Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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    Till: WV.E: OMAHA. SATITKDAY. XOVKMKKlt 4, 1911. u
x-tjnEn-FnMw ,1 iU '- w-usiiMiJpjeyff.j. j mm iiiiww..ii.HWf.iw,.iiT ff rr ju r wf. -- ..... . . .
:es tie Weather
And Here Are the
nits and Overcoats
Did you know when you buy
clothes hero you are dealing with
the largest spot cash buyers in
the state?
We dislike to seem boastful; wo
try to set forth in plain, hard
hitting English the real worth of.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
and Iliydea's "Wonder Clothes
but we cannot say too much.
Our boasts are well founded
and backed by sturdy fabrics,
worthily tailored and perfect fit
ting, and our garments are tho
proof of it.
From the modestly priced gar
ment at $10.00 to the best we can
offer at $40.00, this is true. The
Suits and Overcoats that go forth
from this "live" clothing depart
ment are constantly emphasizing
our supremacy in value giving,
so if you are in a money saving
mood come here tomorrow and
make your selections with the
assurance that you will pay much
less than clothes of like character
command elsewhere.
4J IX-VI I '
iipfeif si I SI Jul
1 --. -rvV.
Coryrljta Han Scasfher Ss Uu
We're going to show you Suits and Overcoats that you'll be proud to wear and
there is not a number on the fall and winter, 1911, Fashion plate that is not represented
here and plenty of them. We've some mighty swagger overcoats in tho new "ruff"
cloths in raglan and plain shoulders, convertible collars, belted waist or otherwise;
single or double breasted, 44 to 52 inches long at prices that will suit your pocket
book. Wo are particularly strong on those good Hart, Schaffner & Marx overcoats at
$18.00 to $25 same applies to the suits. And now for those Hayden "Wonder" Suits
and Overcoats at $14.50 and Saturday is the day, perhaps, you have planned to look
them over there will be plenty of them to pick from as previously announced.
Four hundred and fifty of these famous suits and overcoats added to our already
unlimited supply. You will see woolens in these clothes tailored into, $20.00 and $25.00
garments. ' '
Here's Overcoats for tho man with crisp f 10.00 note to spend. Choice of all wool Black St.
Nicholas, cut 44 to 50 Inches long fancy comfortable collar overcoats cut 60 Inches long In fancy
greys, browns and several other shades some are waterproof, and absolutely wlndproof full 30
ounce weight, strictly all wool, sizes up to 46 lndb, breast, and down to 31 for young men. In this
price alone 13 a selection from over 500 overcoats; they have all the earmarks of the $15.00 kind
$10.00. Don't forget that boy buy him one of our special protection overcoats, at $2.50 and up to
$7.50; age 3 to 10. Age 10 to 16 at $3.50 up to $10.00. Special fur trimmed overcoats 3 to 10 at
$4.95. Chinchilla Reefers, genuine Germanla and Worumbo's, $4.50 to $8.00.
25 QE35QZ9 HBU$
HAYDEM Biil!H3E0i:
You'll Find Just What You Want in Hats at Very
Best Qualities at Very Lowest Prices Here
At $2.50 we "h0,r our own Bp0"
cial line of men's soft and stiff
felt hats that you'l find the
equal of any $3.00 hat shown.
Manufacturer's Sample Hats, both soft and stiff,
values up to $3.50, on sale Saturday $1.45 05
Leather Bags and Suit Cases $3.60 to $25.00
values, at. $2.50 to $18.50
John B. Stetson Hats In
all styles, all colors, com
plete new lines shown here
at ....$3.50 to $7.50
At $2 and $1.50 you'll find
nobby new styles In quality
that will certainly surprise you.
Let us show you the best values
ever. .
Boys' and Clilldren's Felt Ilats Values up to
$1.60, divided into 2 big lots, Sat. CD and 49
Jilg Uao.c! Fine Trunks $3.50 to $22.60 values,
at $2.50 up to $15.05
Dr.. Connell Has Bill
for Four Thousand
AgainstTthe County
A little bill against Douglas county for
something more than S4.000 for keeping
track of births and dealths In the county
was thown to ' County Commissioner
I'eter K. Elsasser by Health Commis
sioner Dr. R. W. Connell Friday. The
health commissioner Informed Mr. El
sasser that In due course of time the bill
will be filed with the county commis
sioners and payment- requested. Mr.
Elsasser said the claim will be referred to
County Attorney English.
Health Commissioner Connell's claim is
based on a state law providing that the
county pay the health commissioner a
fee of 25 cents for each birth and each
death. It will be the first claim filed
under this law.
Cured in One Day
A few doses of Munyon's Cold Rem
edy will break up any cold and prevent
pneumonia. It relieves the head, throat
and lungs almost Instantly. frlce 'JS
vents at any druggist's, or sent postpaid.
If you need Medical Advice write to
Hunyoni Doctors. They will carefully
uiagnobe your case and give you advice,
by n.svil absolutely free on any disease.
thai and Jefferson tits., Philadelphia, l'a.
Victim cf Drink Needs Orrine
Drink cunningly destroys the will
power, and while the drunuard wants to
do what you tell lilin, he wants u tnoua-
rid times more the drink that he craves.
Aledtial treatn.enl U necessary. Orrine
destroys the iesire for lt'iuor, so that
the drink will be not missed and re
stores the patient to health.
Tills remedy Is thoroughly scientific
and Is so unlf jrmly successful that it Is
sold with a guarantee to refund your
money If after a trial it has not bene
fited. Call at our store for free booklet
telling all about Orrine.
Vherman & .4cC'onnll Drug Co, lllh
and lJutiKe bt.. Owl Drug Co., 1 tit h and
Harney ts., .'4ih and r'arnani and
Iso. lttu St., Oman a.
Dundee Store to
' Open on Saturday
Saturday will see the opening of a store
In Omaha by the Dundee Woolen Mills,
said to be the largest union tailoring con
cern in the country, with 107 stores In the
United States and Canada, from coast to
The store Is located In the ground floor
of the newly lemodeled Hediek building
at the northwest corner ot Fifteenth and
Harney. It will be In personal charge of
Harry I Hrowar, division manager of
this division, which comprises the stores
in Omaha, Lincoln, Council Bluffs, Bloux
City, Burlington, Ja., and East St. Louis,
III. The concern mills Its own goods In
Dundee, Scotland.
A "mechanical man" will walk the
streets Saturday doing stunts and giving
away souvenirs as an advertisement fur
the new store.
Demo Bosses Have
List of Specials
to Be Appointed
County Commissioner Jeff v. Bed
ford and Peter E. Elsasser irrantod t.
request of Louis J. I'latti. dinnrri.
county chairman, and Charles S. Fanning,
democratic boss, that ten deputy sheriff's
be employed to watch for and prevent
illegal voting at the election next Tu-
They told Plattl and Fannin that th.
county board ,wlll pay the deputies 13
each for the day. 1 They said they would
have the county board authorize the
action later in the day.
Piatti and Fanning Immedlatelv .r,.
to Deputy Sheriff W. A. Foster ant sub
mitted a list of names from which they
wisn rum to select deputies. He aaid he
will appoint deputies but didn't Indict-
whether or not he will fl himself
obliged to be governed by the list they
Big Shaft Breaks at
the Motor Car Shops
By reason of the breaking of a shaft
on one of the big lathes at the McKeen
motor car shops, twenty-five men are
laiaV'off for a week. The shaft being of
peculiar construction, a new one could
not be made In the local shops of the
Union Pacific and It became necessary to
send to Pittsburgh for a new one.
The breakdown In no wise Interferes
with the general work In the McKeen
hops, there being enough work ahead
to keep everybody busy, aside from the
men who worked with and around the
Taft's Chauffeur is
Married in an Auto
George W. Wlchtmahn and Miss Minnie
Kistler of 'Wichita, Kan., were married
In Omaha Thursduy nfternoon. Rev.
Julius E. Frcse. pastor of the German
Evangelical Lutheran church, pronounced
the marriage rituals while the bride and
groom were standing in their automobile
in front of the parsonage, lu03 South
Twentieth street. After the ceremony the
bridal pair was given a wedding supper
at the home of Robert W. Oliver. Mr. and
Mrs. Wlchtmann will spend their honey
moon touring In an auto.
The groom Is In the employ of C. W.
Hull and was chosen chauffeur fur Presi
dent Taft on the occasion of his recent
visit to Omaha.
persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Bi Return
1' 1 -fax
ample Clothes? Yes, at Trifle Prices
Tho choicest "buy' of Men's "Snniplo" suits nml overcoats ever mado by
The Palnco was made two weeks ago in New York City. Tho clothes are here
now; only trouble is, tho lot is not neatly so large as The Palace would like to
poo it. Palace is not going to quote n comparative value in this "ad," but
the suits and overcoats are going to sell at $!).L"). And there's an exclama
tion of pleasure duo from you when you SKH the garments. Potter bo EAKLY1
Men's "Sample" Suits
Snappy Models your
Kind Toppy Ideas
Tho lot of "Snraplo" nults offered at $0.25, In
cludes for tho most part, tho swagger rough fab
rics worn bo much now. Colors include the Kinft'g
niuo and others ns good. May ho had In Seml
KngllHh styles and tho rogulnr three-button sack
effects. Of course you have an Idea' that $9.23
won't do much in the way of style, but why not
como and SKIS anyway?
Men's "Sample" Over
coatsUnquestioned Styles of Right NOW
Doesn't make any difference to YOU if theBo
ARK sample overcoats, it they're In the Btylos
and cloths of new, doca it? Well elr, these are
heavy English overcoatings; gome cheviots,
Homespuns and Kerseys. Many in those new
grey or tan vertical or diagonal stripes. Plaids
too. Presto and Konvorto collar styles and some
few novelties in Raglan shoulder effects.
If You've a Husky Boy to Clothe, Read THIS!
and $2.45 for Boys Suits
Good Enough for Even
YOUR Boys. Read on.
Boys' Overcoats in SS
Grades Yes - You Get
'em at Only $2.03.
We IIAVKN'T hecn handling Hoys' Suit, but wo simply had
to get in the game when offered a chance, to clow out a choice
lot of 104 suits in agcN A to 10 years. All hoary weight fabrics
pert. Jaunty things that you see In the Juvenile fashion platen
THIS season. We atik inert ly $1.08 and $2.45 per suit. Look
'em overt
Palace Cuts Prices Vigorously on
Men's Sweater Coats
buys the-
usual $1-00
grades here
flood, warm, heavv
weight In Krey. You need
one and you'll never buy
one as good at this price
buys the
usual $4.00
kinds now
Heavy, all wool atyles
with the hlKh military col
lurs. Comfortable, yet very
'iirts Men's heavy flan
nels In true fl value", to
Ko Saturday 70C
Bliirts Mori's ' heavy flan
nels In postlve 11.60 val
ues; In fereys, blues,
browns und oth- flUi
ers, at only JOKj
Kose Men's wool hone In
16o R-raUes, to bo ottered
Saturday as a f)
Kpeclal Uyj
Lots of other values If
vou will but coins In and
look around.
Palace has never handled Hoys' Overcoats either, but the
makers who sold us a lot of boys' smnple suits gave us our own
Way In tho buying of a lot of O.T Hoys' overcoats. The coats are
worth up to fabrics are swagger stylos ro pcrt out
you pay merely $2.08 for 'cm about HALF price!
Real "Fuzzy
Wuzzy" Hats
The real In -ported fussy,
furry hats so much
ths rage now. Here In
IMiim. (Irev. . mark.
j an, l oan, piste
and Ulack, not
' at fS as Is us
ual, but at only.
Men'o Heavy Union Suits
Underpriced on
the True "Pal
ace" Fashion.
Union Baits Men's heavy
, fleeced flou Hulls, worth
I1.2S, ko on fcat- Ttlf
urday at suit
Union Suits Men's hesvy
ribbed Union bulla in real
II. CO values, W
, urday at, a suit....'0'-'
ramons "Mentor" Union
Suits We are sole agents
for this famous brand;
comet lines better known
as the "Comfort tTndcr
wcr'' for men. "Mentor"
Umlerwear la an embody-
nent of all that Is fnm
and selU at
$5 and down
- ' .1, 1 ! . .
i ru j
"-Wl'l1!..Mi5: 1 :,
1 . " I " '," ' 1 1 1 --TM''B','s-smssssssssssaBsssBss,
Pupils at Leavenworth School Hur
ried from Burning Building.
Dlase Is Soon KatluKolshed and the
Pupils All Leave lloildlna; lu
Safety Before They Are
Aware of the Fire.
Friday was observed throughout Ne
braska as "Firs Day" in the public
schools, but the wisdom the legislature
displayed In sotting aside the first Fri
day in November as a day when the
children In the schools should be drilled
In the manner of escaping fires and
taught the method ot extinguishing and
preventing conflagrations was nowhere
proven so practical as In Omaha, where
a real fire occurred. -
At the Lavenworth school; Seven
teenth and Leavenworth streets, prepara
tions wera being made for the Usual fire
drills. The children were lined up for a
quick escape from ths supposed-to-be-burnlng
Suddenly Tom Hamlin, the Janitor,
turned in a fire alarm and the principal,
Miss Fannie Forsythe, saw wreaths of
smoke coming up from the basement.
Bhe calmly completed the fire drill and In
a minute the too children vere safely
outside the building, Just as the tire de
partment came thundering on the scene.
The fire occurred in the boiler room
and for a time looked. as If it might re
sult In the destruction of the building.
U'nable to cope with it at the outsut
alone, Mr. Hamlin gave the alarm and
then coupled a small hose to an adjacent
hydrant ard was soon' In control of the
situation. When the department arrived
the fire was nearly out and Its services
was not needed. The school was dismissed
for the day.
Children in ths school were not aware
of the fire until they were safely outside.
Fire drill had been expected and none of
them was alarmed, as it is customary to
have a fire drill suddenly In order to
prevent panics should a fire occur.
In tne other schools cf the city the
regular drills were carried out, the re
mainder of the time being given to in
struction by the teachers. The work was
done by the students in an eager manner
as a rivalry fur the best reputation as
"fire drillers" has vpru'ng up In the
various schools, which lends an added
zest to the drills held monthly under the
rules of the Hoard of Education.
Orvllle C. Wolcott, the former Truden
tial LUTe Insurance company agent, who
Is charged with forgery and embezzle
ment, will be placed on trial for forgery
Thursday of next week, according to
present plans of County Attorney Eng
lish and Stanley M. Iiosewater, Wolcott's
Key to the BltuaUon-Bef Want Ads.
Stabbing Affray
May Yet Be Fatal to
Thomas Broderick
William Maher, bartender for Henry
Rann, who fatally stabbed Thomas
Uroderlck of 2109 Douglas street Thursday
night in a quarrel ' In Hann's saloon at
1208 Farnam street, and who Utter fled
the city, was captured Friday morning In
Council Illuffs by the Uluffs police. He
will return to Omaha without causing
trouble by making requisition papers
Uroderlck and Maher became engaged
In a quarrel shortly after 6 o'clock Thurs
day and ths bartender suddenly whip
ped out a knife and plunged it Into
Uroderlck'a side and face. Ths victim
was taken in a private ambulance to Kt.
Catherine's hospital and an attempt was
made to keep the affair secret. Latsr
when Uroderlck'a condition became so
serious that his life was considered to bo
In danger the police were notified and a
search for Maher began. It Is thought
that Broderick cannot recover.
A Frla-hlfal Ksperlenco
with blllouHness, malaria and constipa
tion is quickly overcome by taking Dr.
King's New IJfe Fills. 25o. For sale by
Ueaton Drug Co.
Placards to Direct
Visiting Teachers
When the forty-sixth annual session of
tho Nebraska State Teachers' association
convenes In Omaha next Wednesday, the
school ma'ams and school masters will
find each street placarded with Informa
tion bulletins directing them to the va
rious places where the twenty-five sec
tional sessions ore to be held.
Dr. II. A. Benter, head of the depart
ment of, chemistry of ths Omuha High
school, Is chairman of the bulletin com
mittee, and Frlduy a meeting was held
and ths decision to placard the town with
Information bulletins reached.
Reservations have been made at all the
hotels, and few accommodations are left
for ths thre days of the convention. The
Nebraska School Masters' club yai a lit
tle late In asking for rooms and mem
bers were saved from discomfort and an
noyance by ths generous action of the
University club, which has placed the club
at their dlsposul. Tuenday evening the
Kchool Masters' club will banquet at the
University club. (Several hundred mem
bers are expected to attend.
Ths bulletin committee will not only
place placards In all the larger store win
dows and In prominent pluccs along the
streets, but will hung a huge banner
across Fifteenth and Fonum, directing
A Trimmed Hat Sale
tho teachers to the Auditorium, whers
the general meetings will be hold.
Ills; Fire at nioonilnarton, HI,
I1LOOMINQTON. III., Nov. J.-Whole-Sttle
giowry house of Cumpbcll, llolton
& Co. was today destroyed by fire with a
luss of 1126.000 on stock and 140,000 on the
At Fountains & Elsewhere
Ask for
Ths Original end Genulna
The Food-drink (or All Ages.
At restaurants, hotels, and fountains.
Delicious, invigorating and sustaining.
Keep it on your aidcDoard at nnm
Don't travel without . eitt n
A quick lunch prepared in a minute
Take no imitation. Just say HORLKXS.'
dot In Any Milk Trusn
Egyptian Chocolates
Our Latest Creation
None IUtur at Any Price. Sold
lu 1 und 2 round 1 Soxes Only
Price H()c inn fl.oo.
If by Muil $l.ou and 92.00.
Myers-Dillon Dm? Co.
16th and Farnam Sts.,
Over a thousand Trimmed Hats are included in this sale soma
Just hems made as this ail la written consequently entirely new.
An opportunity tomorrow to purchase an jxiuiHita hat at a pries
below its worth.
Second Floor. City National Hank Building, f
ihe Royal Mail Steam
Packet Co.
Eeventy-second Successful Year to
Where all seasons aro summer
ot the CA Kill BEAN
"The American Klvlera." combining-
all tut glories o the far-away
huulhern clinics, yet on y a few
days' sail from Now York. The
Ideal place fur spending a fall or
winter vacation. Wee the bis- dltoh
before the water is turned Into it.
R.gulir Mllloss oa Iks ptlatul sUaars
Trent Nov. U Oroba Nov. 23
General Agents
15 So. La Salle St . Chicago.
.1. O. Linton, C. K T. A.. I.t. Cent. R. R
W. E. Hock. 1612 farnam tit.
11. C. blilelils. 131 l'atuam Ht.
Louis Nee), cure first National
VtM rik. Mil t till.