Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Kntrnl at Omaha iKwtofflca as second
elaan matter.
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Communications relating to news and
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Omnha Ree, Kditorlal Department.
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, aa.
Dwiffht Williams, circulation managor
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circulation, les spoiled, unused nnd re
turned copies for the month of October,
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Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
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Sabaoribera leaving the city
temaararllr shoald bm The)
Bee Mailed tot them. Addreae
will be changed as ofteaj aa
Just a little frisky frost.
Governor Aldrlch bits right from
the shoulder.
The Turks seem to have tied the
score In the ninth inning.
Never mind, foot ball will soon
monopolize public attention.
Perhaps Dr. Cook would have done
better to have tried the South pole.
The New York Giants put VP
much better fight than the Chinese
If Mr. Bryan doubts democratic
success he must expect Harmon to be
"Charley" Fanning and his book
keeper are for purity and reform
until after election. ,
If the Bteel trust's cake Is dough,
It must bt because too much water
kept It from rising.
1 ,
' "Immediate" purchase of the
water works evidently figures out
Just about nine years.
Taking the cue' from Nebraska,
Ohio has sent a lyncher up for life.
Tour turn, Mississippi.
That loud' noise you hear from
South America must be the Peruvian
bark. Please, don't, mUter.
Mr. Morgan must be ambitious to
go down In history as the greatest
egg unscrambler of his time.
The railroads hsve sent us their
Christmas gift ahead of time In
promising no cut rates for the boll
days. The old cry that "labor will feel
the adverse effect if the government
dlasolvbs the Bteel trust" now has the
"City Election Important to Every
Resident." That la a headline in a
Cincinnati paper. It applies equally to
And yet United States aenatorshloa
c3u!d ndl be" bought unless there were
purchasable members of the com
Common sense and sober second
thought properly mixed and exercised
will do a lot to solve the evil of
We do not expect sleep to become
unpopular Just because Mr. Edison
denounces it as an unnecessary in
dulgence. Some of the antt-Woodrow Wilson
organs are now publlshlug poems the
doctor likes. That is a novel cam
paign weapon.
So long as be was the candidate,
though, Mr. Bryan was never able to
perceive the remotest doubt of de
mocracy's success.
rtemember wbat a package was
banded us last year when this county
sent a solid democratic delegation to
represent us in the legislature.
It's a lonr lane that has no turn
ing. The city a as entitled to have one
decision in its favor la the protracted
series of water works litigation.
The democratic court house com
bine in absolute control of the county
board has been mighty costly to
Douglas county taxpayers. The
quicker we get rid of It the better.
Senator Hitchcock has cot yet re
pudiated the morally unfit candidate
on the democratic ticket. Ills solici
tude for purity extends only to warn
ing people against a morally unfit re
publican school board candidate.
The Water Works Decision.
The decision of the circuit court of
appeals U that the city must take the
water works at the appraised price of
16.263,296.49, bnt heed not pay the
Interest claimed by the water com
pany In excess of the net earnings
for the last five years.
Whether the city must pay any
other Items In addition to the ap
praisement price, and. If so, how
much, will depend on the wording
of the decree when entered.
Just how much the water company
loses by this decision, as against the
Sanborn decision thus overruled, will
probably be known only to Uh offi
cers, but evidently the water com
pany Is not getting so much the worst
of it.
The result of the five years of liti
gation since the appraisers reported,
so far as the water company Is con
cerned, Is to bring the city to nrcept
the plant with apparent eagerness at
the very figure which at that time
and all along was loudly denounced
as outrageously excessive and never
to be paid except under compulsion.
looking backward, it Is doubtful
whether the city has gained anything
by fighting the appraisement. Hands
could then have boon floated at 4 per
cent and the Interest charge for five
years on $6,500,000 would linve
been $1,300,000. In the meanwhile
the water company has been paying G
per cent on nearly $5,000,000 of Its
securities, Aggregating $1,200,000,
Irrespective of stockholders' profits,
which must havo been substantial
at least more than enough to offset
taxes that would have been lost. It
will be Interesting to have more
exact computations when actual set
tlements are made.
In the meantime, the legal battle
has been so long drawn out that our
people will welcome relief from It If
the end Is really now In sight
The Navy and Peace Treaties.
The most significant thing about
the president's review of the fleet In
New York harbor was the fact that
he had Just returned from a continen
tal tour on which he preached uni
versal peace and obtained probably
enough senatorial pledges to Insure
the ratification of hla International
arbitration treaties at the coming ses
sion, of congress.'
This country Is rapidly getting
away from the delusion that the
maintenance of an adequate army
and navy necessarily means warfare,
or that International arbitration
means Immediate and complete world
peace. This Is the mightiest assem
blase of American battleships . any
president ever reviewed ninety-nine
In all. Dut to appreciate Us full sig
nificance one must look behind this
formidable array of fighting strength
and' note that the same nation com
manding it also is taking the lead In
the movement to abolish war.
Yet the United States la second,
not first, in naval power. Great
Britain leads. Nor, much as Is being
said la deprecation of our rapid naval
building, are we outbuilding every
other nation. Both Oermany and
France are now building warships
faster than we are. How, then, can
it be argued that we should cease to
build? Of course) there Is no sorloue
purpose of that aort on the part of
the government. President Taft took
occasion to say In reviewing this
great fleet off the Atlantic that be
proposed to urge congress to order
two super-dreadnaughta a year up to
the time the Panama canal was actu
ally In full operation, and after that
one a year would do, for the canal
would double the efficiency of the
navy. If the government had taken
the advice of those who urged leaving
the canal unfortified lta aid to the
navy would be little.
Government of Canal Zone.
Approaching completion of the
Panama canaUbrlngs a vast amount
of new work to be done by the Amer
ican government. Congress and the
executive will have their hands full
for some time to come providing for
the new territory and its government,
to say nothing of the regulation and
conduct of the canal, itself, It will
not matter whether the United States
decides to throw open for immediate
settlement the canal sons or hold it
for the government's official purposes,
the necessity of providing for the ad
ministration of Justice through a spe
cial judicial power, entirely Indepen
dent of the military and civil authori
ties, must be met.
Not the least, but among the first
and most Important of all tasks to be
performed. Is that of arranging the
system or schedule of canal tolls.
This must be taken up by congress
this winter, for the reason that until
these tolls are promptly decided upon
ship and commercial companies will
be retarded In adapting their plana
to fit Into those of the canal's man
agement. All bllla that have dealt
with canal matters in congress have
contemplated leaving this matter of
the tolls to the president, vesting him
with the authority to go ahead and
make ana declare them. There Is no
reason, therefore, why congress this
winter should not make such invest
ment and every reason why It should.
It is also the wish of those giving
careful thought to the subject that
congress likewise Invest the president
with the civil, military and judicial
powers of the United States as a war
rant for him to organize the machin
ery of government In the canal sons
so that the least possible time may
be lost. ' Unless congress gets to this
st the coming session It will delsy the
systematic plans of the government
snd set back the whole movement on
the canal very seriously.
Investigating Wheat Deals.
The government will have the sym
pathy of the country In Its effort to
break up Illegal corners In wheat or
any other grain. Such combinations
have a Very direct and Intimate rela
tion to the high cost of living and
probably form one of the larg' Bt fac
tors In this most serious and difficult
As the rresldont of the Chicago
Hoard of Trade says, "Any man or
set of men who buy so much grain
that the price Is held out of line or
reach of buyers may be coimldered as
acting In restraint of trade." Now,
the government proceeds on the
theory that the conspiracy centering
In Chicago extends to Duluth and
Minneapolis. If so, nothing would
be needed to give It an interstate
character and scope.
Thero is no less harm In the Illegal
traffic In wheat than In steel or to
bacco or coffee, and the avcrnge.mau
who uses a good deal more wheat
than he doeg of either of the other
commodities will be Inclined to think
that the burden of offnnso rests upon
tho wheat baron. It is (liiTlcult to
conceive of a more general effect In
all the line of monopoly than that
that comes from the cornering of one
of the prime necessities of life In
every household throughout the land.
On no ground whatever can the corti
mon practice of speculating In these
necessities to the extent of cornering
them be justified.'
Competition is no more tho life of
trade in steel than It Is In wheat, and
not as much In tobacco or coffee, for
when It. comes down to real facts,
neither Is a necessity. It is to be
hoped that the government meets
with success In Its latest undertaking,
formidable as it certainly is.
Governor Aldrich in Omaha.
Governor Aldrlch'a speech In
Omaha ought to have been beard by
every republican tempted by the
speciousnesa of democratic pretense
of reform and democratic Invitation
to help put democrata In power in
city, state or nation. The governor
proved conclusively and drove the
proof home that nothing in the way
of bettered civic conditions is to be
looked for from the hypocritical and
Insincere democrats, no matter what
their promises.
' The :goyrrior ; particularly com
mended antJeJJdor5d'the republican
nominees for local offices as far
preferable. tttflrdemocrattc op
ponents and emphasized the necessity
of their election to avoid the pitfalls
of the gang that has fcontrol of the
democratic machine here. He called
on the voters who supported him last
year aa against Dahlman for governor
to support him again by giving him
republican officers to work with for
Improvement, rather than democrats
sure to try to btoclo his efforts, as
they have heretofore.
That la the kind of talk that ought
to count with decent people.
Senator Hitchcock's H per admits
that Dan V. Stephens Is .pending lots
of money to break Into congress, but
say it Is all his own or supplied to
him by tha democratic national con
gressional campaign committee. Dan
la reputed to be a rich man and per
haps can safely go the pace of Senator
Stephenson in Wisconsin a pace that
bankrupted McKIlltp, but Jim Elliott
Is a poor man and he baa had no
help from any national republican
committee. Elliott could not buy an
election to congress If he would, and
would not If he could.
During the entire campaign now
closing Senator Hitchcock's demo
cratic paper has been, as usual,
viciously assailing republican candi
dates with all sorts ot fictitious
charges and faked-up concoctions,
and has been repeatedly caught with
the goods and twice forced to swal
low its deliberate misrepresentations.
Aa soon as The Doe brings out a few
damaging facts about tho disrepu
tables on the democratic ticket it
shrieks that this Is a resort to "mud
sllnglng." Can you beat it?
The "check book campaign," as the
prorer way to describe the peculiar
political mothods of Dan V. Stephens
la no invention of ours. Edgnr How
ard, a stanch democratic warhorsa,
coined the phrase, if our recollection
is correct, and it fit so well that it
Even at that there is room for
doubt as to what was accomplished
by holding two costly special elec
tlons to vote water bonda in advance
ot the decision of the court telling
just how much money would be
One of Mc.Namara's lawyera leada
In tbe rare for m.ayor of I-os Angeles.
The Judge In this trial may yet be ad
dressing "counsel for defenso" as
"your honor." '
What W ill Shrlaera Do Tbeat
Baltimore. American.
The suggestion has been made of air
ships to cruaa the great deserts of the
east. The apprehensive camel la there
by In danger of Joining the has-been
claas in tbe transportation line of the
bursa. '
Where Heform la Xeede.
Chicago New.
New rules have been formulatej at the
Annapolis naval academy to "dlm-ourage
promiscuous forming of acquaintances."
If this dors not mean snobbery the
academy officials should learn to free
their language from ambiguities.
HjOokinc Backward
I his Day in Omaha
NOV. 4.
Thirty Years Ago
Mr. A. K. Touitalln gave a pleasant
little Impromptu party at his residence
on Nineteenth street, with fifty couples
In attendance. Among those present were
Miss Tousalin, Mrs. V. Touzalin, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hgulres,
Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Web
ster, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Greene, Mr. and
Mrs. Hhlverick, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Doane,
the Misses Doane, Kuslls, Kins wait,
Wakeley, Fhlverlck, Raloomb, Rarlow,
Nelia and Dora Iehmer, Wells and Her
lln. Messrs. Kustls, Carrier, Wakeley,
Warrack, Tousely, Fairfield, J. and T.
Ilingwalt. Hendricks, Ross, Reach, Bark
alow, Wood, W. li. BaStU Drake, Bullock,
Lehmer, Taylor and Rrock.
Rev. Or. EtcHIng, pastor of tbe Iu
theran church, had a pleasant house
warming attended by a largo majority
of hla congregation at his residence, cor
ner of Eleventh and Howard.
'11, e usual anniversary rojulcm mass
fill the repose of the soul of the late Ed
ward CrelKliton was celebrated at the
cathedral at 9 o'clock this morning.
At 3."0 p. m. the steamer "Red Cloud"
of tho linker lino arrived from Fort
Benton, bound to St. Louie, where It will
undergo repairs and then ply on the
lower .Mississippi and Red river during
the winter. Mr. R. F. Troxel, agent of the
Baker line at Omaha, was on the look
out with a car of coul sidetracked at the
foot of Furnam street to replenish' the
fuel supply.
More trouble Is brewing among the
carpenters employed on the Millard hotel.
It Is over a demand for 25 cents Increase
In wages.
Thd new reservoir at the Intersection ot
Douglas anl Thirteenth streets la new
full of water. '
A batch of 167 Mormons en route to
Zion will reach Omaha next week. They
landed In New York Thursday.
Judge Chadwlck married three couples
nd still the mercury goes down.
The trial of Charles De Oroat for arson
Is proceeding, but the arguments will go
over till next week.
Mrs. II. Kountse of South Tenth street
Is advertising for a competent laundress.
These moonlight nights are very beau
tiful, selah.
Twenty Years Ago''
The whole republican ticket, later re
turns showed to have been elected In
both city and county, Frank E. Moorea
for dlHtrlot court clerk beating M. V.
Gannon, democrat, by about 4,600.
The council committee appointed to
ascertain whether boodle Influenced the
letting of tho city hall furniture contract
to the Ketcham Furniture company of
Toledo or not reported progress and
again stalled off lta report, much to pub
lic disgust. Mr. Osthoff stated that he
"wanted to get to the bottom of the
Licenses to wed were granted to these
couples: John Krommermann and Bertha
Dameron, Bennington; William - T.
Whalen and Eliza A. Mullen; Iven K.
Loofhourrow and Annie J. Conklln.
Mrs. Samuel R. Brown's kenslngton at
her home, 2501 Farnam street, was one of
the most charming events ot the season.
Her guests were Weidaraes J. II, Millard,
Ezra Millard, Boyd. Cowln,' ' Squires,
Richardson, Morris, KDpatrlck, C. W.
Hamilton, C. Will Hamilton, Levi Carter,
Horbach, Ford, Thurston, Kimball, Don
berger, J. J. Monell, Peck, Stebblns, Mc
Kenna, Joseph Barker, Lacy, A. C.
Wakeley. Victor Caldwell, Lininger,
Hoagland, J. J. Brown, Downea, Brad
ford, Hall, Bangs, Hopkins, Louis Heed,
R H. Rlngwalt, O'Brien. Samuel Turner,
Nye, Nostrand, MUses Downes, Margaret
Boyd, Jcsulo Millard and Carrie Millard.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick and
Mrs. Brooke, wife of General John R.
Brooke, left for New York.
Robert N. Burgess and Miss Lillian
Smith were married at th6 home of Mr.
and Mrs. Silas Wright, Eighteenth and
Ir.urd streets, by the Rev. C. W. Savidge.
The maids of honor were Miss Nellie
Wright and Mlsa Fannie Goff. The
bride and groom were attended also by
Miss Penoyer, a cousin of the brldo, and
Mr. C. A. Patterson.
Ten Years Ago
Miss Blanche Lowe and Lieutenant
Benjamin F. Wade. United States army,
were married at Unity church In the
evening by Rev. Newton Mann. After
the ceremony the bridal party went to
the home of Mr. Will H. Crary, 2141 8t
Mary's avenue, for a dinner and then tlu
couple left for Chicago for a brief visit
before settling down at Fort Crook.
Mrs. D.1 I'. Clark of Arapahoe was In
the rltyp attend the marriage of her
son. Dr. '. P. Clark.
Miss Lillian Savage, daughter of the
governor, was the guest of Mlsa Jessie
Lawrence, at whose wedding with Dr.
7.. !. Clark she was to act as bridesmaid.
Judge Keysor overruled the motion of
Callahan's lawyers to dismiss the prose
cution agalnnt the alleged,- Cudahy kid
naper for perjury.
MIks Agnes Robinson of Cherokee, la.,
returned to her home after visiting
Omaha friends.
Dr. Miiltlce returned from a two
months' visit to .Johns Hopkins. Mrs.
Matltee accompanied him after a four
ifKinths' visit to Canada, New York,
Washington and Baltimore.
Metropolitan band under the learerahlp
of Ernest B. Tyler gave a concert at
Washington hall.
People Talked About
The cynical editor of LnmUn Opinion
Jamea PoukIus, bewails the 'downfall of
the Turk and the humlllat'un of the fes
as a hot air lid. "The Turk," he observes,
".on rered as the most beautiful liar
in Europe, has been completely outclassed
by the Italian." For proof ha points to
the way the duke ot the Abrusxl, through
ti.e pros ariits. has pointed the died
itermntan a duxillng red.
Saleswomen throughout the country arc
Interested In the picriHsid movement to
erect a memorial to the memory of the
late Benjamin Franklin Hamilton of 84co,
Mo. Mr. Hamilton was the fltt merchant
In this country to employ saleswomen.
So bluer was the feeling against this
Innovation that the women ot tiaco buy
culled Mr. Hamilton's atore.
Slate appraisement of the estate of the
late John a. Kennedy of New York totals
I17.1J7.7S5. The eatute is divided by will
among sevvuty-two Individuals and alxty
loMltuttons. The widow's share la tit.
1X.M. There are no children. Mr. Kn
nedy made hla fortune as the financial
assUtaat of James J. Hill in his railroad
operations In the northwest.
r .. ,
In Other Lands
Side Lights on What Is Trans
plrlae Among; the av mmd
Far Aatloae f the Earth.
The rtevnlatlon In China.
China Is making htitory these days. So
swiftly moves the revolution In Peking
and Hankow that it Is hard to say
whether the politicians In the former or
the rebels In the latter city are making
the greater score. Both are moving
toward the greater end, one supplement
ing the other, frightening the throne Into
a series of concessions to popular de
mands more astonishing to the outside
world thnn the revolution Itself. To
placate the multitude and save tho Man
chu dynasty from Immediate doom these
reforms have been promulgated by Im
perial edicts. An Immediate transfer of
power to Parliament with the right to re
vise the constitution; emperor deprived of
absolute power of life and death; pardon
for political exiles; a responsible cabinet
with a 'premier to be chosen by Parlia
ment; royalty ineligible to membership In
the cabinet; Parliament to share the
treaty-making power, have full control of
the budget and over taxation, and Its
consent to precede the use of the army
and navy In suppressing Internal trouble.
To emphaaize these revolutionary
changes, Yuan Shi Kat. the Bismarck of
tho empire, has been called back from his
exile and given absolute power not only
to execute the reforms decreed, but to
treat with the rebels for peace. Specu
lation or prediction on what tomorrow
may bring forth are needless.' The great
"sleeping empire" is so wide awake and
hitting up the strenuous pace that dis
tant watchers must needs keep their eyes
peeled to catch the shifting scenes.
lluare t'oat of NaTlea. ,
Nino years ago 46O.OOO,00O was sufficient
to liquidate the year's total naval bills
of eight world powers Great Britain,
Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Austria,
United States and Japan. For the current
year the naval bills total 725,000,000, in
round numbers, an increase of 60 per
cent. The figures are taken from a re
cent report of the British admiralty. For
the decade ending with 19U the oolossM
sum of $S.G0O.O0O,000.have been spent on
their navies by eight governments. The
following table shows the total expendi
ture for ten years, with the cost of new
construction, including -armaments, in
British money:
Expenditure. Construction.
Great Britain 3a2,3fin.0fl0 117 !73 000
Germany 147,ri39,Ui0 70.2'2 0nO
France 1:2,139.0M 47,2s 000
RusHia lll.:nt;.0"i)
Italy S0.2!M,0nr J.IW,000
Austria SO.S14.000 14.833.000
United States .... 2.10.1 3i;, 73.410.000
Japan 67.70l.iiOJ 16,231.000
Carneale aa a Peacemaker.
Is Andrew Carnegle'a Temple of Peace
at the Hague a hoodoo? The Boer war
broke out Just about the time he deeded
$10,000,000 for its construction and
maintenance; the Russo-Jananese con
flict came almost colncldentally with the
adoption of plans for the structure;
with the 'completion of the first story
Austria seised Bosnia and Hersegovlna;
France and Germany, have since begun
their quarrel over Morocco, a Mexican
revolution has occurred, Italy has de
clared war on Turkey and a Chinese re
volt Is in full ewtng. By the time the
plasterers and decorators get busy an
other international melee may be looked
Labor Soaretty n Australia.
Not since the days of the gold rushes
has there been such a general strain on
the labor market in Australia as exists
at the present time. In two states
New South Wales and Western Australia
royal communions are investigating the
subject of labor scarcity, and In each of
the other states employers' organizations
are bewailing their Inability to procure
sufficient hands to cope with the work
that Is waiting to be done. Never en
thuslastlo about any aort of immigration
and bitterly hostile to the immigration
of artisans, factory workers or general
laborers, the unions have systematically
denied every report about the lack of
labor. On this account, the governments
and especially the labor governments-
have hesitated to declare themselves In
favor of a policy of general Immigration.
The time seems to be approaching when
they will be forced to adopt It.
Caasds'i Election Close.
Nearly complete official returns from
all constituencies In Canada show thai
the majority against reciprocity on the
total vote was only 85.774, of which 2S,0Ou
were polled In the hotbed of torylsm,
Toronto. Not such an overwhelralna
sweep in votes aa the victors claimed.
but, as base ball linguists put It, by a
masterly bunching of hits they scored
heavily In members of Parliament. "AM
old Ottawan." in T. P.'a London weekly,
laments the downfall of Laurler, and ex
presses doubt if Canada will ever again
see a French premier. The things he dlu
for Canada were many and magnificent.
Ho opened up the west, doubled the
width of the Dominion by railroads,
created two new provinces and marked
out a position ot great power for the
country. "But," concludes the writer,
"he left his greatest stroke till too late.
Intending to crown his career by the
solution ot the North American problem
and the freeing of Canada from its own
economic, bonds, he went Into the fight
w ith a corrupted and enfeebled army, and
before the attack of a league of enemies
and deserters, the grand old man of Can
ada went down in final defeat."
Drift from Co on try to City.
Discussing official statistic showing
the drift of population from rural dis
tricts to cities, the London standard of
fers this explanation: "Finally we come
to the causes which, not in France or in
England alone, but all over the world, ex
plain the desertion of the countryside
namely the superior social as well aa in
duKtrlal attractions offered by the towns
The large land owners have set the esam
pie. They spend a large part of the!
lives In the capital, only returning to
the country for a few weeks which they
can spare for their holidays at the sea
or in the mountains. The example they
set runs through every clans. Again am'
again In this report we find complaint'
that the girls especially will not stay in
the country because It is so dull and be
cause work In tbe felds Is repugnant
to them. The sun tans the face, the
work on the farm spoils the hands, and
the dreamed of husband Is not the farmer
but the shop asaUtant or government
employe, who will rescue her from tbe
monotony of the life et the fields. There
we have the problem stated In a nutshell.
and until It has been approached on this
purely human aide very little progress
will be made toward Its solution."
The BccS LcllcrBo
To Aveld Mistakes) IdentHr.
SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. Z.-TO the Editor
of The Bee: I regret that the prevailing,
though mistaken, belief that 1 am a can
didate for he office of district Judge Is
causing my friend Robert W. Patrick so
much distress and Is Imposing upon him
the constant task of explaining that he,
and not W. R. Patrick, Is the democratic
aspirant for judicial honors. Knowing
that I am not overly popular with In
terests that wield a powerful lnfliien-e
upon elections In Douglas county, and de
siring, as far as possible, to relieve, the
real candidate of the great embar
rassment which tho similarity of our
names seems to have caused, and also of
whatever Ill-effect such mistaken belief
might have on hla candidacy, I wish to
state that I am not a candidate for the
office to which the genial Happy Hollow
Bob so gallantly aspires.
A IMea for Fair Play.
OMAHA, Nov. l-To the Editor of The
Bee: We voters who have set out to
clean up things political In Omaha must
have a care lest. In our seal to accom
plish our laudable purpose, we ourselves
commit a crime against the ballot box.
In the first place we must make sure
when we have a man arrested for illegal
registration that he has registered
illegally, and In the second place we must
not attempt to make an honest judge
stultify himself when one of these regis
tration cases is taken before him. I am
led to offer this warning by the Anderson
case, which County Judge Leslie was
called upon to hear. No one who heard
the evidence offered left the court room
with the slightest notion that Andtrson
had registered illegally, and certainly
every one was convinced that Judge Les
lie did only his simple duty when he dis
charged him.
But was Anderson guilty, and was
Judge Leslie compelled to discharge him
simply because the state could offer no
sufficient evidence against him? The
facts developed at the hearing speak for
themselves. Anderson keeps a restau
rant right across the street from the
hoarding house from which he registered.
He is a Swede. He Is not marrlod.
The state's own witnesses testified that
he had lived for at least five years in the
precinct In which he registered, and that
he had been living at the house from
which he registered. These witnesses
testified, It Is true, that they had known
of his sleeping for a few nights together
at other places, but they did not know,
or apparently have reason to believe, that
he had not boarded most of the time at
the house from which he registered. He
doubtless had a legal residence some
where. I think the evidence of the state's
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own witnesses showed clearly that It waa
where he said It was. Remember that
he was not a vagrant, but a man en
gaged in a legitimate business. As for
the boarding houce register, that un
doubtedly was "fixed" to show that An
derson was registered there. It was evN
dent to those who heard the testimony
that the clerk thought to fix It up to
prove that Anderson was a boarder at
the house. It wn3 not necessary for him
to do this, but he thought it was. Such
houses do not keep registers very accu
rately. But Anderson was not respon
sible for that The fact that I want to
make clear la that Anderson operates a
restaurant across the street from this
house, conducts a business In the pre
cinct in which he registered. Is entitled
to vote, and It Is not even claimed that
he registered elsewhere. Nor Is It claimed
that he had a residence elsewhere.
It looks to me as if those who want to
stop illegal registration had better go
after a better cuso r.cxt time than they
got when they arrested Anderson. And I
also suggest that no further attempt be
made to make a "goat" of Judge Leslie
until it can be shown more clearly than
It has been shown in this case that he
failed to do his duty.
Editor In this report of a lady flipping
on the sidewalks, I notice you use the
expression, "Her face fell suddenly."
Reporter Yes, elr. It's literally true,
Ter face fell with the rest ot her.-
"But come now, senator, why did youf
electric cot so much more than the
average cost?"
"Simply because my pile was so much
bigger than the average pile." Cleveland,
Plain Dealer.
"I saw a man meet our minister thtS
morning with a grave charge."
"What was it?"
"His sexton with a bill." Baltimore'
Customer I didn't see as your car won
any prize in that race. What are you
blowing about?
Auto-Dealer Sir! We had a higher
percentage of drivers finish alive than
any other firm! Puck.
The Rev. Goodsole looked over hlsj
spectacles at his slim congregation and,
smiled benlgnantly.
"Inasmuch as a dosen or more of you
have braved the Inclement weather and,
come out to hear me this morning," ho
said, "I shall give you the shortest and
at the same time the best sermon in my
entire stock, and we will not take up anyj
collection." Chicago Tribune.
"Young man," sold the stern parent,
"when I was your age I worked all
day and studied all night."
"Of course," replied the gilded youth,
"A man must do something with his
time, and I understand your special op
portunities were rather limited." Wash
Ington Star.
"I hope you'll know me the next time
you see me," snapped the girl who had
managed to secure a seat in the crowded
"I probably shall If you're wearing tha
same hat you've got on now," placidly
answered the girl who was clinging to
a strap. "I'll know that hat, anyway."-
Chicago Tribune.