Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Tin: im;f:: omatia. TiirnsnAV. xovemrku ?.. .on.
Mf m
gg.75 ggU
up to $65
ll Trm I "? TV
, ....... vL
o Suit
i V"'
7: r
For nearly half
a century acknowl
edged THE BEST
the make your parents used
and your grandparents be-
for them. Don't experiment
with les favorably known
heaters when the "Peninsu
lar" costs no more;
havo larger and longer
'.iae flues than other
mak s have Rreater
radiating surface and
enables one to boat
any given number of
rooms with one-fourth
! coal than any oth
er make of Jloaterr,
you ran buy.
This Special
here shown la a power
ful base heater; ia a
perfect self-feed er;
larfte coal magazine
with ulr-tlght, gdB
proof cover; has hot
air flue for heating up
per floor, extra
large base riunn,
bent flii'tr warmer,
everlasting tire
box, liirKe ash fit.
pupeilur In every
detail, elcKiinily
trimmed In ulrknl,
full nickel dome.
Itettcr me this
hi. lend lil heater
Torty-Three Auto Loads of Boosters
Accompany Him.
Jm m kt hi ikii iiw ii mi mmtn i m m.i m mm m mum m
l k J .
a - -"1 wm
l an ni Bit; i a i tmi niti
-antMS W4V
( iinirrivlniml nnilldnle MaUfi
Truing AddrMf W hrrrfr He
Ptopa, IllilfllinK Mnif rrelrn.
Inn of III Oppotnt.
Tfta Peninsular
full nickel dome, a
fi ... Ihl. I
i-VV splendid heater I
rS'jV it h a value that
vUr"Jl can't e euualfl I
p Basa Burner
Ail At I C 1
5 umcr iiyies ran up STflK jTV I
J, end Sizes. . Vw to yUJ .?t j
.V A ImndnniAely dvulaned hrati-r, full ' fj ' s"""! I II
liox. i.Hlent dmw (flltor ifi'Bte, I III
I .1 . j r ri 'ul lur ulp. m a? r . l . 1 1.1
tlKht, iwlnn top. A"i- L-"H"t' 1 II
I lnlt'ly ua.untvrl. Trice J f, y I E I
I J$3 L f 1
x n-r t. u.i fl.- U..I..K' , J
rcntnsuiar nii diisi neiier-' 4; ; -mi 1 1
n atifolutPiy pmnaa cnriHiiminK ilot t-i. , , t- . t- .l
iKBt. liurna niacK co!, ort rum, 4FT " ..- - x
unl ciul, kn. woml or ruliblnh; A'.,' '"'J? '
nut eciinmnlciil elnve; 4 C r''-lflUfcw jf I I
amy new feature.; ll J? ' V- I J
Lrliiiiiic.l. .spcrlul at I 1 j I
V'l 11
fr 4 n
! j' Quartered
v Oak Buffet
In either Roltlrrt ouK
or niulioKuiiy finleli,
four luiko drawers.
I finiir li.ttttl 111 rnip
1 tlth.T IiIk
5leilitln tliU
Il2.r.. fM.5.
t ami :M on.
1 J'rli'e of ilrewe
3er here enow 11
i In only
aale at
Quartered oak, Ear
ly EnRllah or Fum
ed finish, a very
handsome 4 gj
IH'llf Blttl,
A rich
lattl. e
el mil
It. . . . .
appearlnK, novel
In Kollu quarter
oak, Fumed or
Unirllali fin lull,
work over k'
ItviK Kreurh bov-
w'I 1Q.50
. a i i . n. . j j il a .
TKKAMAll, Neb, Nov. I -l.Jpor!al .)
Yenterday wee "Jim Klllott ly" In Hurt
county. If Dan Btephena rouM huve been
in Hurt county thet. lie would l.uve been
tlll more badly frightened at the prm
pei te of hla defeat on nxt Tuesday. The
republican made an auto trip around
the county, visiting III varlnue town and
meeting the voters In each place.
Chalrmnn Van (.'leve and his committees
made of the day one huge biiccchs. Mr.
Elliott had been Invited to accompany
the various county candidates on the re
publican ticket to four the county In
automobiles. ,The Oakland hand was en
gaged to furnish munlr end republicans
In general were Invited to take part In
the tour.
The party left Tekarnah at o'clock
this morning. Earn auto flew pennants
from each side carrying the words In
bold black Ic'.ters, "Vote for Jim Klllott
for Congress." From the rear of each
auto hung suspended another big banner
on which whs printed In big black letters
the words, "Klllott for Congress." Cnltcd
fllatea flags completed the decorations.
I'lr Mop at Decatur.
The party left Tekttmnh about thirty
auto loads ptrong and with horns toot
ing and deroratloiiH flying, accompanied
by plenty of lung enthusiasm. They ar
rived at Iccatur on schedule time and
when the crowd that had gathered there
to meet them was anticipating band
niiiMlc, Chairman Van Clcve, In splendid
voire, outlined the positions of the various
candidates before the voters thin fall,
closing with the Introduction of Mr. Kl
llott. Jim Klllott was at his best, for he had
a crowd of genuine friends find supporters
behind lilin, and ho put forth a strong
declaration of what lie believed In from
the standpoint of a republican candidate
for congress. He made a must excellent
address and then the band furnished some
fine music, and the party left for liertha
store and the city of Lyons, sixteen mile's
At Decatur they had been Joined by
I.yona republicans and by Decatur's
faithful one, ao that the caravan that
left the village by the old Missouri num
bered forty-three auto and carried about
ITS enthusiastic fellows. The farmers In
the cornfields all knew there waa some
thing doing, and even the cattle, pigs and
chickens awoke to the fact that there was
enthusiasm In the air.
Bertha la merely a country store and
yet quite a number had gathered there
to see the candidates and be seen of them.
After a brief talk from Mr. Elliott the
party headed tor Lyons and arrived there
at noon, when they took dinner.
Crowd at Country More.
Another good speech Was made by Mr.
Van Cleave and Mr. Klllott and then "On
to Ouklnnd" waa tho cry. Hera the
largest crowd of the day waa gathered
and everyone felt good and It began to
dawn upon Mr. Klllott that there will be
big dolnga In Hurt county next Tuesday.
Me couldn't help but feel good. He made
a most excellent address at Oakland and
made all Ids listeners look up and take
notice that he waa Junt about the right
material for' congressman. Mr. Klllott
fully answered all of Dan Hephen's vio
lent assertions as to his platform, and
the people liked him for It.
Again the road was taken and Cralj
was reached at S:'M, where Mr. ' Van
Cleave and Mr. Elliott again made good
addresses. Then the parly left for the
heglnnliig of the Journey, Tekarnah, ar
riving home at i.X, having made a tilp
of seventy miles on roads that were
nearly perfect. In sunshine and at
monphere that was Ideal, and through a
territory that la unsurpassed anywhere
for Its fertility, wllh flue farm homes
abounding on every aide, where every
thing and cverone acenicil to be pros
peyrous. It wns a republican dny and nil
are firm In tho belief that Hurt county
Is going to roll up a big mujurlty for Jim
Klllott of West I'olnt and help send him
to congress to take the place muda vacant
by the death of Congressman Latta of
this place.
rails A
in the Linen Section. SPJitJst Have Room.
(iliiaincl; i 'ever Had Such a Linen
at This Season of the Year
Thursday, Nov. 2d, the Exciting Sale Starts.
Mention made of a few items only, just to give you
a slight idea of the remarkable values awaiting you.
All bleached Satin Damask, worth
up to 00c a yard; one f Q
price Thursday, per yard. . . .UtJL
All our regular bleached and silver
bleached damask, 72 inches wide;
usually $1.25 one price QOn
Thursday, per yard OJL
One case regular 10c lluck 0
Towels at, each V
Positively none to dealers. For
our retail trnde only.
One table heaped high with Scarf-3,
Squares and Center Pieces Jap
drawn work, Irish embroidered,
etc.; a wonderful bargain, sold up
to 85c Thursday, dQf
each wL
One case of Turkish Bath Towels
intended to sell at 10c; on . Cp
Thursday, each ,0C
Limited to (our retail customers;
positively none to dealers.
All our 35c and 40c pure linen lluck
Towels, blue or red monogram
wreath; on Thursday, ' 0$r
each . ttwt
Our entire stock of white Irish lawn
formerly sold up to 35c; . 4
on Thursday, yard 1JC
And here's a "real snap" to use
a vulgarism: One case of heavy,
bleaclied Turkish towels, doublo
and twisted yarn; size IQi
22x14; at, each ..lvC
7 Saturdays After this Next One till Christmas Watch
for a Very Important Announcement on Friday Night!
The sale in the Children's Section is lively! This section is on second floor. "Wonderful bargains await you.
Not for years have we had such activity in the Silk and Dress Goods departments. Enquire about the made-to-order
Skirts $2.00 for the making while sale last.
Blanket and Comforter business booming. Nippy weatherextension sale and the low prices makes an
irresistible combination.
KDLPa.Tlr3DK &
Ir2 ""'lii n
- . . . . ..
Kansas Citv Millionaire Then Do
' nates $763 Subscription.
Entombed Man Keeps
Eecord of Last Days
ItlilDUEPOKT, Col., tk't. Sl.-An'old
assay certificate found on tho body of
.1. J. D. Miller, who died In the shaft of
his mining claim, twelve miles north of
here, told two stories when It waa de
cJphnrcfMn the eroner s office here to.
day. One side told of gold In Miller'a
shaft. The olhir bote the penciled record
of the uwn neven-day Imprisonment,
ended by death at nmm Friday, Octo
ber 11
The body waa found lust Saturday with
the left leg plutivd aguiiist the tide of
(he fifteen-foot abaft by a mass of rk,
Miller stood upright with his head thrown
bark. The shaft Is si Hilly Inclined and
he must have teen the un, which stood
on tu meildMn aa he wrote the last
line of his dairy:
"Krlds Noon, the tlnilienih day; no
The certificate was folded and 1 ad been
replaced in his pockvtbook. The
record follows:
October l" Krank Yparragulrrr, Swret
wuirr. If help does not come, xi-nd this
IllefMlKa to M C Miller. W lfe.( I l;ll'I .sotl-
liurg, Va., and wire what you no will)
Oie body. J. J. I) Miller.
This occurred Knd.iy morning, October
ti. It Is now Saturday tio. n.
i -No help yet W hy t! I thin come?
'ur.dy Niyl't-Jt is cold and lung. Gcd
he.p me. 1 f.Mtcit'e moihei.
. Monday U la nuon. Vhy d.d Dlek for
get? A drink of cold water wo'uld taste
good. Am getting weak.
Tuesday Mghl The end la near. Don't
see how Plea can forget me.
Wednesday Night-Hues tonight will be
the lat one. No hope; the eiiQ near.
Thui ,luy- Record is illegible.)
l''ildu- oon, the thirteenth; no hope.
Tho "I .f referred to Is Klchard
Iiarncs, a teamster, on the Yparragulrre
ranch, where the two men had been em
ployed together. The body was found
by 1 lames.
Miller came to California u year ago
from V Irglnlu.
An unsuccessful attempt was made by
the authorities to communicate with his
widow In llaulsonburg today.
Mot NT ri.EASANT. Iowa, N.v. I.
Mrs, .ell Jordan, 45 years old, was
found by her rhildren lying on her bed
toduy will) her fiactured and a
cut near the right ear. The woman
was .unconscious and is expected Ij die.
Tho I'oll.e believe an attempt to mur
der her wns made. .ell Jordan, the
woman's hushaiul, left horn, two hours
befmo tho woman waa found.
A true! Mistake
Is to ncfclect u cough or cold. Dr. Kings
New Discovery cures them and prevents
cnt'imption. Ma- and f J Kor sale by
Liviion Drug Co.
When You Think
Of tt pain which many women experience with every
mouth it inukct the gcutlcrcis nr.d kinJncn always Muai
ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle.
. While in general no woman riltU eaiiitt what she re
lards as s natural necesMty there is no woman who would
nut glumly be tree from ilui recuirin period of pain.
Dr. Pierce' a Ftnorltt Pretvriptlon males
weak women uroai and tick women
well, mmd fiica them freedom from pain.
if ettatlialiem regularity, budiIuub Inllanf
nation, Meala ulceration and cure ?
iala weakaetu.
; Kick women are invited to consult us by letter, free,
i AH correspondence strictly private and saoredlv con-
V tdcnti.J. Write without tear and v ithout lee to World's Ditpcntary Mcd
'icJ Association, K. V. fierce, M. D. ,'t'rctidrtt, Buffalo, N. V.
If yoj went a book that tell VJ about woman's diseases, and how to cure
..ihero at home, send 31 one-cent mairpt to pay cot of wrapping and mailinj
'' , and we will send you a frtt ropy of Ur. Pierce's (real lhou.nd -pafe
"illustrated Common Scose Medical Adviser rvid, up to date editiua as
huvjwue I rcoch iJolh Kinilin.
. ul o v.a.i
Richcson Indicted on
Day Set for Wedding
BOSTON, Nov. 1. Itev. Clarence V. T.
Illcheson, imstor of ImuiHiiual Iluptlst
church, Cambridge, waa Indicted on live
oounts, charging murder In the first de
gree, by the Suffolk county grand Jury
today, for the alleged poisoning on Oc
tober U, of hla former sweetheart, Miaa
Avia W. Linnell of Hyanrils. It Is un
derstood the Jurors were unanimous in
ordering the Indictment.
liy the returning of this true bill the
necesatty of holding a hearing In the
municipal court Is obvluted. In connec
tion tilth this lutter proceeding Kev. Mr.
iiichenon appmred In the lower court
toduy, but riie cune was continued for
mally without action and the clergyman
lukeu back to Jail Immediately.
tly a coincidence today had bien fixed
for thu inai'tiage ul Mr. Iticoonou aiiu
aiies lolei Kdiuands of tiioukuint.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
WASHINGTON. D. C. Nov. ! tripeclul
telegram ) Max J. lluehr. United IMutes
consul at llenfuegaa, Cuba, arrived In
Waslilngton this morning and left tonight
fur his home In rU. I'aul, Neb., wher.
he will petid the next two months, re
turning to his post January 1. Mr.
llaehr has a most enviable record In the
Ktato department. He has seen many
changes in the 1'earl of the Antilles and
has been retained at hla poet while
others have como and gone. He re
Kurd Cuba as holding out more Induce
ii ii.iii than any country with the same
n.imtM-r f square mllis on the footstool.
ll'rom a Staff Correspondent.)
I.INCOl N, N. b, Nov. tSueeliil 1 le
eTam.)llill Young, ;in Omaha neirro anil
a trusty prisoner at the penitentiary,
escaped from that It.stltut'on today.
Kfforts to locate him have sj far been
unavailing. Young was a ten-year-eon-vlet
and had only eighteen months to
serve on bis sentence Clothing was
shipped to the convict from the outslJ.
er.d he chinged his garb In a corner cf
one of the broom factory store h'Jua.
He n tiacc j at far as Colli a View,
where he bad wailed after mukinj hla
t scape.
Key to the Bituatlou Hee Want Ads.
nrolberhood Mertlna; In Fleet Chris
tlan Church Draws Forth Inspir
ing; Addresses that Tench
Parses KffectlTely.
Donations to the total of ll.K were
pledged for Nebraska missions and Cot-
n.T unlverKlty at a Diwclples of Christ
brotherhood meeting, addressed by R. J.
Long, Kansas City millionaire lumber
man. In the crypt of the first CUrlsltan
church Tuesday.
The money was pledged after stirring
addresses had been made by C M. Chil
ton president of the American Christian
Missionary aoclety; J. V. Shellcnberger.
field secretary of tho brotherhood, and
Mr. Long, and after Mr. Long had de
clared ha would duplicate any sum the
Omaha members of the Church of Christ
would pledge.
l ocal men pledged fT63 and Mr. Long
met them, making the grand total of
ll.KM. Twenty-five per cent of thla sum
will go -o Nebraska missions; 75 per cent
will go to an endowment fund for Cot
ner university.
About S.'iO men sat at the banquet table
to partake of the viands prepared by
the women 'V,f tho First and North Side
Christian churches, and late comers had
Increased tfuT number to nearly 200 when
the speaking piogram began.
Chlltou Helatea History.
filnging of brotherhood songs, led by
YV. K. M. ll.ickicmun, made the crowd
enthusiastic: for the opening addrena of
Mr. Chilton.' He related briefly the his
tory of the brotherhood movement from
the time of Its reorganisation with Mr.
Long aa pres.dent three years ago. It
had not been a succesa. The chyrch waa
discouraged. Three years have seen great
"Hut we are disappointed," (aid Mr.
Chilton, "We huve not gone aa far aa
we should huve gone. Despite the fact
that we have published a muguzino and
scattered lltviature broadcast, he move
ment has not grown as we believe It
thduld have growu. There are 10 000
churches of Chi 1st. there are T.Ou) min
isters, yet we have but 141 affiliated
tTuthtrhooda. ' We enould have mure,
if HI preachers can get brotherhood
oigaulzed. why cannot T.ooil organise that,
many brotherhood? We also are diaap
pciuted by the small amount of money
that has come Into the treasury.
"The best thing that can happen to any
church is for it to get a biotherhood.
The church la the most puttnlial organ
ism in the world It we could only get to
woik with It. We are not working It
or ourselves to our full capacity. There
is not a man in this house who would
not discharge every one of hla employes
if tney worked for him as he works for
the church.
Ma Against Humanity.
"To permit the church to run thort
of Its full capacity as It has been doing
is a sin against man and humanity; It
'a to wcrk the eternal rum of priceless
human souls. How can we atfoid longer
to let the church go on In weakness and
impotency when we have virlie men who
could make it an Incomprehensibly tre
mendous i ouer for good and Ood if they
would devctu to It tho same strong
loweifui, macu!ine tnergy that tney
tievot to their banks, their shops, the i
factories. . their storia and their profes
sions? VY cannot afford It. in can
f'ud In the brotherhood that luaacullne
fellowship that their strong, masculine
hearts crave and that they have sought
in the cluba, the lodgea and even 1n tho
saloons." , '
Lsag'VrsCi Co-operation.
Mr. Long urged the men to get Into
the brotherhood movement. He lold of
hla numerous donations to the church
and charitable and educational Institu
tions, not for the purpose of giving. credit
to himself, but to show that his campaign
for brotherhood ia not made because It
la his personal hobby. He laid empfcasig
upon the tact that the giving of a dollar
may be greater than the giving of mil
lion a.
"I want your fellowship," he said. "I
want to bo one with you and I want you
to be with me In thla. In three years we
have spent M,u0 In this movement. The
receipts have been fti.UOO, but that HS.oO)
deficit, has been wiped out and we are
not asking you to pay for work already
done. Two yeara ago the church de
cided It wanted to have a successful
periodical. 1 bought the 1133.000 worth of
stock and gave It to the church with an
other to run the paper. I gave
VS,000 to the National Benevolent asso
ciation of the church for its work.
"In thla campaign tour we are making
we started ottering to home missions 2S
per cent of the sums raised by each state.
Then we adopted the plan of giving 26
per cent to home missions and 75 per
cent to home educational institutions.
That la what we are doing now."
Chancellor Waves Pennant,
Mr. Shellenbergfg followed with a brief
address and the pledge making - waa be
gun. Chancellor Oeschger of Cotner uni
versity Jumped upon a chair and waved
a Cotner pennant, crying that the bojs
at the college bad told him to leave it
with the Omaha men If they raised 6O0.
"They are on the campus waiting for my
telegram," he shouted. Shortly the total
of lio3 waa reached.
Lincoln brotherhood men raised 11,133
Monday night, making a total for the
state of 11,956, which ia i56 in excess of
the amount, apportioned to the state to
raise. Mr. 'Long adds an equal sum and
the total-will be devided, ' 25 and 75 per
cent, between home missions and Cotner
unlvcreltyi -
Afternoon Service,
A service was held Tuesday afternoon
for men, women, and children at which
the speakers . were the same men who
spoke at the night meeting. Mr. Long
told briefly of the trip of hla party, which
began on October 4 and has extended
over ten Hates, with meetings In about
twenty largo cities, from Buffalo, N. Y.,
on the east, to Lincoln, Neb., on the west.
1'nconsrlone Mow Than Week.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. Nov. l.-(Speclul.)-Miss
Lulu White of Colo. Ia., the homeo
pathlo nurse student at the University cf
Iowa who waa Injured one week ago Sun
day by falling from the Cedar Rapids
Iowa City Intcrurban bridge, has not yet
recovered consciousness. For little more
than 200 hours ahe has been In an uncon
scious conditions,, apd physicians have
almost given up hope of her recovery.
Or. Lyon's
cleanses, preserves and beauti
fies the teeth, prevents toot
decay and imparts puritj
and fragrance to the breath.
w-w .TT For GO years we have had perfect
HpQt Hi confidence in Ayers Pills. We
JU WlV as, mete.
wish vou to have this same confi
dpnrc also. First of all. ask your doctor. Obtain his
endorsement He knows best. Then go ahead.
J. O. Ar.rCo.,
Lowell. M.
No youn'r woman, la the i"ov of
coining; motherhood, should neglect
to prepare her system for the phys
ical ordeal she is to undergo. TT he
health of both she and her coming
child depends largely upon the care
the bestows upon herself during the
waiting months. Mother's Friend
preprta theeipectant mother's sys
tem for the coming event, and its use
makes her comfortable during all the
term. It worts with and for nature,
and by gradually expanding all tis
sues, muscles ana tenaons, involved,
and keeping the breasts in good con-1
tlition, brings the woman to the crisis j
in splendid physical condition. The'
baby too is more apt to be perfect and
strong where the mother has thus;
prepared herself for nature's supreme j
function. No better advice could be i
given a young expectant mother than
that she use Mother's Friend ; it is a
medicine that has proven its value in 1
mousands 01
cases. Mother's
Friend is sold at
drug stores.
Write ' for free
back for expect
ant mothers which contains much
valuable information, and many sug
gestions of a helpful nr.ture.
IRADTIEU) RLCCUTO.t CO.. Af-'cata. Cav
Handsomer and more useful than ever
On account of changes perfecting tho entrance,
the elevators, the lighting and interior decora
tions. The outward appearance could not be
improved, but the location is growing better
and better every day. Think of the advantages
of having an office in a building that is known,
wliere your clients can. easily find you, and
every convenience is at your service, then ask
us to show you the available Hpaco. You may
find just the kind of quarters you have been
Light, janitor service, heat and water are all included
in the rental price of the office.
, Room 446 Dlrectlv cpposlte the new Court Hou? facing Farnam St.
Our front ofluea are much in demand on account of the prominent
locution. Thla room la 1 3 H x 1 'j feet in elze. and Is subdivided
wnh liajne and glass partition, glvinj t.vo offices In one. Rental
price, per mcnth $30.00
Eooui 380 Is a choice corner office liavlrg a north and west exposure.
li,ukin- this spuce aiuncuie ut any euii of the year, on account
of good light and ventilation. lie will urrange tins space, IUxjO,
auiiaU.e tor uruiit. and there being a ve.uit in the room, U aff-jru
extra protection for valuables.
Rem. per month , 940.01
Room 640 Ia a small well arranged room faring lTt'i street, having
eplendid light and ventilation. T-, size of room I. Hxla-tl.
Rent, per mount 916.09
Room 4ie His a south and went exposure which makes a well lighted
office, laiixiC"-! feet In sue. We are only biking ie a square foot
for this apace which l.l very cheap rent. coin;. ler rig locution and
ail conveniences furmsticd by Vho Hue iluilumg. frlce per
month 918-00
C( oas C44 Faces the east and is ro arrange 1 that by putting in a parti
tion. I i (tesirablj looms could be niuuo. There kie square f. '
Rent, per 91) k-
Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts.