Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Insurance Company Seeks to In
crease it Hundred Thousand.
Neiort to notl-nr Commission
h-TrB narllnnton Mate Traffic
Increases atradlly far
Tkn re Years.
(From a Staff Corresponlint.'i
LINCOLN. Nov. 1 (ncrlal.-Thtrty
thousand policyholders of the I'nlun Klre
Insurance rorr.f.vny of tills city win re
rlve letters asking authority to vote an
Increase of SlOrt.oM In tho capital stock
of the company. It Is believed this" mnna
a sweeping reorganisation of tho com-1-any.
notwithstanding such a move wan
rot sanctioned when tho present Interests
took hold of the company Ihrnuyh a con
tract made with tho old board.
Cost of Registration.
It has cost the city of Lincoln ." In
wages of supervisors to take the registra
tion of voters this fill In this city, or
lose to 10 cents apiece. This does net
Include the rents on hulldlnm where
registration occurs or the cost of supplies,
nil of which will run the exiene up to
fully 100 more.
' Burlington Traffic Increases.
Reports compiled by Rute Clerk Powell
of the Plate Railway commission shows
that the Burlington railroad has had a
steady Increase of stato traffic since 1903.
The number of tons during that time has
Increased as well as tho number of pas
sengers carried. The following Is a sum
maty of the Burlington's Intrastate
freight and passenger bualness for the
flsral year ending June 30:
Passenger Business
Number passengers carried
Number passengers carried one mile
Actual passenger earnings
Freight Business
Number tons freight carried
Number tons freight carried one
Actual freight earnings
Alliance Catholics
Build a New Church
ALLIANC7. Neb.. Nov. 2 -(Ppectsl.)-ET
borate preparations are being made
for tho dedication of the new Catholic
church at Alliance on November 15.
The Rt. Rev. Richard Bcannell, bishop
of Omaha, will be present and picacn
the delcatory sermon. Poiemn high mass
will be sung, the officiating priests being
Rev. T. P. Haley, celebrant, and Kev.
James Ahearno and Rev. P. F. Galvln,
deason and subdeacon. respectively. Rev.
James Ftenson will be master of cere
monies. Fpeclal music Is being prepared by a
choir chosen from the best singers of
Alliance. Linnrr and supper will be
served in the bailment of the church by
the women of the parish and the occa
sion will be made memorable for all who
The church i of gotiiic architecture
and Is undoubtful;, the finest In western
Nebraska. The cost, without Interior dec
orations, will nach SI3,0M. and It is
doubtful If its equal has ever been con
structed In tho west for the money ex
pended. Rev. W. I,. McNnmara. the
pastor, has had much cxperlencs In
erecting bulldlngn and he has personally
supervlseu tho building of this edifice In
the minutest detail.
The material Is of white Denver brick
with stone facings and makes a most
handsome aprearance and very pleasing
10 the eye. The outside dimensions are
106 feet long fifty-two feet wide and
forty-nine feet high, to the apex of the
roof, the belfry being sixty-six feet high.
The seating capacity is 5W. without tho
choir loft.
There are ten large stained glass win-
1909. 1910. mil.
?,tt,fit s.trs.ais 3.sw.6W
. lM.71s.77t l."9.9;4.?tv 144,l!AOjO
.2,t.10!.71 S2.743, 4.U57 S2,MS,568.60
1.W1.S47 l.W.TM l.N05,5
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.3.097,Ml.tjil J1.l62.lti6.3u ff3.540,(je4.8t
. J.
1 ifr
iS? TVT Tl Nm.
i3ext baturaay, 4
The Entire Retail Stock
o BARNES & CO., pa
Will Go on Sale at
iraiieis Stores
Practically the Entire Basement Devoted to This Sale.
Women's Suits, Waists, Cloaks, Dresses, Furs, $
Negligees and Children's Wear
Mrs. Ilarst Appeals.
The wldww of Thomas Hurst has ap
pead to tho supreme court from a Judg
ment of the district court of Omaha In a
suit wherein she asked for 10,000 damages
on account of tho death of her husband.
Mr. Hurst was employed In a department
of the Haydcn store In Omaha. He went
to the supply room of his department
and while there stepped on a nail in a
board that had been a part of a box lid.
The district court directed a verdict for
the defendant and the widow has ap
v - i
LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. lSpeclal Tele
gram.) Charles J. Beaie. a Waverly
banker, Phot and killed himself at his
home there this afternoon shortly after
6 o'clock. The affairs of his bank are
In good condition, according to H. N.
Meeker of Greenwood, who Is president
of the bank, and whr, reached Waverly
early tonight. In a note left on a
3rcsstr near where ho committed the
lee4. Eealo raid:
"I feci. I wilt never get over this spell.
This is an awful thins to do. Good-by,
Flora, Ralph, Minnie and Zella."
The first named was hla wife and the
lest his children. According to tho state
ment of a Waverly physician. Beale was
afflicted with gall stones and he had not
taken any regular oourse of treatment
for the cure of the disease. Beale was
tu years old and had been In this state
more than forty years. His reputation
was of the best. He and his son con
ducted the affairs of tho Bank of Waverly.
w Urlilae to Be Dedicated.
NEBRASKA CITY, Nov. 2.-(Special.)
The Good Roads minstrels of this city,
a local organization, goes to Platts
mouth on November 15 to give a per
formance and tho money Is to be de
voted for the causo of good roads, i A
largo delegation will go from here on that
date and it may be possible to run a spe
cial train. They will celebrate tho open
ing of the new Puff-Pollock wagon bridge
across the Platte river iut day. The
bridge will be free to the public on that
day. This Is the same minstrel company
that raised a neat sum by giving a per
formance at Syracuse a short time since.
Nebraska t'ltr Pool Hall Robbed.
NEBRASKA CITY. Nov. S.-(Spedal.)-The
Mission pool hall, owned by Pe
fratlg & Tubba, was robbed a few nights
heo by burglars' who entered a back win
dow. They secured K2 from the cash
register, which was all in silver, but
they refused to take a fine gold watch,
and all of the nickels and pennies that lay
in plain view. This is the second bur
clary that has occurred In the buslnesj
district within a week and no trace haa
been obtained of the guilty parties.
Nebraska City Auto Wrecked.
NEBRASKA CITY, Nov. 2. (Special.)
Kev. W. W.. Bain?s, wlfo and Mrs. Fred
Standford were returning from Wyoming
yesterday in an automobile when the
Mine skidded on the muddy roads and
turned turtle. All of tho parties were
thrown out and escaped with a few
minor bruises, but the machine was
Banker Rottmaa Keeo-erta.
NEBRASKA CITY, Nov. . (SpeclaJ.)
1'red W. Rottmann, cashier of the Otoe
County National bank, who was so seri
ously Injured In the Missouri Pacific
wreck at Fort Crook two weeks ago, at
which time his wife, daughter and father-in-law
were killed, Is rapidly Improving
and Is able to sit up a little each day
and in time will be well.
Tobias Mau Shoots Baale.
TOBIAS. Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special.) -Frank
Newby, a farmer north of Tobias,
khot a large American eagle measuring
9 feet 1 Inches from tip to tip. He brought
it to Tobias to Pr. A. C. Blattupleler, u
cal physician, who sent it to Lincoln to
have It mounted.
Sloan Speaks at (ortland.
CORTLAND. Neb., Nov, 2. (Special.)
The republican candidates on the county
ticket held a big meeting here last even
ing, which was addressed by Congress
man C. N. Sloan of Geneva. There was a
large attendance and much enthusiasm
pi availed.
Klakald Visits Alllaace.
ALLIANCE, Neb.. Nov. l.-(?peclal
Telegram. ) M. P. Klnkald was here to
day greeting prominent republicans and
other friends. Ills visit here was In con
nection with official business which he
conducted for the Alliance creamery In
Washington. He left f ir Broken Mow and
be eastern part of the state
dows, donated by tho following: Knights
of Columbus, Daughters of Isabella,
Young Ladles' Sodality, C. A. Newberry,
T. J. O'Keefe. Michael and ElUabeth
McNamara, Mrs. Frank Gllleran, Mrs.
Mary McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. John
Brennan and Miss Margaret Barry.
The main altar was donated by Mr.
and Mrs. Michael McNamara and the
side altars by the Knights of Columbus
and tho Daughters of Isabe'.lt. The pews,
confessionals, altar railing and vestment
cases were donated by Rev. W. L. Mc
Namara. Tho vestments, sacred vessels,
candelabra and other accessories are the
gifts of a number of friends of Frank
McNamara, among the priests of the
Omaha diocese. Tho steam heating plant
was given by C. A. Newberry.
Since Father McNamara's , coming to
Alliance, St. Agnes' academy, costing
over $60,000, and St. Joseph's hospital
have been erected, and it is due to his
untiring seal that both have been com
pleted.' When he arrived here five years ago,
this November the Catholic church prop
erty consisted of a small frame ctjurch
and- a parochial residence, the total value
being" abotfT tlO.toO. The value Of the
new church, the academy, the hospital
and the new parochial residence approxi
mates 1100,000.
Hallo re'en Attack Serious.,
KEARNEY. Neb.. Nov. (.(.Special
Telegram.) Whllo trying to keep a crowd
of boys and young men from soaping his
windows Hallowe'en night Landlord
Parks of the American hotel -was struck
over the head with the butt of a buggy
whip, felling him to the ground uncon
scious. The boys fled. His condition has
ever since been serious and he In yet In a
delirium. Today his assailant, Henry
Hartley, a young man, 21 years old, was
arrested and will be held until further
developments. The young man comes
from Illinois and has been working here
In a livery barn. '
Mapping New Road.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Nov. '.-(Special
Telegram.) President C. II. Oehler of the
Platte Valley Transcontinental Road as
sociation went to Mlnden today, whero h
met a representative of the automobile
blue book publishers, and will go over
the route from that city to Kearney to
log the last lap of tho Kearney and Ellin
wood, Kan., automobile route which Joins
the old Santa Fe trail In Kansas. This
route will be officially mapped In the
next volume ff the blue book.
nansreroaa Margery
In the abdominal region Is prevented by
tho use of Dr. King's New Life Pills, the
painless purifiers. 23c. For sale by Bea
ton Drug Co.
'Bar Tour Had Jiondn).
A prominent retailer sold his entire
stock to Brandels Stores, and Brandels
Is offering them next Monday at less
money than fine rugs ever sold for In
Key to the Want Ads.
205 S. 16th St.
Greatest Salo Ever Held in
Omaha on Men's Suits
and Overcoats, Friday,
November 3, at 9 a. m.
$ 10.00 vnluos in Men's Heavy
Weight Suits, made of plain and
fancy mixtures, cassimeres and
cheviots, also serges, durahh
lined, sizes ,U to 44,
choice. Fritlav
! 4 :
At Less Than i Actual Value
$25, at $5, $9.50 jfc
to $1.50, 50c, 25c g
Saturday All the Women's Suits, worth to
Saturday All the Women's Waists, worth to
Special Lots from the Barnes Stock Every Day Next Week.
$2.00 vluos, M.n' Sample Hats, nil
Minis and Bhnpvg.
Your choice f ijC
$1.R0 vnlur-ii, Men's Union Suits,
pluk, Muo ntul ecru color.
winter weights. Your choice. . UjG
$15.00 and $20.00 Suits and Overcoat
awaiting yon hero Friday morning;.
Fabrics from Kngllsh. Irish and Amer
ican loom flue, heavy and medium
weights, pront for Omnlia
illiuato all go ni tho
tinhrnrd of low price. . .
I p hps '
IP? bt -Oa Tf- arl oic sP? 2 omo im
r re
File Objection to Rate on Glucose to
Atlantio Seaboard.
Tart- of thermae Indians at Washing-ton
Makes Request for More
Pasturage Land and for
(From a Staff Correspondent. I
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) The stato of Iowa, cx-rel George
Casson, attdrncy general, the hoard ol
railroad commissioners of Iowa, 'the Clin
ton Sugar Refining company and J. C.
Ilublnger Tiros. Company, today filed an
Inexhaustlve complaint with the Inter
state Commerce commission ngalnst the
Atlantio Coast line and nearly 103 other
railroad and transportation companies,
complaining that the rate on glucose from
the state, of Iowa has been advanced and
all efforts to secure a reduction and
equalisation of the rato has been denied.
Tho state of Iowa Is In tho regton
known as the "corn belt" and the com
plainants, the Clinton Sugar Refining
company and J. C. Ilublnger Eros. Com
pany, are each located In tho eastern part
of the state and In the midst of the sup
ply of raw material, while the market
for the manufactured product is largely
In eastern cities and the Atlantic sea
board. It Is asserted that the rates for
the raw material from the corn belt
region to the eastern market have been
educed, while the rate on tho glucose
nanufacturcd frem the same territory, to
ihe eastern markets and tho seaboard. Is
maintained, and by reason of this dis
crimination an unfair advantage Is given
to eastern plantH and an unjust rate made
against the complainants In favor of the
eastern manufacturers.
Cbevennes at Washlnato-
One of the most Interesting delegations
of Indians In point of Its personnel which
has been In Washington for some tlmo
to consult with the commissioner of In
dian affairs, arrived In Washington yes
terday. These Indians are Northern Chey
ennes, whose reservation Is known as
Lamo Deer, on the Tongue river, Mont.
Tho party consists of Chief Bib Head
Man, Tall Hull, Lone Elk and Little Son,
all of whom took part In the Custer fight.
The moFt picturesque Indian of the
bunch Is Red Water, a Carlisle graduate,
and now ch ef of Indian police, and with
htm is Willis Roland, who served as a
scout under General Miles. These two
act as Interpreters. 1
Red Wing stands six feet, five Inches
in his mocassins, tips the beam at 240
pounds end wh le at CarltNle was the
star of the foot ball team. Superintendent
J. Reddy of tlielr reservotlon accompanies
This particular tribe of Cheyenncs num
bers 1.400 and all are prosperous, owning
$30C,000 worth of cattle and 6.000 head of
horses. They Hold $:W,M0 worth of tho
range beef cattle this fall at top notch
These Indians are good workers thrifty
and ambitious and are here seeking per
mission to have additional pasturage In
order to accommodate tholr Increasing
herds and also want more Irrigated land
and a fund set apart out of their own
trust funds to further certain Improve
ments upon their reservation.
Packers, Bankers and
Merchants on Jury
CHICAGO, Nov. i Four packet a, luree
bankers and three of tho most prominent
merchants In Chicago form tho Jury
which began a week's work In tho insane
court of Coo): county today.
The Jurors are: Arthur Sleeker, promi
nent society man and general superinten
dent of Armour & Co.; Charles II. Swift,
vice president or Swift & Co.; Charles M.
McFnrlane, secretary of Morris A Co.;
Harry Hunt, general superintendent for
Schwarxschlld & Sulsbergrr; Frederick
L. Wllk, vice president of the I'nlon Trust
company; John I'. Marsh, banker and
broker; Rudolph C. Keller, cashier of the
Colonial Trust and Savings bank; Edward
J. Lehmann, vice president of the Fair;
Bruce McLelsh. son of Andrew McLolsh
of Carson. Plrle. Scott & Co., and Edwin
F. Mandel, vice president of Mandel Dros.
Judge John E. Owens failed to get serv
ice on J. Ogden Armour, Louis F. Swift
and Edwsrd Morris, because these pack
ers had left the city.
The men on the list are among the
wealthiest business men of Chicago.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Nov. t. (Special.)
The Big Four Athletic club of Fort Rus
sell will hold an athletic tournament In
the big riding hall at the post on No
vember 10. The following bouts have been
Jack Doyle. Eleventh infantry, and Jud
Paumalr of the hosnltul Corps. They will
llrht at 128 pounds.
Dannie Gill of company L, Eleventh In
fantry, and Kid Ryan of Hatter? E,
Fourth artillery, will go six rounds at
130 pounds.
King Kelley of Pattery E and Tug
Rraxton of the Ninth cavalry are matched
for eight rounds. They weigh 145 pounds.
Tho main event will be between Cor
poral Brown of the field hospital and Her
grant Grimes of the Ninth cavalry. They
are to weigh in at 13 pounds.
The combatants will be examined by a
special board on the day of the fight,
and unless they arc In good condition
they will not be permitted to contest.
Actor Faisei Away in Salt lake City
After Short Illness.
He Was Prominent aa an Actor and
lTlayvi rrlght and Achieved Dis
tinction as nn Explorer
In Australia.
FRANKFORT, Nov. 2.-A dispatch
from Tripoli, under date of October 31,
The American and Austrian consulates
have been removed to the Interior of the
c ty because of tie danger of their old
locations. Turkish shells have fallen in
the neighborhood of the German consul
ate. At least 3,O0 natives were executed by
the Italians.
An American Kiss
is the great king of cures, Dr. King's
New Discovery, the quick, safe, sure
cough and cold remedy. 50c and 11.00. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
SALT LAKE CITY. Utah. Nov. 2.
Kyrlo Bellew, one of the foremost actors
of tho English rpeuklng stagiv author
and explorer, died here early this morn
ing of pneumonia, after a brief Illness.
Mr. Bellew was taken 111 last Friday, but
although a portion of his Salt Lake en
gagements were cancelled, his Illness was
not considered serious until yesterday
morning when congestion of the lungs set
His body will be taken to New Yoik
today, accompanied by the members of
"The Mollusc'' company, In which Mr.
Bellew was playing at the time he was
taken ill.
In addition Ills successes as a romantic
actor, Mr. llellew was a successful
damatlst and adaptor. He arranged and
prosentud a successful English adaptation
of "La Tosoa", and was author of the
El.gllsh version of "Charlotte Corday"
and other plays.
Stars In Manr Flar
The parts played by Mr. Bellew cov
ered a wide fie'.d. ranging from Shakes
peare to modern comedy, but perhaps
his greatest success was his performance
of "Raffles" In the drama of .that name.
He also .rested tho leading roles In the
"Tho Thief," Brigadier Gerard "A Gentle
man of France" and otner successes.
His private life was as varied and
adventurous as the roles he presented.
He wss born at Calcutu, India, In liu'i
of English parents, his father being the
chaplain of Calcutta cathedral. For
seven years he was a cadet In the British
navy, but the discovery of gold In Aus
tralia hir-jd him from tho service, and
ho spent a munber of years In Australia
woiklng as u miner at Baliarat and as
a reporter on Melbourne newspapers.
He made hie stage debut at the Theater
Roal in Brighton, England, in tho early
eighties and achieved (mediate success.
Ho came to America as leading man ut
Wallack's theater. New York. Later he
became co-star with Mis. James Brown
Potter, In Shakespearean repertoire, In
a tour that embraced all English-speaking
countries of the world.
Explores North ttueenslaud.
In 19O0 ha again felt the call of ad
venture and headed an expedition Into
North Queensland, which extended over
two years. He returned to the stage In
i02 at the head of his own company.
His work as an explorer gained him a
fellowship In the Royal Geogiaphlral so
ciety and he was a member of many
Mr. Bellew was unmarried and Is sur
vived ly a sister known now as HIhut
Monica In a convent near Paris.
Mr. Bellew always maintained his
British citizenship, his horns being st
Thamesfleld Bray, Berkshire. England.
Key to the Bltuatlon Bee Want' Ads.
Welcome Words To Women
If, you arc an intelligent thinking woman, in need of relief from weakness, nervous
ness, pain and suffering, then it means much to you that there is one tried and true
honest square-deal medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION, sold by druggists for the cure
of woman's ills. The makers of -
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
for the cure of weak, nervous, run-down, over-worked, debilitated, pain-racked
women, knowing this medicine to be made up of ingredients, every one of which
has the strongest possible endorsement of the leading and standard authorities of
the several schools of practice, arc perfectly willing, and in fact, are only too glad
to print, as they do, the formula, or list of ingredients, of which it is composed, in
plain English, on every bottle-wrapper. Is this not a significant fact worthy of
careful consideration?
Women use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in preference to all other ad
vocated medicines sold by druggists for their peculiar weaknesses and ailments
Decausc it is '
THE ONE REMEDY which contains oo alcohol or habit-forming drugs, is not anything like advertised secret
compounds or patent medicines.
THE ONE REMEDY for women devised by a regularly graduated physician of vast experience In woman's ail
ments and carefully adapted to her delicate organism.
THE ONE REMEDY good enough that its makers are not afraid to print Its every Ingredient on Its outside
v Cv -
It's foolish often dangerous to be over-persuaded into accepting a secret
croven medicine of KNOWN COMPOSITION. World's Dispensary Medical
nostrum in place of this time-
i plac
Association, Buffalo, N. V.
J'laiihaltaii jampie Movt
205 So. 16th Street
Sale ( f Clothing in Our Basement
Boys' Knickerbocker Pants
An entirely new lot of extra heavy
cheviots and cassimeres, dark and
light mixtures; values up
to $1.00, at
? Boys' Overcoats Ages 8 to 17
nvf fn Innrv writls rrv ri i
lnr; $5.00 values, CO I1Q
Hoys' Overcoat Ages 3 (o 8
years; a special lot of $3.00
values, at
lloya Wool Suits In new brown
shadings, six now patterns to
choose from, SB values at
I!ojV Long Pant Suits Heavy
matcrlali; regular $8.50 val
ues, at ,
of Six Generations"
X. J
Famous for
and purity
4 Times Distilled
(Ordinary whiskey not mora than twice)
Bottled in Bond
Each bottle is sealed with
the U. S. Government Stamp.
Its age is guaranteed by the
r. S. Government.'
Its purity by the Schenley
Distilling Company.
Its quality speaks for itself.
When you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all dealers.
Schenley Distilling Company, Lucesco, Pa.
gl : : :
Kavt trie Plecra
Wlion you drop i-n1 break your glasses, aavs tha
plsc.s, and bring them to us. We can match them
rxiirtly from the parts that you save. VV'e solum'
broken frunies ijuii kly an J reasonably. Wt also re
pulr ryn nla- reels.
Bring- Your Jewelry X.palrs to Lindsay.
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler
ieia soco-AS st.
Prof, Osier Is Right. Youth Succeeds
Age. Gray Hair !s the First Sign of Ago
Osier Isn't the onlr man who turns
down old age. In the business world the
"young man" Is atwuyK the one who
picks the I'lunis. it Is sn age of "new
thought," "new talent.'1 etc., and the
old man la passed by In the raru.
One of the first slgnM of coming age
la the appeara'ice of gray hairs. When
you sea them, art promptly. Wyeth'a
8age and Sulphur Hair Kemedy will cor
rect this sign, which so often decolvei
people Into thinking that age is really
upon l hem. It is well known fact that
Kaga and Sulphur will darken the hair.
"Wyeth's Bage snd Sulphur combines
these old tlmo i-mrdloii with other
Sgents. whirli reuiovf. (l.nirnrf n"1!
promote the growth of the halt.
The manufacturers of tills remedy
authorise the druggists to sell It under
guarantee ihat the money will be re
funded If !t .'ails to do exactly as rep
Don't look ld before your time. Oct
a bottle of Wyeth's Page and Sulphur
today, and see what an Improvement It
will make in the appearance of your
' This preparation Is offered to the
public at fifty cents ft bottle, ant Is
rei-c .intended and sold by all dro-vists.
"Special Agent, Sherman & McCoiinell,
ltit'i uml T!ar::ey Sts., lith and Podt;
, Is the leading Agricultural Journal of the west. Its columns ai
filled with tho best thought of the day la matters pertaining to
tbo farm, tho ranch and the orchard, and It is s factor in the
development of the ereat western country.
ss.wiiaisra-.-r-fBit.-i.i . ssis..ej isstwsa.Li ..i. mm j i . n --