! Till; ttKE: OMAHA, tiu'ksday. November 2, mu. r BRIEF CITY NEWS Hare Boot Trlii t It. BrrpUan Chocolates tOe, Myers-Plllon. Oea, Elae. Fixtures. Barrees-Orenaen. Ota. Much. Wit, Huh. aeslra'rs Mare. Vnaia to Drtii Dolls The ladles' Aid society of the First Prenbyterlan church will meet In the church parlor Friday at 10:30 a. m. to dress dolls. Ooebel Buys Bins lota I L C Goebel has bought from Caro.lne Broneon tilna lota erf Bewsrd street, running from Twenty-second to Twenty-third, for $7,0U.- JJllsoa Btya Farm Dr. C C. AU1 on has bouKut a 120-acre farm four and one-half miles west of Uenson from H. 3. MackJand. for 114.100. It adjoins an other (arm belonging to Allison. JTew Addition Ooea on Market The Fa.vne A Biater company will piacs on the market soon twenty lots In Boule vard Park addition, lying on the east side of Twentieth street boulevard, between Laird and Bahler streets. Council Passes Salary Ordinance At a special session of the city council at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning an ordl nance providing for the payment of sal aries for the expenses of the month of October was passed. Watoa and Jewelry Mining Mary AlcNauiara reported to the ponce trial second-story man had gained entrance to her room at 1918 Military avenue Tuesday night and stolen a gold watch and other Jewelry amounting to about TlileTes Enter via Front Door Tony Foniano, lilt Cass street reported to the police that Ms home was entered by burglars Tuesday night and robbed of over S0 worth of clothing and Jewelry. En trance waa gained by breaking In the front door. HoOnne After Indians Buffalo BUI' wild west show will . close the season ; today at Richmond,- Va. Major Bill Mo i Cune will meet the seventy-five Indians Of the ahow Friday or Saturday at Pa ' olflo Junction and .will take them to the fine Kldge agency and pay, them off. B salty Active In October October real estate transfers, aggregating $798,921, were larger than - those of other months of the year to date, with the exceptions of March, April' and May. Real estate operations, however, ' fell slightly short of the record for October, 1909, and $440,000 short of October, 1910. Central Improvers to Meet A meeting Ing of the Central Improvement club, an organisation of Omaha property owners, will be held Thursday evening at Colum bus hall, Twenty-second and Pierce streets, and the matter of opening Pierce street from Seventeenth to Eighteenth, to .pave Seventeenth street from Center to Mason, and to pave Eighteenth from Pierce to Leavenworth will be discussed, Omaha Directories Are Sent Broadcast Omaha is in line to get a lot of good out of the discarded 1910 directories col lectyd by the Commercial club. Miss Tobltt of the city library has placed the directories In thirty publlo libraries In various parts of the country and the Commercial club Is busy putting them In hotel waiting rooms in the big cities. Among the hotels which have already put the directories In their reading rooms are: The Waldorf-Astoria, (lew York La 8alle, Chicago; Claypool, Indianapolis Ppncbartratn, Detroit; Oalves, Galvea ton; Southland, Dallas; Albany, Denver Btatler, Buffalo; Bellevue-Stratford, Phil adelphia, and the St. Anthony, San An tonlo. The Commercial club has offered copies of the directory to a large num ber of other hotels, from which repllei have not yet been received, OMAHA GIRL HARMED AT HIGH H003 TODAY. . ) A . ; C if, v V MRS. CHARTERS REVEAT. PANIEU Formerly Miss Isabella McKelvy. Morton Leads Real Estate Exchange ATENSER AFTER BUILDERS Says They Matt Heat Court House if Work it to Be Accepted. BUILDING COLD AND DAMP No Conditio to Have Wot lnork rat On or Kven to' Be rr In the Mew Conny nalldtna. Notice that the new couhty building Is unprotected against cold weather and Is unfit to receive wood finish, either for storage or for placing on the walls, was served upon Caldwell A Drake, general contractors on the building, by John Latenser, county architect, Wednesday. Mr. Latenser notified the general con- ractor that none of the wood finish placed In the building In present condi tions will be accepted. The situation appears to be t'.ie result of the failure of Ins county commis sioners to adopt strong, business methods In forcing the general contractors to pro ceed properly with the building construc tion. From time to time for several months the democratic board has made sporadic shows of disposition to stop dilly-dallying with the general contrac tors and to force them to proceed to the completion of their contract, as the con tractors on the new Union Taclflo build ing or any construction work for a private'1 corporation would proceed. The results have been conferences with xxr r.iu.Aii T.o.tor Drake The ltenl F.Mato exchange has elected V I go II. NMIU v. ni.. a . - .i The results of the conferences have been the following officers: President, George promises by the general contractors. T. Morton; vice president, l. c. l atter- Mr. Latenaer's letter calls attention to son; treasurer, r.. .n. emu-r, mvrtmrj, J , f.nt th.t on wvernl occasions he has I. Crelgh; executi ve committee, b . V. taken up with the general contractors the vveaa. ueorgo xvauace ana narry ou, matter of closlnir the building and provld- After serving as locretary for seven lng for temporary heat during the winter years without pay, Harry Tukey escaped mnnfh. and tn the further fact that a re-election oy mailing a upeecn in wnicn on.h . h. mutter was taken ud bv he asked ms irlonas to vole lor Mr, the, county commissioners. creign. T. . lh Uli. . I1. th. Vll 1 1 1 ,1 1 r, 5.rf.Jr- Birth Rate Shows been varnished; wood finish has been put on the walls; there are fourteen plaster ers, seven painters and sixteen carpenters at work at the building, while the win dows and parts of the skylights are open and the te-nperature on the outside is :i degrees above zero. A copy of Mr. Latenser's letter was 'lied with the Board of County commis sioners, that they may know Just what the situation Is. Until some arrangement for heating the building is made by Caldwell & Drake or the commissioners NOVEMBER USHERED practically no more worn can oe aone on the new building, unless warm weather comes and continues. Itulldlna- to Be Heated. Upon receipt of the copy of the letter Jeff W, Bedford, chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, ordered the general contractors to suspend work until the building properly Is heated. "The heating arrangements will be completed In two or three days," said Mr. Bedford. "Caldwell & Drake will have to arrange- with J. J. Hanlghen, the heating contractor, about heating the building, as I dent think the county has to do it It they can't thrash It out and agree the county will have to do some thing. I don't know but It would be bet ter for the county to go ahead and heat the building anyhow rather than let the trouble cause delay. I don't think under the contract the ' county is supposed to heat the building while It Is In process of construction, but maybe It would be bet ter If we should do It." Gain lor October Dr. H. W. Conncll, city health commis sioner, reports an Increase of three In the birth rate for October this year over the births of the same month In 1910. In October 204 children were born, 107 males, s5 females and 1 blacks. In 1910 96 males were born, and 106 females, making a total of 201. . IN BY A COLD SNAP Old man Boreas and his son, Jack Frost, swooped down on Omaha Wed nesday and lingered throughout the day. During the early morning hours the mercury slipped down to 21 degrees abovo sero at noon and did not rise much In the warmest part of the day. The cold snap Is the first of the season and the weather man would not be surprised If the mercury dropped still lower. . HARR1MAN MENTO MOVE UP Promotions on the Union Facifio Effective Wednesday. OTHER PROMOTIONS ANNOUNCED W. II. Oalld Takes Jn Sykes' Old Job and F.d Dranie Also Moves Vp a Jiolrta Others Are Made Happy. November 1 was the date and Omaha was the place where numerous promo tions were handed to Union Pacific men. Although A. L. Mohler, former vice president and general manager, received promotion of president of system, he was not president In fact until Wednesday In the meantime. In addition to perform ing the duties of prewldent, he had per formed thoso of his old position. Now, however, he has assumed the duties of chief executive of the Overland system and. as a result, a number of other men have moved up a step higher. W. II. Scott, formerly assistant direc tor of maintenance and operation under Julius Krutschnltt, and located In Chi cago, now becomes the vice president and general manager, his duties being Identi cal with those formerly performed by President Mohler. , T. M. Orr. who has been with the Union raciflo for so mony years, and who for a long Hme prior to his promo tion was known as assistant to the gen eral lnanaitcr. drofl that title and be comes nsslstant to the president of the system. Ileromra Vice President. John A. Munroe, who shortly after liar rlman reorganlicd the Union Pacific sys tern, became freight traffic manager, now becomes vice president of the v. nion i a- clflo and the Oregon Short Line, in charge of all freight traffic. The position formerly occupied by Mr, Munroe, under the new arrangement goes to Elmer II. Wood, formerly general freight agent. Joseph Rvkes, for many years chle clerk to Charles Ware, general superln lon.iont becomes assistant to General Manager Scott. Charles Lane, former assistant general frelaht agent. Is promoted to general frelirht agent of the entire system, exer cislng the same Jurisdiction as that had bv Elmer 11. Wood. W. II. Oulld, nrmerly a clerk In the eeneral superintendent's office. Is now promoted to the position of chief clerk to Mr. Ware. E. A. Browne, for a long time a clerk In the general manager's office. Is promoted to chief clerk to the general manager and vice president. Disgraceful Conduct of liver and bowels, In. refusing to act. Is quickly remedied with Dr. King's New Life Pills. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. CANDIDATES NAMED FOR OMAHA GRAIN EXCHANGE At a caucus of Oraln exchange mem bers Tuesday afternoon J. A. Cavers, Frank H. Brown and C. II. Wright were nominated as candidates for the board of directors to succeed N. Mcrrlam, N. B. Updike and F. S. Cowglll. Another ticket In the field Is expected. The outgoing directors have given notice that they will not accept re-election. CADET OFFICERS TO HAVE BIG THEATER PARTY The Cadet Officers club of the' Omaha High school met in the assembly room at the school Wednesday noon and decided to hold a theater party next month. The cadet officers will attend the party, in full dress uniform , accompanied by friends, and as there is a total of forty four commissioned officers in the regl znent at present a good-sized party Is expected. -. , The officers held a lengthy discussion on the question of holding the party In boxes or in the orchestra, and finally decided on the orchestra because none of the local theaters could accommodate so many persons in a box party. Rex Houl ton, president of the club, appointed the following committee to have charge of the party: George Grimes, chairman; levers Susmann and Will Noble. Lineman is Killed by High Voltage William C. Denman came to death by electrocution in Council Bluffs Wednes day morning at 10 o'clock. Contact was formed when he grasped two live wires at the same time, and 2,300 volts passed through his body. At the moment he was working at the top of a thirty-foot pole andhe was precipitated to the ground by the shock. - The accident occurred at the rear of fire station No. 1 on South Main street. Denman waa 31 years old, single and the son of J. W. Denman of Grand Island. HALLOWE'EN PARTY IN HONOR OF A VISITOR Miss Irene Mead of 5702 North Twenty fourth street entertained Tuesday evening With a Hallowe'en party complimentary to Miss Ruth Stater of Auburn, la. Di vertlsements appropriate to the occasion were indulged in, and a pleasing feature Was a campflre around which the guests gathered. Hanging above the fire was a huge cauldron which contained the for tunes of all present. Those who enjoyed Miss Mead's hospitality were: AUTO DIRECTORS ELECT OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR Officers and directors of ths Automobile Show association were etected for the en suing yeer at a meeting held Tuesday afternoon in the offices or the J. J. De right company. Some tentative plans for the next automobile fchow, which prob ably will be held the latter part of Feb ruary were made at the meeting. The board of directors, as elected, will go today to the Coliseum, In contemplation of using that building for the show. A majority of the members of the asso ciation were present when the following cf fleers and directors were elected: Offi cers J. J. Derlght, president: J. T. Stew art, vice president; Clark G. Powell, sec retary and treasurer. Directors C. G. Powell, J. J. Denght, J. T. Stewart. Guy L. Smith and D. Barkalow. Clark Powell was made manager of the show. Misses Ethel Ulerney, Helen Anderson, Mabel Moss, Cora borenson, Messrs. Adalbert Mead, Earl Lund beis, Lmmst Gentleman, lUtipn Wiluam&on, Misses Almu borenson, Palma Larson, Aiuifcuei iic uarman, Messrs. llaruid ilaaker. Earl tinyder, Charles Okey, OCTOBER SHOWS LOSS IN BUILDING PERMITS According to the report of C. II. With. rtell, building lncpector, the total permits Issued ' In Omaha during the month of October-for buildings and additions to buildings was ,W,4bO. as against S413,6 for the same month In 1910. The total construction expenditures since January 1, 1911, has been M.9M-06. For the same period of time In 1910 the sum of I5.728.17S were expended in lm provements. Eighty-four dwellings, business build lngs and additions were constructed In the city during October, la October, 1910, led Improvements were made, although in proportion they were not as extensive as those made this year. NURSES DISGUISED AS SPOOKS ENTERTAIN The senior nurses of Wise Memorial hospital gsve a surprise Hallowe'en party to the Juniors Tuesday evening at the senior home.' The seniors were masked and disguised as witches, ghosts, gyp sies, Indians and men. Hallowe'en decora tions, stunts and refreshments prevailed throughout the evening. , ' ' ; i i .'Ji." L. .til' - - UNION PACIFIC SHOPS ARE T0BE ENLARGED Although the magnificent "twelve-story I office building of the Union Pacific Rail road company, costing Jl.000.000, and lo cated at Fifteenth and Dodge streets, is not entirely completed, it Is understood that the directors of the Harrlman sys tem are planning other good things for Omaha, and that will mean the expen diture of close to another $1,000,000, giving employment to several hundred men. While it Is not known at this time Just what move the Harrlman men propose to I make, reports come from the east that It Is more than likely that the shops will be materially enlarged and thct a number I of new departments will be added, thus making the Omaha plant the most com plete of any of its kind In the world, not even excepting those of the New York Central and the Pennsylvania lines. Key U the Eituatk.n-1't Want Ads. OSCAR WANTS CASH TO REPAIR HIS REPUTATION t fleeing defeat starng him In the face In his quest for re-election as county com missioner, O. Plckard plaved h's trump! Wednesday bv Instituttnlc a libel suit scalnst The Fee for f 10.000 damages. It seems that Oscar was not aware his un blemished reputation had been so seri ously fractured as to require money balm until a World-Herald reporter let h'm In on the secret and spurred him up to as sert his legal rlsrhta. The article com plained of Is the one printed R'inday giv ing reasons why Osar should be dis lodged from the county pay roll for the good of the taxpayers. His lawyer is B. N. Robinson. . Omaha's Debt to Abraham Lincoln Congress voted millions of dollars to subsidize the first rail road running from the Missouri river to the Pacific Coast, .The eastern terminus of the road was fixed by President Lincoln, gov ernment engineers having surveyed the proposed route. Chief . among the latter was (Jen. Grenvllle M. Dodge, one of Iowa s great men. History tells us that Abraham Lincoln visited a num ber of points along the river and Inspected the topography in ' order to get a correct per- epectlve of each of several cities contesting for the distinction. President Lin coln held a council with the engineers and officials of the railroad company at the old Revere House In Council Bluffs, at which it was decided that Omaha was the most eligible for designation as the starting point of the first great transcontinental line. At that time the nation re garded the proposed rail road as a military neces sity, as It would forever cement the Pacific Coast region to "the States," thus preserving the integ rity of the entire territory over which Uncle Sam claimed dominion. "- President LlncolW's de cision was endorsed by the nation and congress ap propriated a vast sum of money to be loaned to the company. From that moment the destiny of Omaha waa secure. It was predicted that the city would In time become the metropolis of the middle west, and that prophecy has been fulfilled. The promlso was made by public men that Omaha would become the financial and commer cial center of the Missouri valley, and a distributing point for the entire northwest; and that prophecy, also, has been fulfilled. Situated in the heart o( a region whose natural wealth is great beyond computation Omaha will continue to grow in finan cial anu commercial importance and her great busluess interests will enjoy the highest degree of prosperity. That this statement Is true Is attested by the substantial growth of The Dangers Heserve Life Company which was established In Omaha over 14 years ago, and whose career Is typical of the remarkable progress of the West since Abraham Lincoln ordained that the first Pacific rail road should traverso Nebraska. Within a period of a little more than a dozen years, this stalwart western enterprise has amassed assets in excess of $3,000,000, which sum Is Invested In registered bonds and first mortgages upon real estate. During 1010 tho interest income of The Bankers Reserve Life Company was $111, 432, a sum in excess of the amount of death claims paid, while the new business written was $4,482,725. Policy holders have received during nine months of 1911 dividends to the amount of $74,98C.61 and during the period there has been paid to the bene ficiaries $90,250.00 in death lofcses, while the interest receipts have been $92,867.00 being a little more than the death lossfl. The excess security to the policy holders la $678,677.67. These facts, succinctly stated, attest the financial stability of the company. It goes without saying that this growth could not have been attained if the policies sold by the company did not meet the popular demand for the highest degree of protection at moderate cost. The new guaranteed annuity policy of The Bank ers Reserve Life Company of Omaha affords the best form of com bined protection aud investment for the benefit of families or estates ever devised by a life Insurance company. Under Its terms the company guarantees that the second premium shall be reduced 17; that the third premium shall be reduced 18, and so on; the reduction or guaranteed annuity Increasing one per centum each year until the twentieth premium Is reduced 26. Then there is the new Joint endowment policy which matures In event of the death of either husband or wife. Both these polities are most liberal In tboir provisions and have proven to be ready sellers. Agents of the company In 22 states are writing an enor mous business, the total business in force aggregating $28, 000,000. This solid, conservative western company Is expanding Its business and U offering liberal terms to agents. A few general gents will be appointed. It will pay competent Insurance sales men to write to the company for full Information. Heirloom Furniture-the Kind with Rugged Character The same care in selecting furniture should be ex ercised as is given in choosing materials for a perma nent home. A home is erected to last a lifetime and to be bequested to one's heirs. Furniture should go into the homo to bocomo a part of the family circle and to be handed. down aa heirlooms. There is only one kind of furniture that is worth while that is "heirloom" furni ture chairs, tables, beds, ehests, sideboards, which can bo turned over to your chil dren and your children's children. You are getting your money's worth when you lmv Mioirlnom" furniture. Furnituro that will not last is a wasto of money. Bunnont mahogany and Gustavo Stickley's Craftsman furniture arc tho kinds that endure for years they don't wear out in your lifetime. Ttnrmont mahocanv furniture, for which we are exclusive agents, is solid ma- - c hoganv at prices that are very, very low. For instance wo have a solid mahogany arm chairs and "rockers with upholstered seats at $7.UO. Tninlc 0t solid manogany iurnuuro at such a price! It is thoroughly constructed, with attention to every detail. It is handsome and strong. No mahogany furniture in tho world i3 any prettier and none in low nrieed. Rtifk lev's Craftsman, for which we are Nebraska agents, is known tho world over for its lasting qualities. It is of rugged, durable character, built along simple comfortable lines. The best American white oak goes into tho making of this furni ture. Tho finish is artistic. The sales of Craftsman and its ever-increasing popu larity show that this kind of furniture represents tho highest development in modern Some of the most attractive Craftsman arm chairs and rockers are priced at $9.00, showing that this sturdy furniture of durable character is not high-priced. tv i,aVa n n-rfrma5vn nstHortmetit of Craftsman and Burmont furniture, so that ono V C lit! VI (lt v-V . w ' can select hero any article for tho home, and get it at a price lower than has ever been paid before. , Remember, good furniture may be chtap, but "chtap" furniture cannot be gool. Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co. The Tag Policy House FfttaHliahed 1884. 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street. T The Customer You Need the Most Is the One You Have Never Sold a Cent's Worth of Goods. - Visitors will do thousands of dol lars worth of business in this city dur- ing the fall and early winter months. Who will get their trade t You can get your share if you mako the proper effort. First of all, you must let the possible New customer , know that you are looking for him. Ho cannot dodge an Electrio Sign. He will see it and ; ho must read.it. You cannot afford to ignore tho force of this argument. Electric Signs can be rented on a nominal basis. Let our Contract Department representatives show how little it will cost. maha Electric Light Sc Power Company f , " . "n Weigh i Hi! 'wT) ffKt633 d? WiY ;z&? ft- r ?rrizX r IHTfr 'TOT sit Mavba It seems like Husic of the masters in your home on the Kimball 00-note player piano. C'loffe study of ths tisst In music has often resulted In ths growth of r, muHliul teinuorKineiits. Coniiisrstl vely fsw muy attend th Kreat vniDhony concerts and hear ths bent orenemra. Until, Heetlioven, Mozart. lj...t..l L .nil. flflinn BKnr. l.l.Kl. t. IIUl'lII. .I Nino U.i.vo J . know the beauties of a Mendelssohn Hpiinif son, Wagner's glorious Tann "aeueer, the Chopin Ktudee. The Kimball SH-note I'layer-.'iaiio brings this Influence into ins nonie wiin an iui.uun.i estimated. Ths Kimball Will Tlf Any Muslo. A. HOSPE COMPANY 1B13-151S DOUQLAJI ITBGIT. OMAHA. Branch More, 407 Broadway, OoaasU Bluffs. Iowa. Western reprenentatlvra for Maeon t Hamlin, Kranlch and 11a eh. Bush Ik l-ane, Cable-Neliion, 1'ryor & Co., Kremlin Hun, liallet 1'svis, Kin. tall and llosm flanus The B ee for All the to Mivba it seems like a trifle to vou that LitCe Poller Brooms are nearly half a pound lighter than ordinary kinds. But figure up how muctt weifnt it saves you lifting half a pound every time you raise the broom, and you raise it a thousand times on sweeping day if you raise it once that's 37S pounds Ie3 weight to lift. LITTLE POLLY Brooms save the carpets, too, and get the dirt up clean because tho flexible fibres of the selected broom com used, go down into the sp-:but do not roughen il and pull the fibres. ' w If you want to know what a difference there can be In brooms, phono your grocer today to send a Little roily. They come with canary or rose-color handles and the finish sticks to the handle" to your hands. We guarantee, both handle and broom If you CAa't get the little Pelly write us. Harrah & Stewart Mfg. Co. Dei Molnwi, Iowa ic 3 -7 r