TIIF, OMAHA SUNDAY HKE: NOVEMBER fl, lip tore fi Ml Sill lHi!!llflI(B QJJ M ffira mm We paid thousands of dollars less for these new and desirable rugs than we would have paid for them regularly. That means thousands -of dollars saved for the men and women who buy the rugs at this sale Monday. We state positively that even in previous great sales we have never offered such a splendid variety of rugs at prices so wonderfully low. We doubt if we shall ever again have such bargains to offer, We devote practically our entire third floor to this sale 85 clerks will be ready to wait on you 9x12 Axminster and Wilton Velvet Rugs These are not by any. means the ordinary Axminster Hugs) They are in fact the "T 1 11 1 1 A 1 -I. it. 1 A jjromiey rug, uie uesi viininsier rug maae, inousanus or, .... . ... ... . . .. f winch Jiave been sold by us at the trade price ot all zlt ftnd th newest patterns. It is surely a wonderful bargain. These Rugs Actually Worth $25 and $3D at Reversible Bath Rugs, All our bath rugs have been groujx'd into two. . immenso lots at an unprecedented ' bargain. .; They are high grade, wash ' o f a fj A able, reversible rugs that v5la n (P ' are worth up to $1 each, atd VAj 3IB KIhim1, Children1 ut Boya "ST iWaUt TaloaBol 1 Fleecy lined, all .sixes; too qual ity; at, .suit, flte i Our Great Special Sale Winter Underwear Surplus Stocks From A. W. Porter & Co. . 42 WHITE STREET, NEW YORK High grades of warm winter children at greatly reduced prices. "Women's Women's Women's Kid Gloves at $1.75 Pr. Fine French kid, cape and Arabian mocha, silk lined and unllned, In one and two clasp effects, tan, grey, brown, white and ' black; Perrln's and Northup makes; fitted to the hand. Women's, Children's and Boys' "Gloves and Mittens , LeRthor gloves and mittens, fleoce lined and fur trimmed, Astra khan gloves, fleeced lined; rough rider gloves; fancy gauntlets and golf gloves. LACES and DRESS TRIMMINGS Main Dept. We have a. complete assortment -of all the latest novelties In all over laces, 45-lnch flounclngs, deml flounclngs, bauds, galloons, Jabot laces, nettings, etc. Also gold, sliver and multl colored beaded passementeries, beaded garnitures, beaded and silk fringes, cords and tassels, novelty buttons etc., all at very special prices. Brandeis Stores EOOST FOR BETTER CONTROL Konicipal Government Leagne Meet " ing in Omaha to Do Tbingt. . riLACTICAL LESSONS BY EXPERTS A Thrlta, bat M Vkt Kaaw How Halt rroprrlr 111 t hi " Will Show Others Hw Work. When the 130 delegates from many towns in Kebraaka, nmt , In Omaha. November IS, 1 and 17. tor the third an nual convention, the move for batter rnurtlclpal rovernment will be given an linpetua. which will be felt In every city, town, village and hamlet in the at ate. I'poa the program will be the namra of TRY 1EIS FOR KIDNEYS HAS CURED Til) US A3 DS Weak. Inactive, or ii.mn.ui . ii.in.. tuglit to have inell. al attention t onta 10 avoiu poaaibie development of chronic rheumatism. BriKht'a di wlik-n ara practically incurable. If your aLiiea, rnoumatic tutlna affect the Joint, the urine la frequent, imlnful or mtuiy cuiorva, or you liave aorenem In ttia grolu .,r dlxxy B.ella, tiratment at.otlld IjA f W.n ml t.tim .u..i.4 l JevtloMiiiiun or con.iillcaitoiia. lirt from turax loiniMjurid, onj-lialf ounce fluij oxtract bucliu ami am uuurot giwl pure 'M. Al IK and take or e to two tf-aapuon-f ula of the miiture aiter each incaj and 'i'hla a. da the. fc'diieya to properly pr J01111 llieir work of filirilu i.iiMit.uua ate mutter and uric ai-ij from the l.lxid and tiirowinir It off from tue -tun a tli-y kiiouM and put tlirm In Jtroiia. h.alihy rond.iin. Thia furmula l.ns tur.l iijuuain1 aniL'e It waa dtaoov. ntl a ftw uionlua agu. Adv. Mai leaflsE Women's Jersoy Ribbed Corset Covers, worth up to 85c, at, each .... 15 underwear for women, misses and Fin nibbed Cotton Union Suit Medium weight, fleecy lined, 7Gc Quality, at 39c Girls' and Hoys' Medium Mid Heavy Fleecy Lined Vuloii Hulta Ages A Q to 16 years, worth 7Dc, at ItC Soft, tteeey lined, 60c quality, qq' at, a garmont OcC Vests and Pants Fine ribbed cotton .and non-shrinking wool, all sizes worth up to $1.00, at, each .... 69c men who have become familiar flgurea In the war sgaiiiMt Ignorant politics, unwise or corrupt legislation and common mu nicipal mlstakea. For the last three years they have been banded together with but one aim and . that aim the eradication of the political evils which have become pronounced or are likely to become diingrrons to the welfare of the people of the state. . The men, who will teach and be taught at thta convention are by rio odds theorlMs, but men who have long been tried In the fires of business, political and professionally ectlvHIus and have proved their right to a hearing. Theli dralre la not personal profit, but the more pat Hot lo purpose of doing aomethlng toward the progress of their communities. Their object la stated In the first article of the constitution of the league; "To perpetuate and develop the league as an agency for the co-operation of Nebraska municipalities In the practical study of municipal affairs." Twice the associ ation has met before and each session was successful and sent more than a hundred men back Into the atate with new Ideas and new Ideals to be effectively applied to the management of the mu nicipalities of the state. . alaay Delegates Vzlmm. Many. towns In the state have signified thetr Intention to send several men 'as delegates and others who have not yet Joined the movement will send a repre sentative, who, while he will have no voire In the legislation that may be at irmpieu. win neverineiefca be given a respectful hearing and will be urged to Join, with the others In the effort to promote the best city government. . Kvery phace of municipal activity Ml be discussed and plant wilt be made to utilise the co-operative power ' of the league to secure needed legislation. Head quarters have been etatllahed at the Itume hotel and the following complete program Is announced: On Wednesday, November 13, at 19 o'clock lu Jie forenoon the deU gates will .. fife 1 re;;flr Midi Le Room Size at : fhi i Ft I V - "fail 9x12 Granite Art Squares' ' .These room-elzo art square are all excellent patterns and they are worth up to 5 each. Art nn Hundreds from the big Sf. l retail stock, at. . ; UVJ , Our purchase from Barnes & Co., of Paterson, N. J., was a complete high grade retail Hi a ti i . DbuH.. j.t was so immense inai we divide it into different lots. Z VOHEN' From That Great Barnes & Co. Stock 1 "' of Paterson, N. J. On Sale for the First Time Monday PositiYcly Worth as High a (tjL98 as $25.00 Each, at. d B. Hero are scores und scores -i .i i 2 They tiro innde of fine silks, chiffons, serges, broadcloths, velvets nnd nets. All the newest colors and the styles are all the seu - son's favorites. This is one of the most remarkable offers in this stock. Not One of These Dresses is Worth Less Than $10.CO. Many Are Worth As High As $25.00, at Special Lots From the Barnes Stock on Sale Every TUESDAY All the 811k and Iice WalNts, wortli vp to f 10 3l.t)S All the bilk rettl eoats worth up to 3, at ....81.08 WEDNESDAY All the Women's SKIRTS worth up to f 7.50, . at $2.50 and $3.50 IN BRANDEIS BASEMENT-CLOAK DEPT. 1 be received and registered at the city hall. In the afternoon at 1 .CO o'clock kayor James C. Dahlmen will deliver an" address of welcome. To this address Robert P. Btarr of Loup City, president of the league, will respond and will con clude by giving his annual address. At J .30 o'clock J'rof. Charles K. Crowley, gas commissioner of Omaha, will speak on the "Purification of Water for City Vse and Gas Testing." A general discussion will then be held led by James Nicholson, Jr., assistant water and light commis sioner ot tlrand Inland, and P. II. Ilar blcon, water commissioner of University Place. In the evening at S o'clock "Pre vention of Klres In Cities and Villages" will be the theme, discussed by Charles Randall, state fire warden. Following him the talk will become general, led by I II, Iyle. mayor of Wahoo; Charles A. Baiter, fire chief of Omaha, and C. P. Andoi berry, city attorney of Mlnden. Una Man to Speak. "Co-operation In Road Dulldlng by Cltlea, Counties and BtaUs," Is tho sub ject assigned to Frank U. Pierce, secre tary of the League of Iowa Municipali ties, of Marshalltown, la., who will open the program Thursday morning at t o'clock. Following him Thomas II. Pratt, alderman, Lincoln; T. C. Patterson, mayor of North Platte, and John W. Patterson, mayor of Kearney, will talk. John J. Donahue, chief of the Omaha police,' will explain the "KertlUlou Sys tem of Identlfyptng Criminals." F. 1 llurre.ll ot Fremont will explain the con struction and need ot "Bridges and Viaduct Over Railroads, and Public Sf'if." F. P. ,.Vau Wlckle, major of Vork, and Anton Lredle, mayor of Crete, --Ut a: address the meeting. The fore noon session will close with a short dlt. cuuiloo of the necessity of strict tnipec tlon of stram boilers and elevators by Robert V. Wolfe, chief boiler inspector ot Omaha. Continuing In the afternoon the follow ing program will be rendered: Municipal Ownership of PubllO Villi- i WSI ; : . . wii These are rugs up to 9x12 in size not is worth less than double the price wo Many are actually worth up to $18. Axminster Rugs These rugs arc all 4fx G1 ft. in size, and are actually worth up to $9. AVe f offer an immense group -;' OM no from the retail stock, at . . ViwO yp of stunning new street, evening ,.,i,:,..i.i t p. "i ..i i. Day This Week THURSDAY AU'the Women's CLOAKS worth' up to 919; at $3.93, $5.00 - and $6.98. S DRESSES SP Sf " ift'ft . ' FRIDAY tony ricd ' Klmo no.1 worth op to r $1.80, t ...I.. 694 featn Pttloota . wortn np to 91. 00, at 3&o worth np to SI BO, at .... ....... .890 : Li. ties." Don L. Love, ex-mayor of Lincoln. Discussion, led by O. C. Zlnn, Hastings; U D. Wright, water commissioner-of Fremont; J. II. Miller, water commis sioner of Gran Island; John -Marts? engineer and water commissioner ' of Seward. . . r Sight-seeing trip to . the Omaha water plant and " Elcclrlo --lighting company's plant and Omaha & CohndU liluffa Street Railway & Power company. Heeeatloa sad Ilanqaet. At- 30 a reception and banquet, comj plimentary to delegates, tendered by the Omaha Commercial club, followed by an address, "Paving and Re-pavlng and Grading Streets? and Manner ot Taxing the Cost," by George W. Craig, city engineer of Omaha. General discussion, Adna Dobson. . city engineer ot Lincoln; F. J. Hhnrp, mayor ot Aurora; C. J. Miles, mayor ot Hast ings; F. I. llurrell, ex-mayor of fremont. Friday morning at 9 o'clock Fred Cos- grove, comptroller of Omaha, will speak on the "Unification, ot Municipal Ac-' counting," which ''will be followed by S discussion led by A. D. Curtis, city clerk of Geneva; S. F. KtllesJ City 'clerk of Fre mont; Richard L. Harrison, treasurer of Grand Island; F. W. Miles, treasurer of University Place. " . ' The unfinished bunlnesa of the aesslon will be transacted In the, afternoon and election of officers will ensue. Standing committees will be appointed, the next place ot meeting will be selected and the session will end In a slffht-scslng trtp to the South Omaha packing houses. Will Take New Work. "Wo are .1111 a ,i)uug ansoclatlun," aald an Omaha man speaking ot the league, "but at the conclusion of this third sesdon we expected to be settled on a firm basis and ready to undertake and accomplish work which has hitherto been neglected. Thlrty-tjne municipalities belong to this league and we are sending the officials of each city, free of charge, copies of our official Journal, 'City llall-Mldland Municipalities,' a Journal Tlai I wasasae 98 Highest Grade Seamless Wilton Rugs They are all perfect rugs, 9x12 sizes, and are made of the best grade of "Wilton that is made. Many are the famous Koubaix two-toned s. A Q rugs that you have seen extensively advertised in maca-f S tl M n O one ask. zines. Others are copies of beautiful orientals. Actually Worth $55.00 and $60.03, at $3.50Axminstcr$ - Rugs at . . . - Here are very desirable in various sizes, from retail stock. They are specially priced at In Basement : . SATURDAY ALL THK FURS worth un to $15, at 9S S1.98 'S2.08'aud S5 Children's Coats, -1 worth up to $7.50, , at $1.50 to $2.08 full of timely discussion of problems, en countered by those who have shouldered the rest ohslblllty ' of city government. The officers of . the league Robert P. Starr, city, attorney of Loup City, presi dent; C? J. Mile, mayor of Hastings, vice-president; ". Roscoe C. Oxman, city clerk 'of Lincoln, secretary, and treasurer, and Louis Berk a of Omaha, Ed Lelim kuhl of "Wahoo' and John-W. 'Mdrfcan ot Chadron, trustees are all live men and working earnestly and industriously for the common good of Nebraska' cities." 1 Any municipality In Nebraska Is elig ible to", a ' membership In the league. When a municipality joins, the city offi cials are usually mude delegates to the annual .-convention.' being selected by the city council. Cities ot the second clans, towns ami, villages, are entitled to send tny persou they may select, or several such persona. . . A membership fee of Is charged and the annual dues for- - each municipality are as follows: Population less thun; 1.000, J3; 1.000 to G.000, 110; 6.000 to 10,XA .15r 10,000 to 20,000. 120; 20,000 to 40.000, J(; 40.000 to 75,000, $40; over 75,000, ICO. - ' Gerit Fort Back . from Denver Trip Passenger Traffic Manager-Fort of the Union Pacific Is back from Denver, where he went to talk over w(th the Denver Commercial club and the business men plans for securing the two national con vent Ions to be held during the summer of 1912, v . hlle In Denver Friday Mr. Fort pledged J SO on behalf ot the Union Pa cific to aid In paying eNcnees in the event the republicans and democrats de cide to hold their conventions there next vear. According to Mr. Fort the Denver Commercial club, the business men and all of tht civic organisation ot the city have united in their efforts to secure the big meetings. They contend that the nESEsaasHBSx - HI dTt Tl I Cost So Make TleiM 50 B - Room Size Axminster Rugs These high grade Axminsters are up to 9x12 in size, and it is certainly a splendid line of new patterns and colors that are fft AO new rugs the great $1.50 60-lnrh Sunfaot Madras, nperial for Monday, yd., at. .98o and S1.S3 36 and 0-ln. Fig ured Ktamlne worth up to So yd., 35o and S9o Monday Specials Full size lace curtains, one, two and ?z.uj) a pair, at, pach Lace Curtains, la filet net, bungalow nam, worm up to f 4.00 a pair, at, Lace Curtains, newest patterns, at, pair . .$4.08, $5.08 and 7.50 Rope Portieres of Velour cord with wide tapestry bands, at, each . .$3.08, $4.50 and 4.08 IN CHINA DEPT. German casseroles with heavy nickel plated copper frames and a Guernsey casserole lining. Specials for Monday: 7- Inch Casseroles at 9S . 8- inch Casseroles at $1.25 Balance of line at 20 discount. TWO SPECIALS Cut Glass Sugar and Cream er Sets, large size, rielij brilliant cuttings :.$1.95 Demonstration and sale of the Utensils will continue this week. JAPANESE WATER COLOR PAINTINGS M. Kosia, a celebrated Japanese Artist, will be here all week. He paints exquisite pictures with' marvelous speed and skill. His work is done on parchment silk, eatin, canvas or any material. He executes pictures or hand decorating to order. Finished pictures at half price this week. ' I Brandeis Stores Denver auditorium is sufficiently large to accommodate either of the conventions and that It It Is not, an annex will be built. Omaha Indian is Pardoned by Taft Simeon Ilallowell, the Omaha Indian who was convicted In the United States district court in 1906 tor Introducing liquor on Indian allotments, and was fined 1100 and sentenced to sixty days In the Doug las county jail, was pardoned by Presi dent Taft, the pardon being received here Saturday morning. Hallowell, an Indian himself, took liquor onto - his own allotment on the Omaha reservation and when arrested contended that under the famous decision In the case In ro Neff, his act was A Poor Weak Woman As she is termed, will endure bravely aad patiently agonies which strong mis weald live way under. The fact is women are more patient than they ought to be under such troubles. . . Every woman ought to know that the may obtaia the most experienced medical advice frit chart nd in abstlut anfidtac and privacy by writing to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, K. V. Pieroe, M. D., fresider.t, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. fierce has been chief consulting pbytioioa of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of liuffalo, N. V., fur maay years and has had s wider practical experience in the treatment of women's diseases thaa any other physicisa in this country. His medicines ars world-famous for their astonishing ettcecy. The most ' perfect remedy aver devised for weak and dell cat women is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG. n SICK WOMEN WELL. Tho maay and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments ars fully set forth in Plata English ia tbe People's Medical Adviser (1008 pages), a newly revised and up-to-date Edition, cloth-bound, will be sent on receipt t 31 ooaw cent ianps to psy cost ot wrapping and mailing mlj. Adanos as above. Monday ' Curtain Rods, In liriish brass worth up to 3Ro at, each, loo, 19o BunRalow Nets, 45 ami 48 ln. wide, worth up to 59c a yard, at. . . .390 in Drapery Dept. three pairs of a kind, worth up to 39 net, cable net and fine Notting- pair 2.98 Cretonne, taffeta, ivory cloth and art ticking, at yd 10c, 20c and 39 Silkollne, bc3t grade, 26 inches wide, at yard 13 '4 WEST ARCADE Fancy Nickel plated CiiH..ng Dishes, capacity 3 pints, fitted with ventilated B3bestos burner and extra hot water pan. trim med with non-heating ebonized handles, large size S3.60 FOR MONDAY A special discount of 25 on our entire line of brass goods smoker sets. Jardinieres, trays, candle sticks, etc. 'Wear Ever" Aluminum Cooking not a violation of the statute. He was tried in the district court in 1MK and was convicted, but he made a test case of It and through his attorneys carried the case to the circuit court qf appeals and thence to the supreme court on a writ of certiorari. The supreme court, how ever, held that the Indian's act was a violation of the statutes and tho United States marshal was about to arrest Ilal lowell when the pardon which was recom mended by United States Attorney Howell and Judge Munger arrived. Great Western Trala Derailed. MASON CITY. Is.. Nov. 4.-An engine on passenger train No. 16 on the Great Western left the track near Meservey, la., last night tearing up the track for a quarter of a mile and wrecking the en gine and baggage car. No one was seri ously hurt,- though the passengers were badly shaken up. X I- - M.