Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1911, Page 2, Image 2
Tin: m:K: omaiia, Friday, novemheu 1011. Tliis Crisp Weather Demands Worm Clothes "Wnrc pplendidljr equippod to outfit your boy from head to too with clothes that will keep him warm and comfortable and at a very reasonable outlay. " Tha Overcoat Illustrated li tha Imperial Jr., just like the big brother wears, and vllh the convertible collar, worn turnoJ . down or military. It'a a warm coat, big and roomy and handsomely tailored. Lota of otber mod els too, In gray or II Wli Til lVJ s. - brown mixtures and plain, colors. Prices, 35.00 87.50 op o 813.50. Boys' Suits with the Benson k Thorne label insure nil t h e service, style and comfort that can powlbly bo put Into a suit. Patterns rtylcs that the lines ana possessing a infactory to parents. Norfolk or double breasted styles, In many pleasing patterns. Trices 5.00 and up. FOB HMALI.KIt IIOYH. Russian Kults and Overcoats 83-73 to J17.50. Hors 81.50 to 8.50 Everthin else the boy needs warm Rweaters 81.00 to 83.00 Underwear, knse. ties, caps, shoes, all the very best and moderately priced. m to cm rrmn OW'M aVTGWI bo; Ih ttartaaral ttAmirlit longevity higuiy eu. 1518-1520 FARNAM STREET Fall and Winter Catalogue Now Ready.N IOWA BOARD MAY BE SUED Owner of Bridge Patent Notifiei Iducators of Infringement. BARTON CONTIRS OVER CIRCLF Nebraska's iaif Auditor Unrm te Df Molaes to Transact Official llasl- r OTallaahan Coalelel of f'oasplrary. From a Ktaff Correspondent ) DES MOINKS. la., Nov. 2 -(Special Teleirrm.) Th Plate, rioard of Educa tloh of Iowa Is threatened lth a suit for Inrrlnaement of a jiatent. Tlie esse grows out of the fact that tho mate highway department, which It an append as of the state college at Amu has been recommendlr certain Improvements In the construction of bridge and N. M. BtaryCo., brlrig builders, claim to have a patent on the tame. The company has arranged a conference with the state board with a view to set tlement out of court and to have their right recognised, but say that If this cannot, be done they will bring- suit against the board and the college for In fringement. y Itarloa Can Ore Orrr Circle, State Auditor Harton of Nebraska held a conference With Rate Auditor Bleakly in regard, tT the Woodmen Clrelcv with offices In Omaha, coiurnlng 'which a Joint Investigation hy the Insuranre de partment of the two states wna recently made. The nature of the report Is not disclosed. , The atate Insuranre departments of Iowa and Houth Iakota are having trouble locating the habitat of Superior lodge, Degree of Honor, a fraternal as sociation organised In South Dakota, but having business offices In low a. Neither stats' claims responsibility for the same. OTallaahan Held ftejllty . , James-O'Callaghan, Mfrmer clerk In tile coonty treasurer's office, was today found guilty of conspiracy to aid In the robbery of the vault In the county, treas urer office. James O'Callaghan la a brother of Rob ert OTallaahan. the former Western league baa ball magnate. The district ooitrt jury returned Its verdict shortly after t o'clock. ment r choice of those Immediately and TALKS TO NEBRASKA EDUCATORS practically connocrca wiin ma operation, Details of slem. The manner In which the system was installed at Watcrtown Is then detailed. A planning room was provided, which re lieved the foreman of a lare amount ot clerical work and Insured a continuous flow of work without cessstluti or Iota of time, as well aa the protection ot the material In atock. Men were assigned to .keep th tools ot the other worklngmtn sharpened ; laborers or messengers fetched and carried for tiia blither paid rnachln lute, who were thereby enabled to flovote .their whol attention to productive work ;and th plant waa kept In thorough order . by ether men, ao that It could b worked - at Ita highest efficiency. Experts showed ' the Workmen Just how fast ' their ma- chines should run and how doep their 'toola should cut, thereby Increasing their rffldensyi " , ,- Hence It was possible at Watertown to . i educe '..-.stcrldlly the cost of 'manufac ture. The 1alor cost of one sot of parts . for a twelve-Inch cartridge was put from I4M) to .1271 and corresponding reduction j wrra' made. Jn other'work, ' '.'. J ' t 'All this as done,' the report "sel forthw'thout .afffctlng the pay of th emplo) a or requiring ' especial exertion 'by them. , ' . r , .'General Crosier Insists that' the em ployes at one of th other arsenals (prob ably meaning Rock ' Island) ' who have protested againtt th extension of the "Taylor system" to tliat place, are under an errouneous conception ot the plan, . They have been urged to awa't the practical trial of the methods. N t Par' H laereasea. , General Croaler lays stress Uion the claim that while .further marked econo mies to the. government will result the adoption of th system will be 'accom panied by increased pay and conditions generally satisfactory to the employes, aa demonstrated by actual experience In shops In which the system had been op . crated. Th report further declares that so forcibly have tlie claims been demon strated "that they cannot b disregarded fey an. administrative officer honestly de sirous of serving the Interest of the gov ernment." Briefly stated, the chief features ot th lyaletn contemplate offering additional tay ifl workmen for work performed In the maanar and aaqusnce selected from ' th results of careful study and completed a I thin the time which that study Indi cates as sufficient for th purpose. The saving In time results, said from any In treated efficiency of marhlnea, chiefly IN OMAHA NEXT WEEK. OBEOiOOCTOIu A YEAR FOR ECZEMA Remarkable and Convincing State ' t ment of the Success of Cuticura . 1 ;ap and Ointment in the Treat- . ment of the Pain, Itching and I'J-rarnlngpfEcietna: ' "I, the undenttned, cannrit (Ire enough P't' l tefutrura firmed tes. I hsd txwa ; u.K-ting tnr at leat a year for erima oa au fuat. I had tried doctor after dnrtar til as avail. Wbrn a young girl I sprained Bay ankle Uute diltcreot Ibuea, payUig Utile r ae atlealian t It, wltea Ave yttrt ?mlt (-At showed upon any left ankle, wta wanted end sent lor do lor. He 14 it M rceeax. tie die a siull bone 'wii t) ankle aoeut the im of a nu-a ..d ttxiut nit lnu long. The snisll hole t o to about iue si'.s of aa l-P'. aod tri erema ip:'d to t:.e Vnee. Tt doetnra r r ruuiJ heal the bole k the ankle. Tli ahait toot (ao water U the ,tUne. , "Mr kunbjj.d and any sous wr uu right sad day wheeling m fiotn oa raom to ai a: her In the hop ot giving m aume relief. I would tit for hours at a tint la frowt J th areolar' hoping for daybreak. - Th pti waa intent 1 waa almost craxy, in tact. I would loe tay reeMn for keoit ttatnue. One day a Irlrnd of miae aropped ea a i k'-'-: t ' : i i 1 1 ' rn i n mi n OMAHA PAYS NO INTEREST TO THE WATERCOMPANY (Continued from Fage One.) . Plant supplying South Omaha, jMindeo, Kast Omnha and the Florence plant and wfttie'gvlhg value. - - - Th board of appraisers finally sub mitted its report on July 7, 19a, fixing the appraisement of the entire plant at M.?!, signed by nenxenberg and Mend, Alvord withholding concurrence by direction of the Vater board's attor ney. Immediately following the announce ment of the appraisement Fresldent Woodbury of the Omaha Water company made a formal tender of the entire plant to the city of Omaha and demanded a check 'for th amount of the appraise ment. Appraisement Is Itejeeted. The Water board went through the form of rej'-ctlng the appraisement and order ing a new appraisement and then of em ploying experts to draw plans for a new plant. On July 9, 1909, President Wood bury brought suit 'In the United states clrcui' court for , specific performance to compel the-clry and Water board to accept the plant under the appraisement and to pay for It. The Water board law yers argued that the apptalaement was excessive, that -the terms agreed upon by the contending parties were not com piled With and that the finding .was reached by only two of the three ap praieera n.,d should have been by all threo. On June 29, lf07. a decree was entered by Judge M linger In the; TnlMd Ptates circuit court, dismissing' The bill of com plaint the . water oentariy.t An ap peal was taken to the United States circuit court of appeals by the water company, and on April 7, 1908, n, decree was Ivriiad from that court by unani mous action of all the Judges, revers ing the decision of the lower court, de claring the appraisement valid and binding upon th city of Omaha and requiring the city to complete the purchase. i Th Water board lawyera made applica tion to the supreme court of the United States for a writ of certiorari, which is equivalent to an appeal from the derision iif th circuit Court -of appeals," and the same was granted. The case was argued before tha United Slates supreme court by John Lee Webster for tho Water beard and city, and by R. S. Hall and Howard Mansfield for the water company. While the case waa still pending la the United States supreme court the city of Omaha, on demand of th Water board, voted t'UiOO.000 bonds for the purchase of the plant ' and extensions. v Tho water company lawyers scored nn Important point by directing the court's attention to the voting of bonds as ac quiescence In the reasonableness ot the award and recognition ot the city's obli gation to buy. BR. HENRY g. from the effect of the Instructions given the workmen" by ' Which their efforts are mo e advantageously applied. ' .-' Ceneral Croxler declarea the average premium of all machlulets. who have been placed on premium work fn the machine shop at Washington has been 2C per cent of their aages. In concluding his report he expresses th belief that better pro duction can be had by proper car on the part of tho management, but that continued high production la Impossible without correxpoudingly high wages. T&FT REYIEWS BIG FLEET (Continued from 1'ag One.) of In in m me. ho KHr had th gUiur tut ot Ihtn the eirlsluted. 'Mrs. rlnntfan. fy ip ti.e woiid lun I tU try th Cult cut JUnvJw-t!' Sni't dufvJMed wtlk the s 4iort t'i'l lueir luaiutnra, and aol being a' le t tl-p l all, I on ldd to (tv tbs uiituia r Hp and Cultcura Olmaait a Afif using theut Ihre oy that tiut ti'it at teund as a tilvar doiisr t'l I Uii.t huon. 1 awoke la Hi mamma .llSbut vtijr luiie pain, in fart, 1 thousiii wm la keavea. alter unliig tha Cumin JiiiiMe lor thraa Wunllit 1 wm erlrtly :.u,id to ...!&, thaiiks te tU luilfu I Kjp r(i Otuimetit. 1 a til b tlly-lour ft t of at my neitt blrth4y title and ti ri it LriMi.i," thisneU) U'. Julia Sae gitt. '4Ueuulfit..kt.Louls lis., Mai. 7,') I. CuiKvur bot sid fHntmeet i told tbtovi tiuvl tit wntld. grnd la Potter Iwug It ( Caip., lrpt. liA, fcoktoa, for lrr Mr. Taft had . a cordial expression greeting for each of th ofricera. When th reception had ended and th admirals had Sailed away In their barges, th president prepared to return cour tesies with a call on board th Con necticut. The gun of the flagship thun dered a salute a he riino aboard and again when he len. It was from the Con necticut that the prcaldeut got his best view of th anchored fleet. Mara Salates for rrealdeat. fth exchange of calls completed, th Mayflower picked up Ite anchors and ttartad down thd water Ian formed by th battleship on Ita starboard quarter and the altnder llrtle destroyers to port. With th presldeutlat flag again on th mov th saluting began anew. This time It waa not In ihorua. As th Mayflower's brklg cleared, th Con necticut, the flagship, let go with twenty, i n guns. Next In line was tb Michigan. As the Mayflower cleared Ita after gang way, th Michigan took up th trtbul of th apcaktng cannon. Bo it was with th Delaware, tna North Dakota and the thir ships down the line. Each In Ita turn paid compliment to th president. Mr. Taft stood en th bridge and lifted hla hat as he panted tha colors of th various vetaela. . t On buard each battlrthip and on board the destroyers the sides were, manned with bluejackets, giving a living outline ui iiiv iwi-wnw Ituiia. Lii itia uutrtar docks the officers. In tha gold and lac ot special full drea uniforms, wr aa aemblud and at attention. The marine guard were also drawn up on tb deck and th ship bands, uniformed, stood out a bright patch of color In the grouping on tb afterdecks. As th prtstdent's yacht passed the battleahlp do aboard there war trum pet flourishes aad drum ruffle from each Just before th bands crash out wita in national anthem. "Th Star Span glad lianner." From near and far there came th auund of buale. and crash of th band. It waa a spectacle that sent a thrill through all who aaw and heard. After making a round trip of the naval columns, th Mayflower drew clear ot the fleet and steamed dowu i:i bay to It anchorage and there was a brief respite. The president Iun-he4 on board his yacht. CRAWFORD MEN DENY STORY OF CONFERENCE ItUIJON. 8. D.. Nor. J-fPpeclal Tele eram.) Friends of Penator Crawford know nothing nt a reported conference to discuss Oovernor Vessev as a Crawford candidate to aueeend Senator Rotwt J. Oamble. They declnre no one had au thority to quote Senator Crawford ' and that he had no knowledge of the meeting if one wss held: that nn a i-ran cements had been made for a conference between Oovernor Vessey ort the subject and hone Is likely to be had. Want B.autlful Hair? Then Try This Shampoo I Maid Marion on Beauty.) "It la a well-known fact that wet shampoos work Inlury to both hair and scalp, as all cnntnln more or less potash and 'free' alkali, necessary to create a lather. These two chemicals reduce the vitality .of the hair glands and delicate tissues, and drenching the head to re move the lather usually npgravates the condition. "A very fin dry shampoo that la cleansing and beneficial to hnlr and acalp can bo made by mlxlnir 4 ounces of either orris root or corn meal with 4 ounces therox. A tablespoonful sprinkled on the head, then, brushed well through the hair, cleanses and exhiltrates the scalp, takes every particle of dust 'and oil from the hair, and leaves It soft, glossy and easy to do up." Adv. MOTXiCKsTTg Of OCSAV ITllHUg ert. amvta, Siii4 KtW YORK Onion .tUdrwsiila. NfW YoilK OvmuU ( luciou.u. NKW YOhK CK.MUI4. I HrHhot I'auiMaU T 1 1 ! KM'K .ftUMta 0 KKNu roW.V. . r !! FrssoeBla. N Aei tt buna , Vmi THAMKIi'S K V.r sol THAtieTi.N. Kroa t. itellta. lirMHilS.,i. r. IWM chase price. The accumulation of Interest on the purchase price since July 9, 19og, to date amounts to more thun 2,5"0,(X1. Aa a result of this appeal the city is saved from, payment of this Interest and required only to pay th sum of th original appraisement. "Wa regard this as a great victory for th Water board and one which will leave the city ample money out of the Interest of th bonds to make extensions and im provements." . " Compass-, ta Keep Restate. P.resldent Woodbury of th Omaha Water company,' when apprised of the decision of th court of appeals, stated that the question of lntereat. was th principal cause ,of tha litigation that pad been carried on sine July a, laoa, th dat on which thS appraltal pf th plant wa accepieo. oy me wster company. The arppTSteea value- of hf plant was H-I,l!9& 40. On this sum' th water com pany' claimed and demanded Interest at the rata of 7 per cent per annum. Not being fully apprised of th full ex tent of the decision of the court of ap peals, Trealdent Woodbury wat of th opinion that. If It had been held that the ctly would not have to pay interest. It would probably' be charged with all ren tals from th data heretofore named and up to the time of turning over the plant. . ttlatory of the Case. ' Th ' history of th purchase of the Omaha water "works embraces a long series of litigation In Ita various phases, most of which has grown out of the act of tha Nebraska legislature of February I, 1903, compelling the purchaso of the water works and providing for th cre ation of the Water hoard, which should hare charge of the administration of the water works when they became the prop erty of th city. " " To comply with th mandat ot this law, an ordinance was passed by th elty council of Omaba March 1. 1903. electing to buy the water work plant under the purchase clause, and directing the ap pointment ot a board of appraisers to ap praise the plant, on of the appraisers to be appointed by the city, a second by th watr company and th third to be selected by these two. The appraiser ap pointed by th city was John W. Alvord; hy th water company, George II. Hen benberg, and these two selected Daniel W. Mead as th third member of the board. ' Under th so-called Howell bill, making compulsory the purchase of the plant, pro vision was also made for th creation of th water board to be appointed by the governor for various terms, two to be appointed each year or until their sue ceaaors wer elected. The first board consisted of Jamea K. Uoyd. T. J. Ma honey, Milton Barlow, I. E. Congdon, J. F. Coad and Martin. It was under this board that th appraisement waa com menced. In May or June, 1903. Thl apprataement waa long drawn out and Involved considerable controvert) relative to th procedural Carl C. Wright, then city attorney, aeslsted by John L-e Webster, specialty employed at attorney for th Water board,1- represented th city in th litigation. At th euit-the question arose to to tha seniu. of tha sppralsojliant. the at torney for th elty holding that tt should not Include such ot th property of the water company that lay within the city limits of Omsha. Th Water board con tended that the appralaement should em brace tha entire plant, Including th ex tensions to Dundee,, tfouth Omaha, over the property of th East "Omaha Land company, and the 'pumping atatlon add filtration plants and eettljpg. reservoirs at Florence. ' - ' . . " Scape f Apprateeaseat. Th question of th "going" value of th plant waa also pressed by the at torneys for the water ronipany. The at torney for the Water board held out for th natural deterioration of th plant and Ita Inadequacy to fulfill its contract re quirements with the growing demands of th city, and th disinclination ot the water company to enlarge It pumping and piping capacity. Hepardtess of these objactlona th ap. pralaement continued until the matter finally got Into th United State circuit aourt and a titer waa Issued directing that th board of appraiser should pro read with the appralaement aa a whole with separate finding for the plant as lying within the corporate limits of th CHICAGO MAN MURDERED; WIDOW HELD BY POLICE CHICAGO, Nov. I John Qulnn, a mo tornian, waa found shot to death In. his bed today In circumstances that caused the police to hold Jane Qulnn, his widow, for an Investigation. Mrs. Qulnn told the pollc hor husband had been shot by a burglar, who escaped with tlflO Qulnn had under hla pillow. A gold watch and chain were found under the earn pillow and later a revolver wrapped In a piece of cloth and one chamber'-discharged "wss' found In the bath room of the Qulnn home. The police believe this will disprove Mrs. Qulnn's statement that her husband ' was shot by ' a burglar. '.'.". i'tf. ' , The weapon Was Identified by J.' W. Miller,' a roomTvasne 'Miat .had' toem taken out o le.deaaar4iulnn carried' 13.000 11? IrnJuratjcr and. hl WlXe; ws the beneficiary, J. '., v 4 COLORADO COMPELLED TO IMPORT MANY POTATOES DENVKR, Nov, 1. For the. first time In ten years Colorado la Importing pota toes from Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illi nois. .Prices have advanced from- $1.60 per hundredweight to )3 and a further advance of.&o cents Is.' predicted. This condition la. due to partial failure, of th Greeley crop, and, commission men say, to the fact that speculator have secured control .of the Idaho and western, slope crop, v i . . v e . . Si UNDID I0RUILA FOR KICNEYS AND BLADDER If your back aches, rheumatic ' pains shoot through your Joints and you have frequent desire to urinate; painful or highly colored urination, dixsy spells, it's a sure alan that the kidneys are not in aood working condition and need attention. Oet the best remedy obtain able. The following formula Is one ot tlie very best. Uet from ,our druggist a one-nair ounce pacKage aturax torn pound, one-half ounca fllud extract Kuchu and six ounces bext gin. Mix these well together and take in doaoa of one to two teaspoonfula after each meal and at bed time. Thla simple prescription acta directly on the kidney by cleansing these sponge like or nan, also gives them strength and power to properly perforin their function of filtering the blond of poi sonous waste matter and uric acid, and aids to eliminate these Impurities from tha svtetn. In this way, dread dlahete. chi-nnltt rheutna.tlsm and dtahvlca can hp avoided. Adv. , . .... Asthma Catarrh WHOOHNG COUCH CROUP BRONC HITIS COUCH3 ' COLDS JrrteusHro ttrt Scii ua fa beaw. tii UMklM, wiikt. eM Ikt (Matack wivh Slan. Um4 wilt SKCMt fal Ulity yaan, " ' I k sir rasters tirasfly aailMtut, lattlrt Wit trtt? krl,tkt rkig suy, t ilal it, awt Ihrtal, t4 let csk,taci nsu fal ailkn, CrnaUa it la Bteltait wilt Mg cauana at a a t avgsttrt ta Afi a r a. tmmi aa aaatal fee taterlxhrt btetla. ALL DRUGGISTS, Try Craaalctt Asia, aeptle Ta'aat Taklata fo the trtttais larau, TaT trt laipla.tSaa la ts4 tsilMpiic. Of raartraiilMMtiaaias M ia ataatft, Vsfeg Crcsotttw Ca. 41 tertleeal N. V. C-Saaiayadfi'oil tiiaimoc Natural Laxative Water ' Recommended -by Physicians Refuse Substitutes Dajt rmify for CONSTIPATION IIS. Mm WHERE MANY FAIL In buying dia monds many peo ple are Deceived through their own lolly. They go to a uealer una ln- rrrt,i lilin fliAl llipv I A-A want a certain hlgn I'liy' 1 grade stone for a (XA niall autq. come Vft& deal era, wanting oniy ine customer a money and seeing that this wants a big atone for a small sum, misrepresent cer tain stones to him. 'lliey tell him It la a pure atone for Just th price he wlahea to pay. The truth l.s, the stone Is an inferior one and worth leaa than the customer pays. At the Edhoim store one price is placed on every diamond, and a cus tomer in not lead to believe that he Is getting "eori.ethlng for nothing." A buyer receives just what he pays for, and is not deceived In any way. Kvery atone is worth Just what is asked for it, not a cent less or a cent more. Don't afrly ny Invst. ALBERT EDH0LM aUxtaantk and Harney. 1 Beauty In Every Jar Unsightly Complexions . Need No- Longer Be An Embarassment T6 You! KranfcV ; Pink Blush Cream Will eradicate blemishes and wrinkles and keep it free from secretions mak ing your skin transparent and healthy. H Winter Is Coming Let us install our double Weather Strips on your win dows. Can be put on both old and new houses. Keeps out the cold and dust. Your windows will never rattle. We, also strip doors, mak ing them cold and wind proof. We will be pleased to call and explain the merits of the American "Weather Strips. F. II. Turney & Co. Sola Agnt American Wathr Strip Company. Doug. 4S9S. 603 War Block. Friday is bargain Say In Our Ladies' Dept. Bargain a galore in Women's Coats, Sails, Furs and KurntMnr await tlie thrifty wo men here Saturday. Handsome Fall Coats, !w"7 EZ f Worth $12.50 and $15, a!...'? Very pretty garments, some) itli lttrgci sailor collars, others In tailored effects. Special Tailored Suits $12.50 and $15.00 Hundreds of splendid suits for your selec tion. All the season's newest and best fab rics and styles la beautifully trimmed and tailored effects. . bilk 1'luhli bUeet Hats. Nobby little street hats In very pretty shades, , worth to $3.50. at 98c Pretty Kail Skirts. Splendid Serges, Panamas, W o r steds and nQS Corduroys, J worth $7.50 Reduced Prices on Plush Goats 12.50, 17.50, $25 Great Showing of Fur Seta and fur Coats at prices lower tban you have ever been able to Ret such splendid furs. , Have you seen those Beautiful Trimmed Hats we offer at $3.98 and 5.00 You'll surely like them It you'll see thep. Hundreds of them are .here for your eefer tion. r.lcntor Comfort Undorwea . for Women and Children 0 i You'll derive more warmth and more comfort from Mentor underwear than from any you have ever worn.. And the prices are no more. Women's Union Suits 69c to $2. Misses' and Boys' Union Suits- 50c to 98c HANDBAGS Splendid as sortment In leathers, velvets, suedes, brocades, etc 48c to $4.98 SILK WAISTS . Beautiful 'new taffeta and rues saline silk waists $2,48 to $3.98 WOMEN'S HOSE Regular 12 c hose, In black and . brown, per pair 5c LADIES' COATS, SUITS and SKIRTS MASE TO ORDER HOLEPROOF GUARANTEED HOSIERY FOR WOMEN The Novelty Company 214-16 Xorth 16th Street. Clothiers to Men and Women. Formerly the Novelty Skirt Co. (' MILWAUKEE Ml" " I f Bottled at the brewery. Just about 100 per cent, perfect, i For health's sake have it in your hopie. "Always tho same Good Old Dlatz" BLATZ COMPANY OS -a 1 Oaaajtaa etjaa, Oataaa. Stak. rh.a.1 Dalal 3 NOTE THIS Jhe Properties of The Buick Oil Go. of California are located In the center of th rich est pot ever found on or In the earth. The Hulck well nun. her one is con ceited to be ihe best well In Callfor nla. Two more wells are now helna drilled and this will continue until 1,600 wells are drilled. There Is no treasut-y atock for sale, but by business connection I ' have with Mr, B. K. Moffatt of Chirasro. I can control all of the stock of this company there is on the market. No better investmento can be found. Call ' on me or write for information. Lucius Wells 1530 City Rational Bank Bldf. ' Omaba, Dab. JEST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. Hiss. Wikslow's aooTHiMO Svsrs has been used for ovet 8IXTY YKAKSbv MILLIONS oj MOTHERS .'or their CHILDREN WH1L8 aKKTHINO, with FERFKCT tiljCCESS. U POOTHES th CHILD. SOFTENS the GCM9, ALLAYS all l'AIN CURES WIND COLIC, and u lh beat remedy for LIIARRHCEA. It Is ab solutely harmless. Be sure aad sale for M ra. Wlnaiow'a :oothiog Syrup, ' and UkS BO Otbar klud, Twcaty-av ceat a bottlaa Whtre lo Findthe Btela New York City, N. Y, Arthur Hotallna;, Orand Central Depot Nwa Stand, As lor House. Harry J. Ccbults. Orand Central btatloo. . Tyson Co' a News Btsnds, Includlnf Hot.1 Knlcli.rNx-kar Holbnaa Hsuas Hol.l Manhattan ... imp.rlal Hot.l Hollas Holm Murray HAal Hotd faalnraat braaU L'olua Hstal Waldsnl-Aatart Thar 1 tru plsasur. satisfaction and security la tiurchaaina at the rllii.i's Family Liquor Btor. Tou feel assured In advance tbat you will b really and fully pleased. W carry nothing- but th purest goods and take great prlda in our own brand. Hitter's Straight Whiskey, full quart, 80c Miller's Old Stock, full quart, - - $1.00 Hlllers Old Standard, full quart - 51.25 Wa Ship Fr-ar Quarts ar More, In Plain Box, by Express, Prepaid. Send (or Coaipleta Price List Miller's Fine Wines, Per Quart "-.'35c, 50c and 75c Prompt City Delivery . -r? r , . . .'.11 ajum i iiuiics 1309 xarnam Direet OMAHA'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE FAMILY LIQUOR STORE eav bl aaca waii aa-p. wowa aa lb aVONMul IM. . Rarsj ftatra. city of Omaha; of tboa portioua at th