T7IK HER: OMAHA, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1011. Nebraska's Leading Crop Advance lnfrn atlon ronrernins Kmln crop atatiFtli s which he has complied for the year Ml, has been Riven by Deputy Labor Commlssttiner Uuyr. In his report ha point out that tho crn crop this eta aon was in bunhrla than It in a year a-o, but tha price higher. What lost In production tii gained on pi kt, matting ine value os me cum tha Fame. The bulletin of tho labor commissioner lll show that the production of winter heat a greater this year than It was year ago, and that the value of the 1111 crop exceeded that of the previous year by H.400.000. The total value of all crops, nrrordln to the labor commissioner, will rhow a slight lncroaso over that of list year. Ilecauae of the rapid strides made In fruit crowing, a separate bulletin Is to be Issued. Just what Increase this year will show over a year ago will not be known until the bulletin Is published. Mr. Guye says: "The 1911 report, while being Slightly below the general average yield Seems to be gained throtight the advanced price and our enormous gain in fruit crops, hence the total value of our 1911 crop will be slightly In advance of the 1910 crop. "The rapid strides made In fruit growing have necessitated the getting out of a separate bulletin on this subject and the total result of the fruit crop for 1911 will fcot, therefore, 1 known until this bulletin Is completed. "Upon the five principal crops, namely, corn, wheat, oats, rye and barley, we find the following as compared with tha crops of 1910: Acre- Average Troducfn ace. Yield. Ilu. .2i.o'!S :i mmsnj 6,696," 2S ns,n-:i,m W I NT KB W1IKAT. J.sM.HXl 13 a 7 40.l:.f.7l J.J74,0"4 17 03 40.H17.M4 HPRINI WHEAT. I14.W7 11 03 6.7I.U fci.OT? 13.44 4.M6.517 OATA. 1S.W S!,(W5.Kfl 2tl4l 71,062,877 UYE. io so mm 15.42 522,648 1URLET. low 91i,io snr; "J M l.Ktl.199 1.W2.XM valuation for corn, wheat, oats, rye and barley for 1911 and 1910 was based upon the current market value of crops at date of compilation, which for 1910 was 50 centa, 90 rents, 2 cents, CO cents and 4 cents, rtsppctlvely. For 1911, 65 cents, fl, 49 cents, 76 cents snd 60 cents, re-spectlvely." (ftk n UNCLE SAM'S LOAD OF COIN What lie Coald lo with Ills fioldea Hoard If He Felt that Way. Tear. J91U 1910. 1P1L 1910. 1911. i'j;o. 3911. 110. 3911. 1910. J.S12.M0 71.M9 Value. m.mo.iw 4n.9yt.rru 88,666,761 t.7.41 tl79,Jt 1114. W3 17.IW9.69 m.m 4:3.w JUL 11 asms 115.97T "It wilt be noted that the estimate on Rome very Interesting nirures regarding the gigantic hoards of gold In the strong boxes of the United Btates government have been given out by officials of the Treasury department at Washington. It Is not exactly the vast amount of this gold, but the possibilities of what we could do with It If we had It that makes It all so Interesting. In round numbers there Is something like 11.300,000,000 In gold in Uncle Ham's strong box. If, for Instance, he so de sired he could build for himself a golden pathway from the Atlantlo to the Faclflc coast of 15 gold pieces placed end to end, and when ha reached 'Frisco he would have a few left over to "sit In" at a "friendly game." More than one billion dollars of this great mass of gold Is In coin, the remain der In bullion. Russia comes second with a gold reserve of $440,000,000, and Franc comes trailing along In third place with about $30,OCO,000. And at the rate that Uncle Fain Is piling up his gold eagles he will soon have twice as much as either Russia or France. If all the gold In the United Btates treasury was In tfi gold pieces and It these were placed In a straight line, end to end, they would reach a distance t 1,219 miles. If In $30 gold coins placed end to end they would reach from New York City to a point a hundred miles or so' west of the Mississippi river. The gold reserve In ti gold coins placed so as to cover a square area would make a golden field two miles square, or four square miles, or a mere trifle of 2.300 golden acres. If the 15 gold coins were stacked banker fashion they would make a pile 175 miles high. New York World. Hoyden Oros.' cat Dept. Down With tho Trust At last wo hnvo succeeded in downing tho meat trust. This is your gain, for you buy meats Saturday for lower prices than ever and, remember, you get only the choicest cuts hero besides full weight. 8J .... -50 GO -5 250 12V60 "D-d 100. ( Turk Roast . . . . Bulk Sausage -, . Hindquarters Lamb or Mutton Forcquartera- Lamb- or -Mutto. Mutton or Lamb Chops, 3 lbs. Mutton Stow, 10 lbs. Boneless Rib Roast . lot Roast . Wj T and it Round Steak ...... . . 1(1 V 80 '12H0 "d 10 150 12 V4tf 100 ............. iy0 12tt 110 Veal Roast . , ; . , . . , , , , 6&! CbOpS m us t lit a mm Veal Steak Pic NIc llama No. 1 Baron Bacon Strips Chickens . . . m . . ... ... . .... ... ayden Ores.' eat Bent. - , ... ... ' ; ly 1 1 0) Jl AYS SEKRA v La 1 u3 til! r'iii LmSI MP 5 I a lilpairiok's Extension Progressing Rapidly!!! Jon tSic Contractors Are Preparing to Dreak Through on the lain Floor! We are loaded with merchandise bought for Fall and Winter business. We expected to got possession of the theater building earlier and had hoped to be doing business in the addition now. How true it is that "The well laid plans o mice and men gang aft agley." Boarding goes up now to keep the brick dust from the Dry Goods. We must move the merchandise. The easiest pface to care for it is in the cash drawer. r I ' " m i i'im -i,mi.m.imi..ih.iw' ,ni(l , l( IMI i There will be wonderful values in Linen?, Dress Ooods and Silks Saturday. My how tho orders are coming in for made-to-measuro skirts. Special price of $2.00 for the making while sale is in progress. "We have crowded forward reserve stock into tho various departments and have cut rad ically to move quickly. LISTEN, MEN! Here are a few quotations for you: Saturdav, Men's Union Suits, were Ofin $1.25 and $1.50, will go at 0C Saturday, Men's $2.00 Suits, splendid ?f 4 C quality, will go at Saturday, Men's $3.00 Suits, great ft OP underwear values, will go at There will be sold all the reserve Men's Mocha nnd Capo Glovesregular $1.50 raluesJ Outing Flannel Night Robes and Pyjamas, com- fort producer. Night robes 50c to $1.50 Pyjamas great values $1.00 to $2.50 7 Weeks After This Till Christmas We nro terribly crowded in Books and Sta tionery Section nil tho Christmas Cards, Cal endars, Books, Sets, etc. are piling up at such a rate that unless we dispose of a largo part of tho stock we'll have "Confusion Worse Con founded." We closed out a lot of choice Kodak "and Postal Card Albums marked them at a very low price, intending to have a special sale. Must act quickly now so have decided to give 20 OFF the low prices Saturday. If you think of buying Photo Albums or Card Albums this is a rare chance. Bought all the Leather, Photo Frames sold at 50c, 75c and $1.00 Saturday, 25C It will pay you to do your Christmas shop ping now, for Saturday you will get 20co off everything in this department except recent copyright fiction. There is a 50c box of Stationery which should attract you at 39c a box. Now note, please, whether you buy penny postal cards or choice sets for the libray you get one-fifth off. Speaking of sets wo have quite a large as sortment, all new, all away below publishers' prices and then 20 off that.. On 2d Floor Saturday Will be offered some of the biggest bargains ever offered by Thos. , Kilpatrick & Co. Women's Suits perfectly tailored, rich fabrics, up-to-the-minute fashions, and a splendid col lection to choose from. Suits, indeed, which have been selling up as high as $G5; 6 Qr all at one price Saturday ua Other wonderful values, also, but this one is so exceptional that we quote price. CHILDREN'S SECTION SATURDAY Children's Hats, sold up to $4.50,, each $1.98 Baby Caps of wool and felt, were $2.00, at 98c Pure Cashmere Drawer Leggings, were $1.25, t 79c Caracul Coats, ages 2 to 8, Saturday, at $3.48 Junior Coats, 13, 15 and 17-year olders: great values at $10.00 And please remember to ask to see the new Junior Jackets, made from heavy all wool mack inaw materials at $G.00 each. The most com fortable and best wearing garment in our judg ment ever produced. Blanket and Comforter Sale continues Sat urday. Glove bargains all day Saturday. Un derwear and Hosiery business has been so rush ing the past few days that it is impossible to get or give selling particulars in detail. There will be no disappointment at the values. Please come in the morning if possible. We have had such a rush of business all over the store this week as to make it impossible to give prompt delivery. Please be patient with us and if not inconveniencing you too much, it will favor us greatly if you will take with you small packages. Lest you fail to remember wo urge you again not to overlook the sale at Book and Sta tionery Section Saturday. You will be so glad, too, to have some of your Christmas shopping finished. n7B n i r i itiil i iii siiii Gsge cmwji rawC3 Cwra CAlii C3 J? Ornahn.' Pnra II Omaha's Pur Food Centor SATURDAY SPECIALS Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Department FItKSII PRESSED Sl'lUXO CHICKKXS AT THE PUDUC MARKET Steer Pot Roast ..QVitf Steer Steak 10 Young Veal Chops t'10 Young Veal Roast 10 Veal Stew -5t Gouin Spring Lamb Leg", per pound ....OVie Lamb Chops 10 Lamb Stew, 8 lbs 25 IMg Pork Roast 8 1,000 lbs. No. 1 Skinned Hams, per pound 13 xh Small Ham 10 No. 1 Calumet Dacon ..17 6,000 lbs. Sugar Cured Bacoa P lb 13 3-lb. pall of Lard 35t Fresh Dressed Chickens ....() SPECIALS From 7 to 9 P. M. Lamb Chops, per lb 5 From 9 to 10 P. M. Pork Chops, per lb 11 DELIVERY si4liii LEAVE AT 10:30 A.M. zr.i 3 P.M. 1610 UAR. KEY ST. Fhon:;-' Csug. 2144 lnd.A-2147 S stocks Michigan Celery 10o Cooking Apples, rer peck 20o lied Holland Cabbage (h'ancy), per pojutl. Cooking Kiss. Per lb lOo ltates, lii cartons lOo and IBo Johnson's Bweet Cider, per Jug, at 3uo and 60o Kaney Head Lettuce, Peppers, Cu cumbers, Wax and Ktrlng Beans, -Urupe Fruit, Cauliflower, L '... V. t'ln.u i.Tila, U Jb. can hklnlosn 'lgs 2Ke (I a rum rillver I'oll.sh . . 16c. 80c. 76o II pKtfa. "ArBa" uioas marca..oa 26c rake, 1 lb.. Imported Castile Hoap l&o rtui "L.U Lu" Scouring l'owder, . . VKn fluffed Olives, jar,..10o, lSc, J5dl toe Jar gueen onves sdo l-lb. pic 6. Victoria rial Boda....6o 1 HI f m Q50SB Qttrzj CKErjCW Cwws Qpxxr& Z&3 VsriLont or Ohio Maple Sugar, .per lb. ibo I pkgs. Corn Flakes 25o 11.(6 vB-fral.) OH or Gasoline Can, with safety pump, special. .. 50a Layer iialalns, in l-lb. cartons, . for 2f,0 I cans "Nabob" Soups, assorted, for 250 Batter, Xggs and Cheese Sept. Our best Country Butter, In sani tary jars, per lb i)5o "Itus" Creamery Butter, In car tons, per lb Jiio Btrlctly Fresh Kggs, for table use, per do.'.en 32a roinestlo Swiss Cheese, per v lb JJUn Ijtrge Edam Cheese, each... 1.10 Imported itoquefort Cheese. lb.40o gunrt Jrs Celery Relish or Chnw Chow 20o Lye Hominy, bulk, per lb 10a Lilll tickles, per doi,.15o and 20c tSJ I aiwday is L-j LiJ st V ' 1 . jlj tin i crve ElllaLtU o Don't wait until you have taken a sever cold, or grip, or find It neceaaary to call a doctor. Itrlng noma a bottle of Ulller'a Straight Pure Whiskey keep a bottle always on hand. It Is absolutely dependable for bonis purpoaes and it la pleas ant, smooth and palatable, Far better than most one dol lar ur ilu da, and it coals you woly X Hat.. 1 1 ' ?g Pork Shoulder Roast, Per Pound, '! rig Pork Cbors, per lb. 12V4 Steer Slrlola Bteak 15 Veal Chops, per lb. .... .10 No. 1 Lean Bacon, by the strip, regular price 22V4c, special, per lb 82o Rolled Rib Roast, all bones out, at 12V4 and 10? Choice) Pot Roast 10S 7H Veal Roast, per lb 10t 18ic Kulokofskr Meat Co Prop. 210 North lOOi Street. A-2141; D 17DC. GO Cents Per Quart row Quart Skipped rrepaid. Peat forget order today. Call, phoa or write te "MILLER LIQUOR CO. 1S0S raVmaTAJC CTBKBT. 18 Pou:3s Bast Can3 Granulated Sugar Zf Toa ynrcbaae II Order of Other Goods. WS carry a full line -it Tvm.. Cutter, bpKea, At tracts, linking l'ud..r, tt: Try Oar &oflee, kpeolal at, a 1., aoe. Sf.OO oyuno Toa Co. 406 McrlhlGth St. Tal. O. 2446; Ind. B-2448 ( Pay Cash and Save lVioney Buy vll your meats from ua and you'll .uve money, and besides you will net the choicest, juiciest, ten-, derext meals euld in Omaha. v KnowlnRly we never allow atousu steak or roust In our shoo, y a buy only I lie choicest; sell fur aiot rash; keep no book accounts ; neither do we deliver These are the reasons why we can ell sucn guod ii.sat for less than the other fellows sell Inferior quality. . iHin't forg-et our own, home dreaeed chickens Nothing like theiu la Omaha spring- liens ItHe lor a lyulna tlSs 1'ork Itoaat - Home Made l'c.rk Sauaaiia lUVae Home ltenierrl 1-arU lte lui bacoa Htrlpe J7-o lixn Hack b trips Fot ltojt SH and To Jos. Bath's Cash Market 1 ir.it I'anuun btreet. Vei, Oosvfla C, unkist California Wines The Best Home Made Vine on the market. Order a bottle today and be convinced. Angelica, Port, Sherry Muscatel, Tokay, full quart BOc White Cross Malt Whiskey, full quart 75c Jackdaw Rye, bottled In bond, quart fl.23 Teunessee White Corn (moon shine) full quart 75c Tennessee White Corn (moon shine) gallon Most any Standard Bottled In Uond llrand, quart Sl.OO Home Made Wine, white or red, gallon fl.oo We five (ireen Trading ritaxnpa. lrompt lsllvery. . CACKLEY BROS. WINK MEKCJ1ANT8 121 N. lBlh St. Opp. P. O. lioth rbones. the Pay foe 1 S te!Bmi"uViiij:::i.tumni,yaEs P3ho are in Search of Paano Barga S n aiaimp, HA YD EN'S PIANO DEPARTMENT will be tho busiest spot in town Saturday, providing the readers of this advertisement take ad vantage of the dondrous saving offers. If you ever intend purchasing a piano for your home, do it now, it will pay. You can afford tc give your old piano away and furnish your home with a new high grade instrument. "We are offering these pianos at such low prices because they are sample instruments not carried in. our regular line. Here are a few of the values we offer: $200 Upright. . . $125 $300 Upright . . $225 $275 Upright. . . $150 $350 Upright . . $250 $250 Upright. . . $175 $375 Upright . . $275 $275 Upright. . . $200 , $400 Upright . . $300 Compare the qualities and prices on the above pianos with any of the so-called piano bargain offers in Omaha, and you will at sight be convinced that for, real piano bargains Hayden's is the place to go. Call and inspect our PLAYER PIANOS. "We have the finest line of PLAYER PIANOS in the city. Note the following makes: Knabe, Emerson, Angelas, Fischer, Cecilia n, Milton, Schaeffur, I?. S. Howard, Price & Teeple, Stratford and others. AVe will sell one of the above PLAYER PIANOS, 88-note, fu!l size, fully warranted, on Saturday for $375 with 25 rolls of music, bench and scarf. Highest of qualities, lowest of prices and easy terms. Free stool, free scarf, with all pianos. . THE OLD RELIABLE SS sasa,su3 s" BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS n -