss Miriam Patterson, voice; Mr. Cecil Uerryman, piano, and Mr. Ocorge Barker, vlotlnlut. The guest! Included: Mioses Misses Agnes Uurkley. Alice t.ary McGrew, ist airice -lanrucK, .Miriam Patterson, Martha Dale. Messra. Wilson Auetln, Paul Gallagher. Frank Frederick. Sidney Stcbblns, Me?ars. J. Laurie Wallace, Cecil Berry man, "ri.nk Burkley, L'lmer West, Mr. and, Mrs. George Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker, il. Dean and Mra. James A. Tancock. Mr. and Mra. Frank Martin. Mr. aJid Mrs. Isaac Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maxwell of Grand flautds, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Carpe.ntar. Mr. and Mm. Arthur P. Bmlth. Rev. and Mra. K. R, Curry. Mr. and Mra. Aubrey Potter. Mi. and Mrs. Zabrieke. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph West. Mr. and Mra. Krra Millard. Mrs. Arthur Lockwood. The losing aide of the Z. Z. aiila' con test or the First Methodist Sunday school gave a Hallowe'en party Friday evening in tha church parlors for tha winning Hide and thp visitors during the contest. Colors were carried out In yellow and white and all kinds of Hallowe'en deco rations. Among those present were: Misses Mlssws P.dna McManigal. Mao Cook, Oertrwle lor, Louise Tata. Anna Hrana-e. iraoe flbeare., Iniogone Jonca, Wedding Bells The wedding of Mrs. Anna McXamara Barnes, to Mr. John H. SMalds of Chi cago, was celebrated 8aturday morning at S o'clock at 81. Cecilia's church. Rev. D. P. Harrington officiating. The brown was gowned In quince shade of crepe meteor with overdress-ufs'arh shade of chiffon. She wore a large hat of gold lace. v Miss Nellie McXamara, a sister of the bride, wan maid of honor and wore pale blue marquisette over the same shade of mesBallne, trimmed with hand em broidery, and with this costunio was worn a large black picture hat with white aigrettes. Mr', and Mrs. Shields have gone to Cuba for a wedding trip and will be at home In Chicago after January. 1. i'iioto bv Oadv, Omabu. MAROARKT SCOTT MONKS, Apartiiier.t i, The Sherman. Tii2 IS !aQ Njyflmbfir.-6, 1911. Name and Ad'tres. Schfol. Francis Bowman, "1 10 South Sixteenth St b'dw. Uoscwater. Ruth F. Buh, 2531 Decatur St Lour Edith C. Capron, 2024 Far nam St High Year. ..1S97 .1900 .1895 Alexander Crawford. 2822 North "Nineteenth Ave. .Lake 1898 Michael Cuff, 1121 North Eighteenth St Kellom 1900 Viola J. Denilng. 4501 Hurt St , Saunders 1897 Raymond Djureen, 3314 Ohio St Howard Kennedy... 1 904 Ida Duffack, 3018 L'rana St Howard Kennedy.. .1 897 Steva Kberhard. 807 South Eighth St. St. Phllomena 1902 Paul Eugene Hrwln, 1309 South Twenty-seventh ., Lothrop 19HI Inez Eskelson, 3312 Parker St Franklin 1904 Frederick Eupkey, 830 South Forty-first St. Columbian 1906 Knlph Gantz. 5211 Center St Heals 1900 Edward Gordon. 4034 Seward St Walnut Hill 1904 Sylvia Greenaway. S07 South Eighteenth St Leavenworth Lester Hagllnd, 4602 North Thirty-first Ave Saratoga ... j Fourth Morningside j Foot Ball Player Has j Typhoid Fever SIOUX CITT. la.. Nov. 6.-The fourth of the Morningside college foot ball regulars to be atrlcUan with typhoid fever, Robert Vernon and "Turk" Elf fert, have been taken to Pt. Joseph's hospital for treatment. The players now In .the hospital are Vernor, left end; Eiffert. left guard; K rouse, halfback, and Wlckes, center. The origin of the fever Is a mystery to the athletic authorities at the college. The athletea do not eat together, nor do they ever follow an out line of diet. Inoculation with typhoid bacilli aa a means of curbing the disease la delng dlacussed now as aa Immediate meaaure by athletic managers at the school. Claudia Harris, lasel Peterson, Zulu Waugh, Kred Well, Li ;tae VVylle. Holtna I'illlaon, Mary Harnett. Louise Ohumale, Kiln Gtbtw. Kunloe Vandevford, Mettle Caseel, I taneea Ha yen, Hattie Hemew.'T, Korn, Kthd Watson, Mae Heather. Marie Jersoit. Pioneer Nebraskan Dies at Long Pine William C. Bishop, GO years o'.d. for merly In the drug business In Omaha and , well known In the state, died Sunday at his home In Long Pine, Neb., where he had been conducting a hotel during the j last five years. The body will be brought j here for burial In Forest Lawn cemetery j and services wilt be conducted Wednes day. He died of erysipelas and a roin I plication of ailments and had been aerl i ously 111 for about a week. I Mr. Bishop was a native of Oieen Lake, Wis., and came w est thirty-nine' yeare ago, settling In York county, where lie engaged in farming. In 1890 he came to Omaha and engaged In the drug business with his brother. Lr. J. C. Bishop, first at Thirteenth and ('enter and later at ftsteenth and Locust. After nine years he went to Boulder, Colo., where lie con tained In the druK business. From Colo, rado ha went to Long Pine five years ago and angaged In the hotel business. He ! survived by Ills wife and two children, and the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. J. C. I'anter of Chicago. Clarence Hanseu, 3368 South Seventeenth Si. Jary Harrison, 2602 North Twentiolh St... Alvin Hill, 2611 North Nineteenth Ave Gerald Hittlo, 3S39 Decatur St Ethel Holman, 2203 North Thirtieth St Harold Hubner, 515 Hickory St Adlna A. Jerpe, 1823 Spencer St Jeannette Johnson. 424 South Thirty-fifth St Harold O. Kastmaii, 1715 South Tenth St. . . Joseph Klaha, Jr., 176(J South Ninth St Emily Kullsck, 713 Hickory St George B. Martin, 3716 Jones St Mary Mirionsky, 1257 South Sixteenth St Conienius 1S97 Margaret S. Monks, Apartment C, Stiermau Lake ,.1904 Arsua Nelson, 3832 Parker St High 1S94 Albert Federsen, 4014 South Ninth St High 1890 Leota I. Pendleton, 5024 Hickory St Deals 1904 Arthur A. Peterson, 3404 Blondo St Franklin ., 1897 Jeannette Peterson, 4250 Douglas St Saunders 1905 .Vinton .Lake .Lake . Frunkliu .Howard Kennedy: .TrHin .High . Col u in bin n .Lincoln . , . Liucoln .Train .Columbian 1904 1895 1900 1S9!i 1905 190L' 1S96 18U 9 1895 1902 1899 1903 189C 1905 Ernest Pictseh, 1716 Canton St Benjamin Polito, 1214 South Twelfth St... Ruth M. Rager, 3399 Camden Ave.,. ...... Delia Rich. 3817 North Twenty-second St. . Helen A. Rogers, 1612 Lothrop St Agnes Satrapa, 703 Marcy St .... .Vinton . . . Pacific . . ..... .Monmouth , High " Lothrop . Pacific .. .1899 .1903 .1901 . 1895 .1S9C .1896 .Lake 1898 .Webster 189s .Sherman 1903 .Train 1900 .ComentOs 1898 Park . Cmma bcrgelt, Kdlth Johnson. Mvrta Bchnelder, Maude Lavlts, Mary Yarik, Hertha Pyle, t m Ogle, Ktliel Sheet, Kllsabeth Kern, Pearl Hlnlr, Delia Luve, Cercla Swenson, Irene Plgge, Pas? more, Frances Brooks, Jioruictto MoUuiritan, Personal Gossip Mrs. Ileiman Ki'iihi;.-, ho lias Ixea spending tha summer In the cast, U ex pe.cted home Tuesday. Mra. J. 8. Weltze',1 of St. lxiuts Is ex pected the latter pert, of the week for a t.iief visit with her father. Mr. V, K. Her. Mr. P. K. Vlerllng. who has recntl,' undergone an operation at the Prenby. terian hospital. Is recovering t I fac tor lly. Mr. and Mrs. R. t.. Huntley, accmn rsnieil by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oulou, left last week In a private cr to spend several daya In l'enver and other Colo rado points. Mrs. Mary K. Ner.iin and da -flu sr. Miaa Roberta Newton, who have he mi In Lin-ope since last June, expect to land In New Turk on Thansglvlng day and will I rearta Omaha a few days lute.-. Miss Helen Cudahy. who haa been v'.a- I rirat Lieutenant William N. Uaekall of iting Mrs. Frank Wlllielm and Mlsa ! the signal enrp. will remain on duty I rsnres Nash, returre.l t Clittago last ! at Fort Omaha until November SK On t v-rinc. Mr. Mwanl Cudah-. Jr . who iim)r ne goes w nan rranrisrc. ani thence to the Philippines. Ktrvt Claa 8rgeant Joha Ttn.ns. for- j mcrly on duty at the Plgnal Corps Hup- I .ily depot st Tort Mason, Cat, la to r- port to the commanding officer at Fort Caroline Schneider, 2017 North Nineteenth St . Arloa Sedgley, 2544 Chicago St. . '. v Louis C. Showers, 1413 Brown SI John Shranek, 409 Pine St Helen Slmanek, 2220 South Fourteenth St.... Donald B. Smith, 4107 Izard St Saunders 1890 Henry Spanswick, 3509 Burdette St Franklin 1903 Enitl Stochlin, 513 Poppleton Are Train 1896 Raymond Timmlna, 2920. Fort St Miller Park ...... 1902 Goldle Vanderwarke, 4602 Chicago St Saunders 1901 Willie Voss, 1420 Weeterfield Edw. Rosewater. . . 1903 Kennith Wldenor, 25S0 Manderaon St High 1895 Nollie Wilson, 3701 North Twenty-first St Lothrop 1898 Susie Weldel.931 South Twenty-flrBt St Costellar 1901 Raymond M. Wftlla. 4327 Erskino St Clifton Hill 1895 Alice Wescn, 3216 Lincoln Blvd Franklin 1S99 Baby Dies Every Ten Seconds from Some Preventable Cause KANeAS CITY. Mo., Nov. 6.-' Watch the light flash. Kvery flash a baby died from a preventable disease in tho civil ized world." This wus the grim wording of a placard which attracted wldo atten tion at the Clilkls' Welfa.ro exhibit In thla city today. The exhibit opened last Thursday and haa attracted thouaands of visitors from other cities. infant mortality was the question to wrlilcli es pecial attention was given today. A small red electric light globo In a case flashing every tea seconds bearing the placard causes hundreds of mothers Mrs, Ellen flchaedla of Boulder, Mrs. to P "d ,ook n'x t'tled eipres George W. Sprague of csr.aha. John Bishop of Council Fluffs and Dr. Bishop of Omaha. LIEUT. HASKELL LEAVES' FOR PHILIPPINES SOON stone meanwhile drawing their children closer to them. Figures and photo gtaphs showing tits Inroads of prevent abl diseases among Kansas City children wero shown. Of 1M3S children In the schools examined last year by the health board It was shown that 1.804 were recom mended for treatment. The records slso showed In that number 3.464 suffering from adenoids. In many rases entirely unknown to tha parents. PASSENGERS IN PANIC WHEN CAR IS DERAILED Sixty Conniil Plniti passengers, riding to their work In Oinahu. veto given a scare at Fourteenth and Pouglas streets at D o'clock this morning when tho cm In which they were riding wan derailed While rounding the corner the rails spread and the trucks went off tho tra k The car toppled to a dangerous angle and the pasKeiiteis were panic stricken. Tin ear again lurched and righted itself, but the passengers scrambled out as fiiat n they could. A wrecking crew cleuicd tho track In a short time. LUNCHEON SALAD aaa rsceiTed lit ligaest prusc every where far its mnasBaS deucioas qii ucs. y"i-nmakeiX, terr'stae recipe; SW i in Sfw. t napea vsr. sh., imt lll!sWK loaolinufaad JnslHim iituai 4 fmaM tm fit nv I smsm. fTipiali n n r bWJm UMg4lkvMiai tml i. 1 Kmm TJ l waU 3 mlm k jf uas. C Mai I ttai IIM at Jo.. A' CW tW tUJk fs; . 'JLjj! Ji T csust pum, JkfZ - '' LJ.l hm "v e JV ' swosr IT-Ti., i I Omaha. Private Humntr fmtth of tbe signal corpa at Fort Omaha haa been ordered I :o report to tha officer In charge of the j Washington-Alaskan Military Cable and! Telegraph system at (Seattle for Im- ' mediate duty. Dlrsx-tnlr Kffcrts. The o.roitolrs period la stilt r.olleeabie In wide re-ars. cut away erfscta In tailored coats and straight narrow sil houettes, and though rumor declares for fuller skirls, smaller waist lines and ! puffs at the elbows, fashion will no! tarry ot im predictions for some time to orris barajse of tha universally be coming effect of present makes. mm COUGH SYRUP Where mothers glye this celebrated remedy for croup, w hooping conph, or colds and couKhs, It sneedllv cures the child. Da. Buix's Cocas Enter is constAntly rfllsMe and truly meritorious. PftlC'E, m CENTS. NO MORPHINEOlTcHLOROFORM. "My llUle girl raffs, frea a has e14 er stu-k f crone, nit Ir. Hiill't Cu triipvurwl tbstbUS. r. sVrtbol.it, tit W.r,o ft., fmJUm.n, UL SAMPLE sTENT riltC Write rue tt 4mr. Mantlet) this paper. A44rcaa A. C MEVtK at BALIlMOkE. MO. WW sv!?' 'iBiiat ..llillllliill III,.. ms$ n ..sh,,. km llrf 1 1 III? sometimes lie- Pp1!1 That "Skunk" taste sometimes de tected in pure beer is the result of exposing it to the light. Light starts decay even in pure beer. Dark glass gives protection against light. SchlitK is brewed in absolute cleanliness cooled in filtered air then it is aged for months, to prevent biliousness, then filtered through white wood pulp then every bottle is sterilized, and delivered to you in brown bottles, thus protect ing Schlitz purity from the brewery to your glass. If you knew what wc know about beer you would say "Schlitz Schlitz in brown bottles." is brandtd "Mlitx" '4 riionesi Ixuglas 15D7 l 1,un"s) independent A I6i3 HrT"!! ' TTi .cnniz Monica iieer Depot IhQ, it&forft 7'3 S. 9th St., Omaha, Ncbr.J TiiafMad SCHLITZ BEER DELIVERED If PLAIN 17AG0IJ3 QV MILLER LIQUOR CO., 1309 Farnaci St. K. i III IlllWIIall I llllllinil'lllllll I The Customer You Need the, g Most It the CODY'S INDIANS REACH THE RESERVATION MONDAY t'ojiitiel f'odr's Indians passed through Mlasuurf Valley Sunday. 011 their war to ttietr homes on the Rosebud, and Pine Ridge reaerratlnns. havtrisj finished 'he shiny easna. Tticri Ware akaut i"4 In th parly. At MlasMjrl Valley the In dians were m by CelonsH Bill Mcl'uns ot the Buffalo Bill company and Jske tUMe of the North-eatrn. At Rtuti Till. Mosida. ttie Istdlafis wre pM oft arul with the trxm7 la'4 in a supply of clothing and frortslom for themssives and fatntlVHU. When the train rearboj r.uhi1llr, there were neart L Indians trwiit f rim the rsarratl,Hi. they 1 tt.cT l tli Jwni-:orr,liji if tluir in.-oiiJe. ( TiD er Qsstf BcEsf Ills Disssb 1 Sir Th Car SvK.MVwtn. ft. 9mn. J JDreaa... Zc at all grocera i t o. a. max bjuos9 "tin rr jj I One Yon Have Never Sold a Cent'i Worth of Goods. it Visitors will do thousands of dol lars worth of business in this city dur ing the fall and early winter months. - Who will get their trade! You can get yonr shre if you make the proper effort. First of all, you must let the possible New customer know that you are looking for him. He cannot dodge au Electric Sign. Ue will see it and he rnut read it. You cannot afford to ignore the force of this argument. Electric Signs can he rented on n nominal basis. Ifl our Contract Department representatives show hovr little it will iwt. Omaha Electric Light & Power Company Hi9B9HrHBsl5",lw'