Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Greater Bargains Than Ever
Memnnmamit Day
( 1 .. ..... , U 1
Desirable Cotton Goods at Prices That Will Be of Much
Interest to Those Who Wish to Save
Money on Their Purchases.
$1.00 Silk Embroidered Wool Flannels at 59c a Yard
Excellent for baby dresses, waists, etc., nicely finished
hemstitched and galloped edges; the silk embroidered
designs are very neat, new and pretty.
Perfect goods just received from the
mill. $1.00 values; on basement bar
gain square; at, yard
Baby Flannels at 8V2C Yd.
Double fleece, all perfect; pink,
blue, white and cream; Just
the right weight for making
warm aleepers and fi-Ar
nightgowns, at yard '. OJ V
Velour Flannels at 10o Yd.
AH the new designs, Including
the new aeroplane bordered
effect adapted for waists,
dressing sacquea and kl- 4 II.
in on os, 16c values, at yd.IVC
Come direct to the Brandela Basement and choose from the larg
est assortment of light and dark fancy outing flannels. The
tnallty It the best because they are warm and fluffy yet firmly
woven to Insure wearing quality. No better outing 01
flannels made. In long perfect mill lengths, fl qC
at yard v 'v
Rohe Prints, suitable for conr
fort coYarlngs, thn color are In
J'erslan and florals;
titrable length, Vc
values, at yard
40 Inch wide unbleached muslla and 36 Inch wide bleached
muslin In long perfect lengths: on bargain square, at, yd.. . . wl
Fancy Dress Prints and Fancy Dress Flannel remnants
In mill lengths, at, yard
Short lengths of light and dark
outing flannel of the Fm
above Quality, at yd v
Buy Cotton' Batting her.
Friday we offer many special
bargains In pure natural and
white batta that are made from
the finest cotton.
Mill remnants of 36-ln. ging
hams and odd lota of cotton
goods will be sold Friday
forenoon, at s) i
yard 2
the Ashley-Balley
Several thousand yards of silks from
stock at lesa than cost to manufacture. -
S9o and 60c Plain and Fancy Bilks, taffetas, brocades, in med
ium and dark colors, in basement, m m
at yard '. .15C
76c all silk dress Messallnea, Persian, foulardu, taffetas jr
and Loulaletmas, at yard vaC
fl All Bilk Peau de Cygne, yarn dyed messallnes. Peau in.
de Relne, etc.; bargain square, at yard t5IC
611k remnant for your Christmas work. Gauze, diaphonoua
materials, fancy marquisettes, brocades, all sorts of velvet
ITS? ...... it . . IOC- 1SC'2SC-39C
Shorter pieces In thla grand lot i Velveta in the basement, plain
in iaw imBuiucui, at r- and fancy, at
v v
Manufacturers' Sample Pieces and Remnants
Allovers, edges, bands, galloons, etc.; two big bargain
lots worth up to 73c, ip
nt each '. I5C-29C
Mlaee', chl I d r n'a
rid boys' I'nlon
Hulls, medium and
heavy fleony lined,
all at up to in
years, worth up to
75c, per aft
garment, lUr
Women's Fine Rib
bed Vests and
Pants; fleecy lin
ed; worth 60c;
will go
at ....
Women's Fine Non
Shrlnklng Wool,
Underwear, Vests
and Pants; all
sires; worth jn.
11.00, at .. OjC
. CORSETS WORTH UP TO $1.00, AT 49c.
Varioua different models, all are of splendid quality; low, med
ium and high bust; long and extremely long hips; all have
supporters attached. Values up to 11.00; ' ja
odds and ends, on main floor, at lltC
Military and Rough Rider Gauntlet 0 loves, patent
leather cuffs with brass buttons, plain and heavy
fleeced; black, tan and gray front Oftn
bargain square; at, pair 4JC
Next Monday you can come
.to Brandcis Stores and buy a room-size
rug that most stores sell the year 'round
at $60.00. for $29.98.
You can buy a Room-Size Rug that you
'could not buy any other time or any other place
for let-s than $25.00, for exactly $15.00.
You can buy smaller rugs at smaller prices
Monday and the bargains will be wonderful
This is possible only because we bought out
a retailer who wanted to sell "Lis stock. NO
wholesaler would pay cash because it was too
late for the wholesale season. The retailer de
rided that he must take a loss so he accepted
' our low eash price for his stock.
AVe urge you, by all means, to see these rugs
in the window before they go on sale Monday.
New Styles
in Ladies
now on sale.
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given
Free with all Purchases at This Store.
See the
in the
Friday is the Last Day of the
Great Millinery Purchase Sale
Friday we will make a final clearance of all of the odds and ends left from our
Millinery Purchase Sale. There will be thousands of untrimmed hats, trimmings of va
rious kinds, etc., for you to choose from at less prices than you have known this season.
Hundreds of bargains not advertised will be displayed on special tables..
1 Mmizr nk
Lot No. l19c
Consisting of 100 large rolled
sailors, made of French felts In
royal blue, brown and gray colors.
Very popular 98c sellers, while
they last, 19c.
Lot No. 2 29c
Consisting of women's un
trimmed black satin and silk hats
faced with silk velvet and French
felt hats In all shapes values
from $1.00 to $2.00.
Lot No. 3--59c t
Consisting of women's un
trimmed silk velvet hats in a wide
variety of small and medium
shapes in black and colors. Val
ues up to $2.98 at 69c.
4 Untrimmed Dre$
Hats at 79c.
A Urge variety of new blocks made
of fine silk velvets In white with black
velvet facing. These hats are slightly
soiled from handling. Price was $5.98.
500 Children's
Hats at 19c
Not a hat ' In thin
lot ' Is worth less
than $1.00.
cleanup price. 19c.
Lot 5--Ready-to-Vear Hats
at 48c.
In this lot are Just 100 ready-to-wear
hats of fine silks and velvets. The trim
mings alone are worth from $1 to $2.
Come early if you want this bargain.'
Thousands of Fancy Feathers at 5c. 10c, 19c and 39c.
Ton will find these on oar REW BUOallt QTTAE IBf Til MOT.X.X1TEBY STOKE. W intend to have
spacial on this "square" avary day whether it la advartlaad or not. Thla la the flrat of thorn, tot includes
fancy faathara, wings and all tha lataat trimming novelties now being- nsad on atraat and draas hata. Values
ftom S8o to aa.98.
Veiling" In black and colon, worth $1.50 f r
the yard, cleanup price I UC
One Iot of- Fancy Hands and Fancy Cords that are
very popular for trimmings at present, reg
ular 8c to $1.98 values, priced for Frl. ou
Fancy Bands in gold and silver, worth up o
to s i. as, Cleanup price. fOS
Bilk and Velvet Ribbons Your choice of 3,000 yards
of silk and velvet ribbons, worth from'
50c to $1 00, yard J UC
19000 Yards Imported Velvets at $1.48 the Yard, Friday Only
This is the finest and best lot of velvets we have ever shown. They come in all of the most beautiful
colorlnga and are actually worth from $5.00 to $6.00 the yard. Suitable for the popular velvet gowns as
well as for millinery purposes-the greatest bargain of the sale. ,
A Small Deposit Will Secure Any of the Bargains in This Big Millinery Purchase Sale
Outing Flannels, Bedding,
Lmens, Less than Usual
7 tic and S'4o outing- flannals rem
nant of a HT'xid ho:ivy weight In fast
color ami Krcat variety of pattern
Frlduy. ao tlio yard.
66c 7Zxni-inch saamad bad ahaats
--an extra apodal number of heavy
col ton--Friday only, 39o each. 1
$1.25 soo.l alio ootton blankota in
a-ruva and tana with pretty bordera,
Friday only. SSo tha pair.
"Uc 17-lnrh rood wearln Unou
oraah with blue border, Friday only,
5a the yitrd.
Site 72-liK-h anblaaehed labia linens
. In aborted patterna, Friday only, Soo
the yard. ,
?-lnoh whito goods In checked,
striped and dotted patterns, a cleanup
of aooda worth up to l&o tha yard,
Friday only. BVio. V
Timely Bargains in Knit
One lot of women's nnd chil
dren's vests and-pants consisting
of broken lines and slightly Boiled
garments; all slaes In the lot, to
close out. while they last. 33c the
Women's and children's fleeced
and heavj ribbed cotton union
suits and separate garmenta are
very specially priced at ROc.
Kample lines of women's winter
mlts of a very fine quality of
wool, fleeced and cotton; actual
$1.50 and $2.00 values, while they
last. HOc the garment.
100 New Whiter Coats
in a Big Sale Friday Only
$12.30 to $19.30 Values. WMe They Last.
Only, $10.00 the Majority Being
at the Higher Prices.
Assortment consists of POLO, REVERS
IBLE and CARACUL COATS and about
fifteen EVENING COAT8 and CAPES, in
sizes from a miss's 10 up to a woman's 42.
Choose from plain shades of gray, black,
brown, navy, some plaldB and a few gray
mixtures. Either storm or sailor collars,
as you wish.
Friday Only $10
Flannelette Gowns
Made of enod. fleecy
; fa'orSa liberally cut In
lenitth and width. F.x
tra well made, and neat
atrtpea or plain colore
In all aixen, Four bti
lines at uc. 9c, 1.0u
and 1 1.;' I each.
Ttro Clove Specials for
Friday's Se.ling
Women's kid gloves in all sizes
and black, white and colors; reg
ular $1.00 qualities at &&c the
Women's golf and silk lined
cMalimere gloves and women's and
children 'a all wool double mittens
worth 60c the pair, on the Bargain
Table Friday at 33c Tor your
New Bath Robes
An unuaually ood line
In all doalruble colore
and patterna. Thev are
bla- roomy sarmenla In a
variety of atylea that
will please all fasten.
1'opularly priced at
$3.50 to $6. 7a.
A New Washable Shirt for Women
haa Just arrived. It la made of a hlglr grade, mer
cerised cotton Panama, han aott collar with tie to
tnatth. la etraJbt cut and opena down the trout,
finished with a breast docket and soft turn-back
cuffs: Alt sizes, In white only, J1.25 each.
Children a Cats at $2 95 to $6. 75
Lota of them In a variety of stylish models that
become children from 1 to 1 years of a tie. Made of
broadclotha, caraculs, velvets, plushes and fancy
mixtures; cut full and roomy and lined with best
serviceable lining.
$1.00 Corsets for 75c
a new
A special number for Friday's selling only
w model of an extra quality ooutll made In
mfldlnm hlsh bust fitvlea with extra Inn. ui..
strong boning and hose supporters; a regular J'j!
$1.00 corset underprlced for Friday only at 75c. J
Are CutPricG Days In The
Big Pinv rood Grocery
H ' L .41 1 V t
la.Ke itoitie lacnf iuu
eulaJ dressing and SO
stamps 45o
S cans hulled beans
with chicken and !0
stamps BBo
Calllard'a pure olive oil
and 30 stamps, bot
tle ao
J-In. pka-. Hennett'a Cap
itol pancake flour and
10 stamp... 10
J-lb. pka- Hennett'a t'ap
Itol wheal and 10
si am pa 10a
-lb. pka-. Hennett'a Cap
itol oata and It atampa
fur 109
I rakes York Violet
toilet soap and to
aian pa Boa
(-lb. can 11. C. IihkIiic pow
der and 100 atampa. 51.00
t'I.Al t:n bl UAH fur 51.00
Unlder's chile sauce and
10 sta nips, bottle.. ase
Assorted leas and 1
atampa, lb Sao
Assorted teaa and 0
lamps, lb CSo
Tea slfttnss and I J
stamps, lb 15o
Vi-lb. can pure pepper
and k atampa loo
X pkaa. H. mtnee meat
and 10 atampa ase
Full cream cheek and
1 stbinpa, lb BOO
Virginia ; swlsa chee
and 10 atampa, lb.,aoo
Drlik cheese and 14
atampa, lb aoo
Snider a pork arid beans
and II stamps, can 15e
r.eimett's Hest c.olfeo nnrt
.'0 atati m, lb 3So
1 lb. Hennett'a Best coffee
nnu so stamps 51.04
1-lb. pk. liennetl's Tap
ltoi buckwheat and 10
sianipt lgl.o
lieauty aaparakua and
10 stamps, can....S0o
IMamond t'rystal salt
and 10 stumps, aa-k,
for 104
15 bars bkat-fm-
8ansdown codfish and
6 atampa, pkg 10c
Oev. Ialidet's extra
fancy mushroom--a
can for boo
Snider's ratstin and 10
stamps, bottle SSo
Cream honey cooklea--
special value at pr
lb iao
Haviland China
Dinner Ware Sale
There's an ample variety of
patterna and decorations to fill
all wants and the prices are
considerably lower than you
have known In some time.
$35.00 Haviland 100-plece
dinner sets at . . .
$67.00 Haviland 100-pleoe
dinner sets at...fctU.AO
$41.00 Haviland 100-plece
dinner sets t...fU.&o
Odds and Ends of
tiuvi ana
cur re cupe
saucers, decu-
creamers, the
6c de.-orated
saucers, pair.
!7o ramikliia and
3.7 susars and
I'air .i
.".. H-lnch decorated f la't' cou'pa
plates .
Hone platea worth tl 60 the do, n
Many other Hems are pri'cU iu
proportion to the above.
atchlcss Bargain Offerings for Friday
"" m "w"
HtLlAlU f :. t 2)
Dig 71.11 Purchase of Rugs
Goes on Sale Beginning Friday, Nov. 3d
Offering assortments of High Class, Terfect Rugs
for selection uneqnaled in any other store and nt prices
lower than you'll find quoted elsewhere
$30.00 Axmlnstcr Hug $14.73-
Dlg line of Seamless Wilton
Rugs also Included in the lot,
9x12 size, great snap, S14.75
Granite Art Squares 9x12 lze,
on sale at .$2.05
36x72 Axminstor Rugs, 82.55
9 20.00 Brussels Rugs $13.9S
9x12 Bize, Seamless, 10 wlra
quality, matchless bargains.
0x12 Velvet Hugs 812.98
Room Size Rrusaris Hug", on
Bale at S6.50
27x54 Axmlnster Jtugs gl.55
Bee 16th Street Windows. Don't Miss This Sale. All Goods Perfect
No Seconds or MlssruaUhed Patterns.
Dress Goods Remnants
Less Than Half
Hundreds of Remnant of desir
able plain and novelty Dress
Goods, Serges, Panamas, Cash
meres, Mohairs and Novelty Suit
ings, values to 75c yard, on sale
at. yard 25
Plain and Fancy Suitings All
wool Serges, Diagonals, Semi
Rough Suitings, etc., values up
to $1 yard, in two lots
at 38 and 48
$1.23 Chiffon Broadcloth, 80c
A fine quality Chiffon Broad
cloth, 52 inches wide, full line
of the new colors, $1.25 yard
value, at 89
Friday is Remnant Cay
In the Domestic Room.
Outing Flannel, good and heavy,
In good long lengths, 12
goods, at a yard 8
Remnants of Percale, light aud
dark colors, good lengths, at a
yard .....7tt
Shirting Ginghams in good long
remnanXs, 12 He goods, at a
yard 7Vs
Chambray Ginghams, 10c goods,
at a yard 6
Simpson's Prints, light and dark
colors, at a yard 1
Unbleached Muslin, good and
heavy, in long mill lengths, Fri
day at a yard 5V6
Remnants of Toweling, Crashes,
etc., just about half price.
Remnants of Flannelettes, Per
cales, Madras, Gingham, etc.,?
goods worth up to 15c a yard,
all at one price 7tt
Some Rousing
Silk Bargains
Plain and Novelty Crepe de
Chines in every wanted color,
bordered and floral effects, also
a fine line of 27-in. Silk Fan
cies in the Jacquard and Border
ed styles, regular values to 75c
' yard, choice . . . . 28? &nd 48
Woo Mning Satin OOc 36 IncheH
wide, strong and durable, In
black, white, grey, tan and
brown, 85c quality, yard ..5U
$1.00 Silks at 08c Yard wide
Mescaline and Fancy Poplins. In
Rose, Alice Blue, Tan, Reseda,
Old Gold, good long remnants,
on sale at, yard 68
Black Silk Bargains 36-ln. all
Silk Messaltne, 36-ln. Silk Dress
Taffeta, 33-ln. Chiffon Peau de
Sole, regular $1.00 yard values,
tt, yard . 7
Blanket Sale Friday
plaids, grey and tans, a good
heavy blanket, our $7.00 blank
et, Friday at a pair ..34.95
X. H. Blanket, heavy wool nap,
grey with fancy borders, full
size, our $4.00 blanket, Friday
at a, pair $3.10
12-4 Amazon Blanket, our regular
$1.98 blanket, at a pair $1.65
Baby Blankets, good assortment,
each 75 59 and 50
Extra Specials on Cotton Batts and
$3.50 Untrimmed Hats Friday 98c
A tremendous purchase of Untrimmed Shapes silk, vel
vet, felt, velour, also hand made hats of silk, velvet and
draped turbans; values up to $3.50, d O s.
at, choice w O C
100 Trimmed Hats, values up to $6.50, choice 1.50
Lace Curtains and Draperies
Lace Curtains in big assortment,
$4.60 values, pair ....$2.98
Lace Curtains, worth to $2.75 pr.,
on sale, each 39
$3.00 Scrim Curtains, Oriental
patterns, on sale at pair $1.75
Portieres for Double Doors, to
$6.50 pair values, heavy weight,
at $4.50 and $3.25
19c Figured Sateens for comfort
ers, on sale, yard 12H
12 He Figured Silkollnes, yd. 9
10c Striped Curtain Swiss, yd.' 5
Drapery RrmranU of all kinds,
1 to 3 yard lengths, values to $1
yard, at per yard 25
50c Embroideries 19c
J8-in." Skirt Flounclngs, ,
20-In. Skirt Flounciags,
22-in. Skirt Flounclngs,
27-in. Skirt Flounclngs,
Worth 35c, 50c up to 75c a yard.
This lot of Embrodleries was sold
by the U. S. Custom House of
New York City on account of
under valuation by the import
ers. Do not miss this great sale
Friday. Although the 19c lot
will be the big attraction there
will be four other lota worth Be
to 25c yard at 2Hc, 5c, 7c
and 12 Ho yard.
Winter Underwear at About Naif
Soma Very Special Bargain Offerings Friday
Hoys' Fleece Lined Underwear
50c quality shirts or drawers, at
garment 25J
Girls' 50c quality underwear, fine
jersey ribbed or fleeco lined,
vests or pants, at 25
Ladies' Jersey Rib Underwear
50c quality veta or pants, good
heavy quality, at 25
Ladies' 91.00 and 91.50 heavy
fleeced union suits, in all sizes,
34 to 44, at 75k and 59
Ladies' $ 3.00 and 93.50 Union
Suits All wool or silk and wool,
all- sizes, at $1.98
Children's 91.00 Union Suits
In fleece line cream or gray, all
sizes to 16 years at 45
Men's All Wool Shirts or Drawers
All colors, to $2.00 values,
at -$1.25 $98 and 754
Ladles' $1.25 Wool Knit Shawls,
black and colors, at 49
In the Domestic Room Suit Bepartm't
Indies' Long Black Coats New
est styles, values to $10.00, on
Bale at $5.0Q
Women's Tailored Suits All new
styles, values to $12. CO,
at $5.00
30o Outing Flannel Skirts. 25
Children's Dresses, Skirts, Hoods,
Mittens, BoutefS, etc, 39c values,
at 25
91-25 Knit Petticoats at ..75
House Dresses, values up to $1.98,
in percale or fleece lined, on
ale at 93
69c Dressing Sactjues, In percales
or fleeced, at '.25
91.75 Fleece Lined Kimonos
Well made, good styles, $1.25
Women's Wool Sweaters Values
to $2.25, at. choice . . . . .$1.00
It's Interesting to Read flayden's Grocery Prices
That sat taa paoa and eava tha paopla of Omaha from S3 to B0 rar Cast.
15 lbs. best Granulated Sugar.. 11.00
4$ lb. each WamoiMl II, The Pride or
Omaha and Houaekeepera" r'rlnd,
l.rr back 91-30
Iba. beat Ilolled lirakfaat Oatmeal.
for V'"6
lba. beet White or Yellow Cornmeal
tor iic
T lba. beat Bulk Laundry Starch 250
I lba. good Japan KH-e, 7 He Quality,
for s5c
4 lba. fancy Japan nice, lOo quality,
for o
( lba btst Pearl Tapioca. Sago or
Iiarley ltc
5 oka. Diamond C or 11 Mince Meat.
4 pkga. Pyramid Waahlng Powder 15c
I.u L.u Scourtiitf. tha magic cleanaer.
can t"2
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb. ,, 15c
Campbell's Soupa, per-can Tc
i pkga. Diamond Se(f-KIlng Pan-
cuke Plojr ?5o
Gallon raua Golden Table Syrup 36c
BUTTExnra rrcia.r.
Cheaper and better than lota of ao
ralled butter.
2 lba. Oo-.d Buttcrlne 'So
Uood Table Butterlne. lb i5o
2 lba. fancy Table Hutterlna .... 4io
Tha best creamery liuttei, carton or
bulk, per lb. ;ja
bunchm freen Radlshea..
2 heada freh Leaf Lettuce
2 houp Buncliea
4 bunchea fresh Ueeta
2 bunchea Celery
i bunchAit OVMtr n
Fancy Denver cauhrluwer." per' it.
at 7'uc
Fancy Wax or Green Beana. Tb
4 bunchea fresh onions 1:
Beets, t -arret a. 1'arnqlpa or Tur'n'lpa
per lb I '
3 lbs. Jersey Sweet Potatoes' V. "lftS
Kutabagaa. per ll.
Fancy (-abbage, lb.
uTK VHk'n" 'Apples", 'pecli' '. '. '. . i
Bed Onions, per lb.
1 ac
awsewswssawai V