T1IK UKK: OMAHA. KIM DAY. XUYKMHKK lull. 3 -I t t ''US BOYS" SO PUtfcX YOU AVJO SHRIMP Wflrjr tO BE flOUflCMM AND HAVE Aaj EL ECTiAai uiu't s-..'.,r- -..--., - - ... - 'wir NOMIM ATPh V-Ml cic I vice AAif i TOO WANT TO KNOW VWHArTn SIGNAL WORK FOR HUSKERS Lm 1 rT?::: IPSbT) yKery s?SJS;pi. I''V y'ijr aof-wSA'VV. rWli?T (i&oeiT ,ourAN6H0iTts MR.vert.eufior . Aer YooTfpii A one of these OUT A MAKEUP. ns&mmh feg fe?s J wit. :Co&ch Stiehm Hold Down Scrim J Taxgt Work for Team. I rWXHTT-OITE WILL 00 TO AMES ,'Ka Will Llt Frldar Aftsraooa If w Ll( lata K1T i Elliott at Ccater. UNCOLN. Neb.. Nov. I.-(8pelal Tal t in. Twenty-one Cornhuaker foot 'lbtai warriors will Invad th Amea camp Saturday afternoon. Coach 8tlhm baa deciiled to taka tha aaroa number of playera to Iowa that ha did to Mlnne- . Hota. ; but two exceptions the same players will be taken to Amea as to MlnneBota. The Nebraska party, In cluding Manas-er Earl O. Eager, Coaah Rtlehm and Assistant Coach Tlathbona, will leave Friday afternoon over the Rock . , Island, retumlnc by the same road. i Tha list of players Includes Captain . ' Hhonka, Loffrefi, Mulligan, Chauner, Mo- " , Kea, Harmon, Bwansnn, Anderson, rrar on, Elliott, Ross, Hornberurr, Warner. " letter. E. Frank. Turdy, O. Frank, Rus- sell. Gibson, Racely and Ptelk. The players leave at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon and will be accompanied to the ' depot by a big crowd of Cornhusker 'rooters, where the teem will be accorded a farewell sendoff. Although the cold weather has put new Ufa In the overworked Cornhuskers, It also did away with scrimmage work Thursday night. Coach Ptlehm desiring to take no chances with bis squad. The evening was spent entirely In signal prao , . tin and In outlining soma of tha plays which It Is believed the Cornhuskers will '. encounter at Amea - I Klllott at Center. . . . Tbe signal practice was spirited. Coach ' Stlehrn running both the scrubs and varsity at the mme. time. The team die : played plenty of pepper and ran through all of the formations smoothly. Horn berger has been switched from center to guard anu Klllott from guard to center. In all probability the game will be started w.u. this lineup, ttlllott likes the renter position and does great work on the defense In the pivot position. Hornoerger, on the other hsnd. played guard all of Isst season and Is thor oughly versed In the position. All hope that Racely would be In shape : to go against the Aggies was given up when the little halfback failed to return i to practice this evening. Racely will be ; taken to Ames, but Is not expected to go S Into the game, the Injured leg being still I very painful. lie will not be out for practice until week after next, when the ! final preparation for the Jayhawkers starts. Two complete teams of first year nu n wera out today. After thirty minutes of i play In which the regular freshmen eleven j as coached with the Ames plays the freshmen and varsity lined up and went ( 'through tha plays without scrimmaging, j Whether the band will go to Ames Is j still undecided. The Omaha alumni have responded liberally, but the Lincoln grad i uates bsve failed to come In, and unless ? the athletlo board decides to bear part uf tbe expense It is quit probable that J tiie plan will nave to be given up. Bellevue, Doane and I Cotner Will Debate I Recall of Judges ! CRETB, Neb., Nov. Idlsclal.)-The ' question for the triangle debate this year ' among Doane, Cotner and Rellevue is, Resolved, That the Recall Should be F.x- teaded to tha State Judiciary." Work h ommenced at Duane In earnest, and the : new debating class under Prof. Taylor . Is now meeting regularly. This provides ' for class work oa the question and thus gives all debaters the benefits of co uperatlon, both llh each other and with ;tbe teacher. Only one out of both of last year's teams Is not In school this year, eo that pi os pacts for a championship sg giegatioa from Doane this year are good Much interest Is beiti? shwn in lHae Hnd there will probabljy ba at least twenty in the preliminaries. Resides this there will be the, Inter-society debates on the same question for the Stephens cup. trophy offered each year to tha debating rlub that mine its debates with the other two. All this preliminary work will put tha fellows in good shape for the triangle BENEFIT BOXINQ BOUTS FIXED FOR FRIDAY NIGHT A . boxing carnival will be held Kridav at Holmes hall. Twenty-fourth und Hur delie, by the Pastime Athletic iluli, the !roe-d to be given to Fred Mills, en old time mt-mber of the club, who has l.ern romptlltd to undergo a n.-cond sur ;Uul tK-rtioii. due to tbe breaking (if h kni-e cap. The bouts scheduled are: Kid Jvnscn and Johnny Sudertx-rg, six rounds; Ciuy Buckles and Kid Snipes, four founds; J'sul Murray and Al Gray. A Lite Problem fculved 1 that great health tnnlc. Electric ters. Is the enrichment of por. blood and strengthening the week j 'ur sale by Pes toil ll ug Co. Hit thl:. Perr!lvt Auvertimr.g U Return. is the lt"Ud to Now for a Little - i i J lj v u fjuc n i ri at t ..,,,. CV - A4Fr uFti i ' s , 5' ulw! A m hai vs-ill m Fhlb V ' a .in i i, i i ? t imm ii i . . ii ii i r t i i i iiii 111 i i One of Harvard's Big Backs v -jr... 5- f "ST' 1 ''Strong Man" Huntington, star full- back of tha Harvard tuam, who IS ex pected to prove a tower o fstrengih be hind the crimson Una In the battle with Princeton, risturday, November 4, the first clash ltween the two universities In fifteen years. Huntington Is not only Ames Expects to Win from Nebraska Team Saturday AMES, la.. Nov. t-tSpeclal.)-lf noth- Ing unforseen happens the Ames elf .n will ba In tho best of condition to uwet Nebraska Saturday. The team and back ers are expecting a hard battle. The de cisive defeat of Missouri by the Corn huskers last Saturday has s..iien the hopes of snythlng like an easy game, but the varsity is prepared to fight their best. For tha first time sines the Minnesota game five weeks ago every man on the varsity squad la able to ba In the came. Lattlmer. the fast end whe received a broken hind St that time, got Into the Qrlnnell game again Haturday. Taylor at quarter received a sprained ankle In the Coe game, which has left him jut until this week. McDonald, vVeyrauo.. and othera are still suffering from minor bruises and sprains, but will be In con dition by Saturday. The lineup will probably be tne same as against Missouri two week sago. Vin cent, last year's fullback, seems to have lost his place permanently to Uurge, a new kicker a horn Williams has devel oped. In tha Missouri sjid Orlnneu games Uurge proved himself a good punter and speedy playei. Ue doea not punt ex tremely long, but places them remark ably, which really was the cause of the touchdown against Missouri. With the remainder of tha back field, consisting of Captain Harte and Weyrauch at halves and Hurst at quarter, some fast work Is assured. The Hue will no doubt remain the same as all season, though Wllnaras la still trying to doctor a few wesk places, a ha aquad haa been doing aecret practice aork all wek. Interest Is running high aa the rooters figure that If the team wlna from Ne braska the Missouri valley championship is aafely won. York Decides to Stay in State League YORK. Neb.. Nov. (SpcUl ) Th. base ball fans held a meeting la.l nigh and deilded that York would have a hand n trying to win the pennant In the Ne brsska rHate league In 1V1-. The following officers were elected: J. N. Klldow, president; William Overstreet, vice prei-l tent, Frank Rorden, treasurer; W. R Meek, secretary; E. C. Felton, director The financial statement for the last year hoaed total gate and grandstand re ceipts of Y'. Is), and a cash balance on hand. Key to the Kuutloa-Bte Want Ads. -i . it.. , V ,,r , , i ii. i 1 1 lmiiX' nmml - - Campaigning lint tioxb AND , TALK- TMiWA'-, I JVEH CARtrULLTY ? '' l ''' ' :l ,x a crack on tha gridiron, but Is the "strong man" of the Cambridge Institution. In the annual strength tests he far surpassed his nearest competitor and broke the long standing records, although he weighs only llkHa pounds. Bellevue Plays Wesleyan at Home, This Afternoon liellevue'a first home game will be played against the Nebraska Wesleyan eleven at Dellevue Friday afternoon ai i o'clock. The Methodists have theii strongest team In years In tha field, and have defeated Cotner, Orand Island and Doane, without having been scored upon this season. They have a heavy line and a fast back field. Tha contest will ba jlosa and well worth seeing. Rellevue Mtk defeated at Hastings last Saturday, -n account of injuries to Captain Paul. en, fullback Fowler, Quarterback Mas-,,-ell and Dowden, end, all of whom wars aid out early in tha game. With the xcaptlon of Dowden all these men will je hack In the line-up Friday, and tha rajn la lit ahape to put up the strongest ;ame yet played. The familiar gridiron in. I the support of tha side-lines will telp greatly; and while Wesleyan Is con fident. Rellevue Is In fighting condition and frame of mind, determined to wipe iut the defeat by the really Inferior Hast ngs team of last Friday. Doane Tigers Say They Have Come Back CRETE, Neb., Nov. t-lSpeclal.)-After the defeat at the hands of tha Wesleyan eleven, tne uoans Tigers have been going better than ever this week. They had won three games In a row and ths slump In all probability was a natural one, but everything points to tha supposition that boys have "corns back" and will be at their best for Friday's contest. Coach Johnson has introduced several bed Ideas nto their play, and has put them through a at Iff scrimmage every evening this week. In Wednesday evening's practice the team walked up and down the field, making ten to fifteen yards st every down, against tha experienced scrub team showing that every one waa back in fiu-m. and playing a atrong game. With the exception of Rice, who received a kick In the ahoulder In last week's gams ami ho has only been doing light prac tice this week, every one is In good Wn iltton and when the Doane Tigers meet Hasting' Rronchos at Hastings Ftldav afternoon they will be In better fighting array than at any time thla -sasoo. Next week Doane line up against the State university team. I.aavferd Aaalralta, VANCOUVER. IV C. Nov. 1 Sam t angford, the nero pugilist, who is on Ills wv from )tnton to Australia to ii'eof the heavyweight fighters in that cmintrv. tof'ay aa'led on the Australlun liner Zealsndia. which hd been held M & C:hr 11 1 1 L III "I M 6UCM A FRiTTTH AT I UfP aaii ii ii n iiiix.iT'.Tt ii ill . -sj m j i i i i ill . .......... . m hour fur Klin. I fc-LtCIIOM V,EFOF, .1 ..... . .v11 - 1 HARYARD SHOWS UP WELL Quarterback Potter Only Man Kiss- ing; from Lineup. BEAR STORY FROM PRI5CETCN rrlmmif with "crabs Indicates There Is tlll amber of le fecte la Work of the rirat Team. CAMBRIDGE. Mass., Nov. 2 The Har vard varsity eleven showed tip well against the second team today In the last practice before the Princeton gsroe next Saturday. All the regular men were In the lineup, with the exception of Quarter back Potter. Uardncr filled that position today, hut Potter will be In the game Saturday. Tomorrow the team will leave for New York and proceed to prlnceton early. Tho varsity squad will consist of thirty-seven players, eleven coaches and four managers. PRINCETON, N. J.. Nov. 8-A light scrimmHgn today ended Princeton's hard work for tho Harvard gsmo Pslurday. The scrubs at no time could gain con sistently against their bigger opponents, but despite this there was sll! a number of defects In tho work rf the varsity line. especially on offensive. Creighton Prepares for South Dakota Crelghton's foot ball squat Is taking strenuous, workouts these days In pre paration for tho gsme with touth Da kota university, here Saturday after noon on the Creighton field, geveral new plays are being tried out and the fol lowers of the pastime at Creighton are are of the belief that the boys from South Dakota will run up against a Tartar Saturday afternoon. Although the loss of Young at left tackle will be felt severely by the Crelgh- ton team It Is thought that with Heffer. nan In this posiilen. tho hole will' be patched up in good shspe. In order that they may get all the eorlmmsge prac tice necessary Creighton will play against the University of Omaha team every afternoon until the day of the game. HARVARD AND PRINCETON ARE TO MEET SATURDAY The big game on the gridiron next Sat urday will be between Harvard and Princeton, and alumni of tha two schools all ovsr ths country are eagerly await ing the result. This gams will to ths first between these two schools for tha last fifteen years, as they have not met on the grid iron since 1894, when Princeton tri umphed by ths score of 11 to ft. Sine 1882 Harvard has won but one gams from Princeton, that being In IUT by the score of 11 to 0. During theaa twenty- eight years Princeton has scored a total of 15S points agalnat fO made by Harvard. Ths two teams ars about evenly matched this year and a hard-fought battle is expected. Harvard has two of last year's members of Walter Camp's AU-Amerlcan eleven playing with them this year Fisher, captain and right guard, and Dendell, right half. Prince ton has Pendleton, last year's star half. who was picked for a place on the first AU-Amerlcan eleven laet year by Walter Camp and othera. 1SS3- Princeton 2B. Harvard 7. ldt4 Princeton M, Harvard . INvi No game. in Princeton 11 Harvard 0. 18 Harvard U, Princeton 0. IMS Princeton 1H, Harvard . lo Princeton 1. Harvard li. 1mK-1-:-3-1H No games. lxi Princeton Harvard 4. 1kwi Princeton li. Harvard . lH'MH-No games. With the Bowlers The German Homes won three games from the W. O. W.'s on the Metropolltsn Basement alleys last night. Score; - GERMAN HOMES. 1st. td. M. Total. Hansen 13 1M 132 420 J. Landwehrkamp.i lit lx 111 eW H. Landwehrkamp.. 14 U4 UT 487 Totals . 43 O. W. 1st. .. Hi ,i Hi .. 7 43 ttH W. M. 1U6 1X1 lot td. Total 114 i?l 104 fcl 174 pedraeky Jacubslck . Kngleman Totals M7 M K7 L Valdoras took two out of three from Rogere Perm ts In tha Commercial league. Chrlstensen bumped the runaways tor 147 high game ana nign totals oi aus tor ths 1-a Vaidoraa. Rondo gut high game of lsl and high total of 487 for Hie Rogers Permits, eoore: UA VALDORAS. 1st. :s M. 3d. Total 21U 164 it 167 1 47 141 Hi 417 las 147 if Iftl 171 7S 07 t 14M M. Id. Total ltt 14 44 loS 14 12 114 445 1M 14a 44J 1J Its 47 7U TSJ 7J Stine Undeey Newcomh .... n .... in .... 171 ... m Chrtotensen Horwick .. Totals 74 PERMITS 17 1W4 14 lbl ....,.'. KSS Rica poberty ... j. Hoe ley H. Howley Hondo Totals .. Thursday, November 3. St James IVte Ixx-hs vs. lltr4 Crttra (! rttest Crff L ! a . iiA.ii Ijiiii i ' t a i Vaii Yale's Quarter Captain Arthur Howe, star quarterback of tha Tal eleven, who Is expected to get Into the game with New York uni versity on Saturday, November 4. for the first time In three weeks. Howe hue been kept out of the fray by an injury and Omaha High Fears the Beatrice Team Coach "Ebbie" Burnett Is putting the Omaha High squad through a at.ft line 01 practice tula week on cieignton tieiu In preparation for tne big game-with Beatrice Saturday afternoon at Beatrice. Tha Beatrice High school lad are set upon winning the state championship this ear and have already defeated sev eral Of tne leading asp. rants .n the etate for ths title. Omaha anticipates the hardest game of the season Saturday, and although three regulars are still out of tne game, tne team iSf.uiy is rounding Into form and the substitutes who are filling regular position are showing up wall. Ballman, who Is holding down lett tackle at present, was exceed. ngly active la ths Sioux City gams la blocking punts and is showing up fine In praoncs this week. Bowman's place at right half has been filled by Crocker, who waa ehlfted from left and. Ths Beatrice game is creating consid erable Interest, aa it 1 the first time that tha purpia and whits haa scheduled a gams with ths down slats lads since 1107. In that year Frank Latenser, Omaha's famous right tackle, was cap tain of the team, and Croatia iiiuwpiieu to ths tuns of 26 to 0. Bo Beatrice haa old score to revenge, and they csn bo counted upon to do their best to ac complish ths feat. Jack Dillon Defeats McGorty with Ease INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 1 The fourth meeting between Eddie McGorty, the Oshkosh tWls.) middleweight boxer, and Jack. Dillon of this city, took-place to night and after ten rounds Dillon earned a clean-cut victory. McOorty out-pointed Dillon In only one round, the third, when ho landed a vicious uppercut to the Jaw and had Dillon almost out. The latter covered up well, however, and came back atrong In the fourth. . Dillon was the aggressor throughout and was McQorty's superior at int.gbt- tng. McOorty used a left swing and up percut effectively In the esrly rounds. but as ths fight progressed Dillon formed a good defease against this style of box ing. "Kid" Mttchtii, who waa aubsti- tsted for Freddie Clo iu the preliminary was no match for Jimmy Anderson of Brail!. I i - " w - - ' If 1 1 e -l4 VN" ' J V ( ' V J Caiu Li r, r flOW DOE HE OO II Coming Back his stellar work has been sadly missed bv the blue cohorts. Had he been fit to piav In the West point game, It Is likely that the cadets would not have humbled the sunn of 1.11. Girls Play Tennis in Spite of Weather With tha temperature hovering about twenty degrees above sero, Catherine Woodworth won the consolation finals In the high school girl's fall singles' tour nament by defeating Nettle Muir. runner up, In a hard fought match on the courts at Twenty-second and Capitol avenue, Wednesday afternoon. The match was the longest and hardest played one of the whole tournament and went tha full five sets before Miss Wood worth was able to win by the score, 6-3, 8-6, 6-3. J-6, 7-6. The winter costume worn by the girl were the feature of the match and the two players resembled hockey plaer more than tennis en. thuslaets. .Both girl played a sensa tlonal game at time and because of tbe chilly weather some exceedingly fast ten nis was pulled off. Miss Woodworth played the steadiest but her opponent put up a plucky fight and Wr a time In the final set It looked as if she was going to win out. When you have a rad cotd you want the best medicine obtainable so a to cure It with as Utile delay as possible. Here Is a druggist's op nlon: "I have sold Cham. brlila's Coush Remedy for flftMn. vcara," says Eiios Lollar of Saratoga, lnd.. "and consider It the best oa ths mar- het." For sals by all dealers. A TRIUMPH IN THE ART OF BREWING THE LEADING BEER raaiil; Irsor &uptur4l u, IN THE MIDDLE WEST w'haa. Slorx, I'.'OO; Independent U-lL. By Tom McNamara - ... .. . . . w ua fPTfi ON mi j'mmi MICHIGAN LINEUP UNCERTAIN Shakeup Generally Expected for Game in East Saturday. QUARTERBACK'S POSITION OPEN Dopesters Find tt Difficult to De termine In Advance What Ar rangements W ill He Made to Fill Holes. ANN ARBOR, Mich.. Nov. 2.-M!nus the supreme confidence over the outcome of next Saturday's Kme with Syracuse, con fidence which departed s'!inly yester day when "Shorty" McMIUun. the stir quarterback sprained a leg, the Michi gan foot ball squad today ir.dulfred in the third straight afternoon of heavy practice. "Jimmy" Cialu was still on the hos pital list and Torbett was at left half. Picard got his chance st quarter and as he haa thown fine JndRment and equally fine mechanical ability during the few opportunities that have come to him this year. It Is possible that he may hold down McMillan's lob next Hat unlay. There Is. however, u feellns that Yost will probably shift Wells to left half siiij mart the Syracuse game with Cra'.g nt quarter. This will mean a severe nhak. up for the eleven, ns It will switch Pon tius from tackle to end and probably glee Kalner, a sub-tackle, a place l:i the vur slty line. SHAMROCKS DEFY SUPERIORS AND MONMOUTH PARKS Last Sunday the mighty Shamrocks of South Omaha defeated the Soldier at Fort Omaha in an easy manner. Up to date the Shamrocks have not been scored on, but their opponents for next Sunday, via., the husky Belmont aggregation, say they are going to whip the Irish lads If such a thing Is possible. Yesterday Frank Quigley and Chris Lyck completed arrangements whereby the Shamrocks will utilise the Benson Eagle park foi their contests the balance of the season The Benson gridiron, which Is dlrectl opposite Krug park, will be fitted ou' with all the necessary equipments for first class foot ball field, and as good games will be on the menu card and th street car compsny guarantees gocd serv ice, large crowds will undoubtedly at tend all the games. There are two goo4 Omaha teams, vis., the Superiors ant Monmouth Parks that the foot ba.i devo tees of Omaha would like to see clask with the shamrocks, and ths Irish ladl are Just pining for a chancs to play ?oth of these squads, but from appearanoes it aeems as though these teams are afraid of the Shamrocks, for they have been aaked several tlmea and even begged to play the Shamrocks, but they keep put ting the South Omaha management off, saying they will arrange a gam later on, according to the Shamrocks. Tha Shamrocks would especially like to hear from out-cf-town teama. For games address Frank Qu.gley, Slu Maple, or telephone Douglas 40J4. or Webster 2585, or Captain Callahan, 839 North Twenty-fourth street. South Omaha; phons South 1891. Free Concerts. Omaha ts being treated to a very unique musical feature Juet now in a free per ioimance In the assembly room of the Brandei Store. Each afternoon the Victor Vlctrola fur nishes a concert on a miniature stage. A notable feature ot these musicals la the fact that eacn ettrnoon at 4:16 a special concert Is given for school teachers at an hour when they can conveniently be present. Teachers are cordially invited to listen to these Instruments and hear their favorite music. It Is the policy to play numbers on request. Tbe regular program for Friday follows; Overture A Nostrl Monti Trovatore Verdi Homer and Caruso. Prologue PagUacol Leoncavallo ticottl. Stride la Vampa Ti ovatore Verdi Homer. Chs Oellda Manlna ooehme Puccini Caruao. Solanne in Quest 'Ora Forsa del Des- tlnlo Verdi Caruso and Scottl. Songs from "The Pink Lady" ; Mnnrlrtrm Corj'JI Victor Light Opera Company. Tuttl 1 fior Mme. Butterfly Puccini Homer and Farrar. Caprice Vlenols Krelssler 1'tionoa Webster IS