Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    unday Bee
Fair; Warmer
VOX XU-XO. 20.
Commander of Revolutionists Sends
Cart Reply to Request of the
Nationai Assembly.
Any Arrangement with Dynasty
Must Be Made by Men at Front.
Viceroy is Making Arrangements to
Defend the City.
Wcslcyan Home, "Which Contained
Blind and Wounded, Gone.
Almost Entire Httlre Part nf ths
City la BnrniBg Artillery
Duel Is Now In rroajress
Between Forces.
TEKING, Nov. 4.-General IJ Yuen
Hang,' commander of the revolutionary
force, today replied to the request of
th National Assembly that he suspend
hostilities pending peace negotiations.
Baying the assmbly would better leavo
the. final arrangements between the dyn
asty and the rebels In the hands of those
who were doing the fighting. At toe
came time a message to the government
came from Yuen Shi Kal in which he
again asked permurslon to suspend hos
tilities pending a reply from Li Yuen
lleng to his compromise suggestions.
The viceroy at Tientsin Is preparing for
the defense "of that city. The attitude of
the populace is wavering.
Tang Shao Yi, who was reappointed to
the presidency of the board of posts and
communications, replacing Sheng Hsuan
Hunt, when the latter was removed at
the demand of the national assembly,
has declined to accept the portfolio in
the proposed new cabinet.
Hankow Mission Destroyed.
HANKOW, China. Nov. . (Via Wo
Hu.) Almost the whole of the native city
of Hankow is on fire this morning and
It la feared that the NVesleyan mission
near the Han river In which are fifty
blind boys and 158 wounded persons who,
with th taff of the mission, make up a
total ci J persons, was destroyed.
)r. Booth, the head of the mission,
asked tho imperialists to grant an armis
tice of two- hours ta permit of removal
from the mission, but the firing ceased
for only a halt hour.
A Red Cross steamer whldh attempted
to rescue the Inmates of the mission was
driven back by the fire from the rebel
fort. One shell rtddlnLthe steamer's deck
bouse. f ,i ' . .
When ffte vessel was compelled to turn
back the mission was still standing, but
Its position was hopeless, the flames be
ing within 200 yards of it
The flames In the town were started by
the Imperialists, who threw lnflammuble
shells into the place. A strong wind
carried tho flames across the river to Han
Yang and a strip of that city, on tho
water front a mile long was deatroyod
and the fire is still turning there.
A few hundred rebels against whom the
imperialists are preparing to advance and
occupy the unburned parts of Hankow. . .
When the steamer left an artillery duel
was taking place betwean the batteries
of the imperialists, which were planted
back of the British concession, and the
1 Wu Chang and Han Yang forts. Sev
eral rebel shells landed in the foreign
concessions, piercing the walls of houses.
The imperials occupy the district west
ward of the railway station almost to
the Han river.
The Chamber of Commerce asked the
foreign consuls to protest against the
burning of the city, but the consuls de
clined to do so.
Controlled by British Soelety.
The directory of Protestant missionaries
In China, Japan and Korea for the cur
rent year shows the staff of the
Wesleyan Methodist Missionary society
at Hankow to be as follows:
Rev. Q. A. Clayton and wife; J. 8.
Hleps and wife; Rev. R. T. Booth and
wife; Rev. W, A. Tatchell and wife;
Rev. C. S. MInty, Miss Gooch, Mian
N. Uooch, and Miss Wilkinson. It Is a
British society with headquarters in Lon
don. There I? some doubt of the date of
the Hankow dispatch. It was relayed
at Wu-Hu today, but it is not plain
(Continued on Second Page.)
The Weather
Pur nbbraska Fair.
Temperature at Ontaba Yesterday,
L.ocaI Record.
1911. U10. 1S0. 1K.
HlKhent yoxterday 44 47 ,4 ' U
lowest ytsi-rdny S 49 i
Mian temperature 18 41 t 40
l'reripi-.utlon 00 .OS .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation depart
tirew fnjni the norms! ;
Normal temperature 43
J eflcienry for the day 4
Total excess alnee March 1 (6i
Normal precipitation 06 lnrtt
Jefletency for the day nS Inch
Totxl rainfall ainre March I. .. .12 Inches
leficleticy since Marco 1 14. M inches
1 lertciency for cor. period, MO. .11. 7X inchea
iLfeficiency fur cor. period, liw.. 1.43 inches
I,1 n
I ah tocetnerl Hour. Dee
J Pralatat,t I
i BLKHaraa J ? i
W. a. m S3
J a. m Si
I il"-3( 10 a. m :
OrrThct 11 ni '7
iLAJ Wm y
TJyfV 1 p. m
IX' i - t p. m 43
MtQ S p. in t;, I
.Xvjf.ii D- ,n w
b p. m 44
Jij 6 p. m 4o
( 1 7 p. m...,. ti
Plans Being Made to Have Public
Reception at New Building
January 1.
Some Have Already thanared Ufa
fives and Others Expect to
Move by End of the
Cowing- Week.
Vnless the plans miscarry Union Pa
cific officials and clerks will act as hosts
to all , of Omaha and the surrounding
country January 1, 1912. As outlined at
this time the plan Is to throw the new
Union Pacifio headquarters open to the
public on New Year's day and hold a re
ception, or house warming.
By January 1 next the new building will
be fully completed and all of the officials
will be settled and ready to receive vis
itors. These officials feel that Omaha
people and those of ths surrounding
country should be given an opportunity
of inspecting the twetVe-btory building
from top. to basement,, and are of the
opinion that New Year's day Is the mobt
appropriate and opportune time.
Tha new Union Pr;flq headquarters
building la rapidly naarlng completloSi,
and during the coming week a number of
the departments will move in, abandon
ing tbe old building at Ninth and Farnam
streets. Even at this time the freight
auditor, the general pasnenger agent and
the auditor of passenger accounts have
partially completed packing their books,
papers and documents and are prepared
to move on a day's notice. These do
part monts probably will be the first to
In the new building the department
heads occupy relatively the same posi
tions as in the old. In the old building,
with the exception of President Mohler
and the general passenger agent, the
department heads had their offices in
the southwest corner, and in relocating
the old plan has been adopted in the
new structure.
Bryan Talks to
Empty Auditorium
in His Home Town
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. .-(Special Tele
gramsWilliam Jclmlngs Bry an wound up
his state campaigning tour at home to
night, speaking at the Auditorium. At
9 o'clock less than 150 people were listen
ing to his silver tones, although the street
outside was thronged with people.
Oldham and Jtarman were the only
candidates who put in an appearance.
Norfolk News Asks
That an Accountant
Examine the Books
NORFOLK, Neb., Nov. i. (Special Tel
egram.) The Norfolk News today chal
lenges Dan Stephens and P. K. McKlllip
to allow the records in the bankruptcy
case of McKlllip, now In the hands of
the trustee or custodian at Humphrey, to
be examined by competent accountants
representing both political parties in the
presence of witnesses and have the re
sults of that examination published be
fore election.
This will effectively set at rest the ques
tion whether the articlo published on
Monday is correct or not. The story that
the cumpaign of l'JOi cost Mr. Mcl'llllp
$3S,067.29, when -he was a candidate for
congress against J. 1. McCarthy, came
from a corresponded In whom the News
has the utmost confidence and It believes
such an examination proposed will verify
every detail of his statement.
BREMERTON, Wash.. Nov. 4 From
drinking wood alcohol P. J. Haley and
A. L. I -aw, navy rallora, are dead; Sea
man Arthur Johnson Is dying, and a
fctahment of navy guards are seeking
to find other members of the comple
ment of the cruiser, Philadelphia, who
may be dead or alck In hotels of the
Man Horned to Death.
FAIRBANKS. Ia.. Nov. .-8pec:al.)-
Henry Leonard, who lived alone in a
small houao on tbe outaklrts of tKls vil
lage, was burned to death yesterday by
fire, which destroyed ths building. It is
not known how the fire started. Loon
ard's inrlndcrated body was found lying
face down.
Park Commissioners Out with State
meat to the Public
Contend that Without Additional
Funds Proposed City Itoad Sys
tem Cannot He Bettered
or Maintained.
The Omaha Board cf Park commission
ers has Issued a statement in regard to
tho proposed park bonds In the amount
of $50,000 and urge the voters to endorse
the bonds at the polls next Tuesday. The
statement of tho hoard follows:
OMAHA, Neb.. Nov. 4.-To the Kdltor
of The Omaha Hee: The Board of Park
commissioners bus asked the voteis to
authorize an l.-sue of bonds to the amount
of $00,000 to be used for t'.te improvement
of tho boulevard system.
By way of explanation, the boulevards
of Omaha have no regular support outside
of the road fund which comes from Doug
las county. Since that road fund was
inaugurated In 1S3A, the average annual
sum from that source has been about
$20,000. It can readily be Been that with
tbls sum alone the maintenance of the
system would absorb , tho major portion,
while little would be left for macadamls
tn or otherwise improving old boulevards
or for grading pw ones. Ths charter pro
vides that bonds may be Issued for this
purpose, and bt this' means . macadamis
ing can be done to great advantage anC
new boulevards b graded and improved.
We wish to slats to ths public what is
contemplated In the way of . Improve
ments, but first want you to know what
sued in 1910, The necessary grading was
sued In 1 S0. The necessary graded was
completed and spans of macadam and
curbing wero put In where most needed.
It Is to complete these unpaved portions
that we are desirous of the bonds now
asked for.
For the nine months ended the follow
ing has. been expended in grading, paving
and curbing: Florence boulevard. $11,-
(W.86; West Central boulevard, $11,M3.B8.;
South Central boiltevard, $12,6.12.20; North
west boulevard, $14,340.10; Southeast boul
evard, $S,C0J,78.
From the bonds which it is urged that
Omaha authorize next Tuesday, It will be
possible to complete the macadam on
Florence boulevard, extend the paving on
Southeast boulevard toward Rlvervlew
park, and macadam south of Hanacom
park, where now there Is the oiled dirt
road; connect the paving on West Cen
tral boulevard and grade the new boule
vard from lJcmls to Fontanelle park.
Although the park board parses out Of
office with tho coming of tho new com
mission form of Rovernment next spring,
we all sco the necessity of this bond Issue
that tho work of perfecting Omaha's
boulevard system be carried toward com
pletion. Without tho bonds, the funds available
w(U scarcely maintain the boulevards In
a possablo condition, and with the exces
sive wear the maintenance of cinder and
oiled dirt roods Is very expensive and
unsatisfactory. For that reu.son It is de
sirable to put In permnnent paving, and
to do this It is impossible under our laws
wlUiout the bonds. Ho we ask the public
spirited citizens to take an interest In
this proposition of such largo Importance
to the entire city.
Bank Cashier Gets
Pormit to Stay in Jail
ROCHESTER. Ind.. Nov. 4 -After state
bank examiners had closed the Citizens'
bank at Akron, Ind., ten '.Titles east of
this city and had announced that Its
funds were short about :ij,K0 today,
Howard Hartcr, the bank's cashlor, came
here and obtained the- sheriff's permis
sion to stuv in tho county jail until In.
u,ulry into the Institution's uffairs lad
proceed a runner.
ClllCAfiO, Nov. 4.--A. Fykes if lies
Moines, president of the Corn Jl t Meat
Producer'! bsaociailoii, ii'I-ard lH fore
fcpneial Kxumlner M acuity of the li'tor
statw Commerce coinmVdjri tcili'y to
pretest against .-ailrjad len for an
equal rate on feeder and fut Hrk.
"A rate for shipping feeder stuck, cattle
and sheep, eiual tu the fat stock rate
would put all the feeders exit of busl
i;cs," lie sail.
Heretofore the shippers have paid "5
er cel t of fat stock rana for feeders.
Nothing could be Utirned at thu federal
building of the reputed l.ivestigatluu In
ths SA)-call(.il wheat' comer.
Coming o;Vr";- ' iu
v-- 'II
Army in Tripoli Fighting Active Foe
. from Within.
They Hold lens Than Half ths
Ground They Held Three WeeWa
Ago ."Mo ts Suppressed by
LONDON, Nov. 4. A correspondent ' of
the Reuter's Telegram company, limited,
who arrived at Maita today from Tripoli,
says the Italian government has wholly
misrepresented the situation at Tripoli;
that the Italians have lost well over 1,000
killed and wounded and hold only halt
the ground they held three weeks ago.
They are cramped by an actlvs enemy
within a few yards of them, while
cholera is raging among their troop.
Turker Will Protest to Powers.
CONSTANTINOPLE. Nov. 4.-A heated
denunciation. of the alleged atrocities in
flicted on prisoners of war, the woundad
and women of the children by the Italians
at Tripoli occupied the Chamber of Depu
ties today and resulted in ths appoint
ment of a committee to draw up a pro
test for presentation to ths parliaments
of the world.
Body of Smith, -Who
Bied at the Vermilya
Home, to Be Exhumed
CHICAGO, Nov. 4.-Coroncr Hofman
left this morning for North Henderson,
III., where Richard T. Smith, tho con
ductor who died at Mrs. Vermllya's
home, was buried. . This was in accord
with the coroner' announcement that he
would have his organs examined.
The police admitted today they hr,d
practically reached the end of their rope
In their Investigation Into the death of
Patrolman Arthur Uluonuctte and the
deaths of eight others, all of whom had
been clone associates of Mrs. Louise
Vermilya. Although Coroner Hofman had
satlbflcd himself that Ulsonnutto died by
arsenic polronlng and a warrant charging
murder has been Issued for the woman,
the evidence agalnt her thus fur Is purely
clrcumstuntlal. '
The coroner, the state's attorney and
the police department have had detectives
looking up jvery possible connection of
Mrs. Vermilya for tho last week, ever
since It was uuspocted that the patrol
man's death was oot natural,
Arthur Lisonnct'.e, sr., lather of the
dead policeman, tnie Ueucribcd Mrs. Vcr
mllya's efforts to obtain hi sun's body
for burial after hit death.
"An undertaker i:umud ( C. Royson
was making ready l move the body five
minutes after I'caih,' be said. "1 pro
tested at the hurry end blie insisted that
it 'would be bttlUr to move the body
at once. I flnully foibado them to
touch it."
The contents of nine butties of medi
cine taken from Mrs. Vermtlya's home
by the coroner are being unalyzed.
The police cectded not ta urrrst Mrs,
Vermilya because of her illness, but will
ktep a police guard at her home until
she Is strong enough to bo locked up.
Bank Robber Suspect
Has Much Money
When Arrested
VANCOUVER. II. C, Nov. 4 -John
liozcyk, a foreigner, v. as nricKtcd here
today on suspicion of being implicated in
the New Westminster bank robbery. lie
had In liis possession I,W'J In bills, some
of which were, according to tho numbers,
included In the sum obtained Hcptcmbor
15 when the bank of Montreal was rubbed
of $l'jS,000.
SIOUX FALLS, H. 1)., Nov. 4.- Special.)-1
calb came suddenly to Michael
Hlcile, Klnee early days one of the most
prominent residents of Hutchinson
county. He dropped dead an the result
of a sudden Bttuck of heart failure. 11m
had Juat cared for ills drlvlm; hons and
entered his home at Menno when he fell
to the floor dead. He had always been
considered one of the mom robuat men In
the county, and h-d been sick but a few
I hoes In his life. During bis younger
yeais lie worked imuaually hard, and this
Is bt-lleved to have weakened his heart.
life had accumulated a modest fortune
aiul a year or w bk'J retired from active
-farm T.oik, Ukl.i up hi resldento in
lr0tf: 'm
t 1
Managers of Des Moines Pure Food
Show May Be Indicted.
Ureene County Court Declares He
Is tiulltr of Killing James
llushy J'lavorlnsr F.slrarts
Amde hy Mtate.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Dt MO I NFS, Nov. 4. (Bpeelal Tele
gram. ) Indictment of the managers of
tho pure food shew, which today clued
In Des Mulnes, ISMhreatened because of
allowing a "candy wheel" lottery scheme
during the show. These were gambling
devices that offered a prise of a pound
of cundy on tho turn of a wheel with
numbers. They operated during two weeks
and then Klopned on orders of tho poller,
but detectives In the service of the state
prohibition government have gone before
the grand Jury to secure Indictments,
tinlltr of Manslaughter.
Frank Robinson wa sfound guilty In
court In Greehu county oC manslaughter
In connection with, his killing of James
Iiusby in a duel in a school house. Bushy
was trying to arrest two robbers. Robin
son claimed he was not one of'the gang
of robbers and shot In self-defense,
state to Make instructs.
The Htate Hoard of Control has decided
upon a policy of having Its ovtn flavoring
extracts mae at Die hospital al Chero
kee for' all the slate Institutions. Ths
manufacturers failed to make any offer
for supplies of this character for next
year und the bond today decided It Would
aturt a plant of Its own slid make all
sorts" of extracts for state use.
11 an on "Mnll" Insurance.
State Auditor Rleakley today addressed
a letter to all Insurance companies and
agents In Iowa asking their co-operation
In putting a atop to unauthorised and
"mall order" Insurance business, and es
pecially SHklnt them to report If any
Iowa companies are engaged in unau
thorised insurance In other states. He In
tend' strictly to enforce the Iowa law
on the subject und desires first that all
Iowa companies comply with thu new
(1. F. diiunions Arrested.
O. F. Simmons, formerly of this city.
has been arrested at t'larinda accused
of embezzlement from the Des Moines
Mai bio and Mantel company here, lie
had been clerk and bookkeeper six months
but some time ago he was charged with
being short $100 and ha was discharged.
He pul.l part and an reed to pay the
rest, and a letter was received from him
from Chicago. Hut this week It was found
he was short a great dial more and hu
was tiacrd to t'larinda, whole ho was
workliiif In a railroad office.
Only Five of Fourth
McNamara Venire
Are to Be Examined
LOS ANUIJLUH. Nov. 4. -Only five men
out of tho fourth venire drawn In the
McNamara trial inestuted excuses today
to JuiIko Walter Hordwell In his pre
liminary examination. One of these,
Harry Chandler, son-in-law of General
Ilurriaon Uray Otis, proprietor of the
Los Angeles Times, wus excused only
temporarily. The court nut being In reg
ular session JaniiH II. McNamara was
not brnuKtit over from the Jail.
INDIAN Al"OLIS, Nov. Judse Mor-
key this ufternooii granted tu thu Inter
national Assvlcatlun of lirldge and Struc
tural Iron Workers uu appeal to the In
diana supreme court irum his older giv
ing temporary piuuieKHin of the evidence
In tint McN'ainuiu dynunilllng case to the
federal viand Jury.
Muro iltlKilin tliun had appeared In
this city at any oilier tlimi elnce tho
raid on tho olf.i.s uf thu international
Association of lirluc.e und structural Iron
Wuikus und the arrest of John J. Me
N'ainaia wcro active today in the federal
and county court houna.
.Ml were busy watching persons In
any way inluMKled In the Ulxputu as to
thu posat .hsIiiii of evidence -in the Mc
N'ama:u Uiiiuiulting case.
Judce Murkey i( tho county criminal
coui I liea id arguments In an application
for uu appeal to tho state supreme court
from 111- oidor transferring the evidence
lolkcltd In ro to l ulled hlalcs District
Attorney Miller, for uae In u federal
grand Jury investigation uf the cau be
ginning Nuvembt r 7.
CHICAOO, Nov. 4. Seven hours after
Mrs. Jennie rulmer Imd interceded In
the municipal couit and hesijod for the
reiease of lier husband, Ilobrt Palmer,
who bad bi---i arrested for esfa lit and
battery hs was rearrested lf"di, having
slabbed and I'ljureJ fit,-,
Rcnresentative Committee Named
by Illinois Manufacturers
to Draft Bill.
Resolution Asserts Nntlonnl Toiler
of tbe l'nst ilas Created Lack
of Confidence Which
Will t'onlluue.
CHICAOO, Nov. 4.-The Illinois Manu
facturere' association today appointed a
committee of twelve, representing all
sections of the country, to draft a bill
for presentation to congress at its forth
coming session that will clearly lay down
a rule for the conduct of interstate busi
ness, the provisions of which will be
equally fair to the men who furnish the
capital, the consumer and the wage
The resolution adopted which provides
for the drafting of the propoaed bill
makes the following tclarutlons:
"There exists a necessity for ascertain
lng the true economic value of industria
combinations to determine whether the
Khtrmau. anti-trust la, enaated twenty
years ago, is still an economically wist
and (tatrsiniinllko statute and to decide
whether big' business Is (o continue and,
If so, tinder what rules and regulation!
It must be conducted." " '
The committee Is composed ot ths fol
lowing. Charles lies, Chicago; La Verne W.
Noyes, Chicago; Richard Olncy, Boston;
F. O. Watts, Nashville, Tenn.; Louis 1.
Hrandels, Huston; Dr. Arthur liadloy,
Vale university; Samur! I'liU'ineycr, New
Y6rk; Murdo MrKenxle, Trlnldud,' Colo.;
Clark V. Howell, Atlanta, Ua. ; James J,
Hill, St. Paul, Minn.; Rudolph Spreckels,
tan Francisco, and John Wanamakcr,
Mirriiian I -hit Onta-rona.
The prcumblo to the resolution reads,
In part:
"After a score or more of years of In
activity, without premonitory notice, a
national policy has been Inaugurated In
dealings with corporations, which threat
ens tho foundation of our credit and pros
perity. This policy lias created a gtnerul
lack of confidence on tho part of ail busi
ness interests and causes fear among in
dustrial corporations both lurge and
small. Business men who are anxious
and willing to conduct their enterprises
along linos ot honesty and nre upright In
ovrry particular arc included in recent
attacks among thoso who have sought
advantage by unfair and questionable
methods. The declaration has been made
that business must Kjuare Itself tu tho
statute of the country, notwithstanding
tha administrative officers have failed to
pulnt the way und the courts have fullei
to Interpret what the law means.
"Tho Sherman anti-trust law when It
made Its uppearunce In 1MI0 seemed a
model of simplicity and wus emu-ted for
the purpose of preventing cuiublnutlona
In restraint of trade. It wus pasted by
congress istenulhly to correct an ap
proaching evil and wu.i directed at, a few
"It gave the government four remedies
to meet tho situation. One was to en
Join the creation of n combination;
another was to punlsii it for Its forma
tion cr continuance; a third was to seise
Its property In Interstate transit and tho
Ian was to drMroy and dissolve-It by the
Judgment of tho couit Only the last
remedy has been Invoked to any extent
und then only In ths most unequal and
spasmodic way.
I 'ear Continued t'ncertaluty.
"Recent decisions of the supreme court
Imply that the legality of each one of
the larger combinations must be submit
ted to the court for udjudlcution and tho
determination of the administration tu
enforce the act 'without fear or favor
mi an that busiuesH wll be suhjelcted
to periodical shocks for years to come.
"In the absence of any definite rule
by which to Judto of the reasonableness
of coipurato conduct In restraint of trade
the I rcnt uncertainty, which Is de
structivo' to 1iMlnena development, is
houtid to continue.
"Tho only lennxiy seems to be action
on the part of congress by tho enactment
of a law which will proscribe a rulo for
those dolm; Interstate buslnupa to fol
low." More Injunctions
Filed at Wichita
VIIICIUTA, Kan.. Nov. 4,-Tweuty-flvc
more inl'.ini lions weic filed In tli district
court of delist wicli county this morning
by 1 1: a attorney general to surpress Ilipioi
kelling and liousv.i of lil-furno. These bring
the tulul injuni tlui.a akcd by the at
torney fceneral up to '.(-V.
con fivk cents.
Chairman Kennedy Advises Members
of Party to Remain Loyal to '
Its Principles at Polls.
Insurgents Gain Nothing; by Putting
the Bryanitcs in Power.
Republicans Should Stick to the Real
Progressive Party.
Majority for Republican Candidates
ou Tuesday Means Much.
Tlrket Clean from Top to Ilottous
and tbe Interests of the stats
Much Concerned In the '
KLMWOOl), Neb., ' Nov. 4.. (Special.)
John 1 Kennedy, chairman at ths re
publican state committee, spoke to a
large and enthusiast la audience in Klni
wood tonight. He discussed In ' detail
the qualifications of tho candidates oh
the republican slate ticket and urged re
publicans to votd tho state und county
tickets sti sight.
Judges Ietton, Rose and llamer, h
sutd, wers all men of ability and large
experience on the brnoh Judges Letton
and Rose In the supreme court and Judge
llamer In the district court. The candi
dates for re-election as regents ot ths
state university, Mr. Hallcr and Mr.
Lyford, were commended to the cltlsens
of the stute ns men well qualified to
direct the affairs ot Nebraska's greatest
educational Institution; and Mr. Hall, for
railway commissioner, as a cspable man
wholly free from corporate control.
Mr. Kennedy commented on the fact
that four of ths six candidates wers
born and brought up on ths farm and
two of them in country towns.
Drynn's Idea Preposterous.
Referring to Mr: Bryan's .Invitation to
progressive republicans to vote ths dsino
cratlo ticket this full, Mr. Kennedy said.)
"Ths proposition Is preposterous. It Is
based upon a, falsa assumption. Mr.
Mryan assumes and States that ths pro
gressiva republicans are democrats it
heart This Is hot true, they tvers bofn
and bred republicans and they still be
llovo In republican principles. Repub
licans do not differ among . themselves
to any. great extent as to parly princi
ples, but they do dirfer as to their appllr
cation. These differences they will fight
out within party I'nes,. without the aid
or consent of any other party, and theaa
Issues will be settled to the satisfaction
of us all and to the benefit of the whole
"Contention within party lines does not
necessarily mean political death or decay.
It means life end strength and Intensity
of purpose. The republican party has
been blessed with strong men, men of
courage , and conviction, Differences of
opinion sVnong such men are common.
Tho republican party was born ot a great
conflict. It has been the storm center
of political discussion for half a century.
It has settled, and settled right,, tha
great quostions from time to time con
fronting the country. It will continue to
settle them; am' the so-called Insurgent
will stuy within the lines and contribute
their full share to the solution of thess
problems, with credit to themselves, and
to the honor and glory of ths nation.
Mryan Does Not Lend.
"Then again, what would It profit tha
progressive forces to follow Mr. Bryan
Into the democratic camp? Wise men
follow leaders who hav been Successful,
but It can scarcely be said that Mr.
llryan bus succeeded in politics. On
moral questions Mr. Hryan is a power.
As a private cltlsen he is above reproach,
I have for him a genuine liking and re
spect. Had ho taken to the stage, and
dealt with the Berlous problems ot life.
the plaudits ut the world would tava
been ut his feet; had he takon to- ths
pulpit, his Christian Influence would have
exceeded that of any man of modern
times, but ho has neither the tempera-,
mt-nt, the training, nor the talents for
leadership Rlons economic Hues, Ills
party hud not even a modicum of success
until It ceased to follow his advice, and
today it dooa not follow where he leads.
"Tho populist party was composed of
honest, courageous and conscientious
men, yet they lost their influence. Iden
tity and power when they attached
theiiiarlvts to the democratic party. Had
the people'si independent party never
been formed; had the members fought
the good fight within the old party lilies.
It would have been better for them and
Infinitely better for the country. The
I Continued on tfecond Pasn. )
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