0 THK OMAHA .SUNDAY JIKH: NOVKMHKK ., l!U. GET YMffi CAT AM WES THIS W "r Success in The Bee. Booklovers' contest, which comes to a close at 6 p. m. Saturday, November 11, can be achieved only through the use of the title catalogues, containing 5,000 book titles. From this list the names of the books used in the contest were selected. The catalogue sells for 25 cents, and will be sent by mail for 5 cents additional. A 11' IBiiii'pjM Extra Coupons Mow The sale of coupons for the answers was very large last week and will run high this week. The contestants realize that they must use extra coupons and take the allotted number of answers if they expect to win prizes. In the first contest the winner of the leading prize used many extra coupons. He advises all other contestants to have a great number. These coupons sell for one cent each. A whole set is priced at 75 cents. Get If hi ip OipcEoips Sm Toetiioipipow ECOMD IPMIZ (B JTH A (2 IP (B si rrti (D Em Em .TFcIhi'atinmai Coiuiirally, GaillllloiPiniusi T r- y. SUM 43&. viv' VI v SCENE ON TEHAMA COUNTY LAND fAiwtitVt'. tfoj3g . t ' Iff ' 1 V 'mi '' i i ii Win iwniiii'nuiimi ' 1111 SCENE ON TEHAMA COUNTY LAND In a climate shown by the government chart-to be the same as that of Los Angeles, Fresno, etc., lies Tehama county, California. It is within two hundred and fifty miles of San Francisco, and there is situated the famous Lutheran colony which has had so much discussion in Omaha by- reason of a local clergyman taking the initiative in its formation. The Bee offers this ten-acre ranch as second prize in its Booklovers' contest. Here is a livelihood for man, wife and children for the resT; of ... . time. Here is $1,250 in land, carrying free water, waiting only for the plow share and intelligence to cultivate and produce almost any variety of fruit. FULL INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS LAND MAY DE HAD AT THE OFFICE OF Tl Jl ! J i ? i J TO) ID) (0) F City National Bank Building