The Omaha Bee PART THREE UNDAY WilT-A WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT. VOL. M. -NO. l'ii. OMAHA. sl'XPAY MOKNlNti. NOVUM MKU ."i. lull. stxiiLi: copy fivi: cents. DS ( MAIL ORDER BUSINESS FREE Trt nt.'Tt ntirf - n?' n 1 1 iut r-ji l f ft lt sorae Mmnlri unit l"MruM!nii 'i,.r to " -'.r.o o $5.oi on v.uir Kuil suit. Mlarh et Kindir.l KedY to Trar riothln- In the country. Writ flpeclnl values. $12.50, $15.09 ft $M.0 "Mitcti DsIIToiCjh" Jacksons f).-, l-nr,(l I Ibertr Ares, ruishurih. l'a. Moving riclDfc Machine Free Tot M.nrlloil MOVISU I'PTl KK Macliiiu' bo r-sturri in inoikni the in. an tin Ten t"ii"t'"0 Iiix liiui s used In tluattvs. Willi thin uiaililnu im M I views cau tuteilain "'ir filrnfR au't rTrn mane mtinri niri( oihihitlim.. Wo ah pi this winrtfrfut lua-liisn romi'M Willi tihn, Virir, for wiling oulj Si ' New MoMo PicturM I . i 111 at 10c. each. Ti'ilr liriro 2V. SEND NO M(1M;Y. Writs for PM tires ami r. Premium I lot Ui-iitr. Whil s.VI. wnd lit $2 40 and iw- ftcte MoTinf lVti Machine and Ivl View will enl. mi pmmpth. Sati-tm-tmii tfintrmiter.l. Ait Watch Co., Dent. 1340. (h! o. ITL Don't Wear a Truss ITIAS.T t PUS T B an at eir- rauirtwir 4hMlv purpoMly f-aintH the pubic hnn, Th nt batltiftis Mt nrH, Thounrnta t famu with nut hlmlmHwrrom work. ton hhI. ? lmiSBBt. Aw arcievl finlal IMM.I. PrnrM uf fuTfr taaMrirtl, r an rr'lif n if for trui. Trimttlntwiii hiwvi. Write nam on coijpnn and mail Today. Ailitrew Plapao lidboratorUs, Blk. 117 St. Louli. 'am rtrM k Keturn mail will ln FVca Trial Plapan PlLEiClRtl) M HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD If you Buffer from bluedlus, itclilmc. Jilind or protrudins Piles, send me your Hflflrsfi, and 1 will tell you liow to cure yourself at home by the new absorption Irfotmrnt; and will also send some of this liome treatment free for trial, with ref cronces from your own locality if re ciursted. Immediate relief and permanent l lire assured. Stud no money, but tell othrrs of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers, Box B 7i, Bouth Bend, Ind. ASTHMA C1FB TOSTIYCPB H.itlipM hieurat ehoklaa alla at cibar aHHiHHaHBMaMiHM aacamaiio ijmpww". ..tira.ra cBpE TFST TREATMENT ttl d dlmaa, a !. Dtvt. V. AsedKI EiprtM Eullaiai. taKt R Christmas cards PfjFF eiid on!'-- So stamp and receive 5 1 very finest Gold ICmhossed Christmas Post fards KB1010, to lntroduco post card offir. Capital Card Co., Sept. 386, Topaka, Kan. J . A. G bNTLUMAN, rinbalmer, 1614 Chicago St. D. 1661). H-m. UEAIy. & UEAF13Y T'lidertakery. Mil fr'armun. A-SZ6r,. II. 2301. IkI'ImTiIaS Pnntltut Co. Tel. UoiiK. IM1. iiKT your diamonda at Krodesaurd'a. SloVlNO pitturu inaciiinea and supplies, yphraska Film Co.. 3318 l-'ai irnw. MONEY ( TO LOAN-LOW rate, In sums to uit. M liee lildg. none Uoug. Z'M. l.'.VluN IOAN CO. steamship tickets; foielKn tours. V. K. Hock, liil Parnaiu St. SOUOAS1S LI 'NCHK8 HOT In our beautiful downstairs lunch and HOUa water room at 16tii and Dodt,'o wo are s-orvlnn; Hilnty lunches and hot and cold drinks. Try them! .SH Kit MAN & ArCOXNKLt, ura o co.. Five Uood Orug Stores in Omaha. (iH(K.'KHV. price if taken at once. Investigate. Webster Puffs free, switches from combtngy $1.W. 1760 Leavenworth. )-:i llarrick, gravel, tar roofs, lti & Lake. FKOST muiiufactui es and repairs vclil ch'M. 1'S-141g Leavenworth. liOlLKK, sheet iron and tank work. Omaha Btructural Steel Works. . E. Waters, cement con, lola N. 2D. W. B7')3 KdiHon phone rec. Bhults Hros. H08 Far. Van Gordon's horse, iuu hospital. 910 N. ZS. Our letter duplicating; work 14 unexcelled. A trial will convince you. lioth phones. Western Uuplicatln, Co., 4M Hee ilii;. John U. Himue, tihnra. b.-,U Paxton ItlkT Twenty p-r ent Ickh than Omaha prices. HOIIB l'T'KXITL'RK to.. Twenty-fourth uid 1 bt., bouth Omaha. Neb. Seed Co., I'Mi Jones. H'th 'phones. BKST bracer for men. Oray's Nerv Jood Pills, fl per box, prepHld. Sherman Jfe McConneli XruK Co.. tiinaha. Neb. BRING on your grinding to 1M iJoug J a s. WE 1Q TUK WOUK B1G1I T Ilarpster. paper Imn.'iint.'. paiiitV. It. ulOi. FEATIiEKS W'e nianutnctui e and renovate all kin7s of Jilllows, mattresaes, and buy leathers. Itrnaha Pillow Co., 1721 Cuiat k. S. H t ole b!i;i Co. O. Ti. l'lhi Farnam. Mag Hard Van &: Morage. tore and ship H. II. guods. 1. In move, YOU'LL alttaya be happy if your wed alitm ring conies from liioUcfcun.-'i':?, i:j h 16th St. At tue Sign of tliu L'ptiolsiei'irig. piano, turn. lep. iUJ Far. Ju. F. ftiorriii, ctnna pamt. ij Urandfia Th J. F. O lai y lor kiioks. 41.) N. 24. .-so. Out. VE1I-MN. 'uiiliot.lH-e. ttiulaH Plr3'. 4-o. HKKKbOT lypewrilien letters made nt lai.-i"t western letter factory. .Munruni . Co.. Pnntlnt'. ln;G Uodne. Both Phimes. ' C. 17. Smith, alt'y at law. i,ll U'o. 1. 8K7. KVKItY person knows wiio Jj. j. I Hrlen Is because he bus mude Omaha famous with his atiiiy. If Mrs. C. lieiiiu. SJ7 Paik Ave., will come to Tin liee otfice within threa we lll tflve her an uri'i-r for a t)-cini box of O'Brien's tandy fiee. I: I.A.STIO MiK-kinKH. supporters and luindaifes: stock always new. beiaus wo till ' many. Trussies fiticd. Lvervtlilng t;i,Hrauteed. XV. 1. Cleveland Lrujf Co., the largen surtlcan niippiy house, Hlo-lj llaniey lt ALTOMOUILKS LJ' uar.i do most work for least rmnry. I) H I it-Id. 4:11 Brandels Bld. VVIli iT-I-pALK prices on oil. Itoug. oins. I It I SC u I .lT a u t .7 p aliil n KJji i 15 1 h ? ALTo Tiro Bepairltn; Co.. Ji2S FarxTatnT Viu need no ts iaraniee when we do tr.s v.irk: liewt workmen. I.oivmi price. Auto lumps repaired. Omaha Silver On. HKOKKN 'water Jacket neatiybraed Tithoui Injuring bore of cvlinder. Work i4i Kanaas Cliv Biazlrifr Works, , U) W. lytU bt , Kansas Cit, Uo. 1 nr l I KIAL WANT ADS iwit ml itH civr'l nt tiny t,luio Imt iiiMuit i-tHr ctiassll'irnllon nntt lo ifscnttt1 lri'iTs 1- o'clock m. for the ctciiinu edition anil lH'foic UW p. hi, for niornlnit and Sunday oill tlons. Want oln rocclvetl after ouch Imuis will have their first insertion under tlu; Invading Too I.ato to C'las.-ll.v." t .sii i;.n:s iti wt .is. i:i:iii ui! t i..ssii'K ATio One insertion I cent per word mid 1 cent per wir for eaclt MiiliNequent insert ton. Kneli insertion tntulo on odd days 14 rent per word. l.."0 per line per month. Hates apply to either The Daily or Sunday ltee. Always count hi winds to it line. Want nds foe The Hec may be lelt at any of the follow Inn di un "store" ono is your Vomer tlitiKRis" they re all branch nrfiees fur The le intl your atl will he inserted as promptly and on the same rates as at tho niniii office In The lleo hnUdln. Neventoenth and l ariiam siitits: . ; " . ... i.. aim .mil Fnrnnm. Hinim Jinn; (Vi.. at;:n N. ti,i, st. 1 n.iii Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Iicnils Park I'harmacy,. ;wd and Cumlnt; l-ranek. S. S. llth St. Blake-Hiadbh. :'.( ShTimin Ave. , CaiiKhiln, C. U., 4725 l.eaenwni th. Cd iuak. Mnill. 13n 6 fa". I.ith St. Chfton Hill J'harinucv. l':'13 Mllltarv Ave Cooiioy phurniHcv, sr.'S S. tth St. CriMKey PhurniHcv, iftih and Luke. Killer Co.. L'StK Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold!. H13 N. 25th St. Freytas, .1. J., pilt X. 24th St. Fi eKK" r Li u Co.. IKOU N. Kith St. Florence Urutf Co. Florence, Neb. Oreen'a Pharmucy, Park Ave. & Pacific Greeimimh t Co., lOl'S S. 10th St. UreenouKh & Co., loth mid Hickory. Uolumau 1'harmac.v, 24th & Leavenworth Johunson Urug Co., 21th and Spaldlns. Johnson Pharmacy, WM Farnam. Ilanscom Park I'har., 1M1 S. 2Vth Ave. Itinterlong Krug Co., .'list Ave. fc Far. Hoist, John. 624 8. 16th St. Huff, A. L., 21)21 Leavenworth King. H. 8., 21th and Farnam. Kouiujio Place pharmacy, 2.)o2 N. 24th. Lathrop Pharmacy, 24lh and Hamilton. Mares, Fred L.. 2011) Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, Sid Ames Ave. Patrick Drug Co., lr.112 North ;4th St. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Behaeier's Cm Price Store, Pith c Chi. . Walton Pharmacy, 2uth and Grace. Walnut Hill pharmacy, 40tn &. Cuming. BKATII XOTICi:. BOWLES Mrs. John, aged 67 years, at Mercy hospital, Council Bluffs. Funeral Irani family resilience, 1112 North Seventeenth street, Sunday, No vember 6, at p. m., to Holy Family church, interment. Bt. Mary's cemetery. CRONKMEYER Morris F., aged M. Funeral, IS p. in. Sunday, November G, at residence, 4116 Grant street. HIOHLKY-Howard, infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Highley. Funeral Sunday atternoon from resi dence, 2O0S Miami street, at 3 p. in. In terment, Holy Sepulchre cemetery. KKLIJ5Y Robert. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kelley. Funeral Monday fternoon from resi dence, 1512 North eighteenth, at 2 p. in. Interment Holy Sepuicbre cemetery." The funeral of Mrs. Theodore Blum bauh, noe- Minnie -Wrasse of this city, who died at her home in De Moines, la., will taks place Sunday atternoon at ZM from the residence of her aunt. Mis. W. H. McGowan, 4o North Twenty-tifth, to Ht. John's Collegiate church. Interment at Holy Sepulchre cemetery. TROMLEJV-Caroltne S., Saturday, Nov. 4., at 3:60 n. m., used 66 years. Funeral Monday at 1! p. m. from the family residence, 281S Spauldlng St. Inter uient i'oitat Luwu cemetery. Fnnds in vited. LOUliU "TIt'K. attf.xtio.n7m. w. ok a. Members of Camp No. 120 are requested to attend the funeral of Neighbor M. F. Croiiemyer Sunday. 1::X) p. m., ut 4116 Grant atrent. Members of other camps invited. Interment, Forest Lawn ceme tery. C. H. SCHOKSSLLK, Consul. C. II. T. BILPKX. Clerk. MtlllllAI.K LICIIKX. Tiw. follnivlnii licenses to wwi were Is sued up to noon today: Name and Address. .Age. Joseph L. Phlillppc, Fremont, Neb 44 Iaura A. Wagner. Fremont, Neb 41 Isaac Slth, Morristown. I'u 2'i Bertha M. Hltteiilne, Norrlstown, Pa.. 21 John D. Shields. Chicago .over 21 Anna McN. Jiarnc!, tmiaua over Louis Knudscn, Irwin, la 2S KUen Larsen, Irwin, la 23 Joseph E. Kru-kowskl. Omaha 1H Martha Swltala, Omaha 20 Wnlter Grooms, Omaha 25 Anna M. Swan, Kansas City, Mo 21 Gedrge A. Pierce. Ames, la 27 liva. Thompson. Ames, la J4 Gab'll Searcello. Omaha 21 Catherine HHrtlio, Omaha 17 Goorpe A. Miller, Lincoln 2:t Goldine Sehnci l, JJorchester, Neh 21 Ralph A. Scruby. Chlllicothe. Mo 23 Besslo L. May. Boscobel, Wis 2.1 Ulin US A N D DKATIIS. Births Fred and Majy K. More, SI9 South Twenty-sixth stieet. boy; F. H. and O. McMuhi.n, 2ml.", I'uming, girl; Cari a;. i Lilly YVassarcn. 212H SaMer. boy. Heat ui Morris Cronvmeyrr, BJ years, 411li Grand avenue; K. S. Schoonover. f.7 years. Thirty-ninth and Ida streets; Paul Christeui.'m, 1 month, Child Saving insti tute; Hutchle Rassmuspeii, :i months, Forty-second and Grand avenue. AUTOMOBILES HONK smasli auto :honk tear ton .ov-.auli wtif-pl llKl'K'i Tiir: Bi;sT pi.ack in omaha DRUMM0ND loth and Harney 8ts. Murphy did it MITCHELL REPAIRING. PAINTING. TRIMMING. MOTOR COM FA N i" RESPONSIBLE WANT GOOD Alir-.VJ h. Can iii.i! o iinmediata delivery on LIT'ILK SI . Have soim: KXCEPTIONAL bargiina ill large and small second baud cars. MITCHELL MOTOR COM PAN r rr . OMAHA RUB OMAHA RUBBER CUM i y thing in ru ober. M'LNTKE AUTU LO.;rnam AUTO LARGA1N3 IN l.'SKD CA i US. I'h'KT Pi1!'' I? Auto, carriage painting. i x nil J. Jdi KeiMtlring. ,o;5 Lev. ENGINE trouble text book;, g.ves plam language, remedies tor every engine ail ment; keeps your car running, saves dol lars. .' pages Illustrated. Get It now. Send Fx. Uierzo Carina: tiers, Newark, X. J. Tne key to auccena in buatnt.-.s la th. JiitiUioua and pcreletent use of newspaptr ad vet tiding. m sim:ss t iiavks Are You ! the Man? ' .vni.i: mi.x ami i.Kurri.M ati: nrs MVI'SS ofl'oliri Nl tiks aim: ai.ikk iSi'AKCl'. K OFFKK MKX t'l-' AVKIb I.V'il: ABILITY ,N1 CI. LAN Kl:i'OH) i A.N t 'Pl'i MtTI'NIT V 1. 1 At.i IKK II-) I NAXi'lAI, AMI MI Sl.Ni:sS INIF.PF.X-, l'KXCl-: UAItKLY KOl'AI.KIi A J...IMI ! I'lil Jlf,.. 1 INiO.Ml: IS ASSI KKI TO1 MUX WHO CAN "NVKST !. To :-.,.kk WITH Si:H H'KS. IK YOC CAN OCAI. I FY I'itoVi: IT IN I'l KST l.l:TTF.K WHICH .MI ST CONTAIN HISTOItY OF, i:i:coiu To path to ni:ci:i vk at-j Ti;XTIOX. AIIKKSS JOIIX Bl'liGK, Atltlri'ss ,7 oil 11 1ih1;i, Sales-j nuiiiagcr, UnrlfonS Builtlinir, ' t'liinigo, 111. j I 'OK double 'Heap reason Neb. S.VLK-t'ool hall, :i mhles and IWiwlIng alley. Fixtures, ete. for casn. gnod business. linmt for selling. Box f;,', i;:n Creek, lo get 111 or out 1 OA NO KST AH. 401 Be. : rusiness ran on Bldg.. lei. I). 3477. 14TH ST BUSINKSS t U FA L F.STATK KXCUANGK CO. Hardware. grocers, hotel, pool rooms, barber shop, saloons, etc., for pale; sumo good bargains in real (State. Ill S. 14th St.. second floor, rooms 1 and 2. Fd Rothery. I'resldent. Auiiimnilr I lioiu tins n. 2. leslilenee. l BLS'l AL ItA.N I lor sa"itcliea71f laketi it once. Jon n Morns, Silver Creek. Neb t'mnt'h Gen I Muse, stock oniv Gen'l j Mdso. stock In live coming town with a Paige .adc for sale; exceptional reasons i tor selling: a fine opportunity; none bet ter in the northwest; about $W,(00 required. Address First Statu Bank, Mandcrson, v yo. BIG BARGAIN IN SALOON. An old estaiilished saioon In good lo cality: good business; receipts run from 45 to ts per day. BIG M IKY J1AKKII. See this If ou are looking tor a money maker. BOWK RF.ALTY COMPANY. Tel. l 777. 11:2;: Farnam St.. lliym .". FOR SALK Meat market-doing good business; established 21 years by present owner; good residence district; owner's health reason for selling. Address L 637, Bee. w 18H to buy only meal market In town of 400 and iW population. N-6MH, Bee. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalseli s ice cream. If Mrs. L. B. Bruncr, 2111 No. 4Sth St., will como to Tho Bee oftlce within three days we will give her an order lor a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. Si-ln,Mjii 0ii n.liM n,r young pnysi clan with sufficient capital to buy u drug store; can clear from 2,0n0 lo $t.0n0 first year; Investigate. I. W. Cole. Agar. S. I. THAT PROTKCT AND PAY. Books. Ailvlces. Search and Ust of Inventions Wanted. VUKK send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Best results. Promptness as sured. "Yatsou E. Coleman, Pat. Law V 622 F St., N. W. ti Hsmnginn, '!. C. NKW CORPORATIONS. 1NHFSTRIAL, LAND. iSHORT STEAM and Klectrlcal Railways: Financial sales campaigns organized and conducted. A highly specialized organization prepared to render best possible service. Corpora tions organized and capital listed for commercially sound established and pro jected enterprises. WALLACL VAl'GHX, Plymouth Bldg., Minneupolls." PATKNTH HF.Cl'RKD or money re funded; send sketch for free report as to patentability. Guide book and what to In vent (with list of Inventions wanted) sent flee. Ono million dollars offered fur In ventions. Patents advertised free In World'a Progress, sample free. Victor J. Kvana & Co,, Washington, I). C. WANTED Trustworthy, competent man with 15,000 cash and upward to es tablish and manage permanent subsidiary business. a month and expenses, and extra share of profits. 1-arge manufac turing company, well known staple line, has excellent opening for steady, capable man. Favorable investment ; high class business; good for Ji;.0ai) a year or better to right man. with big future prospects. For particulars address Y-"l, cure Bee. STOCKS, bonds, mortgages and com mercial paper bought and sold. Money for ruled merchants. International Mort gage & Securities Co.. 417 Title Guaranty Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo." STOCK, bond offering, Industrial, rail way, mining or electric wanted for sale; commission basis. Best facilities, terma niiulurjl. lilili.Bu full ....... i ..i.. .. -' ..v...,, ,,n, in-uii i i- derwi-lt(T, JT'. O. Box !7t. New York." SEND 2fo for handsome bird s-eye view Sun Diego and threo months subscription llosit it, n 1'ullAtiii- IJ,,I,I.. I..rn .1 ... " ..,,nw,v- ,, I .UI III.I IIOII about Southern California. Box iV. San oiego. in." i Mi'i'i-iA i iv. if. i,, zz ... . .. ...... . , . ,,, ,. imiruLn ur clients that understand and appreciate Piem wuik ni iiiguesi proiessional skill personally attended. Benjamin Roman, PjttrkRowRidldlng, New York." 'l IV t I til H ,l 1,-M I I n.U' u I " X , .. rhandlse well located. About $l.,M0 and fl.oxj each. Trade separately for land 7ou to 1,001) eush required t settle in-debtf-dneKS ai;aiii:-t e.-ich i:i-u ,l...uou guiding land. L. M. clovls, Hainiiuig Ja. TO BUY OK a liusiiie'ss; "cull un Williams. 411 .Mit'ague Bldg. A STRICTLY caHi grocery ;' must he Sold at once; no Il.Muns n pny apj n0 lent to pay. 1'hoiie D lftX It yon aie an tncigeiic man ami niTnl an Interest In an established paving biist ness, write me; five to six thoiisand loi lars required. H. Lefiunz. Omaha. DOCTOR wanted ; ground floor oppor tunity in .receutlv patented appliance needed by every physician. Xeeihi $.ri,k Investment. Address G mux Bee BIG money In fc peanut vending ma chines, tlTu will buy 11! machines and se cure tho territory of Omaha. Robert Dleschbourg, 62S 4th St., Council Bluffs Iowa. Itoomliiu lluuara for Sale. FOR KALE Private boarding and rooming bouse duiiiif a irooil .... Ct aiilauqiia St., midway between sugar raeiory ana town; best locution In cliy Rent reasonable. Must sell on account of health. Address Box A. 2i, Scott s Bluff Neb. ' IJLSI.VKSS TKllSONALS Aeouslie 4 uiooMnles. GENERAL Acoustic conipar.y; lnstru ments for the deaf. 64'. Oiiialm Nat. bank. AiTiunlniit, M. D. THOMAS, izul Cily Nat. Bank. A lu u srniiT n t , BEFORE and utter the shows visit the OI.YMPIA orJ:e cream and cundles. Al'Dl Tt 1TT'M itol Wrthrk7i u u si l,"y Gnens bund, skating Friday, Saturday and Sunday nn-lili-, also on Suiidav after noon. Doors op. n at 7: i. Admission 10c Skates 20c. Archlleela. C. J. Bon ell, arch ,ei t, 571 Brundeis Bldg Arteainu Hells. E. NK BE KG a ...... ltill-12 City Natl. Asphalt, lirutrl and ltoofliitf. O. W. Shield.", utiic , y. ff7 of Trade Kit. 4:?i LeeT LI.-ilON I. It W.I. I. Avtiiiaaa auii Truta. OMAHA Ti lit Co" o- (.;: Dout l-a. Bag Manufaeturera. LE.MIri OMAHA LAG CO, O'lial.u. NL msiXKss ri-:usoAis llaaaaae and laalcatin. Till.' ONLY WAY. BaRKflRe cheeked to .1.-.tinatlon. Tsxl eahs and touring car. 1 el Ivmglas 2H.,. Hill I'oXlllH. CM MIA Bill PomIiik Co. Poiiglns ?M4 AB7lMik(8f(akery Weti!ter614r llatlillna mikI I, tin it mielu limn, Nl'.HllASKA Savumi T.onri AnsocIs lion has never paid leys than K per rent dividends. InveMments from $1 to $.',unO reeelvrd. VX f'tirnam St . Omaha llarhrr Shop. HAWK BBOS.' limber ahop, :.".67. Leav enworth. lire p.ldg. barber shop, tonsorlal Rltli is. Illejcles anil Motorcycles. Omaha Bicycle Co.. 16th and Chicago. Indian motorcycles. W iito tor catalogue. IIHMiira" aiMl ! ll alls. THF. new Ak-Sar-Hen billiard parlors, I1 Howard. Chas. F,. .lolinson. Prop. Illrd SHrrs. BIBI8, dogs, gold fih. cagrs. Max tielsler Bird Co., 1617 Farnam St. Hum and I'nckaae Manufaelurrrs. VYoodf n Box Package Co. 1.".? I N. Ulv Carpeulers nnl t onlrai'tori. W. P. Drverell. contiaclor. Itanige Bldg. j cievensoii, cHr(ipiuei, coin, itoin puonen. A. Llnborg, carpenter, oont i a' tor. H. 26.1 4 arpela, iuiun Mini Draperies. POLCAlt & CoTj:1; carpet rleanlng. F.4S s :i. I :'J21. A-424&. Klec. A'ae. Cleaner, rent. l.7f ili.y ; W. 29.VS i'hlrotlists anil AiiiulcurliiH. Prof. J. Lund, chiropodist. 416 Karbach, Hit. ROY, chiropodist. it7 Farusm. I I Kara ami 'tobacco. Tracy Bros. Co.. lllti Douglas. La Truda high-grade Havana. Te-Be-Ce cigar, 6c. Tlii; Sanirai v Crown Pipe! ltd s7lUir Monopole Cigar Store. lTer (Iraud Hotel. i'lolbiiia Ituiiiil'aeturers. Wear Meal diess shirts. M. IS. Smith Co. toul Healers. Powers-lleafi y Con I Co., Tel. H. Slitter Feed A: CoTn Co., 2Hii2 Far. H f4T. Upu.ko " qua.lty yu..' 4f to. Hislge. 11. liti. C. S. jouiisoii, coal, iht li ignrd, 2 puonen. NLW coal yard. 24tti and t.rand Ave. George K. i:olih. Coal Co., W. Ml. COAL At cut prices. All MM is. w. save S ou iiUc to $l.'0 per ion. "The Home of ouiilltv Coal." Kos.'iiblutt's Cut I'rlco t'otil Co., 122:; lejii'bisjt Both Phones. COAL by (on or basket; & bushels H. Phono li. 2tA B. tfsuH. CALL liouglas liM or A-laKa and let me tell you about KKKIMCR Fl'RNACK COAL. C. A. Wcsterllelii. CITY COAL .fc SUPPLY CO. All kinds best coal. H. 2716. Ind. A-1402. GOO I basket coal. 1 lie crounao Coal Co.. Doug, as JM. Oulck delivery. loiter, 'lea, Spleen and sugar. Moyunn Tea Co.. 4uti N. 16. Both phones. . 4 l-eaiuerlea, Dalriea uud sUiilles, Fairmont's I'liadem butler. Always good. DAVID COLS! CREAMERY COMPANY ELGIN sanitary Dairy, epperoun Bi,a., Proprietors. Jjougins Co, Milk Pruuiicers' Assn. D. 34 tn. , t'ollectiUM Afceiie.ea. ItFSSELL ADJUSTMENT CO, 221-52 First National Bunk. Douglas. :H41. JOSEPH P. CI iLEN. collections of all kinds. 1201 City Nul l bank. D 27 III. A-44o4. Cornice and Meet trlllnga, CARTER Steel Metnl Works, Omaha. lieu (lata. Bailey, the dentist, 7( City Nat'l. I. 2.16 1 alt's dental looms. 1517 Dung. D. AiAl'M iiiACii. m II. Paxtun. D. IOm'i, Pit. FU KKS. 721-H City Nat l Bk. Bldg. Dr. Gsaiiiner, iit-i ah ichhiu h ug. ntuiu. I if. O. A. I., sunnier. Msi-22 City Nat. D. 4i7 DR. DAlLiii'. iiU Ur.uidelb Bidg. D. uljb. DR. WILLIAMS, 8jS 91-3-5 Branttois Bilg DR. FESTER. 602 City Nat'l'BkTiridgT lliiui'lug Aiflarmies, Turpln's, 35 Paxton Blk. Classes Mon., Wed. and Sat. 1'riv. lessons dally. D. n:9. Mackie's Dancing Ac'JUeniy. 181U Ha.rney. classes Mon.. Thiirs.. Sat. evenings. Miss Jewel Simpson. Tel. Vebsier24Vb M ! Ss"mARV 'OLU t7KII."'ori:" Morand's, lu ,v iiurney, Kuurnin it.iai.uiia Monday and 1 riday. p. m. Uotu phonss. All MA t'IHElt lKJrt.-llr.ItS HCIHIOI o. dancing, AleliopolHan club. i"Hl Harney St.; assemblliH ceiy 1'iiday. Tuesday evening. K p m I'hone Duuglas afiT. Ltresaioiililna, Terry's Drvsmui.. .. i:illepjv 30 t- Far. by duy. Phone Web. 3718. Diessma king home or families. Red 7214 i V. S S M A MNtl by the ita y. D.' ti m. Testa Coulter, dressmaking, TilH McCague. "STRICT r.Y"tuilor i ruit.!iT,riltguar niilced: fancy waists, gowns. 2i;'lJ liar .'y. i'l. one Harnci" lii:;. Broaaists. REX Drug Store. Iiiih and California. Deteellves. Omaha secret sen Ice detective agency. Inc. bonded42s-p Paxton Bk. D. t;ll, A-1II19. 'A lT. T. ' 1 1 HI A C K 61 7K ai iui7;ir Bl CI JAS. ALlVn. Neville ilfk. Tyler 1 i;ST Ever) (Ulna Eleelrical. Burgi 'ss-Grandun Co., 1511 Howard D. 6H1. Eli;ctri2lighling 1 lx. wholesale and retail. SECi 1NI7-HA.ND ELWJT rFcTfans; dynamos, igniting dynamos, motors, re fialrs. IHicii. 3 IX H. 12th St. Doug. XI75. M . J . C I " R R A N . wiring. D. Kl. Johnston Electric Co., 4iiH7l'ih. D. 4'iii. I'm ii r.iec. i o. Motor repuirliig. D. 5X.H1 1. roet-i'tea und Meats. Chapman's fpiallty meuts 2I.S Cuming. A H. AH i I ' fl. e, -,h !,,,. JoTi. Arg"7rooer l eeil Mills and Mores, Feed, all kinds. Gleiieoe Mills. 222 Ixard. I'loilala. A. Donahue, 1607 Farnam. D. lonl. A-I001 HESS SWOBODA. 1115 Farnam Ht. Stewaea's. & seedsmen, lis N. hX P A I ' I X E N. FlonsiT Bro wnHt. BRANDEIS FLORIS'I'. Bi andcis" BldgT L. HENDI.RSON. IMS) Farniiiii.' D. i&n'. BATH 8. FLoKIS'is.y.oyd'i titaier 'lidg. BEN NK I '1' s, cm riotvers. Puug7 M7. PROS PEC ' r'HiliFons"i".' W."4!l"T 1'ouiidrtee. Mi Donald biass anl bronze foundry, alu rejourn, tin, lead eastings, i.'tii - jai kson. C'uruueea aim nn Hi-uaira, FURNACE AND uiVK REPAIRS to nt your t-tovo or heater. New fuinuce, laundry tank beaters, gas heaurs, llier- iiionut and combination warm ulr und hot water healing. Omaha Stove Repair Work:i. J :m;-i.-' Douglas s. 'lei. Don. lua Ind. A-:'- A. Alo.x uu- .sk eitv waii'i a.r In. oily civ i ii. I ioiiu ...t ; ci.iiiu,, a n.vci -4 'X H. 1Mb. rOl I II,.. Ull.Ul', ll'lhll . .OlU iUl-'tl,. W. S. lkjluo, A;i:ci. lurnucto. it. uui. tu sinks l i nsowi.s l-'tirs. West. 1'ur. Co.. rep il.s remodel". t:C4 Far llarnraa, Maildlrra, Leather t.ood.a FAMOVS Collins sa. Idles. Alfred Cornish tt- Co., 1210 Farnam. r'te for catalogue. lche-t. htiruesM. 11 inner goods. S. l. llisillals. VISF M1CMOB1AL. 21th and Harney. Bethany hospital. ?.t Marcy, 1). 2Mi, "sufdisiV M issioN 'nobi'Vf AiTno phones. ;t7Ul N. 24th Ht Innnranrt. IXSl'BK in the Woodmen of the World. The worlds greatest orgnnla t Ion. i N srTTKTNn k"7 . ',7k. xs" V a l f. BhodpH-Montgomel y Co. ins. Hainan ilk. TALK TO VFSY. "t iipoliey" placer." ALFHKH C. KLN'XF.HY. Flro and Tornado Insurance. W First Nat I Bank. Houg. 721. Iron antt Wire I'rnrliia, Anchor Fence Co., 207 N. 17. Tel. Bed S14 Jrnrlr, Ilia nioniie and Welches. GET your bargains at Revnolda' Cut Kate Jewelry Store, I0& 8. Pith. OPEN up ii chnrae a. count with us, A. Mandelberg, Jeweler, 1.VJ2 Farnam. Jewelry and clothing Isirgsins. i S. IS. I.aiiiiiilrles. FRENCH Hand I.aundiy. Tel. H. r24. "WT-CLAKH laiindi yr'gua'rantee!! deliv ery. Call on short notice. Harney (W74. EMERSON Laundry im N. Vlth St. Both phones. " GUAIt ANT K E Laiiiid ry work. Douglas J37;t. High-grade I Ighlnlna Itods. Nebraska Lightning Bod Co. nc, X. 17th. Mararuul Manulaotsrrra, Skinner's marnronl spaghetti; pkg, lot. I. n be r. H. Gross Lumber Wrecking Co. Bar gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery und si en in tilting. 21st and Paul. Web. 2.X.X4. .Millinery. PKXXELL Millinery. Paxton Blk. ' Latest fall mllirner.vV"Kauiier, 1424 H.TsthT Mununieiila anil Mausoletims, J. K. Bloom Co., 17th and Cuming Sts. .Music, Art nnd l.aiignsgra, II KSslVJ- " teacher of clarionet JMl.iXOijlan(1 v0i ,39 s S II '!9. XTIi ' VV '- ptaloeacliiusigli"t ' r "b-r. sin S. nth, D. usj. II. J. Hock, singing, piano. Duvldgn Blk. Mutlna. Moraae and t lea ill lit', OMAHA Van & Storage Co., cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. HH S. 16ih; :) S. 1,'ih. Doug. 41iit. W ( ) VI K( 3 1'lnrms uud furniture, stor u" " Ai,,'uge. ivmglas Kxpress A Bag gage Co. ISM St. Mary's Ave l ! Colo Express ti Storage Co.. lOUi Cup. Ave. CALL Vernor for moving and fire proof storage. Officii. A -2157 V: Doug. 215S; WARI'.IIOIJSE. 'lyler Ills, B-MIS. EXI'RESSMEN'8 Delivery Co. Moving; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office. 210 H. 17th. Doug. liM; Ind. B-124. TwlnClty Express. 1314 Howard."Both""TeT Furniture mov.; 2 men II per hr. W. 2,"4H. Il(eninlhir. Alice Johnson, 30S-9 Brandds The. Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. IIM-B Brnnileis Theater. - , . Uplielaua. B. F, Wurn. filling A- rep'g. 443 Brnndois. EYES EXAMINED, GLASSES FITTED Satisfaction guaranteed, llutusun Opti cal Co.. 215 B. I tit Ii St. mr.r, I inn ai nnoj EYES Bi MEET me at Aaron's, 16th and Farnam. tested and glasses ex it ly fitted. DEAN T. ;gg. Reg. optician. Oysters, David Cole Oyster Co. Wholesale only. Palate anil titaes. Barker Bros. Paint Co., lfiOOti Farnam. Ind. A-HS21; Douglas. 4750. We do picture framing and glazing. flpeclal discount this month on Pain'., llasfl. Varnishes und Wall Paper. Paper Companies. Western Paper Co., 151 Ii and Howard. Photographers' dupplles. THF. ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. 1813-1.-. Farnam, in thrlr l,ew store; blanch store, SON 8. 15th. Patents. HIRAM A. ST URGES, patent lawyer, U. S. und foreign pulenls, trademaiKS and cop) right; 25 years' Ixperlence. M6 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3464. D. O. Mnrneil. i'axiou Blk. TeiRed 7117" Wlllard J'.udy, U. S. Pal. attorney a-.d solicitor 15; C ty Nat. Bk. Trier 15;(0. ' PATENTS secured; send sketch" for" free opinion. Mllo 1). Stevens fc Co., eslab., istit, 633 F St., Washington; 314 Mouad nock Block. Chicago. lhonarnnhs. EDISON phonographs. Schultz Broa.. I '06 ha r nam. Rlnchai t, phoiogiapher, pith Farnam. Sanoberg a hlniiio li Spitli. Take eiev. Reinbianol sinilio, portraits. 20 Ht Kuril. I "m! (Vroir""'n"''' pioTei- H.Tiwiiot nv'iuu photo galleiy at 3WI4 S. 14th St. Highest gradr pliolo work. I Bbinel-i, 2 and $Vper ilozen. I'osleuids, 16 for f.. Plnioliei-a. Omaha Pluniblng Co., 261.' Si:ein,an Ave. Plumbing Call VV'essman. H. :KiitT-2n::7 Beverness v. Onye. 'lyler 1;I77 A-1K2." T. F. Balle, plumlnug und beating. 1607 Howard St. Tel. D. 743. Ind. A-2741. l'lutina. OMAHA SILVER Co.. ::t S. 13th. Neo. Plaiiiig tj.i,.uin Cn.,l.iiu mom ai d. I'rliiliiig. Lew. W. Itaber, 1'riuter r' REE BLDG. r.. l It .l i, ON COURT. 'ilME.1 l'RI.NTING CO., 1166. !2 s. mill. d. AM. Pl'ltltllln win ii. .,47. I'liiuie inn. A--i.u lur gumi piuiuiin. 1' t o., v cupitol Ave Reis-iian -iK. t o., Iuk i,Ui. iu. a-o..jI Hrataura nta. JOHNSON "AFE. under new tnanuge nierit ; beat 2.': intal. ;i20 S, I'jth St. I ixiiji l. ivesiauram, mi s. 14tti, llrst class chop suey house; Auicncuu and t hlnese dishes. Sum Joe. manager. liuxter s line quica luiitui. n,iu rui'iium. GEi ine iiaiut ; v.. i ut i iieeoa. cup. Ave. LAI' 1 1 u. til'. I OOlxi.XU. AlthlNS, ..b, S. bith. UpMulia. Moiiii, rt si,, oesi f.ei t ,ce h.isilowaid. go. .A i.i.t, i-iu,ou ' it , , . lol., r at tiuin. I'ARDr.r. S i..tic; tiuuiii, g-oou cook ing; fine fiquurs. i'rlvato dining rooms. Uns l'urnaiii. MiiirinaLIng and Shlnlna 4'arlors. C. Morgan. Ist-elass slio repulrs. 2.i07 !,eav l sonsa lii'a.. .u.tcu. niiou 613 S. loin St. Sporting; t.ooda. NEW ahnpworn guns ut low prices. Townsend t.iin Co.. 1.14 1'urnam. Stanunrrlna and Klullrrlou. STAMMERING and stuttering cued. JULIA VAl GliN. Ran ge LI ... l:il TATIOX Mi SIXTY DOLLAR SCHOLARSHIP FREE If Jim will hiing to the Musher-I.a mpman College a shorthaiiil writer who can write shorthand a rapldl" and read bis notes as well as students we have In school at tho present time we will give, you absolutely free u six months' scholarship In any department bf the Mosher-I jtmpiuun College. No one Is haired In this contest except Mosher writers. We do not care to, compete with writers of our own system. The contest Is open to Pitman, Miinson. Gregg. Graham or any other system. It makes no difference whether the writer you inav hi lug to compete with our students has been writing short hand ono enr or iwenty. the contest Is open to everybody, and if you bring a writer to tho college, wlni can wiite us rapidly as some of our students you can get the schol arship Hbsoltiti-ly free. If sum- Plimshlo wilier advises you to take the Pitman because be thinks it belter than the Mosher ask him to go with you to the Mosher-1 Jimpman College and demonstrate the system lie writes to be better and thus get you a free schol arship. Ii a Gregg writer or a writer of of unv other stem advises you to learn the system he writes, miiko Iho same proposition to him. "SEEING IS KNOWING" II ion cannot find a writer of shorthand who has sufllrlent confidence In his sstem and ability lo compile with our students, come to the Mnsher-Lamp-man College und some of our students will take pleasure III writing fop you und showing what can he done with the most rapid system 111 tho world. I'u inn think Mosher .V- l.aiupman would offer tlil.i scholarship If they did nut absolutely know that the Mosher system the system they teacli-ls tho moat rapid and legible system'.' 4 The faster ou can write (he belter position you can fill, and the better salary you inn ain. There Is no need of your being a second-grade stenographer whi n you can attend tin- Mosher-Lumptna n Collegu nnd become one of tho most rapid writers In tho city. Tho scholarship offer Is good until December 1. Try and win It. MOSHER & LAMPMAN Pith and Farnam Streets. At the Stroke of 9 Tomorrow Morning There Will Be New Classes Formed at Boyles College Several (scores of newly enrolled "students will comniemo the training" that will In ti few months result tu their graduation us expert Stenograph ers, Bookkeepers or Telegraphers. They will begin the study of tho wonderful tut of SuleHiiiuublilp, In which wo have guch un effective, complete course here In lloyles College. Or, they will IipkIii tho id u dies that will fit them to Btici'esBfully quality for iippointnu'iitH to tho l ulled States Civil Service us Hallwuy Mull Clerks, Mull Carriers, Government Clerks, Bookkeepers Bnd Stenographers. If you have within you u real, earnest tleslro to obtain the educational advntitugcs that lloyles College most unquestionably holds out to you, we most cortulnly lulvlso you to make up your mind NOW, not to put off en tering any longer hut to como NOW. . No special preparation, or notification Is necessary. Just come In to morrow morning and enroll In either our Day or Night School. We'll be reudy for you with a hearty welcomo uud a desk. November the most testful month of the year Is an Ideal monUu In which to inaugurate your training for success out In tho bustuees world. In big. roomy, sunlit UOVLES COLLEGE utudy will be a PLEASURE In deed. And you will have plenty of beglnuori as conipunyl as Nov. U promises to break a few records so far us enrollment, goes. Now muko up your mind to not put off but to euroly coma here to morrow morning and get started here. BOY LESi COLLEGE . .OFFICIAL TllAINING SCHOOL, UNION PACIFIC AND ILLINOIS CENTUAL K. It. H. B, BOYLES, President U0YLE8 DLD0., 18th und Harney. Omaha. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGB "BEST IN THE WEST." Day ami evening sessions all the year. Shorthand, Typewr'llng, Bookkeeping, Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. .artman. Pres.. Pull and Farnam. IH'SI XKSH I'F.HSOXALS Steel 'I ii ii w anil Culvert t tiinpaules. NEBRASKA nnd Iowa Steel Tank Company, Htb nnd Nicholas. I . "SR'J; Stenographers and Court Reporters. MYRTLE A. KELLEY. depositions, etc., '16 Brandeis Theater. D. 66S2. Storm Doors und Windows. Omaha Window Hern. Co. 6!4 N. 18 D. 4603 Tailoring. WE in o now located at SB Paxton block. B. G. Ruff iu Tailoring Co HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall ault. " Dunham i Dunham, suits. 11K 8. IB. "FOR TAILORS We "make hlgh-eiaa routs: reasonable prices. 2o! Botn Hi ore. It'-A. H'lillsm, olothesjihereil, 24 A Lake. TOMi iC iadieir-ge7it;alalleiri(i!)l'aciflc. '1 axillerilllals, Aulnhnueh. 1701 leaven worth. Doug. 3221. Tents and Awulnga. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. R22 Douglas. Trunin and Suit lain. Frellng Htrlnle, Uffi Fainam St. Turkish Hatha. l adles', genis.' Turkish baths. 15 A Doug. tin hrrllas. WESTERN Uiiihrella Co., 12J Farnam. Wig .Miiniifat'lurrra. SEE Monhell's wigs, toupees. 41'J B. 16. "TriT"tliittitli. wig infr.. 12 Bill. VV I ue a and l.liiuora. M AY & l 'O.. family liquors, i:i3 Douglas. AuTomiille Phone Bus s, 2; resilience, 41. T. .1. Hart, liquors and cigars, iiu2 N. into. VI) If( IT! I K? VSchllts Allan. Full Ijlt. l ,lm of p,,uorg unu dkiii". I a to In connection. Ill n Dili nl. C. Engeilanuer. Ihiuoi s. cltars. i:,12 Doogu. YvTlLoW bpniigs beer, liquor, cigurs, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 11102 Dotigjas. Loltmuii, 6-yr-olil why, Pki drink. 14 At liar. V ll(llTVli' Imported Illinois, flni; -v. i hjii-wi i,,ci,ts.:)ii s... inn. Hansen's Family I.l.uo..-. ...J i incago. Meter Klein, wines and Illinois. b,!2 N. 16. Yligliila Dure wine. 6ric. largti bottle. EVERY pel son knows who D. .1. o'Ui n n Is lie hum' he bus in ole Omilhu famous with his candy. If Miss J. Miller, l'i 14 Military Ave., will come lo Tho Bee office wllhin three days we will give her an order lor a 60-nnt box of O'Brien's candy free. KVKKVTHIVG I'Olt U'O.MKX THE IDEAL PLEATING Co.. dress pli-atluys. liultous eulertd, all hues und styles. 2') Doug. Islk. Doug. V.M. A-1:i.iu "CHiji7i. Ladies' Tailor. 214 S istii St. " LAlilEsi' Bciivtr Huis I'Teuiied and Re blocked. RAMSICR. HATTER, 220 S. llth. "siIKItMAN. ladles' tailor. Iluyden Bios. "ci ' ItTA I N8.l I LAN K ETsTTt N 1 1 l'i N E LACE RED SETS CLEA N ED IKjUG. 272 I'ltlVATE economical cooking lessons. Webster 2'i Wi. HOI 'SIvVVT V E8 wanted to oimg tlu-ir i il th. ins und knive.. lo be shin pi-ned by expert vvorknieii. IHd Douglas, IT'S an exct-.liiit sliow at Ihe American I In a nr. se. lie Wooilward Stock coiu- I ,a:i If Mm n. I'. I loimi s, l ii liiona. , 1 1 1 come lo Tlic Be,, oitlce Wllhin tint cavs wc will ;it,' her ,ui uruu' tor a pair j .. I., im, l;i)lTAT10X Mi Omaha, Neb. A. I'OI'P, teacher writing. Latin, Ger man and cornet. 1711 Dodge. D. 2176. 1 OMAHA School of Music, PJlh and Far nuiii; all brandies of music tuuglu, send tamp for prospectus. KVKUYT1IINU VOH W'OMHN WA SUING Rough dry, ney 4121). !.ic dog. 11 ai- Swltcheit from combings, Jl.,',11; . pul'fb, 15c. Special attention to mall orders. Ce il. in i.iii ns, Joi fu x ion Bik. D. b-'tl. 3d II. Willlow plumes made from old or new feathers, guaranteed. l'JiS S. 11. IX 7663. 1 1 K' L I W A . I !; I F KM ALU Agrals aad Naleanomrn, LADIES To tttlto orders for cut nieus ure patterns; outfit free, Inclose stamp tor particular. Iiessinuking school. 2l23'a llth Ht.. iNurlnda, la. ' IwVDY roplesentaiives. In tjwns and cities to act as local ugent for Parisian niiaiel corsets; an excellent opportunity Im off-led for permanent income. Write at mien for tiriltcry and tciui. Desk 1) 3, Parisian Corset Co., Clnciniuul, o.' WANTED '1 wo experienced sales women for high class brlc-a-brue. Apple ORCHARD K- WIl.ttELM CARPET CO. 4 lerlcal and Office. STENOGRAPHER, to act as private secretary for large Implement firm, 7.i. Hleiiogrupher, Insurance, (lib. offlcti i ltik. quick and accurate at figures, 'i0. Cusliicr. board and room. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO, PUn-Hi 'ny National Hank Bldg. Stenographer, jtn,. t i:xpiiienci)d lillllna tlcik, .'iU. offlci! clerk, ;. Cashh-i, 2,'i, boaid and room. VESTN HE FE HENCE ii BOND ASSN.. 7'i2 Omaha Nat l Hank Bldg., Omuha, Neb X stenns. and bookkeepets, t'i to fi Cashier Oesiaurani). 2r,-,(r.. Iiivolcu und piollt clerk, II". Buroiighs Add loaehlno operutor, ?.'J)H0. 'I'l IK CANOAGENCY. WX) Ben Bldg. TRANSFER girls and casTrgirliT: iiiiisL be over 16 years of age; Apply to Superin tendent Brandeig sures. Faclo.-y and Trades. WANTED Girls to wrap Woodward's Real Butler Ccotcli and Woodward's Pure Su.jar Hick candy. Jehu G. Woodward it Co.. Council Bluffs. Ja. W ANTE I 'Apprentice girl making. 4"7 So. 2:'.th Ave. for dicsa Hotel and llrataurnnt. WANTED-A good cook. Apply Deift tea room. Brandeis Theater Bldg. GOOD, clean cook for small reKtuuiunt, also waitress. Ind. A-l!i5. Ihli) Cup.tol Ave. pcra uuil Doiueatiea. WANTED Good cook; good wages. SOS S. 3jid SI. Il.irny 1m7. WANTF.D--A girl to wash dlalies In a boaidiiig house. Tel. Red 1,472. COMPETENT girl "T org7-m'-Tul liuuscT w i- . 1 1 a. 2'th Ave. h. :'i:i;,. COM CEI EN'i gill ut 2:20 Burt. lUr- ney ",M. V ANTEl A cook. II. 4760. .Mrs. W. J. ityiiujt. Women lor day wura furnishtsl. D. iw4. THE SERVANT iTlltL PROBLEjiT SOL ED The Ht -u will run your Domes no Help Uanud nil FREE unill you get tlio deriietl results. Bring your ud to The Bee oitlce or telephone Tyler 10no. WANTED t'ompt lent girl for g.-iiciui hi'usewiiik; mi washing. IsoO lllnney St. A tllltl. for generitl liousework or to assist with hous.'Wurk. h'17 North .'!:id. W A NTED Experienced sec utit tiiT" 22l!t St. Mary's Ave. W A N 'I Kl ' I III I to woil., :;i2 I'rirk Aie. a -sl--t witli Ii .ii.i ... I la lie :'.t." Reinenibtr it inly lakes :i sli,,ke o: . w,j lo ii. i mil, ii juu . the aJ .u '1 hv- 1.0. v