THE OMAITA SUNDAY BKK: NOVEMBER .r, 1 " ' ' i . 1011. When the Herndon House Was Omaha's Leading Hotel iMrs. Johnson, who writes this article !i.S"lifl,Tr '-,r 3m T. Allnn. who was the landlord of the Herndon House In the ralmy days of Its iirfr, hcrore It bp came the Union Pacific headquarters.) BV JEA.V ALLAN JOHNSON. S the lmposins III rurtiif erected by the I nlon Pacific I railroad Is nearlng comple tion, a owming the cltliens of Omaha should loak upon With milch nt-Ma - , l-i uc, M i r n I rill- iniscences of the old headquarters. In former times known as the Herndon house, may prove to be of Interest. The arly settlers aa well as the progressive citizen of today may be Interested In a lew Items concerning the building and Its surroundings. . My residence In the Herndon dates from 1S60 to 1863. when Omaha was but a Milage, and when I see the Improve ments of today In that vicinity. It Is almost impossible to realise that the play irround of the children In those days is covered with buildings whose business Is counted into the millions and whose traffic extends far Into the Orient. I remember a meeting held In the Herndon In the Interest of a Pacific railway. I recall the names of T. C. JJurant. Sidney Dillon. Jack Casement and his brother Dan, Peter Dey, 8. B. Heed, and I think that George Francis Train was also present at tills conference of men who planned one of the greatest railroads of today. I well remember the arrival of the first locomotive and Its transportation on the ferry that navigated between the Iowa and .uraska banks. This was a civic vent and the entire population of Omaha m at the landing to give It a royal wel come. This and other engines were named for famous leaders of the Civil War, Grant, Sheridan and Farragut. When the road was completed to a distance of twelve miles, I enjoyed my first Journey to Bahllngs Grove, riding on a flat car with a varied crowd, squaws Included, who seemed to enjoy the short outing aa well as I did. Among the residents of the hotel at that time were Dr. and 'Mrs. E. Y. Chllde, parents of Rheta Chllde Dorr, a prominent contributor to the press. The doctor was a druggist in the Pioneer block. S. S. Caldwell and wife were permanent boarders, and Victor B. Cald well, one of Omaha's prominent bankers, was born here. Reuben Wood and wife, parents of Mrs. Judge Redick; Judge Redlck, sr., and two sons, Will and Charlie; Dr. " and Mrs. Monell, grandparents of Gilbert M. Hitch cock; W. B. Hibbard and wife, whose daughter is a teacher In the Omaha schools, were aleo Herndon boarders, as were James W. Van Nos tiand and wife. Donald B. Allan, storekeeper of the Union Pacific, has the distinction of be ing the only employe of the "Safe Road to Travel," born In the building. The register of the iierndon, now in the possession of Mr. Allan, son of the pro prietor, is quite a curiosity and con tains the names of many well known citizens of Omaha and neighboring towns. lr. R. C. Moore's signature ooks very much as it does today, when he is called to your home and attaches it to a pre scription. The signature of Casper E. Tost, as president of the Nebraska Tele phone company, compares very well with the one in the register. "U. S. Infantry" or "U. S. Cavalry" is often noticed after names. General a. M. O'Brien is registered as . "home on leave of absence." The What Women Are Doing in the World HH Omaha Woman's club has left its old quarters at the First Congregational church and has gone with Its Lares and Penates, bag and bag gage, to the new club rooms T In the Metropolitan building. Beginning this week all department and open meet ings will be held in tho new place. Dr. J. A. Jenkins will be the speaker at the meeting of the social science depart ment of the Woman's club Monday after noon at 2:30. His topic Will be "Defeo tlvea from the Viewpoint of the New Social Consciousness" and will be devel- ( opea ajong rour different lines-the defec tive in relation to th. ittn v.. priest, to the physician and to the econo mist. Th4 talk will bo followed by a dis cussion. All members of the club are in vited. Mrs. C. Vincent, leader of the current topics department of the Woman's club, has arranged a miscellaneous program for the first meeting of the season Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the auditorium of the Metropolitan building. A general review of current topics will be given and Mrs. Emmanuel Oehrle will report on the latest inventions and the lives of prominent people who have re cently died. Mrs. P. J. McMuIlen, soloist at the Kountse Memorial church, will Ing. and Mrs. Vincent O Shea, a member of the governing board of the Story Tell ers' league, will tell a story. Mrs. A. K. Gault will report on the re cent Cpnservation congress held in Kan sas City. Mrs. C. M. Downs will review Olive Shrlner's recent book, "Woman and I-abor," of which Mrs. Maud Balllngton Boom said, "n J, one of the greatest books of the century." A demonstration of asbestos goods will complete this mis cellaneous program. Rev. Frederick T. Rouse will be the speaker at the meeting of the philosophy department of the Woman's club Tues day at 4 p. m. Mr. J. II. Slmma will give a talk on The Organ and Organ Music" at the meeting of the music department of the Woman's club Thursday afternoon and a miscellaneous musical program arranged by Mrs. J. E. Pulver will be given. Mrs. a. E. Pry son will be leader of the art department f the Woman's club at Thursday morning's meeting. The life and paintings of Peter Paul Rubens will be studied. The oratory department of the Woman's club will meet Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. The Daughters of the American Revoliv tion will be entertained Monday after noon at the home of Mrs. George B. Darr, V2 Bouth Thirty-eighth street. There will be several out-of-town guests. Mrs. Abra ham Allee of San Francisco and Mrs. Cbartcs & UbUi.;lfr f iUolia, p. I, g ' , I . K 1 Epoerzetbr tfzxixer norma register also shows Andrew Johnson, D. C; W. T. Bherman, St A. D: Bal comb and family, Winnebago Agency; Governor Alvln Saunders. The theatrical profession is represented in the names of C. W. Couldock and "Yankee" Robin son, "Grand Caravan Nine Shows In One" In bold letters on the register with a long list of performers. Their tent was pitched where thp Hotel Bailey Is located on Ninth and Farnam. Other lamiliar names are W. J. Broatch, U. 8. A.; J. H. and Milton Barlow, Jack Morrow, H. P. Deuel, C. F. Catlin. J. E. Boyd, George W. Nail, W. U. Tel. Co.; C. W. Lyman, Rev. Herman, who was the first principal of Brownell Hall; also Rev. George C. Betts. a former rector of St. Barnabas and Trinity, which in the early days was a little chapel at the south west . corner of Ninth and Farnam. George Francis Train, New York, In a bold hand is quite characteristic of the person, accompanied by Mrs. Train, Miss Belle Train and maiu; J. Sterling Morton, Nebraska City, and General G. M. Dodge, U. S. A,, are familiar names. Notwith standing the inconvenience of traveling In those days, the register shows names of sojourners from all points in the United States, and even far away Russia has a citlien of Moscow registered. During the war. Generals Mitchell, Craig, Curtis and staffs ma Je the ho tel their headquarters. The pure food both formerly of Omaha, and Mrs. D. VV. Blcknell of Council Bluffs. Mrs. Blcknell will tell the Daughers about the "Block Certificate," the method originated by Mrs. Block of Chi cago for paying off the Indebtedness on Continental hall, the national headquar ters of the Daughters of the American Revolution, at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Walter Williams will report the social doings of the recent conference of the state Daughters of the American Revolution at Kearney, and Mrs. C. II. Aull will report the business sessions. The regular program will consist of an historical reading by Mrs. J. W. Griffith, a paper on "Home, Sweet Home," by Mrs. Philip Potter; a recitation, "The Man Without a Country," byMlss A. Roberts, and several musical numbers. , Mrs. A. L. Patrick will lead the meet ing of Mu Sigma Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. W. Guenther. "Shakespeare, the Poet," will be the topic of the meeting. Mrs. S. R. Lund will give a readig from the sonnets, and Mrs. N. P. Fell will talk on "Shakespeare's Friends The department of literature will give a program on the writings of Edgar Allen Poe at Tuesday's meeting of the Century Literary club of South Omaha. Mrs. A. J. Randall will lead the meeting and nil read a paper on "The Short Story of Ingenuity." Mrs. N. M. Graham will read selections from "The Gold Bug." There will be a class discussion on whether Poe's stories bear rereading, as do the stories with more character Interest. Prof. Paul II. Grumann's lecture Mon day afternoon at the Young Women's Christian association will be on "Thor" and "Donar" of German mythology and on Wagner's "Tannhauser." The Persian history class, under the direction of Mrs. Ida Hanchett, will meet Tuesday at 10 a. m. at the public library. Mrs. Hanchett'a French history class will meet at the library Friday morning at 10. The Pleiades, a club of seven slaters-ln-law, enjoyed a Longfellow day Wednes day at the home of Mrs. E. Erwln. Papers were read on Lonfellow as a man and as a poet. Hallowe'en Ideas were carried out In house decoration and re freshments. Mrs. F- W. Lehnhoff will be hostess of the meeting of the P. E. O. sisterhood Thursday. Mrs. O. II. Menold and Mrs. Bryant are the committee In charge and Mrs. T. H. Matters will tell about ber travels abroad. The American Women's league will open a women's exchange In room 223. In the Board of Trade building Saturday morning, and will hold the exchange there every Saturday, It will be a sort of fair at which women may sell their own wares and buy those of others. The counters will contain foods of different kinds breads, cake, pie. Jellies, preserves, pickles, freh eggs and other products, and also aprons, neckwear and other articles of wearing apparel, fancy work and household goods. Tea will be served. The league will require 23 ir cent of DGMLD, BUDWGTOTrAZLAtf Inspectors of today would have been horrified could they have seen the bacon and hard tack stacked up exposed to germs In a store room under the build ing, used for a commissary. When news of a victory for the north was received in Omaha an Illumination, which consisted of wooden brackets with holes for candles placed In rows across the windows, until the whole building was lighted, was considered something fine; but this would look quite dim when compared with the electric lights of to day, but we had "candle power." The reslent boarders were allowed lamps, but the trannlents were supplied with candles. There was no "hot air" in the early days, and I often think it a mlraole that we survived the winters with wood only for fuel, the supply at times being green Cottonwood, in a few stoves distributed throughout the build ing. But as many, of the occupants have lived to an advanced age, the atmosphere may have been better than that of the overheated homes of today. We had the honor to entertain General sales made, the money to be used toward putting up a chapter house in Omaha. The women who will have charge of the opening Saturday are Mesdames Clara E. Burbunk, W. B. Howard, Carrie O. Scott, J. M. Sturdevant, Ida Ilium, Robert Allen, Jeannctte White. The annual distribution of garments to the hospitals and charitable institutions of the city by the Needlework guild, will be made Thursday afternoon at the Jacobs Memorial hall. MUCH IN STORE FOR SOCIETY (Continued from Page Two.) High school and Mr. McAliaster, a senior. Miss Edwards finished school at Miss Mason's, The Castle at Tarry town-on-the-Hudson, and Mr. McAliaster attended the University of Nebraska, where he was a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. The wedding will take place Tuesday evening December 19 at the First Con gregational church, after which they will reside at Oakland, where Mr. McAliaster Is In business with his father who is land commissioner for the Southern Pa cific Mr. and Mrs. J. Patteison of Denlson, la., announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Olive, to Dr. Charles M. Remsen, late surgeon, In charge of Johns Hopkins hospital. Dr. Remsen Is the son of President Ira Remsen of Johns Hopkins university. Miss Tatter son is the daughter of a prominent re tired banker of Iowa and Is well known TRIMMEII HATS Monday and Tuesday only, 200 Trimmed Hats. Real $10 and $15 values 92.05 and $4.93. 2nd Floor Over McCrorey't 8 and 10 Cent Stor SBasassSIBBISBBSS W. T. Sherman ami elaborate prepara tions were made for his reception. New silver and crockery wero purchased anfl the best the market afforded was secured for him. When his son. Father Sherman, visited Oeihton university, I had the pleasure or meeting him and rcealltiiu reminiscences of his father. We depended largely upon boats ly. In between Omnlui ami St. Joseph for supples ami luxuries. I recall the. J. H. I. acey, named for one of Omaha's prom inent cltlaens; the Colorado, Glasgow, Denver, Kate Kinney, etc. W. W. Cope land was a clerk on one of these and II. 1. IVupI was at one tlmo steamboat gent. Tho society of the town would take advantage of the anchorage of one of these boats to have daiuMnc parties on it beforo the return trip to St. Joseph. Ono of tho popular clerkn of the hotel was Daniel Webster Hitchcock, who afterward become nn estimable employe of the "ovciland," general passenger BKcnt in n Francisco. The basement of the Herndon was for a time urcd as Jail for United States prisoners, when the present president of o? the Nobraska Telephone company. C. E. Tost, was United States marshal. At one tlmo tho citlxens were very much excited over an expected attack by Indians, and the hotel was to be the shelter for the women and children, but the raid faied to materialize. The offices now occupied by the freight department were used by the Overland stage line. Regular trips were made lo the west and on their return carried much treasure In gold dust and nusuets. One party, en their return east after hnvlntr struck It rich, tarrlrd a few days In Omaha to celebrate and partook too lavishly of liquid refreshments. What could not be Imbibed was distributed over a new carpet. But they had plenty and paid well for It in nugget. The safe at the hotel held fortunes In those days. The dining room, now occupied by the passenger department, was a large one and the only place that afforded space enough for the balls and dunces attended by Omaha's smart set. Quadrllls and the lancers seemed to be the favorites, with ox-caslonally a waits or the varsovlenne. The steward or a colored waiter would "call off and Aaron Cahn and Byron Reed help out with their violins. Christ mas was celebrated one year with a danoe and a huge tree donated and trimmed by the resident bonrders. Gcorgo Francis Train entertained tho assem blage with stories and a Chinese dance which was novel and amusing. Enter tainments were also given for the bene fit of the soldiers, consisting of concerts, tableaux, etc.. In which Miss Gussle KBtabrook, who married Colonel R c. Clowry, and Maggie Ingnlls, now Mrs. Marc Peck, played prominent parts, a stage and scenery being used. A family named Ralston, whose daugh ter In after years contracted a secret marriage with the famous bandit, Jesse James, tarried a few days at the hotel. She visited Omaha In 1876 or 1877, but none of her friends knew of this mar riage. The old Union Pacific headquarters will soon be vacated and the army of employes be at home In a magnificent building, but It will be left with some feeling of regret, as expressed by a prom inent official a few days ago, on account of the ansoclatlons. For my part, I look back to some of the happiest hours of my life spent In and around this old landmark of a busy and progressive city. In Omaha, having visited often at the home of her uncle, Mr. D. C. Patterson. She is a graduate of Brownell Hall and also of National Park seminary at Wash ington, D. C. Miss Helen Davis and Miss Miriam Patterson have recently enter tained her in this city. Personal Gossip Miss Mabel Balcombe has left to spend the winter in New York. Mr. H. D. Neely and Mr. O. .11. Wlrth have returned from a ten days hunting trip. Dr.' and Mrs. C. II. Root have re turned from their wedding trip in the east. Mrs. Joseph Baldrtge expects her father, Mr. B. F. Smith, to spend Thanksgiving with her. Mrs. Herman Kountze Is expected Tues day from the east, where she has been all summer. Prof, and Mrs, Wendland of Mlnden, Neb., are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Pulver. Mrs. Julius Kessler, who has been vis iting her sister In Cedar Rapids, la., has returned home. Mrs. P. H. Updike and daughter, Mar jory, of Los Angeles, are the guests of Mrs. Edward Updike. Mrs. Kenneth Eyland of Brooklyn, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. George W. Johnston, leaves today. Mrs. O. H. Wlrth and Mrs. J. A. OKeefe have returned from a visit to St. Joseph and Kansas City, Mrs. C. K. Coutant is at the Colonial REMARKABLE SALE ON DRESSES 300 Dresses that vary in former prices irom $39 to $45 $1S00 and S19S0 MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLYilsi This sale will Include dresties that arc suitable f or A' ; ; every occasion from the plain nnd neatly tu'.lored herges .iWV for street wear, to the duiiitiemi una niohi uiuumui ereu- ti'-v. tions for evening and party wear. These latter Iniiuoo K'fil some truly beautiful designa in chiffon and crupe drapeu 1 f , over n essalino of thiH season's newest and softest shades h : AlhO a few spangle and hammered silver trimmed guw lis . IV t.r dculKiiei by UedfiTn and Uih original ljicile. A very few ljllll girlish deKlgns beautifully trimmed Willi fur. It will be neeem-ary for you to Hht, to thoroughly appreciate the magnitude opportunity presented. riCTTICOATtf Monday and Tueaday only, SOi) Mescaline and pure oil boiled Taffeta i'ettlooutM gar ments' that are thoroughly gtiurutiteud to please YOU. IS O" values, iu all the new wanted shades S1.7S. THE FAMOUS Sixteenth and Farnam SlUHHE HACAROM N Finds New- Life In It. Ills Mood Is InvlMoru ted; lie tissues: main Htroncer by duilv ratinir or Sklneer's Macaroni nnd Spaghetti. It Is mmts under scrupulously clean con ditions and is packed In dustproof packages. Food inspectors kIvh it positive endorsement. M'tnner's t.i I.'m k in I , yon 6117 (li;ai;. lVee Mrs. MncMur phy's hook of 100 best recipes. Skinner Manufacturing Company, Omaha. American Woman's League Will open a WOMAN'S KXrilAMlK In Room i.i. Hoard of Trade building. Sat urday Novenuiir 1th. HlRtl olans Art tlonds for the holldiy trade. Also Japanese tea "while you look." Home Cooking and Jellies on sale every Saturday, for the winter, having rented her house to Mr. and Mrs. louls Nash. A son, Colt O. Campbell, Jr., was born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Colt 11. Caniptell, 1S5 North Thirty-fifth street. Mrs. H. 1 Cady has been railed to California by the sudden Illness of her son-in-law, Mr. Allan M. Robinson. Mrs. W. I. Putton, 2:1 Matiderson street, has returned after a visit of six weeks with her son. Dr. I'allon In Chl Cngo. ' Miss Gwendoline White lias returned from Fort Ieaven worth, where she was the guest of Captain and Mrs. Samuel Noyes. Mrs. Harry Street, who has been visit Ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wakefield, returned to Chicago Friday evening. Mihh Margaret Howard of Ord, Neb., Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Howard, and will attend the state teach ers' meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Tom S. Kelly have re turned from a two weeks' nip on the Pa clfto coast and have taken apartments at the Potter tor. the winter. , Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Weakly of Aurora, III., and Miss Alice McCullouith are spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. XV. McCulloiigh at tho .Wlnona. ... Dr. Roper Throop Vuughan of Chi cago whose wedding to Miss Louise Ixrd takes place Thursday evening, arrived this morning to be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Lord. Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Brien arrived In Omaha Thursday from their wedding trip, and will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. O'Brien, at the Hamilton, un til their own apartment Is ready. Dr. and Mrs. Robert llolllnter have re turned from their wedding trip to Wyo ming and are with Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Holdrege at the New Hamilton until their home In Dundee Is ready, Miss Charlotte Flke will leave Wednes day for Redlands, Cel. Miss Clara Mason has ns her guest at the Madison hotel her sister, Mrs. George F. Houscwoeth of Long Beach, Cul. Mr. James Fair and his mother, Mrs. Campbell Fair, have taken the I.emlut home for the winter. Mi's. Fair Is at present In Baltimore undergoing treat ment for a full at Slasconsct in the sum mer, which Injured her shoulder, voice study with Harry Rowe Sholley, Mr. Samuel Burns will give up his resi dence on Bouth Fortieth street and will resldo with Mr. and Mrs. Osgood T. East man. His son, Mr. Robert Burns, will make his horns with Mr, and Ms. C. T. Kountze. Mrs. Charles Rush of St. Joseph, Mo., is visiting her sister, Miss Marie Adslt, dean of women at Bollevue college. Mrs, Rush Is president of the city federation of the St. Joseph women's clubs. In her honor a reception will be given at the college this evening Mr. W. B. Smith, the new vice president of the Union "Pacific, who will come from Chicago, has lcae1 the B. T. White residence on South Thirty-second avenue and will take possession November It. Mrs. White and family will move to 110 South. Thirty-eighth street. Miss Miriam Patterson will leave Tues day for Chicago, where she and Miss Louise Dinning are to be bridesmaids for Miss Hasel Ford, whose marriage to Mr. Joseph Wilson takes 4laco Tuesday, No vember H. From Chicago Miss Patter son will go on to New York to resume gooa uepiimiuiiie if j these orierinfcs of the suviiikh Take th Elevator and Sav3 Money Xmr Grandoi ,rj h i 1 HI J I f in I i St 7 m m w I i VI 1 The Great Point in Dia mond I J?) v-" the nccumulntod c.vperl- I l J pnoe of a dealer who has r ' V ,lrou ,olnK 'tho lPadinn I . . ..- 1 diamond business of !w'''i'i.'ii l V-A Omaha for more than twenty-one years. Tho Block Is largo and Is composed of line, while, brilliant stones that are priced as low as In any store In thU country for the quality. You should mnko a diamond purchase non. for It Is Just like depositing money In a snvlngs bnnk, except that you get the worth of our money In pleasure while you are saving It. Dia mond Increase In value, giving you a greater Interest on the money Invented than will bo paid by banks. AVhru you buy a diamond you are not spending your money you aro investing It. ltcmember this fact, and you will buy ruoro diamonds. Don't Merely Buy Invest ALBERT EDHOLM. Jeweler. Sixteenth and Harney Streets The Herpicide Girl Y...y.: y mi mi V . :wv?.;i- (: to WarCVttvl Herpicide U the origin . u' r U the dandruff germ, pre S.-K'K ' ' i "-.; tls Itching of tho sc tint fr. y..tA ulna Herpicide and be mm Rend lOo In postage for a nice sam- Kor snle by all drugoists. One rle und booklet on "Tho Hair and Its I dollar bottles guaranteed. Appll are" lo 'lit Herpicide Co., Dept. S7H, rations obtained at good barber Pot roll. Mich. I snops. v SBSaucAW A MoCOWHTJLI. SBVO CO., Cor. 10th and Sodgs, Cor. 16th and Harney. Cor. Sth and rarnam, 807-809 Fneclal Moith.ltitu Bt.-l.oyal Hotel. Agents. yOST-High Grade Furs I EXPERT REMODELING JLL mriier uoth and Fsrnam; Telephone Douglas 3040. sf It's tho Stylo not tho Prico that attracts the woman's eys to sonosis shoes The new stub high toes In Tan and iilacli leathers and fabrics at $4.00 per pair, have no equal at any price. The dull leath ers are the extremely up to date pattums at 53.00 Pet our windows of Artistic Footweur for Women. 203 S. 15th Street. FRANK WILCOX i " 1 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Is tbe Leading Agricultural Journal of tho west. Its columns are flllot! with thi best thought of the day iu matters lartaiutn to tho f tnu, tho ranch and tbe orchard, nnd it u a factor in tu' develonuuut of the treat western country. Buying: It Is a great mistake to purchase I'rom those deial rrs whom you do not know. Tho great point In buy ing diamonds la to be cer tain of your dualer. The Edholm reputation has bo long beon established and this house bas been sell ing dlnmondrt for so long to people who demand tho best, that tho reliability and character of this store are unquestioned. One who buys here pets .J With More Advice on the Care of the Hair. If every woman would do as I tell her, the makers of puffs, switches, transfor ' - motions, rats, etc., would have to go out of business. Wash the hair frequently, using Herpicide Soap. Apply Newbro's Herpicide regularly, twice or three tlmos every week and watch the results. The change will be a roost surpris ing one. Let me show you a letter from mv 4 friend, Mrs. Dr. Dest of Cottage Grove, Oregon, she says; "I ean say from experience that Xew oro's Kerplolde Is the most wonderful hair grower auA dandrnlf remover that was ever made. After using- it for some lime will say that I am greatly pleased. Kerplolde la a splendid preparation." Herpicide makes the hair beautiful, allowing It to grow naturally and luxur iantly. Other preparations are claimed bo "Just as Rood," but Newbro's original remedy, it kills , prevents falling hair, o scalp. Ask for gen be sure you get it. DRS. MACH & MACH luocessors to BAILEY Cl MACH BEHTXSTB Neatest equipped dental office In Omaha. Highest grade dentistry at reasonable prices Porcelain fillings. Just like the tooth. All instruments carefully sterilised after each opera tion. Oor. Iflth and JTarosm sjts. man riioost rixioa block Dreshers Want To Clean Your Velvet Clothes i Omaha's Only Special Velvet Cleaning Equipment Is In Use at This Plant. Beforo you leave a velvot suit or overcoat with any clcanliiff establish ment. Inquire Into Its facilities for handling garments of velvet. Velvet garments, to be restored and put into condition rightly, inuat first be thoroughly dry cleaned, then steamed with a special equipment; always under the eyes of one who knows the char acteristics of velvet. Presher Bros., at 221 1-2213 Farnam. St., have the only specially designed velvet renewing equipnvent in Omaha, and employ the only expert whose time Is spent on velvets only. When you receive garments from here the velvet will have its original, crisp, "pile" or nap; and note this, r:VKU cleaning' establishment CANNOT bring about tills re cult. Charges for this work 3 to $3. Phone Tyler 1300 or Auta. A-2225, or leave your work at the plant or at hranclt station In l'ompelan ltooni of The l;rui)i-lols ritoros or at Ureshor, The Tailors, 1515 Furnam St Dreshers pay cspres one way on out of town shipments amounting to S3 or over. fctop In and see the equipment for handling velvet. If