THE 11KK: OMAHA, SATl'UDAV, M EMUEK 4, liU. Nebraska KUHN'S OFFERJS REJECTED State Board Refuses to Pay $12,500 for Land in Omaha. OPEN KEARNEY HOSPITAL SOON nana Brine: Mode to Pot Institution for Tuberculosis Patlrats In llnnnlnic Order at an Karl? Date. LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. S. (Special.) The etate board of public lands and build ings today made official announcement that It had declined to raise Its offer of til, 000 for ten acres adjoining the state school for the deaf at Omaha. The prop osition of Paul V. Kuhns, the owner of the land, was turned down by the board, the Omaha man telling the board that the offer of $12,500, which amount was appro prlated by the past sesnlon of the slate legislature, was the least that he would tuke for the tract. The opinion of the members of the state board was that It would bo Inflrftely better to have the money rather than the land. Further, the board recommended that better use be made of the land now available for school uses rather than go to the expense of buying more. Tnbarrnlnr Hospital. The matter of opening the now tuber cular hospital at Kearney was taken up at the meeting at which the Omaha mat ter was turned down. A tenant whose lease expires In March, 1012, has asked Jl.000 for a cancellation. The owner who sold the land to the state will have to turn It over, however, when It Is de sired. The opinion of the majority of the members of the board Is to open the In stltutlon before January. Mrs. P. F. Barker of this city has already been ap pointed head nurse of the hospital at a salary of $75 per month. Lumbermen to Bleet. Announcement was made here today that the Nebraska State Lumermen'a as soclatlon would meet In this city January 10 and 11, 1912. More than six hundred delegates are expected to attend the gathering. Charles E. Hicks Dead. Charles E. Hicks, a former member of the legislature from Butler county and for the past ten years a resident of this city, died today at his home. He is Bur vlved by his widow, a son and a daugh ter. He was stricken with diabetic plos onlng four days ago. Since living here Mr. Hicks has been In a local bank. Domestic Tronble Cause. A. It. Armstrong, whose suicide at Tucson, Arizona, was noted in the morn lug press despatches, la an uncle of Mayor A. H. Armstrong of this city and had visited here several times within the post few year?. Mr. Armstro:X was only Si years old and lived in Cedar Raitds, Iowa, where another of his uncles, 8. Q. Armstrong, is a wealthy clothing mer chant. He was compelled to go vrcst some tUne ago on account of lung trouble. Ha was the proprietor of a large clothing establishment at Tucson. The deed la ascribed to domestic difficulties by a relative who waa present In the store when the young man killed himself. Danqnet to Cmbtree. At the banquet to be given State Super intendent Crabtree at Omaha November tt, tuasia will be respondel to by Governor Aldrlcb, C. O. Pear;e of Milwaukee, Prin cipal D. W. Hays of the Peru Normal cchool, State Superintendent James E. Ualzell, Earl N. Cllne and Prof. E. L. Rouse. The banquet will be given at the Rome hotel. ( Warden Makes Ileport. The monthly report, of Warden Del ahunty ahows that the population of the penitentiary has increased from 464 to 46t during the last thirty days. Young, a trusty, escaped; two prisoners were par doned, eight were paroled and twelve were discharged. Among the prisoners paroled was Ossenkop of Cass county, who Is serving a term of ten years for manslaughter. He was liberated by order of the prison board which has exclusive jurisdiction over paroles. This board comprises E. Cf. Maggl, John O. Yeleer and Dr. J. H. Butler. The warden paid $389.30 to the state treasurer and has a balance of $932.94 in the cash fund. Two Weddings at Falrbary. FAIRBURY. Neb., Nov. 3. (Special.) Miss Phoebe Bonawltx, a Jefferson county school teacher, and 8. Eldon Miller, a young farmer living near Falrbury, were married at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bonawltx, living rear Falrbury. Just Immediate friends and relatives of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will go to housekeeping on a farm near Harbine in this county. At the home of Mr. and Mra. N. J. Helseth In Spr' ne, Wash., Mr. Herbert C. Conlee, a f r Falrbury young man was married V 'Iks Maud Mary Helseth. The wedding took place Wednesday even lng, November 1, and immediate friends and relatives of the bride and groom witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Conlee will make their home at 2421 Sharp avenue, Spokane. A Viper In the Stomach Is dyspepsia complicated with liver and kidney troubles. Electric nitters help all such cases or no pay. 60r. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ( Sahlin Perfect Form and Corset Combined MAM A'H ONLY MODERN CLOTHING RTOHE Till: IIOMh OK QUALI V CUJ iVt c a Hah-riinute .tore Talk We want you tir know this store. We rntiFlder you tro (lulus' iih a fnvor when I i walk thrn.iffh It nn a tour of olner vntlon. You'll find it il mighty pleamint ('lain to pp:nl a few, innnientH The I " "i l"' In our employ an' treated well eniu;h to treni you well. They tako pride In helping IM to n.ireerd nnil our hui'rpHs is due. In ron.!ilernllo menwiiro, to the any our employes ti'eut vlHltorn. MiiyliiK elothtnir nt this store Is more like a rim nil iiiiH'tloii th.iii a cold rx iliaimo of i.ollars for mpri'handiie. Walk right in, gentlemen and feast your eyes on the finest clothes ever offered for the money It's easy to say nice things about the clothes a store sells. You never saw a store that ' didn't praise its own garments. Lots of times we have a chance to dwell upon some point of superiority in ours. That we hesitate is due to our fear of being classed with ordinary stores. Therefore we make a concise statment covering every point one that we can easily provethat ours is the finest clothing ever offered at the prices. It is built on honor, sold on merit and every garment is a let ter of recommendation to some other purchaser. Furthermore, these garments are sold under the best store service and in the most delight ful store in the country. Our Suits Comprise every stylo that a good dresser would con sider. The prices hro graduated to meet the require ments of men with little or much money. They're made right, they fit right and they're sold right. $10.00 to $40.00 Our Overcoats A'hen it conies to Overcoats why, it's about five to one in our favor for assortment and one and one half to one for value. There's no way to get a better coat than ours because better coats are not to bo had. $10.00 to $50.00 When you get a true blue serge suit yu get the best No argument holds good against that statement. Tako a True Bluo txtj at a given price and compare it with a common Serge at the same price. jj I You'll find it is finer, heavier and better in color. Stays that way too! 9 to $35 Good hats, and stylish ont9, her If wt were told to single out from our stock any particular style and kind as beet we'd be at a loss to do It. They're all so much that way. Better come In yourself and get the hat surprise of your life. Stetsons 93.50 up. Berwick $3 Klnfsens 92.50 Velours, Beavers, Scrttch-ups 93.0 ) up. Crawford shoes seem to fill a long felt want The averago man has wanted a good, stylish shoe that would hold its shape, be comfortable and still 'ost a reasonable sum. . Crawford's do those very things and today sev eral thousand fellows are talking about the streets shod with them. You had better get in the comfortable-footed class. $3.50 - $4.50 Great Line of $2.50 Shoes, tool Our school clothes de serve their popularity ...... It is a generally acknowledged fact that King-Swanson sells the best Boys' Clothing in town price for price. This acknowledgement comes from experience with them. To take your usual amount of money and out-fit your boy1 with better and better looking clothes than you've heretofore bought would make them popular with you wouldn't ltT Well that's the outcome of every one's exper ience with thjem. Suits $2 to $10 Overcoats $2.50 np The calendar says put on heavier underwear Better take tho tip from "Wednes day's cold snap and get your self well underclothed. You needn't pay much money unless you wish to put on tho finer grades. Every gar ment' wo sell is soft, pliablo and properly fitted to your form. Two-Pieco Garments 50c up Union Suits $1 up Great iiru of Sweaters too. For fellows who are out of doors consider ably ours make a more than favorable impression. $1.50 to $6.50 WOMAN ACCIDENTALLY SHOT Mrs. Maggie Bangs of Broken Bow Meets Instant Deatn. DR. WILLIS TALBOT W0UKDED ReTolver Fa 11a from Phystclaa'a Pocket and la Discharge Goes Throash Doctsr'a Las aad Woman's Brala. BROKEN BOW. Nob.,Nov. 1 (Special Telegram) Mra. Maggie Bang, a widow, who resided In the aouth part ot town, waa instantly killed between 10 and 11 o'clock lait night by the accidental dis charge ot a revolver belonging to Dr. W UUa Talbot, a prominent physician of this place. Dr. Talbot was also wounded In the leg. Mra. Bangs had returned home trom a picture ahow and had not yet taken oft her coat when the tragedy occurred. There weer no witnesses to the affair. Ac cording to Dr. Talbot he had Just dropped In for a friendly talk, not knowing Mrs Bangs' son, Wilbur, had departed for York, to college two days before. In hla side overcoat pocket was a 41-caJlber revolver and handkerchief. In reaching for the latter he pulled the revolver out which full to the floor and exploded, the bullet passing through his leg and strlk lng Mrs. Bangs on the right check be low the eye. lhe bullet penetrated the bralu and she died almost Instantly. Mrs. Bangs, who la about 38 years old. has lived in Bioken Bow ever since she was a girl, while Dr. laibot Is a bpanlsh American war veteran, and one ot the weil-knuwn physicians of the county. We Am Kaclaalve Areata far SakUa Walala. $1.50 to $5.00 Mail Orders Praaaatly Filled. WE1NLANDER & SHITM sit south irrn. iilGH SCHOOL BOYS TO CONFER SOON AT YORK (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. 3. (Special.) A (inference of high school boys will be eld at York December 9 and 10, aecord utS to a paper read by J. Dean Ringer . South Omaha today at a meeting ot e Young Men's Christian association the state. Tho high school boys' con- rence, the first to be held In this state, .11 replace the one formerly held under e title of the boys' conference; Mr. Ringer's reasons iyr changing the uture of the meeting la that it will ln iude only the class of boys which they .ek to reach and not the boys of ' all t'ts which are Included in the conftr aets formerly held. "The other waa ore or less ot a kindergarten and was ood tn Its way, but we want to reach em In a man's way," said the South i. aha man. A banquet waa served to the' assembled flclals present here tonight. W. J. Hill tMs city acting as toastmaster. Talks re made by J. P. Bailey, Oeorge Y. more, prrsidtnt ot' the Omaha asso allon, and George D. McUill, secretary i of the International association. Nebraska State Grange is Organized at Broken Bow mmKEN Rnw! Neb.. Nov. 2. (Spe cial.) The organization of the Nebraska State Orange was effected thla week and Is now In sesalon at this place. Charles B. Hoyt, national organizer, has suc ceeded in organizing eighteen granges In various parts of the county, and outside of these there are only three others In the state. Representatives of most ot tne county granges are. in attendance and the various sessions are full of Interest. Among the notables booked to deliver ad dresses at the public meetings are N. J. Bachelder, master of the National Orange, of Concord, N. II.. and Dean Burnett, president of the Agricultural college at Lincoln. Following are the state orncera elected: Master, J. D. Ream, Custer Center; overseer, A. Graves, Eureka; lec turer, C. W. Pugsley, Lincoln; steward, Thomas Wakefield. Jr., Lillian; assistant steward, B. B. Sands, Tappan Valley; chaplain. A. B. Hunt. Ortello; treasurer. R. M. Seevers, Falrvlew Valley; secretary,-C. P. Jeffords, Union Valley; gate keeper, A. B. Delsever, Madison Square,; Ceres, Mrs. Hazel McRue, Dutchman Valley; Pomona, Mine Mae Jacobs, New Helena; Flora, Mra. Alvln Dally, Mil burn; lady aHSlstant steward. Miss Edna t i , va t.,i,i. Vv ul i v and lea lUUUBni, " - Islatlve committees were appointed and a bureau of Information was formed. taking a partly finished dress witn ner. Tho couple left during the evening and when last seen was driving toward Al liance. They have not been beara irom since. BOX BUTTE RANCH SOLD FOR EIGHiY THOUSAND ALLIANCE, Neb.. Nov. S. (Special T.uirim.l- One of the biggest land deals here for some time was the sal of R. M. Hampton's ranch to Hall St Graham for $S0,M and the stock sold with It bringing the total to $120,000. The ranch comprises 10,000 acres of the best land In this part of the state, the Burlington railroad running through the entire property. R. M. Hampton is vice president of the First National bank Hall & Graham being stock brokers on a large scale. ALLIANCE DOCTOR JUMPS FROM WINDOW TO SAVE SELF ALLIANCE. Ntb., Nov. S.-(Speclal Telegram.) A fire which broke out in the residence of Pr. George J. Hand iut night destroyed about 4.00u worth of fur niture, which was Insured. Dr. Hand, whose family is away fur the winter, had to Jump from a window to save himself. GEORGE LIGHTBODY OF HARLINE KILLS HIMSELF wAinniTRY. Neb. Nov. S. (Special Tele gram) Coroner 8. W. Dodge was sum moned to Harllne, eastern part of Jefferson county, to view the body of George Light- body today. It was found upstaiaa in his -residence with a bullet hole In the right temple. He was last seen taking a rifle upstairs. He was followed by tils little son, who found him lying on the floor dying. MrLlghtbody was 45 years of age, and Is survived by a widow and four children, the oldest 13 years. 1 he mnilv. fnr the deel Is unknown. He was engaged In the Implement business at Harllne. NEWS NOTES FROM BEATRICE Arthur Clark FHee Salt for Illvorce More Typhoid at the Institute. BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 3. (Special.) Arthur Clark, day clerk at the Paddock hotel, yesterday Instituted suit In the district court tor a divorce from his wife, Emma Clark. The couple were married In New York In 1901. The plaintiff al leges la his petition that his wife, after threatening his life, deserted him. The Commercial club will hold a smoker next Tuesday night, November 7, at club headquarters and receive election returns. Following the report of Dr. V. M. Thomas, superintendent of Feeble Minded Institute here, that six new cases of ty phoid fever had developed there the last few days, the State Board of Public Iind and Buildings has engaged Dr. Lunsden an expert on sunltary conditions, to visit tho Institute and Investigate the cause of Uib Apldemlc. He is expected here In a few days, and will visit Beatrice before going to Lincoln to Investigate the ty phold fever situation there. The County Board of Supervisors held a meeting yesterday and allowed claims amounting to J.j,ouO. An adjournment' was taken to November 10. A few farmers In this county have be- tan to gather their corn crop, which Is yielding about twenty-five bushels to the acre. They are paying c rn buskers i cents per bushel and board. U.hkv.k Couple F.lopr.. OSHKOSH, Ntb., Nov. J. (.special.) Mary Chu-t. 14 years oil. iluuehUr of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ('hunt, who live north of town, ami Weitley Wright eloped Saturday nlglit. The girl left home to attend a dunce at a neighbor's TEACHERS INJUKED WHEN CONCRETE FLOOR YIELDS WEST CHESTER, Pa.. Nov. I. About twenty, public school teachers and acv eral tcliool directors were Injured this afternoon as they were leaving West Chester High school building In this I place after attending a meet ng of the county tear hei ' Institute. Tho concrete fioor of the building gave way and fell I 10 feet In to the cellar of the structure. i The rotting of wooden Joists supporting the floor caused the accident. REMARKABLE RUGS AT $15 Thousands of These Bromley Bugs Have Been Sold Here at $25. BRANDEIS STORES GREAT SALE A Few of the Really Extraordinary Offers In Oar Sale from the Great Retail 'Stock oa Sale Next Bloaday. Those 115.00 ruga that we have now displayed In our show windows have created more talk and enthusiasm than anything that we have shown In a great many years It In because as soon as people see them they realize that they are not the ordinary Axmlnster rugs, they are In fact the Bromley rug, than which there Is no better Axmlnster rug made. We have sold thousands of them at the restricted trade prhs of IS.OU each. When one realizes that these rugs will be sold at (lt.00 each, and that they are the best Axmlnster rugs made, all of them in CxlJ sizes with new and beauti ful patterns, It Is apparent' what an enormous bargain this realy Is. Another wonderful bargain to be offered In this said are the Reversible Bathroom ruga In all sizes. They are worth up to fl.bO each and will be sold at l'o each. No, this Is not a misprint or a mistake the price la 20o each and there are hundreds of other bargains from the Retail Carpet Stock, recently purchased by us, which will go on sale Monday morning. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. Rodgers Resumes His Flight Across Desert 6TOVALL SIDING. Arls., Nov. S. Con fronted by the prospect of a flight acros many miles ot desert waste, almost un Inhabited, where means of communica tion were difficult, supplies scant and where a mlHhap meant hours, perhaps one entire day of waiting without water or food for assistance to arrive. Aviator C. P. Rodgers prepared for an early sta t today on the last lap of hla long trans continental flight. Rodgers' first objective point was Yuma, Arls., sixty miles from Stovoll, wbere he had planned to alight last night until his gasoline ran out, bringing him to earth. At noon he hoped to b on California soil. From Yuma to Pasadena, where Rodgers' flight Is scheduled to end la a distance of approxl mately SjO miles. YUMA, Arls., Nov. S. Aviator Rodgers passed over Yuma at 1:25 o'clock thla morning, flying high and fast. Appar ently ha Intends to try to make hla coast goal without another stop, although the distance to Los Angeles from Btovall Siding, where he spent the night. Is 117 miles. The exact time Rodgers left Stovall Is not known, but he passed over Mohawk Valley, seven miles west of Stovall Hid lng and sixty miles east of here at 1:Si a. m. The special truln which carried a supply of gusollne to the aviator from here last night is expected to return this morning, bringing his mechanicians, who will continue on to White Water, Cul.. l.'OO miles from Los Angeles.- REMEMREH THE NAMF-H INFANT ACCIDENTALLY HANGS SELF IN HIGH CHAIR BIOUX FALLS, 8. I)., Nov. S.-(fperlal.) As the result of an unusual accident the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Forest, residents of Iroquois, met his death. The mother left the child, who was 7 months old, sitting In a high chair and temporarily stepped out of the room to attend to household duties. While she was absent the little feltow slipped down In the chair, catching his head between the chair and the leaf In front, thus being suspended In the air. When she returned to room a minute or two later tho hor rified mother found that the ' buy was dead. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. V r Tiie Tlma Of Long Evening Hours Is at hand. Are you equipped w,lth good vision so that you car. apend these hours te the best advantasrnT IIKiUCVO MY LAMPLIGHT Is a task to Imperfect eyes. It . a pieusure to ported ones. U Huteson Optical CoTf 2X3 Souili 10th Street. ( 'I vyassytai il i I mi l il THE OMAIIA BEE is tho home paper of Nebraska. Billy Bourke's longer than clothes wear other clothes. X New suits are showing up on the boys these days-some were made-some might better have been left in the piece. Benjamin suits-tailor made by real tailors LOOK the part because they are. The stuff for style just now is the swagger English Model Clothes, London Blue and other shades. Even twenty-five dollars. There Is no better rlotliinR than lionjaiiilt clothing. It niat tera not where made or of what. You cannot Improve uerfectlon any more than you can suit salt. 318 South 15th St. 318 South 15th St.. i r