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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1911)
The Omaha Daily Bee Looking Backward This Day in Om ifta flirt j Twtnt? Ten Tsars Are at Saitortal rage of each lain WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy; Warmer voi j XLt-xo. no. OMAHA, FIJI DAY MORNINU NOYKMUKU -TWKLVK PACKS. SIXGLK COPY TWO CENTS. OMAHA PAYS NO INTEREST TO THE WATER COMPANY Decree of Federal Court Modifies Order Requiring City to Pay Interest on Purchase Price. MUST TAKE OVER THE PLANT Municipality Must Pay the Com pany $0,263,295. END OF LONG, BITTER BATTLF Litigation in Progress for the Last Five Years. APPRAISEMENT STARTS FIGHT First Conflict Arises Over Property to Be Included. SHIFTING OF VANTAGE POINTS J'lret Victor- to C'ltr, Then Compauy t.alns Drrlilon Juat Itevcracd hy the Inlteil (ntra 4'onrt of Apirtl. ST. PALI Minn.. Nov. 2.-A decree of the I'nited States circuit court ordering tlio city of Omaha. Neb., to fulfill the terms of its contract to purchase the property of the Omaha Water company for $6, 263,2c, and to pay Interest on the amount from July P, 1305. was modified to the extent that the city will have to Jiay no Interest under an. opinion delivered today In the I'nited States circuit court bf appeals by Judge Adams. Muter Board to Sell lioutla. Following the announcement of the de cision handed down by the United States circuit court the Omaha Water board Thursday called a special session at the city hall at 4 o'clock to take up prep arations for the disposal of the bonds. A discussion as to the best policy to pursue was held when it was decided, upon the advice of John I.. cljater, at torney for the board, to advertiso for sealed bids for the prttlng.of $,::0 bonds, Ithographed or engraved, in the denomi nation of $1,009 each, with sixty interest coupons attached. The. form of the bond has been prepared by Mr. Webster and bids will be opened at 4 o'clock the aft ernoon of November 13. . Mr. Webster was Instructed to com municate with the Plllon-Thompson bonding company of New York and to make preliminary arrangement for disposal of . the bonds. A meeting of the board will be held next Monday after noon, and it Is probable that a decision will then bo reached as to the, amount of the first Issue of the bonds. Attorney Webster Talks. Referring to the possibility of an ap peal Attorney Webster said: "The water company cannot, as a mat ter of tight, ask for an appeal. It Is possible that the supreme court might take up the case on a writ of certiorari, but this Is not likely." 1 Recalling ome history In connection with the case, Mr. Webster continued: "After the United States supreme court had coqfirmed the report of the apprais ers, fixing the value of the water works at 16,263,6.49, Judge Sanborn entered a decree requiring the city of Omaha to pay Interest on the appraised value of the plant at the rate of 7 per cent from July S, 1906. From that decree the Water board appealed to the United Slates clr cult court of appeals on the ground that the city should not be required to pay in terest on the purchase price for the reason that the water compuny was not prepared to deliver to the city a good title to the property, it being covered by tw'o mortgages to secure outstanding bonds aggregating about $6,000,000. "The court of appeals has ruled that by reason of the existence, of these mort gages on the property the water company wus not entitled to interest on the pur- (Continued on Second Page.) The Weather For NebraskaIncreasing cloudiness. With probably snow west portion; rising termeprsture. For Iowa Fair; rising temperature. Trnip ratare at Omaha Yeaterday. Hour. Dcg. 5 a. a. 7 a. i a. a. m.. m . . m.. m. . m. . , r 15 , 14 l.- . 17 ,.1 , 24 . t'4 ' , su 31 . : . 31 , -'to . -i , 28 T " 10 a. m 11 a. m. 13 m 1 p. m. 2 l. in. 3 p. m. 4 p. m. o p. ni. 6 p. ni. 7 p. m. 8 p- m. vktn old not lqt up tba hoalae udUI TkaukiiiTla' !jl oiu para tit e i.ocal Record. 1911. 1!(10. 13:. 19'. Highest today ;u 4i til ,",7 Ixiwcst toils v 14 27 41 St Mean temperature 22 l: IS precipitation .( .ti .on Temperature and precipitation depart ures from the normal: Normal temerature for today 41 ) ( .ciency for the dv r! Total excess since March 1 ty) Normal precipitation 50 Inch Jieflcleney for the day OF, Inch T otal rainfa.l sine March 1 1! as Inches lcflciemy since March 1 14. M ln hm 1 ) fieiency lor ror. period, lM'l.UtJ Inches lMflrlemy for cor. period, . I.SJ inches itrnuila from stations al T 1. M. r-tatlon and Slate Temp. High- Raln fall. ul Weather. 7 p. In. eM. Cheyenne, clear IK l'avenport. clear .( X'euver, cliar 2-! "Jfi .02 . Jura Molnra, clear in :il .i liodae City, allowing .... 2't 22 .ox l-aliriVr. clear 2 :!K .n) North Platte, cloudy 20 24 T Omaha, clear ' a :ti .tin I'ut-Llo. eloudv 24 24 ('alt Iaka City, clear 4i ."hi hi Hanta e, i luudy j Hherldan. clear . tfloua City, part cloudy.... a 90 . Valrntlur. cloudy 24 3j .hi "1 ' Indicates trace of pr'p'taton. It. A. U'tlait. LcKai Forecaster. Water Works Case Chronology February 2, 1901 Nebraska legislature rawes law for Imracdinte compulsory purchase of water works ljr city of Omaha. March 2. 1908 Ordinance electing to purchase water works plant and tlxlng procedure. Appraisers later appointed: Uy Water Board John W. Alvord of Chicago. Hy the Water Company George H. Benzenberg of Milwaukee. By These Two Daniel W. Mead of Chicago. July 20, 1903 First meeting of appraisers. July 7, 190.1 Water board enjoins appraisers from completing appraisement and asks the federal court for specific directions a to what should be Included. November 29, 1905 Judge Munger dissolves Injunction and directs appraisers to make returns as a whole, and also separately, for property In South Omaha, East Omaha, Floronco and Dundee, and going value. July 7, 1906 Apralseroent returned at $6,263,295.49. July L'9, 1906 Water bourd rejects appraisement and by reso lution asks appointment of new board of appraisers. Water company makes tender and sues In federal court for decree of specific per formance. July 4, 1907 Judge Munger renders decision for city. Water company appeals. April 7, 190S Circuit court of appeals renders decision for water company. June 1, 1908 I'nited States supreme court on petition of Water board grants writ of certiorari. November 2, 1909 City votes $6,500,000 bonds to pay Judgment. April 20, 1910 Argument on certiorari before I'nited States supreme court. May 31, 1910 United States supreme court decides in favor of the water company. plant, mains and other company properly and to raise money to pay for making extensions. August 25, 1911 Hy resolution adopted by the Water board August 11, 1911 City votes $8,250,000 to pay for water works bonds voted November 2, 1909, are cancelled. November 2, 1911 United States circuit court of appenls orders city to fulfill Its contract, but not to pay Interest. IMPERIALS LOOT HANKOW Manchu Soldiers Get Out of Control of Their Officers. WOMEN AND CHILDREN KILLED Massacre Will Hare Serious neuritis; on Situation, as the Chinese Are Now Thoronghly Arooaed. PEKING, Nov. 2. The Uerman lega tion today received a wireless message from the vicinity of Hankow ttatlng that the imperial forces are now burning the native city of Hankow, and eonfirm lng yesterday's report that the imperial troops massacred men, women and chil dren during several days' . fighting. It Is evident that the Manchu soldiers are Infuriated over earlier Chinese suc cesses and that they have gotten out of control of their officers. Letters from a correspondent at ' Kin Yang Chow declared that General Yin Tchang's troops wete beyond control, hav ing looted the villages north of Hankow. General Yin Tchang, who has been re moved from his command at Hankow to become chief of the general staff, re turned to Peking today. It is believed that Yuan Shi Kal ar rived af the imperialist headquarters at Slao Kan too late to stop the massacres which bad already begun. It Is thought the effect of the atroclttea committed by the government soldiers will have a ser ious bearing on the situation. The blood of the Chinese is up, as is Indicated by tlioir desperate defense of Hankow. Another edict was issued today. It in structs the national assembly to "organ ize the Ta filing empire's constitutional laws and submit them to us for con sideration and issuance." General Yin Tchang arrived today, but there was no demonstration. Peace Plana Developing;. The government's plan for bringing about peace moved forward rapidly to day, with the throne and national as sembly working together. The throne or dered 1 uan Hhl Kal, the new premier, to return Immediately to Peking and simultaneously the national assembly in Its official capacity telegraphed General LI Yuen Hens, leader of the revolution ists, asking him to suspend hostilities pending the result of the endeavor to settle the differences of all parties. Prince Chlng, the old premier, who is the only high Manchu official left In the capital, has agreed to memorialize the throne with the following sugges tions: First, that all laws opposed to con stitutional government be annulled im mediately. Second. the election of I members of Parliament be undertaken j without delay. Third, that the provincial 'assemblies throughout the empire be ! granted co-ordinate authority with the provincial administrative officials. Fourth, that In order to avert an open rupture with the Manchu royalty a plan be drawn up to provide for the support i of the Manchu bannermen and pension ers, and that the "banners" the Eighth division of the Imperial Manchu militia be disbanded. Fifth, that the Manchu bannermen adopt Chinese surnames, and, sixth, that a formal proclamation be .tsufd announcing that military force will not be used against the revolution aries. The national assembly Is practically agreed on a constitution based on that of Great Pritaln, but the soutnern provinces, which must be conciliated, are jtlll firm In their desire for a more re publican form of union. Man-YanK Arsenal Dynamited. SHANGHAI, Nov. J. A wireless mes sage from Hankow says the revolution ists dynamited the arsenal at Han-Yang to p.-event its seizure by the imperial ists There Is some evidence of renewed In surgent activity on the lower Yang-Tse-Kiang. The Cotton Yarn guild adopted a reso lution today authorizing the repudiation of forward contracts on the ground that the trade has been disordered by the rev olution. Long Makes Gift to Drake University 15 E8 MOJNF.8. la.. Nov. t-Draka uni versity last night received 11,2:5 from Tl. 1 A. Long, the Kansas City millionaire I lumberman, who attended a banquet of I the men of the Disciples of Christian I churches of the city, held In th shrine temple. His total girt was tl.tfiO. 75 pr j cent to go to the university and 23 per i cent to th state missionary society. Mr. I I xng and a party of religious workers iar letting th middle- eatcrn sUUs. Charge Witnesses in Lorimer Case Are Framing Testimony CHICAGO. Nov. :.-Attorney John 3. Ilealy, of counsel lor the committee of J'nlted .States senators Investigating the Lorimer case, Intimated today that cer tain wltnessea were consulting with each other and framing testimony to conceal facts In the Inquiry. This situation was disclosed during the examination of Fred S. Krlcckhaus of Mount Vernon, III. Attorney Hoaly de veloped that KrleikliaUH hnd purposely misled Attorney John If. Marble by with holding a hotel register as a means of aiding former State Itcprcscntatlve Wil liam C. Ulalr, alsj- of Mount Vernon. Krleckhaus waa manager of a hotel at Centralla, 111., at the time the now fa mous base ball game took place there In July. 1SO0. nialr was charged with ex hibiting eleven J100 bills there on that oc casion. Krlcckhaus today declared that A. C. Tanner, who testified to seeing the 1100 bills, was Intoxicated on the day of the ball game. Today was the first time that anything of 1Wi character had been said about Mr. Tanner. George W. Meyers, former state repre sentative," testified that tii- "Vas t.iked to vote for liorlmer, but refused. He said Lee O'Nell Krowne told him that "there are a lot of good state Jobs and plenty of the ready necessary be hind Lorimer. Meyers also said that Speaker Shurt leff asked him to vote for Lorlmea Lee O'Nell llrowne was in the wltnets room today watting to take tho stand. Suicide Theory is Revived in the Dr. Knabe Case INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 2-Detcctlves In vestigating the mystery of the death of Dr. Helen Knabe, who was found with her throat cut in her apartment a week ago, today extended their Inquiries along the line of an opinion of a prominent physician that Dr. Knabe was of a pe culiarly abnormal type, scientifically classified. lie had known Dr. Knabe well, he said, and hnd become convinced of her tend ency through observing her for several years. That It might lead to suicidal mania was possible, he said. Womon friends said they never had seen any thing that would verify the physician's opinion. Police officials today repeated that Hie sulcklo theory grew more and more plaus ible. Though the police dad persistently and unsuccessfully searched Dr. Knabe's flat for her key the administrator of her estate found It today 011 top of her dress ing table. The police declared the k?y must have been placed on the table since their last search. The only other per sons known to have keys to the apart ment, they said, were Miss McPherson and Miss Augusta Knabe. Cold Wave Brings Lowest Temperature of Present Season KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Nov. :.-A cold wave bringing the lowest temperatures of tho season settled over the Missouri valley and tho southwest early today. The lowest temperature In the district wa-'t zero at Huron, 8. D. The mercury read 1 at Amarlllo, Tex., and was 2 degrees below freezing at Memphis, Tenn. A light snow fell today In the Texas Panhandle. Uther temperatures were: Kansas City, IK; H. Joseph, Mo., 16; Omaha and North Platte. Neb., 14; Hpringflald. Mo, 20; lodge City and Concordia, Kan., Id; Wichita, 20; Oklahoma City, zt; port Smith and Little Rock, Ark., , and Fort Worth, Tex.. 34. Dispute Over Six Cents Ties Up All London Taxicabs jVNno.V, Nov. 2. A dispute ovtr f, eent. by a taxlcab owner of the wngea of a driver vu the direct cause of a walk O'H of 6.0IO drivers and th paralyzing of I.ondon s taxlcab service today. The com panies also complained that the men have robbed th-m of fl.rjo.imu annually hy fall urs to register and turn in "extras'' col lected on additional btt"v anJ dus-neitaia , r,v ." Front the Washington Star. TAFT REVIEWS BIG FLEET President Passes Down Long: Line of Warships on Mayflower. RECEIVES CALLS OF ADMIRALS MnetyMne Flshtlna; Machines Fire Presidential Salute of Twenty One (iom aa Yacht Makea Return Trip. NEW YORK. Nov. 2.-President. Taft today had his first real view of tha American navy. It has so happened, since he entered the White House, that the fleet, which was so greatly admired by his predecessor, - Colonel Roosevelt, had been on widely scattered duty for the greater part of the time. And, while the prrtdderit hail reviewed two divisions of the Atlantic fleet In Provtncetown harbor in the' summer of 1210, and a llt tlu more than two weeks ago In San Fianclaco had stood on tha quarter deck of (the flagship California of the Pacific fleet, ho had never until today come into Ids own as commander-in-chief of tha i-ca fighting forces of tha country. From the bridge of the presidential yacht Mayflower, Mr. Taft reviewed tha gray armanda that for nearly a week had wung at anchor in the Hudson river, awaiting his Inspection, Aa tha little white Mayflower picked Its way In snd out among the g ant craft of tha battleship line the guns roared in salute. The yacht, with the president's blue crested flag at tha main truck, sailed gracefully along the seven-mile column of fighting ships, turned at the end and headed again down the river. Late tills afternoon the entire fleet, ninety-nine vessels In all, will get under way and pass In review of the president, while the Mayflower ties at anchor off the statue of liberty. President Taft planned to spend the entire day on the water. His train Ar rived In Jersey City from -Washington shortly after 7 o'clock and a few min utes later he was being transferred to tha Mayflower. As he went aboard, his flag was broken from the mast head and the usual honors were paid to him. As a rule Mr. Taft requests all cere monies on the Mayflower be suspended. Today's events being purely official, hawever, tha ceremonies prescribed In the navy regulations were rollowed to the letter. The party aboard the presidential yacht also was strictly official. Secretary of the Navy Meyer, the president's aid and Secretary HUles went board with Mr. Taft. A large party of invited guests, including senators, representative and foreign military and naval attaches front Washington were aboard the dispatch boat Dolphin, which followed l.i the waku of the Mayflower. When President Taft' had taken bis pluce on tha brldan the Mv,f1'wir rry under way and headed up the Hurlsnn. It was qiitte a sail to the foot if Fifty r lnth street, whero the head of the battle ship cMiiinii rested. On board th flng ship Connecticut a sharp lookout hud been kept ciuwn the harbor snd as soon ft the presldt-iitial flug was made out In the distance the flagship let go with Its saluting gun. "lie last reports of the pahitn were drifting down the river from the far mid of the line asithe Mayflower crept tn an anchorage neur the Connecticut. Its engines had scarcely stopped turning when a score of sturdy little atram bargi-s were headed for Its starboard gangway. Th admirals of the fleet were on their way personally to pay their respects to the president. Rear Admiral Hugo Oster hsus, commander-in-chief of the fleet, ratling from Din Connecticut, was first to board the Mayflower, lie was at tended by his aldea and as lie passed up the gangway there was a flourish of trumpet, a ruffle of drums and astraln or two t.f a lively march by the Marina Land. Admiral Osterhaus soon wus followed by the other staff officers of the fleet, who went aboard In accord with their divisional rank. The president and Sec retary 'fever stood on the i;uai trdrck. iCuutmutd, va Second IVse.j " Cold Wave Holds East and South in Its Grasp WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 3.-A cold wave has tightened Its grip on the country from the Rocky Mountains east ward to New England and southward as far as northern Texas and across tha gulf states to northern Florida. Temperatures below freezing were reported from west of this territory today and weather- bureau officials said there appeared to be no warmer we.iither In sight for a couple of days at least. The first sero weather of the autumn was reported from Huron, f. !., today. From this extreme cold the temperature! ranged to 4 degrees above at Moorehead, Minn.; Hi at Omaha. 8 at Valentine, Neb.; 10 at Sioux City, la., and IS at ft. Paul. Northern Texas, snow visited. Is ex periencing the coldest weather on record for the season. At Amarlllo It was1 lit. In the lako region und eastward to New England the cold weather has been accompanied by snow. At Chicago, St. Louis and Indianapolis the temperature was 22, Cincinnati. 36; New York, 36; Philadelphia and Washington, 40. SOUTH PliNU, Ind., Nov. 2. Eighteen Inches of snow fell in the northern In diana and lower Michigan fruit belt today. Great damage Is reported as all the pears and apples have not been har vested. Roosevelt Accused of Violating Bay State Publicity Law BOSTON, Nov. 2. In a communication to District Attorney Pettltlcr toduy Jov ernor Foss charges that Chaltinun Hat field and the other officers of thu ropub llrun state committee violated the statuti-H by appealing to corporations fur financial support. , The governor also charges thu I Theo dore Roosevelt and other editors and offi cials of the Oullouk cumpuny, thu liostou Herald, the officers of the Culled states Shoe Machinery company, American Woolen company and Aikwright club, published, or caused to be published for circulation In this mate, political adver tisements not signed In accordance with the statutes of 1'SJS. The advertisements, it Is maintained, were antagonistic to tho democratic can didates In the state cumpulgn. Million-Dollar Fire in Chinese Quarter in City of Manila MANILA, Nov. 2. The Chinese district was awept by fire today with a loss o; over f 1.00r,ti0. At noon the fire threat ened to destroy tho commercial center of tha city and the Twentieth Infantry, with General Funston In charge, was called out to ansltt the fire fighters. The work of the soldiers t-aved the day and the fire was under control early in the after noon. N. J. Coleman Has Stroke of Apoplexy LEXINGTON Jl'NCTION. Mo., Nov. 2 Norman J. Col' man of Ht. Louis, first secretary of oxriculture of thu United Htates, wan taken from a westbound Wa bash train here this morrilig of ter hav ing suffered a stroko of apoplexy, which it Is believed muy prove futal. Mr. Cole man Is M yesri old. He Is under the care of physicians at a local hotel. He will be taken to hl homo tonight. Mr. ColeinMi was on his way to I'lutto burg. Mo. He was found unconscious In his berth and vmov,.l fi,,ni the train tiers about o o'clock t!:i:i morning. I p to noon today he had nut iriu.J von V. loU.llK-1,4, -via 1 Sta. U M "a sT ai A'l SI ROOSEYELT OHARBITRATIOH Writes of Proposed Treaties in Light of Recent Events. PAPER COMPACTS WORTHLESS War lletneea Tnrkey and Italy Proves the Vtter Inefficiency of Agreements Not Hacked , by Force. NKW YORK, Nov. 2.-Thodora Boose, veil has an article on "Arbitration: Pre tense and Reality' In the current number of the Outlook. It aays In part: "fiurely the real friends of peaoe In this country ought io be able to profit by the events that have happened In China and In the Mediterranean during thess very fall months, since the arhltra. tlon treaty was considered In the senate, ' During these months we have seei, a widespread revolt In China with utter disorganization of the empire and we have seen war unexpectedly break out between Italy and Turkey, In China there has doubtless been much excuse for the revolt, because of tyranny and mis government, and this tyranny and mis government has been greater than In any really civilized nation, although the Chi nese are far more unwarllke than any civilized nation, and have an army much less efflccnt than that of any civilized power. "As for tho war between Italy and Turkey, I am not now concerned with Its ethical Justification, Personally I believe tliat it Is in the interest of humanity that Tripoli should fall under European con trol. Just u it la In the Interest of hu manity that Morocco shall so fall; Just as It has been of .Immeasurable benefit to mankind, and 1 specially to Algerian and Egyptian mankind, that Algeria and Kaypl should fall under the control of Fiance and of Kngland. "Hut this Is not the point. The point Is thut this wur proves the utter Inefficiency of paper treulles when they uro unbacked by force; the utter folly of those who be lieve that these paper treaties accomplish nny useful purpose, In the present stage of thin world's development when there la no fon behind them; and finally, not merely the folly, but the Iniquity, of mak ing treaties which there la no real inten tion of putting Into effect. "Turkey's treaties with various Eu ropean powers explicitly guarantee It in tegrity and on the mere technical legali ties of the case no court of arbitration in iho world could possibly declare In any other way than as against Italy and for Turkey if tho cane at Issue between them were brought to arbltru tlon." Richeson Resigns Pastorate of Churoh LOSTO.V, Nov. 2. Rev. Clarence V. T Uleheson, who was Indicted oti the charge of murdering Miss Avis Llnnell, has re ilsned as pastor of the Kinmunu-1 Rup tint church, Cambridge. The resignation reached Charles F. Cummins, clerk of the church, today. The resignation la reported to be In such form that Its acceptance will not iiiibiiriaHs even his personal supporters. After u conference today of itlchcaon's uttorneys Attorney John Lee declared a complete vindication of . ltlches.ui would be the outcome of the trial. Itlcheson will be arraigned next Mon tlay, but It Is probable hit trial will not be held before January or I'cbruury. Rodgers Makes Quick Trip to Phoenix PHuKNlX, Ana., Nov. 2 Aviator Rodgrs, who left Maricopa at !:43 this morning, arrived here at 10:30, making thu distance of forty-five miles at tin rate of a mile a minute Tl'CSON. Ariz., Nov. 2. Aviator Fow ler expects to rcaunie bis traiiscontirit tilal nifcht from this cuv at, l.j) o'clock this jiluilioua. SCIENTIFIC SHOP Sl'STEMJAVOKED Secretary of War Stirason Believes Introduction in Government Ar senals Beneficial to All. GEN. CR0ZIER ' MAKES REPORT Good Results from Experiment Sta tion at Watertown. HUMAN EFFICIENCY INCREASED Workmen Participate in Rewards Resulting from Plan. HIGH WAGES NECESSARY IN PLAN Crosier Says Average Premium In Machine "hop at Watertotrn lias tl?en ' TafnO-t lir Per Cent of Wages. WASHINGTON. Nov. 2 -' Scientific; shop mannKemetu" totlnv received the en dorsement of the I'nited Plate govern ment. Hecretary of War Stlmson U con vinced of Its desirability and advantages, basing his ennvirtlfin on a report made hy RrlKadler General William Crozler, com mander of otd 1111 nee. which was made public today. Tho secretary Is satisfied that lis Introduction Into government workshops would work tin hardship to labor. "It means a betterment and In no wise an Impairment of the conditions of labor," he declared In a statement. The report has been awaited by orga nized labor and tho employers of labor with much Interest. It Is generally be lieved that tha question will be one that will figure largely in the coming national political campaign and for this reason especially, General Crozler's findings regarded as being of unusual Import, ut are the comments of Secretary Stlmsnn. Secretary Makea tntemen(. The secretary, before entering the cab inet, was in a position to make a cloe study of the problems Involved in the direction of large forces of workmen and he felt Justified In asserting his unselfish devotion to all efforts pending to the bet terment of labor. In making public Gen eral Crozler's report, the secretary snys. "As set forth In detail In the statement which I have made public, today the War department has given considerable atten tion to tha utilization of the methods of scientific management In the various arsenal shops of the government. The Watertown arsenal has been used practi cally aa an experiment station, with a view of trying out the theory before ap plying It generally. The results thus far are highly gratifying and full of prgmlse. There has been an undoubted Increase of manufacture at the shop and a material reduction In the cost of manufacture, but at ths same time, s-od to my mind even of greater Importance, these results have been obtained without In any wise en dangering the Interests of the workmen, either by decreasing their pay or requir ing uppleasant exertion or 'speeding up.' On the contrary, any Increase In real efficiency must Insure to the benefit of the worklngmen. "I have been too long and too vitally Interested and active In movements which make for the advancement of the condi tions of labor for mo now to lend even the slightest encouragement to any theories which work counter to the true Interests of labor. Will Better Condition. "To mv mind 'sclentlfle management' can and deserves to prevail only where Increased efficiency means Increased hu man efficiency and the worklngmen's par ctlplatlon In the rewards resulting from efficiency. It means a betterment and In nowise an Impairment of the conditions of labor. A change for making better ment Is- the only kind of change which the government will permit through the Installation of any 'scientific manage ment.' "We are sllll very much In the experi mental stsge, but I have strong hopes that by co-operation and a willingness to son the facts fairly economies will result to the government, betterment to work lngmen and a more satisfactory and more human relation between the two In the future than In the post." In his report General Crozler declares that the ordnancu department has been experimenting with the "Taylor system" of scientific management for the last three years, with the result that much Important Information has been collected. Hut even yet the problem has not b -en solved, for his conclusion Is thus sot lout: "The deportment has not reached n con clusion ' as to the extension to other arsenals of the pan of the 'Taylor system' of shop management which affects the workmen, and It is not Intended to do s In advance of further trials at the Water town arsenal, but It seems certain that either by this system or by some other It ought to be possible to socuro better co-operation of the employes anions tliem scives and between them and the niur.a;t ment than has been In the past." The report shows that the principles of the "Taylor system" are not new und that In many of Its details It has brn tried for many years. The basic Ides, 1 tho application of educated and scientific ally trained Intelligence to those opera tions of mnnufacture which were form erly considered either as being of too Miinll importance to attract attention or as belonging entirely to the practice of a tiade and were therefore left to the Judp- Tickets to Ameri can Theater. lioxea of O 'linen 'a Candj. Ualzell's Ice Cuam Jirickx li are five, away (re ( tJioae a no Unit tnlr naoiei t ix e want ails. UeaU tna want ac every cty, jour uaua will appear some unit, mayoe mora tuaa once. No puzzles to soire nor laU ciiptlona to set Just read it wgoi ad. Tora to the want ad pates . Caere you will find nearly erery kmaloew tout U iaa city rtir a. 7