TIIE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1911. Four . Saturday Specials That are Irresistible Following our r'an of giving Omaha shoppers special bar gains for Faturday, we are this week offering four of the greatest tncney-caving bargains that wo have had occasion to present re cently. They follow: m $2.50 Desk Clock for $1.50 s ft f 12 ' An excellent German "'k i l-iA clock. Just like Illustration, V. ,:r,h win oo boiu lor fi.ov. ine "-,8 7 .vVi) ,l0 an excellent movement, a' 7 5 0- -L n e aro enao,ed make V- V r , , , . , , ; Yw this special low orloa be- l. vQ Is ' , . yy 1 vniiorj iai rr Sinvi L Ul Q II V wss bought at an Introduc tory price. It's a wonderful timepiece for this money. $3.00 COUCH COVERS FOR $1.75 An excellent mercerized tapestry couch cover, reversible and of mixed rolorn. will sell for $1.75. Tho regular price Is 3.00. It Is 60 Inches by 3 jards, and represents the highest value. $2.G0 CHINELLE BATH RUG FOR $1.65 Special extraordinary value Is offered In this Chlnelle bath, rag. which Is regularly priced at $2.60 and which Is marked down to fl.CS. The Alio Is 3000. The colors are blue and whit and green and white. It Is a dnndy rug for tho bath room. 35c Toaster for 15c "",. 1,1 An n-6ieei toaster, like Illus- -, " .." 1 kf t ration, which has regularly told if 7 for 35 vrlcci at 15 centa ' ' X .' '''1 for Saturday. Four pieces ot -: jJ bread nay be toasted at one time. 14" "''il- Th toaster may be attached to gas burners. FURNITURE CONCESSIONS FOR A FEW DAYS. ' Buying good furniture of substantial character at lower-than-regulnr prices will enable shoppers to become acquainted with the great values given here. Wle have lowered the prices on some articles for a few days, Thts furniture Is of the highest quality and most modern designs. f.'iO.OO Mahogany Four I'ostrr lUsl Very majeatir model, with strong materials. Very beautiful 320,00 'f .1:1.00 Golden Oak Ituffet Substantial, and thoroughly built nroad top, 40-ln.; beveled mirror, 38x13. Large linen drawer , $23.00 27.00 fiolricn Onk Huffed Large linen drawer; durable and attractive; 40 inches; French mirror 23x8. Leaded glass door , $18.00 930.00 Mahogany Chiffonier Very fine article, 30-ln.; French mirror, 16xl7-ln. Strong large drawers 821.50 $21.50 Mahogany Dresser Large, spacious drawers, broad top, 40-ln., French plate mirror, 27x20 $15.00 f 00.00 Circassian Walnut Chiffonier Heavy front; large drawers; 36 Inches; beveled mirror, 27x20 $35.00 MILLER, STEWART &BEAT0N CO. i TUB TAG-POLICY IIOU8K. Established 1884. 418-1B-17 No. lath Rt V 7 'l fit A. l nn n rm From Omaha's Near Neighbors Valley. Mrs. C. B. Nichols vlilted In Omaha Tuesday. Mra. A. A. F.Kbert and Mr. Harvey fciahl were frniKint visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mm. W. H. Kdrty and Mil Xldith WradMiaw went to Onmht Tucaday. Mrs. Gertrude Ingram and Mrs. C. Coi it a were shopping n oinatia Satur day. Mra. V. It. Tliomun, lio has brn stay Isi Omaha witn tier viator, cam horns 'Jln'THday tiiurnlnK. Mr. Johntun went to Lincoln 'Vedn 0ay aftor hia auto, vthlih li loft bun day evening on account of ths rain. Mrs. J. C. Agra enjoyed a visit from Mra. Itabidrr ( Manhattan, Kan. Mrs. Jtiatslur was furmtiiy o( Waterloo, Neb, Hev. Mr. Swretland of ths Omaha. Theo logical seminary fieached Sunday morn Ins and evening at the I'reabyterlan churuli. Mra. K. . Klmmerman vlilted hers par ent till week on her way to join 1UV. Sr'.lnuncnuan In their new home at Walt kill. Neb. roitmaster Mnn Johnson Ha txen rio t If ltd that bfginnln November 10, lfll. the Valley poalolfics Will te a ponal savins bank. The Valley schools will be closed No vember s. and IU. no that all the teach, i may attend the Utate Teacher' ao ciatlon In Umaha. Tjia eoihoinor and junior clas of the Valley iilhB echixil had a yery ilena- nt Haliowe't-u party in JlubbarJ hall Tuesday evening. ai'ower wa given at the home of Mm. V. a. V. hit mar. fc.r Mm HfKHle Hie, who DiQtnaKe to Mr. i-toffrr ot w yuiuli.a will Lu kuleiuulzcd soon. The stria' basket ball team of the Valley Jilsh achool iihiyed the mile' baxket ball team of the Mllmrd lliKh schcxd Tuoaduy rternoou, tho acurs being In favor of the Valley team. The rerulnr rm'etlnr; of the Iadle' Aid socltty of (lie MethodlNt tiUHcui'al church waa tieii at the iimiie ot Mra. C K. iyara. The following officer were re cocted: Mrs. I- 1. l.ar. froaldont ; Mra. 3 H Keimeilv. vice ircH d.-nt : Mra. T. I'.eaum, aecretury, and Mr. It. M. Krway. treaaurcr. Tho society wl)l nerve dinner and upier election day In the Hubbard fcullJlug. Inareninll hum hin vlaitin Waterloo and Omaha for several months IWIBt. but Bom In...,. i.. Shannon wl m.."Z. "'"'rr- , - - ""uio tune, 'M- 1?id "i"' J-w,f- Conr'' ot lllam. ir. nor.!ut week vleltlnfl Tas. I on PA i si slsiap VI n, w. m nd faiA-r m yra. - eeew IU II V I SF. 1 nV ;LiWh.,J? m.",' """I1", '"ornln. to "u lamuy, Mr. and r. Conrad auln nn hmn. i.i.. v.'T "in ot the Waterloo : t. : " r" "ma win atr. w. J. k-.r ' the Vi.Vti.r u "t. ,a an and In- ructlee manner hv n,. Haheth Todd. aaMated by Mesdamea .o.vu vuu ,Bwuiun. M II ill M M in' M to it 'Waterloo. I'eter Minuold ot llenntnt'ton ws In Ytateiloo ftlorulay. HcV. K. AKtoti returned Saturday from ni inn in iiijin county, tint Alia Anton went tu Wabio li Melt friend Iwr a few day. " O. Itoe-K of till" ad. Neb., a brother nt Ur. tl A mm . 1 v ari l...l l,.r. LI.m. oay evening fiom Omaha and vetted owr lilisht with Ms nlftor and family. Kmma Mct'iliitocl.; in living with her hhut anu aiiiiioiiis aciiooi in omnha, fc.li U'tti. hunt. K I . i I ii r n.i.l Unn.l.i u I. . . a mtrr ll-u accoini'aiiyliig licr tu Omaha euuuay anrrnoin. Tonv Z:nili)illi end Krett Kchnnliti. Went to the div Tucaday afternoon, rt. tiirnlns Wednesday at 1 o'clock. WlllUm Itohi j.n, nu went In Wrdne-tday inuin 1'ig on uuNlitvee at the court ho una. ro- luruea at tho .;m time. John Kainn wna ocpnimrol In ir.t t ! m n iiuint.r at the r--t-iii land ilia Inn Jliaklnir two In una fi&ioliv. t'turi, t.'.itnO amo drew a ru.nb: and both jf thexe ne in the inim a a (truwing, Jjuttln tn in above the l.vD mark. Klmer Hall, who wua lic r attending the lunerai or ine lale . Iiarlea Alexander iaa been hue aince I oh njj att-r buiil tik-nm ciilinrtt with thi. . II u . .. over to Klkhorn Tudy vlall some i in wa mroui over there. Mr T. W. hhannon and ai.ter, Mrs. In S.raoll. Wft Wt-t!llM.l.iv .I'.nlnif f..y l. tblo, Colo., the home of the latter. Mr. tnedlat and primary department, rs-psoUvely. The annla rroo la so abundant hers tnla leaaon that hundreds of buahels are left on ths trees to waate. The market prlc I not sufficient tit pay (or tn picaing. Mlas Grace WahlgTen, teacher In the primary department ot the ISIR city schools, mat with a painful acoldent Wedneaday morning. While arranging fur her dally workt a heavy piece of Iron fell on her finger, crushing It so badly that a physician had to be called. Ttkttaak. 11. M. llopewsll and Ir. if. Wood are c based runabouts. Jay MoClanahan had th n.lfortun ot laVltlff Sa frlvKl-liiaul Li on Vdn?iidiy. breaking hla le. Thfr aal-sm Sit til lllltaH-l. . W. M ai.pl hanglnn unpick-d from th trea s.a taiiuus WViisarUsl la tlU COUDiy, JUdieea ray, Troup and Kenninly wr Ut) fritm ItntaVisi Tia.-tt.i.u . ..i . . . . th rrpubilcana of thi county In their MiT Sl WU4IU VII VUUUl M r 1 Ijb -r V Hearts rvl n as- - I - . A "T" " f a.iiij'iM VII I, VI tall1StJ number ot friend at a pink kenalngtoa j anernoon to meet a her guent a Mia Itarkart, who 1 visiting at .iii.a iiwiaiv. Mra H .1 Kllti .nt....!-. . v. - - ...... ...... ibuii m numni t iiii-iuiB ii o chh'k oiiuier on Tue .-iiiiia aiveii in nonor nr m i. i. . nett McljiUKhlln, who la oon to leave tor ncr noma in iiw lora Ulty. Phurlu W 1 1 1 t. i i .... . , - .. . ...... a, tt iV ,i, tnv pnOll ana ptuno buaiuee at this flace. went lu liiinoi iat weea ana on Thurutnv Vlowvaqua. 111., wa marrle.1 .. n. Luclle Verk. Mr. and Mra. Oatee ar rived In T.kmn.h Thor.!.. t. M.n..l. . - - - .v. .t(n, .ii the evening a reception wa tendered inem ai me noma in Mr. Qate parenti i uti iiiiuimiaieijr oraan nouaekeeliln In the collage oppoaita the Methudlat cnuicii. Elk Cltr. Mrs. Mr. Frank Oelaton and daughter iinu were ai r remom n euneauay. Will Sharps of IMkota dropped In this weea to aee Ml old bom out more. Mrs. i;;t;n:a Ccrriiton and son Lewis were ojouriilng In Fremont for two day ini weea. K. Taliman has bought a carload of a leer and Hut) sheep for feeding purposes ima winter. Mr. and Mr. Rchtenkamt and Mia I-oiiK. all of Arlington, were vlaltlng ths lanuian eunuay. l'rof. I.ubker. principal of the Rannlnv. ton echool. was railing on friends her Meomanay evening. John MoArdl' new dwelling I sbou completed and add very materially to nn view in mat uirwtion. Mr. ana Mr. Charles Purcha, who nnv ueen vidiing at tn noma of F. J, MSb. v ror the iat two week, hav re tuiuca to tors. Mr. ni.d Mr. Odell enjoyed a tdeaaan visit from Mr. Odell' father and mother. They reaiou In Anh'ojid and were her (or two or three ua . Mr. M. B. Turner ba just completed the delivery of 1.6o0 bubhel of old corn at i "e t.aieriuo inaraet. ror Which h received M cent per bualieL Tli Flk City sohool are moving alone nlci-iy thl year undor the prlnclalhlp of Mr. tklell. with the Mianea Harriet and juiace ttanigreu a teacuvr in t.'i Inter TJ . f r r . ' We publish all the ingredient of tilCll OCfr Ayers Hair Vigor. Your doctor can thus quickly dedde any hair question. He can tee at once it cannot color the hair. Ask him about felling hair, dandruff, thin hair. f.'l Announcement Extraordinary Opening Saturday, Nov. 4 Of Omaha's Best Popular Priced Union Tailoring House. You have seen the others, now see the o rginal and best. FANCY SILK VEST FREE With every order for a suit (taken on Saturday or Monday only) we will give absolutely free of cost a $5.00 Fancy Silk Vest THIS OFFER GOOD FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED SiiiKD) Made to your individual measure. Every garment is guaranteed all wool. Made by Union Cutters, Union Tailors and Union Fitters. UNION HADE ALL WOOL .&4Mt l - IT We oprrat oar own mills and manufacture erery salt, overcoat or crarenett under personal su pervision and therefore Bare yon the middleman's profit. Yes, this is the Dundee Woolen Mills New Omaha Store and we want to make your acquaintance tomorrow, the day for the "glad hand." Drop in and look us over. We realize that it's up to us to "show you," and our splendid tailoring facilities, exclusive woolens in finest fabrics and styles, backed T.'.iY i up with first class UNION WORKMANSHIP and ab ilty to fit any man, will earn your consideration. 14 Again we invite you to call at our new Omaha store Saturday. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS g -i r 15th and Harney Streets World's Largest Woolen Merchants and Tailors TT , We hare now on display 1,000 all wool fabrics In all shades and patterns. AVo absolutely guarantee each garment In every detail. 5 nun i j tattftffigg Blkv Mrs. F. Lane entertained at cards Fri day afternoon. About half the farmers In this vicinity hav llnlahed husking their corn. Orvlll LAmb of Omaha was In Elk hern thts week vUltlnf F. U. Lanoe and fam ily. Ths Iocs! lodss ot Plattdeutcher vrein held a ball at Bchuldt hall ttaiuraay evening. Mra it. A. Kotta la confined to her bed with a aevere cold snd Is threatened with pneumonia. William Kelssr. who was injured isst week by a pue uf lumber talllna' on him. I slowly recovering. Mrs. J. M. Brunner ntrtained the C. C club Thursday afternoon. Jdrs. li. Meyers won flret prlsa. Tha Knlaht ot Pythias' loflse held their flrat card narty and dance of ths season at Caatls hall Friday even Ins. The neadlnsr circle met Monday venlns with Mrs. Henry Johnson, with all teach er present. Mrs. Johnson served a de licious luncn. A meetlna was held at Mrs. J. D. Mickey's Wednesday evening for the pur. poa of organising a Sunday chool. Mr. I'urcell wa aptwlnted superintendent and Prof. J. B. Fat will tnatruct the Bible clas. Thers will be Sundsy echool earn Sunday morning at ths Metnoaist cnurcn. Mr. V. It. Lane exchanged his hard- war and Implement stock, together with hi realdenos and bualnee property, ahirh lie recently acquired from J. Q I.lefua, for a fully stocked l.BSO-acr ranch In Perkins county, Kebraaka, near hla former home. Mr. Bautngardner 1 ths new proprietor. IrvlnsTto John C. Anderon of Blair visited with D. C. Krats Wednaay. Mlas Kuth Noycs spent Sunday after noon with Mia Mlnnls Jacobean. The C. W. B. M. met at the horns of Mr. John Hendrnkaon Thuriday after noon. Mr. and Mr. Purcell and children pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lemperly. Mr. I). C. Krats and Mr, a A. Bates attended tha tirotherhood meeting at Umaha Tue!y, Btereoptlcon views cf a mlsslonsry journey through Japan war shown at tn Congregational church Bunday evening. Mr. snd Mrs. Gus Sundell and family, Mia Katie Peterson and friend from Omaha war visitor at the Uein hom Sunday. A social waa held at th hom of Mr. Raamua Jacobaeu Friday evening under the auspices of the Congregational church. Ths Chrtatian Endeavor social to hav been given at the hom ot Mra 8. A. Hale laat Tuesday evening was post poned until next Tuesday evening. F. B. Hlnbard gave a party for a num ber of hla friends Hallowe'en evening at Modern Wad men of America hall. Many amusing and iisw game wcr played. A lark crowd wa present. Ml Bertha . Hre water died Bunday morning at th hoaplial. Mia Brewater had not been well for year, but had been bedfaat only a week or o. Th funeral wa held Tuesday aftarnoon at tli old horn. Hev. J. k). Btorm of Lin coln, a former minister of th Congrega tional church, having charge of th service. and Earl Henry attended th Nebraska- Missouri toot ball game at Lincoln laat Uaturtlay. William Fas has purchased ths sheet Iron building lately occupied by C. K. Preston as a marbls works, and" will uss It as a garage. The Wade sales stable la nearlng com pletion, and when ootnpleted It will be the largest and best structure of Its kind In the country. ... Judge Willis Reed of Madison, who Is a candidate for th nomination for United States Senator on the democratic ticket, delivered an address here last Saturday. Stilt ha been filed In the district ceurt by I. C. Overton to set aside a deed made by hla brother, William Overton, to Charles Sack. William Uverton sold the farm to Sack for 14.000, and was later found dead in Dougla county. Benatngtan. Mrs. Hans Lebbert oelebrsted her fif tieth birthday Wednesday. The cement rock ntant lite afint rinwn owing to the cold weather. Charles Schlelp Is having a little trouble getting hla engine In running order, so be had a man from the factory adjusting It Thursday. J. Petersen has begun to equip hi garage, which has always been F. C. Uottch's carpenter shop. C. W. Qlandt bought all of F. C. Gotten' carpenter shop, which he has had rented the last year. William Reiser waa taken home last Thursday. He is greatly Improved and la able to walk around. O. F. Mangold and George Lageman were out to the Platte Sunday hunting ducks and bagged about thirty-one. The Russell Novelty company gave their first of four shows to be given here this winter on Wednesday evening, but owing to the cold weather there was a small turnout. Mil- Millar. Henry Schuett of Omaha was lard visitor Sunday evening. Miss Anna Gosoh of Omaha spent sev eral days this week at her home. Mr. Edward Schuett of Omaha has been visiting his uncle, John Wlllms. Miss Wllhelmlne Koch, who teaches near Irvington, was at horns over Sun day. Prof. Wickland spent Saturday and and Bunday at his home In Valley. Mrs. George Tallon and Mr. Henry Schats were Omaha callers Monday. , Miss Martha Stuhl has gone to St. Louis, Mo., where she will visit relatives. James Nelsen, jr., returned Tuesday evening, after spending several days in Omaha. Misses Alice Koch, Tlllle Nelson and Gladys Baldwin, who work in Omaha, were at their respective homes over .Sun day. Mrs. Clifford Bellinger and son of Wy more. Neb., are visiting with Mrs. Bell inger's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chris Koch. Mrs. A. A. Taylor and daughter, Mar garet, visited In Omaha several days this week with ths former's sister, Mrs. Gallagher. Mrs. Hastings of Denver. Colo., de parted Monday for her home after sev eral weeks' visit here with Dr. and Mrs. Foasler. Mrs. Lena Johnson, Miss Marie Nelsen, Miss Myrtle Peters and Misses Lo s and Dorothy Anderson were passengers to Omaha Saturday morning. A large number of friends gathered at Fralun a Monday evening tn help Mr. Frahm celebrate his birthday. Cards i were the chief amusement of the even ing. The Valley High School girls defeated the Millard High School girls at basket ball Tuesday, by a. score of 22 to 4. It was the first game played by the home girls this Season, and they did good work. CLUB POOL SHARKS TO HOLD A TOURNAMENT Billiard and pool sharks of th Com mercial club will hold a tournament soon to decide the best players In both games. Prises will be offered. Details of the tourney are being ar ranged by Dr. W. J. Bradbury, A. G. Munro and J. F. Dietz, acting for the house committee, of which Gould Diets is chairman. Dates and rules will bs announced In a few days. if Srlas field. K. J. Smith returned from Ogden and xpect to locate la that city soon. Thomaa Wilson of Idaho, a former resi dent of tlil vtotniiy, 1 visiting relative bar. (lorge Oramllck ot Murdock ha bought lu acres, whtitt la a part of th Jacob rackler fai-nu William fiperdla ha bought th Jeffer son property In Springfield and will mev Into It in a fw days. Ernest Sicca. Krett Bates, Oliver Henry r u 1"-'-'t-'- nn uu F D ffu Hi nrfl fn fo 14 20 Below Omaha Prices. Hot One Day Out Every Day. sji mmi uiun "1 n"Li..u,fsamji !- Get Our Prices on Rugs in All Sizes 27x54 Velvet $1.00 27x54 Axminster : . . $1.45 9x12 Brussels . . . $9.75 9x12 Brussels seamless . . . SI 2.50 JUi.J . . $16.00 (( d yxlJ Axminster $17.00 Get our prices on Stoves and Ranges A good 4-hole Range, set up in your home, 524.50 6-hole Range 526.50 ' Royal Acorn Heaters in all sizes. Stoves sold on payments V.' j"sj fm-w-T-j tZir-usaJalM33sf7 " '' ' ' H - Sj Solid Oak Rocker like cut 1