14 THE BIIE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, XOVEMHKK 2, 1911. PT17S OMAHA Announce to their out-of-town patrons The Most Extraordinary To) TTTf ii y via SLE Ever Held in the West Wo Bought the Entire Rug Stock From a Prominent Retailer Retiring From Business. We secured the entire stock at a jacrifice of thousands of dollars less than the ordinary market price. All the goods are new and desirable in fact we have never known of such high quality rugs to be bought or sold so cheaply. The Bargains are v- Remarkable i Seamless Wilton (TA fQ Velvet Rugs . . . ty&y.yw Regularly Worth $55.00 and $00.00. Axminster and Wilton Rugs . . Regularly Worth $30.00. $25.00 Room Sizo Brussels Rugs $12.98 $18.00 Room Sizo Brussels Rugs .$7.98 $9.C0 Axminster Rugs $4.98 And Other Bargains Equally as Great H, MONDAY Nr o - $15.00 0 YOU CAN SAVE THE EXPENSES OF YOUR TRIP TO OMAHA. aV IsWaaV BBSS MBBSaBw IK Mh .WOE Mi XSi Mite sUbBf "W aUaBV si ari J I. rw i in N w Vj Shopper's Light Luncheon a Speciality. Try Onr Hot Chocolate With Whipped Cream, Be. Boys Suits ? Overcoats in a Special Selling Thursday At this store ytm will find all kinds of all wool suits and overcoats for both big and little boys. And the prices are always little no matter how big tho garment may be. These Thursday specials are the result of the season's heavy selling. Suits Worth to $4.50 at $2.98 Knickerbocker etyles of the very best all wool fabrics in medium and dark patterns that are splendidly adapted to school wear. Many have an extra pair of pants to match and they will fit boys from eight to seventeen years of age. Up to $4.60 values, Thursday, $2.98. Up to $4.00 Overcoats at $1.98 and $2.98 These are made of Krey, brown or blue all wool materials and have either military or the popular combination collars. All sites from 2 to 17 years divided Into two groups to make the selection and selling easier and priced respectively at $1.93 and $2.93. A Great ' Shoe Bargain 300 Pairs of Women's Tan Rwsia Calf Shots in a Special Selling Thursday Only These shoes are thoroughly well made from good, honest leathers-as every shoe must be that comes into the Bennett store. lG-button styles with wide toes, Bhort vamps and arches that fit tho instep snugly and support the foot where it needs it the most. Our Regular $4.00 Values at . , . . Do not miss this sale for sty lish tan shoes are hard to get at any price this season. Splendid Siik Brocaded Corsets, $1.49 and $2,49 Thursday Formerly these corsets have been selling at $3.60 to $8.00. Prices would not be reduced now if it were not for the fact that model slzea have become broken. All are clean, fresh stock in high bust and medium long hip styles, dalntly trimmed with Valenciennes lace, boned with extra quality non-rustable boning and supplied with specially good hose supporters. Regular $3.60 to $8.00 values, Thursday, or while they last, in two lots at $1.49 and $2.49 for your choice. $1.00 to $2.50 Corsets at 89c This lot is composed of a variety of extra long hip models in strictly up-to-the-minute styles taken from our regular stocks. All sizes in the assortment. $1.00, $1.60 and $2.50 values, for Thursday only, 89c. The Most Wanted Black Silks Undcrpriced for Thursday Only All are guaranteed to wear properly and give satisfaction. $1.35, 3G-inch black taffeta silks. $1.25, 3G-inch black peau de soie. . , . 3i-incn black messanne silks. i $1.23, SG-inch black peau de cygne. . $1.35, 36-inch black satin duchess.. $2.75 ' 2 mm 1w $2 Polo Cloths at $1.50 The polo cloths in this offer come in plain London smoke and leather shades only. Their equal can bo found at no other place for less than $2.00 the yard com parison has proven it. Full 64 Inches wide and very specially priced at $1.60 the yard. Plain Serges at 39c This is a most satisfactory all wool serge specially adapted to woman's dresses for street and travel wear and children's school dresses. It comes in fifty dif ferent shades and colorings, is full 36 Inches wide a great bargain at 69c the yard. NOTICE (Coal Consumers) ' Beginning November 1, we will deliver In Omaha, East Omaha, South Omaha, Uensr.n and Florence clean hand-scroened SPE CIALTY LUMP COAL AT $4.25 per tou. We are sole agents tor this SPECIALTY LUMP COAI. We also handle all other kinds at CUT PRICES. All our coal la iiiiuur CuVr Cnii iia up. We can deliver promptly. ROSENBLATT'S GUT PRICE COAL CO. .12:1.1 NWhoUs St. (THE IfUMK OV VU.-UJTV COAL) YOU CAN HAVE HEALTHY HAIR, USE VYETH'S SAGE AfiD SULPHUR, A HARMLESS REMEDY What a pity It is to observe so many puopl wltt) thin ar.J fuded hair an J 1 1 mi realize that the inut of Iheae peo ple might have a flue, healthy head of hair If they would but use the simple 'sate tea" of our grandmothers, com bined with other Ingredlvrits tor restor ing and prexorvln the hair. No one, young or old, need have It ray hair, weak. U In or Jailing hair, dandruff or ary "trouble of the aort If they would hut use Wyeth's Cage and Sulphur Hair I'.einedy. On tne contrary. It lr pons' tie Ij have heakhy, vigorous hair, of per :t color, by a few applications of this iwuaxKable preparation. Wyeth's fiaite and Rulnh... n.i. edy o,ulikly i oniovea dandruff, leaves the aialp clean and healthy, proavlea the growth ot the hair and restore tho natural color of th ..i- - i.i. v. . . . ""'VII 41MB come faded or gray. It la a clean, whole. umo uressiiig. wnicb may be used at any time and with perfect aafety. Ikii't neglect your hair. btart today with Wyeth'a Kage and Sulphur. This preparation Is offered to tl e public at fifty cents a bottle, and Is recommended and sold by all druggist . Kpeclal agent. Sherman McConnell letli and Hartley Bts., tb ad UodKe Sta. Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its. readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and fanning conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this information,1 free, if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, etc. How to get irrigation lands, location of projects, !uws governing buiue, etc. Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt attention. Stato plainly and specifically what you want to know. "Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska tt I I OST-High Grade Furs EXPERT REMODELING Corner iiOth aud Farnam. Telephone Douglas 30to. Comic Section ' With Uappy Hooligan. Little rr O J T Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kids 1 he Olinaay JdCC and thewhoU interesting tomb The Man Who Walks Policemen I Mailcarricrs We have a shoe specially de signed for the man who does a great deal of walking or Is on bis feet a great deal. Drexcl's Diamond T Shoes They are unequaled for com fort and wear. We have cus tomers who get from 12 to 18 month's wear out of these shoes. They are made of plump glaz ed kid best quality kid lined, foot formed laRt, double soled to heel with double steel shanks, sole waterproof, best quality of oak sole used. Price ?5.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farmam St. JJWWgJ, fTOC!rg, QKJrtUj 5i 3 OMAHA'S TUBS 7000 CSITTEB -Xharsday's Specials BOO Bu. Fancy Potatoes, per bu. (by the sack) . . . .$1.00 3 Stalks Celery lOo Cooking Apples, per peck, 20c; per bushel T5c Black Walnuts, per peck 40c New Chestnuts, per lb., ,20c New v Cooking Figs, per pound ,10c 50c Jar Olives ,35c m New Buckwheat, sack at 2ftc and 50c J Vermont or Ohio Maple V Bugar, per pound 15c rt 15c Imported Sardines, per V tln ...c 1 8 Cakes "Magic Washer" $ Soap 25c V 3 PkKS. Corn Flakoa. . 2Sp CtV& JWrtj C frlrVUJ - THE OMAHA BEE prints clean news and clean advertising. AMVSEMK.TS, BRANDEIS THEATER BABOAIW MAT. TODAY, 330 to 81.O0 ronlfht I.ast Tim EDDIE FOY or Tin oinii aits nova show "OVER THE RIVER." TSVSSSAY AMD rBEDAT Montgomery and Stone, in THElm BEST MUSXCA& SUCCESS "THE OLD TOWN" STABTIHO NEXT SUVDAT Popular Matin Wsdnssday 3 OKU O. riSHEa. yranf THE j PISTIHTCT MQYEI,tTJ R E O ht O Boyd Theater Touifht, Matins Saturday 1 MTDSIOAb COMEDY OT COILXOX iLura "THE CAF.1PUS" NEXT SUNDAY AMD MOJTBAY Vrl-Star Cast lu JIM THE PENMAN Ssata Kow Sailing-. Phonaa! Ind. A-14S4. Dontr. 4s4. Matin XTry Day 8:15. Ssarv Klirht US. Adyaud VaadsTill. Amslla a tun and Aruiaud JLaliass Planophiiaa tlnstrls; . Moroy Caaiij Laudr D Curaova and Company Xllaa Morris; Buby Jtymond and Company! X Vol 1'rlo) kviutooop Orpucdiit Cone, t Orcliictra. Prices! Klyhtt 10c, eo 7 So. Matin, lOo, bast aata ai&o, jT cit Satuxttay and Sunday. "Omaha's Tun Center." Dally Mat., 15-35-80 Xvra.. 15-as.Ba.7xn "The Knickerbockers" .Zt SXTKAVAOAsTSA AD VAUDEVILLE 8ltiiillil ullo -intl I reitiukt Chorus lnU Seajiun. The worl J-lnlere.st event, Tlie L.ov Kltta. lubt bow anU when to de liver It, Ladles' Dim Matlu Zvry Wsk Day. KRUO THEATER Matin Today 9:30; Toulvht, S;30. Sst Sts Eto. Mo nlg-her FOLLIES OF THE DAY and XILUI DB LHOB -.ilE GIBX 1ST BLU1 (Tryoot) for Amauars, Prl. Slut. r.stllea mm Matin. AMERICAN THEATER Tomf-a Matin Today raiCSi 5o Oaf LY MliS EVA LAb and th WOOfiWAIO 8TOOK COMPAaTY la Eiu Walter's Play oi THE WOLF" Xfil Wk Til f.xat Comedy of muy s The Last. 3 Day Of Our Great Sale. Your chance to supply your wants with winter apparel for lesS money than you have ever bought before is right now. Come any day this week. Here is only a few of the bargains this Great Sale has in store for you. IF YOU WANT TO BE SAYIXG COME TO Pred Cor. 13th and Farnam Ladles' and Misses' New Novelty Coals Just Raceired, so on sale Today lift, $12.50 ani $15 Iadle' and Mlssen" heavy Caracul Coats at SS.95, 97.99 and $8-5. (10, $12. B0 and $15 Men's and Young Men's ov rcoats, 95.75, 96.95 And 58.93. Boys' and Girls' fleeced lined Hose, regularly sells at 12 4c. pair n it .... 5e Cotton flannel Dloves. regular ly sell at 10c. n .... .... Dependable furs tor less money :han anvwher. Sett 51.98, $3.96 and 94.95. Worth double the price- Children's Coats, 11.98, 93-45, 93.95 and 93.95 In all the new styles and materials. Children's a 1 I wool Sweaters, HHually sell at bOo and 5c. at zoo and 39c Men's to hand kerchiefs r at U Men's ISo hand kerchiefs ()C Ii a d 1 i' and Misses' Hats, at J90. 980, 91.45, 11.95 and 93.95. iVonilerful liar-gains. vershoea and Rubbers for nen, women and children, spe ;lally priced for the three last days of sale. Ulen's $1.50 In Ion suits, Onelta nulls, 1 1 e e c e lined at .. Men's , f 2 Wool Union Butts 85c $1.45 Men's shirts, sell at $1.50, at Men's Flannel Shirts .. flannel u anally 85c Outing 29c Man's Pants 1.25 for ...690 for , . . .980 for ..91.35 for ,.91.96 for ..93.69 1.76 12.00 13.25 15.00 Wen's and young Men's Sultx. Wonderful good rarments at 95.50 96.75 $8.95 ind 911.95. Ladies' Dresses, beautifully made ill wool serge and fine silk, at (4.95, 95.95 and 16.95. Boys' heavy Sweater Coats, Samples, slight- ly soiled 15c Wen's 76c heavy ribbed and flan nel underwear. 't11.. 43c 11.25 ladles'' fine French Kid Oloves, as long as they fi(f. last pr. ..uf'-' 6o Notions, such as needles, thread. pins, safety ptns, - g hair pins ..J-V Odds and ends of men's all wool underwear. worm up to . $1.60.. 69c Children's heavy fleece lined un derwear, lOo, i5o vrc Ladles' Skirts. 11.95 93.89 93.95 ind 93.95. A big laving. 980 Comforters, and 91.39. Blankets, 69o, 8o and $1.69. Flannelette and long kimonos, beautl- ftQn fully made0-' Men's and Wo men s H h o es, worth 12.00, at 11.15 and 91-3 T"i Beautiful tallor- id waists, worth up Qfln to 1.75 -OUK Lad! heavy fleece, lined Un derwear 39c 33c Corsets worth 75c Corsets HOp worth $1 12.00 beautiful Hand Qf. Bags, at OL Ladlen' new KU wool Blank sts, per pair at $1.98 93.45 93-99 and 93.45. Supply yourself with men's hose it 3c, 7o and lie pair. 50o Tam-O' Shanters fo. la dies,' . girls' and Ladles' fleece lined or white foot hose, worth $3.60 extra wide and good taffeta silk Fet- G-4)9 tlcoats ?-- j a d l ' and Misses . Sweater Joats, usuall W ?1.19 Ofrls' fine rib bed . hose, per ltlr. lie 75c men's heavy gloves 39c flced " "y phaT llCjar. 95C Men's Sweater Coats at 45o, 89 and 91.79. Remember Thursday, Friday and Saturday are positively the Last Days of this GREAT BARGAIN SALE. SaIigieS-?iri Cor. 13th and Farnam THE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE IV'af ' '"' ' 1 The Coal Dealer Telephones "Let's see, you had two tons last month, Mr. Brown.. Did you have enough!" "Duplicate last month's order all right! Thank you very much." L . The progressive coal dealer does all his selling by telephone, because It save hla time H neU u hit cus tomer's, and is Just as satisfactory. Hell Service, both local and long distance,' has mod. ernlzed baying n well as selling methods for up-to-date business men. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. A. F. McAdams. Omaha Manager 33X3BESI! Sunkist California Wines Sunkist, full quart 50c Just a word about whiskies. Jack Daw Rye, bottled in bond,. full quart $1.25 Tennessee White Com (moonshine) full quart. 75c Tennessee White Corn (moonshine) gallon. . .$2.50 Most any standard bottled in bond brand $1.00 We give green trading stamps. CACXLEY BROS. WINE ME11C1IANTS Prompt Delivery. lkth I'hones. 't X. lOlli St, Upp 1. O. Where to Find the Bee la New York City, N. Y. Arthur Hotalin, Grand Central Depot News Stand, Aator Housa. Harry 3. Schults. Grand Central fctattoo. Tyson Co'a Nsws Stands, Includlnx Hotl Koirkcrbockw Korfm Heuw linp.rl.1 Hottl olUa Hotel Murray Hotol Blraal Urana L'nlaa Kotd WXdarl-Altorls Reliable Dentistry AT V i airs uentai Rcosia V t