Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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mi: omaiia. satlhdav. novkmiiku 4. urn.
It's Rather Late for Misquitoes at That
By ''Bud" Fisher
I .
' ' . .J,i A
' ' ' M (
Oklahoma Indian at Carlisle is Set
tin; High Mark.
Carlisle Student Who is Showing Much Class as an AU-Around Athlete
! Titers of th aad Ko
Trl Accomplishes AstaatsMnx
Feats' nllk tha Vtaooat
CARLISLE, Pa., Nor. S-Tfaa 1911 foot
ball leuon haa brought Into tha public
ya a young Indian student at tha Car
$sla school, who promlns to become ona
f tha greatest athletes tha world he
avar known. James Thorpe, a 8ao and
To from Oklahoma, came to Carllala
In IK with no knowledge whatevar of
athletic, and ainca than ha haa accom
plished auch a marvelous variety of ath
srtlo feats on floor, gridiron, diamond,
track and field that tha world of oo lingo
fralnera haa bean, astonished by hi
. It la difficult for anyono to ballava that
an apparently normal youth oould rank
among tha leading attaint of tna world
In mora than ona or two, or parhapa
three, apodal Una)) of activity. But Jamaa
Thorp haa approached world record in
to many lino of activity that physical
trainers are at a loan to account for hi
feats of etrangth and endurance,
i Thorpe it not only a baaket ball player,
at which game he fill tha center posl
Uon with truly remarkable skill, but he
Ja a baae ball pitcher of great talent.
And cover any of tha aacka or outfield
position) with a much, credit a a pro
fessional player.
He can .put the. sixteen-pound shot
forty-three feet and broad Jump twenty
two feet ten Inches. He haa done much
better than this In practice. He can run
100 yard In ten second. Ills school reo
erd la ten and one-fifth aeoond. When
he tries the high' Jump his measure la
als feet, but he has done better than
that The high hurdles are easy for him
In fifteen and four-fifths seconds, while
Id negotiate tha JJO-yard hurdle In
twenty-sis. second.
This youthful redakln hunts, pluy la
crosse, tennla. Indoor base ball, hand
ball, hockey all with equal skill, and ran
fill almost any poaltlun In a foot ball
team with credit. A foot ball halfback
he la probably seen at hi best, whirling,
twisting, dashing and plunging, for one
moment bewildering his opponents with
lithe, panther-like leaps, and tha next
crushing his way through a maa of
would-be tackier with the ferocity of an
enraged bull. On great American coach
said after seeing him play at Pittsburgh
that It was worth five times the admis
sion to a gam to ae Thorpe tear down
the field for spurt.
, Thorp I only ti years old. I als: feet
tall and average about ITS pound i In
welsrht. lie gave little promise of hi
wonderful latent until his second year
at Carlisle, when. In a dual meet against
Syraousa university, the aborigines were
victorious by a narrow margin. Thorpe
won the high jump, bread Jump and wa
first In the high end low hurdles, de
feating Thur In th shotpuj and getting
second place In the hammer throw. The
asm year, at the I'ennaylvania Inter
collegiate meet at Harrlsburg. Thorpe
won the high Jump with a jump of six
feet, broad Jump, hammer throw and high
and low hurdles. A week or two later,
lii tha Jailed Atlantic 1'Utrlct Athletic
association meet held at Philadelphia, he
took first place In the five events men
tioned above.
Imrtng the second year at Carlisle
Thorpe wa a first substitute on the
foot ball eleven and played In several
game. .The next year he played regu
larly as left lialftwirk and lift; an to show
1 stellar qualities. He punted well and
kicked field goals, lie scored tlis touch
down which tlvd I'enn. After school In
Wi ha took lila summer vacation and
did not return In the full, although his
term of enrollment here had not expired.
Beatrice Players Are
Given Hard Work
EKATRJC Neti.. Nov, 1 -(Hpr-HaM-Coach
Rathbun of the Beatrice High
achool foH, .ball eleven yesterday have
lila playera the hardret day's work of
tha wk for the big game with (Jmaha
(Saturday afternoon, which will drclda
the state championship. All the mriuliers
are In fine contrition and will enter the
contest to la. . .
Norman, right tackle, will not play be
cause bis pareiiU olJe t to h;a folio win j
the game, ami fur the further nan i
that ha Is baik in his studies. He has
been replaced by l'onald Yale. There I
much speculation litre over tlie outcome
of the content.
Action phntographa of Jimmy Thcrpo.
tha wonderful Carlisle Indian student
who bide fair to become one of the great-
eat all-around athletes the world ' haa
ever known. Foot ball is where Thorpe
shine most. However, hi work on th
gridiron Is so well known that it doe
not need to be pictured. The photograph
show the redskin hlfih-Jumptng, playing
basket ball, pitching base ball and broad
Jumping, and the sketches depiot some
ot the lesser sports at which he is adept.
Cornhusker in Fair Condition and
Hope to Win.
t ji
Oaaaha Alamnl Nocceetle In Ralaln
Kaoua Maatr t Bead tee
riayers Hornberg-er at
LINCOLN, Nov. ,-Speclnl Telegram.)
Accompanied by Coach Htlehm. Alt
ant Coach Ruthbone, the cadet band and
about twenty other undergraduate
lv. nty-one Cornhuoker foot ball warrior
left this afternoon over the Kock Island
for Ainu, where they meet the Agsles
In the second battle to detoi mine the
champlonsnlp of the Mtxaoilrt valley.
At the lat moment annpuncement was
made that enough funds had bean raised
to arnd the cadet hi lid along with the
tram, providing tha members were willing
to share amull portion of the epen
themselves. Approximately joj va raiaml
!y tlio Omuha alumni and the total cost
of sending thr thirty ri' Ci-s wna t". The
rremherH readily conaented to muklng up
the a'UHtl,iial over the amount se
cured from the Omuha alumni.
iual In (.noil Condition.
The ronilnuixl Mld Wealher 1 very
much to Sllelun's liking and served to
p'sce the rquud In the beat of condition,
nf'do front u few minor lirulaea. tiwen
I'lan'.: ia rtlll
chailvy limae.
ger; quarter, Totter and Warner: halves.
Owen and Ernie Frank. Russell and
Itacely; fullbacks, Ulbson and Purdy.
Ir. it. a. Clenp has received notice that
the Missouri valley conference cross
country run would be held at Lawrence,
Kan., on November 28, the same day as
tha Nebraska-Kansas foot ball gam run.
Under the newly adopted rule each coj
leg can enter six men, and the first five
finishing for each school will count In
the final score of the race.
Ashland High Ties
Lincoln Academy
ASHLAND. Neb., Nov. a.-(peclal Tele
gramsThe foot ball game this afternoon
between (he Ashland High achool and
tha Lincoln Military academy resulted In
a tie, neither aide being able to score.
Twice during the game the Uncoln goal
was In danger, when the local bunch got
the ball to within a fool of home, losing
it on down.
1'orward passes were much In evidence,
hut In a majority ot rasea were Incom
plete. I'eualtles wei-e frequent. Whevler,
Lincoln's right end. wa the If test
player, but buinit iigntweittht he was
easily downed when tackled and' failed
to make any great gain.
Ward, the Uncoln' big center, was alao
a stnr, though a slow going one. HI 240
pound t'f beef came In good play whan
thrown against Aahlund'a light center.
The Ahlaiid stars were Oranger. tll-
IlKhtly crippled with u utixmi, Waybrtght and Holme. The nlv
lillf Kvnie Trunk hta'ai lliioutliotit was Interesting and ami ft
MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. J.-Coaih Stagg
cf Chicago aaid today regarding the foot
ball game with Minnesota: "The way
things look to me. Minnesota has the
edge on Chicago." Early today th odds
were I to 1 that Minnesota would defeat
y Mnrphy Will Dlrvc-t Athletic.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1. Connie
kliuk, ituinrr ot the Philadelphia Ath
leitua. t'Xlay decnied to appoint Daniel
iurphy. rlht fielder, inp'aui of the Itun
In eui-ceion to liiLrry Davis, who lias
Joined Li cievelajid ilub a luuuager. hand, hut bMh will start the game.
and Owen will probably piny the foil
rrventy minute. Alihough it va thought
(Hilt prchahle Ihut HornboiKcr would bo
played at guard Unload if center In the
earlier part of the g.tine at least. SMehm
ha evidently reconaldored hi determina
tion and will prooubly start with Horn
beiger at tenter and Elliott at hi old
position at guard.
The N'tl.ruiika mentor had no comment
to ofter on the outcome of (he game with
Amea, encept that he expected It to be
a bard battle. He also aaaorted that if
Nebraska Von at till II would be by a big
Men Who Made Tri.
The mrn who made the trlit besides th
ccaehi and Trainer Jurk lust. Included;
Captain Blionku. ends, t'haunur, Iofgren,
Mulllann and McKre;' tackles, larmon,
Anderson and Bwanson, guards, Peartton,
lCllott, Itoss and fcWiki veutar, Uwtubar-
This la the second tie gsme for the home
cum on the home grounds, two won and
tre lost at Nebraska City. The lineup: .
. U T I; T.
L .0 H U.
. I' If...
.R.O.I L
. I l a.
.-. .VI i y...
K 11 I L H.
... r.i P...
Xssoe. KnuuinsM UH H H
.-ituuies. AShi.iiiu, atcNeit
and Morris: I .mom, fasaell and .vr.
Heferee, HartMrli, Lincoln. I'niptre, Col
lins, Lincoln.
J Wsybrtaht
t UtruBl
It. V..!.nM
Vk slr
luoilf Hsy
... SMmosr.
. tliva
Peru Collegian. Drub Christian
Warrior to Finish.
i . "
Betban, Players nable to Make
Calaa Kxeept by Knd ltnos
Per Hhawa t In Uest
Form oil Keaaou.
. Vsjvleyan university foot ball team de
feated the tiellevue college boys at Hello-'
vim c'rlday aiterauea by the avore of 1
U "
PKRIT. Neb., Nov. S.-(Speclal Telegram.)-Teru
pummeled the Cotner foot
ball team all over the gridiron this after
noon, 2 to 0. lit on of the flrecest con
tests either tetun ha waged this season.
Peru kicked off and Cotner advanced
the ball by end runs and line plunges
until within a yard of the goal, when they
loHt the ball on a fumble, and Ludka of
Peru reoelved the ball, kicking It to
cHmms. who dashed across the field and
planted It squarely behind Cotner' goal
line. Ilenfro kicked an eaay goal.
In the second quarter Cotner was forced
to the. fifteen-yard line and Benfro was
pushed through th line with the ball
for the second touchdown of the game.
Another goal was successfully kicked by
Renfro. Cotner then kicked to Peru.
After the kick Flmms and Gardner were
put out of the game for rough playing
and Lyson and Merhlrter finished In their
place. In the last quarter of the half a
fumble by Cotner gave Peru the ball and
Captain Shaver scored a touchdown.
Ilenfro again kicked goal.
The scrimmage wa centered In the
middle of the fluid In the first quarter
of the last half. Ken fro with the ball
advanced to the twenty-five-yard line and
Peru was forced back then until In
danger ot toeing the hall and was forced
to punt. Cotner fumbled the punt and
Ralston secured It. Peru fumbled a play
and Cotner with the ball advanced to the
thlrty-ttve-yard line and then the battle
swayed back and forth In the field until
me close or the quarter. hen the ball
was on Coiners thlrty-ttve-yard line.
With the ball In Peru's possession th
first ten minutes of the last quarter had
not ended when Ludka with the sphere
lurked under his srm went through th
Mne for another touchdown. Renfro failed
to kick goal for the firm time and with
the scot to v (a favor of Pern the
game ended.
Cotner was unable to make galna ex
cept by end 'runs. Ogden waa the star
end man of the game and repeatedly ad
vanced the uai. 1'nu.b'e cvat Cutner
several good chanoes at critical times
during the contest. IlaUton starred. Peru
showed better form than In any game
this season.
The officials: Nagro. referee: Daecke,
umpire; Major and Smith, field judges.
Alumni Sends Band
With Team for the
Gme at Ames, Ia.
Through the support of the Omaha and
Lincoln alumni of the State University
the Nebraska Cadet band was enabled to
make th trip to Ames with the Corn
husker foot ball eleven this afternoon.
The players and the musician left for
the Iowa city at i o'clock this afternoon,
going on the Rock Island. The movement
for sending the band originated with the
Omaha alumni and was pushed to a suc
cess by them. The Ames contest is ane
ot the Missouri valley championship bat
tles, and through winning It the Corn
hunkers will be one step nearer the title
goal. Kansas Is the only other eleven of
the conference to be played by the Corn
husker this fall. The band will be an
aid lit encouraging th Cnrnhuaker to
win, la th belief of the Nebraska alumni.
Aurora Haa Scarcely a Look In la
C outeat.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nov. i-Hpe-elal
Telegram.) Fowler, Aurora' right
half, broke through th local' line for a
tin eighty-yard dash, and goal, but It
wa th only real glimpse of the game
the visitor had in th contest th local
high school won today by the score of
ID to & Orand Island went down the line
easily for two touchdown In the first
quarter, two In the econd and on In th
fourth, kicking goal safely four out of
five. Kowler starred for Aurora, his first
effort being several times attempted
though with only partial success, Blnke,
Menck, Nagel and tiohlatrom featured for
the locals. Throughout the game, the
locals showed more vim and alertness
than In tha previous contests of the year.
...r. r
R H I R M..
Hotly Fought Foot Ball Game Cap
tured by One Point.
Peschek Makes Two Drop Kicks for
Goal, Netting; JDat 81a Polata
to Fir) Made by EleVen
from York.
PATID CITY, Neb., Nov. J.-(Speclal
Telegram.V-rln a hotly contested game
here todsy Coach Anderson's foot ball
boys of the David City High school won
from York High school team -by a score
of 6 to 5. York made the touchdown In
the first quarter, but failed In the try
for goal. It seemed for awhile that York
would have another touchdown, but th
local team held on their one-yard line.
Peschek punted out of danger and finally
David City obtained the ball on the thir-ty-flve-yard
line. Peschek made a drop
kick for three points. Play continued up
arid down field until again on the forty-five-yard
line Peschek booted the ball for
another three points, making the score 6
to t. Peschek, Ptacek, Bhorty and Hale
were prominent in the game for the locals.
TXT, Osborne
R.T Mappa
It Q C. Bsrnhsrd
LO fulllne
UT Msdler
LB Mar (C.)
Q Miller
F Krojrd
R.H Wlldmau
L H Hopkins
Umpire, McFarlanfl.
rtk (C.) LE
Besrhsk L.T.
M. SloOilsrJ lid.
Oettya R.O.
Hinds R.T.
F. stoeilani H K
Hals U
Reeoe K.
Warren L.H.
ghortr R.H,
ittleree, noHinan.
Object to I ae of Name.
The Omaha Defenders foot ball team
asserts that another team has assumed
their name. As they have for years
played amateur ball under this name,
they politely requewt that its use by any
other team be discontinued. Any team In
or out of the city weighing 150 pounds
can get a game with the original "Do
fenders" by calling Harney 1M and k
tng for Bob. The "Defenders" have lost
when they played the husky Woodbine
only one game this season and that was
when they played the husky Woodbine
Conflagration at London, Ont.
LONDON. Ontario Nnv. 8 Flro tnrlav
In the business section of this city caused
a loss of rWOOO and deprived (00 persons
ot employment. in lire originated in
the store of J. 11. Chapman & Co.. whoso
plant, with many others, waa totally tle
stroyed. The firemen were in constant
danger of the falllna; walls, but no one
was seriously Injured.
The proper way the only success
ful way to treat an old sore Is to
destroy its source. Not by dangerous
surgical operations of irritating;
'drawing ' plasters, but by Nature's
true method of purifying the blood
and filling the circulation with rich,
nourishing properties; then the
cure will be natural and lasting. Wej
:an easily understand how impurities
In the blood will infect some weak
oint on our bodies, and by contin
ually discharging impurities into it
keep the place open and inflamed
until a chronic ulcer is formed.
Mothing then is so sure to produce a
;ure of these old eores as S. S. S.
Ibis medicine is Nature's perfect
blood remedy, composed of the most
healing and at the same time the
most penetrating and blood-purifying
properties. It removes every particle
i impurity or moroia matter irom tii
irculation, and assists nature in the
ncreosing of healthful, nutritious
:orpuscles in the blood, S. S. S.
nakes pure blood and pure blood ia
Nature e unfailing cure for old sores.
We want every sufferer with an old
sore to commence the use of S. S. S.,
because we know it is the remedy
they most need. Book on Sores and
Ulcers and medical advice free to all.
S, S. S. is sold at drug stores.
Closing Out Society
Brand Clothes
$25 Suits and Overcoats $20
$30 Suits and Overcoats $25
$35 and $40 Suits and Overcoats . $30
Special "Slorralair" Overcoats
Expert Cloth Fitters 107 So. 10th St
a lo.
r arrow
l S K K .
H I 1. T..
UT Ik T..
it Ul. !..
uu nn
Mlnsr, i'aa
. ... Busclnr
m Urr. nr
" .. . ,
nPlIIS beer is mado to taste dif
ferently than other beers and
it is reliance upon this feature
as well ns its general excel
lence that makes us feel you
will be more than satis
fied after a trial bottle.
. Pack It In the lunch basket
wben picnicking take It with
you on any outing occasion
Family Trade Supplied by:
s-0 r. BUs. Ilia
rnonss O.
Douf las attract.
oatu Obiabai
Wra. Jstwr,
flboa V Btrsst.
Ball sea; lua.
Council loffii
laiO Main
atraat. aasia