UK BKK: OMAHA. 1 KMUY. XOVF.MnKK 1011. MONEY TO LOAN. IMS. $1,000,000. WE HAVE JUOu.uOu TO LOAN OUT ta tbc people of Omaha bfor Christmas en FIKMTIRK. PIANOS. WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS. FIXTURES. KEAL ESTATE. HOUSES. WAGONS. etc.. Of en TOUR PLAIN NOTE If steadily em pioyed. Bam old low rates and eatb transaction strictly private. AVe make mora loans than all of tlx ethers. There s a reason. If you can use a piece of tbla MONET why. Just cU on the largest, biggest and beat. RELIABLE t KEOlT CU., Third Fiour, 80s Psxtoo Block. 117 S. I6U St. Phones Douglas Mil and A-1411 LiAAiUt tiaus st . W. C. Flatau IM4 Douge llttl w f Bed tills. WE LUAN AlUiNLX to any woraing man or woman on lint a personal note; no security or Indorser reu,uued. Nvoy montage your persona, belongings when TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERB? All iranaacilcus Confidential. Cuius In and sr or pnune us. Oil A HA TRUST CO.. 431 board of Trad Bid. Fourth F1001. Bell pnoue i in..glas SI". aiU.N IWStllCU S.A.iu, tJfcU ...C, VIU. keep ' uoum ami uuiers; wiloout se curity; easy payments. Ultioea in ' prio- CI'iMl till-. IUII14HII. Uwi lilllHlIti , TTisj bVi.1.1 person knows who D. J. torien is because he nas made omana lainous with his candy. 11 aits, oavia Jf Sampson, 60I b. 2iin St.. will come to The tee oltice within Uiree oays we will give ber an order tor a W-i'unl bux of 1 o i ten s candy free. Ol'r K.KKI) KOU ItKXT I Hi sriltked Rooms. FOUR rooms for 1 nt. 1MJ Sn 10ih. Ilnnwi anil t'nttasri. MOD. k-room cottage, fns rep'r. P.. JM4 lmi.o(biiui.u Uuui'a pacaetl. tur aarued; cheap freight lain. muviu and ilorlng. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel Doug. t4. City office -Ik b. Liu tit.. ht Hlda. Five-ioom cottage, modern but turn, fine reran. Harney 44. heat. ,nHa 1. himiun In. B.o 7-room house, -4. d-rouiu house. $: Hanscom park alstrlct. All modern. Phone Harney 15. 1 1 nil ens an pai t of the city, creiga For RENT six mom house at 2414 Caldwell 8t. Modern except furnace. Good cellar. Cistern pump In kitcnen lnk. Near car line and close to school. Key next door. Telephone Harney 4J or enquire at 321S Weiwter St. oii bo. -in 61.. S 1 cuius, completely mouern, tVU.Jo. HalL 4 Kaiati. U. ituo. A -440. 4-room mcmem lulck, llob N. lid. tin. vim. van eium.a Co., psvt-KS, mo via. Stores noukkuuiu ivmja. PircpruoC slur s. ev rt. luih. brancn, a. l.t'i. tel. D. 41M. A-Ui OI-I I KI Il I (IK HAI.K CHEAP, one elccti.e piano. S music bors and JO vending machines. 31.'4 Leavenworth. H Ind A-.'ttl t.'H .L,t. 1 im in .i.. (if II rheaii. t ai: M' n- omvv III A aa.i stoe. H KM I N tlTON shotmin. ttoulile brttrfl hummcrlcs". nhell ejector; wadtrs. Imnt Init coat and cap. All In ftiu condition, ir.. tall Supt. Mails Offloe. P. FtU SALE Show eases, counters, ta ble ami fixtures from the O'Connell store in Council Bluffs; on sale next Thursday. Nov. 1. between 10 and 12 a 111. at the O'Connell store. STollK, off ce Bnd restaunint fixtures. boiiRht and sold, levy s. '2oM N tt., South tmuilia , ""SIX (as arch lsnns at your own price. Rushln s hall. Smith Omaha. CITY IlKAI. KSTATK I'HIUM'IITV KtH itKAii i:stati: riTV ruiii't'.'ii v for Ml', A SNAP-One I.j coniputlns cheese cutter: 1J If taken nt once; as phod aa new. Hersev JMnno Co., t'nvld City? Neb. 1 Kir.KY person knows who Ii. J. O'Hrlcn Ii because he has made Omaha famous with bis candy. If Mr. C. L. Keose. X! 8. Z7th St., will come to Tne Pee office within three days we will Rive her an order for a Jo-cent box of o Mrlcn'a candy free. Owen looms strict.)' mod tin'; near car; paved street; uneap tu yel mannit tenant. I'lionu urncy 4kt. OMAHA H.M', sloiac. liuiiKS, 4111 .. 17th. t.o., nioViiiK bu,TKac ui'l. sna anu ii. aA8. I'KHSOXAL MAXWe'iI. cures piles. 40S Qui. Nat Pk. iW-H.Y BLOOD REMEDY, ninddlsh Pharmacy, l.'tli and PodR;e. Wise Buyers Are Buying Lots In Block 7, Collier Place I,OTS FKOXTIXG XORTII OX LAKIMORE AYlv. RKTWKKX 31 ST AYE. AXI) .-.:U) ST.. 475. EAST FKOXT OX 31ST AYK. lVtwot'ii Fowler Ave. nntl Lnrimoro, $.)'.". Corners a Trifle Higher. Only Twelve Left IT ONLY TAKES $10.00 CASH-$10.00 A MONTH KI.AI, F.ST AT K FtHM A- It II .. Ml FPU M l.rrllnntniia, mh: Richest Land Lowest Price and Easy Terms. yoimi money hack if you CAN NO l' M AKE IT GO. POnSN'T THAI' SHUNS CONEltiENCL IN Ol K I.AND7 Schools, churches, tinners' associa tion. tue nwm made $J.Hrt not fnmi two I and one-half mrm In ten months.) HANKS nun us over TWO MILLION Di H.LAKS. V K Ai i It EE lo tefuiid nil paynieuls, plus it per cent Interest, to any cetlier who work one of our forms for one year, under tne dir. etlon of our nni'1 rtiltitrnl experts, and doesn't make a profit therefrom. Vol CAN settle on your Innd aftsr making your flit rnull payment. HOl'hS by ex pi cas to best north ern markets. MISSISSIPPI FARMS CO. M City Natl Hunk Hlda.. Oni.iht, N'fb. 1 " m:lj I 'ST ATM liOANS WANTEU-t'llv-; W. Farniirn Smith UVi: STUCK MAKKHT OF WKST Live Mock t om mtsaloii Mcrchnnts. Great Writ. Cotn. Co , Omiha Denver. H. SM I I'll At 80N;"jUHt handie snecp. W F. l E NNYJfe C'V., Tkc STltlrt ; l'ACiil HIUiS. hnndlr c.ulle, hoRS. sheej ri.lhl'i.V .in o :t: e ' nn i.lit Ar t-tanoAii i o. . iii I'lsi'h Kills' i lav i. nun. a.." v i o., 1.1 rxcli. Hil. lni'T"i Hi'llfr leniiil. Mi.u di i.' HI l h.-Kii K l.f I'). .HI Excn Hlh; A ll'n i miliev er wo., I. K. Hi li.e.rx i .s nil) il h.xcn Hln.:. t ox iy Jones om. i. o., tiiinc-li oc litisiie: ? I ai hums I. .-n. t oil! 1.11. i'i. r.x.'neii' lieii.ii iioteeos ol sinpMH-iiis In hioc Nat'1 Hank. Onl L ink at yard- ii. liiM.n at !!... r.MimiiK' Hiuij. LAV bill t llnt.s . l,-4.j i.m'H. IIKIK- A.a tin l.l.lM. tV A lev vl l.iiilmnuil . roll i.,4-. Li ii, , UiO- "I ii.f.lii.111 v ti.'io. .o. m i IVHi'iiles loiina nnd tv-irranli. 1,:'ii "t. i eiLiuii rvuu, live "ucv cum. int. GOVERNMENT NOTICES A- Co. Tin I Nelit.iekn I. in ' VI. CSTA I U CO . i,PI H.nik liullillnv. Ur fLltbl) l-Olt ItEAT bwrs a.u u uuuuii. O. M. F. hauls tiunKs. t). !!. A-?SI1. k Wl .u.M, I4UIVI. nar LjVrviju., piueauv u.ceiy luiDixued room wua beat uouiu, tor two; m prlvatu lani.iy. v,ail ria.nry 45 i i.i 1 UC, HXjXiilLt l- V J.V 1 . .1111 AOO llainey, two roina wnn board, suitaom for two couples. FaruUbeit Hoom. GOOD rooms. reaauiiaole. 1A)J Douglas t) XViUltllX Ml. umu iiiiiukmw et it, io.u iuuuis. JdOUCitiN, Ituuiaueu ruum lor oue or two youutf lauiea, near urowueli Han, wub (ouiiiy ui two. AOdru.a ti tui, caie he. 41 N. IIU. tull.ellU ipu.t.a .i Kill. Zil t. HI it, luv-eiy lui il.B.iuu uiviuaiu I'ouiiia wun Bieaui heat. 6. luw b. avitl-lu suues o( UK nt houao Ueei'iua rooms on aeoouu Hour; a tuu,, mouoiii; waiaina ii'" j aui 4 yKuoi jr tauce; j vvaier. Kuum in auuu lamuy, waiaing uis tauce; plvasaui, waini, piemy u nui water, xeiupnoue. tiaumy uuo ui XiuuK.aa tfoJ. tiAiUsct mw iliree tuinutlioa looiua. heaieu aim nsnieu, iai.n, id per nioiitu. A-ll llAJl.1 1 Ol.-ll ll UlU.B.lU room, stncuy modern, pnvata luuuiy. 'Phune eu 24fi. NbAil.1 luiiututu room, aiaiate en-tlaa.-e, l.7o wtba. 4d Ho. 24tn cit. M,ltbl luiiiimieu II out room. Jim ol. UouK. AU'i. 2la tio. KoH ll. i Mouern apartment, rooms, two tain rooms, uin.rtine.tit 4. 1 lie claiiiidu, jist and l Hriia,n. 4.W .S. Awlll, V-l., .IAit ll.Vi.Vl'11. n.oo .lij ,n. ioiii, ii-roLii.. pd.i l modern. Ui.w loos Miami, 6-ruom, part mouuru. ls.w Iowa Corny, i-rooin, part nioduin. Moi Ludae. tf-rooui, part inouein. Jtl'K V. BKOFOKU a: SON. arj Bianaels Theater. IHiukisi S.Tfi. WALL PAPcK, paint.nK. paper hanKiiiK. giazui. Monon, J l ark Ave. H. 6Jwi. Beautiful Homo lor Kont, Ten Days Kent Free! Because .rciu occupants will move out 1U days beiore 1 expected, I will Kive new tenant 10 days' lent FKKti, comnienclnK Willi next Tuesday, Ociuber 41. Ktvldence is one of moat handsome structuiea overlooking Omaha s beauti ful bouiuvatd localeu at HO iNorth Alh Ave. .boulevard ail modern conveniences runt, fcio.uu per monui. House open for lunurctiun every tiay. Both phones. 11. 13. 130YLES, Uoyles, College, 18th und Harney flts. lio! DA ViuN POUT ST. Nine room brica houso. Apply Hotel Loyai office. liilD Klin M., b-r.. mod. ex. heat, with bam, only I JO. 142i N. a)th St, 0-r. mod. cottage, only $22.50. boA N. 23d St., 7-r. house, mod., only $25. ltih and Ohio, 3-r. cottage, only $10. 34.8 Jackson St., 4-r. couae. only til. 50. KOOMS AND FLATS. I4r.t Cumins St., S rooms, only $12, $0. 2M3 Dewey Ave., 4 rooms, mod. ex. heat, only $13. 3)a Dewey Ave., 8 rooms, semi-basement, only $7. 1251 8. nth St.. t rooms, only $7. Small storeroom, 713 S. 27 Ui St., $12.50. N. P. DOIKJK St CO., 15th and Harney K Alt TON 1'ONfil'M'H. t? in. it. .nu iii.iii.-.-.. - . 1 1 1 1 hern lnat., Stockholm. . wim; iy I nearly Oil UCW IIOIIIPS 1KIV0 1. TIO... 1 -t. u - . t 111,. - IIIIUI1.1 I". ,1... .... - Nat. Hank Hide. Automatic Phone Hua s. $-.';res.hlciice:L Jl j FOR KI.KCTKTo CAHPKT CLFANlN'ii ! PHONE D. b-m. PH1C1CS HFANAlil.r.. Kleo. Vac. Cleaner. reiif.Jli-ii day; V. tS Massase. KltteniiiTiise. ji S O.d Hosion I'.ld. AfKiTo3ifrK KI.V.CfHIC COMPANY Moved to 201 S P'th St. I our!hsJI3I1. Mrs. Pu ree, shampoo. Imlrdrnsslng and manicurinK- 1'l?!!iLl'"'ln!: 11 h' A'u'- YOl'NtJVOMF.. coming to Omaha aa stranirers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aaMidallon luillduiu nt Seventeenth St. and St. .Mary's Ave., where thev will he directed to i-ultnMo boarding places or nihernlse ussined. Look for our travolcrs' aid at the Union station. C11"1 n,"v.r to buy one of these choice lots, located in a district where e of Dr. Kell- I . . . . been built the last tnreo years, onlv two blocks from Ames Ave., close to school and stores. The prices are from $10U to $J00 less than other lots you," I Jl .1 , ll.l ' A A 1 - II lV can nuv in Hie noriu iari 01 ine cny inai are as wen locmeu Cement walks are now being put in. Don't wait too long Everv lot will be sold in n short time. OMAHA Ptoieiiv O K KFFF P! I'M New oinaha Si ( i N F Y'i'i "i 1 ,i i A N T. v m,J n i 'o. AN I f.i i. Ii i tonus Pen-is Trust Co $ini) to $iu.ivi niuii.' moirptly. F. P. Vt ead. Wrml lU'lu . Ii'i h l . 1 I'.u iiam ATvi'i-.t i--FA ltVi liHNS. klika In- 1'eMnient V omimiiv. IMonlni. i ,i i w Tt .'i i ;s. hi" i i . U Hnimiels I iumter A itLHcKii CO , ni.iu. payments; t heitp monev i Hln S. Merrill. i:'l.l t'liy ; I'puck hen ice. Nat I Hk nid. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. TAHI.KTS We. UK 1.1 will build, brace. DIU'O CO. VK rint and repair ah Kinus of towing machines. Ind. A-liiJ, liouglns Ifi'iC. NKMKASKA rVCI.,1'1 CO. lull! and Harney fits. M A s!vj I ! Ii1 Treatmont. Mrs. jMilOOVULiio; 8. i;th. 2d Hour Steels, nn. 5. THE SALVATION AHMV Bolic.ta cast off ciothinK. In fact, anything you do not hetd. We collect, repair and sell, at 131 N. 11th St.. lor cost of collection, to the worthy por. t all rhone Doug.aa 4Lii and wagons will cull. Til A VvJ V I J h' t.ath, salt glow aromatic J.UiVi30i;VUlJllt.1,menl, Mlll9 Alcn o( Chicfigo. Ii 8. 17th St., 1st flour. D. 7liu3. 16tli Street 1NYEST.MEXT LOCATION IlKAIi ESTATK F4ltl V H4NCH l,AM) fOB 4'a nnda. MOM-.Y to loan on or resi dence pioperths, ii.iniil to Ml'.l". W. H. THOMAS. 1.113 First Nat'k Hlilg. farm and city lotins .1 ft H - FllvSTTltl'STCO. uAKVisiHtOS. u';; Two lilceks from City Na tional li.H.U building, a J lu cent to one of Omaha's re tail stores. MAsbAu k. rteuih tuovuui.n.; noihiiig beiter lor rheumai.nm. toadies. l; gentle men, $1.6i. Apt. 2, 1M)2 Farnam. 1. liMO. lilt L is at cut piicea; iicigui. pa,u on $10 oidem; catalogue tree, cnerman & Aict'onnoll Drug ui,, Omaha, Neb. utf ao. inn OH atricuy modern fur nianed rooiim; private lamuy. liarney fallsi. l' !1 'jUHEii netly turiilahed rooms in nou.rii house. ils So. L-tn nt. BEM1S Park, U'14 modern. Tel. D. 5Wi4. r Uii-iiiiiiiiii Hi b Uth St. luoiu in private 2ti i AlDWlLl ern. $2n. 5)01 FA-rvNAM YVariu, reuooiiabia rooms. clean and ver, FOK REM-Nino-room house, strictly mooern, oak finish, on 2-1 ih and Valley His., block from car line, inquire X10 So. 24th St. Phone Douglas 1(69. 2uuS 8t. Mary a Ave., large, pleasant, modern room lor gentlemen; private lira- iy. NICK large live-room cottage, modern except heat. 2w N. 2Mh Si. LAKOE front room, well heated; nice batn; one or two gentlemen; no other roomera. 43B 8. X4th bt. UuuMf modern house school; new furnace, etc., 12U4. 'it tHiug.aj oouui ironi room; striouy mui.tan, iiiuiniu peopie prelerred. hlNOLfe. room, mouern. lili Oai-enport U08 taxnam bt.; large front room; two closuts; oneap. Also sleeiung rooms. DLSIKABLW front room; cloe to Far nam car. 1j14 lt Ave. Vt-Hi uetiiaoie room wah board if de alrea; private tamhy, strictly modern; wa.king aibtance; goutlemen. Phone Har ney 54o0. . S1K1CTLY mouern room tor 1 respect able tauies, private family; 12 per week. Tel. Harney 3B!'3. Ml Park Ave. Nicely furmsned room, 'auiiabie lor one or two gentlemen. Har ney l'i57. 6-HOoM cottage, with oatn and good well, cistern and barn; good location; 110 per month. Phone Webster lsto, or In quire j3IO Miami 8t. MCLLY furnished front room, close in good neigiiuoruood; well heated; ref erences, a t33. Bee. roK a oainty dessert use Dalsell a Ice ream, il mt. j. Auucimim viapie St., will come vu im twso u.nti within three days we will give her an order for a quart BricK oi mis una ice cream. FOK RENT. Large modern dwelling No. 1102 south .ta at sou.ou Seven-room modern dwelling. No. 1J Grace Bt 27 60 Seven-room modern walling, No. 22l Pacific St 25.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 309 First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 722. f'uruished HouaeKeeylua; Mounts. The Manuel and Howard, 21 & Howard, 2 anu eim. hkpg. aius.. fcfl to $4i. 1IUK i. I OUllll 8. iii il Ave.' a.iu aicove, week, 64o befe Miss Lang In '"ihe Mills of the Gods" at the American theater. If Mrs. Barker, 3722 N. lth St.. will come to The Be office within three days we will give her an order for a pair of tickets. TWO kecv.u, "i car. Webster or three rooms for light house- .wi . u ui UHI.UI Ueueu, ul 2533. .. cit" kviiu cueau, SL siove tieai, jam b. THE HOWARD, 21st and Howard, two. vnum ftmu-LIUulllH. coiuyicoocu ocs., i- IVIanitor, lineal Vnce required. furniture, $32.50. Refer- Zoul Mutt, noaaeKeeliig rooma. Houses. Furalauea Nicely furnished modern house. D. 1477. Nb-WLY tinished, eieganuy tuimahed 10-room bouse, hot water heat and good v.rri und harn. t.5 to right barty tor the winter. References. Phone Harney 1J44 or at 11 B. JJ Bt. WILL rent Horn Dec. to April 1 my home, choice locality, handsomely fur liiahed to lespontible family. F-3i, Bee.' Hotels and inartnieali. NICELY FTJRN'miKD ROOMS for gen tlenienl THE CHATHAM. 110 S. lath Bt j'AL.Vi HO ILL, ! Douglas, newly furnished looms so evnis. wiy, u up; team heat. Elk hotel, rooms 2o and bite. 17 N. 16th. huu hotel, hivum oeaieii. I i ifou,;. t. Tilt. ti-ii-ii rtotcL. vur mo yiate dinner ihe best in in city. Lxt-iieni luiais, N. ioih. bo, oniana. DODVjo; iiuiLU Uln aud Dodgr; COO outline i.iniua, meek rate. lluwaid Hotel, elegant rs. 1002 Howaid HOI EL ALBANY, most eiegaut rooms; hot and com; (IrepuMii; pneos reasondble; both pnones. nil Douglas (irand Hotel, rooma 35c up. t2u A. Pith OXFORD and Arcade, s NEW YO.tK hotel, tms, ui w kly rate. loi8Do3g7aI Hotel Antler, elegant rooms. 610-4) S.Mn council Bluffs. Rooma I.!.Uii to ti.uu per Wee Ogden Hotel Bui.lnmou, pice r.omi, i blok to d. pot, CASS iA KL, nice rmima. 17.S Cass St WINDSOR HOI EL-Rooms 5oc to $150. Aiurlmeiti nasi Flats, BEAUTIFUL LORRAINE. Three and six-room apartments, steam heateu and all modern in every respect inn to IjJU Maple et. bee these. MENOtDOHT. Douglas S402. Webster J71S 7-room flat on Sueriuan Ave. Web. 57ii, lHKtt. blo.-k. .th and sia-i oni and Weblrr. tiau. Mru Da.blKALLE 4-ROOM A PA It 1 MENT I.N THE CALIFORNIA;" SEE JAM TOR. I. 52 f7. FIVE rooms, 107 Pariiam, model u suitable locAilon fur oltic. studio, or trtibiniiiii looms, etc.; tor tenants wishing homes adjoining. Tbos. F. Hall ta ii.u.i uuua- 4wk or A-44US. V LOWER flat. 62 So. Kth Ave.; six rooms; moflm n. H. b. Maun. 720 Bran dels Theater tldg. CLOSE-IN, Hth otar Farnam: : Txwey, $ tooiua, $r. . Dmrey, $ looms, U&, . U4I-1 U...II U.UC. 11 ..Mt. Il.ll :i r HI Te . v ebsis- H8 N. 33d St., 7-room (St., six rooms, mod- west of high only $27.50. D. -.vouiid ii. .th UO..M, n.ouerit. ill'. Ml. 30U3 DO DOE a rooms, moaein, $ai,50. 1014 N. aia i rooms, modern, $30. 1HU N. a5 7 rooms, modern. $30. tM Ohio 6 rooms, furnished, $23. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE. Phone Douglas &3. nuu.u an Ii reditu Ave. ,.itH.CI II Cu.tae. muuiiiui loom, lacing tiulluconl a k 40. 1701 Park Ave. Dr. liuiKe, nervous d. season. 41 uoug. liik. siiAMi'uorriM.i-tr Mra. Steele, ol io, o. Ii. 2 tl. ah s. ou;uei, bMcuisii maaaufce,, lau.uior unu vioiaior treatment. loo liuuaany, i-oil 3, lum and pierce. D. tw, BAlilES BOAKUi) A former ietnodlMt aeacouesa In a nice home ot her ovn wianes lo uoaid a tew i. antes. Web. n-uo. Write bu22 .. 2.ih oi. r.llA t.oLDniiCKY has opened new hau dressing paiiuis at Sti Nevnie. l. 3HK3. HAZbl-LEAF PILE CONES Best remedy lor itching, bieodmg or protrud ing piles, wo post paiu. bampie nee. Sherman A McConnell nrug uo Omaha. MA i 1 M U 'IM i ' treatment. E. Brott, 710 lllh, best treat tor your wite unu baby is a dish of Daireli s Ice cream. If than. Spain, t.m No. 41st St., wdi cJme to Tne Bee ottlce within three days we will give him an oruer for a quart of .uis tine Ice cream. rOlLTHV AND 1ET STOCK FLOOR sweepings, good cbicken feed, $l.uu per hundred. Wagner, Sul .. ltith. HEAL ESTATE AUSTHAC'l'S OF TITLIU. Frank J. Norton, 216 S. Kth, Bee Bldg. "Thetes a Reason." "I minimize your title troubles." Both phones. lliuland liuar. c Irust Co., 1VH Far. rl. II. Nea.e. pre-i. ; J. Campbell, sec. D. fMjo NEARLY new seven-room brick house. strictly f rst class and entirely modern: fine surroundings; located at 1411 So. 10th St. Phone Douglas 4870. tores and offices. WEIRICH Fixture Co., high grade mill work; ;orio aan. Webster &, UL' No. 4tn st. urritli lo tent -'io s Mtn. Ulan to suuiet suns ot Hie roums in City Nanonal bang HI1. Call I . I12.V l.i- I- ll i- ullU I ccelitiuu. 4v4 le Hiu. FOR RliNT Desk room.20 Bee Bldg. llali. WASHINGTON HALL Lodges, dance. banoueis. C. C. Boiensen. D. 225, A-Uii. HlOUbtiUOM, No. Zii N. 10th St. (cur. ner uoveiiiiorw. Apply iioiei ioyai office. llama. FOR RENT At 2oM Dialgo st., a good barn, to be used tcr garage. Telepnone iiuniey 1P1. UFFEKKD FOK SALE Faralture. Peier ji Shell, jr., Co., Tel Doug. 2-"J2, Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nrbtaska. 206 Hiandels Theater. OUAUAfi'lfcE ABSTRACT' CO.. , l atteison Hlk. room AbstractH, M T. Biennan. U2, Bramlels Th HI II. S' 1 f OltJIA I ION . Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha Sliver Co. Platte l.iavel At Ma.-lit u nand Co 442 Bee LOT 41 Aet frvntngo on ltith St., with alley on north. BUILDING 3 story and basement, suli Mtuntlul brick, on which about $J.0n0 has Just been ex pended for putting In new modern alare fronts, new plumbing and wiring through out, new roof, now newer connections and concrete lloois in ba.iements, and gen erally refintahing building from top to bottom. Price, 345,OCO TEH MS " $15,000 CASH, BALANCE easy payments. GROSS INCOME About $4,000 per annum, should net between S and 7 per cent on the Invest ment. We belle e the 44 feet ex clusive of Improvements, will soon be worth $44.lH. Present value of the build ing Is about $23,000. - 'This la an opportunity to make an Investment on Omaha's best retail streot, near the retail center, on very favorable terma. For fuither Inlormatlon, call or addretsa George & Company City National Bank Bulid.nJ. MILD CLIMATE NO EXTREMES. LAND CLOSE TO SPLENDID MAP. KKTS. In V'lJ the tl HAND THINK; PACIFIC RAILWAY will be compled, 1 opening up the rich agricultural districts j of CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA. , Thousands aie now buying land In the fertile valleys of the FORT OEORUK I DISTRICT, the NF.SHOCO VALLEY and I the Bl'CKlhY VALLEY. This land will! douhlo and treble in value as soon as the ORAND TRUNK PACIFIC provides transportation facllltlaa. Write today for booklet describing this wonderful country. B. MEYF.L. DISTRICT SALES I 0,1 AUK NT. CI0-U PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA. NKlt. LARUE LOANS, tn.inb gu,e i.oiisnt nun solo. ipal builtiN. ni.ii t M i I ' i ,i . Bib M. t-tut a ua. lily ueasert use iiaiaeua lev cream. It Mrs. It. D. Uhitney. K.21 im. lal St., will come lo Thu Use oifico within threii we will giv her an omer for a ust brick ot tills fitit) icu ci (urn. tiOxlDO, with improvements; right down town; cheap at 12,5oo. Easy terma or hood ext-hange consh.ei ed. Also running auto busuivsa; machine shop and tour ing car. tor good reasons, at $2.lMi. What have you to otfer for ltt J. W. RASP CO., is m anile, a bldg. . Iovta. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm is to Insert a small want ad In the l'es Moines Laiatul. Laraest cir culation In the s.aie of Iowa. 4;i.ii dally. Ihe Capital Is reud ny and believed In by the stnnilpiittors oi Iowa, who nlmply r?- ruse to pel nut any other paper in tneir homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; $1.25 per Una per month; count six oidlnnry words to the line. Address, Des Moines t apltal. Des Mo.nes, In. Florida. $1,000 ONE THOUs.tciD DOLLARS $1,000 HON E YOU H OU A RANTEE-MON E Y Just a little money down, a Utile money eacu month, buys an ideal home in an Ideal ciimatr, near Palm Beacit, Florida. Lome in anl let us lull you about It, and on Investigation, If you do not find It a good, ot belter than represented you win leceive $l,ou0. can on or write Wood ward t oinrany, 714 omana Nai l Baua 1-OU WALK OU KACUAM.K t-l.Jt oti.u. tut iiiAijil.i.i o 'K .v.lal.u laud in tne lamous Aikauas valley tu ex ciiungu lor stock of goods or secuniles, i and i per cent III al luortsago for salt. good improved propurty. solicit co operation ot agents. Address t.oa, et u Neil Box Lamar, Com. PKDP'iSALS FOR MANUFACTURE OF Clothing -t hief yunriermasier a Oll'ice. Feueiul liulliliiig, i hicano, 111., licicbjr lii. h'll. -Staled luopoauis, In trilTicatti. sul.lei l to Hie usual conditions, V. ill De jieti ived l.sie until I o Clock p. m., I-o-vinier liMl. and then opened f ! manuioctm Ina mid deliver. tin at e.tbei- iIm I New leik, Piu.adtlplua or h:ca-o deio; ot the yiiaiti imiister s UcpurimeiU: ii.'.K' Olive Druii l oilon v onta anu ki-.issj pn.ia Olive Drab Cotton Breeches, loot. T!.e oilve Drab Coilun Pnlfoinv Cloth, Oil c 1 mo ti Mieal.i, BroiiKn butiotis and Sri.: Rings villi h turniohed by this Depa: -Hunt, ijusiititles lo be KUllJCCt to lli crcuhe ct not to exceed isi per cent, if ilesuud by this Depai inicnt. Tlio rigUl Is reserved to reject or accept any o.- ul: piopuaala or any part thereof. Prefi,. ence will be given to arllclia of douica'li manutacturu. conditions of qiinhty aid prico tun hiding In thu prico or lorcu-u roduttluna or niunulaciui. s the ilui. ihereon) being euiial. Standard sumpl ran bo seen, and specif .cations, lilani; , lie picoosuls and full Intormullon tin: be fiuiiished upo.i application at this vt ; rice Envelopes coiitaiui:iK propoxuls in j bo ennuifit-d "l'loposals lor Msnuiaetu.u ot Clolhmi;. to be Opened November 2.1, ' lill." COL. JNO. L. CLKM, t hief ljuui -I lei ioiialei'. 03I-N 1-2-3-211-L'l SALE OF BUFFALO tlVlilttOAlf Deiot IJUiirterulHhler s I if lice, Jd and Hickory sis., Omaha, Ntb., tct. liu'. Sealed proposale will bo received at th'.i' offlto iinlil 11 a. in., Nov. 22. 1011. ami II, no opened, for thu s.tle of I'D I ten u. lie Hiiffulo Skin Overcoats. Full Information and blank forma furnished mi applica tion to Ll. Col. John E. Baxter, Depot y uai termanter, N J-4-10-U-U-l. run bALIU'Vliu-ui aciea aujoiliing a town of Low population in souiiieusteiu Kaiuas; no atone; lair improvements, bot luin laud; puce $W,400; ninrtgagv, $2.6uO; want merchandise or merchandise and buildings, or clear rental pruperty, Iowa, Illinois, eastern Nehiaska or north Mis souri land for equity. hat havo you to offer'. Address the Allen County Invest ment Co., Longtoh, Kun. $ii,2oii eipiliy In klti.tsm home. Want good land or merchand sr. 43a Bee Bldg. RAILWAY TIME CARD l .WON l A I TON leutb Maaou. tniou I'liclllc " Depart. ' .a v. w tin .a 4 ou pui lO iiaue lor iteiiuriti tueit iiunuise, .ii acres of land witn or without 2.!i00 In cumbrance. Ixick Box 41. Clear Blur. Neh. I HANDLE exchanges every where. For lesulis see me. Dean J Bee B da D. 1.JI2. "vTfText hiTngti pioperiloa ol merit. C. W. Welsh. 812-l.t O. N, Ilk. Plug. Doug. 78 . It Mew. II, li'd of 'I ,aile, D. P.t;, 6,ii00 ACRES prairie land, DeSoio county, rionua, near A ream a, good land, well uraineu. Only $4 per acia nut. If taken at once. Fine colonisation piopu sinon. J. C. Jackson, lite First Nail umi Hilia-. v illi SO. BEMLS I'AliK KES1DENCK On account of leaving the state per manently the owner of one of Omaha's most attractive homes, located at 3410 Lincoln Boulevard, has authorised ua lo auvertiae and sell It Immediately. Ine house is Just the same as new. contains 8 rooms, modern, ot course, In everv. particular, and In our opinion there la nothing to compare with It In the matter of locatlun. The lot Is piuxlou, covered with magnifi cent shade trees, with plenty of room for two more houses If desired. The two add tlonal lots are easily worth $0,000. If you enjoy a beautiful home you will surely fall In love with this one. Price, $12,000; one-half cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY". IceMi Cement rdulie Co..'.. 17 til and Cuming Anier. auo. to., loo. g. paints, liu Null. i ChoiceNeighborhood t-ucna, bun At in. no. paiting decorating. WANTED TO BUY. LIST your city property for sal with Vogel, 400 Karhaoh Bldg. FURNITURE of sale. I3 Farnam. five-rooifi house foi FEW days left. Don t miss the chance and place of buying the remainder of great clearing saie of furniture and stoves. Lack, iil N. liith. Typewriters, TYPEWRITERS Special short lime ou all niaaes. icr big in ice reuuctiona. it. Co , iult Farnam St., Omaha. sale for a See window F. 8wanon Tile. nUlAii .a King ot i uewriiei a eta Musical instruments. PIANO slightly uaed, at a bargain. Beget strom Piano Mig. Co., 19th and Far nam sta. CIT Y I'llOl'liltiT FOK SAL10. Fine New House Walking Distance Parlor, dining loom, kitchen with nice pantry and eutry, two buirooms and bath, room, all atti actively arranged, on the first floor; two fine bedrooms and good sized storeroom on second floor. Living room In oak with colonnade open ng; large cemented buneinent. Bent of every thing and honestly built throughout. Can be bought tor $3.5u0 on suituble terms. If in search of a good homo see this one at once. SCOTT & HILL, 307 McCague Bldg. Douglas GS15. Independent A-1I52. FIVE MONTHS' RENT BUYS THESE; Here are two unusual propositions two good S-iooni houaes, modern except furnace; choice south lront lots, level, on grade; one on paved street; large trees; desirable locations; about 28 blocks from postoffice; prices w.iOO and z.b.'0 on prac tically rental terms. Will Install furnaces and make auamonai improvements u desired. Houaes are now vacant and we want offers- ou win get a big bar gain In either of these. See us today about these and other f I nil la r propositions. RUSSELL MCKITllICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg! l&th and Harney Pts. VIOLIN repairing; donu anu guaiantm-i. all wok promptly oUot bo. 14. h St. A 42uo bhaetier pianu lor iu4 a ov Majestic lange for , alao 2 Brussels rut,; all in good condition. Call Bea ton Ms w. Miscellaneous. A COUPLE Round Oaks, 516; one base burner, Royal Acorn. 1.1 North 1Mb bt. .vt hster l.i2u. ,i..'.o kj . ei tot.ituu Willi aecullu-nalld sales, ad sixes and makeM; bargain. American Suiuly Co.. Uln Farnam st. iah, lor sale at $10. Apply, cieorge W . ilt'hc, t.te I iibnHhlng Co. II L'.'V.S almost neat dress suit, only worn a tew times; tall and slim. Address, R ..u. Bee. oit eAt,i-Htm sviiu second-baud bil hard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Blske-Collender, 407 S. 10th St. i-i.i. b i.t- i mo scuo ai suips in the Omaha, Commercial college and on In Bjyiui colic. buinBtu olfiut, Ouialia Kiudling. $4 luui li, Croaa. W. IMi At 3th and Marcy ot., 6 new dwellings, no two alike, oak finish, inodoru In every way, 5 to looma, paved mreet, close to schools; prices. $3,500 to $5,0nO; terms $500 cash, balance a trifle more than rent. Bemis-Carlberg Co,, 310-3U! Brandels Theater. fieorala. GKEAT SOUril GEORGIA Tiaveroed by the ATLANTIC, iilll,uli(IKAM ft ATLANTIC K A 1 I. It O A D limits ctuaM-aiue in tor vtidi-st lange ot crops. All Ihe money m-opa of the noiitn plvnJfully For literature treat ing with this coming country, its soli, c.l mate, church and school advantages, siue W. II. LEAHY, DEPT. K. Cieneial Pa.Kenger Agent, ATLANTA, OA. bolt Tit A lie Oood tso-acre ranun In Sotitii Tripp County, Soutn Dakota. Ail fenced. Walla Running water. Young timber. Land rolling. Bom broke. Home buliuiugs. School on Und.'i mile troin Inland postofilca and store. V mtiea from railroad survey Want ,Oiio clean, up-lo-uate stock general merchandise or clotulng. Address owner Box Wi, Greg oiy, s. D. FOR EXCHANGE (.3.1-acre slock ranch. Over 2o0 aoiee in alfalia. Three sets of Improvements, one ot the oest ranches 111 soiltiieasiei ii .,r.. . , v,,vtw, Inmimbiance, $U,5oo. Will trade tor clear propci tv oniy. Vvant good itntal piop eriy. or might consider Iowa, Illinois or eastern Nebiaska land. Aduress Tne Al len i oiiniy Investment Co., i.o.igion. Kan. Arrive, a L4o pin a t.a a t;vi ui a u .t tun a i.M uui a 1.41 sui tu, a 4:si uiu a iiui a 4.i tui aiu;uv sui U A.4V piu Mexlvo. MEXICO SKE Mii-s Eva l.aug with the Wood ward Stock company at the American theater. If Mrs. F. Hchicketany, S707 N, Lin bt., TU come to Tne Bee office within three days we will give her an older for a pair of tickets r,bul pitiiuuer is noi a rutiuni ; If any thing happens phone Doug. lolB, Oood I itiiiiomg Co. $2,500.00 Buys a new and substantial 7-room realuence in northwest part ot city; strictly modern. Lot 50x120 it.; h gh and tightly and worth $7oO; house cost about $2,300 to build. A few hundred dollars cash; balance like rent. Addicts D 630. Her. Close In Cottage Only $-' cash and balance monthly. Don't fall to aee 18311 North 2Jd St. 5 looms, bath, gas. line tnaue, near l. r. shops; house vacant; go ana see it. Price, $2,000, and $Jv4 cash will put you, in your own noma. STANLEY V. BOrfTWICK, 1225 City NatT Hunk Bldg. mil BARGAIN ON NoltTil 24il ST. To tloae out an estate 1 am authorized to sell the isoriiieaai t uriiui ai nn and Sahler Streets, with 2oJ feet frontage on 24lh street, for k.'WO. The properly con slats of three frame dwellings, 4J11-4J13-4215 North 24lh street, renting for $ti put year. The vacant ground on this corner is very desirable fur store purposes. This is an e-.eciiional bargain. W li M El K I.E. a, Ramge Bldg lit OWNKK. st,-lctly nK.utni nve-iuom cottage, two ind one-ban diocks rrom rsrnain 8L: only 11 minutes' walk from Uth and Stairs ' leading ud to second story; enough space for two large rooms and closets, lue t.a.n. coiiio.i.a.ion iix lures: cemented basement ; newly painted. also new walk and steps; hardwood fin ish throughout. House la only tinea years ..Id and a perfect gem inside. So If you want an Ideal home drop out and look t over. P.riits for K3.50. At mti Capitol Ave. Only V-vm. part u eu it-run to suit. a VACANT LOTS On Spencer, utgt o( 24th. 33x140 ft. each. Shade trees only $450 each. On easy payments. W. H. GATES. 644 New Omaha Nat'l Dank Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1294. A place to make bi niuiiev If you have some money to invest. Tne climate Is de iihuui anu heaitiitul, no cold nor Hem ma weather. You can buy rluli, blang land tor $U.O0 per acie, easy tin ma, In an American coiouy, near railroad, and unu crop ot corn mm e liiun pajrs fur the lauu unu lor the In our 10 piodune IU Native labor vei y cnoali titi cents per day. If you will go wnn us next Tuesday down to laiuoko, on the east gulf coast, you will seo the corn In the Held that wld make what we have stated abovu. You will sou the oiuiisea, Iciuuiis and grapu irult on the tleea. You nan see tame grasses six to slant loci higu mat was p. an it u i til h year, luu will sue the fiber , itint-i l.. I Ui.. Hi! o- Mil. to u.ti .t.aus.ild from $1XI to $i60 gold per acre annually, 100 acres set lo tloer will make you wealthy and Inuepenc.ent for life. Next excursion Nov. 7. Railroad fare from pmaha tu Tamplco and return, vi i ite for literature. Chocoy Land Co. 6t4 Bmnueia Bldg., Omana. No b. Neorusau. Free list of Improved Howard, Greeley, Valley, bhermau and Cuatci- cuuuty laims, for puupia ot limited nuana wani ing homes on easy terms. L. Ulauivy, Vtoibacn, Neb. t Oi l BOLLliMi lNlh.Rn.eii In well es tablished business. Incorporated. For qulcK action. Svrite E-h3l, line. STEAMSHIPS Anchor Lino Steamships New York, Londonderry and Glasgow. New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive raiea fur tickets between New York and all buotch, Engilsn, Irish, Cuntinenial and oiediiariauean points. Superior Accommodations, lncoiluni Cui sine, Efficient tiervice. Apply promptly tur Reservation lo local agent oi Anchor Line or Hunderaon Uruihera, tieueral Agents. Chicago, 111. WAMKll TU JIL'V lu-bsnu foiius. iv.tser. lu-tf ttiurr. O'wti Is ..! u.suvst pi.-ie liauo ciuin c. .ii. Naiiiau. Iwi' man 4 lv:i i-.lil. VlAO nu lO JJU 1 usiwevli Li aud 0 acies ut lauu wiilun 1 mue ot Omaha car hue. A iiii, liee. WAKTLI) 8iTLATlo.B - FOR a 1,1 si tutsa pici.t; uuise. Mis. toniuu, ti. Hm. A-i4. I'tvbino.N uf uAua, leitced puuaaeepsr. Aduress Y 21, kit. . kj ij. , snii , m MSuttu, t rtoi l.VO lU IkAi uulbilVUU I'tt.lji i.snts UUS.tiUU III OsllS Wit II Vlll tU ,11 LStU.UIll. AUUl'KSs . cai e i-iee. A PoSlTto.N by thud yuur tunh school buy. w in wura Hum U to o.m p. in, M 4h2. Bee. No, loo uju-acie siuck lauu, si, lenvu anu oruss tented. Tnreu miles to town, inurcn ami st-huul. Won tmpioved. 1'rice lil.uju; terms. No. 102 i) acres, five milt from Nulson; fair luipiovements. IT lea fAi.OO pur acre. llaif uown, baiuncu live years, ul II per cent, NO. 104 ii.u aoex, u.. I ritivo Kraaa pas ture, a snap at $oO per acre; terms. No. 104 P aciea, well Improved on good roud. Prlca $16 per acre; terms. No. 100 - luo-acre larm, well linprovou, not far out, good toads and good water. Price, $10,uw. Terms. All the above are worth mure money than Is asked. Call and see them. For further intui matlou address F. O. RITTEiltiUSH, Nelson, Neb. OEIOIAN ludy wains positiou lakiug cuie oi ch.luit'ii 'tuiU no. -'iili. l.NVESI Mi-: NT OPFOHTCNITY. IS ROOMS. ALL MODERN. We have a two-apai tment house, con taining 13 rooms, two bsth rooms, seven bed rooms, wltn parior. uimng room anu kitchen lu each apartment, with new iplumbiiig and good heating n'ant. This property is tou targe lor oersonai owner and It Is a splendid proposition for some one who will by It aud divide It into four time room arartments. owing to the arrangement of the house this work ran be done at a very small ex pense and when completed the apart ments will rent for $:: each. The buyer can live In one apartment, rent the real the rest and muke a good Investment out of your home. The building if wrl built and In good condition; only thirteen minutes ride to the tenter ol the city; one block from the Douge street car tine and Hi good rem dence district. "'IE NUMBER 18 2dl). N. ISOTH St. It Is Just north of Ohio on the Flor ence Blvd. A good six or seven-room modern bouse will be taken In exchange at the right price. 1 his proposition is certainly worth looking at. NOltrilS A MARTIN. 409 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4J70, A. 4270. HOMESTEAD uu acres for $1(6. about 20 miles out. net. i-irin land, not mini vt as an old entry n iw cancelled. Wei iti I2io.. J A. Tracy. Kimball, Neb. v i-Ll. Impioved Frontier county, Nr brasi.a. farms .or sale or trade; $ 6 to $tl; I also town propcrilas In towns ot certain I ties. D. F. Juunion, Box 2. Curtis. Neb. i "Tm PROVED lo-acre irunk farm. nr Tekamah, Neb. Addivas Joe Juiuan, Te kan. ah. Neb SCHOOL, gul wains p.avo lu work l oom aim i.ouril. t an i louglUa 74. WoMAN wants day. 2i H. Lin, Cleaning D. 4ii,si. moik uy tue San Fran. Overl'd L China japan '. M Atiantiu h,xysa.. Uutin Kxpivas aii.Jupui Los Auguicj uiu p.n Louver cptcial a i .Ui mill tauiuu Bl bi.iie sp cT.a.l.u uni Coiorauo Express a . pin Oi lauu- vv asu. Li in I d.aia ;i pin uitii Plana Local.... .iu svul tiianu island Lucai.... a u:m put biiunubuia Luual uu.slviu ca.vso fiati Ailnn.-bt. Paul Ex....b 7: am Miiui.-bU 1 aui L't d...a e.uv piu OUivliiUwuivu. Twin City I!" .... i. waia biotiX City Luual a -w pui iUii.ii. Uuum;uvvu4 iwia City iiuuieu..a pui Minuesulsv IsAajAiiOUND. Carrod Local ui.iwnm Dayignt cn.cago ., i.msiu Chicaao Local .au.uupi.i Coioiauo-ciiicigu) ....a a:iw piu cmcago bpititi a e;u pu Pau. Coasi-cliicago... par Los Anaeita uui.tnU.1 l.jtinu overlauu Linutsd Cat ion Local atiuvpiii feast Mad a.s.ovput Ceuar itapids, Bloux 4t Omana Centennial elate Urn. U warn WEBTbOUND. Iing Pine ...mi Norfolk-Dallas :uOaro Long Pine-Lincoln ...a:lopm Hssllngs-riuiieiior ....D U.l piu Deadwood Hot Sp'gs. .a :ue pin Cssper-Lander a S so pm Fremont-Albion b:0iim cnicaao, ituck Island .V l-acnn -.AST. Rocky Mountain Liu al2:.H! am Cbltaao uay lx a :u am Chicago Local Puis,. bill. fi- am .hkBgo Express ....a put Des Mo.ns Local l'..a 4;ii piu Cblcagu-Neb. Lid. ...a .u ptu WEST. Chi. -Neb. Lmd to Lln- co.n a s.oi am Colo.-Cal." Express ...a 1:16 pm Wkl. & Tex- Express. .a b:uu piu ituoky Muuntaiu Ltd.. alt. pm v slisHk- Omaha-St. Louis Ex. ..a 0:30 pm Mall and Express a 7:02 am Stanb'y i (from C B.)b $.ou pm Altssourl 1'nclllo K, C. A St. L. Eg. ...a 1:20am a 7:40 am K. C. t bt. L. Kx....all lS pin u$:Wpm tklt'sgo, Mlluuke Jt ai, aMi. a (Waui aiO'20 pm a : piu a am n i,v am axl.w nut a :lo pm pin a sis pm a pm a li.ts aui a d.s put aisiui pta a s.i am aiv.uv am a. a.M pm a t:35 pm U;i pm all:00ant alO:ls pm a pm b i.M pm u:sV pm ali:uu pm o i: pui al0;3o pm a 4.6v pm bui;u pm a i;iy pm piu a , ;ti am a l.U pm a put ai;:w ain ais.o am Mr. am all:iipui PlOiU aut Overland Limited a 7:60 pm Perry Local a i:W am Coloiailo Express a:vupin Coloradu Special a 7: am Perry Local b :Ui pm villcuao irat Westera . Chicago Limited a S:2j pm 'Awlr. City Limited. .. .a :Jj pin lit Ul Ct.y Express. ...a :4j stiu CblcagJ Expreas Local Passenger u $:lti pui tisiiiuls tuaiisi Chicago Express a 7:00am v-U.CUsO Limited u. a:trj pm )Jam 11 :w pm ;73 pin 4.0 am U Ot, piu a 7:4s ai.i a k:u pm us.'tfpiu a S:4d pi.i a ;uu aiu llnrllngtton Htntlon Tenth A Msa l,4k..t. iivtvi o. .....tauiallt IVUIs uy limn ami will. eApi-tieiu vU, ill or out Oi Oil. li, i"i Hee. til i.of -itiitii pusit.uii utisiuil uy ex pti'leuctsi stunoxiMpUer turn oounlteeper; excellent rafureiicui. Aduit-sa L Bit, cur uee. . A.Vl r.l' t usilioii, oy lusi-tiass miller; best of luierences. Hualiiigs, ,.t i,.. Box ihSI. WANTED Poillluu aa chaufleur In garage ot private. Have had e.ipcrieuce as driver and lu repair. ng. Address j. A. Johiibon. caie P. A on. sun. liurae, H. u. Local. "TVt gills want wuik by'tne week. Call I Crestoii tlu.l Local W rosier siO- COLOKEO soutn mm o6oD genet al Webster woman wants uay work urllng ton Depart. Denver t California.. a 4. iti pui pu,el Hound Expieoa..a 4:10 pru jsabiaska poinis o..aui I Jiiu. K tlllla 4:iu pm I Lincoln b l:w pm Nui luweai express. ...ali:i pui ! Ntuiuska puuiu ao JJuni Nuoiusaa Expien H.1jui I Luicoin laical '.L'V'"'. ' bci.u icr-l'iaiuiuouth b ):u,piu I Lincoln Loi.l i'iuilsiiiouiu-owa ....a v. is am Behevuu-Piausmouth al2:3upm Ciiicuso bpuciul aJ;luaui Deliver special alLiwpui i-iiicaao e-xpieas a .M pui i ciin.i,o Faai express a S.J pin ,S S.UI Sllll .0 t .in pin .a t.M pui .alu:4u piu .a :1j un .a 4.JU pui 10-year old house work 2iH4. high scuooi girl tor on Saturduy. Call r .tHM st HEAL K8TATK H"l II 1.4111 FOR MAI.K (ulorado. FRTJ1T land bargains. Intermountala Ind Co. I'rt t'aroam. lhne D. an. ""Baigslini iui laiMl, UJI Bjaodaia Luis'. b.uni.i. in ni lor Voix. Hong, I.1I8 or rent or i-aie. South Kiwi. Charles W iscouslu. Must Do Sold 4,200 Acres of no no In one body of level land S miles Black River Falls. Wis.; no stone, overflow no gum 00. no hardpan. sikali, no U'ihck grass or cocklutiurs. There Is nwer tailing running water through onB corner of ihis land. About une-half ot this tract has black soil two 10 four fl deep, Is the besl grain land 111 Hie stum witn small amount of ditch ing. The balance is choice level upland good soil, grows te finest kind of glass' I Ins tiat t can be bougnt tor le.ns than 10 per acre If tukeii soon. Will pay com nissiun. Wisconsin Druinod Land Co., 124 West Third tt.. Davenport, la. EVI21Y person knows who I. J. O'BHtu U. H Mrs. Waltnr Vilea. Wl N. lMih St., will come lo The Boo office within three days we will give her an order f'ir a tO-cent box of O'Brien's card 7 free. ""Bui Waal Ada will Boost jour b Bess axxl causa it to great. Al a day's work a little recreation Is welcome, vvo win give 10 ueurge i ay- lor. 4223 urant. an oruer ior a pair seats to the woouwaru miock cmupany at the American theater If he will cume to The Bee Otlice willlin tnirn usys. bt. Louis e.xpiis.. K. C. f rfL JOsepn. k! C. Ot- Josopii. C 4 bu Josupli. Arri ve. a 3 4i pm a S.-w pin a ii.ui pi, 1 a 0:j pm aU:ld pui a 1 :vu ai.i a u:iu pui a t:iu pm b i .im am blu.u SHI b 6. Do am a a:ou am a U:u pm aU:ro pm a i:ivpiu a 3.j put a k:ov am aiu.iuam biu: 41, am sui .4u am a b:o am pi i Webster Htntlon dtssourl Pnclflo.( lOta and Webster. It i Auburn Docai- Omana-- Arrive. Drnsw bS.jOpm bU.otaru Paul, Ailaueanulia jc OMAHA T11K MAIIKL'T TOWN nui i-naiits, 7U3 Brandtiis. Wholesale, fucd. iJl VV i.l:to UIWl.v I V conslKiinients solicited. "CAVER ELEVATOR CO.," deaiuls 111 giulii, bay, cnop l.iandeis Plug. Nebr isiia luiva Oriiiii Co. Brandels. l-to uaTu 1 unAliS CO., giaiu cuusiga meiiis buiicueu, giant buugut tu urn. a maud.!. iltu. CPUltvl'. ORAIl CO. CUUs.gU' niknis carelul.jf hanuieu. Oliiaba, IN so. UVK HTIH'K MAHKKT OK WIJST Ship 701 stock to Boats Omaha) save Lisas e aud aurluaagel your cuasig-a-suts receiva prompt and tars fill atveu Uoa. UVK STfK.'K ttMMISSH). M Kit. niAXTS, Byers Bros. Co. strong an 1 resp iisible. ""WO"'DBKffi 2i4 Ei.:luu;ge Bldg. " lou City Exprsss. Omaha Local bioux City P Twin City .' nierson Local..... ib) oaaly. except only. t Arrive. ,b x: pm ...b 6:46 am . ,.b s:oe pin bundiiy. to Depai t. b:i pm 0 pm o ": piu. b V'lVsu', buiida 1 UBB WANT AL will rent that vacant bouse, fill those vacant rooms, or cur boarders on short notice, at a vary small cost to you. Be oonvloocd-