2 THK HKK: OMAHA. SATl'ifDAV. XOVKMHKIl 4. 1911. Some Men Prefer The "Chesterfield" It's a dressy looking coat, warm and comfortable, easy to slip in or out of, long enough to keep your knees warm and be out of the way of your heels. Either fly front or buttoned through styles, semi-fitted back and medium shoulders, in new grays, browns or black. It's a hard coat to pass up once you have been inside it. The Imperial It 8ampecK's Idea of how a con vertlbl collar coat should be mad hla Idea la universal with young men, judging from the number of these coat a we tell every day. It't roomy, luxuriously warm meets every condition you can mand of an overcoat. Handsome rough fabrics all colors jA 1 tie- ht r- f America SIS to S35 There won't be a better tine to choore a milt than right now Bampeck Suits are tailored right, and loo It that'a one reason we aell the same young- men every seeson and their friends. Brown and gray mixtures and diagonals ittm moat favored, but whatever your Idea of how clothe outfit to be, lt'a reallced In fempecks. S18 to S35 tit TrwjKo ptcmrs OWMeTTOM rARWaUi Deer Trained to Drive f ' vV' i. it ' t i n' t ' v ' ' -t (fir v n - v. AVT will flrww, , ' .'.--. .t- I i,. '.;T FRANK CLEMENS DRIVES HIS PETS ACROSS TllE CONTINENT. POISON IS FOUND IN LIYER Death of Chicago Policeman Wat Caused by Arienio. WARRANT FOR MRS. VERMILTA MANY ASK FOR CHARITY Jkt Koinei Societies Have Numerous Calls for Aid. MARKET HOUSE PLAN TO STAY Creeers ef lew Capital Cltr Are Keeatag Vp Ft1i, Ceaacll DflnnlMl te Make reelect La4taar Affair. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, Nov. (.-(Special Tele gram.) With the first touch of winter weather the charity organisations of the city were called upon this week for aa sistanoe from the unemployed and the statement Riven out today la that the ap peal! for help are more than double at this time than they were a year ago. Never before In , the history of Dee Moines have these organisations been ee overwhelmed with appeala for aid. The pinch of winter haa brought to the attention ef charity worker much die Gift Suggestions It often putties people at to what gift to select for a friend. D 1 a mond Jewelry ia always the most acceptable, and always will be re membered long est and appre ciated most. This store, where you are certain to get just what vou . pay for, has a large stock o t diamond Jewelry, .and pan show you tome choice designs that are aure to your favor, we Invite your Inspection. If yon see nothing here to suit you, we shall gladly stake special designs for your con liberation. Don't Merely Itay-In?et ALBERT ED HOLM JEWELER , Sixteenth and Harney. tress, lack of work and the large Class of transients who came to Dee Moines In the hope of securing employment, are given aa the causee of the present situation. Market Hoes Permanent. The city council of eOa Moines took steps today to make permanent the mar ket place plan which has proved a great success the last' fall. Orders were given for the Immediate remodeling of the old city hall, now soon to be vacated for a new one and to utilise It for a market house during the winter. Some additions will be made and the building will' be ready for use In a few weeks. The Grocers' association of the elty has not yet given up a bitter ftght on the market plaoe, butt he open market will be continued all winter. Coasolidatloa of Stores. Sixteen I and lo-cent stores in Iowa will be affected by the merger of big companies managing such stores under direction i of F. M. Woolworth of New Tork. Wpol worth already has fourteen stores In Iowa and Knox Co. have two atores that wyi go Into the deal. Over WO stores are affected. Irl he VIA ilfiJLZipf I T rvr t a t-?t I l LEW RABES SBB BLOCK Satraace oa Ooari I! la I Till Kail Dowa Stairway' ratal. HAMPTON, ia., Nov. a (Hpeulal.) rrom Injuries received from falling down a stairway at the Central hotel, Thomas McCullough, a former stock buyer o Latimer, died last night. Two sons, John ft. McCullough, Wlndom, Minn., and Frank H. McCullough, Nashwauk. Minn., survive him. rioneev Btasjej Driver Dead. IOWA CITY, Ia., Nov. S. Hpeclal.)- Jaoob Qreaser, a pioneer stage driver and father of eighteen children, pasaed away at hla home In Iowa City at the age of a years. Eight children and fourteen grandchildren survive him. Marderer Appeals Datoaco Case IOWA CITY. la.. Nov. (.-(Special. - Ouy Ilaker of Lne Tree, convicted mur derer of Oliver Driver, who was held by court for 13,000 daniagee to the murdered man'a wife, has appealed the damage case to the Iowa supreme court DEATH RECORD Daalel F. Drawbaak. HARRIBUURQ, Pa., Nov. t-Danlol F. Drawbaugh, Inventor of one of the earli est telephones, died today, aged II He had a notable legal fight with Alexander Oraham Bell and lost. Recently he had been at work on m wireless burglar alarm and was seised with an attack of apo plexy. Dr. Vletev Keweasah. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Nov. t-H, Victor Neaoomb, aed T, former prest dent of the Louisville Nashville rail road, is dead. He organised the United States National bank In ltui, of which he was the cashier. Key to the Situation-Bee Want Ads. "FOLLOW THE BEATON PATH" To These Special Saturday Prices A ngar Hjmh laL Smoker (Should Miss it. FIRST CONSUL, 16c size, 4 for , ojj Boi of 8 ,', ; .sjt't'ilS PRINCE OF NAVAKRE. 16c slie. 4 for " HENRY GEORGE, 8 for Box of 80 , ,, ....ei t Limit, i boxes to a cuBtomr. Police er Will Charaa Htr with Mar of Arthar Olsaeaaette, Wke Died at Her Home, SHANGHAI IS IN HANDSOF EEBELS (Continued from First Page.) ."THELMA" The Queen of Perfumes The most popular rerfume la Europe, a new, delicate and lasting odor. Free With Every 25c Purchase A box of T1ILLMA and ladies' pure liuea handkerchief. The Last Chine to Get This Ulijhtful I'trlume (apeciaj Trice Cuts fur Saturday i IDC jjo juara uiycertue noapr a lor n4 300 rt 4H 4Tc 4Uc Beaton Dru Company Tuzm ifld Fifteenth Streets. tor 35c Woodbury's Facial soap. EOo Le Mars lioniotn and Almond Lotion lie Pompelan Massage Cream To 4711 Lllao Vegetal 11.00 Piaaud's Vegetal, all odors, Saturday 40c Buaa of Persia soap i i i CHICAGO, Nov. .-Prof. Walter Haines of Rush Medical college reported to Cor. Oner Huffman today that he had found abundant arxenla In Pollqrman Arthur BlsHonette'a liver to causa death. After the announcement that Blsson- ette's death Was caused by poison Chlof of Police McWeeny prepared to ewear out a warrant for Mrs. Louis Vermllya charging her with the murders of Arthur Msaonette and Richard T. Hmlth, an Il linois Central conductor, who died mys teriously while a roomer at Mrs. Ver mllya'a home. Elcht Others Probably Mardered. The first thread In a poison mystery that the polios say is likely to reveal a series of murders, more willful and cold blooded than any In police history here, a as unraveled today with the announce ment that Blasonette had been poisoned. lllssonette died suddenly a week ago, after becoming ill at the home of the widow, Mrs. Louis Vermllya,:. with whom he boarded. The examination of his viscera shower arsenic In more than sufficient quantity to cause death, , With police fnveetlgarton of Blasonette's death was revesd a series of eight other deaths within the. lat few years of per sona related to or closely -associated with Mrs. Vermllya. Pmlth died a year ago while a boarder at her home. Mrs. Vermllya for the last few days has been . under close police guard at her home. According to plans, she will be taken at once to a polioe station, al though her physician declares she Is se riously III: . ; Other deaths were. ' VHKD BRINKAMP, first husband of Mrs. Vermllya, leaving ,000 to the wfclow. CHAULKM VKKM1LYA, second hus band, died two years ago, leaving 12.00U. FRANK CHIN KAMI', son by first mar- rlase. died a year ago, leaving mother ll.uoo. HARRY J. VKKMll.YA, step-son, aiea a year ago, after a quarrel wiin ma step mother over the sale or a nouse. LILLIAN IIHINKAMP. granddaughter of Fred Hrlnkamp, died In 1U06 at home of Mrs. Vermllya. H1C11AUU T. SMITH, died a year agf while rooming at her hom; reported to have left her t2,UU0 life Insurance, and de clared by some to have been a third hus- ha nA. Cora Brlnkamp, daughter, died when 8 years old at former home, Harrington. 111. Florence Brlnkamp, daughter, died at 4 years of age at Barrtngton. The decision to arrest Mrs. Vermlly was made after a conference by the ex. amlntng doctora, Coroner Hoffman, Chief of Police McWeeny, state's Attorney Wayman and other officers. Other Bodies to Bo Bahaaaea Previous to the examination Coroner Hofman had declared he would cause to be exhumed the bodlea of at least part of the others to see If arsenlo could be found. When first examined after Blseonnette's death Mrs. Vermllya declared the police man was engaged to marry her. This was dlspioved by the discovery later of hla will, made only a short time before, leaving all his property, amounting to about 11.800. to his fiancee, Miss Laura Rivard of Minnesota. Other statements made by her also were proved to be un true and Captain Harding, while unwill ing to arrest her, Immediately placed her under surveillance. Bhe then became seriously 111, suffering from convulsions and appearing to be In almost the same condition that had marked both Smith and Blssonnette be tore their deaths. An extra guard was placed over her and nurses kept at har side constantly. Last night sha asked permission to call htr lawyer and make a will. A doctor was than called, who announced that the was suffering from pneumonia. Rtporta from Peoria. III., where Mrs. Vermllya formerly had lived. Indicated that dead bodies had possessed a morbid fascination for her. llaicl Brlnkamp, divorced wife of Prank Brlnkamp, added further suspicion gainst Mrs. Vermllya when her sister told the police that Brlnkamp had feared a .violent death and that there had been an agreement with hie wife that which ever died first, the survivor would in vestigate the cause of death. HIM Hlvara at Kankakee. MARSHALL. Minn.. Nov. 1-Mlfs I.dla Rivard. to whom Policeman Arthur lllssonette left his eetate, lives near here. She Is about tl yeara old and two months ago went to Kankakee. 111., where she has relatives. The relatives here did not know that the girl was engaged to the officer, but they admitted She had corre sponded with him for two years. MARSHAL DECLINES TO BREAK BREAD WITH ROCKEFELLER NEW YORK. Nov. t An Invitation to breakfast with a multi-millionaire did not trnipt Vnlted Slates Marshal Henkel when he Journeyed to Pocantlco Hills to day to serve additional papers In the gov rhment's Suit ageluat the Vnlted mates Steel corporation upon John P. Roeke feller and found the oil magnate eating his morning meal. The marshal, when be returned to the office, said he had de- cliuod the Invitation to partake ef the western frontier of China, haa declared Its independence, according to reports received here today. Vun-Nan, which fronts on Thibet and Burma, la known as the Switzerland of China, haa an area of nearly 110,000 square miles and a popu latlon estimated at 12,000,000. It contains China's richest mineral deposits and boundless stores of anthracite ooal. Agri culture and stock raising are extensively carried on, and the province produce some of the best grades of tea. It was the principal scene of the great Mo- ammedut rebellion, which lasted for sixteen years and waa suppressed In 1872. ApnaUltta; Scenes In II sskow. HONG XONO, China., Nov. 3.-Delayed dliipatches from Hankow sent via Wu Hu, describe the situation there on the lght of November 1 as apalling. A great conflagration was sweeping over the city and fighting was in progress In several quarters between the rebels and loyalists. The Imperial batteries were firing explosive shells Into the native quarter, while the rebels on the other side of the river had brought long range guns Into play from the Wu Chang fort ifications and were firing with fair ef fect on the loyalists posltlona. . . Baale for New Coaatltatlon. PEKING, Nov. 3.-The National as sembly today completed a draft of the basis on which it proposes to construct the new constiutlon of China. It was submitted to the throne and accepted Im mediately, The tentative plan provides for the perpetuity of the Manchu dynasty, but the power of the emperor Is closely, restricted by the constiutlon which la. to be written by, the national assembly and subject to an amendment by parlia ment. The Imperial princes are made ineligible to the offices of premier, mem bers of the cabinet and administrators of the provinces... Police Station Baraed.' LONDON, Nov. I. A hews dispatch from Shanghai says that the native con stabulary of Chapel, a suburb usf Shang hai, which forms part of the Chinese quarter, mutinied today and burned the polios atatlon and the residence of the chief of police. Porelgn volunteers were mobilised to maintain order. It's Recognized by All Good Dressers We refer to the Superiority of Our Furnishing Goods Stock Many stores are simply dumping grounds for the mistakes of manufacturers and wholesale trade But hcres a store that's different Never do 'wc sacrifice quality to gain a point in price and we attribute the mammoth success of our Fur nishing Goods Dept. to this very policy. You find no job lot?, no surplus stock pick-ups at this store. We think the best is none too good. Only the choicest merchandise from the br;st linos, on the market aro offered for sale by u. Thai's why so many fellows who are known to demand the best arc seen buying their Furnishing Goods nt Browning, King & Co. NECKWEAR. UNDERWEAR , SWEATERS These cold davs mean warmer under wear. How about your supply? If not complete we suggest 18k SHIRTS EVery pattern is desirable, every gar ment perfect in fit. You'll be pleased with Browning, King & Co. shirts every time. $1.50 to $3.50 Buying neckwear at' this store is' ,:i pleasure, every pat tern is a favorite choosing is made easy. 35c to $3 an immediate to this store. visit $1.00 to $6 There's comfort sweater. We a in a lot of good show them in all styles, colors and weights. $2.50 to $6 based on the claims that the election should be declared null on account of alleged Irregularities. Next Monday was definitely agreed on as the date for the lnauguaratlon. DEPUTIES DECIDE MADER0 WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT MEXICO CITT, Mex., Nov. l-By a vote of 163 to 19 the Chamber of Deputies today decided that Pranclsoo I. Mauero has been elected president of Mexico. The vote approving the election of Jose uerea ss vice president waa 134 to 21 The minority vote in both caes was Judge Asks Pardon for Men Convicted on False Evidence CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Two men have served seventeen years of life sentences for murders of which they were lnnocnt and still are In the Illinois state prison. sacrifices to police desire to "get a con viction," according to the belief of former Judge Henry Freeman, who sentenced them, and to testimony of several police officers. ' The men are Charles Kaurth and Thomas McNally, sentenced for the murders of Patrick and Peter Prunty, Former Judge Freeman today began active steps to obtain pardons for them. The. testimony of. Police Captain John M. Halhes and Patrolman August' Weber before the pardon board Indicated that the police suppressed evidence, at the de mand of Chief Joseph Klpley. Captain Haines said he was repri manded for expressing a -belief in the Innocence of the men. "I was called down," he said, "and 1 aaxed the chief if he wanted me to swear to a lie. 'No,' he said, 'but we don't want these wrangles' ". 'I think the evidence which procured their conviction waa created by the police and was not truthful, though I did not dream of It at the time." sold former Judge Freeman. Rartne Aato Driver Hare. COLVMBIA. 8. C, Nov. 8. -Joe Jeger seergrr of Ilaclne, Wis., drlvlntf a Case car at sixty-seven miles an hour In the state fair races today, was badly hurt when hla machine threw a tire and went into a fence. Only Oao "BKOMO QUI SINE" That Is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for the slgnLturo of E. W. Grove. Used the world over to cure a cold In one day. 26c. "It feels so good and wears so welL" (Jndorwon TSEL VETRID has that good feeling. The loft caress of its warm, velvety fabric and its snug, easy fit are most gratify ing. Its fine interwoven fabric is wonderfully elastic and durable. A Velvttrib garment is reinforced wherever strain comes. Each garment will give you two seatont of luxurious service. Ask your dealer, Vtbxtrib is Guaranteed aet te Irritate, shrink, rip, tear, bag or money back. Medium and heavy erelgbta. MEN'S Ssswate CaraMats. SI -BOYS' 60c MEN'S Uafea Smite. $2 -BOYS' $1. ONEITA KNITTING MILLS. Utiea. N. Y. Bryne Himnur D. Q. Co. JTeratf TrmJ 5wpW I) H & Smith ft CO. iSsV 3 5c Tip Top Bread... Bread Hade After a Motto .iooa oreai is never made by chance. t i diw is excellent every time. We uvw ju to expect ecn day so do our customers. Cere and Cleanliness Is our motto and you rind It la every loaf of Tip Top bread. 5c at all grocers V. . kTBAJC SAUaTCs COXXAsTT mi EvIilliEiery Forced Out to Make E.oom for Furs Every Hat in the louse Will De Sacrificed Regardless of Cost Millinery at Less Than Half Price 200 beautiful Dress Hats, worth $20.00, CJa 4 g ' ., ,$25.00, $27.50 and $30.00 v)IU ' 350 exquisitely trimmed llats, worth $12.50, CfJ ' , Extraordinary Sale of Furs. Get prices from us before you buy. rpj 1508 Douglas St: Km v . -j mi. 1 in mil i.n ! i.n .1 li.i... .11 .1.1 iinii. Ll ntfci,.,, tmtuJl tfJU""" innJi .yr.Willltfk' ML n..M. 1 fsewBSAJija.JSsrMSje8asi.H!p 'iWjipsii.iMsjjuatpjyi Suits and Overcoats to Order $20 Jack Frost reminds you of the need of an overcoat and a heavier suit. Better order early and let us have your order. Every garment well lined and guaranteed perfect in fit and style. Orders promptly filled. See the bljr. display of Overcoats and Suits at $20 and f25 In our North show window. They are far better value than the best ready mades. MacCarthy- Wilson Tailoring Co. 304-306 South 16th St. Five Steps South of Farnam Special Cut Drug Prices Fop Saturday, Nov. 4. Extia Special Saturday Hard and Easy Prescriptions The compounding of prescriptions has always received first attention at our hands. In each of our stores this department Is qutto separate from the salea rooms and In charge of trained pharmacists. No prescription so hard we cannot fill it, and not one so easy we do not give it careful attention. ' Rnbber Goods Dept. This Is a very large d e partinent In our sloroH, uore than l.uuO Items being sold. Spm-tai prices bat-urday: .-yringe for M0 ..490 .39s 7 ll.uo Fon-italn Hyrlne' for! 75o Kititr moves tor Lady attuudunt In this Uepurtineul. Pri pkr. .80 .o Mule Team Borax, 1-lb, 10c can Potaah Lye 8 cakes Wool Soap for lOe 25c Japanese bottle Hand Lotion.. lBo 25c Peroxide for 70 10c Sha of Persia Soap for 19o I1.5U oriental Cream for ...690 ITsarlr 500 Items of Soaps, Perfumes ana Waters a cut prloas. . Colgate's Toilet Hassle YCREAMJ Patent cr Proprietary Medicines .WS. 8e" ?" articles bearing "pure food- lrnal approval, and guarantee greenness and genuineness. 11.00 Piiik'iaiH'M Compound fori-...8e $1.00 Wine of t'ardul for 890 f ! " Jeroe's iledl.lnes for.. 89c Z. T: "ex-all t)ietatle Compound Sao S1.0D Duffy's Walt Whiskey (sold lor medicinal use only) 69o Ilorllck's Malted Milk 4S and 8o Uray a Olycerlne Tonic for 89o E1 "frtll-a 85c, 64c, $1.13 Hexall Uver Kalta !..86o btuart's ijyapepala Twldets SSc, 5 and So Itjiall Liyspepsla Tablets 'or;.-. 85o, 45e and 89o Vlnol. the great Tonic, always. .91.00 II no Suuihbs harsapurllla 75o 50c Pape's lilspepsln for .' 4&c Ayre u cherry Pectoral . ,85o, 46c, eo Kcxall Clurry Juice Cougli Syrup . or 80c, 450, 89o SOo Syrup of Pigs for 40o 11.00 Hosteller's Hitters for 8o Hexall Orderlies loo, 85c, 60c "Uew-It" Corn Cure 8So Lambert's Listerine lio to SSo Antl-Utirtn Llinlctatit 40o, 75 Cut prloes oa aU Proprietary aaeol-elnss. SHERMAN &. McCONNELL DRUG CO. Cer. 16th and Dod(e - Opposite P. O. OWL DRUG COMPANY, Cor. 16th nd Harney Harvard Pharmacv Loval Pharmacv -aws ao. loin at. tmoti x.oyal.1 ?5c Murray & Iannan's Florida Water 'or ,49o COc Malvlna Cream for 890 SOo Pompelan Cream tor 89o All ibc iianltol Prepu- ratloiw at 14o Kexall Tooth Paste 19o tilnatea Cashmere . Hooquet or Uactyllls Talcum 18 7&o La Jeune French Rico Powder for..39o $100 De Miracle lluir Ken.over for 690 Complete line Vantine's Oriental Perfumes. Sachets . and Boa pa at lowest prkes. WUUajus' Jersey . Cream Soap, In metal soap box all' for 85o Lava Oil and Buttermilk Soap (Ura- liam'sl box three cakes lBo Violet Dulc Talcum for 85o 60c Pe-Ile-Co Tooth Paste for....39o Howard's Flesh tfoap 18o tic Packer s Tar hoap for 16o amlerlne 89c, 46c, 890 tl pinaud't Lilac Toilet Vatur...49o 2oc Velk Kuk hliampoo for 14o Cutlcura Soap 80a Zlic Mistletoe Cream for l4o Cigars y7 the Box at wholesale prlcee. luqaue at Cigar Separt-meat. Oo. seta aa Taraam Sta. r. ac gsowl, atgr, SOT breakfast.