Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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The QMAiiA Daily Hi:n
Entered at Omaha postofflce as second
laja matter.
ftunday bee, on year i ....flfW
turday lift, on rear 1 M
I 'ally ee (without Kunday, one year. 4
I 'ally Re and Sunday, on y-er W
Evening Bee(witi Sunday), per month.
IJly (Including- Sunday), pr mo...
Xal!y Bp (without, r mo Cc
' Aridreaa all complaints nf Irregularities
In Oeiiry tn fitr circulation leut.
Remit by ilratt express or p.is1sl ordiT,
'payable to The Po PuhlleHns company.
Only t-oent atninpa rerelvr.l In payment
f small accounts. I'prsonal r hecks, ex
cept on Omaha and aUm exchange, not
' Omaha Tbe Itee HullHnf.
South Omah-J3ti K 8t,
" Council HWiffs 15 Fcott HI.
Idneoln M l.lttle Tiullriln-.
Chlcaeo IMS Marquette llulldlnR.
Xanaaa Clty-Hellanr" IliillrlmK
New York M West Thlrtv-thlrd.
Washington?: Kourv-rnth St., N. W.
Communication relallns; to news and
editorial matter should be artrtrcsted
Omaha Ree, Rd'tortal Department.
Btate of Nebraska. County of Douiclss, .
DwlKht Wllllama, circulation manaser
ct Tha Ree Publishing company, being
duty ivom, esys tl.nt the average dally
circulation, less apmled. tinuix-d and re
turned copies for the month of September,
UU. waa 60,703.
I'lrculntion Mnniiser.
Bubsorlbed In mv tirciftii'f and unom t.1
before ma thla 1st day of November. I9ll.
Notary Public.
abacrlbera tearing; the elty
temporarily ehoaltt ha The
Dec mailed tkem. Address
will rkimra as often as
Old Boreas does not want us to
forgot him.
Tha safe way Pull the republi
can lever and quit.
i The frost la on the pumpkin and
torrery other blamed thins.
Dan V. Stephens, whotie check
book are you using thla time?
Let the Good Work Go On.
Insofar as the outcry against
fraudulent registration has borne
fruit anikpurged. the toting Hate of
illegal nam, whether In the Third
ward or In other sards, It Is a good
The Bee started this laudable
work by exposing democratic colo
nisation last year, a'though at eery
turn It met with efforts of the
democratic organ and politicians to
protect the perpetrators of these
frauds. The publication as suspects
now of the- entire registration lists
of two ranis for the purpose of dis
crediting hundreds of honest and
legitimate voters is inertly part of
the democratic political game, but It
servea an Incidental purpose which
was hardly Intended.
From these lints It appears that
from (he pool hall at 51 7 South
Thirteenth street, from which the
democrats registered nineteen col
onized voters lant year and voted
them for Dahlman and Hitchcock,
thla year Just one person Is regis
tered. From these lists It appears that
from the room at 718 South Four
teenth street from which the demo
crats registered forty-two colonized
voters last year and voted them for
Dahlman and Hitchcock, this year
onlv seven nersons are reKllered.
From these lists It m.noars that treasury ai wbsuiiikujh iron,
the democrats have this year reals- " afraid that the currency is full
terod thirty voters out of the former of microbes and that they may be-
Albert law hotel at 1 423 Jackson come Infected with some dangerous
disease unless they immediately
exchange the paper for newer money.
If thla thing should keep up long
the treasurer might be put to-It for
enough new prints to supply all de
Guarding against unsanitary con
The Judicial Ticketi. dltione is a mignty good tning ana
Outside of the local offlcea to be has worked wonders toward improve
- . . i
filled, tho Impending off-year eleo- ing the cnances 01 me in mis coun
tlon is chiefly Important for the Ju- try, but even such a good thing may
dlclal tickets. Our choice of Judicial be carried to the most absurd limits
candidates will nut three Judges on If microbes are as multifarious as
tho supreme bench for terms of sis scientists Bay, theu It would be ob
yeara and seven Judges on the dls- vlously useless to try to keep thorn
ri.t honeh for terms of four veara. off of paper money. They would
dismissing men charged and virtu
ally convicted of such misde
meanors, or even Imposing nominal
fines upon them, will not do It.
The same thing Is true of the
short-weight fellow. Arresting and
arraigning him on a charge and lec
turing or fining him a trifling sum
and letting him go does nothing but
ridicule the law In his mind and In
vite him to continue his meanness
Stop coddling him and let him feel
the force of the law as seven !y as
any other violator of It and he will
be apt to stop his Illegal traffic.
If the public docs not want bad
eggs and bud milk, It does not want
lesa than It pays for. It Is entitled
to Loth quality and quantity and
can get It If It goes after It properly,
those with the law to administer In
their hands, of course, co-operating.
Both health and the high cost of liv
ing are entitled to a fair hearing be
fore tho same bar, and they get It
where Judges follow the example of
these New York courts make It
unsafe to deal In ptomaine poison
and short weights and measures.
Microbes and Paper Money.
The degree to which agitation will
sometimes Impress people Is shown
In the report of United States treas
urer that from all parts of the coun
try old paper money Is flowing Into
treet, which County Attorney fc-ng-
sh Is suppose! to be prosecuting;
and of the thirty only five were en
rolled under republican party afflll-
Let the good work go on.
California needs ' Irrigation to
ralsa everything except political fads.
The base ball fan Is the only man
who, Rip-Van-W'lnkle-like, sleeps
six months at a time.
There Is no element of so-called non-
artlsanshlp Involved, for the line-up
Is between two seta of party candi
dates, all nominated by direct pri
mary vote of the rank and file of
their respective parties.
'; Dr. Cook may at least boast that
fee got a response out of that Copen
hagen audience.
.! '
'; A correspondent asks, "Why do
poets wear Ions hair?" They don't,
t Is tha near-poets.
Protecting tha Mlddlea.". That
'does not mean tha "middle man'
"but those chapa at Annapolis.
1 t .
:; Mr. Dickinson says there will be
Do delay in pressing tha Steel trust
luit. Irons are hot. ara they? ,
Taking tho Judicial tickets In their hands It might have several million
entirety and man for man, Tha Bee microbes on It, surely enough to do
does not hesitate to pronounce the mischief. To keep paper money ml
republican ticket far and away su- crobeless, It could not be printed
pcrlor. The republicans have re- fast enough.'
nominated Judges Letton and Rose Thla fear of microbes on paper
of tha present supreme court along money and In drinking cups and 11-
wlth Judge Hamor all experienced brary books Is like a run on n hank
and able Jurists, while tha demo- One man erica out that the bank Is
crata have arrayed against them men falling and no matter how atrong the
of meager legal attainments and still bank may be, bow far from the pos-
less Judicial experience. ... ilblllty of failure, In a short time a
Kor the' district' Ijeneh the rcpub- run may be startod with most sen
llcans present six of the present ou results. Sense, mora than any
court, Judges Day, Eatelle, Kennedy, thing else, is needed to give us tha
Rnr. Sutton and Tmiio and tha best results of medical science in
Now that Mr, Hearst baa gone
psck Into tha democratic party, per-
fcapa thera Is hope for Colonel Bryan
Ob, how those democrats wish
-how they had not insisted on keep-
ving tha voting machines In business
It begins to look as If our drug
gists would have to be more cr.reful
to whom they sold cynalde of potas
I t . ii i . if nt.. tJi.
tha democratic nominees, only two present, oui me sieauuy-uuioiuiu
or three of whom have any right results are not surprising to those
even to solicit their own party sup- wno nave Ior year" OUBe"eu lUB
I Tha plea of avoidance has always
been a charming recourse for the
democrats when pushed for argu
5 Why does Mr. Morgan persist In
talking of scrambled eggs, anyway,
when it Is much easier to have them
boiled? r' '.
Governor Aldrlch is not fooled by
any democratic pretense of solici
tude for tha welfare of Insurgent re
Roger Sullivan says he only dab
ties now and then In politics. Well
you know the story of the fly In
tha ointment.
It cardinals were created by popu
lar vote of tbelr constituencies, the
Jot would have fallen on Archbishop
Ireland long ego.
No wonder Edgar Howard dlscov
red so disastrously what It meant to
bump into a check-book In tbe hand
Of Dan V. Stephens.
That Des Moines street car prob-
hm which was so completely solve
-by a court injunction some month
ago is still drsgglng aloug unsettled
There seems to bo a shortage of
.registration in soma silk stocklo
. precincts, too, but that, of course, Is
Ji9 to natural causes.
r . ,. -
t How do all tha reputable and re
spectable voters la the Third an
Tenth wards like to be branded by
ta democrats aa frauds or suspects
i.J'Murdock is the name of the ad
'lutral commanding the American
fleet in Cbtuese waters. Kansas
-probably would expect him to sym
pathise with tha insurgents.
'But dear, high-minded Senator
i Hitchcock, If Dr. Harry Foster Is so
- eud morally that you feel in duty
bound to warn decent republicans
jibout him, why don't you warn de-
4 democrats of the equally ini-
moral misfit running on the demo
cratic ticket fur a responsible county
ttficc? : .
thatch the newest and cleanest paper
dollar within ten hours after It har.
left the press. The minute that bill
came in contact with a human hand,
it would be Infected and by the time
it had passed through half a dozen
Booking Backward
IIiisDay InOmalia
roMPiLCD iiMM nr.r. riLF.A
rl NOV.""!!! I , .J-. j
Army Gossip
Mnttera of Internet Ui aad
Rack af rirlaar .! Glean
tram Army aad Xmry Uelter.
present county Judgo, Judge Leslie.
n the primary, Tha Bee supported
wo other aspirants who failed of
nomination, but It sees no advantage
to be gained by substituting any of
the protection of our health as well
ss of our wealth.
Tha revolution In China is the big
gest event on the word stage at
Thirty Veara A
Mr. Nathan flhclton entertained the
Uellra-Letiea club with a maxriue aocial
at htr rcldenOe on Dodge atreet. The
coMtimes worn exhibited much lnnenulty
ea well aa a love for literature. I'nmnk-
Ing- dlncloned many aurprlac. amon them
the following: Mra. Hhelton, "Tambourine
Olrl." from "Maneo!;" Mra. Charlea
Powell, "Young: Iady Nineteenth Cen
tury;" Mm. Chester David. "Mario An
toinette;" Mra. Ruin, "Pink Domino;"
.Mr. Trot, "Waiter Maid;" Mra. Turner,
"Mra. Jack Front;" Miss Rod din. "IJber-
tle;" Miss Tlllotaon, "Mall Carrier;" Mra.
Webater, "Rlack Domino;" Mlaa Free
man, "Quakereas;" Mini Ida Freeman,
"French Peasant Girl;" Mra. Jarvie, "The
Press;" Mr. Webster, "Old Woman
Searching for Her Husband;" M. Nathan
Bhclton, "KplKht of tha Oolden Fleece;"
Mr. Rums, "Black Domino;" Mr. Archie
Powell, "Harlequin;" Mr. Carrier,
"Mephlatophf'lee; "Major Stephens, "Bene
dictine Monk;" Mr. Annln, "Illuck Dom
ino;" Mr. Will Rhelton, "Pasha of Many
Tales;" Mr. Chester David. "Oscar
Wilde;" Mr. Frank Davis, "Mary Ander
son;" Mr. Ktebblns, "Father Time;" Mi.
Freeman, "French Chasseur;" Mr. E. F.
Test, "Rlack Domino; Mr. Jarvls, "Loue
Fisherman;" Mr. Coe, "French Officer;"
Muster Nathan Hhelton, "Flower of the
The Standard club held Its third party
tonight at Standard hall.
The Hoard of County Commissioners, aa
the seat of political authority, named all
the Judges and clerks for the forth
coming election. Among some of the
familiar names ara John Mahoney, Bar
ney Shannon, Motj Sturman, Rill Turner,
John McArdle and Dave Reed.
Announcement is made of a new de
parture by the Union Pacific, when It
begins running trains from Omaha to
Denver next Sunday in the shape of a
faster train to Lincoln. This train Is to
leave Omaha at 11:46 a. m. and reach
Lincoln at 4:20 p. m., which, the publio
Is aaaured, is a reduction of one hour
In the running time.
A little son of Mr. Arnold, who lives on
North Eighteenth street, waa run over
ty one of the green line street cars. The
lad la about 7 yeara old, and the extent
of his injurlci la still to ba ascertained.
The Bee carries the announcement of
the marriage at Lincoln of Dr. C. R,
Tefft and Miss Belle Marquette, daughter
t T. M. Marquette.
W. H. C. Stephenson, aa president, and
Benjamin Fulton, aa aecretary of tha
arfl;ld association, call a mass meeting
for tomorrow of the colored cltlxena at
Eureka hall to attend to Important busi
Mra. Carroll of 216 North Sixteenth
street has received the aervlcea of an
artiatin dressmakor from Boston, Mass.,
and Invites a call from tha ladlea of
Omaha, assuring them of entire satlsfac.
The work of repiinting the old Co
lona house la In process.
The new brick store adjoining John O.
aooba' establishment la completed to tha
second story.
The thermometer went down to 39 de
trees at 7 a, in. and only got five de-
greea higher up to t o'clock. -
, ai. ivnoit, carpenter, had a nar
row escape In a fall of the scaffolding
from the Interior- of John Evans' new
house at Thirteenth and Webater, "He
waa knott eerloualy hurt."
Captain T. R. Russell and J. R. Bu
chanan of the new a. v. 4 8. P. line
spent the day In Omaha.
Robert J. Struhorn. chief of the Union
Contemplated Army Chaaajea.
It la understood that Major (teneral
Leonard Wood, chief of ataff. has
planned the following appointments and
rhangea among high ranking officers on
duty at the War department: Tha ap
pointment of Brigadier General Clarence
R, Edwards, chief of the bureau of ln-
aular affnlrs, as a brigadier general In
the llnef on retirement of Brigadier Oen
rral Daniel 11. Brush for age on May ,
next, and the aaalgnment of General Ed
wards to duty aa assistant chief of staff
at that time, succeeding Major Oeneral
V'llilain H. Carter; and the assignment
of Oeneral Carter to command of the
Central division, with headquarters at
Chicago, succeeding Brigadier General
Ramaey D. Potta, now In command of
that division. This change in the atatus
of General Edwarda will put him In line
for advancement to tha grade of major
general. . However, no vacancy will occur
in thla grade by reason of retirement for
age before May 30, 1914, when Major
general Frederick D. Orant reaches the
retiring aga.
Apprehension of Deaerters.
The War department la against making
unusual conditions surrounding tha pay
ment of a reward for the apprehension
ot deserters. It Is believed that to delay
prompt payment would be a mistake and
would discourage tha apprehension and
delivery ot deserters on tbe part of civi
lians. A case recently arose in which
tha queatlon Involved waa whether a man
had deserted or was abaent without leave.
He wan charged on tha company books
with being a deserter, but such an entry
is held not conclusive aa to his desertion,
and although abaent without leave the
soldier is not carried aa In desertion, and
It does not prove that he la not a de
serter. Tha notation On the company
books la held to ba an administrative
matter. During 1 consideration of this
caae the reward for apprehension waa
held up and finally the man was
charged with being abaent without leave.
Under .hose circumstances It waa not
plain that payment of a reward should
be made. Tha War department, however,
la against making tha civilian author
ities wait until oonoluslve proof of deser
tion is established or whether a man la
abaent without leave.
"I shall leave my reputation to be
Jtidad by posterity."
That's a good Idea," replied Senator
Sorghum. "The way things are coming
I'd much rather take my chancea with
posterity fl,an with an Investigating com-
rlttee. Washington Star.
Mr. K N. (Jul re What are those women
mauling that man for?
Mrs. Herbn lot He Insulted us bv say
ing that the euffrage movement destroyed
our naturally timid sweetness and robbed
us or. all our gentleness. New York bun.
"A roae by any other name mleht smell
Jes' aa aweet." he said, hi he opi ned his
Did leather wallet; "but I II be dlnped if
it'd cost half as much!" Chicago Tilbune.
tince 1 could have housm t in Hits of
Chicago for two In Mexican money."
I know how it Is. old chan. 1 had a
chance to buy a beefsteak onre for 11
cents a pound. " W ahmgton Herald.
He Has our new laundress melancholia,
my dear?
She I'm sure I don't know. Why do
you ask? ,
He Nothing, only I noticed the clothes
ate so blue. Baltimore American.
"The woman I marry," he aald, "must
be able to blush.",
"Oh," she replied, "I can do that. I
blush every time I am seen anywhere
with you." Judge.
"I don't see anything that man has
ever done that warrants his official Im
portance.'" said the man who finds fault.
"No." said Senator Sorghum. "Some of
us get on not by what we have done, but
by what we are willing to promise not to
do." Washington Star.
Weeping Woman Misfortunes never
come single.
Bympathetle Neighbor What's the
trouble, Mrs. Petty?
Weeping Woman The new minister
ra-callefl ytsterdsy, while J-J-John was
In tbe next room to the parlor rutting up
the stove. Baltimore American.
Reynor Think you could Improve on
the works of nature, do youf
Shyne-I know I could. If I had the
power. I'd make eome kind of aeed that
could be planted on a bald head and
grow into a crop of hair. Chicago Trib
une. "Your wife Is taking a tremendous In
terest in abstruse economic questions."
"Yes." replied by Meekton; "and I'm
glad of It. Maybe It will result In her
convention's putting me to sleep Instead
of keeping me awake." Washington
He I am willing to make concessions.
His Wlfe-Really!
He Yea; but it seems Impossible to
moke the supply meet the demand. Bos
ton Transcript.
S. E. Klscr In the Record-Herald.
Pa Is feeling rather chipper; every day
he wears a smile.
Though he has no public office and keeps
working all the while;
They have not Increased his wages, and
they never will. I guess, . ,
Cut his look Is always cheerful and he s
full ot hopefulness.
His overcoat Is seedy and his pants bag
at the knees;
We are not among the people who can
travel overseas;
The price of living a higher than it ought
to be. 'tis true.
But pa's clinging to his courage and lie
takes a hopeful view.
The folks next door havs lately had lo
cut expenses down;
It seems they've been unlucky It's the
talk all over town;
They have sold their .new electric ma
pretenda it was too toad
So It seems pa needn't buy one, and It
makes him mighty gliid.
trend of events and taken the time to
The wav to keeD our courts ud to to back Into Chinese history Just a
heir present hlah level Is to pull the "Ie- Thl overturning of tho an-
republican lever and vote these re- nt dynasty and ancient customs Is
publican Judicial tickets us a whole. outcome of universal age-long
dimensions, i ne apparent cnne wuu
What Haa Littleton to Offer? wlch the vital concesslona were oo-
Presldent Taft struck a keynote alne1 from the throne la the best
when he asked the oratorical Con- argument that It was tna logic 01
gressmau Littleton what he had to ,me and not spontaneous. Democ
offer as a substitute for tha Sher- "cy h" reached under tha veil of
man anti-trust law, which ha and his even tha oldest autocracy,
democratic brethren want repealed,
Tha president's ' question goes
straight to the party, therefore, aa
a whole what better law or method
for regulating and controlling com'
blnatlona has it to offer? Thus far
Tha World-Herald told us the
other day that Tom Dennlson was In
a sanitarium at Excelsior Springs
where he had been undergoing medl
cal treatment for weeks, but that
neither Mr. Littleton nor any other doa t0P Jt from Putting up the
democrat has specified. They would Pnn,80n b0",a rr political etrect,
destroy, while what the country e were personally engaged
wants Is constructive force.
the present campaign.
beat it?,
The lid will have to be lifted
Booner or later on that $1,200,000
courthouse Job and the quickest way
to do It is to unhorsp tbe democratic
combine In the county board that
has been running things with such
a high hand. Voting for the repub
llcan candidates for county commis
sioners will give its a new deal.
County Commissioner Plckard'i
political fortunes must Indeed be 1
desperate condition when convinced
that a libel suit against The Dee is
the only thing that can possibly res
cue him from merited repudiation
and defeat at the polls.
The personality and caliber of the
republican candidates on state, Judi
cial and county tickets this year are
so markedly superior to their demo
cratic opponents that there should be
no two ways of deciding.
Military Academy Candidates.
Congreaa will be urged to change the
method ot appointing candidates for ad
mission to tha Military academy. On Sep
tember 1 there were fifty-seven vacanoles
in the corps of cadets, in many cases no
candidates having been dealgnated for
appointment. Many aenatora and repre
sentatives ara already making uaa of the
facilities In the civil service commission
to Select tha candidates they nominate.
When they are advlaed that they are en
titled to name a cadet at either the Mili
tary academy or Naval academy It is an
nounced In their district that the civil
service commission will hold exatmna-
tlona, and any young man living In that
dlatiict who Is otherwise qualified may
appear at thla examination, which la
competitive, the man with the beat rat
ing receiving the appointment. Thla not
only relieves the senator or representa
tive from the embarrassment of having
to personally decide between applicants,
out aiso secures ior tne government a
better equipped candidate for admission
to one of the academies. Major General
Barry has recommended In his annual re
port aa superintendent that tha president
be allowed to nominate an eligible can
didate to such cadetships as are vacant
Pacific literary department, left on the wlthln ,lx montha after a senator or rep-
noon train for Denver.
Sir John Reed and family of London
were on the eastbound train.
Twenty Years Ago
1. J. staley of Chicago, formerly of
Omaha, waa In the city on business.
Mls Anna M. Clegg of Falls City was
tne guest of Miss Jennie V. Powell, 218
North Nineteenth street.
The regular meeting of tha Baptist
preachers of tha city was held at tha
Paxton cafe, with these preaentt Reva.
F. W. Foster, E. N. Harris. 8. B. Wlleox,
J. W. Harris, -O. J. Peck and Mr. Janaon.
Mr. Wilcox presided.
coward jorgenson, an old man, was
found lying sick on South Thirteenth
resentatlve has had an opportunity to
fill the place. If this Is not done, he
further auggesta that examinations be
held in each district at which any ellgl
bla youth may appear, the one passing
the best examination to be appointed.
The latter course would seem to be tha
one most likely to appeal to congreaa.
Protection of the Vnlform.
A law waa approved by tha president
In March of this year which provided
for the protection of the dignity and
honor of the uniform of the United
States. Tha act provides "that no pro
prletor, manager or employe of a theater
or other publio place ot entertainment or
amusement in the District of Columbia,
street and hastened m h. -,.,. r n any territory, the district of Alaska,
I n 1...- . k.
States, shall make or cause to be made
to the police station for aid. Dr. Oapen.
city physician, prescribed for the sick
mai; and Captain Mostyn sent a messen
ger tvt get the prescription filled. Before
the medicine reached him the man was
Mr. and Mra. Guy Barton gave a de-
any discrimination against any parson
lawfully wearing the uniform of tha
army, navy, revenue cutter service or
the marine corps ot tha United States
becauae of that uniform, and any peraon
llghtful dinner party for Senator and Mrs. maklnS. r causing to be made, such dls
The singular coincidence Ilea in
this that Mr. Littleton and other
democrats express tho tdentlcal wish
of tho trusts when they advocate the
repeal of the Sherman law. Nothing
would suit the lawless combines
better. This fact tends to discredit
tho sincerity of democracy and its
spokesman and to put the brand of
spcclousness on such pleas as Mr
It is doubtful If a corporal's
guard could be counted for repeal
lug the Sherman law It the question
were submitted to popular vote, sim
i'iy buccuse the pruple See 110 Ob
jection to the law, per se, and that
all It needs is observance and en
torctnient. To repeal, or too radl
cully atneud this law now would be
forcing the country to recede from
the must advanced step It had ever
taken toward corporation regulation.
Now that the law has been con
si rued In such a way ss, In the Judg
ment ot most men, to prevent the
lining or competition, wo ougat to Tno 8tttte railway commission
be able to make continuous progress raay uot be so Important as It used
under it. K. w,.. i, i. Inmnrtant lint tn 1st
tha railroads take Dosgesslon cf It.
ward lor iial Ji?. iut tha same
1 . L ..t .1 . I
i-egai authorities are making nre
rough and uncertain for the dealer Coffee and sugar, like the king of
In bad eggs In New York, according Frsnce, marched up the hill and
to the Brooklyn Kngle, which says: then marched down again. Wo hope
Some of the flues Imposed in Man- they, also, like tha French sovereign.
t attan would eat up a big day's, or I atay down now
even a light week's, trade."
In time tbt sort of thing will "Woman Kills Husband Who De-
stop bad cgz senilis: It would work serted Her," saye the headline. And
the same way with other foodstuffs yet that Is no way for a woman to
milk, butttr and can goods. Hut I force a man to live with her,
Manderson, the guests, aside from, tha
Manderaona, being: General and Mrs.
John R. Brooke, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick,
Mr. and Mra. Weaxela, Mine Wakeley.
Ten Years Ag1
The first anow of the season comes
down vlKorously,
Charles liumllton, 1417 California street,
telephoned to the police that burglars
were at his home. A wagonload of po
lice renponded and found a loose window
shaken by the wind to be the disturber.
Mrs. is. Gonden entertained the
Hanscom Park Card club at her home.
mi Pacific street.
These young ladlea went to Lincoln to
see the high school foot ball team of that
place defeat Omaha: Mlssea Laura Cong
don, Marian Connull, Mary Bed well. Fa's
Towne, Faith Hoel. June Phelps, Bessie
Moorehead, Zola Delake, Peterson ami
Miss Allen. Miss Edith Smith, Miss Lo-
max, air. nein ana Mr. Paxton ware
Mr. Bonn's guesta at a Country club din
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Campbell enter
tallied at dinner In the evenln- In honor
Of Mra. Campbell's cousin. Lieutenant
Wade and Miss Blanche Lowe, whose
marriage had been announced.
Mrs. Margaret Benson, widow of John
Benson, died at the residence of ber
daughter, Mrs. Peterson, 1411 South Fifth
street, after a leeldence ot thirty-five
years In Omaha.
crimination shall ba guilty of a misde
meanor, punishable by a fine not exceed
Ing 1500. Considerable oratorical fire
works accompanied the passage of thli
bill in congTess, and more than one poll
tlclan sought to Increaae his reputation
among his conatltuenta by coming to th
reaoue of the uniform. It waa finally
necessary, on account of the race quea
tlon. to limit the application of this bill
to a comparatively amall area of the
United States and Its outlying posses-
slons. The territories of Arliona anu
New Mexico are about to be admitted to
statehood, and that will leave in the
United Statea an area of ten square miles
where the above quoted law Is In opera
tion. That means that out of 5,023,609
square miles within tha continental Urn
its of tha United States but ten square
miles, comprising tha area of the District
of Columbia, will have the benefit of the
protection affsrded. It Is to be hoped
thla matter will ba taken up at the next
session of congress and either extended
to apply to the entire country or with
drawn aa to Its operation In such a email
part ot the United Slates proper.
Missionaries for China.
Houston (Tex.) Pest.
ir China la to wake up and become a
republic, some ot our democratic mis
sionary a ought to go over there at once
and establish the party. We would be
glad to contribute Colonel Bryan, Gov
ernor Campbell and Cone Johnson for
this great work.
Saperlor Attrnetlona ef Army,
Springfield Republican.
Nine young midshipmen, Juat graduated
at Annapolis, have resigned to accept
second lieutenancies In tha army; not re
flecting on the navy, but preferring to
have prospective wives with them
their posts rather than waiting ashore
for the end of a three-years' cruise. Th
consolation of a aweetheart In every port
appears to ba losing Its ancient appeal
If this thing keeps oi the warship may
have to beoome a aort of modern floating
apartment liouwi boat.
lapleasant Sururtaa 1'snlsf,
M. Louis Glove-Democrat.
Among the rarest political curiosities
are republlcane Insurgent enough to Join
the democratic party. This tact will give
the democrats an unpleasant surprise
a XuU yoje c.'rucs out
An Imnnrtlneat Saaaeatlon.
Philadelphia Recytd.
The lallwaya of New South Wales car
rled C0.51.H) passengers in the year 1H0
without una train accident resulting in
tho loas of llfo. And yet It would be
deemed an impertinence If any one should
rrake the suggestion that our railway
magnates go to Australia to make a
study ci Ulo ravlrs m:thc4a.
The only Baking Powder
v made from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Saves Butter, Flour,
Eqgs and makes
home baking easy
iEPOSITS made on or before
November 10th in the SAVINGS
will draw interest from Novem
ber 1st.
THREE PER CENT Interest is paid on
saving's deposits and COMPOUNDED
SEMI-ANNUALLY. Tunda may be with
drawn at any time without notice.
Tha combined capital and surplus is $1,400,000.00.
It is the oldest bank in Nebraska.
t Established In 1856, ,
United States National Bank
of Omaha, Nebraska
as. V. Barlow, President.
O. W. Wattles, Vioe-Prea,
V. B. Caldwell, Tloe-Prea.
W. JB. Bhoades, One a.
O. T. Haveratlck, Asst. Cash,
a. P. MorSBiaa. Asst. Cash.
J. O, MoClora, Asst. Cash.
O. X. Yatas, Asst. Oaaa.
Open on Baturdays Until 9:00 P. M.
This is
The Reflex
The lamp that gives over twice the
light of an old-fashioned burner and
consumes less than one-half the gas.
Tbe price of The Reflex, as shown here, is $1.75
The Terms
We know what the Reflex will do.
You don't, unless you have tried it.
We want you to try it.
We will install a Reflex of the style you with and mate
no charya for doing- it.
We will leave it for a period of 19 days.
If the lamp gives you satisfaction you can keep it and
pay the regular retail price for it.
If you are not satisfied we will remove it free of charge.
A call, phone or postal will bring you prompt attention.
Omaha Gas Company