Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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I t! S -fTfUAfiLfc STORF, ..V
sssm iVsnr iiisi iir i n .
Mail Orders filled from our
dally ads and wt guarantee f"
satisfaction to all. Fresh fruits
and vegetables shipped only by
express at owner's risk.
Handkerchiefs at Half
A big Special Lot of Ladies'
and Children's Handkerchiefs
go on sale Saturday.
Children's Be Handkerchiefs. , . .2
Ladies' 10c Handkerchiefs at 5
Ladles' 15c Linen Handkerchiefs, at
each 7Mt
Ladles' 15c Embroidered Handker-
chiefs, at -7i
Ladies' 26c Embroidered Handker
chiefs, at 124
A fine line of Swiss and Linen Initial Handkerchiefs In fancy boxes.
bix in box, regular 60c value, at box It!)
$1.00 Velvet Handbags 59c
, Very best quality velvet, with
fancy colored linings, metal
frame, good long silk cord han
dle; great Snap, each . . . . J9
Many other specials on fancy
handbags Saturday.
L.nii:S' XECKWKAK 8A1.K.
A new line of fancy side frills.
Jabots, stock nnd cape collars,
35c values, each 10
50c values, each.... lilSC
$1.00 values, each 4i)
$1.25 values, each G5
Tremendous Mill Purchase ol Winter Underwear on Sale
Saturday at a Saving to You of J to i
The entire surplus stock of two of the
largest mills in America, Thousands of
dozens of garments, offering you nil
kinds, nil sizes, nil styles, for selection at
one-third to one-half saving from regu
lar prices.
The biggest underwear purchase ever
brought to Omaha tho best bargain op
portunity ever offered Omaha buyers.
Corao early.
Indies' 92.(10 and $3.00 I'nion Suits All wool
or Bilk and wool, Including Stratford, Luserne
and Harvard m.lls brands, in gray or cream, on
$1.08 na 91.50
nin t
11 R V-
r?niAMF stonr.
Saturday and Monday Itig
Mill fctock of
On sale offering buyers Wjrgeat
bargain opportunities known In
Omaha In years.
i.fiv :,
Harvard Mills Vests or
Men's All Wool Underwear Shirts
or drawers, worth $2.00 garment,
In red, gray or tan, on sale,
at S1.35
Men's Mowed Shirts or Urawers
75c .values nt ... .115
Men's $:i.OO All Wool I'nton Hnits
All kinds nt Sl.l8
Men's 91.00 Underwear Jersey
ribbed or fleeced, shirts or draw
ers, at 4f)
Men's $5.00 and $fl.OO Union Suits,
very finest qualities, at 3.50
sale, choice.
Indies' $1.25
Men's $1.50 and $2.00 Union Suits
all kinds at OS n( 75c
Children's Mewed I'nderwear
Vests or pants on sale at Just half;
S.V values at 12 He; etc.
Children' $1.00 Union Suit All
sizes up to 16 years, cream or
gray 49
Children's All Wool Underwear
Vests or pants start at 40
Rise Cc per Blze.
Children's All Wool Union Suit
Starting at garment S5tf
Ilisa lOo per size.
r u 1 a
Children's BOc Underwear Vests
'or pants, on sale at S5
ladles' Fleeced Union Suits $1.00
and $1.50 values, In white, cream
or gray, on sale. . .75 BUd 5!)
Indies' Union Suits, worth to $2.00,
Jersey ribbed, In white, cream or
gray, on salo at OS
Ladles' Fleeced I'nderwear Shirts
or drawers, made to sell at $1.00,
all sizes and colors. In three lots,
t 10S 3!)S 25
Indies' Outing Flannel tiowns
Special 8. 75 and 49
tt , .1 .1 t.4 7
Haf Mini;, Halt
Price y price
Both Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats. Your Unre
stricted Choice of Anything in Our Stock.
Dress Hats, Street Hats; Shapes of all
descriptions Beaver shapes, Felt
shapes, Satin shapes, Velvet
shapes. The most complete, most
desirable line of millinery in
Omaha for your unrestricted se
At Just Half Price
Greatest bargain opportunity ever
offered. Come early Saturday.
Hosiery Specials
Ladles' heavy wool ribbed and
fleece lined hose, special bar
gains, at, pair 25
Ladles' 25c Hose, black with
white feet and cashmere fin
ish, on sale, pair . . . .13H
Ladles' Silk Hose, fine quality
worth double, prices
at : OS and 49
Ladles' Silk Lisle and part Silk
Hose, values to 75c pair, on
sale at 35
Men's Seamless Wool or Cotton
Hose, blacks and colors, 25c
quality 12 V4
Men's 18o Hose, 8 pairs 25
Men's all wool Hose, In light,
medium and heavy weight,
special values 25
Men's 85c Shawknlt Hose, Sat
urday, 8 pairs for
A big new line of these goods
JuBt received and will be placed
on Special Sale Saturday In
Mve Big Lots.
$1.23 Auto Scarf ...69
Full length and width, plain
and fancy cloths.
$1.25 Auto Scarf sa 69
Very fine brocaded poplins.
B1.50 Auto Scarfs 79
U2.00 Auto Scarfs 98
$2.50 Auto Scarfs $1.25
All the finest crepe scarfs, at,
up from S1.50
15o Cord Shopping- Baga 190
loo Tooth Hrunhes at lOo
11.00 Meal Hair Brushes 59o
ISo Silk Klautlo Belts 390
Biggest assortments and best
values Bhown in Omaha.
Ladies' Kid Cloves in the very
best makes and all the new
shades, all gloves fitted, very
choice values at 98. Si. 50
and $2.00
Ladles' Cape Gloves in tan,
black, gray and white, spe
cial 98 and 81.50
1.00 Cape Gloves, 40c A new
line Just received, all Bizes, in
tan only, special at.... 49
Ladles' and Children's Lined
Gloves and Mittens In kid or
cashmere, special, 25. 49
Men's and Boys' Sample Olovas
and Mlttena, lined or unllned,
both areas and work welKhU;
regular valuea up to l bO, on
sale, pair 49o
Man's Auto Gloves are 12.00 and
3.U0 values, beat frradea
at 11.46 and S80
We enow Towne's and Perrlss'
Men's Drees Oloves.
Ladies' Sweaters
At Greatly Less Than
Ladles' All Wool Sweoters,
worth to $4.00, in blue, ox
ford or white, special Satur
day, at S1.45
' Other specials $1.98 to $5.00.
Misses' Sweaters, in double
breasted or co-ed effects, in
brown, cardinal, white, oxford
or blue, special bargains Sat
urday, at 81.45. 81.98
and $2.45
fl.50 Juvenile Sweaters, fine
worsteds, sizes 1 to 5 yearB,
cardinal, white or oxford, on
'sale Saturday 49
Children's Jersey Sweaters,
values up to $2.50, at $1.45
$4.00 Standard Corsets, 08c
Broken lots and sizes in the
best standard makes, regular
values to $4.00, while they
last, at OS
$1.00 Fine Coutil Corsets in a
variety of good models, all
sizes, 18 to 30, 75c and 49
Big Shoe Sale Saturday
Fifteen hundred pairs women's $4.00 shoes in all tho
new leathers and shapes; some are made with leather tops,
and some have cravenetted cloth tops. Every pair sold
with a Hayden guarantee.
Men's Gun Metal Button or
Blucher Shoes, $4.00 val
$2.50 1
Men's Patent Colt, Tan, Lo
tus Calt and Vlcl Kid
Women's White Nubuck fancy buttons, a fegular $4.00
value $2.65
Men's $3.00 and Women's $3.00 shoes, short lines, all
leathers and all new styles. .$1.98
Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' shoes, Misses' and Child's
shoes, some high cuts, values up to $2.25, in two big lots,
at $1.50 and $1.00
1,500 pairs Men's and Women's warm felt slippers, two lots,
50c and 3Qc
The largest stock of warm-lined shoes in the city up
from $1.00,
at, per pair 75c and 50?
Men's Cushion Shoes and Women's Cushion Sole shoos, th
$5.00 kind, at, pair $4.00
and CKOSSETT shoes for Men and Women who want only the BEST.
Men's $a.00 and $2.50 Wool
Shirt All colors, very spe
cial bargains $1.45. 98
Men's Sample Sweater font
Values to $7.50, all colors and
kinds, on sale Saturday at
$4. BO, $3.08, $3.50, $2.08,
$2.50, $1.08, $1.43 and 08c.
Wool Blanket Hath Iloles
All newest and best colors,
values up to $12.00, on salo
at $3.08, $1.08, $3.08, $2.43.
Men's laundered Shirts $1.C0
to $2. DO values, pleated or
plain bosoms, all best makes,
and colors, at $1.43, 08c, 40c
Men's Outing Flannel Gowns,
values to $2.00, at 08c, flOc
and ' 49
Why Pay More for Drugs and Toi
ler Goods
Big- Special Sale atorday.
Vrtoea that save yon 89 to 60
per cent.
2dc caxe of Outlcure Soap for 17o
He bar No. till White Koa Gly
cerine Muup tor lOo
10c Jap Kobb or Palm Olive 8oi.
two bars for lbo
One bin lot at 10c. 15a and 25o a
bar toilet Soaps; all go at i bars
for ........ t.. v ... . lBo
lOo Wllllamet or Colgate's Hhav
1ns Soap for ,, So
ISc pa ane of SO Mule Team
Borax for So
Our 'lloao Cream for chapped
hands and fare, for lOo
16o Jar 1'eroxWa Cream Vanlttn
ln. for lOo
Stic Jar Manltol l ain Cream for ISO
3-oe. bottle Ulycerlue, J tone Water
and Kay Hum for .....lOo
25c alsee White I'lne Cough Hyrup
for lo
One dozen 2 or 3 grain Quinine
Capsule for So
One hundred Or. Illnkle'a Canon i a
Tablets for 850
2da Hanitol Tooth Powder or I'HMte
for lSo
2Bc l)r. K. L. Graven' Tooth
Powder for loo
BOo box Java Itloe or Por.xonl'n
l'aro Powder for 850
$1.00 box U K. Trefli in C'arnat
l''a;e Powder for 75o
tl.50 bottle oriental Cream for 980
$1.00 eie Pure Hydrogen Perox
ide for 880
$1.25 Hapld Flow Fountain Kyr
lwte for 89o
$1.00 2-qt. Standard Hot Water
llottlo for S9o
$2.00 No. 3 Conciliation Byrlntte
and Hottle for S1.O0
$3.00 Wellington Syringe and bot
tle, guaranteed for b years,
for I9-00
Saturday Specials
In Our ,
High Grade Linen
$3.50 for high grade Imported
Marseilles bedspreads, scalloped,
with cut corners, worth $5.98.
$2.03 for high grade imported
Marseilles bedspreads, with heavy
knotted fringes, worth $4.00.
$1.08 for high grade crochet
bedspreads, fringed or hemmed,
plain or cut comers, worth $3.00.
$1.25 for high grade fringed and
hemmed crochet bedspreads, as
sorted patterns, worth $2.00.
Picture Sale
A- timely sale at saving prices.
Your every wish can be supplied
in this sale. Here are Just a few
prices: ,
$2.00, $2.60 and $3.00 Pictures,
in gilt and oak frames $1.39
$1.50 Pictures, choice....,, 85c
10c Postcard Frames, in oak or
gilt, at v.... 5
10c Passepartout Pictures .4c
23c Passepartout Pictures . . 10c
I'icture Framing Saturday, one
third off regular prices.
Saturday Bargains
'Domestic Room
81-90 Belvedere sheets a good
Bhoct for 7Dc Saturday only,
at 59
46-30 pillow cases, our 16c case,
Saturday only 13 V4
No. 205 huck towel, good size,
always Bells for 16c, Saturday,
each 10
All wool Blankotr good and heavy
anaorted plaids, grey a and tana;
our $6.00 blanket, Haturday at a
i)alr M-o
II. H. Blanket good sir grey with
fancy boruere our 12.50 blanket
at a oair 81.84
Cotton Hlunkete full nUe fron.' bOo
a pair up to 95.00
Extra Special on Comforts.
It's Interesting to Read Hayen's Grocery Prices
That set the paoe and save the people of Omaha from 29 to 60 Per Cent.
15 lbs. best Granulated Sugar.. $1.00
48 lb. sack jjiainoiiu xx. xiio nun u.
Omaha and Housekeepers' Friend.
per Back $1.30
9 lbs. beat Rolled brakfaet Oatmeal,
or 25o
9 lbe. best White or Yellow Cornmeal
for 1
7 lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch 25o
lbs. good Japan P.ite. 7 He quality,
or f"0
4 lbs. fancy Japan Iilce, lOo quality.
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb. .. 16o
Try Ilaydcn's First
S Pk
Burley. Sago aim Tapioca, four lba. '
lor zuo
kgs. .Diamond C or It Mince Meat,
ror 2ao
4 pkgs. Pyramid Vuahing Powder loo
Lu l.u scouring, me inagio cleanser,
can 6a
Campbell's SoupH, per ran 7 Ho
8 pkaa. Diamond 11 Self-Klslng; Pan
cake Flojr 25o
Gallon cans (iolden Table Hyrup 30o
4 bunches fresh Kadlshea to
2 lind fiwli Lxbt Lettuce ...... Do
2 Soup Hunches to
4 bunches fresh Beets 60
2 bunches Celery , to
i bunches Oyutcr i'lant 6j
1'ancy Denver Cuuliflower, per lb.
at 7UC
1 ancy Wax or Ureen Beana, lb. 7Uo
4 bunches fresh onions Jo
Beets, Carrots, PuranipH or Turnips,
per lb afiO
t lbs. Jeracy .Sweet Potatoes ... 16o
ltutubaKua. per lb IVio
Pancy CabbaKe, lb lWo
Fancy CookinK Apples, peck .... l'o
Bed onions, pt-r lb ihtC
Cheaper nnd better than lots Of so
called butler.
2 lbs. Cuid Kutteilne 2Bo
Hood Table Hutterlne, lb 160
i Ilia, fancy Table Hutterlne .... 460
Tlia best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, per lb 34a
Deeply Cut Prices Saturday
lbne Busy Hardware Department
10-qt Enameled Water Falls, best
grade perfect ware... ao
lS-Qt. sis Saturday ,..3o
COo fine Tie Brooms a So
Mrs. Potts Sad Irons, 6 -piece
set, at 79o
6-ft. Hkirt Boards at , fito
6-ft Skirt Boards at 7 So
Heavy Cotton Mops at lvu
Vo. 13 Koand Oak Beaters, heavily
nickeled, anap $S.SO
No. 17 Hound Oak Heaters, heavily
nickeled, special $9.00
Galvanised Garbage Cans, with Ud
and bail, speciul, 10-sal. alxu, Hut-
urday 690
12-Kal. sizo, Saturday 7o
IS-sal. alze, Suturday 980
20-sal. alze, Suturday $3.98
(20-Kal. raus are heavily coruKaled)
Perfeotlon Asa Sifters, large size,
Saturday $3-98
Triumph Ash Sifters, medium sizn,
necial $3.48
4.00 Perfection Oil ileutere. , . .$3.98
4.60 Perfection Oil 1 leu t.-rn .... $3.50
5.00 Perfection OH Heaters. . . ,$J.9S
QWlrtf' tr w " v -
Better Bargains
Than Ever in Our
Manufacturers Stock
Sale of
Women's Garments
Scores of new lots Just ' received
will make Saturday the moBt attrac
tive bargain day yet.
Heaiitlfut Silk and Wool one-piece
Dresses, at 98.93
Made to soil at $20.00 to $30.00.
Clever designs in Silk Poplins, Messallnes,
Taffetas, Serges, Panamas, etc., a splendid
assortment of nobby styles, in all colors and, nothing to equal them over before of
fered In Omaha $8.95
Saturday in the Furs
xxxx Near Seal Coats, 30 inches long with
American beaver collar nnd cuffs, Skinner
satin lined, matchless. Saturday nt $-19.00
Itnn Caracul Coats
$15 values, lined
throughout, all sizes
on sale . . .$8.95
Sel Plush (Vtats
Lined throughout,
special $14.90
$19.90 nl $25
a ' Jii
200 Sample Novelty tloth tvats, that were
made to sell at $25.00, delightful bar
gains, at sale price $14.90
5,000 Children's Coats Bought from tho manufac
turers at 50c on tho dollar will bo placed on salo Satur
day at less prices than equal quality garments were ever
before sold.
Children's Heavy Coats In Frieze,
Kerseys, Caraculs and fancies,
values to $7.60, In all newest
styles, sizes from 2 years up,
choice 1 $2.95
Children's Winter Coats, Velvets
Plush, Caracul and novelty
cloth, sizes from 2 to 15 years,
all colors and bluck, to $10.00
values $4.95
Entire Manufacturers' Stock of Women's Tailored Suits.
$12.50 Tailored Hults J.05
200 In the lot, blues, black,
browns, up to date styles and
materials, greatest bargain
ever, choice $4.95
9isa.RO Tailored Suits $8.05
Plain colors and fancy mixtures
clever style ideas In splendid
assortment, over 300 In lot,
values to $22.50, at ..$8.95
Women's Long Eiderdown and Blanket RobesJust the
thins for this weather, all colors;, special at $2.95, $3.95
Long Flannelctto Kimonos all colors and sizes, regular
$1.50 values; on sale Saturday at UoC
Special Exhibit
Laurel Stoves
Saturday, November 4th.
We cordially invite you to
bo present and see for your
self why a Laurel Range will
heat six griddles without
heating the oven, tho oven
without heating tho reser
voir, or the reservoir with
out heating the oven.
It's a great fuel saver,
the best satisfaction giver.'
The Inside or Twin Flue construction of a Laurel. Range Is the
root or its unequaled cooking and baking qualities and fuel Bavlng
features. Come Saturday, let the demonstrator show you the why and
wherefore of the superiority of Laurel Ranges.
98.00 Premium Given Free to Each Purchaser With every Laurel
Range purchnsed during this exhibit wq will give the choice of a
26-plece chest of silverware or a 6-pioce set of "Wear-Ever" aluminum
cooking utensils. "If It's a Laurel It's right." See them.
For Your Winter's Coal Supply
We promise you a neat saving In your coal bill If you'll be sure to use .
HAYDEN'B KOYAL Lump or nut ton $0.50
Hot, Clean, Lusting, for Furnace or IVunge. ,
IIAYPEN'H HPKCIAL Lump or nut at, ton $0.00
Big Special SALE
In Jardinieres and Fern Dishes
25c 7-ln. Jardinieres, decorated in
green and brown, eacb...,19
$1.00 7, 8 and 10-lncu JardlulereB,
each 49
$1.50 and $2.50 Jardinieres, at
each 9S
$2.00 decorated fern dishes, at
each 980
$1.25 brass fern dishes, at. .UOC
Gas Department Specials
Two Inverted and upright mantles
for 15C
Two 16c mantles for C
Two 20c mantles for 21C
Two 25c mantles for i'Zi
Liquors at Less
It's the quality that counts, that
Insures us repeat orders on all
our lines. Try these specials for
Huuklst California Wines.
Port. Hherry, .Anuellia. Tokay or
Muscatell ....SOo o.
Old Mellow Vlntag-e, tt-yr.-old Mary-
luntl Itye Whlakey, very line, per
full qt., 7So per sul.
Weldon Spring's, Cedar Brook, hen
ley and Jack Saw Whiskeys, all
iukii tuaue, e yrs. oia; mil iU., i.
per sui
TryHAYDEH'SFirst h
Architect Latenser Eefusei to Ac
cept Smaller One.
Doors to Va.lta l Co-nty
Building; B,ow
Slae Called For l h
' rollowtn- the refusal of Jolin Latenser,
architect of the new county building,
to accept sod approve vault doors which
are not up to the epeciflcatlona. Cald
Veil Drake, the general contractors, ap
' pealed to the board or county commis
sioners Friday afternoon.
Rather than conform to the specifi
cations clearly set out In their contract
with the county, the feneral contractors
Would have the county commissioners ac
cept the smaller doors and deduct the dif
ference In cost from the contract price
of the entire county building construc
tion job.
Mont of the vault doors which Caldwell
& Drake have had delivered on (the Job
and which they propose to Install are
below specifications, the dimension de
ficiencies ranging from one foot to two
and a half Inches.
In one caxe a door specified should be
2 feet 10 Inches by 7 feet, while the door
delivered In Its place measures t feet i
Inches by S feet, 1 mches; in another,
the door specified should be S feet 6
Inches bv 7 feet, while he door the gen
eral con' rac tore propose to use measures
I feet l Inches by feet 10 Inches.
Many other cases show similar and vary
ing deficiencies.
Doubtless the smaller doors cost leia
money than the doors epeclfled; doubt
leas the general contractors would ef
fect a considerable saving by Inducing
ths county board to accept the cheaper
doors; doubtless It would be cheaper to
deduct a few dollars from the general
contract price and put In unsatisfactory
doors than to purchase an almost entirely
new pet of doora.
Heretofore the general contractors have
been signally succeful In Inducing the
democratic triumvirate of the lioard of
County Commisidoners to take their view
In preference to that of Mr. Iatenser.
On the vault door n.u ih- general
contractors may not ' Kieat a
uaving as they did v. did busi
ness with the county I i prevailed
upon It to change the .... contract
a deal which involved many thoutunds of
dollars but there Is enough In It to Jus
tify the appeal to the county board.
When Informed that the appeal had
been taken Friday Mr. I.atener pluced
in the hands of the county commlitaloners
a table showing Juat how the doors are
specified snd Juki how they have been
Persistent Advertising
to liig Return.
Is the Road
Central Improvement Club Cannot
Stand for His Work.
Aro Now Asked to Par for Moving
Dirt from Street Which Fly an
Plneed There Over
Their Protest.
Indignation against Btreet Commissioner
Thomas Fiynn ran high Thursday night
at the regular meeting of ths Central Im
provement club, held In Columbus hall at
Twenty-second and Pierce streets, when
the proposition of paying for ths removal
of the dirt taken from the City National
Bank excavation, which was placed on
Twenty-f u-kt street near Leavenworth
several years sgo came up. When the
dirt was taken from ths sits of the bank
building, It was placed on Twenty-first
street In such a way as to cause much
discomfort, and since It wus removed
some time sgo at a com of H'i'i. the tax
payers are to be forced to divide this
amount and pay up. Members of the
club stats that when the debris wau
first scattered on Twenty-first street.
It was dona regardless of their protect
and the statement that that street was
soon to be paved. When It was placed
there anyway, In the winter, the melting
snow caused unsightly puddles on the
sidewalks much to the discomfort of the
nelghbot hood. Now It baa been removed,
and the citizens who protested against
It at first are to be forced to pay the
cost of having It removed.
A resolution was adopted during the
meeting to open Pierce street from Bev
enteenth to Klghteeuth and to pavs
F.lghteenth from Pierce to Leavenworth;
Seventeenth from Williams to Maxn;
and Marcy from Seventeenth to Four
teenth. A committee composed of Joseph
Prltchard, I 13. Btelneger, J. 11. Murphy
ana. Lewis Btelner was appointed to take
the matter up with the city engineer and
Graff Calls on All
Teachers to Help
Entertain Visitors
Bupe rlntendent Graff has announced In
a circular letter to local teurjiirg the ar
rangements that have been made for the
reception of the visiting teachers next
week. The reception fur the vlnllurs will
be held at the Rome hotel from :30 to
11.30 next Thursday evening and on ac
count of the sixe of the convention only
thohe wearing the asroclatlon badge will
be admitted.
In his letter to the teachers Supei'n
tendent (iraff says: 'May 1 urge that
each of us bo a committee of one to wel
come the visiting teachers to our city.
There Is perhaps no other convention
which brings together men and women
who have such widespread Influence la
moulding the thought of ths coming- oltl"
xens of Nebraska, and this Is an oppor
tunity for us to show that we aro proud
of our city, Its educational institutions,
its business enterprises and its progres
sive men and women.
'The reception commutes have mad
arrangements for Mary Munchhoff and
Max Iundow to furnish muslo for this
reception, and on account of the late date
it Is not possible to get this announce
ment Into the final program of ths meeting."
General Manager Scott of ths Union
ruclflc has gone out on a tour of Inspec
tion of the system. This Is his first trip
over the road since assuming his new
duties. lie will be absent several days.