It Was Only a Dream By Winsor McCay Copyright, 1911, by International News Bervtia, m9 f I'M Tlrt 'DOM' 7 YOUVWMAT BEHCVt THAI sAVACE IS oh: oh nut r i HATTiE ) (HS NERVES 1 THE Wllllfi' ARE UN STRONG.; DOC. OR IS "utvoUS TMAT3I HC THROW -ytJ&r-J YOU. 1 AM J f i I iww ' H rv AOVANCCO lis ri Find the de , PENDANT CjUUTY OF BREACH Of PKOMlSE AND A- ( HEAR FEET y rich worwij Mt THOiCMli WHAT THE 10 THC PEOPif 'n. M HEART AND SHrUL Jf ARCH oJn chains ro-7 FOR. THIS pemod: i WAS RORN &TEP& APPROACH -iNd' . un. HUH! A HJUND IS ON pooh HEART li o'nv i - i OF TODAY THf US. we Will BE TO THOSE LIVING FI.VE . . - a a a PEOPLE or TODAY AR A.KINtV 1MCKC WAKD THE PLAIN JfNt HUMORED TIFF. FROWSIC LAMB. FV MY TRAIL' I M0ST TO ME. MY UP AND AWA uric eo fiancee; MIUION DOL flaw i VlARS DAMA6Ejy ME YOU A lOST AH.YTFn SPlUn or 7Ht Y" q(b ior IMC fore- HIGHER Eir.vATnW iSC ;Ntf 0f A REN0WND Q,0'NMt.1 llNEWeRAN' -vPHHOSOPHtR CF HOPP ? J H.CMr p GtNtRATiONS THOUGHTS' cXA PAST. THE APVAWd CTy M AK) uN. L'.'A THOUGH"' Of I I'.'M ru, n,ir,n J 1 lTl1 a-v 5-vc...Ll Hf-$' -fc 'A, m 'fe 3 u x , . ii r WANT ADS Want adn rocolved at any time but to insure proper t laxslflraUon niuMt w presented Wrore 13 o'clock m, for the evening edition and before 7:30 1', m, for morning and Hunday edi tions. Want ads received after such liours will liavo tleir first Insertion Under (lie bending 'Too Iato to Classify." CASH iute:s VOW WANT ADS. HKtilliAK CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 $4 rent per word and 1 rent per word for eu l subsequent Insertion. Karh Insertion iisado on odd dnys cent per woid. i'.5o er line Hr month. Kale apply to eltlier The Dally ir Knutlay Dee. Always count tlx words to a line. Want oris for The Hoe. may be left at any of the following drug stores one la your "corner druggist" lliey re all branch offices lor The Ileo nd your ad will be Inserted Just aa promptly and on the r.nnic rntea as at the main offlco in The Hoc building. Seventeenth and Fnruain streets: ny, Ur,i Co.. St.31 :. Kt. Bi-non riiBrmucy. r.-nn-.n, Nb. J nmla I'rk J'hurmary.. Ml an.l Cuming Hlskr-Krailish. :nt Hlierman Ava. aiiN!;.ln. C. K.. 4.X l.e.ivenwcutli. trmai,, Kmll. 1J04 S. l lth Ft. llftm lllll'inaoy, 2I3 Military Ave tounoy fharnmoy, ijij y. Hth Bt. ' ""isaey I'liarmary. I4ih und I.aka. J'.lilar & Co., :0i Iavcnwnrtli. oatr & Atnoldl. SIS N. t.tli ft. FrryxmH, j. j.t ,9U N jUh H, . rmir Uruif Co.. JSuil N. lfilh Bt. Klorntire Uruff Co., r'lot'cnur, N-b. rn a I'harniacy, l'Hrk Avp. &. Paolflo lrnough Ik. Co., I'rja H. IWli hi. Urwioush st Co., luth and Hickory. Uoldman pharmacy, n-lt h & Leavenworth JohariKon trun Co., Wth snd Kpaldlng. Johnaon I'hartnarv, Lico I'liriiotn. Hani-roin Park 1'liar., I.'kjI t. Kth Av llintnionn Lrug. ;0.. Slit Avo. ot Far. Hoit. John. 624 B. Mth Kt. Huff, A. i, Zizt , Lrf-avt-iiwnrth Kln. H, S , M,h and Karnum. Koiinlie '!aco J hannavy, a.urj N. J4th. Lailirop I'hainiacy. 24th and llainlliou. Mmrtt, Krl 1, 201 On Ira I Jtlvd. Monmouth I'harniacv. H::d At Ama Avt. Jatrltk Iru Co., 1W Nortli i4ih t. Haratoga l)ru Co., 24th and Ames Avo. '-haler' 'ui 1'rlca Htora, Iwh 4c Chi. AValton J'hartnnry, juth and Uracn. Valiiut lllll i'liurmncy, 40tli & Cumlnf. ANNOl'NCEAIKNTH rmbnlmcr, 1614 Chicago Ft. D. K'!. tt-liui. llEAlEY & UEAFEY l'ndertakers. giill Karnam. A-3;'i.. H, JR01. UCIJOL.A8 PrinlliiK Co. 'iel. Huuil. trlU itl' your (liain.mii at Krodt'gaard'a. X1UVINU pu'ium iiiMoiiinra and auoiiiira. Nvbraaka 1'llm Co.. MIS Kmnaw. MONEY i TO LOAN-lAJSV , III auma to 31V llta ltldii. I'MiJS l,OA N t O. AUCTION SALE" Kach afteruooii and evculnc roiiimcnc Ins Wecnraday, Nov. 4, wit will a.. at public auction ttm entlro bunkrupi atoi'K of the Wtatvrn Kiiiiiiiure Co.. 1715 Leav enworth St., ronMlHtinK of A,oiO worth ot iilh'li arauu furnuuiu, cariieis, draper Its, etc. 1715 Leavenworth 'St. KVr-KV I'ntou known .who l. J. O'Hili-11 la lccaua ho has made Omaha famous with Ms candy. If Mrs. A. H. iarmxn. SV) N. 4otn Ave. win come 10 The Hee oltk'e within threw days we will give her an oider for a tW-ccnt box ot 'Hrlen's randy free. Hteauuihlp tlcketa; foreign tours. W. K. Hock, J Fainaoi Kt. 4SHOCKUY, price l.'T.'i If taken at 011C0. Investigate. Webater i:d llai 1 lk, gravel, lor ruota. li & Ijke. KLAtiTIC aiockinna. ui(jiuiiis iind l'Sndages; stock alwuvs new, beiauae w Keil so many, 'fiutis fitted. i:ciMhlng l-uaranl.ed. W. i. Clcvclund Kruif Co, ins largeet surgKal supply houae, 1410-12 llaxney Ft." FliuFT manulaniii i and rvpuiis vJ7i rlea. tK-1411! la enworth. liUlLK II, .atet lion and tank WolU. Omaha Fiructuial Hi tl Works. Luinuie pliuto htnoiiT loih ti. H. JC. Wale, . 1 fluent im, l.M j NTlJwTtiliVl Bdii-on phnc rt. Fhulta ItrwT 140Ti Van Oordon'a huiar, dog liospitui7"irST"iI tJur letter ouplnaUiig Murk I iitiixcelTed" A trial will couwme juu. ltutli phonva. Nentern Duplicating1 Co., 4' He Unit. ohn K. tlimoe. biurta. . Paxtonlilk. "V'Hi 1 .4li ,ra t.'.ull V'iliaiia liltCVB. HOMt: KiHxuuiti: cu.. Twenty-founh and I. Ft-.. Fautli Umaha. ta' I 'et. paper bannrtig. pi'ihi't" K ItriluTT FEATHKltS XV" insuu"falTur.'iand inni.n.) r.ovalo all kind, of pillows, inmtiCB.': s, mul buy leuinvis umah.i Pillow I'u.. 1TJ1 I'uinlnj;. 8. il t ole t-Un t'" ' T). ijisTa7iVmT MagMuid Van i hto: I'iTk." nioT store and eliln I!. II. tiood. D I-.,, li-jiji HlilN tut your grinding l fs'l'tiougl laa VVK 1Q THf WOltK Itli i 1 ly. " VUL LL, aiwaa be hapl'y if ur wrd ding ling conius from hrodcKaard'a llj H l'lth Ft. At tne slsn of the ctown Neb F--d t o . lg Jc.iu-a 11. in pli, nr bKFT bi a, cr for men. OiVy'ii eiV Food Pills. 11 per bos. prermld. Flu i man & MCiiiiidi frug to., un. ana. Nt ouLi ANirbTC va.H p La TFnI . Has fin urea, braaii beds, stove trimminij and tableware tep!ate as new. ; 'JMAHA PUATINO CO., Fmablli-hrd In. iMxig u.'j Harnry. l.pnolMterins. tar,o. fuin. r p rn4 r arT AMKKU'AN Frlf-Kenovaling Co. II. M K Morrnl cluna paint, sjj Hrand"ia 777 i. F. ) Lcary lor .i.o.m 4U N. M bo!" O11I Si:UDl,V. tnnuuOi IxuUn tj co Pl-.Hr'l-.t I' typt-wiuteu leitera mads in Unseat wmtfrn letter factory. Aitingum Co.. Pi 1 11 1, iik ll'Jt. Dode llotb phunra. C. L. .Siultii, atfy at Fa i,iti iiiTlJriviT altomorim-:h HONK"" tsrHONK HlJlili S 'f HiC 1J1J.ST I'LACE IN OMAHA DRUMMOND lih and Harnny Bts. Murphy did it 'Hi NO, NO. MITCHELL MOTOR COMPANY WANT AMKN'l t. Can make UOUU RESPO.N8THLK ImmMlata delivery an Llll'Wi Six. llsva mmt I'.XrKPTIOXAL barBain n larK and rmall ancond hand r.r. MLTChliLL MOTOR COMPANY llKHb Everything iV rulibt-r, U 1 iN 1 1 Uh) AUTO CO.5"" At:rri Mumivu ... "rnam. .... . ..,....... IIBH.U t:A Kri, iiijj t,.t .... .....m. .1 " . lJl( Jbiii'ti Auto' ,airia.i pkinnng. lt"U""-HiK. z5 iav. -PilirAt' Pl Oh Oil. OOIIU VAuU nw.,i" Kel''"1"' il.na7Sa7n7 ?vmk " ""' "' when wo uo in. Al"?nJll"rll'-,"rL Onmna Huver Co. nulrk 6-lHnxiiur i Mr .1, . mm,t-, ,i, mat claa. condition" also A.S,.,h,n '0,"r;ivs will te alun-ed! Oiijaiia w "" Ito"n 401- ,lotcl lUhl.NKsH CHANCES "v,!''t...".'r,"' "" 01 tuaint can on i'lfli. 'Lyrs '"K. . 'lei, u sm. 1. n! Ahv'; Ml;SiiS itWAt, Krtl ATij '.AUlAiVbfj cu.-iiardware. Krocera iii'ti IVL"-."0011 br"' i" l una i o i'.1'-' "f0"1"! t'oor. room Aumnia.m ynuinr-nj, a, rgnioeni e, 1 t mc. Joi.ii xorna. ailver cret-k, Neo. W AN 1 Kl Aian wiih ineaiia. n '! ' n a S"f prop!! illon in Wonora, iBlco. Wlin mj.Juo tor ..uciiliury. ran iou,iK. iolu otfrom M to clally it.en-aT.vor. Iid. Vo,?. i-Miirami.- oie. For luriner tlsuree and and maurauca biiaii.e.; mvaatinant o! ixxu, iuui nave ability. J 6l, li.iOiCK ,iem Alo-e. .lock, only lion I Muee. stock In live coming town win, a laigu liane for hw .n,..., . - "i'l'ormiiuy; none bet ter ill ina norlnweat; about u,w0 leuulicd vorU" ' Bllu A,"nk' uursun; UIO IJAltUAIN IN 8ALOON. An old established saloon In good lo tsnty; good business; reotpts run from 4o to per day. Hiti iCoto.Y ..... ,. , luoning tor a money maker, ItOWE REALTY COMPANY. iJLiJ'J'J: K.".r""' i ' rtoom s. MNKifck.N-tiUtjAI hotel; f ui niahvd ronipleie; live lots, only hotel In central Iowa iiutui 1, na town v( snout tuO: tu.out taan. Write i.o , tnnillia. TO HUY OH 8KLL a buainea.; call on Williams, 411 McCagua lil.ig. ' , I 'Ult SAU:-'I Inner m tools and stock, good rtwaon for seding. 1: rw, nee. FOH FALhr liarber shop. Keasonaola lu'.ce If taKiii at oncw. Mr, lavcnw ih m" roii bAi.b-uouu, dean stock of Iiu7d7 '' linpieiuem. nuin..ks, luimturo ana unduitaktug. located In eastern Wyotn ug, unoer Bovernnibnt ditch, In county scut town. s4U.Ois uuBin. ,, flu.UuO to IIJ.WO. Alao 4inve two o.,d sioie build. nga will aell or lease. For fuither puiilculara aridre.s i Toluca ma, Alliance, Neb.. VvAN't' a P unci- with amn 1.. good tsiabluiied pool and cigar atore itood busm and good locauon. Ad liters F 6s:. Hee. i-uil a tia.iiiy desat rt use Duiiell a 1..- cream. If t harlta Uoff. S72H i-.u m. v.111 como to 'Hie lice office wlihm h.U bays wo w,i give him an orxltr tor a guart brick of this fine Ice cream. ItooiulagT lloHsea for Male, Tilt rtTt.' . ...... . .. ....... .. avu-uu.iji nousa run Of roonieia. U III ..11 ,.r......"i ..... "'. once. a,M Farnaiii, il.iniuy 73. Ul'NINKSS rKIlSO.NALS Ai-oatio luutpantra. 02CN1-KAL Acoustic nns. nu . t .... iiienls f..r the deuf, S Omaha Nat. bank! Accouuiauta. M. H. T1IOMAF. 1,1 City N,t. Bank. AaiSHmi'ati, r.flvJ'l?.r,P."n(1 Mur hs visit the MP1A f 'r ice cteain and candies. Aoi-HOliltW roller link, niu.lo by liueii 1 band. fltfaMiit flv,... .. ..... . . Kut that money can buy. loore otn l.rrtmntiv at - V .1 1..., r 41 .kul, JOo. Architct'la. C. J. Howell, arch ,.,ct. 57 Brandeis Rldg. Artraluu rlla. 1. F. NKHKUil . piit-1? Cll Niri Asphalt, louttl and It out lug. Ml' HiWlFINu tn' 109 8. ICth. Allueue.. " W. Shield.. stioM.ty. SJ7 B. of Trsd Anaiugs aad ieala. OMAHA Tent Co. iv. k; Douglas. " and lastraba. THE O.Nl.i" WAV. Baggsse checked to tleminatlon. Tssl cabs and touring jai a. Tel IsmgiataJ; Hag Mauuiavlarrre' BEMIS DMA H AJ i.j,ti p., Omaha. Keb inn po.ii..; OMAHA Bri PotlnitCoDo,l,ia. ,4 A. B. COKuS. Bakery, WebsteTHit- UlSINKSH PFCRSONALS Malldin and Loan Aaaorlattoos. NEBRASKA Pavings t Ioan Associa tion has never rald less thnn H per pen' dividends. Invetm nta frtn II to SA,v. received. ISift l'inm Ft.. Omaha. Ilarber Shops, IIAWIC BROS.' barber shop, VKi Leav enworth. pee Pldg. barber shop, tmeorial arilnta lllcyclea aud Motorcycles. Omaha r.lryrls Co.. Ifilh and Chicago. Indian motorcyclaa. Wrlto tor catnlngue. Hllllnrd and Pool llalla. Tllll new Ak-Sar-Hen billiard parlors, 1!"3 Howard. Chas. K. JolmKon, Prop. Hlrd Slnrea. PIRDH, dogs, gold (ih. enges. Max Oeisler Htid Co.. 1617 Farnam Ft. Iloa anil i'arkaae Mann far fairer. Wooden Mox & Package Co. 1314 N. ifith. Carpenters and Contractors. W. P. Dnverell, contractor. Ramiro tlldg. Hteveneon. carpenter, cont. Moth phones. A. l.lnhorg. carpenter, contractor. H. aiil Carpets, Unas and Drapvrlea. 3. H. Orcutt A. Bon Co. llth & Farnarr. POLCAU & CO F,u,f ru' r c car- carpet cleaning. 1548 S. 24. J. mi, A-4-Mi! Ciilropodlata and Maaii-arlng, Prof. J. Lund, chlropodlttt. 4I( Knrbach. Vlnrihnit Chiropodist, maiiicuring, 'uuu"lH hair dressing, hair goods. City Natl Bank. iJong. z.ia3. Ind. A-XU. llajaraand tobacco. Tracy Bros. Co.. 14la Douglss. Ls Truda nign-graoe Havana. T-lte-Ce rlgar, 5c TUB Banitary Crown llle. 116 F. ldlh. Monopole Cigar hlore. Her Grand Hotel. llotalMK tlMuhrtartrn, Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. a I Dealers. Powers-Hca fey :oal Co., Tel. D. SS9. Futier f eed at Coat Co., Xfcl Far. H Mi. HlMi.ka qua.ity yo.. . 45 a Uudgo. H. i3. C. ti. jonnwui, coal, imd lauio. 4 pnonea. Nfc-W coal yard, Uh and Orand Avt. COAL At cut prices. All Kl.MW, We save You iino to $1.80 per loll. "The Home of rinuiitw ro 1 Ki'S 'i.biuti s Cut l'llu Coal Co., l?2i Nicholas Ft. r Both Phon ines. COAL by ton or 1. Phono basket: 6 bushels 1. X3, 'II. iuu. CITY COAL & SUrl'LY. CO. All kinds best coal. D. J71S. Ind. A-1401 CtCMiD Pusi.ei coal, too l rouius Coal v o , iiougiHa h. yulcK delivery. toffee, Ten, Wpleea and Magar. Moyune Tea Co., 4 N. HI Both phones. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies Fairmont's Diadem butter.' Always good. DAVID 1.1)1,1!, I'ltbAilKkV ttOMpANV Ki..Ji,S caottaiy iauy. Epperson ilroa., pioprirmrs. . p. Mnk Producers' Assn. D. 8U Cotluctlna Agcaeles. RfSSELL ADJL'8'i'MENT CO., 21-M tiii naiwnai oans. t.ougias, 341. JOhn.1'11 P. CULLraN, coiiectlnns of all sinoa. lan my iat (tank. 1. iMU. A-444. Ivwputlii Fcmea Compuuay. MONEY Weight Fcale Co.. 1U7 Fnrnam, corulce and steel Ceilings. CARTER Bteel Metal Works. Omsha. Uenllsts. Bailey, the dentist, ivt City Xat'l. D. lait s uwniai rooms, lol 7 loug. D. ilM. kiAi II at jm At tt. Mt II. paxion. D. lus. Pit. FK Kr.ri, i4- . uy ,at'l Hit. Bltlrt. Dr. u..nni. i. ,htf Aitfitnnnt s i-g. eiuie. Dr. O. A. tisanlner. 71.'-ul City Nat, p. 4i? DH. DAlLfc, Y, W3 Drandvia Bidg. D. JiJi DR. WILLIAMS, 8)3 l-3 5 Brandels Bdg; DR. FLSTEH. 0n3 City Nsfl Bit. Bldg. Usst'lsg Acadewlra. Turpln's. SH Paxton Blk. Classes Mon., Wed, and Fa lrlv. lessons daily. D. lbwl. Mackie's Dancing Academy. Idld Harney. Daily classwa Moiu, Thurk., Hal. evenings. Miss Jewel Fltnpson. lei. Webster itti. M!SF MA KV COLL. W'EH. 6att. Morand'a, 15 A Harney. Dancing lessons Momlsy and Friday, s p. nv. Hon. phones. Drraaiua UlagT. Terry's Dressmaking College. 80 Far. Iressniaklng by day. Phone Web. 3718. Dressmaking home or families, Red 74! liHKHSMAKla by the day. D. ;:i . I?r8srl;fi. TtFX Drug Btore, lth nnd Callfornln. Defretlvea. Omaha secret servloe detectlva s-n,v Inc. bomled. 4:- 1'nxlon Bk. D. Uls. A-I3W. CAI't. T. CO"ltMCKT&inkarFa7bBik JAB. ALLAN. Neville Blk. Tyler ll:K Kvery thing F.lectrlral. Burtfetis-Grandnn Co . 1r.11 limvar.i r mi Flectrlo lighting fix. wholesale and re'tslU FECOND-H AND .-l."i-.r"i'Vi i Viva dynamos, limiting dynamo, motors Ve 1"nL31iJ?Ji,hJ loug. 3175. NLjLaXA.!llln D, tol. ohnstoii klet trio Co.. ilTs. loth. D. -I.VI. Poth Kiec. Co, Motor repairing p. SKff Urorerlea and Meat a. Chapman's unsluv meats f4 Cuming A 1 1 M 1 1 1 f I . . . b t U-. Ak .liner r tl Si ilia Hnd blures. Feed, ail Vlnds. Olencoe Mills. Kt lisrd. Flarlala. A. Donahue lfiflT Farnam. D. 1001. A-1W1. 1 8 w6BOIA4i3FaTiia"r7rgt Kiewsrt it sied.ineri. 11'j'k; "li F"aI IMKS. Florist. lhVllTwrTjt; imANDEI8 FUiKlFT. lirandels pldg JlENHoN. lil Farnam"fi. lijT "UATii a, FLOU 16T6 UoTd'lTiTlir Ht HINFSift PEaSONAIS - Klorlats. BENN'KTTB. cut flowers. Pong. 137. PKOSPKCT Hill FlorlsL W. 44!il. Found rtes. .McDonald brars and bronze foundry, all inlniim. tin, lead castings, l.".th & Jackson Farnuers ami stove liepnlra. M HNACB AND MOVE RETAIRS to .It your stove or heater. Ne.v furnace, .sundry tank heaters, gas heaters, ther moMtnt and combination warm air and hot water heating, (una ha Ftove Repair Works. IMO-l'jng Douglas Kt. Tel. Douglas w' inn. A-win. A. AIUNKOK, Agt. for tlm Mottern Nov elty warm air furnace; estimates cheer fully given. Doug. 4mwi. 4x F. 18th. Olson liros.. turpKcc icpairn. -tout Leav'th. W. F. Ilcatr-n. Anicr. im-nares. 11. Fnrs. West. Fur. Co.. repslis remodels. UU Fsr. Harness, Saddlery, Leather Good. a FAMOl's Collins saddles. Alfred Cornish ft Co.. 1210 Farnsm. Write for catalogue. W icliert, hariios, Itailier goods. bJO rt. 1.1. Hospitals. WIPE MEMORIAL. 24th and Harney. Bethany hospital. 2M4 Marcy. D. 2Mt. SWKDIBH MIFSION HOSPITAL. Two phones. IT70S N. 24th Bt. Insnranee. It. B. BYRNE, surety bonds. Insurance. Tel. D. l.go, Ind. A-ljQJ. 5ft. City Nat l Bk. INSUIIK In the Woodmen of the World. The . world's greatest organiza tion. John Dsle & Bon, Insurance. 319 Kamge. 1N81JRK IN THK OLKN FALLS. Rhodes-Montgomery Co. Ins. Kamge Bk. TALK TO VK8Y. "the policy placer.' ALFRED C. KENNEDY. Fire and Tornado Insurance. y First Nat I Bank. Doug. TZt. Iron and Wire Fenelasj. Anchor Fence Co., 107 N. 17. Tel. Red 814 Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. GET your bargains at Reynolds' Cut Rate Jewelry Store. 103 8. ltlth. OPEN up a charge account with us. Mandelberg, Jeweler, VMi Farnam. Jewelry a nl clothing bargains. Hul & 13. Laandrles. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. 5H24. 18T-CLAB8 laundry; guaranteed dellv try. Call on short notice. Harney 6:174. EMEHFON Laundry, 1403 N. 34th titT Roth phones. QUA RANTEE Laundry. Hlgh-gTad work. Douglas 3?73. Lightning- Hods. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co. KB N. 17th. Macaroni Mannf act arers. Bklnner's macaroni ft spaghetti: pkg, 10c. I. amber. H. Gross Lumber ft Wrecking Co Bar gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam fitting. 21st and Paul. Web. 2sS4. , Millinery. PENNELL Millinery. Paxton Blk. Latest fall millinery, hauber. 1434 H. ldtli. Aloaamenta and Mansoleasas. J. V. Bloom AV Co., 17th and Cuming Sts. Bloslci Art and Lanaaaares, ITANSEKL teacher of clarionet AXl.i1IOiilBul violin WS H ag H gfljfl SlTI? A VVM E- Plsno teacher, sigh OilVAmtr,,,!,,, M 8 Tlth u UM H. J. Bock, singing, piano. Davldge Blk Moving, Storage and Cleanla-. OMAHA Van &. Ftorage Co., cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. 804 S. ltkh; 303 8. 17th. Doug. 41G1. MOVTNnplan9 "nd furniture, stor ij v Aijge ioU,aa Kxprtss ft Bag Bge Co. 113 Ft. Mary's Ave. D. S4&3. CALL Vernor for movlrg and fire proof storage. Office. A-2157 . Doug. 21iS; WAREHOl FE. 'lyler Ills. B-5118. EXPREFFMEN'8 Delivery Co.-MoHng; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office. 21 B. 17th. Doug. H; Ind. B-124. Twin City Express, 1314 Howard. Both Tel l iiriiituie inov. ; l int-n 1 per Or. v . .TIM. Cole Express ft Ftorage Co., 1614 Cap. Ave. Osteopathy. Alice Johnson. 308- Brandels The. Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas, 34-5 Brnndels Theater; Opt tela as. R. V. Wurn. fitting ft rep'g. 443 Branded. EYES EXAMINED. GLASSES FITTED Satisfaction guaranteed. Huteson Optl eul Co, 21 8. lth Ft. MEET me at Asron's. 16th. and Farnam. TT XT' TT O tested and (lasses ex- tL I 5.ejrtl: fitted. DEAN T. ? vjRr.CIG. Reg. Opuciaji. Optlrlaaa. GET your eyes examined by a licensed optometrist; save your eyesight, slso money. Kannwau jewelry Co., sen 8. 16th. - Oyalers. David Cole Oyster Co. Wholesale only. Paints and Class. Barker -Bros. Paint Co., lfWti Farnsm. Ind. A-SCl; Douglas, 47jO. We do plctura framing and iinm Special discount this month on Pain Glasa. Varnishes and Wall Paper. " Paper Compaales. Western Paper Co.. l.'th and Howard. Phvlographera gappliea. TII1C POUVPT iii.i tsa-rrrn ft- m. Farnam. In their new store; branch atore, m 8. 15th. . Patents, Tltmu A tTitn.iL-j I. 8. and foreign patent a. trademarks and copyrights; 35 years' txperience. 4 '" , ILT..W UiQg. 1 HI. tKtllg. S4tS. D. t l-srtie I. paxton His. Tel. Ned 7117 VVlllarri k.iu II a t... '. . , solicitor IVO City Nst. Bk. Tyler UM. Phoaoa raphe. F.DIFOV 1,1 iron - 1, 1. . U..V...I. . r.. - - , nuuiii viva., litsi rarnam. BUSINESS PERSONALS PhotOKruphers. Rinehsrt, photographer, isth ft Farnam. FaniiuciK s Ftutllo F. IKin. Take eiev. Remhrannt Miidio; portraits, 20Farn I'HOTdSl R'rdio Porter Benedict , X photo gallery at 3W4 8. 14th Ft. Highest grnde photo work: Cabinets, 12 and 33 per dozen. Postcards. 1 for $1. Plain hers. Omaha Plumbing Co.. 2iil? Sherman Ave. Plumbing Call Wesman. 11. 8n!H. A-i-"! Beverness Uuye. 'lyler 1.(77. A-1W.'-. Plumbing and Heating noi" REPAIR WORK. 170S Jackson St. D. 1477. 'C' .K' baite, plumbini; and heating. 1C07 Howard Ft. Tel. D. 74X Ind. A-2741. rhyalclans. . DR. F.LEAXOR DAILEY. K1S Wool worth. Red 61h7. Plating. OMAHA SILVER CO., S14 B. 11th. Neb. Plating v U,l. oin. Co..lJi3 10 aid. Printing;. Lew. W. Kabcr, Printer Su,hioil BKFS' BLDO, ENTRANCE ON COCKT. AM. Priniinx t;o., .am u. oM7. I'liono jrid. itn- gootl prmuiiK. Lyngstad Printing Co.. Uith ft Capitol Ave. Keia-Hail k in. t:o., Iki F. I4tn. ind. A-Ai24 Heatanrants. JOHNSON CAFE, under new manage ment; best gic. meal. SL-0 R. 19th St. I NlyUai Kvslaurant, Mi s. 14th; first class chop sucy house: American and Chinese dishes. Bam Joe. manager. Itttxier s line quick lunch. Mu Farnam. Gh.i the habit ; eat at L neena. Cap. Ave. EAT KOhHLK I1U.HE COOKING. AHKIN8. 31 8. 15th. Upstairs. MuuLL rest., best koivicm. lti Howard. i.o.S.Ai.Kf. bpanisn cats, lulo Farnam. PARDEE'S Lttie;, good cook ing; fine liquors. Private dining rooms. VAH Farnam. . . . tkoemiklsg and Mblnlng- Pnrlors. C. Morgan, lst-class shoe repairs, t'ffi taV Csonka Bi-oa., iwacii. enoe Hepaira. tilt S. 16th Ft. Fportlng- Goods. NEW shopworn guns at low prices. , . ,ir.m, uun ..o.. ioi r amain Msmsierliig nud Btnllerlngt. .STAMMERING and atutterlng cured. Mtjiirt taiotm, ftamge mug. bteel Tank and Culvert Companies, NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank timil'nny, mn and rtitcholas. D. 8WS. Mtrnograpbrrs and Court Reporters. MTBTt.E A lri.I.I'V .lAnA..l 1 1 ... 708 Brandels Theater. D. 66R2. Ftorm Doors and Wludowa. Omaha Window Bern, Co. 624 N. IS D. 4693 Tailoring-. WE are now located at 205 Paxton block. B, G. Ituffner Tailoring Co. HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall suit. Dunham ft Dunham, $15 suits. US a 15. FflR TAII1BS Wm maUa l,lnl,..l. coats: reasonable prices, 210 Boaton Si ore. R. A. Williams, clothes altered. 24 ft Lake. TONGE, ladlea'-gent'a taller. 80 Pacific, GOOD pants maker wanted. Max Mor ris, 801 Brown Blk. Taxidermists. Aulabaugh. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. SKI. Tents and .Innings. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. K2 Douglss. Trnnks and Unit Cases. Frellng ft Btelnle. IM3 Farnam St. Tarklsh Hatha. , Ladles', gents.' Turkish baths. 15 4 Doug. t rubrrllaa. ' ' WFB-rERN tmbrella Co.. 1S22 Farnam. Wig Manafactnrrrs, SEE Monhelt'a wig?, toupees, 413 S. 1. D. 8. Giitfith. wig nifr., 13 Freaser Blk" Wines aad Llqaors. MAT ft CO.: family llrpiors. 1303 Douglas. Automatic Phone-Buss. U; resldenTeTTT T. J. Hart, liquors and clsars, iVi N Intli Kb. 11611 ir:itYf;ch" a fuh Clgara Cafe In connec'noVSl'.'Tt', Cusick Bros., Iinuors. dwar. oOth AirTcT C. Knsellanoer. honors, cigars, lflIDodce'.' sand'ifcK Bi,,r::B?-.b"r! "' oSSraT JlWJ Douglas Loftman. s-yr-oid why. 10c drink. 14 ft liar. Hansen's Family liquor. 12:3' N. A. liOUJSrJ ''"l-Vtetl liquors, fine lunches. 311 So. Uin. EDUCATIONAL T. BEKCHMANF Day Academy for" young ladles. r;m and St. Mary s Ave. TUE FALL TERM OF" Boyles College IS NOW OPEN DAY ANn NIGHT. BTl DENTS ADMITTED ANY TIME.,... t. d. r. . . . - . . . , iMiniiir.,, rtuoKseep- Ing. Stenography. Telegraphy, civil Serv ice and ' Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready and free for the aaking. Call, write or phonj for It at once. Addi-ese H. B boyles. president. Boyles College Building. Omaha. Neb OMAHA COMMERCIAL Ctl.LEGt3 "BEST IN THK WEST." Day and evening sessions all the year. Fhorthantt T- .. ..... i n. i , i , , Affrlctillnr. I l. 1 1 w--.... o. , . r A -rll. d . t'einnsnu. -., yty.. tjtn ana ramsm 4t ipp , , t. ., - , . . T . . . . - - ... 1 1 , o t , iatm, tter- man and cornet. 1711 liodge. r. Ills. OMAHA School of Music, 1Mb and Far nam; all branches of music taught; send "ik t"r trtp-M'tiia, ITS :in axr.ll.t.t ahnw n ih. theater, .ee the Wtiodwsrd Ffock com pany. If Mrs. O. Laraon. jr.!.' N. lath Ft., will come to The bee office within three days we will give her ail order for a pair of ticket. UTTLE FROWSIF EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN THE IDEAL PLEATING CO.. dress pleatlnts. tuitions covered, all size and r-tyles. :;oo Doun. Blk. Doug, lnr.ij. A-1U:16 CHIOIM), Ladles' Tailor. 214 F. 18th Ft. LADIES' Beaver Hats Cleaned and Re blocked. HA MSEK. HATTEIt. 2J F, 14lh, SHKKMA., lHl"l"s' tailor. Hayden tiros. CCRTA1NF. P.LANKETS. AND FINK LACE BED SETS CLEANED DOCG. 2T::2 PRIVATE economical cooking lessons. Webster 2"M. HOC8EW1VES wanted to bnn;,' tiielr old shears and knive:, 10 be sharpened by expert workmen. Wfl Douglss. WASHING Hough ory, 2c doa. Har ney 41J9. Switches from combings, $1.50; puffs, lie. Fpeclal attention to mail orders. Cc cl.l.i tiuriis. 3.S Puxtun Itik. D. Bil. 3d tl. Wlliiow plumes made from old or new feathers, kiiui anteed. l!lw.'t S. 11. D. 7tiTi3. bVhHY peon knows who D. .1. O'Prien Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. It Emma Wheat ley, ne Winona, will come to 1 ho Bee office within three days we will give her an order tor a 60-cent box of O Brlen s cundy free. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Agents nnd Salcatvomen. WORK In neigiioorhood; pleasant, profitable. M M9. Bee. WAN 1 ED Bright, attractive business woman to learn corset XittinB and sell ing. Permanent, good pay. Phone Ind. B-223, or write H 14.4. Bee. W AN'lEU lu limits ot guotl audress to cariMi the city; liglu work. Call at IF Farnam Ft. Tut-xday morning. Clerical anil Ultlce. WANTED Fuleswoman who has had experience in ribbon department. Apply superintendent. Urandels Flores. Factory ami Trades. SEAMSTERS tor alteration work; good waKew, steady work. 2i)07 Ieavenworth. WA.Vit.ij a young gin to assiat In gen eral housework : no washing or cooking, t-all tlaincy MS. WANTED Girls to wrap Woodward's Real Butter Ccotch and Woodward's Pure Fugur tuck canny. John G. Woodward Sc Co., Council Bluffs, la. W ANTED Apprentice girl for dress making. 4i7 Fo. 2oth Ave. Hotel and llestauraat. WANTED A good cook. Apply Delft tea room, Brandeis Theater bldg. Jloneetteepera and Doiueatica. WANTED A girl to wash dishes In boarding house. Tel. Red 6472. WA.Vie.ij ixpcribiiced girl lor general housewqrk; ti per week. Pluce where second girl and washwoman are em ployed. 137 F. ffith Ft. A GOOD girl for general housework; small laraily and good wages, llii N. Siith Ave. Tel H. 2733. GOOD girl wanted for general house work; small family; goou wages; no warning, vail ,-ouin zi. Vtoiuen lor oay wora furnished. D. s4. THU FEllVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED '1 he Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted nd FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to The Bee 01 lice or telephone Tyler 10UO. WANlElJ Gin tor gtneial housework; gootl wages. 1126 So. 20th. WAN! ED A girl tor general house- WAiS'lEO A vtuatl Woman m mwa Call w . afixj. vvaNiED A good girl lor general housework, loll N. 30th St., Fo. Omaha. Phone Fouth 2317. a.n 1 tL.Lt iNtat Kin lor general house work; unless f. rat -class cook, do not ap ply. 3316 Dewey Ave. Harnev 3753. iA.M'i',ii-'iwu guon giiis tor Cuuking and houxework. 426 N. 3Kth Ft. WANTKll Kvn.rlftni..H u. ...... I i .. I I?19 Ft. Mary s Ave. Douglas 471. WANTKll A roinnat.nt ... l.t A. n al housework; no laundry. 634 S. 40th St. Tel. Harney 43Jo. WA.N'IKD-Ntat girl for general house work; good wages; must sleep at home. 116 No. 40th Ft. GIRL for general houitework; good wages, 2vi South 3-th Ave. Harney 54.J. WANTED Exnerienced trirl for tr.n. eral housework; small tamlly; good wages; references retjulred. 3311 NVool worth. A GOOD girl to helo wiih hn and care for two children; one who can go home nights; good wages. yfioS Doug las Ft. WANTED A good eirl for 1 housework. S229 Harney Ftilt a dainty dessirt use liHlzeli a i.t cream. If Mrs. 11. F. Kemp. 4:1:3 Eiskinc ct., win come to -ine liee office within three days we will give her nn order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. WANTED At 121 S. lth St.. an e. perienced girl in general housework; two In ain ily; wages $5. Call In the eve n I n g . YOl'NG girl to assist with housework: one who can go home nights. 2H5 Capitol Ave. WANTED Whitti. girl for seneral housework; small famdy. Call Harnev 2i. 3:3 Lafayette Ave. M lacellaueoua. GIULS to learn halrdresslnc: rricea reasonable Oppenhclm. 226 City Nat'l Bk. YOl'NG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young vv omens a nristiau association building at Ft. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be direrted to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. HELP WANTED MALE Ageals, salesmen and Solicitors. CITY aleman. W. A. Hlxenhatish ft Co.. 1S14 Ft. Marv'a Ave.. Tel. D. :;27. Plsgwat and Iteat luc nieala l.Ue Doust, fcluE LlNe; lor ti availing aalaaiiiea. good seller. 307 Brando. Theater. una ha Neo. SALESMEN Results bring 14 (lu day. N f20 hee IOWA and Nebraska saleamen wanted. representing western Orepon lands; high class subdivision fruit and garden tracts In Willamette Vall-y. Anuly to owneia a:" p.rantleia Theater Bldg SALESMAN To handle entire slata of Nebrsska with an absolutely first class line of calendars, leather and cloth. Good roinnilseiona A gicat opiiortunlty for. a man with energy and braiut. Ad or V 28, Leu, HELP WANTED MALE Agenla, salesmen nud Mollclttirs. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Look, see. The Little Wonder guse maker, be ing demonstrated at mil Farnam Ft. Own yt.ur own gas at one-hnlf usual cost. lerlcnl und Oil Ice. WANTED 6,000 men to brlnij their dull razora to Undeland's, 1407 Douglas. Fnctory ami llutlea. Dnig stores snap.ii Jons. Kr.lest. Bee b's. liAKKtk No. Pith. ehop; buthu; 110 wuits. 1 A1I.UKS wanted; two coatmgkeis and a man to 00 repairing und pressing. Holmes Bros., Ames, lu. WANTED Good all around blacksmith; pood wages; steady work. National Ftonti Co., 913 Omaha Nat. bank Bids. M Ist-ellaneons. ' ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the V. 6. Mamie corpH, bejween tne ages of l'i und (o. Mubi be native born or have mul papers. Aiontniy pay flo to Addi ttonal compensation possible. Food, cloth ing, tiuiirtcis hurl meaical attendance free. Alter 31 years' service can retire with is per cent of pay and allowances. Forvice nn board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting oinct-, 140ti Farnam at., Omaha, Neb. ABLE bodied men wanted for the U. F. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and I'o. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly p. y 116 to jj. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quartets and metilcal attendance free. After 30 years' service can retire wan per cent 01 pay aud allowance!!. pen pur line Ft.. WANTED for U. 8. Armv Able-bodied unmturied men, between ages of 18 and So; citizens ot United Flutes, of good character ami temperate habits, who can speaK, reaa ana write tne English lan tiuage. For lntormation apply to Ku cruitlng Otrlcer, 13th and Douglns 81s. Omahu, Neb., tju7 4th St., Sioux City. la.. 1JU N. 10th Ft. Lincoln. Neb. T T O i0 MONTH AUTOING. u.o.' AUTO SCHOOL, OMAHA, NEB. Guarantee more actual renunn .. m.ic. rt:iit,tjiw. tome see. WANTRTl M.r. . 1 7777 7 . - tnt tue oaroer trado. Wo want plain people tor a plain business. For a bread winner you can t beat It. We teach by our own method thut saves years of apprenticeship. Call w'.uT"' Woier Barber College. 110 b. 14tn St, GOVERNMENT positions open; list showing salaries free. Franklin Institute. Dept. al3-K, Rochester, N. Y. WAN '1' El J 1 .1 VA. Atl.rL.btin , . r .... j wuiig man to Join me In selling western land; have well established business and a first class proposition; must be willing to come and see me at once and have ouO to invest -business will pay from start: act tiulck! Address Lock Box 22, Otis, Colorado ou are wanted lor government joo; M) per month; send postal for list of posi. tlons open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 216 K, Rochester, N. Y. TELEGRAPH position guuroiitoed vou oy both Union Pacific and Illinois Cen-. tral railroad if you gain your training tn V. P. Training School. Practice on R. It. ..oca. jiuuieBB, tor particulars, n. b. ny S,rV' V' v' Telreraph School, v 1 1 1 u 1 1 ta, irr-u. ...VV,AN.1 bDv l)av uer I for names Write for particulars. Jones & Co., Mason City, la. STOP! READ! profession. J-i6am ailtnmnhll A r.niylnaa.(H. a- tx7i in k in our large train. ng shop. Hundreds of suc- v.lUt niauuaiea. complete equipment Va.tU,l0m0Abl1.'" -!!nd. Mo"'nery. Address Natlnlial Alltn Tro In A.UH - . . ti,m. i j. V, , xjranaets . ..... , ..itjH., umtna, Ieo. EVEItiiODY aiiiov .n - the Woodward fitl,ru m.J"5 JV."1 Pollard 20 N 16th Ft., will com. to Z' "'.""-c "'I'"" inree oayg we will give him an order for a pair of tickets. HELP WANTED GOOD chance for man and wife, man as Janitor and lady to run delicatteseri. inquire. Gross, 601 8. 22d 8t. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace and Vehicles. ,,fOR SALK All"kino8 of rood horses, l N. Slut Ft. 'Phone Douglas 6000. FOR SALE A good tlrlvlnz nmr. u n. .n.iv,,, wi, o. a-u ot. narney 4iui. F, I It SA I.KIruiil w. A ... ' weight, l.ltw lhn. ' I-"tir Slltla rSnr.H aaHl.r- vat. ' . city broke; weight, l.OoO lbs. For Fale Good, sound draft horse weight, l.S'O lbs. Just out of hard work JONES STABLE, 1114 Dot! go St. FOR SALE A lot of new buggy wheels $10 a set. Central Implement Co.. 1117 rarnam St- LOST AND FOUND FOUIS'D i,)e lB.lJ,J. Kur r-ert cleunT a. w""m and dyers. A-2A2S; D. -4o I'UtitLr-iuo ueoi inacu 111 town for witches made of your own combings. Mrs. Usher. 506 F. p:th. It. 6. Doug lti Losl-lhoroughbred Engiian bulldog; 1 year old. red brindle In color with black tiger marking, wearing collar engraved "Merlin-Mahomet, 1..02 Fo. 32d Ave Omaha." Liberal reward. Harney 717. ' PERSONS having lost some arUoe would do well to call uo the office of the Omaha tft Council Bluffs street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned la and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful ownct'. Call Doug. ias 41 OMAHA ft COCNCIL BU'FFB STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LomT A pair of ladies' glasses, on Cal ifornia St. 1'leaae return to 711 N. Uib. LOST I ianiond and platinum circla brooch, tioo reward for the return to Albert Etiholm. Jeweler. IXrT D auiond ring, betw een Bin t and Cuming, 27th Ave. and 27th St M. H Blunt, 710 N. 27th Ave. Reward. MONEY TO I A) AN salary aad Chattela. CHATTEL" LOANS AT REASONABT.E R VTE" NEBRASIA LOAN CO., rM Bee Bldg. Douglas 1356 A-lAit tiaag U,dg.. formerly ,N. "iTtil .ice on dorm snip and ashore in ail T ts of the world. Applv at C S. Mn- 1 Corps Recruiting Otflce, 14W Farnuia f Omaha, Neb. M "CANO' rilKli graoe pt-amona. sw H.f vT .J A 1 I t t v