Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Daily Bee
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLI-NO. 120.
Supreme Court Preserves Critical
Attitude in Listening to State
meats of Opponents,
White Demands Proof of Assertions
Made by Attorney.
Justices Must Define Republican
Form of Government.
jLawyers Araroe that System Carries
with It Violation of "Equal
Protection of the Lam''
"WASHINGTON. Nov. t-The critical
manner In which the supreme court of
the United States today listened to argu
ment that the Initiative and referendum
method of legislation in this country Is
Unconstitutional brought encouragement
to the friend of the By item. Oral argu
ments on both aides of the question were
completed before the court adjourned for
the day.
E. a nilsbury of San Francisco, and
t?. ' n. Dunway of Fortland, Ore., were
heard In opposition to the method In two
Oregon canes. When Mr. Plllsbury re
marked that there could not, with due
regard for the federal constitution, be
two legislative powers In a state, namely,
the legislature and the people, Justice
(Burton Interrupted him:
"What is a state constitution but an
Organized act of legislation by the peo
ple?" inquired the justice.
"That Is expressly what I understand
It to be," responded Mr. Plllsbury.
"Then there Is legislative power In the
"To make a constitution: yes."
Mr. Plllsbury suggested that the people
tnlght put Into their state constitution
anything not In conflict with the restric
tions of the federal constitution.
White Asks for Proof.
"What are the restrictions which you
Claim are violated In this particular
tase?" Inquired Chief Justice White.
"The provision for a legislature."
The chief Justice askd him to read It.
"I cannot read it; It Is Implied In a
Uozen places," said the attorney. "And,
also, the constitution has been construed
by this court to Imply that there must
be a leglslatpe.''
The chief justice .asked, for the .cases
In which the point had been In Issue, but
the attorney did tot give them. .
It was further argued that taxes Im
posed under the-Initiative method-were
rot by "due process of law" and violated
tha. mini nrntMtton nf the lawn' no
long as some persons were taxed under
initiative laws and others under legis
lative enactments.
Attorney General Crawford of Oregon
declared that the question of whether the
method violated the guaranty of the
United States In the federal constitution
of a "republican form of government to
very state" was a political question for
congress to decide and not a Judicial one
for the courts to pass upon. He Inquired
how the court would enforce its decision
if congress and Oregon were opposed to It
Frank 8. Grant and William C. Hen
bow of Portland, Ore., spoke in the In
terest of "home rule."
States Alone Interested.
George Fred Williams of Boston argued
that only a party to the "guaranty" to
States could ask the United States to
make good its promise that every state
Should have a republican form of gov
ernment A corporation, he said, could
not do so, because the guaranty was to
the states.
"I bave heard no state objecting to the
Oregon form of government," said Mr.
Chief Justice White suggested that the
Word "form" in the constitution lent sup
port to Mr. Williams' Interpretation of
the word "guaranty." .
Jackson H. Ralston of this city con
tended that the opponents of the method
were wrong In arguing that the word
"republican" was used In the constitu
tion as a synonym for. "representative."
He argued It was used in contract to
monarchical." 1 . .....
Justice Holmes suggested this' interpre
tation would be In conformity with a rule
Of logic.
German Spy Sent
to British Prison
EXKTER, England, Nov. 3. Lieutenant
I'hlllp M. SchulU of the Thirteenth Hus
sars, stationed at Frankfurt-on-the-Maln,
was convicted at the Devonshire assizes
today on the charge of spying and sen
tenced to twenty-one months' Imprison
PUERTO CORTFZ. Honduras, Nov 2.
Delayed In transmission.) Government
troops defeated 200 revolutionists under
the leadership of Ocho Velisciuli, a mem
ber of the cabinet of Honduras, In a
desperate battle Sunday. The rebels'
losses are said to be heavy. Vallsquci
scaped Into Salvador,
The Weather
For Nebraska Generally falrr warmer.
For Iowa Unsettled weather, with light
local rain or snow; rising temperature.
T"iuiwr tnre at Omaha Yesterday.
5 a. ra..
6 a. to..
7 a. in..
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I a. in..
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Who kllld Cock
"I dea't ksow.
Boca, but I Md
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kMlB Slot gtf
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Deer Hunters Kill
1 Forty-Seven Men So,
Far This Season
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8-The so-called
"list of Immortals" of the United States
biological survey a roster kept by that
bureau of all hunting fatalities In this
country already this year has had added
to It lorty-scven names. Fro mthls In
formation the bureau hopes after a few
years to be able to deduce general princi
ples which will be of value In framing
"life saving" federal and state game
"One fact which we have learned during
the three years we have kept this ree
ord," said rr. T. P. rainier, chief of the
bureau today, "Is that there are practic
ally no deer hunting accidents in states
which prohibit the shooting of does. This
Is because In those states the hunter
hesitates a moment before firing to de
termine whether the animal Is a doe or
buck. In case the animal happens to be
of the two-legged variety that brief pause
before pulling the trigger is enough to
save human life. The New Jersey shoot
ing case was an exception to that rule."
More than ISO people were killed last
year In hunting accidents. This was con
siderably larger than the number In 1909.
which in turn was 60 per cent In excess
of the IMS fatalities.
"Of the forty-seven killed So i'ar this
year," said Dr. Palmer, "the I argent num
ber was reported from Michigan, with fif
teen deaths; New York coming second
with nine, Washington and New Jersey
being tied for third place, with three fa
talities each."
Kansas City Man
Had Never Heard
of the Hyde Case
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 8.-Prospects
for obtaining a Jury to try the Dr. B.
Clarke Hyde murder case before the end
of next week appear poor. The trial cen
tered upon Its eleventh day today with
only twenty of the forty-seven temporary
Jurymen who must be obtained In the box.
The work of qualifying men Is moving
slower now than it has at any stage of
the proceedings, only one talesman being
obtained yesterday.
James Marsh of Kansas City and S. S.
Embrey of Grain Valley, Mo., were ao
cepted as talesmen today.
Although he had lived In this city seven
years Marsh said he had never heard of
the Hyde case until last night when he
was summoned as a venireman. After he
received the subpoena he said he read
something about the case to learn "what
It was all about." Marsh was accepted
by both sides at once.
A temporary Juryman approached Judge
Porterfleld today and confessed that h
had served a prison , term for man
slaughter twenty-two years ago. The
statutes provide that no one who has
been convicted of a' felony can serve as
a Juryman. This -was made plain to the
talesman at the time of his examination,
but ha was too proud to make the con
fession in the crowded court room. The
matter has since weighed heavily on his
conscience and he finally decided to con
fess to the court In private.
The Juror doubtless will be excused.
Eleventh Talesman
Accepted for Cause
in McNamara Case
LOS ANGELES. Cal., Nov. i. With
one more Juror accepted as to cause by
both sides soon after court opened today
in the McNamara trial, prospects for a
full Jury box before the close of court
appeared excellent. Byron Lick, a Pasa
dena mill owner, was the eleventh man
H. V. Blenklron, ' a real estate dealer.
the only other talesman In the jury box
not yet accepted, was then examined.
Venireman W. H. Andrews remained
outside the box, and It was expected that
if neither Andrews nor Blenklron was ac
cepted, court proceedings might be sus
pended until more talesmen could be se
cured. Blenklron was accepted by the
defense after less thdn five minutes' ex
amination by Attorney Clarence S. Dar-
row, chief of counsel for the defense.
Both sides came into court prepared to
exercise peremptory challenges against
Jurors accepted as to cause whom they
believe would not make fair Juorors.
It was expected that not more than
three or tour jurors at the outside would
be lcft'at the conclusion of this process.
Two talesmen, George McKee and F.
D. Green, were HI and received medical
treatment last night, but were reported
recovered today.
Denver Wants Both
National Conventions
' DENVER, Colo., Nov. J. A concerted
movement on the part of the Denver
citizens to raise funds for. the purpose
of securing both the republican and demo
cratic national conventions for this city
started today in definite form. A. L.
Mohler of Omaha, president of the Union
Pacific, said he would head a contribu
tion list with V2.S00 and others have ex
pressed willingness to contribute toward
the fund necessary to send delegations
to can upon the republican and demo
cratic national committees. Announce
ment of the proposal of President Mohlur
was made to the Denver Convention
league today by Gerrlt Fort, general pas
senger traffic manager of the Union Pa
cific here.
Woman Burned by
Explosion of Gas
CASPER, Wyo., Nov. J.-Speclal.)-Mrs.
M. Taylor, cook at one of the main camps
of the Franco-American Oil company,
was seriously burned yesterday by ths
explosion of natural gas that leaked from
the pipes supplying the kitchen stove.
The woman, by rare presence of mind,
faved herself by rushing outside and
throwing an old quilt over her head,
smothering the flames that were consum
ing her hair and clothing.. The roof of
the cook house was blown off. but quick
work saved the building from destruc
tion. Mrs. Taylor will recover, but will
be scarred.
Native City and Arsenal Are Taken
Over by Revolutionists With
out Opposition.
They Will Protect Consulates and
Foreign Concessions.
Nanking- and Chinjj Kiang Probably
Will Fall in Few Hours.
National Assembly Drafting Daala
f Fundamental Law Which Is
Expected to Save the
WASHINGTON, Nov. S-Yuan Shi Kla
as resigned the office of premier of
China. His reasons for so dolnr m
made public. The throns has Issued an
edict proclaiming a new constitution de
manded by the national assembly on the
lines of the English governmental sys
tem, according to advices received here.
SHANGHAI, Nov. S.-The arsenal and
the native city of Shanghai were taken
over by the revolutionists late this after
noon. No reslstence was offered by the
authorities or such that remain Joyal.
It is expected that Wu Bung, at the
mouth of the VVu-Sung, and ten miles
north of Shanghai, and the up-river forts
will fall tonight. It Is confidently be
lieved that Nanking and Chlng Kiang
will be captured by the rebels tomorrow.
some of the foreign warships landed
marines In this city before the rebels
took possession. Foreign volunteors were
called out and have taken every precau
tion to protect the concessions. It is
reported that the rebels at Kleuh-King
have seized the British tug boat samp-
Revolutionary Flay liaised.
It became evident early la mo afternoon
that the rebels proposed to assume con
trol of affairs therein In a short time, al
though It was not thought they would
ocoupy the arsenal before night. As the
day progressed the revolutionary flag was
hoisted over all the buildings in the vicin
ity of the arsenal, and thousands wearing
on their arms the white band. Insignia ot
the constitutionalists, gathered in the
The police and native soldiers made no
attempt to Interfere, fraternizing with
the insurgents.
The Toatal realizing the inevitable
caused notices to be posted stating that
the native city might be taken over by
the revolutionists tonight and expressed
the hops that -the publlo would not bs
thrown into a panlo and that the shops
selling food should not be closed except
at the usual hour. ,
At 6:30 o'clock All telephone and tele
graph communication with the arsenal
was cut off. The rebel throng grew to
greater proportions and in the natural
excitement a number of shots were fired
by the government forces In the direction
of the mob, but these were without ef
fect and It was plain the Chinese soldiers,
the police and the native volunteers were
all In sympathy with the revolutionists.
At this point the Taotai fled and the
arsenal and native city quietly capitulated.
The revolutionary leaders here have
telegraphed General LI Yuen Heng, the
head of the rebel movement, advising
him to cease hostilities pending develop
ments in Peking. Their message Is being
forwarded to General LI from Wu-Hu by
a special dispatch boat
Complaints reached this city today that
the rebels holding the forts below Klu
Klang have been firing Indiscriminately
at steamers passing that city In the
night time. The latest advices from
Hankow five assurance that the foreign
concessions are safe, and have not been
seriously disturbed by the rioting In the
native city.
Yon-Nan Declares Independence.
The province of Yun-Nan, on the south-
(Continued on Seooad Page.)
The Bee is in receipt of two letters written for Dan V. Stephens,
democratic nominee for congress in the Third district.
One carries a signature of P. E. McKillip and the other of Ed Latta.
Although the former resides in Humphrey. JNeh., and the latter in
Tenamah, both letters bear Omaha postmarks and both are written
on the same paper and by the same typewriter.
The letter ot latta asserts tnat tne sums spent by Stephens in the
Latta campaigns are not as large as reported now much less is not
ine letter which McKillip has been induced to sign is intended to
be insulting, but in suouui,e oenies uui tne ciiec&ea out
ox mi eaa account during ins campaign ot loo was in reality spent
lor poiuital purposes.
Juf. blepueu is entitled to the benefit of these denials, except that
wherein savs tne cnevus Had no couuccnou wiiu mj.
btepuens, ievue, accoxuing to rename inioriawoii, tne iu.cA.uiip
cueu&s inciuue cnevas drawn to tne name of iui V, otepuens g0ie
gating t,ltU.
ine venom poured on The Be by the desperate Stephens
cohorts, as if ine JBee mauciously invented the checu dook disclosures,
is entirely unwarranted
ine checK boon methods of Dan V Stephens were exposed and
denounced lust by .bdgar Howard in his democratic paper.
The spendthritt outlay of iacKUlip money wmcn bankrupted him,
is notorious and the recent disclosures of the huge sums devoted to
politics became publio through the Norfolk News.
The lavish expenditure of money by the check book man in his
present quest of a seat in congress for himself is admitted by the dem
ocratic World-Herald, whose retort is that he is spending only his
own money and money supplied by the democratio national congres
sional committee.
The question therefore remains. Do Third district voters want to
be represented in congress by a check book man I
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Germany Agrees to Recognize
French Protectorate.
Terras of Treaty Prodare Dlnsntls
factlon at Berlin and Coun
cilor of th.A Colonlea
PARIS, Nov. 3. The contents of the
Franco-German accord, officially given
out today, show that Germany recognises
the right of France to establish a pro
tectorate In Morocco and both nations
engage to obtain the adhesion to this ac
cord of the other signatories to the
Algeclras agreement.
France, as compensation for German
recognition of Its protectorate In Mo
rocco, cedes to Germany about 250,000
square kilometers In northern Frenah
Congo, touching the German Kameruna.
The territory ceded Is Inhabited by
about 1,000,000 negroes and has a com'
merce Valued at S2,4OO,O0O annually. ,
In reference to Morocco, Franco agrees
to safeguard the economic quality and
commercial liberty for which provision Is
made In existing treaties. The only refer
ence to commercial rights In the ceded
territory is the mutual agreement to take
over the rights and obligations In con
nection with the companies holding con
cessions there.
Dissatisfaction In Germany.
BERLIN, Nov. S. Revelations of dis
sensions In the government on the evo of
the Morocco debate In the Reichstag has
greatly weakened the positions of Chan
cellor von Bethman-IIolwcg and the
foreign secretary, llerr von Klderlln
Waechter. The secretary of state for the
colonies, Dr. Llndequlst, today renewed
his request that his resignation tendered
last summer be accepted. The councilor
of the colonial of floe, Herr von Danckel
maun, also resigned today.
COLOGNE, Germany, Nov. 3. A dls
patch to the Cologne Gasette from Berlin
says that the resignation of the councilor
of the colonial office, Herr von Danckel
mann, accompanying the "Indiscretions"
of the press, discloses most unjustifiable
conditions. The "Indiscretions" axsert
yiat the colonial office Is not willing to
accept responsibility for the treaty and
apparently the dispatch says this is
"Jimmy, Where Are You
F 'T .v?. !n HI 'an in Wwn
Child Welfare
Exhibit Opens
in Kansas City
KANSAS CITY. Nov. S.-Wlth the pur
poso of presenting the case of the child
vs. dlnense and crime so graphically that
It cannot ho misunderstood, the third
child welfare exhibit ever held In the
United States bpgan here today to con
tinue for eight days.
The exhibits consist of motion pictures,
statistics, clink's and other things that
present every angle from which the life
and condition of the child may be Im
proved. Special attention was given to
the welfare of children In the congested
districts of the large cities. Ventilation,
sanitation, pure food and publio play
grounds were among the subjocts con
sidered. Leading dentists of the city gave moth
ers practical lessons In the care ot their
children's teeth, and oculists showed how
children's eyes should be cared for.
A feature of the scheduled program Is
a three-doy pantomime In which ISO clili
dren will give the history ot Kunras City,
Including the battle at Westport and the
burning and rebuilding . of Convention
hall, where the exhibit Is held.
Dr. Anna Louise Strong of Seattle, who
was active In the child welfare In New
Yark and Chicago, Is In charge of the
Among those who have accepted Invita
tions to deliver addresses are Governor
Hadley of Missouri, Thomas J. Itlley,
director of the St. Louis School of Social
Kconomy; Dr. Francis H. Mills of New
York; Ilodgers W. Baldwin, Ht. Louis; A.
V. Guthrie. St. Paul, and Raymond Rob
ins, Chicago.
Mrs. Champ Clark
Registers as a
Servant's Wife
KANSAS CITY. Nov. S.-Vlsltlng the
manual training high school In this city
today, Mrs. Champ Clark, wife of the
speaker of the national house ot repre
sentatives, was ssked to sign the visitors'
register. Mrs. Clark wrote her name and
residence. Then came the blank, marked
She wrote: "A servant's wife."
When aslced by Principal K. D. Phillips
ot the high school to explain she said:
"Mi-. Clark Is a servant ot the people.
I Bin his wife."
Mrs. Clark later addressed the high
school students on '"Hie Helf-Rcllunce of
the American Hoy and Girl."
Speaker Clark arrived here today pre
paratory to beginning his campaign in
the lntorest of the candidacy of Joseph
J. TuBKart, democrutlc candidate for con
gress In the Second Kansas district.
National City Bank
Selling Its Holdings
in Other Institution
NEW YORK, Nov. . It was stated to
day In well-informed quarters that In
terests connected with the National City
bunk are proceeding to dlNpose ot their
holdings of shares In other financial In
stitutions throughout the country. These
holdings are bulieved to aggregate from
(0,000 to 0,000 shares and probably In-
cludo several foreign banks us well as a
number of domestic Institutions. The
value of these shares runs Into millions
of dollars.
No Action Against
Wheat Ring Apparent
CHICAGO, Nov. 3,-No evidence of any
action against the so-called wheat ring
was apparent at today's meeting of the
United States grand Jury. It Is learned
that two Invesllgutors direct from the
Department of Justice at Washington
epeiit two weeks in Chicago recently and
conducted an Investigation without any
reference to the developments here.
CHIt'AGO, Nov. 2 A plan to merge all
the young people's church societies In the
United States and Canada as a force to
fight the liquor traffic, the social evil
and dishonesty In publio life was effected
at today's meeting of sn organisation
known as America's Young Pvoplo, now
in session here.
Illinois Minority Leader Says Money
was Contributed for Defense.
lie Rays He Heard Rasaors of the
So-Called Fourteen Clnb of
Hopkins Democrats
Contradicts Myers,
CHICAGO, Nov. 8,-Lee CNall Browne
ot Ottawa, HI., former minority leader
of the Illinois legislature, admitted today
before the committee om United States
senators Investigating the Lorlmer elec
tion that the expense of his defense In
his bribery trials was born by friends.
"This has been a hleh priced matter
from the start and It has been long," said
Browne, "and personally I could not
have afforded to pay my lawyers and
take care of other expenses Incident!!
to the various trials."
"Who were these friends, personal or
political!" asked Senator Fletchet.
"Roth personal and political," replied
Browne. '
"Do you remember ths amount of ths
largest contribution to your defense
fund?" asked Senator Kern.
"No I can't recall that." replied
Browne said flhurtleff's election as
speaker had been considered a matter of
course because of sectionalism among the
republicans. Ha admitted having heard
rumors of a so-cslled fourteen club of
Hopkins democrats.
Sullivan Illoeked Kflorls.
The witness said that Roger Hulllvan
had blocked his efforts for democratic
harmony In the legislature. He denied
that he knew anything of the action ot
Congressman Copley of Aurora, who tele
phoned Sullivan to go to Springfield and
head off a movement ot democrats to
support Hopkins.
Attorney Marble: "Did you ever tell
Hugh Mitchell, manager of one of Col
onel Copley's gas plants, that you ex
pected Hopkins to be elected?"
"I have a hasy recollection of talking
politics with Mitchell and I may have aaid
that I hopud Hopkins would be elected
as a means of breaking the deadlock. But
I did not toil anyone that I expected
Hopkins to be elected."
Browne said Shurtleff had asked him
what he thought of Lorlmer and how
many democrats would vote for Lorlmer.
"I asked Shurtleff why he did not run
himself," said Browne. "He said he
didn't believe he could get the votes, and
I said I agreed with hint."
Browne said he advised former Repre
sentative George W. Meyers of Paris not
to vote for . Lorlmer. Meyers testified
yesterday that Browne urged him to vote
for Lorlmer.
Browne denied advising with I.en Small
of Kankakee regarding the matter.
Judge Petit Refuses
to Hear Lindstrom
Embezzlement Case
CHICAGO. Nov. S.-When the case of
Crick A. Llndxtrom, former cashier ac
cused of embessllng 6,000 from ths
Booth Fisheries .company, was called for
trial In the criminal court today Judge
M. J. Petit declined to hear It, saying
he feared he. could not be a fair and
Impartial Judge, .
Judge Petit e action was construed by
some persons as. an expression of disap
proval of the course of the state's at
torney of Cook county In asking only
for a fine when W. Vernon Booth and
F. R. Robins of the Booth company were
accused of obtaining fraudulently $300,000
from the Continental National bank.
Booth was fined U,u00 and Robins was
discharged, while the accusation against
Lindstrom carries with It Jail sentence
on conviction.
in McRee Case
Fails to Agree
OPELOV8A8, La..' Nov. . Mistrial
was recorded In the case of Mrs. Zee Mcltee, accused of the murder of
Allan "'JarlanJ, the young Tulane student.
The Jury, which had been out since noon
yesterday, reported this morning it could
not agree. Mrs. McKee had expected a
speedy acquittal on her declaration that
she shot young Garland "In defense of
ber honor." According to Foreman
Hlldego, ths Jury stood eight to. four for
conviction of manslaughter
Itaft will vote
President Will Appear in Cincinnati
Monday and Make Necessary
Finds Long Absence Not Conducive
to Oood Golf.
Document to Deal with Tariff,
Trusts and Postage.
Aetaal Start on Important Work
May He Made Monday and
Final Draft Will Do Mad
In Washington,
HOT SPRINGS. Va.. Nor. S.-Presldent
Taft will get a vote at the Cincinnati
and Hamilton county elections after all.
For two weeks there has been doubt as
to whether he would have an opportunity
to cast a ballot In his home city next
Tha president sent his registration pa
pers to Cincinnati too late and the elec
tion board decided he could not vote un
less be appeared In person next Monday
and swore that ha was a qualified elector.
Mr. Taft had Intended leaving Hot
Springs Monday night, arriving In Cin
cinnati early election day, but today he
changed his plans. As a result ha will
leave here Sunday night, make the neces
sary affidavit before the election board
that day and be prepared on Tuesday
to register his preference, not as the
titular head of the republican party, but
as a cltlxen ot Ohio.
President Joins Family.
Mr. Taft arrived at Hot Springs early
today. Mrs. Taft and Miss Helen Taft,
who arrived here five days ago, met him
at the station and he had breakfast with
them, for tha first time In ten weeks.
With the arrival In Hot Bprlnga. prob
a,bly tomorrow, of Beeretary miles, Mr.
Taft will have data which he expects to
use In his third annual message to con
gress. Mr. lilies left the president at
Washington last night. Intending to se
cure Information from the departments
for Incorporation In the message, which
friends ot Mr. Taft believe will be the
most Important he has had to write. An
actual start upon It may be made at
Cincinnati Monday, but the final draft
will be made, of course. In Washington,
after Mr. Taft's return, November IS.
According to persons close to tha presi
dent, soma of tha Important questions to
which he will call the attention of con
gress are tha tariff, tha trusts, tha second-class
postage rates, stock watering
and overcapitalisation,, conservation, cur
rency reform and navy reorganisation
Tha psacs treaties, for which tha presi
dent has spoken often on tha trip west,
will not be referred to In the message.
It was said today, sines they are now be
fore the senate. A special message to
that body alone Is believed to be In pros
pect later.
Will Dlaenas Trasta.
His Pittsburg speech showed that tha
president was opposed to amendment of
tha Sherman anti-trust law and indicated
also that he did not believe It should be
repealed and It Is understood tha mes
sage will llsouss the "trust" question at
length. It was said the president again
would proffer to congress his federal In
corporation biil drawn up by Attorney
General Wlckersham and offered to con
gress two years ago, but since untouched
and practically unreferred to.
The report of tha commission Investi
gating second class postage rates, of
which Supreme Justice Hughes Is chair
man, and that of tha raUroad securities
commission Investigating stock watering
and overcapitalisation, of which Presi
dent Hadley of Yale Is chairman, will
bs at tha president's disposal within a
few days and It is practically certain that
he will pass on to congress such recom
mendations as these commissions may,
The preident lost little time In getting
out on tha golf links today. Mrs.- Taft,
whn had been taking long walks since ber
arrival here, went around with him and
watched the piny Forty-seven days on
tho road. It was quickly apparent, had
not Improved the preside play.
DENVER, Nov. . For the first Urns
In ten years Colorado Is Importing pota
toes from Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illi
nois. Prices have advanced from 11.C0
per hundredweight to 2 and a further
advance of 60 cents Is predicted. This
condition Is due to partial fullure of the
Greeley crop, and, commission men say,
to the fact that speculators hava secured
control of ths Idaho and western slops
JfPTON. la.. Nor. I.-Davld O. Win
s' a farmer living pear Lowden, la.,
hanged himself In a barn at the home of
his son-in-law, Ed Shoestall, at 11 o'clock
this morning, and the body was found at
noon. Ill health Is said to have been th
Tickets to Ameri
can Theater.
Boxes of O'Brien 'g Candy.
Dalzell's Ice Cream Bricks.
All arc swan away free ta
ttos who Had thalr names La
U want ada.
f.cad tna want aoe very day,
r name wlU appear soma
lima, aiayt mora lUaa one.
No pussies to solve nor iub
gcrlpUocs to.stt Just read tba
aitl ads.
1 Tura to tha want ad paces
taara you will find nearly vary
Kuslneaa to use la to cltjr rg