V V Till- ISEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1011. 17 ?OXKV TO LOAN' OFFKIiED Foil KENT I OFFKKDIi Ft HI RAM-:.. I 7T7V" " I .".'"I". I --- ---- -s ni t a .... ' , : r.rv r. " ...r ;.''':"'.. mvii, iM.Aii, u)As WOVKKXMKXT XOTICKS. - , I . - I . m , . , r . ' 1 . . : bnlary i CHATTEL LOANS ,v?XJlKASONAI1Ii: It ATE. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. liana V-8' 1 , , rulas 1338. A-tfj .... .,ITTI ,y mug $1.0CW l, 81.0W U0. . $1,000,000. WE HAVE H.wm.uoo TO LOAN OUT to the people of Omaha before Chrls-.maa "PyKlFTS. FIXTURES. REAL ESTATE. HoRSES. W AGONS, eto.. or , V 1 ' imjici ii steadily em ployed. Same old low ratea and each transaction .trl,.l .I.,..- We make mora loans than all ot th others. There a reason. If you can ww - i'icv. Wi mis mw.nr.i wny, Just tail on the largest. biggest and beat. HEL1A HLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, SOS Paxton Block, 217 8. 18th .niuT-a mmubub n ana a-mic Dl A Aro.-v ' nan bi Hi aim ur cent. WE LOAN AlONE to any working man or woman on just a personal note; no security or lndoraer requueu. v ny mortgage your personal veiuiigingi, vuen YOUR CREDIT IS nnnn inrniz All transaction confidential. Cum In aim so vi iuuue us. OMAHA TRUST CO.. i37 Board ot Trad Bide. Fourth Fioor. Bell phone Douglas Silt MuMil loaned otiaiieu pvupie, wouiua keeping nouoe and outers; wilnout se curity; easy payment. Offices in 07 prin cipal cunts. Tonuau. 60 Omaha Nail OEtEliKD Hlli HEAT Board ana itooius. O. M. K. haunt trunks. 1). 611. A-KU. Hi N. 2b X Id Si., lurnlBhed rooms, sin Itlo or en auiw, wltu board, ijier liiu. .tl-WX t. St. James Hotel ou-am heat, bath, home cooking; winter raua to lew coupies ai $uv jut mo.; aauy ft. to. iear ail tneaiers, l"Ui., ..iti.j fjuiei, mw v . . ul 111. LAmj., pleasant nicety luruinued rouui Vim bent ooaiu, lor two; m private fam.iy. call Maney 45. 'i lie OUII..C1. .U u. ..ul..J . IVUItl Ol UUk.U, IhHj JnOllklj dlvtvlcl, .41.1:1 AAU Harney, two rouis wltu -board, uuitabie lor two couples. h)Vi.Kl' persun knows who D. J O'Brien la because lie lias maue Umaha famous with Ins candy, if uesme Mur phy, o41 bo. 2ith bt., will come to ibe Bee oitice witmn three days we will give her an order lor a bd-cent box of U'Bileu'a randy tree. Furnished lloouis. GOOD rooms, reiuuiiaole. 1A2 Douglas. UOOi, warm room. 1U4 . iulh Ave. 11, 264t, u-u22. BEAU ili ULs warm room In new llai; private lamuy; close in. biii b. lith Ave. ill N luin. luimaiieu 10011.S loi I'enu 221 IS. 241'H, uioeiy lurnittueu uioUaiu rooms wiin aieam beat. Fiat 6. luUi H. 2U111 iwo sullen ot ngut house kee.uhg looms on aevonu Hour; gaa lange; moueiu; waifiii u.siunce. UliiiiYI In uuiwi luimiv iLiuuini; riiM tance; pleatsaiu, Kami; plenty of hot water, leieunuiia. can txaiuey 6ti or ljuuaias 'MZ. llAHiN-i aaaa 1 hiee lurmahed rooms, heaieu aim ngnteu, on in, m per luoiitn." Oiki hAminl 61. wen luiUiBiieU room, strictly modern, private laimiy. 'fhune lea xiu.' MKA'lLil luiiiisheu room, sepaiate en ttam;e, l.it weeK. (s4U bo. 24m bt. 2040 FA K.N AW Warm, cieaa and ver reasonable rooms. Ml.NOLl-v room, mouern. IJ1J Uavenport. 1Mb Farnam bt. ; large front room; two closets; cheap. Also sleeping rooms. DFiHIKABIjK front room; close to Far nam car. liil N. mst Ave. VcHi auniiabie room with board If de clreo; private lamny, strictly modern; wa.King uibtance; gentlemen. 1'hone Hai iiey nod. 81'KlCTL.y mouern room lor it respect able laales, private family; 2 per week. Tel. Harney 821 lark Ave. Nicely furnished room, suitable lor one or two gentlemen. Har ney 1,67. NlCfc-lV furnished front room, close In, goou neignooi nood; well heated; ref erences. O; tXS, Bee. Famished Uuurkeevlug Haunts. The Manuel and Howard, 21 & Howard, 2 and 4-im. hkng. apts., tJ to 40. i-nuiil rooms uiiu alcove, 1J week, 64b' B. 2ih Ave. TWO or three rooma for light house keeping; iuii..tu or uinuru.sueu; iicar car. Webster UM3. '1 vi u citan uuu cheap; move heat. Vust s. 27th Bt. THE HUWAKD, 21st and Howard, two room apartments, compressed heat. Ice, janitor, finest furniture, iM.i0. Refer ence required. 2wl Ijoukc, housekeeping rooms. bn-miiuin enjujs uii evening witn the Woodward Stock company. If Jacob M. Krug, lt17 Wirt St., will come to The Bee office within throe days we will give him an order tor a pair of tickets. Famished Houses. Nicely furnished modern house. D. 8477. WILJj rent Iioin Uec. to April 1 my home, choice locality, handsomely fur lilshed to responsible family. P-3tfi, Bee. Hotels) aud Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13th bt. rALM HOTKU 12ua Uouglas, newly furmsned rooms. 60 ceuta; weekly, V up; steam heat. Elk hotel, rooma 36o and ooo. M17 N. hit a. Hub hotel, SLeum neaieo!, Idus Ooug. at. THK bt-nLUZ UUXKU Our iuo plate dinner the best in the city. F,cHent meals, W N. 2ilh, bo. Omaha. Dubliai HOlh-U Uiu and Uodge; all w vui.iui I ui'iu, y.-i;i.t .vet raiw, Howard Hotel, elegant rs. 10u2 Howard. HOTEL Al.li.VN Y: most eieumit rooms' hot and cold water; firepiooi; prices reasonable; both phones. 1111 Douglas. Ulund Hotel, rooms iba up. t.'o b. Ulh. OXFORD and Arcade, special w'kly rate. NEW YOKK hotel, mil, 6oc. 1018 IJougiaT Hotel Antler, elegant rooms. 610 b. bntT. ()l?(pn JIntpl ''un-il Hlulfs. Rooms Hur.lnntun. nice rooms. 1 Mock to depot. .'ABH llil Kl. nice rooms. 17cS t'af-s bt7 Wln.si)u"ll6T h: I Uooms fmv to l.5iT Apartments and Flata. BEAUTIFuCToRRAlNE. Three bud six-room apartments, steam heated and all modern in every respect, 3611 to IB.) Maple bt. bee these. MKNGhlJUHT, Douglas 340J, Webster 3713 UtORUlA AFAlUMKNTBi Five rooms each, steam heat, Janitor service; new throughout; located at 1040-42-44 8. 2'Jth tt.; four left. Janitor can Know you or call Douglas SWS. FETEKd TliL'ST CO. aTKAM H EATKD FLATb THK bTAMi.VRD The high standaius, line decorations C large rooms, free hot water all year walking distance. OIVK mole for m'onoy than found anywhere tlse; an outHlde cor ner, $36 winter; Jj eummer. References required. For special inducements call had see this office in person. , A PAYNK A KLATKK CO.. II0-'. A1"!, :th Fl. I'm. Nat, Hk. nidir. bTt'AM H KATKf ' I T I ( ' A f; Tj-F CAT "THK .STANDARD" Blil'ARATt IIOMKS. fine decorated, larKe, full modern rooms, Inside hall, bath, shudee, gus range, free hot water all year, jiinlti.r, walking distance; references required. VWnter, one at $3. another another, IXt: summer. 10 lens. More for money than elsewhere. For special Inducement J tail and this olleu in person. PAYNK A bl.ATKK CO.. Bole Agents, tth Fl. Uiu. Nt. Bk. Bldg. THiOClS aod six-roum tiiu. iiirai aMMk, ista and WeUstet. ... 7room flnt on Sherman Ave. Web. RTCi. .v...cv imu i-.ji o. itiin AVd; six rtniins: modern. 11. S. llann. 7J0 liTan deis Theater bMg. CI.OSK-IN, I4th near Faruam: 2:'l lewev, 6 nrm, rm. 2317 1'ewev fi mnrritr. O'KF.KKK KKAL h:sTATK CO. llonsea anil otlasra, WALL PAPEltW. irtwt". rioture I'Hictm paper nan. framlnpr. Slonson, S ii 1'nrk Ave. II. 6.-.M. RKNT an Oliver typt writer from the oilier ivpewnicr o puiikIhi l.USIir TOIVH MoNAKCH Vltil'hl.K for rrrt. TIH-T MONARCH TVl'K- vvKI I 'i:ilC( , 4UJB. Dth. l'lioiiK D. 40ti. i i i r. ill i en.- special Kale lor a snort lime on nil makes ee window for big prli reductions. H. F. Swanson o, i.iin piirnnni m,, tmiaha. HUAMi new I'n.li'iwoixl tvpewriter for sale iiuicK. m. Ai1itrrs! M f..;s. r.ee, liil Hi in tit., 6-r., mod, ix. heat, with barn, only .U 14i!2 N. 2"tli tt., G-r. mod. cottage, only 122. lid, f'i N r,l 8t., 7-r. hotisp, mod., only $3. Hth nnd Ohio, 3-r. cottaire, only H. 8U Jackson Mt., 4-r. cottage, only $11. MX ROOMS AND FUATH. r4?3 Cuming bt., 3 rooms, only J12.S0, 2M3 Iewey Ave., 4 rooms, mod. ex. heat, only $13. nvtt Dewey Ave., 3 rooms, semi-basement, onlv $7. 12'd 8. 13th St., 3 rooms, only $7. bmall storeroom, 713 b. 2Tth St., $12. RO. N. 1. DODH1-; ,t CO.. lot Ii and Harney. oca. US Kill SI'KCIAL. l.vDCCli.uK.NTS ON' THIS LIST. Wn. Parker St.. 7-r., mod. ex. heat y 23 Caldwell, b-r , mod. ex. heat 18 3i6 Ames Ave., S-r., mod. ex. heat.... 10 3715 N. 23d, 8-r., mod. ex. heat 25 206 N. 25th St.. S-r., mod. ex. heat IS 3U7 Ohio St.. 6-r., mod. ex. heat 18 1314 S. 2f.th St., d r., mod. ex. heat.... 20 1623 N. 24th, bo. Omaha. 6-r., mod. ex hent 12 2710 S. 9th, 6-r part mod 13 17i2 Dorcas, 4-r., city water 11 New 6-r. house and barn. 9 acres of ground, 3 blocks from Forest Lawn nr line 20 H1RKETT TKHRKNS. 4M Bee Bldg. 'l'honea: D. 4T.V); A-17."4. HAV'K a large list of houses In all pirts of the city. Come In and look It over. Must be rented before cold weather. F. D. Wend, 1S01 l-'tirnnm St. HALF MONTH OFF. We have 24 houses. 4 to 9 rooms, $3 to $36. Special offers for pood tenants. 'RUSSELL . M'KlTRlOiv CO., lDtli and Harney Sts. D. R57. 432 Katrine Tlldg. A 6-ROOM cottage. $12.50; 0-room cot tage, $15. Apply 27o2 S. 13th St. l'hone Douglas ST.'tO. WK have n complete line of all makes of typewriters, factory rebuilt. Trices right, it will pay you to see us before ouying. Typewriter Inspection Supply Co., I'j Farnnm St. THK HOY A I, is king of t prwrltera $' Musical Instrument. MA NO sllshtly used, at a tmrirnln. Segerstrom 1'iano Mfg. Co., lDih and Far- i'm Ms. VIOLIN repairing: all work promptly done and guarantee!. 3i4 So. 14th St. A .M0 Shaeffer piano for $l2o, a $W aiajesiiu range ror ., also 2 Brussels i "ii i (uuu voounioii. i.au lieu son 34H W. M Iscrllaneoua, A COITI.K Round Onks, SIS; one base Durner, itoyai Acorn. 124 North 1Mb bt. Webster lSL',".. KlnililiiK. $1 load. H. Uross. W. 2sS4. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket bllliurd tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easv payments. The UrunswIck-Malke-ColLiuder Co., 407-4US South loth bt. overstocked w ith second-hand safeu, all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. llin Farnam St. SIX-Fool booaket pel iiesk, oak fin IkIi, for sale at tin. Apply, C.eorge W. 1 1 . ii i , nee I'uniisinnK: i o . .r-.... . i iHiiiniuiiK v o. roll S.-iLl-.-'l wo t-clioiHi snips in the Omaha Commercial college and one in Boyles college. Business olfico, Omaha Bee. CH EwVl'. otio tleci:io nano, 3 music boxes and 50 vending machines. 3124 Leavenworth. H. 143: Ind. A -2433. CI1KA1' RENT. Fine larpe full modern S-room hottpe, built for home. No. 1513 N. 2ith St. Newly decorated Inside and out. walking dis tance, $10. If tenant does his part, takes good care of property. $25 will be de ducted from last incnth of vear. T. J. HOOK, office 1101 N. l.sth St. PAYNR & HUTKR CO., Oin. Not. T!k. MOD. 5-room cottage, f.ne rep r. Ii. 3844. liuLDcriULp UoODb packed, tor warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. 11. Doug. 334. City oincs 21 b. l.lL bu. Baj Hldg. Five-ioom cottage, modern but beat, warm, tino rci-air. Harney 3044. houm a, hi-. i.,iigiva.t. tiianueis In. bia. 7-room house, $J4; N-rooiu house, $32. Hanscom park ulslrlct. All modem. Phone Harney 1506. UrtilsPA "' " P't of me city. Craigu FOR KENT Six room house at H4U Caldwell St. Modern except furnace. Good cellar. Cistern pump In kitchen sink. Near car line and close to soiiool. Key next door, 'lelephone Harney 4U4 or enquire at 3218 Webster St. oii- do. ie th bt.. a luuiua. comuletely mouern, $U.i0. Hall, 433 Rauige. u. ;uw A-44Ut. 4-room model n brick, llou N. 22d. $lu. Uui. van at bluiaae 4o pacas, moves, stores uuuseuuiu imuuh, Fuefioof awi- age. mm a. loin. Biaaci, ti a, iim lei. D. 4itJ. A-U3U. DUiMir,2. iaeve.il rooma, striciiy mou ern; near car; paved street; cueap to permanent lenaiil. 1'iioue iiAcney 1. OMAHA KAP. CO.. moving vans and stoiagc. Trunks, oaggae uei. D. Mot). 410 17th. FOR RENT Modern aiiartmcnt, 6 rooms, two bath rooms, apartment 4. ine ciarinua, aim and Farnam. 16us DA V civ fOK 1 bl'. Nine room brica House. jVjipiy Hotel itoyai on ice. lblii Lull bt., b-r., mod. ex. hc-at, with uuui, omy $.0. im N. jutn St., 6-r. mod. cottage, only 22.00. uui N. 23d St., 7-1. house, mod., only $26. lull and Ohio, 3-r. cottage, only 3iu JacKBou bt., 4-r. coiiage, oiny 11.50. ROOiMb AND r'-UAld. 2423 Cuming el., 3 rooms, omy $12.60. 213 Dewey Ave., 4 rooms, niou. ex. neat. omy $13. i&U Dewey Ave.. rooms, seml-basa- meni, omy $7. i.ti b. i3tn bt., a rooms, only $7. bmail Bioreroom, 'ili b. 7lli bt.. 112.50. N. P. 1MJDUK At CO., 15tii and Harney. biv anu bs en-i uuui iMoucii ...civ, not nam ncai. i.r le.. vv rubier lii8. BIX Kas arch lamps at your own price. aviiaiuuK n nun, nouin iimann. A HVAll-n,,. -. ....,,.!.. i.Anu ...... , i iii,uiiii5 . nrriQ cutter; $13 If taken at once; as good as new. Hersey piano Co., David CltyT Neb. rEIJSOXAL NOTICE. I hereby notify the pubtln that after this dale I will not be responsible for any debts accumulated bv my wife. MR. C. I . DUEESKN. MAXWELL cures piles. 408 Om. Nat. Bk. t;TAY BLOOD REMEDY. Olailillsh Pharmacy, 12th und Hodge. K ALSTON 'lONSETH, Swedish move ment and niussage: graduate of Dr. Kell bcrg lust., Stockholm, -Sweden; day phone D. 71",; night, D. 8104; 403 Om. Nat. Rank Hldg. Automatic Phone Hun's, $J; residence, $1 FOR ELECTRIC CARPET OLKAMNtl PHtlNE D. f2i3. I RICES REASONABLE. Flee. Vac. Cleaner, rent, $1.76 day ; W. 2i8 Mhshukc, RlttenhoiiHe. 3(-8 Old Boston Bid. Mrs. 1'lerce, shampoo, hulrdi esBing and manicuring. l'Jtil Farnam. II. twol, A-14.IS. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth St. and St. Mary'a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boaiding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' aid at the Union station. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen, 5oc. BELL DRUG CO. WF. rem and repair all kuius ot sewing machines. Ind. A-luu3, Douglas ltt& NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Jut Ii and Harney bts. MASSAO10 treatment. Mrs. Steels, xUVOOY.VJXj10J y, nth. 2d floor, rm. 6. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing, in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair anu sell, at 134 N. 11th bt., tor cost of collection, to the worthy por. Call phone Duugiaa 4126 and wagons will call. FIVE-ROOM, all modern cottage. 2au Mtreaith Ave. 12-ROO.U house; hot wuler heat; 2Ub0 Harney bt.; with every other modern convenience. Apply. T. W. IIAZEN, Doug. lWi. 20i McCague Hldg. ADELIGHT hair food grows hair. Mine. Frayer, Megeaih Sta. Co., 16th t Farnam. M AXX A( ',kaih, alt glow aromatic i.Axiojxvji-i(1.eatmeU, x,,, Allen oi Chicago, lua S. lith St., 1st Hour 1). 7005. BEMlb Park, lu!4 N. 33d bt.. 3-rooin moaein. Tel. D. 6ot.4. c AiD vv jiEij bt.. tlx rooms, mod ern, $26. 2 6-ROOM. cottages, 4lsl and llauiillou; ualu, gas, gruie; line couuuion. 11 u 1 ciUA oUk. -nobiutu CO., lbi.i 1 ariiaiii. U-hUuiii Oiica nui.r,u, ii.oiiern. liar. t4i. u-itoom an luuueni ..ji rem i a Ave. iviuur.ivi iMiuuiu nut. lacing xianscom raik, mi. liol lark Ave. FOR RENT. Large modern dwelling No. 1102 bouth sd bt $5000 Seven-room modern dwelling, No. al3 Grace St who Seven-room modern dwelling, No, i acme et Z6.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 20T First National Bank Budding, leiepnone iougias 12. belter lor rheumansm. ladies, $1; gentle- iiien. ti.oo. ypt. t, iwi rarnani. u. buo. DKLUb at cut prices; lieigut paid on $10 oriiers; catalogue free, eherman dc Aicconneii j uug Co., Omaha, Neb, lir. Burke, nervous d.seascs. 41 iioug. Bik. SUA M !'()( irtaliu Is, Mrs. bieele, ex- Mrs, eiiyuei, bweuisu maasage, bauis, rauiaior uuu vibiatur treatmeut. The Dunsaiiy. rim 3, Jum and pieice. D. 43so. BAlilES JiOAKDED A former Aieinouibt oeuconesa In a nice home ot her own wishes tu Luaid a tew baoles. Web. 64.10. Write 6ti22 N. 2ith 8l. E'lTA UoLDoBURY Las opened new hail dressing puilors at 33 Ncviue. U.'tmJ. NKAHLV new HHven-room 1,,-o.u Kmiuu strictly f.rst class and entirely modem; linn nutrouiiiliiius: Itieiltil nr 1J1I l.x loth St. Phone Douglas 4870. KENT FKEE TO NOV. 10. Beautitul, mouern 7-room and bath home, overlooking boulevard: 'ilO N. 2i'th Ave.; 1 blocks trohi Harney or Walnut Hill car lines. Prosent occuoant leavlnu: unexpectedly, permits, me to give house rent free to Nov. 10 to prompt tenant. Home open to Inspection; key at my resi dence, 2673 Hurt, three doors north of house to rent $. H. B. BOYLES. Boylei Colleire. Both telephone. Uth and I lame v ls o-roo ni brick, bt. Luun r u i u i good condition, modern except heat:' ii and Vinton Sts.; first-class. V. V. Sholes Co., 913 City Nat l Bank B:dg. Tel. Doug 40. tore ana Ufflcv. OFFICE to rent. Mulligan. 2l a. 13th. tny huuiiui I3iik. niQK. call l. 2H. .KFiCi?; and ibCttptiun. 4oi he liiU. . 1 1 .1 , r.Tit tin If of nl.alv u .nit . i office lo riht party; i4.W per month. KT( tkl-m H jM rVn V't VI li:.l. kj. i -----' i . mill I, ,tJUI - ner Dovenportl. Apply Hotel Loyal office. Hall. WASHINGTON H A EL Lodges, dances, banquets. C. C. Bnienseii. l. 225. A-232j. OFFEKED FOIt BALK Farulture. AUCTION I AUCTION! Saturday aiternoon, commencing at 2 o'clock, November 4, the remainder of the $5,uoo bankrupt stock of the Wtol.iti r'urnlture Co., J715 Leavenworth bt., will be Mold. This eonsista of tugh-graUe tui mlure, rugs, draperies, eic. No restric tions. The highest b'.Uder gets the gouds. Afternoon and evening. 1715 Leavenworth Bt. FURNITURE of live-room house for sale. 2i'3 Farnam. NEW Gustav-Stli kley librsry tuble and electrolier, cheap. Doug. D17. li'EVV days left. Don't mis the ciiaiics and place of buying the remainder if Sieat clearing sale of furniture and stoves. lik. 7U N. lsth. FURNITURE for rooms, ail or by piece, must gii t tomorrww, UyUr 17'Al. HAEL-LEAF 1MLE CONES Best remedy tor itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles. 50o post paid. Sampie free. Sherman & AicCounell Drug C o., Omaha. MALiNETlCJ "tatinent. E. Brott, 710 WOULD like to tuke cure of child 3 to 5 years of age tor tne winter; will hoard and care fur it lor -j per mouth; best ot references. 121 N. 20tn St. FOLlHiV AMI I'E'V 8IOCK FLOOR sweepings, good chicken feed, $1.00 per hundred. Wagner, fcul ltith. KKAL ESXATK ABS lit ACTS OF TITLK. Trank J. Norton, 218 S. 17th. Bee Hldg. "There's a Reuson." "I minimize your title troubles." Both phones. Midland Guar. 6t Trust Co., Iil4 Far. ri. 11. Neuie, pres.; J. Campbell, see. D. 2Ha. Peter Jeskeu, jr., Co., Tel Doug. 222. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice lu Nebraska. 2u0 Riuiidola Theater. GUARANTEE ABSTRACT CO., room 7, Patteison Blk. Abstracts. M. T. Biennan. 32. BranileU Th UtlLUtilS' l.MOHMATTON. Kleotrlc, gas fixtures. Omaha Sliver Co. Piatle Gravel at vvai-.hcd hand Co. 442 Bee lueai Cement fetuiie Co.,., 17th and Cuming Amer. auly. Co., luul g, paints, Hub NicIi, Fuclis, bun oc Hnlid, palling decoraung, WA.Vliai lO ULY. " LIST your city property for sale with Vogei, 40V Kurbacii Bldg. CITY I'llOPFltTY t'UH BALE. BY OWKE1L Strictly iii Hicin iivc-iioin cottage, two and one-half blocks from Famai.i' bt only 12 jiunules' walk from loth am! Farnam, stairs leudiug up to second lory; enougti iiaco lor twu large rooms und cioseib. 1 in natii, cuiiio.oa.iun iix luies; cemented basement; newly painted also new waik and steps; hardwood tin-i.-ti throughout. House is only Hire year uld and a penect gem inside, bo If yuu want an lutui Lome drop out and luug il over. Rents for $32.jo. At 2&2J Capitol Ave. Only $3.4iai, pail rasti uu teruia tit fcUil. NEW' IIOUS7. KOLN'IZE PiACIl Coxy home of eight rooms; "classy" and fciihi-tantlal; will suit the nio.-t ex acting', iucatlon unsurpassed In Hie city. 2otd .-'pencer street. Terms, If desired; loo easv to print here. C. 8. Bhepard, owner, ."M Wirt St. FOR SALE at a Lai nam, new S-room luodciu lioine; small cash iiayment and rial vt( VJy toriiu. Call rfuulU 14. 16th Street BUSINESS PKOPEKTY INVESTMENT LOCATION Two hlcekt from City Na tional bnnk Initldltm. adia cent to one of Omaha's ic- tan stores. 44 feet frontnire on 16th St., "" on north. BUILDING 3 story and basement, sub stantial brick, on which about $5,000 has Just been ex pended for putting in new modern st.ire fronts, new plumbing and wiring through out, new roof, new sewer connections and Concrete tloois in basements, and gen erally reflnishlng building from top to bottom. Price, $45,000 TERMS IIR.CHX) CASH. BALANCE easy payments. GKOSS INCOME About $4,000 per annum, should net between and J per cent on the Invest ment. We bellce the 44 feet ex clusive of Improvements, will soon be worth $44,000. Present value of Hie build ing Is about $.'3,000. Thl Is an opportunity to mako an Investment on Omaha's best retail street, near the retail center, on very favorable terms. For tint her Inlormatlon, call or address George & Company City National Bank Buiidui.. 00x150. with liuproveineiils: limit down town; cheap at $I2,5oO. Easy terms or good exchange considered. Also running auto business; machine shop and tour ing car, for good reasons, ai $2.ouo. What have you to ofter for It? J. W. RASP CO.. Brandels Bldg. NEW 4 i.OOM COTTAGE. 115 per month and $50 rash will buy tills and save your winter rent; city wilier, electric light, cement walks, fine corner lot, 60x12k; also two adjoining lots if desired. High, sightly location, three blocks to car. Immediate possession. A big bargain at $1,800. RCSSEED & McKITRICK CO.. 432 Kamgn Bldg. 16th and Harney. BIG BARGAIN ON NORTH 24TH RT. To close out an estute I am authorised to ell the Northeast Corner at 24th anil Saltier Streets, with 200 feet fronlaue on 24ih street, for $e,0O0. The properly con cists of three frame dwellings. 4JU-4213-4215 North 24th street, renting for $000 per year. The vacant ground on this corner is very desirable for store purposes. This Is an exceptional bargain. V. B. MttlKI.E, 2'H Ramge Bldg INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. 18 ROOMS. ALL MODERN. We have a two-apartment house, con taining 13 rooms, two bath rooms, seven bed rooms, with parlor, dining room and kitchen in each apartment, with new plumbing and good heating plant. This property Is too large for personal owner and it I a splendid proposition for some one who will by It and divide It Into four three room apartments. Owing to the arrangement of the house this work can be done at a very small ex pense and when completed th apart ments will rent tor $26 each. The buyer can live in one apartment, rent the rest tne rest and make a good Investment out ot your home. The building la well built ana In good condition; only thirteen minute ride to th center of the city; one block from the Dodge street car line and In good resi dence district. THK NUMBER 19 8019. N. 20T1I St. It Is Just north of Ohio on the Flor ence Blvd. A good six or seven-room modern house will be taken In exchange at the right price. This proposition Is certainly worth looking at, NOftlUS A MARTIN". 400 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4270, A. 4270. NEW, nobby bungalow of five rooms, close to school and street car; good neighborhood; $2,500. Can ar range terms to suit you. 7-room house, all modern, on North 16th St., well situated, newly painted and a bargain for $2,660. If you want to Invest 130.000 In one of the most up-to-date apartment houses in the city paying a good, big 10 per cent net, call and see me. F. D. "YVEAD, 1801 Farnam St. Only $600 Cash balance by the month.' New all modern 7-room house, with attic; oak finish; east front; large lot; cement walks. Price $3,600. BENSON ft CARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Block. ROUGH CEMENT up-to-date, modern 7-room house, close to car. Has all modern features sun parlor, outside sleeping room, gray oak finish first floor, white enamel second floor. A fine property. Will take good lot a part payment. Price, 15,500. Benson & Carmichael 42 Paxton Block. hEVEN-Roo.il house within 6 block ofField club, needs gome repairs, for 6-room house, near 10th and Bancroft, for $1,000; easy terms. 8-room house, in excellent repair, near 24th and Seward, modern except heat, $2,760, easy terms. F. D. WE AD, M01 FARNA-M HT. For Quick Sale Owner Leaving City 1329 8. 2fith St., about one-half block north of Woolworth Ave.; In fine loca tion; situated on Wx 127-foot lot; paving all paid. Four nice room and hall on the first floor and four bedroom and bath on the second floor. House 1 modern, permanent walks, step, fine yard and shade, two blork from cross-town cur Hue and four block from East Side Park car line. Owner leaving city and right price will be made on thl property if purchased at once. See us for the prlc and ! rms If you want a good close In home In good location. HASTINGS k HEYPKV, 1H14 Harney Bt. Close In Home Easy Terme 1510 So. 25th St. Situated on eat front lot, with nice terrace; yard Is sodded; ha permanent steps and walk; i room and bath on the first floor and plenty ot room to fin ish 2 large room and hall on th second flour, making a 7-room house, by addi tional expense ot $160. Full basement, fun. ace heat, combination lighting fix tures, convenient to both Omaha and South Omaha car lines. Terms: $-uu caali, I m iHrn1. munliilv. Hm us f,ii. ,rl.. HASTINGS A HKTDKN. Pill Harney 6t. V:Vb RT nliiniliH, I n,, . .nl.l,... it ...... thing happens phou L'oug. D1J, LooJ t lumUpa Co, room city; rtuy a new and nubstantlnl ' restdencn m northwest part ot sirictiy mouern. Iit C-nl.'O ft.; high ::d slr.htlv and Worth $.00: lluuse ensl .Imul IMA ... I build. " A few hundred dollars cash; balance I kit rent. Add! ess I 61, tiro 11KAL LSTATi: FIHM A II INCH I.WII foil !,$: 4-ltrnilo. FRUIT land bargains. TntermountsJn I-and Co.. 11.12 I'sriiam., Phone IV 4035. Bargains ! i u l imiiu. 5vJ litamleis Bids. iimiIm. Mtt.D CLIMA'l K-.VO KXTRF.MKR Land close to splendid mah- KKTs. In lUia the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY will be compleied, opening up the rich agricultural districts of CluNTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA. Thousands are now buying land In the fertile valleys of the FORT GEORGE DISTRICT, the NKSHOCO VALLEY and the BUCKLEY VALLEY. This land will double and treble in value as soon as the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC provides transportation facilities. Write today for booklet describing this wonderful country. B. M EY EL, DISTRICT SALES AGENT. 10-11 PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA. NEB. tieoralo. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed hv the ATLANTIC. B 1 R M I N G II A M & ATLANTIC RAILROAD Lands mtnptahle to the widest ranue of crops. All the money crops of the South plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country. Us soil, cli mate, church and uchool advantages, write W. 11. LK AMY. DEPT. K. General pnssenger Agent, a. t I. A IN I A, 41A. ' loiTM. THE MRlest .!;. to find ft buver for your farm is to Insert a small want nd ill the Ivs Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the siuln of liiwn, 43,oti dully. 'I he Capital Is read by and believed In by the standpatters of Iowa, who sltuplv re fuse to permit any other paper In their homes. Rates, 1 cent u word a day; $1.25 per line per month; count elx culinary words to the lino. Address. Dcs Moines Capital, Pes Moines, In, $26,000 equity in A-l, threo-uuarter sec tion stock farm, 40 miles from Des Moines; station 11 miles; good soil; 2m acre under cultivation; balance pas ture; state what ou have In first letter. Owner, Box 421-B . Lake City. la. Florida, tl.000 ONE THOUSAND HOLLARS td.OOO M ON K Y OU R GUARANTEE MONEY Just a littlo money down, u little money each month, buy an Ideal home In an ideal climate, near Pttlm Beach. Florida. Come In anl let us toll you about It, and on investigation, If you do not find It as good, or better than represented you will receive $1,000. Call on or wrlto Wood ward A Company, 714 Omaha Nat l Bank 8,000 ACRES pralrlo land, DeSoto county, Florida, near Arcadia, good land, well drained. Onlv $4 per acre net, If taken at once. Fine coloiilxatlon propo sition. J. C. Jackson. 1732 First Nat l Bank Bldg., Chicago. Mexico. MEXICO A place to make big money If you have some money to Invest. The climate Is de liglitful and healthful, no co)d nor freei Ing weather. Y'ou can buy rich, black land for $12.00 per acre, easy terms. In an American colony, near railroad, and one crop of corn more raan pays for th" land and for tha labor tu produce It. Native labor very cheap 60 cents per day. If you will go wltu u next Tuesday down to Tamplco, on the east gulf coast, you will e the corn In the field that will make what ,we have stated ubove. You will see the oranges, lemon and grape fruit on the trees. You can see tarn grasses six to eight feet high that was planted thl year. Y'ou will see the fiber plants, the owner of which are realising from $100 to $150 gold per acre annually, 100 acre set to fiber will make you wealthy and Independent for lire. Next excursion November 7. Railroad fare from Omaha to Tamplco and return, $49.25. Write for literature. Chocoy Land Co. 6X4 Brandels Bldg , Omaha. Neb. i. Nebraska. Farms, Farms, Farms We have a very large number to pick from; all sixes, from 40 acres to 1,000 acres; near Omaha, and all prices, A FEW EXTRA BARGAINS which will not last long. Come on aud tell us your wishes and let us show you the good. ORIN 8. MERRILL COMPANY, 1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg. "Will not last SARPY CO. 148 ACRES, absolutely the very beat bargain near Omaha. Situated In Sarpy county within 7 miles i of uouth Omaha and 3v mile of Papiliion; Vi valley lanu; i mile from new drainage ditch; Va up land, gently rolling, the very best of soil; $,000 worth of Improvements, consisting ot good well built 7-room house (largs rooms), good cellar, plenty of closeia, pantry equipped with tiour bins, coin oiuseis, etc.; good barn for 14 head, with haymow for 40 tons; good orchard, eta. If you want th very best Improved and very best larm you can get, without any exception, for $100 per acre, near Omaha, then take this; l cash by March 1, bal ance long time. l,et me show you the goods. Bring wife with you. A large list and a few bar gains, all terms and all prices; but If you can handle the above do nut overlook It, a you have a chance on this bargain now. ORIN H. MF.RRILL COMPANY, 1213-1214 City National Bank Building. Free list of improved Howard, Greeley, Valley, Sherman and C us lei county (arms, for people of limited means waul ing home on easy term. C. Brauiey, Wolbach. Nb. HOMESTEAD 320 acre fur $176; about t0 miles out, rial, larm laud, not Land. Was an old entry, now cancelled. Worth $2,000. J. A. Tracy. Kimball, Neb. IMPROVED 10-acr truck farm, oear Tekamah, Neb. Address Joe Jordan, Ts kauiali, Neb. SMALL larm for rent or sale. Charles V'ois. Doug, 1618 or South 13SS. No. 100 320-aere stock farm, all fenced and cross fenced. Three miles to town, church and school. Well Impioved. Prlc $24, ow; terms. No- 102 mi acres, five milea from Nelnon; fair Improvements. Price $87.60 per acre. Halt down, balance live years, at 4 per cent. NO. 103 lw acre:!, ail native grass pas ture, a snap at Vl per acre; terms. No. 104 11 acres, well Improved on good road. Price $76 per acre; terms. No. 106-luo-acre farm, well Improved, not far out, good road and good water. Price, $10,500. Term. All the above are worth more money than Is asked. Call and see tliem. Fur further Information address F. O. R1TTERBUSH, Nelson, Neb. ItKAL KSTATK LOANS WANTED City loans und wurantl. W. Farnam Stnltn ti Co. M.iO Farnam St. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Luuds. O KEEFE REAL EHTA1E CO., )il! New Omaha N'at'l Bank Rutldlmr. MONEY TO LO w Payne Inv. Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. V. Wead, Wead Bid.. lMh and Farnam. W ANTEI- FARM LOANS. vestment Company, Omaha. Kloko In- To'w HATES. BEMJS-CA ItLBERG CO , 3IO-&I2 Brandels Theater Bldg. FARM LOANS; no commission; optional payments: cheap money; quick service. Ortn ri Merrill. 1211 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, $1.0-0 to $(HU'0. W. it. THoM AS6o3 Fhsl Nat, Bunk Bldg, FIRST TRUST CO. l0,un'.n VsVu H Alf VlS lUfOS "". f and up. Mill. . v rm LARGE LOANS, municipal bonus, niort t:ai;cs umlaut mm sold. Sil'l.l. BROS. "OH HA LK OH LWlTlANtJK FoK ."-AI.I-, Oli h.l 1I.V..C.H. A tallu land in tne lamous Arkansas valley lo ex change lor Mock of goods or secuilllea; i and $ per cent first niottsAgcii f ir salo on good Unproved property. Solu It co operation of agents. Address Look A o Nell Box Si. 2, l.ainnr, Colo. Foil KXOIlANOKri.'.-nore, wall Imp. farm, 4o miles west of Grand Forks, N. D.; 1 till In from good town; price S.'m; want going gen. nnlse. stock up to J.'ii.otv tn rented bldg.; bal. ot farm ot 6 per i ent. Also .l.-O-acre, G.I. Fks. Co.. for nil S,VOU0 stock. F. s. I'lslar, Drayton, N. D. FOL SALE or trade, fine stock and El am farm; ,:.'0 acres, 2 mllciafrnui onawa, la.; Sherman Nelson, owner, 2-ii Pierce St. Sioux City, la. roil r..vi iiviur, .so acre r.u.ioiuing a town of I. ow population In southeastern Khui-hs. no stone; tnlr Improvements, bot tom land; price $K.4U0; i-iortgaKe, $2,5oO. want merchandise or merchandise und buildings, or Clear rental property. Iowa. Illinois, eastern Nebraska or north Mis souri land for canity. What have you to offer? Address the Allen County Invest ment Co, Longtoii, Kan. TO trade lor iteneral merchandise, &J0 acres of land with or without $2,600 in cumbrance lck Itox 41, Clearwater, Neb. 1 HANDLE excl.anges evervwiiere. For Icsults See me. Dean. (.17 llee ll-dg. D. 1-9!. WTO exchange piopertles of merit. C. W, Welsh, MJ-13 O. N. lik. Hldg Doim. 7S. Ii'xehnnises .lewell, lid of Tinde. D l'.'!7. FOR TRAD E Good sii-acTelTnoh In South Tripp County, South Dakota. All fenced. Wells Running water. Young timber. Land rolling. Home broke. Some buildings. School on land. ' mile from Inland postofilce and stcre. 3 miles from railroad survey Want $9 .000 clean, up-to-UHto slock geneial merchandise or c.othltig. Address owner Box 293, Grok ory, S. IV 1 Omaha. Nat. Bank. FOR i:CHANC.i: -T.v.-acre slock ranch. Over 2iH) acres in alfalfa. Three sets of improvement. One of the oesl lanehes In southeastern Kunsnn. Price, $4o.iwo. Incumbrance, $13 600. Will trade for clear property milv, snt good rental prop erty, or might consider lov.-a. Illinois or eastern Nebraska land. Address Tho Al len Counly Investment Co.. I.ongton, Kan. ' t 'liNTROl .LI NO" 1 NT ERESirVillrellTiH tnblished business. Incorporated. For quick action Write F.-63I. Bee. CLOSE-IN MODERN HOME TO TRADE FOR 6 MALL ICR PLACE. Flight rooms, strictly modern, new fur nace, cleotrio light, paved street, one blork to school, ono block to car and within easy walking distance. 70H N. SOlb St. R. H. Landeryou 4U Board of Trade Bldg. Phono Dougla 2161. STKAMSlllPS Anchor Lino Steamships New York, .Londonderry and Glasgow. New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rate for ticket between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Continental and Mediterranean points, Superior Accommodations, Excellent Cui sine, Efficient Service. Apply promptly for Reservation to local agent ul Anchor Line or Henderson Brothers, Ueuvial Agent, Chicago, 111, WANTKII TO KENT WHO WANTS A GOOD AND PERMNAjNENT TENANT t Build nie a good, modern house ot R rooms, well located, and will lease for a term of year at reasonable rent; small family; no children. J 635, Bee. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell Ice cream. It Mrs. Ethel Reese, 2i2u Fowler Ave., will come to The Bee oft.ee within three day we will give her an order tor a quart brick of this fine ice cream. WANTED TO IIUV Id-band eouua. mcsir, Ivuu v-nler. D-otM Wa IA 1 u.auoai price lor men hand cioiinug. oi. Nailian, loo t. i3io. EVERY: person know who D. J O'Brien Is because he has made Omaha fatuous with his candy, if Wis. w. Fries. 639 So. 2ith St., will come to The Bee office wllhin three day we will give her au order fur a tiO-cent box of O BrUu'a candy free. WANTED SITUATIONS WORiv wauled by practical paiuier anu general house repair man. C 640, Baa. FOR a first clae practical nurse, call Mr. Boynion. 11. 1473, A-274. POSITION by xpeilenoed bookkeeper. Address Y 21. Bee. WANTED Work by man and wife In restaurant or hotel; experienced In or out of city. Address 1. tea, omr.na Bee. BUN DC n. wasiima wauuu. nai. .li t. WOMAN of good education and re finement desires position to assist, In care and teaching. t children; references. Tel. W. 317 w isiiiiNU arid ..uriain Oone. I H vi.m erencca given and reuulred. Addrcs Y 30, car Bee. EXPERIENCED party wants position In bank wliu view to lnveBtmont. Address 1 20. care Bee. WANTED Position, by firl-oia miller; best ot reference. Hastings, .set)., Box b.(4 a VT'ei.M. l...ultli.n urn t li a n t f ai i r In garage or private. Have had experlonoe as urivei HU in . .,.. ...r.. v. . ., Johnson, care P. A, Ohisun, Burku. H. L. coLOKED womaii wain day work. soutn mot ' GOOD 10-year old liigb school girl for general housework on Saturday. Call Webster '94. UEc Misa Eva Lhng wan the Wood ward Slock company at the American theater. If Mrs. J. lCruger, 4157 Cuming St., will come to The Bee office within three duys wo will give her an order .'or a pair of tickets. OM AIL T 1 1 K M i A H K ET TOWN"1 WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain marchauta, COIlHlglimoniS BUIIL-liru. ly iimmn'ifl OA VERB ELEVATOR CO , Wholesale dealers In grain, hay, chop feed. 731 Brandels Bldg. Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co. 704 Brandels, TTiib-u'l d OU II M 1'. tl-ftin eoliMiiriv, rnent solicited, grata bougat lo arnva !iK Brandels. THE UPDIKE GRAIN CO. Consign ments earciuiijr H.UUI.U. uiiM.ua, .Mw. LIVE HTOCK MAUKET OI Omaha. Nuii ET OI1' WE ith O m ah 1 1 i i your ooaui ST iiin .out atook to South Omahki hti mllaag and hrlakag; your ooluign menta lecelv prompt and careful atten tion. LIVE STOCK fOMMISSIOX MEH CUANTS. Byer Bros, ft Co. Stronir anfl responsible. "wi )(7l rBKt )i7 2.lT"38 ExchangiTliUlg. LIVE STOCK MAKKI-:T OK WEST Live fettuck Coinmlssluu Mercliuuts. Great West. Com. Co., Omaha ft Denver. "w7 1 1. SM 1 T 1 f" Ts ) NJ u h t 1 .and I iT a her i. Vr7i 'EN V Y '&' CO. , !T" Fx ch." Bldg. TAtlil BROS, haiidls cuttle, Iioks, sheep. CLIFTON om i n.. 'Hi KHcoaui Hidg Donahue ic Kamlall Co.. 2"2 Exch. Bldg, l iav RoliiiiS'i" i Co.. 2i) Koh. Blilij. liitersute Co It-Her results. Sinn t us. lHK E-RICKLV CO., 201 Exch. BUg. Allen Dudley it Co.. 2.tf-3, l;eh. Hldg L E. ROHKKTS i CO.. 229 Exch. 11 1 rt g Cox Jones Com. Co., bunch of huMlers. Farmer L. S. Cum. Co , 2u9 Exehsngs. Deposit Jiroceeds of siiipiuents In Stock Yards Nat'l Bank, onlv Lank ul yardi. wTnN "UKim. A C.,-chaa7gell"iug. ' LA V ETt t VHR'Ts. , l:u-iu i ficiiT lil , i g ""Martin Hros. sr Co.. zo.l-7 Ech. Hidg I A- ,C Ex. H..U Alex G. Huchansn A: Sn hem c -i k remedies GOVERNMENT KAl.ll INDIAN lAJil Absolutii Title Given -Tte utallotl4 Isns of the Choctaw and Chlekaaav Ns lions of the Five I'-lined Tribe in Ok" lahoina, and not Including the oea.1 aoA n in In- sc-crcsratlons will be fold at puk I'o auction to the hlghaet bidder at lb foliewliiR tsrmn, tim and place at. not less than th ir.lniininn price siHfrt In the advertisemsnt : Grady county, Odok asha, 6HH trait j, ;,e0 arte, November 2, 3. 4; Siepnet'g county, Lunoax, 730 traets, (P,,0 acre. November, It, 7 si .lei'fertjnn county, Ryan, 7o tracts 4.40t fletes. .November 9, ;0. !1; Iaiv oounty, M ;rletta, ,s54 tracts 7j 600 anes. N,veio ber It, 14. I.'v, U; Carter comity, Actmore. I. lis trncts. P!.3HI arres. November 17. Ik, i"). 21, 23. i:l; Murray county. Sulphur, 3fJ tiarts XMH acres. November 24. 2M Oar Mr. coui iy. Pauls Valley, 021 tracts. .'Ot acres. November 27. 2 29; McClaln county Puriell. tS5 tracts, 14.000 acres Deceniber I. 2: Pontotoc county, Ada. 6: tracts. 4n.:) acres. December 4. 6, ej Johnson county, Tishomingo, 6C4 tracts, 3!.:n acres. Dccen.ber 7. s, 9. Marshall, counly. Madtll. 179 tracts, is.6i0 acies Dee-ember II; Bryan county. Durum, eOl trncin, 2C,lfO acrec. December 12, 13: Atoka count y, Atoka. 1.S19 tracts, 12l,0oo acres. Decemlier 14, is, ,H, IS. l;i; Cool county, Coalgaln, 0 trarls. 64,100 acres. Decem ber 2o, 21. 22: HdKhe county, Calvin, 43T traels, 60 700 acre. December 20, 27; Pitts burjr county, Mca'u ster, 1 , ti-'O tract, lt, low acres, I'ecrmber 2x, 29, 30, 1911; Janu ary 1, S; Haskell county, Stlgler, 4.1 tracts. ?0..t! acres, January 3, 4; Intlmer' county, W llburtim, 191 tiarls, 15.000 acres, January C: Lelmro county, l'oteau, 37 trncts. 21.W0 acres, Jaimnry 6; Pushma taha, county, Antlers, il tracts, ti2,O0Q acres, January 3, 9, 10; t lioctnw county, Hiiro, 6ol tracts, 37,5Hi acres, January 11, 12, 12; MeCurtaln counly, lriabol, 771 Hurts, 64 .') uere. January IS, 10. 17, 18, 1912. .Not morn than lno acres ot ogrl culliirc.l and tito r.cres of ether lands will be sold to one person lu any one nation. Agricultural lands are those having a minimum valuation of $s.o0 or more per acre. Terms are 25 per cent at the lime ot sale, is p.r cent In twe'.v month, and 60 per cent In two years, with per cent Interest. Payments munt be mad in the form of drart or certified check, l.iwiLila to J. G. Wright, commissioner. I pon full payment being made at any time deed wld is.uie. Immediately alter approval ct sale certificate of purchase will Issue and posuesslon bo given, but rutting of timber or drilling or mining for mlneriila l hereon will not be permitted until full payment of purchase price. Right la r served to reject any or all bids. For Information apply to tha Com missioner to tho Fiv Civilised Tribe. Muskogee, t.iklahoma, or any of the Dis trict Aganl us to lands wllhin their re spective districts, lists of those land have been prepared by countle, allow Ing. the terms of sale, the description of the vat loua tracts and minimum price. It n ill be Impracticable to furnish each J:i nulrer a. I of t liens lists, and It 1 sug gesteu that" persons desiring ueh Infor mation simony the locality In which they are Interci-teci. Blueprints of the varloug counties, showlntf the location of the land tu bo sold, will be furnished upon appli cation to lhs) undersigned upon the pay ment of J.60 for each county. In tha form of draft or postal mousy order. J, G. WRIGHT. Commlnsloner to the Five Civilised Tribe. MuekogSfc, Okla' hoina.Augnst 1, lllll. BALE OF BUFFALO OVERCOATS- Depot yuartermaster OHIce, ltd and Hickory Sts., oins.hu, Neb., Oct. 2tt. P'll. Sealed proposals will be received at thl office until 11 a. m., Nov. 22. 1911. and then opened, for the ale of PO Genuina Buffalo Skin Overcoats. Full Information and blank form furnished on applica tion to Lt. Col. John E. Baxter. Depol Quartermaster. NS-t-10-U.-lI-U, RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tenia A Blaaoa. Jlaifriuu Jruiula, live totk vow, iuu. Unlou Pacific Depart. San Fran. OverVd L..a:arn China ft Japan F. M..a:06pm Atlantio Expres Oregon Express all:3opm Los Angeles Um'd....al2:4o pm Denver Special a 7.04 am Centen'al Slat Hp'c l.all :3U put Colorado Expres a 3.30 pro Oregon-Wash. Llm't'd.al2:u0 pin North Platte Local. ...a :1b am Grand Island Local. ...a 6:10 pm btromsburg Local bU:41 pm tkinsga V NrtlireterB Mlnn.-St, Paul Kx....b 7:00 am Mliiii.-Bt, laul L t d... :wipu NORTH BO UN Li. Twin City Jj.xpiss....a owarn rJioux Ciiy Local 3:u P" Minn. Dakoia ex..a Low pu Twin City Limited. .a ;topm Miuueaoia Uxprta EAal BOUND. Carroll Local a7:ooant Dayl.ght Chicago ...,aJ:4oaui Chicago Local al2:Oopm Colorado-Chicago ....a e:lo pm Clilcagu bpeclal ati:0Jpiii 1-ac. Coast-Chicago... a :3u pm Los Angeie Limiied.a $:o0 pm Overland Limited ....a 7:6s pin Carroll Local a:30pm Fast Mall ., ;1W pu Ceuar Rapid. Bloux it Omaha Coutetiulal Biate Llm. 13:40 4a WliHTBUUNU. Arrlv. a 7:40 pra a l:tt pn a II: v am a 6:10 pin a s:-i pm a 7 aiu al3:3aaiu a 4:60 pra a s:3v pm a 1:46 pm ad0.H0 am b 1.30 pm Long Fine Norfolk-Dallas Long Plne-Uncoln .. Hastings -Superior ... Psadwuod-Hut bp g Caspor-Lander , Fremont AlLlon a n.uo aia a 10 -20 pm a f.u pm a $:io am a !:0aiu aJU:uw aut a 1:10 pra al0:40 pm a 3:m pm a 3:21 pm a tMa uu 3:23 pm aii.ao pm a :ls out alOiuoaui a ; put a 3:36 pm U.-1 pm 11,00 am L.tO:16 pni a 6:20 pm b 6:20 pm .a t:00 am .a :o0 am a 2:15 pm .b t:i6 uiu .atioapm at:2vpm .a 3:66 pm all.oOpia ,b:30pm bl;66pai calcago, Hock Island Pacltlo JVST. Rocky Mountain Lta..l2:33 am ChtcaiiO Day Ex a ;43 am Chicago Local Pa..blo:3Bara Chicagu txpres ,...a:iopm Des Molnc Local P..a 4:2i pm Chicago-Neb, Ltd.. ..a :o pat WEST. Chl.-Ncb. Lmd to Lin- coin a 8:01 am Colo.-Cal. Express ...a 1:15 pm , 1 1 1 a Tex. Lxuiess..a 0:00 pm Rocky Mountain Lid..al0;4j pm au:vaiu v abash L I A Omaha-St Louis Kg. ..a 1:90 pm Mall and Fxpres a 7:02 era Blano' 1 (from C. B.)b 6 VO pra stisaourt Pac II lu ll. C. ft St. X Ex... .a 1.2) am a 7:40 am it. C. U U Ex....all-16 piu a 6:6 pra alO:3G pm a 4:30 pni bion pm a l:lo pm al3:u pm a 7.47 am a G:Mpm a .vu pm aii:4e am a 1:18 am ail: 16 put b 10: 16 m. AlllTrnoke 4k, at. Paal limited a 7:60 pm 1.11 am t klCHRO, fivArland l-i.rrv Local a 6:30 am Colorado Impress m. .w jiii 4. olorado Spcial a 7 :42 am perry Local b 6:16 put iiiiuuLs Csntral a 7:00 am a (;oo put Chicago Great Wtera Chicago Limited a :36 pm i w.r t'ltv Limited. ...a 3.35 pm Twin City Express,.. ..u 0 am Chicago Expres V.'.""' Local Panseiiger a 6:1 pm Chicago ExpreM... Chicago LUiiiied... lLoo urn 6 36 pm i:Miua U.wi put a 1:41 pm a 3 u aa a 7:43 am a 3:60 pm a .4t pm DarliBBton Jatlo Tenth A 3lQn, orllugton ... jc i-inllfnmla. iienvci - put;et Sound Expre. NebrasKa i"""" inu, u mils Lincoln Mall Northwest Express... tsturassa i""" Nebraska Expres.... 13I1C01I1 I" bciiuyler-Pluiuniouth Lincoln i.ocii I'laitsmoutn-lowa ... BelleVU-PlallmoUlh Chicago Special Denver bpccial . lyol-ews viiiv-Aaw . Chicago Fui. Expre lOWtl Creston tla.) Local... bt, douis K. C. St. joaepn... K. C. St. Joseph... C. bU Josepu... Deport, .a 4,io pin .a 4:10 pm .a 3.2o am .a 4.10 pm .b 1.1M pmv ,all:3& pm .a 3.20 tun .a 8.16 am V 3:416 pm .a :l8"a'm n so pm .a 7:16 am ,ull:36 pm .a 4:2u pni a :0 put .a l:U am .b k:3o pm .a 4:30 pm .alu.to pm ,a U:li am .a 4.30 put Arrlva. a l:4o pm a 8:46 pin a 6.10 pm a 3:46 pm ol2:l pm a 7 :ui am a :10 pm a 6:io pm b 3:03 ant bl0:20 am b :UAaui a 8: jo am a X.topm au.tepm a '. :o pm a 3:6s pin a uu am alu.jv am biv.46 am -U .4Q am a H.tearA a 8:10 piu ,.b 8:60 pm bu.6 am Webster Btatlon 18ta W . ataaoarl raclfle. Tyvcsl...... SUDUId - - Chlcatfo, SI. 1I. silanca poll Jk liutuba lPart. pm Oil. 2& l. IM Emerson Local b 6:66 pui b :j al tb) daily, ext-spt holiday. t,c Buudaj' oul. taj ialli Arrlva. Depi Bloux City Expr....b 2 26 pm blt.u6 Omaha Local of:26 bloux City I'm 8.26 Twill City Pas b:ini JL. rr