the r.i;i:: u.maka. najtkday, novkmhuu 4, ion. Council Bluffs BIG POLE FINALLY HAS TO GO Eng-liih. of Lighting Company, Obeys Orden of City Council. STREET OBSTRUCTION REMOVED Ownership Clilmrt r Tira Cor- rations, .Xelthrr of Which U i Willing to Take Any Action. Threatened by Injunctions and damage ulta. Manager A. K English of tha Cltliens' Gas and Electric IJght com Pany yesterday obeyed the Instructions of the city council Imparted at tha meet ing Monday night and yesterday re moved tha big pole at the corner of Broadway and Bryant street. It stood exactly at the point where one of the pedeetala has been located to bear the flaming are light, and the efforts that have been made for the last three montha to ecu re It removal han all failed. The huge pole belonged to the electric light company, but It carried the Postal Telegraph company' wire under an agreement made several yeara ego. The telegraph company claimed It and for bade ita removal, or lla use for any other purpose than to carry the electric light wire. Manager English finally took the matter up with the council and the council acted. City Electrician McKln ley wm Instructed to remove any city wire ih pole might be carrying and Manager English waa directed to remove It. K kept hie couneel and detailed a party of skilled linemen early yesterday morning. Two of them ascended the pole and In a few minutes every rental wire was detached, crossarm were re moved and thrown aside and the tall pole waa bare from the ground up. The work was so skillfully dona that not a wire was short-circuited by a single toacb and the operators at the keys along th lines, which extend from New Tork to Ban Francisco, never missed a click. The cement was broken from the base and the pole waa half. dug out and lean ing over before the first Tostal employe happened to come along. lie was a line man and, It required five minutes before he fully realized what was going on. II raa to th office and reported. If any action waa contemplated It waa too late and not even a protest doveloped. All of the cables for the new naming aro lamps has been placed and the last connections with the cables In th pedestals were being mad yesterday. Th lamp have been on hand for several weeks. Th only cause of delay has been th failure of the General Electric com pany to send th proper hangers for the new lamps by which they are attached to th pedeetala. Manager English ha been contemplat ing for several day th us of tem porary hanger and yesterday decided to us them for the Installation of the lamps. It la probable now that within a week th current will be turned on th new system and the business section of Council IHuffe be transformed Into one of the best lighted cities in th United .States. lt , , ,v , ., , ESTKBaTWwIWilU Saturday is Overcoat Day -at- BRANBEIS STORES For nearly 30 years we've been fitting overcoat to well dressed men. Manufacturing tailors recognize us as the leading eiponents of good clothes In Omaha. That is why we control the sale of the very beat makes of men's over coats and suits In this country. We have the right cost for you. The one you'll want to wear the minute you see It. HUNDREDS OF THE HIGHEST CLASS OVERCOATS THAT EVER CAME TO OMAHA ARE SPECIALLY PRICt'D SATURDAY ON OUR 2D FLOOR Oid Store Man's Store, N. W. Corner 16th and Douglas. With Separate Men's ' Entrance. Men's Winter Overcoats at S17. 50-820 You 11 appreciate the advantage of choosing from a blgRcr stock of ,-ood overcoats a this price than you can find anywhere else In Omaha. The styles you find elsewhere at $25 are here at 17.B0 or $20. Men's High Quality Overcoats S12.50 The makers have put real stylo in the coats in this medium pricoc Ki-oup aria incyve put good substantial quality, too seasons 1; v ''J p and they've put good substantial quality, $d rRA T f Buy an overcoat that will last two or three 1 VdU V 5 ' ' f " ,-'L at U U ;; r -r r a"-' V a ' v Men's Good Overcoats for Everv Dav Wr Warm, Dressy styles many with the popular snug -rv , t::?" $7i$ 10 Boys and Young M en's Overcoats Newest fabrics in these warm, stylish overcoats new collars new patterns, Qg j e- CAf tU-fif.JU-tSlU at Holger Birkerod Entertains Many Musks lovers who failed to find a seat tn th crowded Danobo hall last night missed th opportunity of hearing on of th moat remarkable voice that ha ever charmed a Council muffs audience. Iloiger Itlrkerod, the tanlsh baritone, did trior than Consul Llngoy and other cul tured Danea expected of him. II held a big audience for two hour In a state of rapt admiration. ' ' Three-fourths of the audience were Danish cltlxens, but fatherland pride was not required to accord their fellow coun tryman all of the appreciation possible. Tbe genius of th man compelled ap proval. Th hall waa not th best adapted for cuncert purposes, but tha splendid volume of th singer' vole swept away Impedi menta and waa unaffected by environ ment Only the lanea could understand th word of th solos, but th rare voice pok in the universal language of mualo to all ears. la Some of the many enoores Rwedlsh, Norwegian and Danish folk lor ballad war given that carried th listen era almost out of their seats. II played with a master band upon th emotion and between selection there war genuine tempest of applause. Thus who have heard Jeand Reszk and Battlstlnl de clared last night that Ulrkerod was In very respect their equal with dramatic Intensity la th Interpretation of his aocsnot possessed by them. At the cloaapX.tb concert th Danish singer waa almost mobbed by his fellow country men. a snorc iniormai reception was . held and he wa presented to many Council Uluffs cltlsena. Th pianist. wi:,iam A. raraona of Brooklyn, Indicated ability of a high rder, not only In his accompaniments. but when he gave several Instrumental solo to permit the singer a rest interval, They leave today lor New York to fill flv engagements and cross tha continent (or several weeke on the coast. Bfarriasr 1. 1 re a era. Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday Sa in following namea persons : Piame ana Aaarera. Age jainee item, imiuna I Jjult Asner, uinana a "nor K. Matson. Lincoln. Neb . 97 Eleanor lungilsli, Newmans tlrove. Neb. :t Doys Overcoats Here's a very special offer of boys' warm and well made winter overcoats, in ages S to 8 years. Many are extra long and made jwlth convertible collars. They are newest models and are mighty well tailored. Values up to $5.00, at S1.98 and $2.98 Drandeis Stores are Official Agents tpr the Rogers-Peet and Hlrsh. Wickwire Overcoats and Suits for Men at $25 to $40 By all means come here and see the classy styles that ihe Acknowledged masters of the tailoring Industry have created. See the new English models ln men's all wool tailored suUs.Aftf" A a a -" See'the dlstlnctlye styles In men's new overcoats that the N !l-N4l. best dressers all over the country are wearing. Prices at V V lis " - 4 ' .Ken's and Young- Men's aU and Win ' ter ajntt. You'll pay at least l for suite of such hlKh grade aa these anywhere els. You'll eav at least IK hre AAwm w . apeulal. 51 1.3 J-SZU.If I At UAvatA a w ugiUboa tw iaa f war yevw tr All the style, wear and sat- Isfactlon of an expensive C19 CA I suit, for oniy fw f, ? rTr'i t '.1 :A1 v 1 . v VI O' i A a ' 5 tS , . -S Ka v H 4 : 4 4 -V Men's Sample 51IIRT3 French flsnnel with separate collar; values up to $2.60, go at 980 Men,niJBoT SWEATER COATS Wool snd wors ted; values up to $5, at 7r to $2.50 Greatest Varieties and Best Values In Men's Medium and Heavy UNDERWEAR Munsing Union Suits The best, most comfortable made, at $1.50 t0 $4.50 Root's "TlToIl" Underwear Pure lambs wool t $1.50 to $2.50 Dr. Jaeger Sanitary Underwear Shirts, drawers, union suits, wool hose, night shirts; complete lino of all Dr. Jaeger Sanitary Woolen Garments. Men's Extra Heavy Ribbed Union Suits Values up to $1.60. at QSC Men's Sample Under-cap Shirts and drawers in wool, fleeced and all wool; values up to $2.00, tit. each 39 500 aud 750 Men's SI. Wool Fleeced Undershirts and Drawers At a garment 39 500 and G9c Manufacturer's Samples of Men's Gloves Fur, fur lined, buckskin, calfskin, auto gauntlets and wool gloves worth up to $1 a pair, at, pair w 25c Men's Fall and Winter Hats Brandels is agent for the celebrated John B. Stetson hats styles that lent shapes that hold, 3 gQ English Hat at $2.50 Drandeis Store is Omaha agent for Wilson's hats of Denton, England CA absolutely guaranteed ...... j7VJ U Velour and Scratch HaU Cannot be duplicated ln the city ln quality and style at this price. New Vel our, scratch up and silk plush hats, at $2 Genuine Imported French Velour and Beaver hats ..$4 and $5 Manufacturer's Samples of Boft and stiff hats; values up to $3, at $1.15 Men's $1.00 Fur Lined Winter Caps at 500 Men's $2 Silk Lined Caps with fur lined bands 980 J 1 Men's Genuine Sealakin Caps, at $4.08, $6, $7.60 and up to $15 Near Seal and Russian Squirrel Fur Caps, at $1.80, $2, $3, $3.50 Natural Muskrat Caps at $4.98 Boys' Caps, fur lined band 250. and 49k Men's New Winter Shoes at $3.45 In tan, Lotus calf and black gun metal calf high toes, short vamps; good oak soles and the very best of linings; button styles with all the style and snap you find ln shoes selling at $6.00 a pair; all sizes. elSPt0ftS I Sne"-Made of pair 2501 flbre: per paIr $1.25 Saturday Clothing Specials in the Basement Boys' $1 Knickerbocker Pants Extra heavy cheviots and cassl meres 490 Boys' Wool Suits Six new pat terns; $5 values at ....$2.08 Boys' Overcoats Ages 8 to 8 years; $3 values, at $1.98 Boys' Long Pant Suits Uoavy materials; regular $8.60 values,' t $5.00 tOFS Council Bluffs Council Bluffs TbOct Its Beneficial EffccU Altrays Buy (ha Genuine jr. wm hi nv e CiK3;afi3Sr.o? Sold by at I leading Vtvqqtsis Morris, a Mabrayito, Signs His Own Bond t EdJIa 1C! Morris, Nfgro prlss flutter, wrestler. Jockey and Mabraylta, Just fin ishing a two-year term In the federal prison at Leavenworth, Kan., can Qualify aa being worth 110,000. Ha yesterday signed his own (10,000 bond to appoar in tha district court for trial on numerous Indictments la connection with Mabrsy's operations tn Council Bluffs. Morris waa brought here when Mabray was taken to Dei Moines and both were locked up in tha county jails of tha two cltiea to be held as star witnesses ln tha oasea against Ban Marka and tha others that are enpected to follow. Morris yes terday algned hla.pwn bond and waa re leased from the 'Pottawattamie county Jail. In tha Mabray coda Morris was known as No. 11, and tha indictment in which he figured, that led to the Indictment upon which he waa to be tried at Council Bluffs, occurred when ha Is said to have led Jamea Webber Into the Mabray "bis store" In Council Bluffs and oaused him to deposit tS.000. Webber recently died at hla home In Bliomokln, Pa. Attorney Ooeral Cosson, who haa man aged thar Mabray casrs here, oonswited to the release of Morris, and aa there waa no one available to furnish tha bond re quired but himself, he waa considered to be sufficient, and under the Instructions from the attorpey general's office. County Attorney Capell applied to Judge Arthur In tha district court for an order per mitting the negro to sign his own bond. Tbe home of Morris Is ln New York city and owing to bis arrt by tha state authority he la deprived of th provision of th federal prison law that permits transiwrtatlon to b txsued to him to his former home. He got l& and th suit of clothes he Is wearing when b left the Leavenworth prison last Saturday even ing. Morris waa Interested In a prise fight or wrestling match that wa pulled off ln an empty building located oi. Broadway and blxteenth atreet, and which was fully gone Into when the civil suits ag gregating nearly fbOO.coo were thrown out of court by.Judg Smith McPherson last spilng. It Is SLSserted that th money Webber lost In the old Sixteenth street saloon on th night of July S, 1WT, was furnished to him by a woman of the un derworld In a Pennsylvania city. It is de clared by all of th Mabray men that Morris was generally a faithful employ, prompt to "die" In th stipulated wanner and at th proper time. Minor Mention Th ConnoU Bluffs Offlo of Th Omaha Bee is at IS oott Urt. Both JThOBtS 43. Cowaell Blaffs rrodwea Market. Th following quotations, showing prices paid to producers, are corrected dally by William HlKiteaon. city welf hinaster, for publication In The Bee: Corn, eld. ); new, Mc per bu.; wheat. 2c r bu : net. 4.VJ-V.O per bu.; hv, M wfjll.uo per ton: alfttlfa. Ioom, lit uu IS 00 rr ton: butter, suo Mar lb ; twit, be cr dot.; cUlckcue, to, live wvlghb N. 1 Plumbing Co Tel. 360. Night l-Uvt pavls. drug. Leffert a. opticians. H. Borwlck for wall paper. .' Hav Morehouse em boa It. Corrlgana, undertaker, rhones Itt. Qenuln Vlctrola, llfi. A. Mosp Co. For authority on watrhea e Leffert FAUST BEER AT ROGERS' BLTFBT. Woodrlng Undertaking Co. Tal. M. ' Lwla Cutler, funeral director. Phoo If. WANTED Ulrls at Wodwards cacdy factory. Every Victor record in stock. A. Hosp Co. Express delivery to all parts of Council Blutfe. F. Fulk, phone II 671: lnd. L ise perfection oil hvaurs no smoke or Ouell; price. l.N to &. P. O. l Vol Hardware company, oiH Broadway. 'A judgment haa been entered In th sujt of Bumlerland Bros, of Omuha UKulnst J. T. Harris of this ilty for fc and execution ordered by Judge Arthur. If you want WINDOW UL.AF3 call Bell phone bW, iiluK city Ulaas and Mirror Works, lo7H West Broadway. We make a specialty of UUA&INU at low prices. KBEK KI.OWKHS SATl'HDAV at our opealug. Everyone invited to Inspwt the many beauiltul tilings in art gooits. rpe olal bargains for the day. Faubla Art hop. Jack Steele, tn legless junker, whose Up to the plolce led to the detention of Mis. May Hunter and her of h-r absrnt hUBlMkiiit of the murder vf John Wagner litvar l'aclflc Junction, was mmii to Jull by 1'otlue Judge tittUiT yesterday for tru days. Jt was th old (amlllur charge of diunk. Th local council of th Arcanum will give a stag patty this evening In the hall on l'rarl street and a splendid program of entertainment, lunch and cigars has been prepared for th member and Invited guest, the business sraslon of the coun cil will be called at t.M o'clock, that the regular meeting may not lutcifur with the social stunts. L'nder the hallucination that he had don sometliliiK wrong at some period of his life and all vf the policemen in the I lilted Btatea were hunting him. Amos Brauley la being detained at the city jail for Investigation. Desk Heriieant Short took the man Into custody after encoun ivrihg hlm and, Hate-Ding to his slrangu self-aucuaatlou. Joseph Sandol, at Mercy hospital, where he has been a member of the "old ae colony" fur many yeuia, has become o mentally weakened that It haa been de elded to remove htm to the county farm at McClelland, where it Is expected he will receive excellent car and comfort able quarters In the county home. An order for his removal has been approved by the Board of Insanity Coinmi.aioners. No notice has been received by the West Council Bluffs Improvement club, th plaintiff In the suit prosecuted before tiie Interstate Commerce comii.l.aion. which led to a ruling rey Hiring the atreet railway company to 1m. ue tranafers on all bridge tine tickets, of the rompsny's appeal to the I'nlted Utates auprema court. 1'ie.iOcut V allies aa) s the company has appealed. While the sppeal la pending tiie company will not be required to oby tha manual of th Commerce iourt and j-ue the transfers. Owing to th fact that Hallow en hood lums broke all the wlndowa In the county building In th S.xth ward. It rendered the building unfit for use as a registra tion and voting booth and th registrars of the First precinct of the ward were located at the J. 1. Hockwell residence acroHa the street, 2315 Avenue B. Unless the building can be repaired In time for the spec al election It will devolve upon City Clerk Duff to hunt up a new poll, lug place. Only the weakeat Interest was manifexted In the rcKlstration yesterday, ln many of the precincts not a singls nume was added to the lists, u.nd a most meagre number ln any of them. The Woman's Belief corps has mad the selections that will form the program for the Htephall series of concert lectures that will be given at the Second Presby terian church Wednesday and Thursday, November 16 and ltt. The lecturea are tor the benefit of th relief fund. Th first lecture will oe on "The Influence of Music." Thursday afternoon the theme will be "Music and Childhood" and Thurs day night, "Music and Life." It Is said of Miss Bophla Slep'iall that aha is a singer who thinks, tier mlanlon is also to emphasise the value of mualo as an educator and It Influence upon onaracter and life. She Is the possessor of a beauti ful voice, splendidly cultivated, capable of exprr.sliiK the finer shades of mean ing and of kuman amotion. WllllamiV. Shannon, Stat factory In spector. nQsVed In Council Bluffs yester day and will remain for several days for the purpose of ascertaining the causa of the delay of a dosen or more owners of tal) buildings ln complying with th orders of Inspector Hibble several weeks ago to equip their bu.ldinga with fir escapes. - It Is said that th excuses of some of the persons may not be accepted and prosecutions may result, ln half a doseit places at the present time work men are engaged In constructing such devices and In about all of the cases it has beep eju'erlnitted contracts tor th work have been let. BLUFFS HIGH TO PLAY THE SHENANDOAH TEAM Th Council Bluffs High school foot ball team will journey' to Shenandoah, la., Saturday to play the fast eleven at that town. Th Council Bluff team haa struck s winning streak and Captain Hiibti'd ex pects to give th Shenandoah team a hard rub and expects a victory at least. Shenandoah High school has tha fastest foot ball team ln southwest Iowa and has defeated all th team in that part of th tax. SCOTCHMEN LEAVING HOME Call of k Wild Fat Lands Canada Too Strong- to Resist. Scotland Is being drained of her life's blood. In tha highlands and the low lands th old people are being left In loneliness, and by their hearthsides they are thinking wistfully of th bairns who one played around them. There Is si lence now In many Scottish homes. Tbe footstep of tho young folw no longer clatter up from the village street or crush th scent out of tha purple heather on th hillsides. Th bairns hav grown up into tall men and women, and they hav listened to th voice which is call ing away th sturdiest son and th tallest lasses of Scotland. Tbey hav followed th call and hav con to build homes In th far west, while the old folk sit with clasped hands, bugging; re membrance, which Is but a cold and ghostly thing. During tha past few years this tide of emigration from Scotland has swelled and broadened into a great, rushing, Im petuous torrent. The son of Scotland are leaving their native soil not slngl spies, but In battalions. Th new census returns reveal a desolated country with deserted villages and abandoned parishes. Even ln tha towns th artisans are leav ing their factorlea and besieging the emi gration officer for cheap passages to are amaxing figures which will strike sharp arrows Into the hearts of Scdtsmen who hav prld tn their coun try's h Htory and a love of It soil. In ten yeara a quarter of a million of peo ple hav been drained from th popula tion of flv millions. Canada alone absorbs Scotsmen at the rate of 17,000 a year, and this year will ae a large Increase above this flgur. Even In East Lothian, th most prosperous and fertile province in Scotland, there are oecreaues in population ln half th towns and vil lages. In more barren districts depopu lation haa been mor swift and more tragic It Is tru to say that only the old people and the Infirm and th very poor bave been left behind In villages w'ulch ten and twenty years ago were full of busy Ufa and lusty manhood. Th vole of th Canailan cdvertlser calls loudly In th ears '. th Scottish peopj. Ho goes everywhere, pasting his richly colored pictures of the Oolden West upon ever hoarding. II . plucks artisan by th sleeve and says, "Canada Ho and a rich life are waiting for vou " leans over th gate of tha peasant far mer, and says, "Why scratch and scrape at barren soilT Come away to th fat lands of the far west." Canada already Is a transplanted Scot land. It la the Scotland of th American continent. Ita map Is strewn with Scot Ish plac names. Th pioneers and set tlers have given to the mountain passes the names of highland glens, and in the great farmsteads of th west, in ' its great apple orchards, on Its cattle ranches, ln Ita factorlea. In Ita city of fices, men speak ln th tongue of Aber deen, of Glasgow, of the highlands and lowlands. They have gone away from tho old soil, but always ths exiles re member the country of their birth or of their forefathers with an enduring love as deep aa that of the Irishman for tha Emerald Island, deeper, perhaps, than tha English colonist for the mother ooun-try. Dynamite Wreck Bnlldlngs as completely as coughs and colds wreck lungs. Cur them quick with Dr. King's New Discovery. 60o and tLOO. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Peralstent Advertising to Big Returns. Is tbe Road "The WUard of Wise-land." All aboard! All aboard! Th two and a half hours' trip to the "Isl of Wise land'" will b made at the Dohany Sun day, mutlnee and night. A merry and delightful crew of singers and player and a full pinnae of chorus beauties will escort you thither under the jolltost and funniest captain thut ever trod a deck, "Th Wlxard of Wlselnnd." Laughter and song, music that vies In sweetness with th moonlit t and coryphee that glide through the maze of th danCe with the undulating grace of a aea wave will delight the ey and ear and lighten th heart. Don't forget to take th trip, aa thousands who hav sailed this moon lit sea hav pronounced It ' tli beat ever." for tha Ial of Wiseland lies ln th fair domain of youth and fairyland. Holler Skating-. The Auditorium roller rink will be In full swing toulght, also (Saturday and Sunday nights and oa Sunday afternoon. Mualo by Ureen'a band. Key to the SituatlonBc Want Ada. x a n F! n o nests (a rf5 jnriiT sfimfifi w W W M-fc VS iif U U J al Id M la Nsla- U U U si VU yf men Away 17c IVant Every f.lan and' Woman in Omaha to Nave FREE a Large Trial Bottle of Swissco Hair Remedy. Swissco Grows Hew Hair, Removes Dandruff. Brings Back Natural Color to the Hair and Stops All Hair and Scalp Troubles. It will not cost you anything to prove it and be abso lutely satisfied once and for all that Swissco Is the most wonderful treatment that you have ever used or heard of. If you suffer from falling hair, thin hair, 'bald spots, brittle hair, gray hair, faded hair, hair rained by bleach ing, coarse and unruly hair, dandruff, Uchlngs, sore scalp, pimples on scalp, simply fill eut free coupon here with and get a free bottle at once by taking tt o Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., 4 stores, ICth and Harney, 16th and Dodge. 207-9 N. 16th and 24th and Farnam. No questions will be asked, simply hand the coupon to tbe clerk and you will get a bottle absolutely free. Full slsed bottles cf Swissco are for sale at all Drug aud Department, Stores at (0 cents and fl.00 pr bottle. FREE SWISSCO BOTTLE COUPON Good for one Z.arr. -r Trial Bottl of Bwlssco Hair Rmdy at Sherman 4 McL'onnell Drug -0 4 stores. ltli and Harney, ICth and Dodge, XOT Na i'titii and IMth and Kartiam. when name and address Is prop erly tilled ln on dotted lines below. Tnoa outside It Omaha will get a free bottle by aending 10 centa In stamps or silver direct to hwiksco Hair Remedy i'o m V. O. Hiur. Cincinnati, Ohio, to help cover ex pens Of packing, eto. Nam . . Street City Stat.... (Glv full address; writ plainly.) Above coupon good at 4 ture. lkt and :tib and pon good at Bherman A Met'onnrll Pruir Co.. Ch and Harney, 16th aud Dodge. ZV7 o. lstii J larnaiu