n AMUIiMtiNTS, AMt'SKMIlXT-. rrFrywc.ls, y t-K in ?.t.SXitt,jll"lUU AzjT&,asxaBxa nszTcsscsn 4 DAYS Starting TONBGMT USUAL POPULAR WEDMtSDAY MA. 1 1 NEE JOHN C. FISHER, Frnti Th Oraatert Masloal Comedy Snocess Bine His 'TLOtODOtA." TSie RED ROSE ana ice most Zntoiricatlngly, Beevtlf nl Chora of Dainty Ugbtfel slns-lnr and annotns rtrls ever seen nnde Demure and Z- 1 11 1 er one roof. DUtSOT FROM TUB OLOBB THBATEB, HEW TOIK Bpejcial Teatar 'THB STUDENTS' O-ilDE." NEXT SUNDAY M OMJA.Y I UKNUAY TI ES. JIATIXEE EVANS i HOITET BOY IIMSX-RELS ALL IMl-.W THIS YEAR ,,,, l it1, a x a ana .n i'mt, nuv. n, w pinr - w xi 1 1 x.t- " GEO ' THE OMAnA SUNDAY BEE: XOVESfBER 5, 1911. ; f v-y7 ' ' ;. -- T --1, :i L . . : i N U ill 15 t-. - - , y " -imm& j r ;v ViVV: lgj., r j v V HHE. HKESDJ7 I ' ; , V ZCI?iESjt fheAzaexicux XZ VOir At (hcuadns ZQE. EAKNETT HE offering at the Brandela for four nights ana a matlna on Wednuday, bcBlnnlnj tonluht, will bo "The lied Hote," 4 musical comedy In throe acta, by Hairy B. and Robert n. Brnltb, with tnuilo by llobtrt iiOod Bowere, who hm made a eenaatlonal hit n w iorK at the Globe theater. The production la under the Dereonal direction of John C. Fiher. the noted producer of rioroaora." "The Silver Slipper" and many other big muaical lucoesiea. The i-omFany U unueually )are and Is aald to include 10m. etunnlng young women. There are twenty-eight musical numbera. variety of popular sons hit. ami othera of greater musical worth. From a scenlo and costume point of view "The Ked Rose" I. ,ald to be 'a aenLaUon. Money has been spent galore. It Is, n hort, a dressmaker and milliner's delight The atory tells the following tale: A young American, studying art, falls In love with a modol, Lola, uu wealthy father objects to the marriage. Btormy cenes follow, but In the end, J)ck Lorl mr. the young American, obtains some Xlcturea taken by a moving picture syndi cate, showing the antics of the father trtth a young art student. This, coupled with the discovery that Lola Is really a baron's daughter, enables ' Lorimer to overcome his father's objections, and the last act ends with a scene remlnlsoeut of "Sapho," when the student carries his fiancee up a flight of steps and they e-way in true Viennese, comedy style and are married. musical me cast Includes some of the best known musical comedy artists and Is aald by those who should know to be. on the whole, superior to the ons playing In New Tork City. This Is easy to under stand, as It has not been organised as a 'road' show, acd will only be seen In thS larger southern and western cities, She only one and two-night stands this company will play will be those necessary to break Jumps between the larger cities. One of the faturea of the performance Is the "btudent s UlUe." a Sensational lWMHng number which Is now the talk of New York. .It. Is a feature that would bring success to any musical play, no matter how weak It may be In libretto or music. It Is difficult to describe Its inarm and requires to be seen to be appreciated. When the trl-star combination. Flor ence Roberts. Thurlew Bergsn and Theo dore Roberts cornea to the Uoyd theater today la 'Jim, the Penman." we will t-e a truly grtat revival of Sir Charles Youngs great drama, which captlvuted both London and New York years ago and held the boards successfully for sevl era! wwom. The trl-stars will be seen In the same roles portrayed by them In tt.e big New York all-star cast r.iu.i 5 tn- th ment of William A. Brady and the associate managers. Horencs Roberts show; wonderful emo tion in her portrayal of Mre. luiHtou .iiiuuijr ana earnestness in the trewendouness of the cllmag of the euccess manes her acting In thl -art a true revelation. r. munew Bergen's handling of the title role places him as one of our fore mont leading men of the present day. lie gives an Intense Impersonation of this lole. Ills poise and artistio work bring out all the sublety of a most difficult part and In his powerful scenes with the wicked Baron UartfHd he accomplishes -unumui piece of acting. ineooure Roberts, as the wicked Baron Pieces of character acting ever wlinewed on the American stage. The role Is a great one and JJr. Roberts plays It In a Masterly atyls. Th, engagement Is for two dys only, tonight snd Monday niKht. i fills Ueorge Evans presents an all new show by the Honey Boy minstrels U.is year. Le has retained marly au ue ::V com, , hrc act.: ' -! I II! ' ' ' " P - v V . W. WW3W) I III . r -f I ll . " "N. VKf Ml I -v III! t. WAX . lift ''. '. TE ii' J . Sill tW - .... : J M v s r . ii h -J -' uil nit i . U mECMO' WW A-& Qrpkeum 7XAJZ0ZH! M Sw Qrpknim principals of th aesllent company he presented ' last year. Comedians John King, Ham Lee. Charles Milliard, Tierce Keegan, William Caw ley. Lew Ullmors and James Castle will be found promi nent. The principal volcallsts of the new show are Rea V. Prosser, Vaughn Coin fort, James Meehan, Bam Lloyd. Al Fon taine, Charles' Croesman and Mss.er George Koty. Tommy Hyde la in charge of th dancing. Of course. "Honey Boy" Evans Is to be seen In on of those laugh able talks In which he Is positively at the head of America's monologulsts. Vaughn Comfort, ths best Interlooutor minstrelsy has ever had, will preside over th first part. Th scenlo dress of th new show 1 to be very elaborate and has been painted by Unlit and Wlckes, scenic ar tists for Daniel Ftoaman's New York Lyceum theater. Th engagement at the Brandels begins next Sunday night Th headline attraction at th Orpheutn this week will be Rolf and his "Rolfon lane." a featur which Is best described as vaudeville's most refined musical act. For many year Mr. Rolfe has been known as America's premier cornet solo- lit. He has th distinction of havlna reached th highest register In th world on that Instrument and in 111 hand th comet Is not a mere mechanical Inven tion, but an Instrument possessing all the characteristics of th human vote In Its highest development In addition to his accoroptl.-'hment as a cornet player Mr. Roife has produced numerous musical novelties on the vaudeville stage, among which may be mentioned "Ye Colonial Peptett," "The Leading Lady" and "The Courtier." Another musical featuro of the bill will be, Ielro. the piano accord eonlst. who will piny airs from the Italian operas, love songs and snatche of "rag." Madame Besson. th Anglo-Parisian artist, will have the leading rule In "Th Woman Who Knew." Victor H. Hmalley'a act. The play scintillates with cleverness and Is lively from beginning to end. Chle Pale, a clever protean entertainer, will offer a decidedly original and novel conception of "A Country School Enter tainment." Connelly and Webb will pre sent a oie-act playlet entitled "A Stormy Finish." which Includes an abundance of singing, piano playing, dancing and comedy. 1'ilmore and Adair will pre sent "Scenes Behind the Scenes," a very clever and unsual sketch. MacRa and Ivrlng, two eccentric novelty cyclists, will glv a novel and elevating act with their cyol aeroplane. provoking much laughter by their comical stunts. Sous and his band are th terms used In announcing the appearance her on neit Sunday matinee and night at th Boyd theater of th organisation of sixty mustetans headed and directed by John rniup fco us a. eousas latest march Is called "Th Federal ' and it will be beard , H i - J I T ! Phonos. onff. 494. Ind. A 14D4 U la th program h has prepared for hi conceit In this city. "Billy." which might be called a tala of love and false teeth, la to ba presented at th American this week by th Wood ward players. It has never been seen hero, but Is said to be an uproariously funny fare comedy. Billy, the hero, loses four teeth In a foot ball game, and on board a steamer from New York to Havana loses his false teeth while trying to make love to th girl he wants. Out of this slmpls proposition grows an end less number of funny situations and startling complications which are finally resolved In Billy's favor. Tho action of the play takes plac on th steamer's deck, and it Is In three acts. Mr. Webb will be th bey with th missing teeth and Miss Lang th girl who has to listen to his mumbling. A not of Interest Is added by th fact that Mr. Frank Jonea, th new comedian of th company, will make his first appearance this afternoon. Th bill will (Tun all week, with th usual matinees on Tuesday, Thursday snd Saturday. vAt the Gayety this afteroon Sam Hows will offer his company of entertainers. called "Lov Makers," In . a two-aot travesty. Including an all-star olio. The review of the "Follea Bergere," ths Win ter QaAen; "Th Follies of litll ." th Co lumbia theater. N. Y.. the shifting of ths scenes to Sheepshead Bay race track i magnificently staged. Ths olio con- sists of Williamson and O'Connor, black and brown face comedy singing act, en titled, "Sinsrt Fooling;" Jack MiCabe, th well known Irish comedian; Davey and Poney Moor In vaudeville novelties; Beulah Dallas, greatest coon shouter of ths sge; Vera Desmond, dainty aluaer and dancer; Wlnnlfred Wilson and Anna i.ngusn. Ibe olio Includes an added at traction direct from the Winter Garden, Berlin, called. "O'Devlo." in which twenty beautiful diving girls appear. Patrons are asked to write their opinion as to how th "O'Devlo" act Is accom plished, and as an Inducement a pair of reserved seats are offered for the first five replies that ar anywhere near the solution of th mystery. As sn added attraction, Frank Clemens and his team of deer have been secured. Tuesday night the most complete election return in Douglas county will be read from the stage at Intervals. Ladle' dim matinee every week day. c.t.ii, wiiii ounuay matine per formance at the Krug theater and con tinuing for th wek. "The Yankee Doo die Olrls" will present this season an entirely new production from start to finish, presenting a diversified program of excellence. Th opening fare pr- Jsented, "On th Road." Is said to be go JEfflZ GUJ&TOM original muaical absurdity, in on act. in which the entlr company is introduced, headed by the operatlo queen, Mile. Veola, who is assisted by Edward Boyd, vocalist; Hairy Seyon, comedian and au thor; Jenny Uladstone, soubrette; Lew Reynolds, character comedian; Collins and Hawley, eccentrlo dancers; Stewart and Stewart, a duo of Instrumentalists; Jcanette Lewis, th girl the boys like, and many others. Th closing fare, "Th Daffyullls' Retreat," Is said to be a moving panorama of gaiety and fun, mirth and melody' and visions of pretty women .isndsomeiy attired. As an added attraction. Bill Brennan, the umpire whose voir earned him a reputation In National bus ball circles and who offi ciated as an umpire In ths world's series bas ball games, will describe In detail the Important plays which were made In this most Interesting series of games In which th Athletic defeated the Olanta. Mr. Brennan's monologue will be inter spersod with picture showing the vari ous Important plays and at the conclu sion moving plctur films of th games will be shown. WOMEN WORKERS IN JAPAN They Dtv for Oyeters While th Men Rest oa th Shore. Th penrl divers of Japan ar women. Along the coast of the Bay of Ago and th Bay of Kokasho th 13 and 14-year-old girls, after they have finished their primary school work, go to sea and learn to dive. . They are In the water and learn to swim from babyhood and spend most of their time In the water except In th coldest season, from the end of December to the beginning of February. Even dur ing the most Inclement of seasons they sometimes dive for pearls. They wear a special dress, whit under wear and the hair twisted up Into a hard knot Their eyes are protected by glasses to prevent th entrance of water. Tubs ar suspended from the waist. A. boat In command of a man Is assigned to every five or ten women divers to carry them to and fro from th ftshing grounds. When th divers arrive on the grounds, relates th Oriental Review, they leap Into th water at one and begin to gather oysters at the bottom. Th oysters ar dropped Into tubs suspended from their walbts. When, these vessel ar filled th divers ar raised to the surface and Jump Into th boats. They dtv to a depth of from five to thirty fathoms without any special apparatus and re tain their breath from one to three min utes. Their agea vary from 13 to 40 year and between S3 and 3i they ar at their prime. Advanced Vaudeville Week Starting Malinea ToJay Rolfs and His Rolfonians Piano Accordeunlst ; Master of Thi Novel Italian Instrument. Madams Besson Th Famous Anglo-Parisian Por trayer of Zaza, Camilee, etc., and Her' English Company In Victor II. Smally's "THE WOMAN WHO KNEW." Glilo Sals Comedy protean Entertainer. Jack farrarst GonneHy and Wet)!) in "A BTORMY FINISH." Delmora and Adair ' In "Scenes Behind th Scenes." HacRas and Levaring" Novlty Cycillsts. Introducing th Cycle Aeroplane, ' Kinetoscopa Projecting th. Late,t ln Anlm,t6j rnotography Orpheum Concsit Orcbeslra II- Talented Artist" - . '?-,ts. 10c, ,5c, boo, 75c Maua.es. 10c, B. B.at, 87' 1 pt Saturday . nxjj''' Z3EX& Y. 17. C.A.AUDITOHIUr.1 Thursday Eveninj, November 9th, o:ia P. M. WILLIAM FODEN World's Oratat Oaltarlst. CIUSEPPE PETTINE Italy's Greatest Kaadollnlst. FREDERICK DACON Amerlca'a Ores test Baajotst. Direction 3f FYancls Potior'! .,i - i-uliar. mandolin and banjo. No, 10 Muidridge t'.luck. IecerveU seats a sale at all diukIo stores AUmiUlUUM ROLLER SKATING rrtdsy, Saturday and Sunday Jtl-bts, Also Sunday Afteraooa .tsusio y ttma'i Baud. Aamisaion, 1C; Sfcatea. SO. BOYD'S THE TRI-STAR COMBINATION FLORENCE ROBERTS Thurlow Eorffsa, Theodore Roherts, of th araw Tork AU-Star Cast, In eJIlVf THE PENMAN Th Greatest Detective Flay Ever Written. NfEXIT SUNDAY tss) 3 ESSE mmf: Unci Stua's Very Much two JBiy am I mm U(IE3DIME MATIN ED presents: mafia Grand I Of 80 VOICES TIIOHSBAY EUEHIfiG, HOUEBER 9 At BRAMDEIS THEATER Reserved Seats on Sale at Ths Tuesday Morning MuscaJ Oub Presents Charles Wakefield Ctfman .and Paul Kenned Harper IH A LECTURE RECITAL The American Indian Music Talk y. w. c. a: auditorium Tcsidny afternoon, Wot. 7th. at 4 A. Devoted to Strictly Hlg-h Orads rxtrsvRjanaa and Vaudeville TWICE DAILY MAT. TODAY . Sunday Matine Curtain at 8:30 A Shower cf Beauty, SCelody and Pun SAM HOWE -fflS LOUEOHMsEnS S j Brilliant neview of tU Polies Ber " sere, the rvinter Garden, Tollies of -, 1911 ana tns vuiumius i m. x. wny I 5AM BOWS AS "MOSES CO H EST, THB KEBBEW JOCKEY." OLIO OF NOVELTIES: Beulah ttallas. Coon Shouter! Poney Moor fe D. J. Davey (from London Musle Halls) I Kllllan ft Moor, Slnf- las; Duo, ax.d O'DEVIO'1 Direct from th Winter Cardan, Berlin. ' Wins; Swlnunlns; Olrls Produced from What Por th Ladies and Children Prank Clemen' World Tourlns; TRAINED CEERS VTwlVS' Only Deer Ivor Broken to Harneas. Election Returns Tuesdiy Night Irr ilcsJvr: This nhow won th high finance record iiere last season, it's up to the show now to again draw top figure, i hope It does we sure do nred the money. Go this after noon: we ll turn 'em away tonight. g. I.. JOHWSOlf. Mgr. Oayoty. Evenlnjrs and Sunday Matinee loo, SSo. 60s and 76o. wjMats. 15c & 25c Chew rem if you lis but no amoklBa; 1.AD1KS' 4 A At Any Vek TICKETS I UC Day Matinee, THEATER MATINEE NIGHT AND HIS' stTAwaa axauns, B:30( Hltrht, 8:30. Best Beats 800. BeylnDlug- Matinee Today. That Bnbbllna;, Mlrthf ulTMusioaT Whirlwind. v The Yankee Doodle Girls Parorit Brand of Burliqua, Brtffhtnod a Qirly Show Sterilized Vaudeville Acts of ExooUent Bxtravasransa. "iM sanyauis Kstraat" ana "On the Boad" V EXTRA- - EXTRA UMPIRE DILL BBEflHAfl World's Championship Series Umpire W1U Tell of th AtUletio - Giant Game. Motion Pictures of r tries. DaffydlU Contest PrUes for Best Daffy dlllo Bent Into Management Sarins; Week. 3 M v ''a m A A pera Study Ulub Box Office After November 3 P. M. Tickets 60o and fl, on sal at Jtospe's. ERICA THEATRE O. D. WOODWARD, Manager. Commencing matine today and all week with matinees Tuea., Thur., Eat., Mats. 2:15 and evenings 8:15. MISS EVA LANG and th WOODWARD STOCK CO. In the great comedy Prices: Any seat In the house 25c. week iiiv uc.ciicr Evan Williams Great Welsh Tenor RECITAL FiitsT m. k. cnrncii Tlll'RSDAY, NOV. 0. Tickets $1.50 and $1.00. On tale at A. Hospe Co. Management, Miss Blancbe Sorensou. Neit concert, Knelsel Quar tette, Nov. 21. IJL.JL1