Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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2:T7lilliefoTi Begins, Seriti of 8er
moni oa EeJiyloTU Reciprocity.
Himirl Kara A. 1..
lattea ak at Ft rat fft.
! of Hirst MtaorUI
Tha flrrt of a srls of sermons on
"ReJIrtou RaHpraolty" will tx prrachl
Sunday morning at 10 ) by Jtv. Mm
frcd IJlllefnrs, pastor of the First t'nl
tarlan church, Seventeenth anil Can
trpet The aeries la described by Ilev.
Mr. Lillltfora aa "a candid Inquiry Into
tha work of tha church universal; an
attempt to establish by itinna of his
torical and other vldncea. what religion,
Christian aa well aa psfran, hag dona
and still la doing for the civilisation of
the world." The sermons will be aa fol
owe: '
November B "The Obllfttlont of the
Futpn lo the Pew."
November 12 "The, Obligations of the
Tew to the rulplt."
November It "The ObllffaUoni of the
Church to the Community."
November t "Further Obligations of
the Church to the Community."
December S "The Obligation of the
Community to the Church."
December 10 "The Mission of the Uni
tarian Church."
The annual praise service of the
Women i Missionary society of the Caa
tellar Street Presbyterian church will be
held In the church Sunday evening. The
program will be aa follow:
Scripture reading and remark!, Mrs. Q,
. Abbott.
Holo. William Hunt
Zither aolo, Henry Schaler.
Anthem. Chorua choir.
Trio, Misses Petereon, Kerr and Cloud.
Annual Address, Kev. A, B. Marshall.
The Men and Krllglon Forward move
ment campaign in , the Calvary Baptist
church will be Inaugurated with apeclal
aervloes Bunday. At 10 o'clock In the
morning there will be a prayer meeting
for men and boys. In the evening there
will be a program of addrttses by Henry
Reiser, W. a. Cotrelt, offlcera of the
committee of one hundred, the pastors,
and other.
The first open meeting of tb season
f the Hirst Memorial Boya' club will
be held Bunday evening, November 12,
at 7:30 at Thirty-fourth street and Larl.
more avenue. Judge Howard Kennedy,
f the juvenile division' of the district
court, will discuss "The Boy and the
Church." Judge Abraham I Sutton, of
the district court, formerly of the juve
nile division, will apeak on "The Boy and
the Man." The meeting will be for men
and women aa well aa for boya.
Kev. Charles II. Fleming, the new pas
tor of the Church of the Covenant,
Twenty-seventh and Tratt streets, and Its
branches, formally will be Installed Fri
day evening, November 7, In the Church
of the Covenant. Rev. M. V. Higbee.
astor f the North Presbyterian church;
Iiev. Edwin Hart Jenks. pastor of the
rtrat Presbyterian church, and Dr. Mo
CKfen will be the speakers.
Tb Norwegian and Danish Methodist
church. Twenty-fifth and Decatur streets,
and the Swedish Methodist church, Nine
teenth and Burt streets, will begin a two
Weeks' series of revival meetings Tues
day evening In the Swedish church. The
weond week's services will be held In the
Norwegian and Danish church.
Revival services which have been In
i progress at the Saratoga Congregational
church for the last two weeks under the
direction of Rev. Frank A. Miller, will
bej continued today and Sunday. A spe
cial talk for children and grown-ups will
be given at the church Sunday afternoon
at t o'clock. It Is reported that many
conversions have been made during the
The first of a series of sermon on
heaven will be preached Sunday evening
by Rev. F. P. Ramsay, pastor of the
Third Presbyterian church. Twentieth
and Leven worth streets. Ills subject will
be, -Where Is Heaven!"
Th first monthly musical service of the
First Congregational church choir under
th direction of Frederick 8. Freemantel
will be given In the church Bun-lay even
ing at 7.30. 8. J. Horton will offer several
Sunday will be the annual day of prayer
for home missions In all the Lutheran
churches of the general synod. It will be
observed with prayer and special ser-,
roone en - all the Omaha Lutheran
A patrlotlo service will be held at
Low Avenue Presbyterian churoh. The
jastor will preach on "Christian Stand
ards." with special reference to present
Reeds. The cbolr will give patrlotlo se
lections. A special Invitation to young
peopl and children. The following pro
gram will be furnished by th choir, as
sisted by Mr. Hugh Wallace:
Organ Poetlude 631 v
Scripture , "
Prayer rexponae
Anthem-iom Egypt's UoiYd'age
Choir. "
Bolo What Are
. Mlaa. leterson. '"
Duet-The Angel. .... Chammand
Mrs. Mulha and Mr. Wallace.
AriUiem-Ou. Thai 1 Had Wings of a
1hv A
- . Choir.
Colo ,
Mr. Hugh Wallace.'
offertory oit Floating on t hi" Air
eh rtpture sermon
'.Three numoeia from Sermon "on" t lie
Mi. Robert Mullla, director ul i'la'uaio.
The following la the program for the
special musical service at Trinity ...
.i.uini ii i :m;
Prooesaloual Hymn-Crown Hlm tith
Many Crowns fcivev
Magnificat In C
Nuuo lnmHtls In C ; '."hucI
The Creed (Organ arrangement' by 8
U. Whitney) ;
Uevutkmai Hymn Now the Day "la
.ver Barnby
The hven-fol1 A nun riialner
Hymn Abide With Me Hopkins
Offwrtory Anthem lie Watchoth Over
. laraW M.ndrlasohn
Hei'ekHlonal 11) mnOanard Chrintlan .
tioldlers Kulllvan
Organ Prelude and Fugue In O Major '
Bishop Bcannell will preach at the 11
o'clock mass at St. Cecilia's procai hedral
Sunday moruln;.
lomlng sermon at 11, "An Appreciation
it thn llrlre Resources;," young people a
mneitne, 7.t p. m.; "1 he Judgment of
otewards," 7:fc p. m.
Harney. Rev. John Matthew. Pastor
orcan reritnl; reaolnr s"-vlew at
lO X); preachlna; by the paitor: juartette;
Mm Wiley, . ll m., Hi tile chol
seeeinn, speclKl music by nrche.lrm or
chestra led br Mia Allen. V:l p. m. or-
en mini; i ;. regular eenloe; preacn
Ing by tho pastor: chorus choir.
I Bimanual, '1 wenty-f ourth and Plnkney,
llev. J. H. Khnraoie. l'aitor- Hihls ncnool.
f . Hervlcea at 11 n. tn. and 7.20 p. m.
Young people a meeting. n. m. Morn
ing sermon. "The First Walk of the
l hiircn; reception of new members;
Ixtnl'a supper. Kvenlng sermon. "Martha
letting Kecond Things Have Flist Place.''
Song and devolionai meeting Mdntsday
at N p. m.
Calvary. Twenty-fifth and Hamilton,
Rev. Krtward H. Currv. 1'aotor Services
at 10:M and 7:X; morning, "Avoiding the
i roes. i ne lxrd a supper will be ob
served and hand of fellowship given new
members. Evening, short addresses by
Henry Klrser, W. . Cotrell and the
paeior n "Mn and Religion Forward
Movement." Hlhle school at t. Young
people s meeting at 6 30. Wednesday, at
J o'clock, devotional meeting.
rkrlatlaai Selene.
First Church of Christ. Felentlst. St.
Mary's Avenue and Twenty-fourth Street
Monday school at : a. m., Sunday
services at )l a. m. and t p. m. Subject
of lesson sermon," Adam and Fallen
First, Twenty-sixth and Iamey, J. M.
Kersey. Pastor Preaching at 10:30 and
.M. Id hie school at It Young people's
meeting, 8.30.
North Bide, Twenty-second and IOth
rop, Rev. H. J. Klrschsteln, Minister
Hlhle school at :3t) a. tn. All teachers
will meet their clssses at the new build
ing, Twenty-aecond and Ixithrop streets.
There will he no morning or evening
preaching service. Mid-week meeting
Wednesday evening at I o'clock at 2ili
Emmet street.
First, Nineteenth and I'tovenpnrt, Fred
erick T. Roue. Paator Morning worship,
10:30. The pastor will preach on "What
Life Means to Me."
Parkvale, Corner Thirty-first and Oold
Sunday school at 10, K. (1. Wilbur, super
intendent. Christian Endeavor, 6:16
Bvrning worship, 7:30. Sermon by Rev.
J. P. Clyde.
Plymouth, Corner Twentieth and Spen
cer, John I'. Clyde, Minister Morning
worship, 10 30; theme, "Pleasures Multi
plied In Being Shared." Special muftlc by
chorus add soloist. Sunday school, li.
IIUlsi,.. Thirtieth and Ohio, W. S.
Hampton. Pastor 10:80 a. tn., communion
and reception of members; Sunday school.
13 m.; Junior Endeavor. 3 p. m.; Kcnlor
Fndeavor, :30 j. m.j evening sen-Ice at
St. Mary's Avenue. James Alexander
Jenkins,- D. D., Minister 10:30, com
munljn, sermon and reooptlon of new
members: subject. "The Call of the
Cross;" 7:30 p. m. people's service; song
servloe snd sermon; aubjeot, "Th Cloud
of Witnesses."
Saint Paul's, Thirty-second snd Cali
fornia, Rev. W, H. ilayley, Pastor Sun
day school at 10 a. m., choral encharlst
t U a. in.
Saint Stephen's Mission,' Sarstoga Hall.
Twenty-fourth and Amea Sunday school
at 10 a. m., morning prayer at 11 a. in.
All Saints, Twenty-sixth and Dewey.
Rev. T. J. Mackay, Rector Holy com
munion, 7:30. Morning prayer and ser
mon at 11. Church school and kinder
garten. 1:15. Subject of morning sermon,
"All Kinds of Saints."
Church of th Oood Shepherd, Twen
tieth and Ohio, Rev. T. C. Collar, Rec
torHoly communion at t. Sunday school
at 3:4s. Holy communion with aermon, 1L
Kvenlng prayer with sermon, 7 30.
Church of St. Philip tho Deacon,
Twenty-first and Paul, Rev. John Albert
Wllilama, Rector Twenty-first Sunday
after trinity. Holy communion, 7:30
Morning prayer, 10:30. Choral eucharlst
with sermon, 11. Evening prayer and
sermon at I o'clock. Sunday school and
catechism. U 30.
Saint John's, Twenty-sixth n! Frank
lin. Mev. W. 11. Payley. Rector Holy
communion at 7:30 a. m. (corporate com
munion of women's auxiliary Brother
hood of Saint Andrew, Slant Catherine's
altar guild), Sunday school at M a. m.,
choral encharlst at 11 a. m-, evening ser
vice at 7:45 o'clock.
. Latheraa.
St. Paul's, Twenty-eighth and Parker,
Rev, K. T. Otto, Psator Services at IV
and 7:45. Evening aermon In Kngllah;
subject. "The Word f Ood Is Life." Bun
day school at 11::K. Confirmation class
on Mondays and Thursdays at 7:S0.
St. Matthews, UCngllnh), Corner Nine
teenth and Caatellar, Rev. fl. W. Snyder,
Pastor Services at 10 :fi a in. and 7:3o p.
m.; morning subject "A Firm Stand;"
evening subject. "The Rich Repentant;"
song service at 7:15 p. m.; Sunday school,
U m.
Kountse Memorial, Farnsm Street and
Twenty-sixth Avenue Dr. Paluly. Pae
tor Services for the twenty-tlrst Sunday
after Trinity: Sunday school at 10 a. in.,
morning worship and sermon at 11 a. m.,
Luther leagus at 7 p. ni., evening wor
ship at I p. m.
Grace. 1323-1& South Twenty-alxthj M
L. Mellck. Paator Morning sermon. 11
o'clock. Kvenlng sermon at 7:30. Sunday
scnooi, B.te. Lutner league, topic,
"IVeasure Thoughts From Revelation of
Saint John." Class Of catechisms on Fri
day afternoon at 4.
St. Mark's Ktigllsh, Twentieth and
Burdette, l Qroh. I'astor Services at 11
and 7:30. Morning subject, "The Word
Surer Than Visions and testacies;" even
ing. "Remarkable Kxamoles In find II.
nees." Sunday school at :45. Toung Peo
ple's Society of Christian lindoavor at .4a,
Trinity. Twenty-first and Rlnnev. r. W
Abbott Pator Preaching mornlne and
evening. Morning aermon. "Moral llar-
ves. Fields;" evening. "Elijah s Mantle."
Oak Street. Twentieth and Oak. Rev. T.
C. Webster, Pa tor Bible school with
adult and other classes at 3. preaching
service at 7:su by l'r. Hllhel. formerly of
Fremont. Midweek niecllnir Thuradav
evening at I.
Diets Memorial. Tenth and Pierce, J.
Franklin llaus. Paator Owlna to tha ah.
sence of the pastor, M. Andreaacn of
foutn umana win preacn at 10:30 and W.
B. Wetherall of Ralston at 7: so. Humlav '
achool at noon. Fpworth league at 6:30.
Hanacom Park. Twenty ninth and Wool-
Calvary Pmn.-h, Thirty-fourth Ind Bw
aid islble achoul, i.M.
llrace. Tenth and Arbor, jmr. B. F.
IVI'm.n 1 nu'iir-Hundav eclx,.jl 10 a m :
The Yilirliocf ill - 1
tnness ia reached
erhooU, ia the clasping of her child
"cr arms. el trie mothrr-tc.
be is often fearful of nature's r.i..i
and shrinks from the sufferinjr inci-
ueui to us consumroatioa. But for
nature s ills and discomforts nature
provides remedies, tnd ia Mother's
Friend is to be found a medicine of
prcat value to every expectant mother.
It is aa oilv emulsion f,v vt
application, composed f inTedients
which act with beneficial and sooth
ing effect on those portions of the
system Involved. It is intended to
prepare me system for the crisis, and
thus relieve, in freat part, the suffer
lag through which the mother usually
Passes. The regular use of Mother's
I nend will repay any mother in the
comfort it affords before, and the help
ful restoration to health and strength
t brings about after baby cornea.
Mother's Friend
he lur our
free book for
expectant moth.
ers which contains much valuable
information, and many suggestions
tf a helpful nature.
KADt'lLLD RldlUTCU CO., Ada. C
worth.' Bev. K. B. Ciawford. Pastor
Morning eervlie at 1')..) o'rwk. Mr.
John Iiale, deicgitn to the KuriiineiitraJ
conference held at 'Toronto, I ana'la, will
give a report of the ci.nfWr net-. Kvenlng
service at 7:45 o'clock, topic, "The KrtaU
of LKe."
First Swedleh, Corner North Nineteenth
and Hurt, Bev. Oustav Krlckson. lator
Bector K. A. Jansson, prenlilent of the
I hxologlcal eemlnsry, li;i, Sweden,
le expected to reach our ilty In time to
preach at 11 a. m. as well es ?S) p. m.
Sunday school at 10 a. ni. and Kpworlh
league service at :30 p. m.
Pearl Memorial. Twenty. fourth snd
Irimnre, Carl I,, p.ndrr, l uitor-Morning
worship, 10 W. herm..n hv the paator. Sun
(!ay school at noon. M. Wjcnle, suprrln
tendert. Junior le)tuv at 3 . F.pworth
league ot 30. At 7.M, sermon lecture,
Illustrated, Hunyan' "Pl'grlms' Prog
ress," hy Secretary J. P. Haly.
Norwegian and t'anih. Twrnfv-ffth
and Hecator. It. P. Petersen, pnxtur
Servlcee with preaching t.y the paator at
II and 3 Sunday school at 8:4fi. led by
S. O. I"n nlelspn. Youpr peoplc'M matting
at 7. Tuesday. November 7. nt K ihi
church will unite with ttie Swedish Stcth-
ooist in a scries or revival meetings.
First, Twentieth and Iiavenpnrt, Rev.
Milton B. Williams, Pastor Morning serv
vice at It: subject, "Is Sacrifice for Christ
Worth While?" At 7:;m In the even'ng
Bev. Mr. Williams will nresch the third
of the series on the theme, "The failures
or ncepticism, snniect, "lyive s I.sbor
Ixst." Sunday school st 9.4o. KpwortU
league at 6:3ft
Walnut Mill. Forty-first and Charles,
William Boyers. I'aftor-I'reschlng at
10:30 and 7. Morning subject, "Vlctorloua
Faith;" evetiltiK, "Does It I'sv?" Kun
dey school at noon: eor-e T. I.lndiev
superintendent. Kpworlh league at 0:30;
M. R. Kvans, 'esder. Mush: morning and
evening bv chorus choir under direction
Huiih T. Fellers. .
McCabe. Fortieth and fa mam TTaw
John Grant tihlck, TaMor-Scrvlces. at
the church will have to be delayed one
week, hence no preaching services for
the day. The hiunduy school classes will
meet at private homes as on the two pre
vious Sundays. Prayer meeting at the
home of the pastor Houglas street,
on Wednesday night at t o'clock.
North, Nineteenth and Ohio, M. V.
HlBbee. I'astor Public worshln at Id -an
and 7:30. bubbath school at 12. Young
People's Society of Christian Kndeavor at
ii:Ji. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.4o.
Clifton Hill. Fortv-fifth and rlrnnt
Thomas B. Greenlee, i'astor Sunday
school at 10. Public worship, 11. "Fullness
of Life." Kvenlng services. 7:Sn. "I'slnaT
the World. Not AbUBlnir It." Junior Kn-
deavor at 8. Bunlor Kiideavor at 0:M.
Falrvlew. Pratt and F.-irtv-flrsf. Charles
H. Fleming. Pastor Bible school. l:4fi to
1:45. Afternoon worship, 8 to 4; subject.
-wnai jesus fwore To. Kvenlng ser
vice of song. 7:4S to 8:4S. Midweek nraner
service, Wednesday evening.
First. Twentv-flrst and Kmmet. A. C
Dnuglaes, I'astor Pernion tonics: 10:30.
"The Supreme Business of the Christian;"
7:30. "Who Are the Saved and Who Are
the IxistT" Bible school at 1?. Young
people's society meeting at :30.
Central T7nlt1. Twenty-fourth and
Dodge, Rev, Hugh B.( Speer. Tastor
Morning worship nt 10:30 o'clock with
sermon bv paMor; Bible school at noon;
Young People a meeting at 4 30 p. m. ;
evening worship wlih sermon by pastor
at 7. .19 o'clock.
Third. Twentieth snd laven worth, F.
P. Itansay. Ph. P., pastor Sunday school
and pa-tor's adult rlysa at I . Worship
with s"rmon, "The rentecostal Gift." at
1i4.'.; 7:). "Where WJJI Heaven Be?" the
first of a series on "Heaven." Prayer
m-etlng Wednesday evening at 8.
First, Seventeenth and Dodg-, Rev. Kd
wln Hart Jnks, H. It., Pastor Public
wor-hlp st 10:45 with sermon by Bev. A.
ft Mfirstiitll. Tl Tl Kv.nlnv m-nratiln ,
7:.t0 hy the rtor; subject. "A Women In
tne i ity men was a sinner." Christian
K'nd-avor meeting at S;li. fiunSay achool
at noon.
Ixjws Avenue, Fortieth and Nicholas,
Rev. Nathaniel MrGlffin, l. 1., Pastor
Morning service at 10:30; a patriotic serv
Ico with sermon on "Chr'stlan Patriot
ism." and music to correspond; Sunday
school and pastor's Bible class at boon;
Christian Kndeavor at :30; evening mu
sical service at 7:30.
Ca. tel ar Str t. Sixteen h ar.d Caa ellar
Balpn H. Mouseuian, M:nihter Public
worship and a-srmon. 10.30. Bible school
at 11, Henry Uraner. superintendent
Christian Kndeavor, 145. Annual praise
service of the Woman's Missionary so
ciety at 7:4ft. Rev. A. B. Marshall will
give the annual addreps.
Church of th Covenant Pratt and
Twenty-seventh, Charles H. Fleming.
Pastor Morning worship, 10 45 to 11:46:
theme. "The True Test of Courage.''
Hlhlo school, 12 to 1. Kndeavor, :4i to
7:30. Fvenlng worship, 7:30 to 8:30; sub
ject, "What Jesus Swore To." Mid
week service Wednesday, 7:80 to 8:80, Mr.
Olrardet, leader.
Dundee, Fiftieth and t'nderwood. Grant
K. Fisher, M Inlster Sunday scnooi at
:4R a. in.; morning preaching at 11
o'clock, subject, "The Self-life "; evening
preaching at 7:30 o'clock, topic, "Christ
the Door"; Christian Kndeavor at 6:30 p.
m., "Lessons from Great Lives, XI John,"
John ai:J0-2o; consecration meeting, re
ports from the delegates to the state
Christian Kndeavor convention at Lin
coln. rnltar:aa.
First, Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. Man
fred Lilllefors. Minister Services at 10:30;
subject of address, "The Obligations of
the Pulpit to the Pew, or the Function
of the Minister In the Community." Sun
day school at 11:45. Unity fellowship
at I.'jo.
Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock the
Omaha Philosophies! society will meet In
Barlght ball, Nineteenth and Farnam, to
hear "The Western Kplc of Gold" die
cussed by Oeorge W. Parker.
People's, Charles W. Savldge, Pastor
Morning, "The Eyes of the Lord;" even.
Ing, "Anna Wilson Her History, Charac
ter, Destiny;" Sunday school at noon.
Service at the House of Hope at 9iS North
Twenty-seventh avenue at 4 p. m. Young
People's Society of Christian Kndeavor
at 1 p. m.
Harford Memorial United Brethren,
Corner Nineteenth and Lothrop, Rev.
M. O. McLaughlin, pastor Morning ser
vice at 10:30 o'clock, theme, "Contestants
Versus Spectators"; evening service at
7:30 o'clock, theme, "The Passion Play"
motion pictures. Motion picturca every
Thurnday evening at 8 o clock.
Omaha New Tho'ight Kollowsh'p
Morning services st 11 o'clock; Wednes
days at 8 p. m. A. O. Albrecht will
present the topic Sunday. New locatkni
Suite 8, Wead building, Eighteenth and
Farnam street.
International Bible Students' Associa
tion, Bafght Hall Nineteenth and Far
nam Sunday at 3 o'clock, "Socialism, of
Today, Compared with the Socialism of
the Bible," showing how Justice and love
are to operate between man and man, and
a Hghteoiie government be set up. Dr. C.
w. Harwell, speaker.
' V. M. C. A. Notes.
The regular Sunday arternoon men's
meeting will be addressed by P.ev. G. D.
Paltsly. pastor of the Knnntee Memorial
Lutheran church. Rev. Baltxly's subject
will he "True Qualities of Strength " The
vested choir of Kountxe Memorial church,
under tha direction of Joe Barker, will
have charge of tha music.
At 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. No
vember 12, Den Fordvce of the Teachers'
college, Nebraska State university, will
deliver a lecture Illustrated with stereop
tleon views, on the subject, "Results of
Social Evil."
President Gllmore and General Secre
tary Denleon with several Omaha men
attended th fall meeting and banquet of
the atato committee of the Young Men's
Christian association at Lincoln last Fri
day. James H. Klls, president of the Na-!
tlonal School of Salesmanship, spent three
'aye v-lth the Omaha association In the
Interest of th class In salesmanship.
Last year the Omaha class numbered
about 100, being th largest on la the
United States.
Oeorge D. McDIll, International Toung
Men's Christian assoclaUon secretary,
with headquarters at Chicago, was In
Omaha Thursday of last week In the In
terest of the men and religion forward
movement, as well as the Industrial work
of the Young Men's Christian association.
The rooming house register, which Is
being conducted by the Young Men's
Christian association for the state teach
ers' convention, Is receiving applications
for room reservations by every mall. In
dications point towards a large attend
ance. The working boys' group In the Toung
Men's Christian association will hold an
open night social Friday evening, Novem
ber 10. Kach boy Is privileged to bring
on friend. After having a good time In
th gymnasium and swimming pool, a
social hour will be spent In the boys'
rooms, where games and refreshments
will be provided.
Member of th Toyw gymnasium
classes wll Hake two hikes on the days
there Is no school during th teachers'
convention. The boys of the one class
will spend Thursday, November 9, In
Child's woods, nouth of Albright. The
boys of the other class will hike through
the woods north of Florenre on Friday.
November 10. Both groups will take with
them a supply of thing to eat, which
they will eook over a campflre.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
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3t AH KX.
Kxtenila to fet.
inaile of solid oak,
early llnsllali or
large flaw
feet. Kale
a, sii.ov an"
o. 1'rlce af I Q
raaoer 11
shown I
ft c
A rich appearing, novel
design, In solid quarter
sawed oak. Fumed or
Karly English finish,
lattice work over (lass
tloora, larg French
bevel mirror,
txir well
made, tie
I Vlltll
4 te1
m V- I a aw M Us..- l
mm m ..oh
! r - ' ' i ' - .
-1 IT I .
a Kanilaomel V lie
sinned beater, full
nickel trunmea,
must durable fire
boa, patent draw,
center jral. screw
draft reglBter, alr-Us-iit
top, large
toed door, fir pot
and aah pan, fa A C
absolutely aaww
,iih nt nt.l 1
I t,t only w
An absolute smoke
consuming Hot
tlluai; burn iacK
coal, soft coal,
bard coal, coke,
wood or rubbish;
most economical
stove made, has
many new features
handsomely nickel
One Of our Penlnaular spe
cials, a powerful baa
heater, longer end largar
bane flues tlittn other makes,
one-fuurtli greater heat, a
fuel saver, beat floor warm
er on the market, aelf-feuder
air-tight coal maguine, du
plex draw ceuter grate, new
sysieui ventilator flue, hot
air flue fr heating upper
floors, everlasting fir box.
large aah pit. euperior In
every detail. Elegantly
trimmed with allver-nlckel
mounitnirs, full nickel dome.
better it
Can' t be equaled
at th
r f s $
and sizes UJ
8s ew-ji-.
When You Buy Coal, Buy
Your Choice of 31 Kinds
Nut $4.50
Lump $5.00
A solltl, substantial soft ronl Intcntlrtl to reduce
the cost of living. M'KXS W1CLL.
Walnut Block $5.50
The lt tknt la mlnotl botweon tlio Mississippi
and Missouri livers. All lumps. All biirimhlo coal.
AH sizes of Kconomjr coal at tlic oltl summef price.
Lump, enK and nut sixes to suit all kinds of Moves.
This is our ono big bargnin coal. Try it. 15uy it
Blue Flams Canon-Colo. Elf!0
The choicest high (crado soft coal mined from the
depths of tho earth. Clean, smokeless, Bootless,
hard, duruble, just right sizes. BLUE FLA.MK bus
almost completely displaced other western hlu.t
grado coals because it is so much better. Fine for
Hard Coal Sizes $10.50
Think! When you ;ay so much for bard coal,
why take any chance on quality or quantity. Cer.
tlficd Hard Coal is your best buy.
The Other ECinds
We offer every kind of good coal known to this
market. Coal from Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, 1 1 1 1
nois, Ohio, Michigan, Wyoming and Colorado. We
Inspect tho hard coal before we offer it to you.
Main Office,
1614 Harney
A-1252 '
Douglas 252
l Bros. So.
Dig Yell-O
Proud Teams
Why Don't You Spend This
Winter In California?
Many people spend the winter
there every year. It has become a
habit with them--they get away from
all the uncomfortable effects of a rigor
ous winter.
. You will find there just what you
are longing for. The sun shines the
year 'round. The hotels and sea shore
resorts are unsurpassed for comfort and
hospitality. You are , surrounded with
pleasant people from every part of the
Sea bathing, automobiling, coaching
parties, mountain climbing, fishing and
hunting, are only a few of the sports
you can enjoy during mid-winter.
Union Pacific
Standard Road of the West
Protected by Electric Block Signals
takes you there quickly and comfortably
your vacation begins the minute you
board one of the fast overland trains.
For California literature and information relative to fares,
routes, reservations, etc., call on or address
1324 Farnam St. ' - Omaha, Neb.
Excellent Dining Cart on all Trains
""'- J ill ."MSWjaLi ' .11 1, ! J MV. Jii TOT
Is the Leading AfrlcuUural Journal of the vest. Its columns sro
filled vrlih tho best thought of tUo Uay in mutters pertaining lo
the farm, the rancti and tho crchard, and 1; is a fatiur iu
developiutut et-lb great wettru cuuutry