Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 14

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Thii Week First of Debutante. CcJ
Into Whirl of Social Eet.
caud for Eors at fost chook
Omaha Aboat to "ay l"rrwH
Ob of It team Womrn, W bo
Con tn hlro, larr
to llcalde.
Result of School Romance
Mortal Calendar.
MONDAT Mrs. II. W. late anil M
Dorothy Aiugait, luurutun lor
Ixiu.fte Loi.l. jiihH (Uatu )uilki.k. u, li
ner at homo Hoitl K'l Wufciu:i l-'i'l, juiuur uvjj i.-u
party at limiiibcr .
TnKe.UA V .vii (natlya d.niier
for Yniiglian-L'i M oiiiK ii'.i.
Hev. ami Mrs. A. 1 viiiu.n., minimal
ret'epiitiii; &ni. J. A. I'.i.'-, I i..un
tor Ml OiuilDttt' 1 iko ami Mi.. .. ii.
ttoot; Mm. li .; I'aiin, ffciino nJi'i
J. Holme. I ill vi rJi i .ii. ,
(If laid VMmrl'iti. tui-ulfi P"'-) "
Marjorio Kii'iun i.i Ann. n, I:i-i.
W k.l..iliA i - i 'I . Him M i rf. . I Lrd,
dinner al urnul.i c: Hi it i. ikinn-
jrd Veildii.u, l any; Sii. I '" H
lifnry Davi, u.ici uuuri i'c;'.n unJ
Ivi niKK tiiiii'i- I"'. i in Im'iIi
Davln; Mi', and Mii. A. II. .'' 'nun II,
evening ln'!ii. iiu 'ii..iii! i.i. 11 iu.
hkiiMlti' nl hull Ii.m.i., .!.. !. J.
I11K ri wi anil .Vir;-. j . ... .ui. Auc
turn lu iuf ( Hill.
TlllRiAi-H fiUni; i.f l."til
laird and IT. hi . i 'i.ii.nji V f. js'.-ihi.
Mil. Julili Wi-lisiri "ii. .'.1 , tia. . ..
Ruth Hammer, Inr.Cin-uii Omaha
t'uo. ...
FK1UAY Hon nt Fort I'rouU; inf. John
Wehslcr Yowir. I
HATl'KHAY VM'.l.-i .i- dub danro at
I Chainbei '.
Th untl tiio bildc hav
been having th.n, ail tlimr own way
lately a dt-bulaiitr anU brldr always do
Vrhen they "tome out ' aid arc niarrld.
Last week Omaha '.:. !y mul farewell
to on of h pupular iIao.,liii 1 vvln.11
Miss I;rownlu lies liauni win mu ". i to
John Uouid ltouio nf LuUinuiie. This
week It will lore another tf It.i attr.-i tlva
young members when Mian Louisa lai:4
become the brldo of It. Hotter Tliioop
.VauKhan of Chicago Thuraiiaj.
Thla week aUo tha f;rt of the dcb itantet
rlll be unherrd Into the anu'.ul whirl.
Thla It MU Klltubclli IjvU, Untightcr
of air. and Mr. Krcdeiivk llrnry liuvla,
and gucn of Ak-Sar-Hon. S-h will bo
introduce4 at an atteinjon rrccptlon and
venUig coffca at the Davis lioma
The flral of the debutante parUen wat
given Faturday evtnin:; when Jlisi Mury
Jtlngwalt cntartalnvd tho uiIht ticbututilca
avad lha men of tho youuiHr aot ul an
veiling coffee.
Ultia Itlugwalt will make her formal
Aebul later at a reception and luma
warming to be given by her parents, Mr.
and Mra. T. U Itln'gwalt. when thetr new
bonis Is comi'leud.
Heveral of the liebutanten are entertain
ing out-of-town guerte for whom a num
ber of Informal affalra have been planned,
ror Mine Marjorle Blewarl of Muni 00,
Ind., who wiU arrive Monday to vlult
Mlae Elisabeth tavla. Mr. Gerald Whar
ton will give a lheatrrv4ar(y Tuesday
venlng. Tttumuuy Mia I'.uth ilammor
will give a luticlition ,at the Omul. a. Club
for the vlaitlng young women. Wednesday,
November li, MU Mildred Uutler will
entertain at afternoon bridge for Mlaa
Stewart; MU Kontug, who arrived Sjttur-
day from Kvat)vllle, lnd., to vlntt Mia
Elisabeth Bruce; MIhi Dorothy Miller of
Lafayette, lnd., the gueat of Ml Kuther
In 9 Ueeton, and Ml Van Zll of New
York, gurat of Mix Dorothy lull. Other
Affair are being )!tmned for the v'ltoi,
Servant I'roblem lolved.
X well Known buohe or Of Omaha be
lieve that be baa solved the aorvant
(irobiem which ha battled all the houee
Wlvea. At the home of ttiU dterernlni bachiu
a colored "n.ainmy," who was born In
slavery and who came north after "the
'," ha preclded over affairs cullnory
for several year. Iter southern cotkery
corn pone, beaten buoult, Maryland
rhlcken, etc. mnke hrr a preclou ros
seaslon In the household. Ho much no
that each member takea particular pains
to keep the queen of tho oulaln at a
lilgh pitch of goiid nature.
Thinking that be noticed a tract of d!-
m:s " ;;5c;4
r,k - i'?- , V- .'"4 'V.V
South 16th. St.
Special Display of
New Coats
These smart new
models will answer
every women's need
Garments Hint nrc practical
and attractive. They are de-
signed for shopping, motoring
and social functions.
Large re vers, deep pointed
enffs and cape collars lend a
distinct outdoor atmosphere to
several of the newest models.
The materials most favored are
tho two-pile fabrics ard nov
elty tweeds, corduroys r.nd vel
vets. prices range:
ffw MMkm
j ii I
7 u J r !?
I u 1 I
am. w jr. n I ;I H i . 1 I I Ji
111 - -- " BBlaJiJtM':
The engnnemri.1. of Mlaa Ilernlre Fdwarda to Mr. Turner Me. Master of Oak
land, C'al., I unnouiu rd 0y her paiciiln. Mr. and Mrs. Albert O. Edwarda.
New Styles
Specially Designed
Yinter Suits
Women may dress comfort
ably in these warm, interlined
suits for the coldest wintry
days. Aside from the interlin
ings the materials are weights
especially adaptable for winter
wear. In the pile fabrics are
the beautiful velvets and cor
duroys for calling gowns and
afternoon dresses. Imported
suitings and heavy serges are
shown in many smoothly fash
ioned suits for motoring, shop
ping and general street wear.
Our styles are so varied that
every woman should find selec
tions in any of the materials at
any price.
prices range:
content, tho bachelor son of the houre
qii'.ftly "sllppfd" tho colored mammy a
olear. llroad sinlies and restored good
nature wa th result, ho now whenever
the young mnn has an impression that
clouds art brewing In, the domextlo firma
ment ht prooneds to cull In th service
pt my tdy Nicotine to cliao them away.
The other members of th family do not
know why tho household is constantly In
smooth running order.
Parties at Port Crook. 1
Tha ladle and officer of Fort Crook
laeued Invitations Saturday for th winter
Met of hop to be given at the pout.
Th dancing pactlc will be given on th
eonn A and fourth Friday of each month.
tai ling Friday evening, November 19, to
April. 1811. Inclusive.
Th. hoM'Wiil be at ISO at the post
gymnasium and a large number of guests
trom Omaha and Fort Omaha art plan
ning to attend.
Last year Invitations were lesued for
each fcovi, but thl season It wa decided
by tha commute !u charge to end In
vitations for the entlr series.
The hop committer Includes Captain
Ncsbit, Ctptaln Martin, Lieutenant Soott.
Lieutenant Dow-man
lnd Lieutenant WU-
Coming Out This Week
X f
r "
Va xakrth Iavi. dauahtrr of Mr. and Kir. PVvderick Ifenrr Davis,
to ti f :.-it ut l-o mmii drbtitAiiira. fl wUi be Hit nnlvu tU at afterooxa r.
pi:va (jiiuntj by -i tvci::. kj.'Jw it tt jj-ttcr svt. 4uwKtgf sit Ul
Pleasures Past
. . ' i ' i .,.
. Ml Qertrude Whit entertained at
bridge Saturday afternoon for Mts. H, W.
Smith and Mrs. II. W. Caprn, two re
cnt brldos. 81x tables of players were
Mr. W. W. Davl and Mrs. W. F.
Truelsen gave a matinee party at tha
Orpheum. Saturday for Mrs. Edith Lloyd
of Kanaa City. Tho other guest were
Mesdames P. O. Mlttolbach, Olon Carter,
(Juy Fleminlng. T. M. Murphy and I. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Drandes enter
tained at a large reception Wednesday
evening In honor of Mr. and Mr. Oscar
Kusnn. whose wedding took place
Wednesday afternoon. .About SW f.uents
W:t present. The reception and dance
wa given at the German Home.
Mrs. Jojeph Welxenbach gave a din
ner party last evening In honor of Mts
Harriett Petersen and Margaret Yocum,
who have Just returned from tho east
Those present wer Mlrec Peggy Peter
ren, Francis Kleman, Harriett Petersen.
Margvierltta McMlchael, Csrrlo Ue:iter
and Margaret Vocunv.
.r. and Mr. A. B. Hunt entertained at
inner Friday evening at their home,
ollowed by an Informal musical, la bonor
)f Mr. Fred Packett of Minneapolis
Mr. and Mra. J3L M. Meters n',.H
at dinner at their apartment at tbe Ito-
and last Thursday In honor of lion n
E. Thomson of Mexico.
&ilas Stella Hamilton antertalned at dm.
ner Saturday evening at her horn In
honor f th Omaha ueoule who i.mW tha
trip together recently throush Cuilfornla
to mo private ear or F. A. Nah. Includ
ing Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nash. Mr. ami
Mrs. Ward nurgs. Tho ether guesti
wer Mr. and Mr. Frank Hamilton Mr
ana wv. W. E. Dixon. Mr i.uth
Mr. and Mrs. James Morton ntriain..i
l.r air. and Mrs. Walter Morton Thur
t'.ay evening. About thirty iumi n-.r.
Frttent. a program was given and those. ran were Mlstes Varda and Alti
ituger, Misses Mabel and Jesala LHjty,
Ml.s Nlcum. Miss Klcharda. Mr. nichard
Clark. Mr. William ITentlss and Master
LUwln Clark. Mra Morton was assisted
by Mrs. Xdthaniol McOUfln, Mrs. Uobert
Morton, ?r. Carter. OooJsell.
Mrs. Henry H. lmere was hostess
Thyrsday at a luncheon at th. Omaha
club, when Mr. Harry Street of Chicago
the guest of honor, and the other
foists wct-e Mrs. A. M. Hosera, Mrs. C. C.
Ceorg. Miss Howe of Cotvcord. Mr.
Ucorge Johriaton. Miss Fyland of Soux
Ctly. Mrs. Arthur Keline, Mra. Barton
M.llard and Mrs. Arthur Cooley. Lunch
u followed by a box party at the
Xir. ai.d Mr. David Cold gave a beau-
t. fully appointed dluner Friday evening
in honor of Mr. and Mra. Mel Chi. who
will Wat. wvu to bpend the winter ia
Califcrnia. The tablo was decorated with
low mound titnk Klllarnav nia.
combined with quaDtillcs of tela kites.
thus present were:
Mr. ar.l Mr. Mel Chi
Kev. and Mra. Milton B. Williams.
Mr. and Mr. K. A. IVnxon.
Mr. and Mr. W. L. frelby.
Mr. a;id Mrs. J. W. Towle.
arid Mrs Uor!j. Mickle.
Mr. and Mrs. F. i. Norton.
Mr. snd Mrs. Char) vt rtrht.
Mr. u l Mrs. Chart. A. tioM,
Mr. and Mrs. 1 a.d Col
Mr. and Mrs. Charles MarJn enter.
talned at a travel gu. party fturd.iy
enin at th.. hnm tt V v att.l l w
F. Faxker tn hoaor of Mr. and Oeorge
Ltorkar and Mr. and Mrs. Jaa.tA Rarkp
!J. Th first picture show a were of
rew Torg City. There wer. moxln,
pictures of streata scenes and then of th
trip across th. Atlaatlc. Sttreoptlcoo
views of Parts were sivrn. Including mov
'nrr p.cture of a drive on O Champa
Mjw. . Ptctur3o.u ttiUtany wa axt
Then cam Interest'.ns; pletv rt of a trti
throtUih Spain. Including street scene. In
Hraai.wa a-t a. klt UJ ta, Ma
Her Engagement Announced
t ' , ' I s .
- -' 'I ; . . - ; 'I
x I
p-:r, ... .... )
l . V. . N ?
?. ...... . ... v
f ' : - , . . , " I
1 H I fVtoV J.ji.o "I' -in. v ; . V, 4-iK-N5 I m
Monday's Remarkable Sale
Natural W avy Switches
At One-Half the Regular Prices
We secured a tremendous quantity of fine quality
hair at prices which will enable us to offer some extra
ordinary values for Monday. This sale offers exceptional
opportunity to purchase hitrh
yVj-V rrflrla RotvUo,. lTn! n.l.. 4.
. imjr . J at I-X -w aXIlt VJVtUO A B.
rQm. half the usual values.
jt-:,,' : rata .
rrZ':t?zP 20-in. Natural Wavy. 1 OA
Bii:,';.v,- ..iirVS Switches at r tax.tltJ
F.M?h&$& 24-in. Natural Wavy C . AO
V Switches at Cl.eFO
.tJawiVS O? XT.,i 1 IT A.
-u-iju. jnututitt itavj' j yy
Switches at VO-JO
28-in. Natural Wavy ?& no
Switches at vi.t5
30-in. Natural Wavy &A AO
Switches at i.JO
btCOnd Floor Unsurpassed assortment of Waves.
lJOmjeian licom Transformations, Hair Rolls, Nots.
Harold Woolf. Earl Kennan, Kdgar
Leaverton, William Fowler, William
Stevens and Lawrence Adams.
For the Future
Attractive colored plutea and moving
pictures of Tangier finished the enter
tainment. About forty guests of tu
younger set were present.
Miss Itulcn uiwits entertained, seveia.
of her high school (rlenda at a Hallowe ..
party at her homo. 'Alt North Twciuy-iu-oad
tUeet. Friday cveultig. A ll&l'.ow c.
schema of vlocoratioaj was cu.-rioU ovi.
and several Interest, ng featurj ap-
proprlat tj tho occao-un were arranged.
boss picsen; wer:
Misse Mint.. .
Ijiu.a x.lmmermn, t:yrd,
girl of Trinity cathedral, gav a Hal
loween party at Jacobs' Memorial halt
1'hursday evening. Th. next dance will
U9 November li. Those present Thursday
Miasea Mlssea
etrice Taocock, Oliv. iientley,
ju.ty lilttguis, Anna xioovei'.
aiTne burcamor. Sidney ctkobins.
l.uclle Felicia,
ituih tiglo,
l rd,
t ii'irnci Lake,
Ka-.r.e. mo all&:
lve.v)--. c;.v.ts.
alvor illxertaugh, Lainvm Ita.T.r.rcO,
Frank IlixenbaJaO, l suooa.
lUii'a Curuty, howm;c.
Mis Lmu:u Johcoa tnttrtalced at th
hum ut htr s.s'.er. Mrs. John ii- Vt-uuj,
evening In hoacr ct Xi4 Ccel.a raul.
son, who ieavtw sooo Ijt an exverdad t.-.v
througlt Luroi. 'f!. evej.inj waj sreut
la aud i:.uj.c. "i.z rooms v..'.
decoiaied In p::.k ai-d white tt-j-i- Tiic
priv.til uurt:
tUry Camer,
Krajvces Todd,
Hetty tlkuis.
Sophia Anuerson,
Amelia Co.Siiu,
E. Colver
Charles Keller, .
Harry Easton.
1 Oranu S ykoff, .
Donuld Altchisou,
Howard vllson,
Kdward Pat:oi,
Frederick btebbeus,
L. JUllcr.
A. iaD-OClt.
I'ln u Samuciton,
Ida r luden,
I.I v eiibcrv.
llt'.iu.a l at lsoo,
Janmo A . .
Lusi lou.rmyer,
s-utia Larson.
oai.a Smuiurf,
iiary O Hricu.
t.'uitn KikaaUs.
Isaoelle MtryKer,
Oforg a, Urevg,
Hla Young,
nlerauret Vuung.
iiUn lnt.
A. U. KiK-hford.
.V. A. Smith.
J. 1- Toupit.
M jucs itanson,
fraian liaor.a,
1 . u .lU.iiiKn,
Anna, Lynch.
, u.ace,
Aii.ia iluvey,
Kutii Uim,
lUivena ui uioraorrt,
Laiii. 'i lauoien,
Ltnl ilreger,
Au.ustu. uioosch,
Anna Alius,
An: a Had.
tJi:oi J a.
J(. it en,
P. .lsn.
Mr. CeorT Earker an J Hrs. Cuar'.es
Martin entr:alnl Inform-ill at lum'bwn
Fr.ds la honor f Mr. J. W. UnJagifr.
Cov?rj wers piaci for
aluiirtd Collins,
Adeline Wykoxt.
lvesj HealoQ,
Lola Lyru,
Mrie MUTin,
Marion Uency,
lUro.d lwls.
Ktlso Morgan,
Forest kiyrd.
bumner oiebblu,
H. It. KumI,
H. C. Consdll,
. H. tophia,
O. M. Show,
Itf. and 11. s. F
l't.n and Mrs. J
Airs. Carrier,
Mr-. J. U CoUlDJ.
Mr. and Mm. B. P. Wool! celebrated
their tweuty-tifth WL-aduij anmvtrsary
Wednesday viiiai. Mr. und Mr.
Woolf Wcro married In Ui rirJt Meth
odist church in r&i by th P-ev. T. M.
tlouse. They have two tlaughtvrj and
oi. con. iliis Grace Woolf of Oruha.
Mr. A. M. Carter of Burlington Junc
tion. Mo., and Mr. JI. J. Woolf of Omaha.
Assisting were Met da rue Smith. Knud
sen. Carter. James, Dunn, iitiiuiard and
Denton. These present were Mr. and
Mr. Woo.f. Mr. and Mr. Fowler, Mr.
and Mrs. Koester, Mr. and Mrs. Knudsea.
Mr. aod Mr. Denton. Mr. and Mrs.
Weyerman. Mr. and Mrs. tt.uidard. Mr.
aad Mrs. Leaverton, Mr. and Mrs. Cross.
Mr. and Mrs. Betnan. Mr. and Mr. Davis,
Mr. tnd Mr. Morton. Meadaices Holt.
Arnold, fiuort. Good. Leubki, Wlcitsr
maa. Adauu. Spaxt!. Laichi jh. Carter,
Grant. D'.aiuoad. EUi. James. Wesjman.
Dune. WiUacev Beady. L'arlow,
amith, alias) Graco Woolf. Mrgjrett
Uoit. Inat CtwaMuyw. Ailc Bcddar,
Jlys Cuar ! turUnitoa Juocttoa.
li: iiu. Srodij-. Gsaco Krnivo. Wls
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Tatcs and their
granddaughter. Miss Dorothy Morgan,
will entertain at luncheon Monday at
Hillside in honor of Miss Louise Lord
and her wed ling party.
Monday evening; Miss Urs?e Burbank of
West Chesterf lold, N. H., fiancee of Mr.
Prentiss Lord, will entertain the
Vaughan-Lord wed Jin? party at dinner
in th Olive dining room of the Hotel
A very Jolly affair will be the "rube"
party to be given Monday evening by
the Junior club at Chambers. The urban
young men and women will all be cos
tumed as country lads and lassie arid
decorations and supper will be Jutt the
oi'po.ita from citified.
Wedding Bells
Mr. and Mr. John MeCabe announc
the engagement of their daughter, Mtss
Gertrude Elllgen, to Mr. John Fuchs, the
wedding to take pluce the last of this
The engagement of Miss Clara Bello
Oberfe'.der. daughter of Mc. and Mr.
Josepn Obertelder of Sidney, Neb., to Mr.
3. S. PearUtiua of Cheyenne Is an
nounced. Th wedding will take place
lijut winter.
Invitations have been Issued for the
wedding of Miss Koien Koons Del leek er,
daughter of Mr. Oliver Koous Delleckcr,
to Mr. tarn i; el Harry Pray of Tork, Neb.,
which will tak ptac. Tuesday afternoon,
Novemoer It, at i o'clock, at th. home of
th. btid j s lAtiitr. Kv. T. J. Mackay
wlii olticlate.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Q. Ed
wards, to Mr. Turner McAllister, son of
Mr. and Mr. B. A. McAUaster of Oak
land, Cal., formerly of Omaha.
Tho announcement will come as a sur
prise to Miss Miss Edward's many friends.
This popular young woman has kept her
engagement a secret and Mr. McAllaster
has ltvt.d away from Omaha for the last
three years.
The young cauplo met when Mies Ed
wards was a freshman In th Omaha
(Continued on Page Three.)
'ua wedJlag of al. Grace Beebe of
Omaha, daughter ct Mr. and Mrs. Carr
eeb. of etaiford, Kan., to M. U. 8.
Swain of Me.vllle. Ia.. took place Satur
day afternoon at S o'clock at th resi
dence of th. offurUtms cUrjyiaaa. Rev.
3. R. Curry. FoKowloaT th ceramony
dinner was served, at th. iioUl LoyaL
After a short weld.a3 trip. Mr. auvl Mrs.
Strain will reside In Omaha.
Th. cultr-Ination ot a boy aal grtrl bJtb
schcel romance of several years etx. rating
coast In th. announcscient of tla ta-
gMiaf nt Xtu k.arL-k.- UAru iCUirmrata
i; ,
at .! Jjf
Rough stones ar. mostly from
Africa, cut mostly In Amsterdam,
imported to America, arid you
have to pay the import duty.
Rough diamond ar Imported
free: cut in this country, are, like
everytning else American cut,
Wt buy our diamond cut In
this country and give our custon'-'
ers the benefit of thla saving.
Diamonds bought riglit are a
splendid Investment. Wt have
just received on. year's supply.
They ar all absolutely perfect
and elegant color. Just let ua
have a chance to show you any
way. flt.Odo of loo.e. unmounted
stones to select front.
C. B. Brown & Co.
Jewelers and EilTersrzirUis.
Igtfc and rarxas.