Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Bebukeg Paper for Publishing Dis
torted Stories Concerning Court.
Drllbrratr Fnisrhonil In nrporttn
Ontcnm of Aodrrton rune and
Mallrtons Innuendo In Kdl
torlal Vttrranrra.
Judge Leslie of tha county court hat
written the following letter to the World
He'ald, his utterance being evoked by the
maliciously biased and Inaccurate report
published In that paper concerning the
trial of the Anderson case In the county
"OMAHA Nov. 1. To the Editor of the
World-Herald: Ever alnce my nomination
for judge of the district court you have
persistently sought to create the Impress
alon In the minds of voters that I am
unfit for the office which I seek. News
stories, editorials and cartoons In which
you clearly Imply this, have appeared In
the World-Herald from day to day; and
as If to crown these unwarranted at
tacks upon my Integrity, you printed last
Saturday a story on the preliminary hear
ing before me In county court of Albert
Anderson, charged with perjury In icsls
terlng In the Third ward, which was
malicious In its misstatement of facts,
and which charged me, by IndiiectiDn, at
least, with a greater crime than that of
which the prisoner at bar was accused
namely, the crime of acquitting a guilty
man for political reasons. And this story
was followed Sunday by an editorial
under the head. "What Is Omaha to Do?'
In which you again attempt to create a
false Impression as to my action In the
Anderson case.
"In these attacks you accuse me of the
rraveet moral offenses of which a Judge
could be guilty, and I cannot rest in si
lence under them.
Abont Anderson Case.
"As to Anderson: The state failed ab
solutely to make a case against him, and
there was nothing for me to do but dis
charge him. Lest you may dispute this,
let me say that John J. Mahoney, demo
cratic candidate for police judge, who
was the complaining witness against An
derson, had the manhood to say frankly
In my court Saturday morning in the
presence of three witnesses that I had
taken the only action in the case that an
honest Judge could take. County Attor
ney James P. English said substantially
the same thing when interviewed. Mr.
riattl, deputy county attorney, and chair
man of the democratic county central
committee, expressed regret that the
World-Herald should have printed so In
accurate and unfair a report of the case.
The reporter who wrote the report, when
taken to task by me for misstating the
facta, answered that perhaps he had gone
further than the facts warranted his go
ing. But no correction of his false re
port has since appeared in your paper.
State Failed Vtterly.
"In his report he said Anderson waa
discharged on a technicality. This is an
unqualified falsehood. He was discharged
because the state did not offer evidenco
sufficient to warrant me In binding him
over to the district court. He was
charged with perjury. The state not only
failed to establish that he had taken an
oath, let alone a false one, but It failed
to show that. If he had taken the oath
he was accused of talcing, It would have
been a false one. Before the state can
convict a man of murder it must show
that somebody his been killed. So before
It can convict a man of perjury It must
show that he took an oath. It failed to
how that Anderson took one, therefore
I discharged him. I little thought when
I performed this simple act of duty that
I was making myself an object of attack
by the World-Herald, which Implies that
I did It for political reasons. I think,
however, that if I had been contemptible
enough to suffer political considerations
to dictate my action, I should have bound
Anderson over. But by doing such a
thing, I should have lost my self-respect,
not to speak of the respect of the demo
crats attorneys who were prosecuting
"I shall be'- called upon to hear sixty
other cases of this nature, and In dispos
ing of them you may be sure that I shall
disregard political consequences. Nor
will anything the World-Herald or anyone
else has said, or may gay, influence my
decisions in the least.
Another Consideration.
"The charge you Indirectly make that I
refused to send a man to Jail for political
reason, If it were true, ought to spell, not
enly my overwhelming defeat at the polls,
but it ought to subject me to an indefi
nitely greater punishment than that would
Involve. A Judge who would not send a
guilty man to Jail for political reasons
would not hesitate to send an Innocent
man, there for such reasons. Nor am I
sure he would hesitate to commit any
other crime against Justice.
'What is Omaha To Dor you ask,
and then proced to relate (1), that a
' complaint was filed before Judge Craw
ford recently, charging the defendant In
the caae with fraudulent registration, (2)
that Judge Crawford gave as his reason
tor releasing the defendant that there
had been a mistake In precedure, and (3)
that he pointed out that the proper course
for the state to have puruued would have
ben to prosecute the accused for perjury.
Then you go on to say that the 'next
case" was prosecuted befere me on a
perjury charge (giving the reader the
impression that the defendant brought
before me was the same one prosecuted
before Judge Crawford) and that I dls
. charged the accuted on the ground that
y it was necessary fur the state to prove
that ho had a wont before I could hold
that he had sworn falsely. I admit that
that was my ruling, nor did It require
very laborious thought on my part to
arrive at the conclusion I reached. But
the man prosecuted before me was not
the man prosecuted before Judge Craw
ford. The man prosecuted before Judge
Crawford was one Wilson. The man
prosecuted before me was the man An
derson whose case I have been dlscusnlng.
fmait I'olltlcal Practice.
"As to this man Wilson: When Judge
Crawford released him he suggested
plainly that a charge of perjury would
lie against him. Why, then, in the name
of common senau and outraged justice,
was not this man Immediately rearrested
on a perjury charge? Terhaps you can
rot answer this qutstlon. 1 believe I can.
Here is my answer: Some one conceived
ti.e Idea that it would be sharp polltici
not to rearrest Wilson and prosecute him
before Julo Crawford, who had clearly
suggested in advnr.i.e that a chart,' of
perjury couM bo sustained against him,
but to arreat and bring before me an
other man, one ukj I ft whom the charge
could not i4 sustained, see him dis
charged, an thus ptovide material at the
expense of the taxpayers for such mis
leading neas stories and editorials as
appeared in the World-Hernld about the
"As to niv candldtry, I admit ynur right
tt oppos It. But I deny your rightt. In
the bitterness rf partisanship, to so per
vert easily ascertained facts as to my
judicial aetl.n, as to cast odium upon
me as a public official.
Electrical Club
in Favor of Better
Lights for Omaha
The Omaha Electrical cluh is not going
to permit the movement for better street
lighting to dlo of Inanition. At its meet
ing Wednesday noon the club appoined
a committee of five to tsko the matter
up for discussion with the Commercial
club, the Keal Estate exchange and other
civic bodies. This committee consists of
W. L. Burgess, Israel Ivett, Ed. F.
Schurlg. Waldcmar Mlchaelsen and Sec
retary M. J. Curran.
This action followed a discussion pre
cipitated by a brief speech delivered by
John J. Hydcr, on Invitation from the
club. Mr. Ryder insisted that the Elec
trical club was the proper organization
to take the Initiative in formulating a
definite, practical plan for the better
lighting, hot only of the business section,
but of the residential precincts. He said
the first step toward making such a plan
effective would probably have to be
taken when tho next legislature meets,
In order to have the present law amended,
or a new charter framed, to permit the
adopt, on of somo scheme that could
gradually be extended throughout the
Several members engnged In the argu
ment, some taking Issue with Mr. Ry
der's views and others agreeing with him
In the main. City Electrician Michael
sen and E. F. Schurlg had some definite
opinions to express and the club per
mitted Mr. Ryder to participate In the de
bate, which proved quite Interesting. The
appointment of a live committee to keep
the matter before the public was decided
on as the first step In the campaign.
Starving and Cold,
A. P. Borg is Dying
Cold, hungry, sick and deserted by his
daughter and son-in-law, Andrew T. Borg
was found lying on a cot with a com
forter wrapped around his shivering form
Monday afternoon by Constable Ed Pimp-
son when he went out to the house at
Twenty-ninth and Ellison aveue to serve
a writ of restitution on Ross, Borg's son-
in-law. The old man had been In this
condition since last Friday, when his son-
in-law and daughter had moved the fur
niture from the house to another on
Camden avenue, two blocks away, leav
ing Borg In a dangerous condition with
but a cot and comforter to lie on and
no food.
Constable Simpson notified the county
commissioners, who had Borg removed to
the county hospital. The doctor in charge
ihere Vvednesuay stated that there was
no hope whatever for Borg's recovering.
vv-hen Mrs. Itoss was spoken to by
Constable Simpson on the matter she
said: "I didn't know what to do, Mr.
Officer. My husband said that he would
leave if I brought my father here, so I
left him there."
Champ Clark Goes to
Help Dan Stephens
On his way up into the Third congres
sional district of Nebraska, where he will
make three speeches for Dan Stephens,
who is the democratic candidate for con
gress, Speaker Champ Clark of Missouri
was In Omaha betwen trains Wednesday.
At the Union depot he was met by Sena
tor Hitchcock and Congressman Lobeck,
who Intimated to him something about
the hard row that Stephens Is, going to
have to get Into congressional seat oc
cupied by J. P. Latta, deceased.
Speaker Clark expects to see the demo
crats carry Missouri next Tuesday, but
as It Is an off year in politics and no
important issues before tho people, he
did not care to estimate the possible majority.
Sioux City Wants
Omaha Lumber Rate
General Freight Agent Spens of the
Burlington goes to Des Moines Thursday
to appear before the Interstate Commerce
commission at a hearing wherein the
Sioux City Commercial club protests
against the rate on southern lumber now
snipped to Omaha. The lumber rate Into
Omaha from the south is lib cents per 1W
and into Sioux City 30. Sioux City job
bers contend tho rate charged them is too
high a compared with tho Omaha rate.
The high school cudet regiment will be
without the, services of Lieutenant Wil
liam N'. Haskell of Fort Omaha after this
month, according to orders received from
tho War department recently. i
"I have anticipated the change for
some time," cald Lieutenant Haskell
Wednesday noon, "and expect to leave
by November 31, and at the least pot
later than December ir. The cadets are
considerably handicapped in drill this
year because of having but one drill day
a week. However, they are working hard
and have already made excellent progress
In their diiil o far this year."
Lieutenant Haskell Is ordered to Join
the Fourteenth cavalry in the Philippines
and will be succeeded at Fort Omaha by
Lieutenant H. A. Myers, Jr., who Minn
from the same regiment. The lieutenant
has been very prominent ns commandant
of the hip h school cadet regiment and be
cause of his work on the signal corps at
Fort Omaha. He has held the position
as-commandant cf the cadets since 130,
when he succeeded Captain William Oury.
He has had charjre of the three cudet
ramps, the one at Aanland and buth
camps at Harlan, la.
A "safe and san" but spookv Ttitlmv
e'en prouram was cftrrlcd nut hv ho;t'
'arts and lassies in the neighborhood
Fortieth nnl Farnani streets Tupihv
evnlnir. Th'-re was no rohblnir of cloth"
lines or porch chairs, no emearlni.' o
breaking of windows and fences, Hut tr
kiddles had a fhat-rate time and enter
talned Ihe neighbors In a unique way.
The young people were the guests n'
Miss Anne Axtell, dauKhfr of Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Axtell. Thrv assembled In
the afternoon, had a Hallowe'en partv
followed by a Hallowe'en supper and
Announcement by Brandeis Stores to
the People of Omaha.
Any stroke of good fortune whereby a retailor buys desirablo goods nt n
figure i0 to 40 per cent lower than ho could possibly buy the same goods under
ordinary market conditions, means more benefit to the people at largo than to
the merchant himself.
The reason is that a merchant who saves several thousand dollars when he
buys, takes only the regular per cent of profit when he sells. It is the people
who buy these goods who reap tho genuine profit of thousands.
It is just such a fortunate business stroke ns this that Brandeis Stores has
made. It is because wo think that every man and woman in Omaha should
realize fully just how important this occasion is ns a saving event that we make
this announcement. ;
A prominent retail store discontinued tho handling of rugs. The entire
stock was sold - naturally nt n sacrifice. Although the goods were new and de
sirable in every way, Brandeis Stores secured the entire stock at thousands of
dollars less than the usual market price. "We believe that the people of Omaha
will benefit best by having all the goods in this stock offered on sale at one
time. Therefore, we have planned this event ns a Bug Sale, nnd it will bo held
at Brandeis Stores, beginning Monday, November Gth.
This sale differs from ordinary rug pales, because the conditions of pur
chase were out of the ordinary. We do not know when such high quality rugs
were ever bought so cheaply by any house nnd we feel positive that such low
prices on rugs of this character were never before offered in Omaha.
For instance, we will sell next Monday one lot of room size Roubaix Eng
lish Wilton Bugs, that are regularly sold in exclusive rug stores at $G0.00, for
just $2D.9S.
The rugs we will sell nt $15.00 are the same character as rugs that regularly
sell for $25.00 or more.
All the other lots nre priced nt similar reductions. If tho people of Omaha
who are judges of rug values could see these rugs nnd compare them with tho
same qualities nt regular price, they would simply be amazed. Scores of people
who have seen the rugs in our display windows havo thought the low prices
must be the result of an error. There has been no error only good fortune
nnd the good fortune is yours.
The sale will begin next Monday.
Yours respectfully,
t' ,
y '
-in. ...:-:
it sitssfl i sTisw nlia i
then proceeded with a "ghost walk."
Arnyed in sheets and carrying pumpkin
lanterns, they formed a solemn proces
i-ion and In this fashion called upon each
nelRhbor. After ringing the bell, and be
ing greeted by the occupants, they
marched through the house In spooky
arruy, much to the amaxement and
amusement of the grown-ups. They
would finally settle In a circle on the
floor until they completed their visit.
when they would move on.
Peeling the Face
(From Modern Housekeeping.)
Women are beginning to realise how
dangerous and how unnecessary Is the
painful and expensive surgical operation
known as "face-peeling." Many clever
society women noted for their exquisite
beauty, accomplished the desired result
themselves at home, with perfect safety
and no pain, expense or detention In
doors. They simply use ordinary merco
lired wax, which can be obtained at al
most any drug store. It Is applied at
night like cold cream and washed off In
the morning. The niercolized wax slowly
absorbs the half-dead outer skin, causing
it to flake off day by day in fine, almost
Imperceptible particles like flour. The
fresh, vigorous young skin underneath
soon shows . forth, blooming radiantly
with health and beauty. The face begins
to look years younger, though the use of
the process absolutely defies detection by
the closest observer.
Naturally this process also removes all
such minor facial blemishes aa freckles
tan, moth patches, liver spots, fine wrln
klea, pimples, etc. Adv.
I.eare Tour Valuables
I'nprotetted In the hom The
tire that burns, or the Burglar
who steals Is a constant menace
to Jewelry, Silverware, your Will,
Deeds or other Important Paperi.
Our great Steel Vaults are a
constant source of protection and
the cost of a Safe Deposit Box
therein Is but from $3 00 upwards
Omaha Safe Dtpnlt & Trctt Co.
Street LfTel Entrance to Vaults.
J 61 1 rarnam KU
i mm mm.m ta&
L 1
; : ;
lidkf Lumiivcr
Gel th Original and Qmulni
The Fooddrlr.k for All Ages
For Infants, Invalids.and Growing children.
Pure Nutrition, up building the whole body.
Invigorates the nursing mother and the s ged.
RU h milk, malted grain, m powder form.
A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Tale no substitute. Ask for HORUCK'S.
Hot In Any fJilk Trust
"You will soon be asleep anyway; for the track is smooth,
and there are no cinders or smoke to bother you. And there's
nothing to be afraid of, for the train is protected by electric
block signals and the cars ahead are built of steel. So get a
good night's sleep, and we'll have a Fred Harvey breakfast on
the dining car tomorrow morning."
Kansas City
7TO -
and Texas
It leaves Kansas City at five o'clock every afternoon
and la the beat train to Oklahoma City, Dallas, Houston, Galveston and Brown
Waldhaim Building, Elsvsnth and Main Strssts, KANSAS CITY
J. C LOVRIEN, Division Passangsr Afc-iU
Booklover Contestants
Have Plenty of Time
for Sending in Answers
Many Are Entering Now!
A $2,000.00 Famed
White Steamer
peedy Car
troiug Car
ill Car
This 5-passenger 1911 Model
White Steamer Touring Car odor
less, smokeless and noisless is in
the tenth year of its success. No
car has stood the test of time with
necessity of fewer changes. For
stability in construction as well aS'
in purpose and performance, the
White Steamer has held a high
place in the minds of the motoring
public. This car needs no ranking
nor shifting of gears to get any de
sired speed. The increasing num
ber of White Steamer cars being
sold each succeeding year, together
with the practical endorsement of
the U. S. government, which owns
and operates more Whites than all
other makes combined, is sufficient
guarantee of high quality.
18th and Harney Streets