' I T!IK I'Ki;: OMAHA, MONDAY. NOVKMUKK 0. ism. Buy Your Coys' and Girls' Shoes at a Coys' and Girls Store This busy department of ours is confined to fliocs for boys, girla nnd women our export fitters have bad years of experience in fitting children's feet with comfortable, perfect-fitting shoes. It will pay you to bring your boy and girl here, where their needs are given careful, expert attention. All ahoes ar Indelibly marked In plain figures with tho size Ma prC tb long wearing quallUea leave an Impression Just aa Indelible. 8hOPB In all leather, either button or lace atylca. Boys' Sizes ' Children's Sites -1 to 6. ..$3.00 and $3.50 8, to 11. .$2.00 and $2.50 Little Men's ' Big Girls' Sizes Sizes $2.50 and $3.00 212 to 6, . .$3.00 and $3.50 Misses' Sizes 11 to 2. .. . .$2.50 and $3.00 . rot toon rtopm owNiroK ins al 161 sal m.lCC) FARtlAM .CrajST STATE YERITABLE GOLD MINE; Order Reducing Fare to Council Bluffs is Held Up on Appeal Products Equal Nation's Gold, Cop per, Iron, lead and Then Some. GUYE ISSUES SOME STATISTICS parrs Wraith ml Nrhritk Soil TrllB tae Vrndmvtn mt !Nlnri aa4 Kseelleat Shewing la Ma dr. Hulletln No. 21 of ltt Nebraska bureau of labor and Industrial statistic ha been Issued by Deputy Commissioner Guy. Values of soma of the slate's products, as compared with the production of the United States In various lines, ara givin aa follows: .Nebraska alfalfa, hay, dairy products and food $IUU.S,:ji lulled Htates and Alaska, total gold mines llalance In favor of Nebraska. ..$ l.V76.-JS Nebraska's ens and poultry. .. .1 i'l.HHi.t I'nltrd Mates, silver mines, total K.TXUU Wock I, Uemls Park llalance In favor of Nebraska. ..I I&.IM.'MV: Nebraska's live atock IIW.DM.'GO copier mines, l.'nlted mates. total HSX1.7 Palance In favor of Nebraska... Nebraska's rom crop $H7.XTT.W(, I'hltod Ktates. Irono ore K,X4.3H .AUTOISTS TOTALK BUSINESS ' State Association "Will Plaii to Co Operate to Suppress Joy Riding. WILL MEET HERE IN DECEMBER aielalT"rrnBram for feit lies), tral Aiwatelr W ill Be Oatllaed Atomoblle Parade Will , v 4B reatar. , Th .Nebraska Htat Automobile asso ciation will hold Its annual convention In Omaha, beginning December 4 and com tinulng two or three Cays, depending on Uia rrorresi of buslneas. , Kaoh county represented In th asso elation Is entitled to one' delegate for each twenty-five members, and as th membership Is now 1,0)0 about 120 dele fates ara expected. A banquet will be held, and U the weather la rsvorsois there will be parade with about iW antos In - line., On. M.frar r,f ttii.ln.MS fnr the rAnvtn tion win be the, outline of a plan fr a commtttea In each county to Investigate automobile accidents, By this means It Is expected that the association can as sist in th prosecution of Irresponsible Joyriders, whose misdeeds are aften per petrated with rented or stolen cars, and t the same time help In the protection of automobile owners who are Innocent i blain in caea or accidents. Legislative) Program. ' X legislative program for the nest ses sion of the legislature also Is to be de cided upon. Ieiega4es. probably win ne appointed, to a national meeting of auto mobile men In Washington January IS and 17, Its purpose being -to interest con gress In giving federal aid for aute high .ways. Mine director of the-association I will be elected. Secretary D. K. .Watklns says that fifty-eight counties are now represented III yiS VMM HWinUVU, AW MIBIWI (I. the organisation Of a club last week; at PspUIlon.and will go this week to or ganise clubs at Ord, Loup City, Nellgh . and Stanton. . The Sarpy County Automobile associa tion was organised last Friday at Pa pllllon with these temporary officers; President. M. O. Faae, rapllllon; secre- . tary-treaaurer, O. P. Miller, Papllllon. A meeting for permanent organisation will be held at Springfield nest Saturday. TO OPEN BRIDGE NEXT. WEEK Big Celebration at PlatUmouth at a Good Roads Meeting. CROSSES PLATTE AT LA PLATTE r ! Omaba-Kaasaa tllr Ant Road .As portation Be Organised at the . Meetlaa- to Hoost Road for West aide of River. November 18 has been set as the date for the good roads meeting at Platte mouth, to formally celebrate the comple tion of the Duff-Pollock bridge across the Platte river at La Platte- part of the newly projected Omaha-Kansas City auto route down the west side of the diver. The bridge Is railed the Duff-Pollock bridge because Italph Duff of Nebraska City and Tom Pollock of Plattsmouth raised the money for It by popular sub. scrlptlon, contributing a goodly share themselves. The Omaha-Kansas 'City Auto Road association will be organised at this meeting, which probably will he held In the afternoon. Plattsmouth business men promise lively entertainment for the roads boosters In the evening. It la expected that a large number of Omaha automobile men will attend the meeting. The Omaha Commercial club will be represented by delegates. Mrs. Vermilya Taken to the Jail Hospital; 5; Body to Bo Exhumed CHICAGO, Nov. l-Mrs. Louise Ver milya, charged with the murder of Po liceman Arthur Ulseonette, was formally placed under arrest today. 6b remained quiet on her bed during a preliminary healing la her home. The hearing was set for November SI and a mittimus Is sued ordering her committed lo the county Jail hospital.. The hearing was held In Mia. Ver , tnllya'a home jowlng to her Illness. Muni cipal Judge Walker and the court at- laches crowding Into the little bedroom. -- 8tie manifested little Interest In th pro , teodlnga languidly answering questions. N Poison IS expected to be found In the viscera of- Richard L. Smith, who died at the bom of Mrs. Vermilya, according Ik' Coroner 'Hofmsn, who returned last night from North Henderson, whet - ttttrtth'a body bad been exhumed. "I don't want to be unfair," he said. : "but X will b greatly surprised It the chemical teat do not reveal arsenic. Th rotor of th liver I wrong; It Is th same color that was fund in Ussonnett' liver. - In fct, th condition are almost i identical, and 1 am ur th dark green laa color w found mean arsenic." i aa convinced is Coroner llofman that , SmliU a liver will snow arsenic that he aid h would' beg, a operation at one tor th exhumation of th body of Frank Brlnkamp. son of lire. Vermilya and her first husband, Frank Dnnkamp. State Employs New Experts for Hyde Case KANBAS CITY. Mo,,"Nov. 6. With twenty-five talesmen In th Jury room and forty new veniremen ready for exam ination, the third week of the Dr. B. Clark Hyda murder trial . began today. Attorneys believe the panel of forty-seven temporary Jurymen will be completed this week. Two day are allowed for exer cising premptory challenges, so It Is pos slbl that the first evidence will be heard next week. . A possibility of George A. Smith, a talesman, having to be released, de veloped last nlKlit. when he was taken severely 111 with acute Indigestion. He had been suffering for several days, but his case whs not declared to be serious until lust night. A physlclal was called to attend him. It developed today that new scientists will enter the case In behalf of the state. At the last trial the defense made a de termined attack on the states experts, de claring they were frequently witnesses In big murder trial. The stats has refused thue far to make known the name of more than, one new expert, He Is Ralph W. Webater of . the University of Chi cago. He Is a oo-worker of Dr. Walter 8. Haines, who testified for the state In the first trial. Calunce In favor of t". H $ 7,67i,818 Nebraska's manufactured prod ucts ii.vu'fc.rij I 'nil I'd mates, crude petroleum.. iM.HiKj.ixr Palanre in fsvor of XcbniKkn . . .1 ai.ilS.i",' 'Ntiakei' ' whfat, oats, rye. and bnrlev I hO fll .tiil l'nlted Htstrfs, sugar, tctxl out put , r,2,;,:i'-o balance lu favor of Nebraska. . 7,t!4,'73 Nebraska's' parkins limiislrv t 17.7V) -1 I'nlteU ftates, t'jbacco crop, total .i.7J9.r,'ii Pain rice In favor of Nrhrncka. .1 2.010,1?; ire nd total for Nbrsl $t;M.7l3.XM Orand total for Vnlted Mates.. u;ln,l&.s:W Bslonoe In favor of Nebraska. grand totHl f Ki,93r,0M Which equals the totul proiluc lion or both K-ai and sine fin,i7,.i;:i Relation In, favt.r of Nebraska..! 3,flM, 4M In other word. Nebraska produced In wtalth.Jn jn.10 jrodui'ts In value co.ual to the t'nltcd Flutes total production of gold, sliver, copper. Iron, crude pctrolitim, tobacco, lead end sine, with f:i,0o9,4M bal ance In favor of Nebraska. CLOSING ..UP THE CAMPAIGN (Continued on Time Two.) FEDERAL OFFICIALS LOOK INTO BLACK HAND LETTER A black band letter tnreatenlng death If he doesn't stop cutting food prices and advertising the cuts In the newspapers haa been rctved by Manager A. King of Harden Broa." grocery department. The letter was" mailed at Seventeenth and Vinton streets. Here Is a ropy of the letter: This letter la aend to you through us people e ere Aou of us all over Ana we are loo Kins inr you inrse oays to shoot you because we were tola by people that yous drive out every men out of business In Omaha. You won t leave somebody else make a living at all o you better look out for your live light know before to late Tou atop cutlng price in your store it ou aoni you win get It qu'.ck enought 1 am in ine you sore every uay oenuiu you. Bo please pay attention to this here and atop your cutlng prices In your store at once. I am lu a tuiry to cioae myieter lont put yur sue in me paper any more. The letter lias been turned over to United State District Attorney '. 8. Howell. Hayden Ilros. have offered a reward of Sj00 for ti-.e arrest and csnvlctlcn of th writer of tli fUr, "DR."VE!0 SEEKS VICTIMS ,: ?K0W IN COUNCIL BLUFFS Rfws4 advertising spsc In u of the Omaha. pporev .0; ' miraculous deior V. V. Vest to sun gstung aotno tma.fi by advert letag In lb Council Muffs Non ps.re.1. tbough hi psilem are few in ' number compared to iwj weeks ago, .. lot Th be axposed hi fake ln moalals and toid tli public that tie had been here before unjir other smaf Th WorUl-Hsrald tabk the hint and eliminated "Doewr" Van from lis adver tu:as columns when T.i i txtenl 1i4 Bnotkds. anj row in "doctor" ran't buy Mwspapsr advertising spar in Os-.stS- la his Ce-iaod filufij ad, 'Doesur" Veuo ttti he .r.J mi;;.n uf Mn at trrfi(. ' curetu tdtefg.t It most iit.it. rat iaXr,t er ti.e t.-n-i man. ea.tfrat ir.g it bou ss eonpUe;y iuat a gee Jot ,ta b bs..td . fi eri 1. l.oue, i u .lor" is ;-: aun e-'v.fr lu.law. hear , the excuses of voters who are not reictetered. Mayor Dahlman lis named them notaries tor tho examination of T cuses. "The "t6 n6laries' will determine promptly In the majority of cases whether a man who did not register Is entitled to vote by-the probability und soundness of the -excuse he submits. If an-elector simply .neglected to reglser ho will be barred' from th. ballot, unless he can adduce ..sufficient evidence to prove the neglect was Justified. On tho other hand If sickness, death, marrlaK or some other misfortune of the family prevented the voter from registering he will not be re fused the right to veto at the general election. t ,. Demos Permitted ta Talk. Jajuea C. Llndsuy, who, tyss chairman of he meeting held Saturday' evening at Magnolia, hall, Twenty-fourth and Ames,' Insists there. Was -no foundation for .a nilsiiiideVHtnndliie the (' purpose '"anil ciMiracter tit, the- metloif 'as. a republican gathering.; ' . , v ', '!At the tillsena'- meeting held a Week prrvloiiH," said Mrs..Litulaay,"annoiince ment was made of the one to.be held Sat urday" evening, and it was ' epeclflcally stated that no- indorscmi'trt w ould be made, boineone had to pay for the use of pie hall, and. the republicans of the Twelfth ward shouldered the bill. Nat urally, then, it waa organised s a re. publican meeting. Hut . we permitted democratic candidates to address tho vot ers, and they were given Courteous treat ment, even being Invited to sit on the platform. I tls safe to sny no republican candidate would be given such a chance at a democratic meeting, and the Twelfth ward republicans need offer no opologlo to anyone because of Saturday night's meeting. Rather, they cun take a par donable pride In the course they pur sued." ' WASHINGTON. Nov. 6-The Inter- slate Commerce commission's order re ducing the fsre on the Omaha and Coun cil Hluffs Railway and bridge company and the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway company from Council Bluffs, Is., to Omaha, Neb., from II cents tl 10 rents, was today held In suspension by the supremen court of the United States during litigation. The companies were required, however, to file a IW.noo bond to comrente paasenicers In the event thst the compenl'-s ultimately lose their ca -k. Winter Wheat Will Have Large Acreage tl (tinning early In the mtIhk and con tinuing during the Browing; season, the Burlington, each week, receives crop re port from all over Nebraska, leathered by agents and crop reports. The last report for the aeason of l!'ll was received .Monday morning and summed up the entire situation so far ns ihr, west two thirds of the state Is concerned. I In dealing with the corn crp, 70 per cent of a full trop Is estimated. In most section r husking Is progressing rapidly ii nd In many places more than half fin ished. Kverywhere the winter wheat acreaxc Is fully up to the average and the grain looks well. Potatoes are all duu, and while the yield Is below the average, owing to the tilgli price the crop will net the farmers fully as much as usual. In some sections of the state, particularly In the north west, tho yield la fully tip thst of former years, fugnr beets,' wherever planted, have done well,, the yield being better than an average. This crop Is not entirely liar vested, but alt beets will be pulled before the ground frecfes. Apples sre abundant, but are selling at rather low prices. Owing to recent heavy rains, pastures sre In excellent condition, with rait and winter rantre the best In many years. Oreighton Alumni Attends Clinics About one-hundred alumnnl of Uie col lege of medicine of the University of Nebraska gathered at the Rome hotol Monday morning to attend the Second annual meeting of the college. I The delegation wan taken to the Wise hospital, and from $ to 9:.10 Dr. James H. Uoets conducted a medical clinic. A visit was made at . the Douglas county hospital, where Dr. Rodney" W. Bliss held a medical clinic and Dr. R. R. Hullisjer a surgical illnlc. A luncheon was cerved at noon, after which the alumni association held a meeting. Dr. 11, H. Armstrong of Papllllon. president of the association, Dr. A. 1. Dvergaard of Fremont. Dr. A. lane of Wyoming and Dr. I. 8. Trostler of Chicago, addressed the meeting. A reception to the faculty will be held this evening at S o'clock at the Cmmer clal club. Prominent among the gueet wfll bo Acting Denn Robert II. Wolcott and Chancellor Bamuel Avery. MACFARLAND PLEADS NOT GUILTY TO WIFE MURDER NK.WARK. N. J . Nov. 6 -Allison Mac Farland wai arraigned today before Chief Justice tlumn;ere and pli-ndi-d not guilty to an Indictment charging him with the murder of his wife with cyanide of potassium. Justhe Oummore set next January as the date for the trial. The slate will seek to show that MacFarland sought to get ' rid of his wife that he mlgnt marry Mlfs Florence Bromley of Philadelphia. QUESTION OF ANNEXATION IS UP FOR DISCUSSION i A mass meeting at which the question of annexation of South Omaha will lie discussed will be held, this evening at Hirst Memorial church. Thirty-fourth and Larlmore avenue. Raymond O. Young of the law firm of Montgomery, Hall & Toung Will dwell upon the sub trct of "Facts and Figures," and A. 11. Murdock of South Omaha will talk on "Is Annexation Good for Omaha." The meeting wtTl bo conducted by. the Mon mouth Tark Improvement club. GLEE CLUB TO SING AT THE ALUMNI BANQUET Following Is the puKrsm the Omaha High School Glee club' will prexent at the University of Nebraska alumni ban quet al the Hotel T.ome Thursdiiy noon during tho State Teachci-s' association convention: la) Comrades In Arms .i... Adam tb) Scarlet nd Cream (From Unl. of Nebraska) (r) Poor Ned i K'MM-ncr id) Hill of Fare -....Zollncr (e) Just a Girl Smith Six polling places have been changed since the last election. The changes ore: Second Ward Fourth d'etrlct, 17C Vin ton street. Second Ward-Fifth district, 1832 South Sixteenth street. Third Ward First district. 1519 Web ster Sitreet. Fifth Ward-Fourth district, 1S44 Sher man avenue. , Sixth Ward First district, 1119 North Twenty-fourth, etreet. Klxhih Ward Third district, 612 North Seventeenth ati-oct. T ,r 40 4 .4 Itwtth. is l.n t.j... iU -.-- -v u -'lpaper 4M..O t- i ....... PLATTE RIVER IS HIGHER THAN FOR SOME YEARS Railroad mm in the. .y from ttrady Is.and. Max ell ar.d pole,: farther weal and along th line of th Union Pae.fio ' In Nebraska, state that th stage of water In tU 1'hut liver I greater now than at auy cvrr. spending 61 In rrs lustead of feeing dry, there I a strong fiow of water la lite rltannel of ths stream, and lu many . alliie It ha rwered the bars. Throughout western Nebraska there l.fvo been a number of heavy rain dur ing the lest fw weeks, but the stags of tvmer In the I'laite la attributed lo the feet I'tat most of ha reevrvolre farther up rlv.r r ft.lt ard II natural flow I ro lnnnr Impeded, While there I punty . waier In the Platte, ti-re are elm lent; of ducks ail aloes; tho stream (rom Kearney west. Ilji.irrs cuinltig In hate the limit, ovist of :nv Uri'l I slog mallards, which l.ato u n a in i r "i r me ti ana the .frol:- rrsi t, wlilcli hav gone far- ll'.tr roaili, UNITED STATES DRINKS MORE BEER THAN ANY OTHER NATION WASHINGTON.. Nov. S.-Consumlng n-.ora beer in the aggregate than any other country In the world, the - United State leads all nations .In the total core sumption of malt liquors, wines and dU tilted spirits with th enormous total of 1.08,300,000 gallons, ' th Department of Comraerc and Labor announced today. Th per capita consumption of beer -rn th United Btatsa waa only So.a gallons tti 1110. while In Belgium It Is U.t gal' Ions, in th United Kingdom tlM gal lons and In Germany xs.47 gallon. Qet many was second In the total consump tion ct beer and the United Kingdom third. , ' " -.; In the consumption of- wine ' France lead with S3.M gallons per capita,': fol lowed by Italy with Sl.lr gallons and Portugal with X7. gallons. The per capita consumption In the United States 1 only about two-third of a galldti." Ill distilled spirit Denmark leads With th consumption cf X; gallons per capita, Hungary end with 111 gallons and th Net her lead third with 1st gal loos. Th United Slates per capita con suutptlon la 1.43. Robertson Uses Axe to Settle Quarrel An old quarrel, resulted Sunday In an attack upon William Kiln of 719 Pacific street When he was struck over the head with an axe by Albert Robertson. A scalp wound flva inches long was Inflicted, but serious turn Is not anticipated by Dr. Peppers, who has tho patient In charge. Klin telle the police that he was walking along the Burlington tracks at Third and Hickory streets with a friend, Charles McCarthy, when Robertson assaulted hlra unexpectedly. Kiln Is reported to be doing well. Dundee Water Case is Again in Court Mis. Jennie E. Brow-n,.M10 Burt street. Dundee. In district court Monday peti tioned for a writ of mandamus command ing the, Omaha Water company to furnish her water connections. She ay th Com pany haa cut off her water supply with out Just reason, she having offered to pay all rentals and any cost Incidental to the furnishing of water for her hdm. Judge Sutton Issued an alternative man damus writ commanding the company to either make the connections or appear In court Thursday and show caus why ' It should nut be compelled to do so. Key t the N tuailon-tire W ant Ada. TEACHERS CHARTER CAR TO COME TO OMAHA MEET Th 'teachers of' t'hadron, Neb., have chartered a PuUrtlnn sleeper over th Northwestern and thirty-five of them will arrive In Omaha Wednesday morning to attend the Nebraska Teacher' association to be held her this week. - Advice received at Northwestern head quarter Indicate that every town In northwestern Nebraska will send large delegation of teachers to th' meeting, and 'In addition to them ther will b many from the rural school from evon she extreme portion of Da we county. Key te ta sUtMwUai toe Vi aot Ada. AUTOMOBILE RACING . CARS REACH YUMA, ARIZ. Vt'MA. Nov. 1 -Contestants In th Loa. A ax aire tit Pboenls automobile raoaa ar rived at Yuma this morning In th tal lowing order: lieslngten. ! 43 e'clarkt Tope Hartford. .S Cadillac, t 4; Red tYosaa Trwx, l;J0l The Pope Hartford broke three wheel M the way from .j A lure Ice tj thM city, tr:ni.;n at S a'tkvk the rwrjeig ear left brre In th ftdtowtiig order; National, tttu4dardItayn.it, Mereer, Piat.klln, lliilvk, MiUIbimI No, Ul Flnlxt era. Maxwell, Rule. V, K. M. K Co e; l.exluilon. PtpeHartfoi'd and CaCl.iic, NEARLY ELEVEN THOUSAND . . KILLED ON RAILROADS . WA)sHNGT(N, Nov.. C-it s 1 to U that a railroad man will be killed on bla Job and X to 1 that he.' will be Injured. The Interstate Commerc rommlalon'a repoVt on ntcrlcsn railroad accident In the tweive month ended on June 10 shows that rstlo. In that period M.IM persons were killed and lM.lis were Injured. How ever, only paeeengers were killed. More than . half Uie total number allied were trespassing vr. stealing rides on tralhs. 4" ' - , - . ., . INTEREST IN MUSIC IS GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE "Interest In muaio seams to be Increas ing all ever .th country.--- said F.-W. Teei.le, ihemUr of the firm of Frio. Teeple, piano loanufacturrr of Chicago, who waa In Omaha Monday. "Numerous concerts seem to be the direct cans of this. In Chicago- there are concert galore and they are all sell attended and I notice that Omaha is having a mscnitloer.t run of splertild concert!." lAHY LETTEH 1 ILjjtf :-...' o t x gT ulasass I i I I V I.I . : : . - '.'.''. n'SETS Sell-Reducing rest STOUT FIGURES 'With Hip-Confining Band of Lastikops Webbing- and th . regular Nemo Self Reducing front. SUoe 10 to 38: . .. No. 819. Lotv bust No. 321 Medium bust. .. Th greatest reducing cor set aver made for th prico . . ;. $3.00: r t-i r- nrni irn ir '"h JLLr rtt-LIUUNu FLATN1NG-BACK . New York, November 5,1911. DEAR MADAM: " Did you ever ftop to think that your corsets will 'wear much longer if they FIT YOU accurately? It's well worth while to take time enough to be correctly fitted in a model that exactly suits your figure not only for comfort's lake, but for economy, .'. Here's a safe rule : You will get the most WEAR cut of a corset that gives you COMFORT. It is especially necessary that you shall be properly fitted when you buy a Nemo Corset. As we have . already told you, Nemos are very positive corsets, made to Jo things; and that's the very reason why they are so far superior to the ordinary, go-as-you-please corsets which are so much alike that it doesn't matter which kind you buy. Take that great Nemo feature, the Lastikops Bandict -it will not be comfortable if you try to wear a No. 522 when you ought to have a No. 523, or if your figure calls for an entirely different type of a corset. But if you need that kind of a corset, and select the right model, properly .fitted, nothing could ever induce you lo wear any other corset. Lots of women, who couldn't wear a No. 523, get plenty of abdominal support from Nemo No. 319 (pictured to-day), and secure additional figure-reduction and a fine ' in-sloping-hip " effect from the long skirt ' with hs hip-conftning bands of clastic. That's vhy we Arongly advise you. to take time to", be correctly fitted in a Nemo the right model in the right size. If you do this, no other corset on earth will ' ' give you so much comfort and such perfect style. Speaking of corset flexibility arid c7ajf7cs-L-alway,s remember that Lastikops, Webbing, a, Netmo. JnvehtionZ'. " used only iii : .Nemo Corsets, is the onj? elastic, fabric ' iri , - exigence that - never loses its elasticity, . All others -are .' nothing tut the same old , unreliable elastics', which may . wear. a' month or two and may not, . ! KOP3 BROS. I II ns (H) p. . - r ii mi T iii ::l IJI'ill-l 1i".H!,,.'.l! r.:l''r 1 1 ti' ,1- i.iiFJ' 8.. ! 'iljrji- I;iIMi' J'NIi MJNIII1N1U1. Miiin.MI.'iliMMJii'.ii I UNGRONOMC J C ... , -1 "lltiiiiiiir t rl I Persistent Advertising I the Koad lo Ills Ill-turn ... , Dr.Wiley furnished the text for it when he said: ' 'Nowhere in the world is food so plentiful ; nowhere in the world is it so badJy cooked. " We get far too little out of the legitimate pleasures of the table. The whole world has much to teach us about new foods and new ways of preparing old foods, but we do not listen. Meanwhile our own foods are not treated with proper respect. The Veal smoked ham has disappeared. Only a few know how much better sweet butter is than salt. We put fowls in cold storage without drawing them. We do not let our fruit ripen on the tree. Jf we only knew how, our food would not only cost 'us much less, but would be infinitely pleasanter to cat. . , -i This is the message of Hertry ,T, FincK!s three papers, the first of which, 'Ungastronomic America,' ' appears iny November CENTURY MAGAZINE. ; " 'x " The November number bffiini the 83d volume. . . , '. ' JL V JXJL U.weX nrj , M cenU copy. 0 a fear. At all book itore. or The Teetury Co.. In ion Square. New York I