1IST AMI KHMI Lost A pair ii ia.nc glasses, on t al Iforina st. Pltase return to 711 N. 1st li ft. LOST--Gnld fob. Underwood mnnnitr.-w-.i, name II. 1'. Sutton engraved. He ward Return Vt'l Farnnm. I.OS T 1 'laniotid anil latlnum clvie brooch. Jim reward fnr the return to Albert Fdholm. Jeweler. LOST 1 hree-stotie diamond sapphlra ring, two pair shaped diamonds. Had re v. ai d. C. B. Brown Co. I UK best treat lor wif and bale In- ii B. rush or Dalxeii a Kb cream. HiiHh. H02 N. .vth St.. will come to The Bee off.ee with In three d-y we will give him an order for a quart brick of thla fine Ice cream. MONEY TO LOAN Salary anil I hattcls. $1.00.G. $l,CM.0V0. WE HAVE ll.lvo.i'.U TO LOAN OUT to the people of Omahu before Christmas , on FURNITURE, riANOa. WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS. FIXTURES, REAL ESTATE. HUKSES, WAGONS, etc.. or on TOUR PLAIN NOTE If steadily em ployed. Same old low rates and each uanaactlon strictly private. We make more loana than all of the others. There's a reason. If you can use a piece of this MONKT-nuy, ut tall on the largest, biggest and bast, RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor. 30s Paxton Block, 217 S. I6th St. Phones Douglas 1411 and A-141L iiiViLio. cu fci liia aou u per cul W. C. Flatau li14 Dodge. Hed t.l. WE LUA-N xMUiNEl' to any working man or woman on lust a personal note; no security or indorser required. Why mortgage your personal belongings when YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERK? All transactions confidential. Cow la and sea or pnone us. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 437 Hoard of Trade Bldg. Fourth Fiooi . bull fuuut ..'...-glaa Jill. CHATTEL LOANiS NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 30 lieu imu&. Dougias Ui, A-i2, toana lilug.. formerly N. i. Late Ulug. Uu.Ndi iuanea taneu peoj,e, wuiiiu,, keeping liouae ana tuners; wunout se curuy, easy payments, unices in prin ces! cities, louuaii. bus Guiana Al Ai'TbK a uay a work a little recreation Is welcomed. VVe will give Mrs. F. L. Newton, 31U4 V oolworth Ave., an order for a pair of seats to the Woodward Stock company at the American theater If she win come to The Hue ottice wiimn three days. OFFEHED FOIl KENT Hoard nuel It O. M. K. hauls trunks. I), fill. A-7M1. 4-unu.a. lAiuny uuirn. jiii rtv. nsr LAiUjE, pleasant lucuiy turnisned room with best buaid, tor two; In private lam.iy. call Hainey 45. l LIH Ol.l i 1 nr. liOiUjU i Ejil r 1 f. 1 , 4x11 AMJ Hainey, two roms with board, suitable for two couples. Furnished Houses. .GOOD rooms, reasonable, U02 Douglas. uette) i.uiu, ean iiuirn. itn v r.tinrt UD HOUiti inA. utauy lutuutuu., uma- em, hi..io ticaLeU louins MOUH.HN, turnisneu room lor one or two young ladles, near llrownell Hall, with family of two. Address H 402. car Hee. 4U N. niin, lui'tu&nwu iuoh.s ioi rent. 2J1 N. ai'H, niceiy lurmsoea uiuueru rooms with steam heat. Fiat S. luua H. 2mH-io Huitea of life-nt house- keeuinK rooms on second noor; Has rane; muocrii; walking distance. )u S. i"d St., dtsuaole room; gentle men preferred, lei. H. 4215. HOOAl In good laniily, walklns dis tance; pleasant, warm; plenty of hot water, leit-phone. Call Harney t258 or Douglas isi. HARNEY iia2 Threo iurnlslied rooms, healed and lignted, batli, I2 per niontn.' 2bJ.rf haRiNEX at. vvc-U luniisned room, siricuy modern, private family, phone Red 24jt.' NEATLY lurnislied room, tiauce. 1.75 v.'-eK. 840 Ho. separate 24tn St. NEWLi tiiriiisneu 2ith M. loug. il&'L trout room. 213 Ho. b6j to. 2iin bt.; strictly modern lur nislied .rooms; private family. Plaruey Mttl. . TWO rooms. W, So. 21 -J'llKEE neatly furnished rooms in mouern houe, private lamily; prices reHMunableii2iSo. 17th Avh. HKKH neatly furpl.-hed rooms In nioofi'ii house. tilH So. IDth St. luom In pnvate laituly. 71 S lsth Si. 2040 FARNAM Warm, reasonable rooms. clean and veij St. Mary s Ave., large, pleasant, modern room tor gentlemen; private fum ny. LARGE front room, well heated; nice bath; one or two gentlemen; no other roomer. 436 S. 24th St. ; 2220 Doug.ao oouin trout room; strictly mouern; buoinesa people preferred. SINGLE room, modern. 1712 Davenport. Karnlsbcd Housekeeping lloouis. TWO or three nicely furnished house keeping rooms. 2U1S Davenport. THREE well furnished cd-floor rooms for housekeeping; ulso front bed room i,,ih room iloor; furnace heat; all mod- erti: reasonable rent. 2.U7 Dodge St. Use it phone. The Manuel and Howard, 21 & Howard, i and 4-rm. likpg. apis.. 23 to $4o. Ftt.NT rooms 8. 24th Ave.' alcove, $11 week, iAt Furnished Housekeeping Hooms. TWO- or three rooms for light house keeping; fuiu.h.id or imuirii.oii'-'i; n-ui car. Webster 2033. TV0 clean and cheap 27th SSL stove heat. ! J S, tiiw uriWAT-.D. 21st and Howard, two room auurlmeiits. conipiease.l heat, Ice, furniture, fiSM. iicfer- janitor, rintst enco required. ml Dodge, liouMiketi'ing luuios. 1 jnilheil House. Nicely furnlsh.-d modnrn houn. ?I77 NEWLY finished, elepnntly furnished lu-room house, hot water heat und good vurd und hain. l.j to ni-'ht putty tor the winter. References. Phono Hartley Inquire at 1X1 S. 32d Hi. 11144 or WILL rent from Deo. to Arull 1 my home, choice locality, handsomely fur nished to lesponslble family. P-W, Uee. Hotel and K :i r-. ::iru is. JTPFLT FURNMs'fEt' K'-lC MS Tor rn r,..in THB'CHAI'IIAM. '"- !!" tlemen. THK t'ALM liull.U turn. sin d lounis Steum heat. Elk hotel, rooms ami joc sii N. hith. Hub hotel. Hum Pealed Doug. .l 'IHH eCili-i 1 dinner tlie l'et in HOTEL. tii city. our piat txcTlieiil iioala. j N'. 2bih. e. Omaha. DuLuiil lioilkL. l-i. cool outbid roou.k. so1 and ul we Dodg . m ram- ad Huvrd Hoiel, en gant r. iuo2 Howaro. ItO'l f-L i-,i-l. . , IliU- I v.tcUlll lUg.iif, tot and cold water; fireproof, pneut tsaso'.uble: hotri i.oon. ill! i iuue a. Grand Hoil. OXFCiHtTaiid- ootn up. liju H. Dlo. special w sly rate. Hotel Amir.. ttdi.i ri"i'. clo'4 a. luin. Ogtlonlloti-l 4V',!i"ru ; Uiuits. i looms il mm. ii,. j uu;ni iu'uii.1. A r . Ii,,, i . , i, , r I ..ull. iVA.ivv. i.ul A.WWU14 mw to hi.t. Ol I KIlK.II FOU 15KT Apartment amil Flats. STEAM-HEATED CHICAGO FLATS. "TIIK STASPAHl' " NF, PA RATE HOMES Six line, decorate t, Inrao, full modern rooms, inside hall, liatii, shades. a untie, free, hot water all ear, .Innitor. liaising distance: references reunited. t Inter, one at $.$!. another $H.t, anoiher glimmer 110 Ipsa. More for money than ebewhere. Kor special Inducement mil and pee thla off ie In person. PAYNE & BLTKI( CO., Sole Agents. Sixth Floor, (imaim Nat nnal Ilink Itldg UKAUT1FI L. IaiKKAINK. Three mid six-room apartments, steam heateil and all modem In every respect, hill to Ki Maple St. See these. MrcXGhlHMlT, PouRhis 34HJ. Webster S713 UKOKGIA APAKTMKNTS. Kle rooms each, steam heat, Janitor service; new throughout; located at 104)- 12-44 8. 2.U1 Bt.; four left. Janitor can show you or call DourIhs 35. FETEF13 THCST CO. STKAM H KATKD FLATS. THE STANDARD. The high standards, fine decorations. 0 lurue rooms, free hot water all year. walking distance, GIVE more for money than found anywhere else. An outside corner, $'d winter, tlh summer. Refer ences reu, ulred. For special inducements cail and ee this office In person. FAVXK A SLATER CO., Sole Agents. Sixth Floor. Omiilin National Hank Hld. . VU. JUKI. THREE block. 16th and sis-room and W fli.'ler. tiai. Murui FULLV modo.n. b-ioom, heated apart ment In the exclusive West r'arnam d.s irict; very choice. JOHN' W. RuHHlNS, TWi Farnatn 6t. DESIRABLE 4-RODM IN "THE CALIFORNIA I'OIl. D. 62. APAR1.MEN I SEE JAN'l- F1VE rooms, 1HU7 Fuinnm, modern., suitable locution for otflc. studio, denial or uivsMiiuKiim tooniH, etc; lor tenants wishing homes adjoining. Thos. F. Hall, 4.J Kamtte uiug. I long. 7'i. or A-44l. SEE Ml!s Eva Lang with the Wood ward Slock company at the American theater. If Mrs. Neva Turner. 2w7 Pop pleton Ave., will come to The Hee office within three days we will give her an order for a pair of tickets I nCurnUhed FOUR rooms for r.nt. Hoonis. 191J So 10th. Houses and Cottaaes. HOD. 5-room cottage, fine rep'r. t. C4t llui.sbiiuL,u (jciuue panned, tor arued; clieap f i ei n I rates; moving and llorlng. Exi'iessmeu's Delivery Ca. Tel. Dvug. .lit. City oiute 21 b. liiL at., Ut biog. Five-ioom cottage, modern but heat, warm, line lei.air. Harney 8H44. Houses, in. ,..iigva.t. tiianueis IB. bid. 7-room house, :4; b-ioum house, Ilanscum park ulstrlct. All modern, pnone Harney 15S6. MODERN lu-room hoi' 'e, WJ El. inquire next aoor south. Houses in ail pails of the city. Creigu eons Ac Co., Bee tlldg. FIVE line new bungalows will bo completed and ready tor occupancy thla wceK at 2tih and Franklin. Sixe 24x!ki. Five large rooms and bain; good closets, floored altlc with stairway. Most mod ern plumbing, combination tlxtures, polished floors, cemented brick cellars. All handsomely decorated. Creating a new neighborhood to themselves. One now rented. Want four other small congenial lamllles. F. D. WEAD, Farnam St. FOR RENT Six room house at 2U4 Caldwell Bt. Modern except furnace. Good cellar. Cistern pump In kitcneit Blnk. Neur car line and close to sciiooi. Key next door. Telephone Harney ioJi or enquire at 8218 Webster St. o!2 so. ilh modern, I32.0U. bl., tt loom, completely Hall, 433 Raing. D. 74V. A-44US. 4-room modern brick, HOii N. 22d. W. Oni. Van c tttoiag Co.. packs, uiovss. tore jioustuioiU 4tuwUs, . Firsiouf stor agt. S04 S. lot.li. Bianco, . Hil MODERN 6-room house. 14o4. 2710 Capitol Ave. l hone Harney BRICK, house, l.tsi! Dewey Ala., seven Nov. 1. Moyer bia. Co., rooms, mouern, lbii f urnam til. FOK a damly dessert use Dnlxcll's ice crcatn. it Airs, liyueiony, bil . 2, in St., win come to the Bee oifice with. n thiec uays we will givu lit- aii oruur tor a u.uui-1 brick of lu.s tint .ce cream. DUN Dr.E seven looms, strictly moJ cm; neur car; paved sweet; encap to permanent leiiaut. 1 l.one muiicy UJif. OMAHA EXP. moving vans and 6loie. lruuas, uabaaatt Ucl. u. ik tit in litn. FOR RENT Modein apartment, i ruuii.s, livx oat ii looms, apaitiucul in vlaiuiua, oisi und carnaiu. iJ.w -ii N. i.ih, ti-i., pait modern. n.uv -li -. .bin, u-iuon., pan modern. lu.VA.1 iw iulauii, b-rouiii, part inuuurii. H.W leuj Curuy, i-rooui, pait Inouein. M.H iMtii Dodge, V-rouiii, part mouern. JH.FF Vv. lirwDU'ORD u SON, X4 Drunueis T nearer. Douglas &J76. WALL I'APER, painting, paper hanging, giaaiug. Mousoii, ku3 Park Ave. H. aiM). Beautiful Home for Kent, Ten Days Kent Free! Recause present occupants will move out 10 days before I expected, I will give now tenant 10 days' rent FREE, commencing with next Tuesday, October 31. Residence is one of most handsome ttructures overlooking Omaha's beauti ful boulevard iocateu at 710 North 27th Ave. boulevard all modern conveniences runt, .la.t'O per month. House open tor Inspection every oiiy. Roth phones, II. B. BOYLES, Royles, College, ISth und Harney Sts. 1019 Elm St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, wlti bain, enly )J0. 1422 N. 2"ih St., S-r. mod. cottage, only ra.so. Mi N. 22d St., 7-r. houpe. mod., only $2d. 14th and Ohio, 3-r. collage, only 10. 3126 Jackson St., 4-r. cottage, onlv- 111. CO. ROOMd AND FLATS. CICP, Cuming Si., i rooms, only $12.50. 2)11 Dewey A,ve., 4 rooms, mod, ex. heat, only 113. 2.2l Dewey Ave., 3 rooms, semi-basement, only it. 1201 S. 1.1th St., 3 looms, only '. Small storeroom, 713 S. 27tli SI.. $12.50. N. I'. DODGE & CO., 15th and Harney. FOR RENT Five room house, modern except heat; convenient location, Webster 3 1 til. ma anu fi-i eu-ruoin modern tial. hat wuicr lout, tor '1'el. Wtbstce 141S. DEMlrf Park, modern. Tel. D. Ml 4 I'M. N. 33d St., 7-rooni 242iS CALDWELL ein, $2D. St., six rooms, niod- HAVE a lame list of houses In all pails of the cay. Come lu and look It over. MuhI he lented before c ild weather. F. D. U end, lvil i-'ai nam St." Full RKN'l Nine-room house. strictly moduli, oak I.nloh, on 21th und Valley Sis., 'i block from car line. Inpiiie lil'J bo. 21'.li St. I'li',ne I)uUlaj hil. NICE lart, except heat i five-room cottage, 2,00 N. 2.'.th St. modern ROOMY modern house school; new furnace, etc., LCi. west of high only $27.50. D. $'.( 24 N. 41st, ti-r., $J.'..0n ; J N 41.it. 0-r., .H MM 2..0. N. ltn, modern, modern, r., modern. S.;l .r.ij lit. S. .Mh. s-r nK'dei n. t-fJl" loOl S. ait ll Ave., (sr.. mod., new. Will decorate IhioughouL FLATS. $.'7.;s--r. f ij.- 11 12 Sherman Ave., 5-r., moil.rn. :3 IJeoigia Ave. 5-r. inudern. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., li-ltOU..: biick house, modern, liar. f,l7. 6-It. mil all ill reditu Ave. modern cottage. JlopKIJ x-rooin Hut, facing Hanscom 1701 I'ark Ave. OI KEKFD FOK HE NT stores anil Offices. WFIR1CH Fixture Co, hlsli grade Aeik, f.ou.i sah. Webster loir tth bt. mill Nv OFK1CK to rent. Mulligan, flO . i:itM Wish to sublet suit of City National Hank Uldg. five rooms In Call D. 4m. OKF1CE and reception. 4C4 lie Uldg FOR KENT lesk room.2oti Uee Uldg. AT 705 8. 1RTH ST. -Room ?i). sup plied with steam heat, now lenig p. it in fine condition; price reasonable. PETERS TRUST CO., Kill and Farnam. CHEAP KENT Fine, large, luliy modern S room 1ou"; bn It for home. No. li13 N. 2tltli bt. Newly decoiated InMtie una oui. nu.n.nn ui.'laiico, .tu. if tenant doe.4 bis pari laKes gooit rare of property f.j will bo deducted from last month of year. I . II. liiiliK. ofllce 11U1 N. IMtl St., PAYNE . SLATER CO., Omaha .National Dank Uldg. ti-ROii.M collage, with bath and good well, cistern and barn: good location; J10 per month. Phone Webster IKmj, or iu ipilre Wl Miami St. t-r. cottnge, laces pai k, opposite llan n'Oni park, corner lot, I block to ear, IVKEKKH KF.AL ESTATE Co. Halls. WASHING It N H AH. Loi'ge, dances, banquets. C. C. Soreuseit. D. 226. A-ltJJj. Daras. FtlR RENT At 2-i3 Dodge dt., n good barn, to be used for gai.igo. Tclepuone iiarney lltil. OFFEUEO FOU HALE 1'uMittore. FURNITURE fit sale. 2WJ Farnam. five-room house foi AFTER Monday, N'o ember 1, the furni ture of my a-room house, all In g. od con dition, Including piano, Majesno rane mid N'evv Home sewjng iiiuchlne: niso some rugs and dlnliiK tuble. Call 20-J S. Clinton Ave., mornings and evcnlnRs. 'Phone lienson SIS W. FEW days left. Don't miss tlie chance and place of buying the remainder of great clearing sale of furniture and stoves. Lack, 721 N. Kith. Typewriters. SMITH FUKM.IF.R models No. 2 of No. 4, In excxllcnt condition, rented threo months for JS. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., Hull and Douglas. TV PE WRITERS Sieel:i I sale for a short time on all makes. See window for big price reductions. It. F. Bwanson Co., 1516 Furnam St., Omaha. THE ROYAL Is king of typewrtteis-Jia Mnslrnl Instruments. PIANO slightly used, at n bargain. Segerstrom Piano Mfg. Co., l'Jlh and Far nam Sta. i VIOLIN repairing; done and guaranteed. ull work promptly 3!4 So. 14 1 h St. M Iscellaiieous. A OOl'PLF. Round Oaks. M; one base burner. Royal Acorn. 1624 North ISth St. Webster 1325. &.i'ii.-i u.ursiockeu witn seconu-nand rafes, all sixes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, for sale at 10. Apply, George W. Wright, Uee Publishing Co. tl& BUYS almost new dress suit, only worn a few times; tall and slim. Addr. 11 353, Be. FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. llrunsivlck-Dlake-Collender, 407 S. 10th St. FOR SALK Two scholarships In the Omaha Commercial college and one In Hoylts college, business office, Omaha Uee. CHEAP, one clectrlo piano, 3 tuuslo boxes and M vending machines. 2124 Leavenworth. H. 243; lnd. A-24S3. Kindling, 4 load. II. Oross. W. 2SS4. FOR SALE Practically now gas stuve, sell cheap. Call Harney 10uS. EVERYBODY enjoy an evening with the Woodward Stock company. If Geo Racker. 1101 S. 30th St., will come to The Reen office w.thln three days we will give him an order for a puir of tickets. REMINGTON shotgrtn, double barrel hninmi-rless shell elector; waders, hunt Ing coat and cap. All In fine condition. 2S. Call Supt. Malls Office, P. n. FOR SALK Show cases, counters, ta bles and fixtures from Die O'Connell store In Council Bluffs; on sale next Thursday, Nov. 2, between 10 and 1: a. m. at the O'Connell store. STORE, office and restaurant fixtures bought and old. Levy's, 2ilo N St., South Omaha. SIX gas arch ramps at your own price. Rushing hall, South omana. PERSONAL MAXWELL cures piles. 408 Om. Nat. Hk. 63-DAY DLOOD REMEDY. Gladdlsh Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. KARSTON TONSETH. Swedish move ment and massage; graduate of Dr. Kell berg Inst., Stockholm, Sweden; day Phone D. 7195; night. D. U4ti4; 4u3 om. Nut. Rank Bldg. Automatic Phone Bus's, $2; residence, $1 FOR ELECTRIC CARPET CLEANING PHONE D. B1"J3. PRICES REASON ARLE Elec. Vac. Cleaner, rent, $1.70 day ; W. 2a.1l Massage, Rlttenhouse. 3oS.Otd Boston Hid Dr. Burke, Women' Diseases, 41 Dgla. Blk JAMES CORK ELECTRIC COMPANY Moved to 203 S. 1'Jth St. Douglas 11(11. Mrs. Pierce, shampoo, halrdresslng and manicuring. l'Jtil Farnam. 11 wiki, A-14W. YOl'NO WOMEN coinlnS to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Youmk Women Christian asiclatlun building ut Seventeenth Si. and Hi. Mary s Ave. where they will be directed tn rultiible b6uidi!ig places or oltieiwise assisted Look for our travelers' aid at the t'nlon str.tion. HINDOO TABLETS strengthen. Ooc. BELL l!l bniid. brace, DRUG CO. WE rent and repair nil klnrts o' sewing machines, lnd. a-1'AkI, iiongu.s NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. l.lih and Jiariuy Sis. TVr A f 1 P Treatment. Mrs. steels, lk!riVUliiu7 y 17th. 2d liooi, rm. 6, THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cust off cluthiiig-ln (act, anything you do n"l 1 need. We eullei t. repair anu sell, ut 131 N. lltn St., lor cost or colle'lioii, to tile worthy por. Call jdionu Dong, as 41-i and waona wl'i tall. MASSACJK Laili. rait plow aromatic atllielil. Mule. Allen Of Chicago, 1j-j b. Bill tt., Dt tluor. D. 7', MASSAGE Swedish inoveui-in ; noOiln boiler lor ihHumaufcm l-udl,-H, $1; gentle men, $1 Ml. Apt. 2. 15J2 Farnam. D. mul. DRUGS at cut price; freight paid on $lu orders; eaialogue fiee. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. In-. Buike, nervous d seas' s. 41 Duuy. BIU. MI'I If 1 f-a in Is, Mrs. Steele, ex itiLLtllOO,,,,! ope, t r. 187 b. L.J ll. Mrs. Snyder. Swedi.-li massage, lalhs. rii'iiator and vibiutor treat iiieut. The Du..fcan, I 'la I 2. Htli uud I'.cue. it. t.'.w. A former Metlioilli-1 deaconess In a nice home oX her own wishes to boait a few babies. Web. 6t:i0. Wilt 6W2 N. 2.1U St. I'EKSON A I. i-rrv fioLDsm nv h.i liulrdii sslng pailois at It J Ni opened lilt-. 1 1. 11 r W ll'.'M. HA'.KUI.KAK I'll f l OXK.-t lV.t remedy for ll li'n. bleeding or prolrud in imIps. t post pa d. Ssmpli frie. Sheimnn McConnell 1'ru Co., (nahn. 101IjTIIY anu pet htock FLOOR sweepings, good chicken SI OH per hundred. Wnaner, t-1 feed, pill). KEAL ESTATE Alisni At it of 'l 1 1 i t:. Frank J. Norton, 21K "There s a lleasnn." title troubles." Holh S 17th. Uee Uldg. "I minimis your phones. Midland liuar ft Trust Co., J. Campbell, 1 r 14 Far. H. sec. D. 2tv 11. Neaie. pres. Peter Jessen, jr., Co., Tel Doug. 22;2. Reed Abstract Co.. olil'-t abstract of Nebr.isk.i. 20-1 P'aiulels Theater. flee 111 tlUARANTKi: A?iSTRAC Patteroon llk. T CO., room Abstracts, M. T. Hiennitn. KM Urandels Th 111 U-OKIISC I I Oil VI VTION. ;!cctiie. gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. hum Gravel A Washed Sand Co. 442 Pee Ideal Cement Stone Co.... 17th and Cuming HEAL ESTATE CITY PROPER I Foil 1LIC llollders In format Ion ton tinned Amer, Suly. Co., roof'g. paints, 1U1S Nlch. FuchH, Pon F.llnd. patting decorating, WAV1F.I) TO III V. LIST vour city property 401' Karbr.ch Bldg. for sale with Vocl, CITY rilOl'KHTY I'OIl HALF.. I)Y OWNER. Strictly modern tlve-ioom cottage, two and one-half blocks from Farnani Hi.; only 12 minutes wnik rrom itn unit l'srr.am. stairs leaning up -to secono story; enough space tor two large rooms iiml closets. '1 ne Milt, combination fixtures- cemented basement; newly painted, also new walk nml steps; narnwooa tin- sh throughout. House is omv tnree years uld and a perfect gem insiiie. no u you want an ideal home drop out and look over. Rents for w;.iiu. ai tupuui Ave. Only 3.IW. part casn on ierm ;u suit. NEW, nobby buugulow of five roonia, t lose to Bcnoot anu etrei't car, good neighborhood; $2,600. Can ar range terms to etilt you. 7-rooni house, all modprn, on North ICth St., well situated, newly painted and a bargain for $2, 650. If you want to invest jao.oou in one of the most up-to-date apartment houses In the city paying a pood, big 10 per cent net, call and see me. F. I). VEA1), 1801 Farnam St. $3,500.00 A new, all modern 7-roim house, ook finish; first floor; hardwood floor on second floor; attic; large lot 60x142; very attractive. Terms, $700 cash, balance easy. Benson &Carmichael 612 Paxton Rlk.. $300.00 Cash, , Balance by the month will buy 9-rooru, modern home block from cur In good neighborhood. Price $3,2i0. Benson & Carmichael (142 Paxton Blk. BUNGALOW COTTAGE -$2,800 !K22 Franklin St., r rooms, bath, fur nace bent, corner lot; near Harney cur line. Look at this ut once; It muv he Just what you want, and we can sell It on easy terms. Key ul office. Payne & Slater Co, Role Agents, r.th ' Floor Omaha Nat'l Rank Rldg.' $1,360 6-room collage on West Ames car line; lot 62x126. A snap. $1,600 s-room collage on West Leaven worth, near car. A bargain. $1,060 Fine 6-room cottag on North 27th, near 1'ratt. See this. $l,S0O D-room cottnge on H. 20th St., paved street, paving paid. A1ENGEDOHT & CO., 616 Bee Bl.l-r. Phone Douglli 3.02. A-.T'.19. $6,200 equity In $10,000 honie.TTWant good land or merchand.se. 43H HeeUWdg. 1 N V EST MEN'T OP PO RT UNITY. IS ROOMS, ALL MODERN, $ii.(W0. We hdve a two-apartment house, con taining 13 rooms, two bath rooms, reveu bed rooms, with parlor, dining room and kitchen In each apurtment, with new plumbing and good heating plant. This pioperly is too large for personal owner and it is a splendid proposition for some one who w HI by it and divide It Into four three room upartmenis. Owing to the ariaugeinent of the house this work can be done at a very small ex pense and when completed the apart ment will rent for $2i each. The buyer can live in one apart mint, rent tlie rest the rest and make a good investment out of your home. The building la well built and in good condition; only thirteen minute ride to the center of the city, one block from the Dodge stieet car line and In good resi dence diKtrlet. '1 HE NUMBER IS 201'J. N. 21T 1 1 St. It Is Just north of Ohio on the Flor ence Blvd. A good tlx or seven-room modern hotie. will be taken In exchange at the light price. This proposition is ceilulniy worth looking at. NO KRIS MARTIN'. 4x) Bee Bldg. Douglas 4270, A. 4270. A Home at a Sacrifice A square house, v. Itli central hall parlor, uluiug ninin, klti hen; music room, oak woodwork, mil floois; lavatory and mantel und giate In first storv; u be.1 ruunif, bath loom and mantul mnl grate hi necuiM story; tlooreil attic and full basement, with extra toilet. Lot .ViXlii',, on a boulevard, wild rlm.le shrubhery end gara-!e. Price $7,1,00. Tlie house ulune could not be replaced fm the full price, and the lot Is worth $2, its). Streets paved und paid for. Sp-clut iea.iou fur elllng. J. H. Dumont &c Son bi6 1 si nam St., Phone Doug. Ouiahu. BIG BARGAIN ON' NORTH 2ITII ST. To i lose out an estate 1 am .iiahoi 'z. ,1 i s.-!l the Northeast Cornel at 24lh asu! Mihler SlreetM. witn Ji f. et froniai i n 2lih sneii. for $... Tin properly con sist of tlnee fruimi elwellln-.'H. 4H (.1 ;. -1215 North 211)1 slrc.it. ii-nting for (no per ear. The vacnnt ground on this corner Is very di-siralile fcr stors purposes. This is an exceptional tauralu. W. B. M El K I.E. 20i R unse Bldg. i:km. f.statk I I PKtlPKll I COM Mil' SI- VFN-Ri t i.M li.'HV vnliln t' e blocks of Fl Ul clnl, ic-ids yon. !.-p.l:-. for $1.7:. S-renni !ioi"e io-.ii- VHIi ti 1 1 I I'lucroft. for $1 H, eiiM- 1 1 nils. S-room rrnii",'. In exce'lent l i pn :-, neur ?ltt- and S w iir.l, iii ulcin exeep; l -.t t . $-,7.V0, easy trini V. D. AVFAl). D01 FARNAM ST 2 VACANT LOTS On Spencer, wrst of 2ltlt. 33x140 ft. inch. Shade trct-8 only $4 50 each. On eaay im.vinenta. V. It. GATES. G4 4 New Omaha Nat'l Uunk llldn Thone Donglit 1 294. Just Completed .V2J Seward St , l-rooni. two .fU'rv, strictly nil modern dwelling:, oak (lnl-li first floors, nil lame rooms, sleeping porch, lot 43xl:;2. Pilce only I.eK). cash, balance $k a month. Bcmis-Carlberg Co. .110 S12 Brandels Theater. 16th Street BUSINESS rKOl'KUTY INVESTMENT f.OCATION Two blccks from City Na tional bank hulldlnif. adia cent t one of Omaha's re tail stores. 44 feet frontage on hUh St., with alley on norlh. m;iLDiN( 3 fitnry and baiemenl. sub stantial bi Ick, on which about $."i.fl"0 lias Just been ex pended for putting In new modern scire fronts, ni-w plumbing and wiring tlirougli out, niw ruof, new sewer conni'ctlons and concrete Hoot in lomemi'iits, and gen erally ri finishing building from top to bottom. Price, $45,000 TEIiMS $ir.ooo cash, balance easy paymenls. (IKOSS INCOME About $4,000 per annum, should net between ri and T per cent on the Invest ment. We bell. .'e the 44 feet ex clusive of Improvements, will soon be worth $14,1'. Present value of the build lug Is about 2.(s'il. This Is an opportunity to makfl an Investment on (Haulm's best it-inil street, near the retail ci liter, on ery favorable terms. For fuither lnl'oriiiHtlon, call or address , George & Company tit) National Hank Hulldinj. 60xl."i0, with Improvements; right down town; cheap jit $12,imi. Easy terms or good exchange conslnei ed. Also running auto business; machine . shop and tour lug car, fur good masons, at $2.mm. What have you to offer for It? J. W. RASP CO, M Brandels Bldg. HALF acre, 1 room house, well, barn and chicken house, ul IM12 Vernon Ave. t oday ai $.ist, ii cash ana lu per mo. or what have you to exchange, J. W. RASP & CO., UM Urandeln Bldg. EVERY plumber Is not a rubber; If any thing happens phone Doug. 1J1S, Good plumbing Co. ... $2,500.00 Buy a new and substantial 7-room residence in northwest part of city; strictly nionern. Lot 60x120 ft.; high and sightly and worth $700; lioiiso cost about $2,300 to build. A few hundred dollar cash; balance like' rent. Address D $W. Bee. li.ioii, Hi Ifi.ini-, i-i otiiii, all modern home, near WiuetSfir school; easy terms or lot or small htuiso taken In exchange $2,10 buys almost new u-room cottage modern except heat, 60-font eiiHt front lot near Ames Ave.; about $liO cash will do, or what have you to exchange. Sen J. W. RASP CO.. fl,s:i Brundel Bldg, HKAL KSTATK FARM ii HA.Mii LAND FOIl AI,K Canada. MILD ' CJ.1MATE-7VO EXTUEMER LAND ll.UM'l JU (SPLENDID MAR KKTrt. Ill 112 the. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY will be c.,o, opening up llio rich agricultural districts or e : u.n 1 1 u u nan i.iu t-iLl'MHIA j nousauus are now ouyiug land In tlie terilie vaueys or ine ruitr OEORGI. IHS'1 Kit "P. tno NKHHOCU VALLEY iin,l the BUCKLEY VALLEY. This land will double and treble in value as soon as the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC provides transportation facilities. Write today for booklet describing this wonderful country. B. MF.YEL, DISTRICT HALES AGENT, 1110-11 PAXTON BLOCK OMAHA. NEB. ' Colorado. FRUIT land bargains. Intermountaln Laud Co.. 1122 J'arnam. Phona D. 4026. Bargains Fruit land. tn2 Uraiiduls bldg. last. THE easiest way 10 fled a Duysr tot your farm is lo insert a small want sj 111 the Des Mulnes Capital. Largast clr tulatlon In t slats of Iowa, 4J.UU0 daily. 1 h Capital is leud by and bulievrd lu bt lli standpatter of Iowa, who uiply re fuso to pel mil any other papsr In llin.f Humes. I ;.;,. 1 cent word a, day; i 2i per I. lit per muiilh; count six ordinary words to tt.s line. Address Do Monicl Lapii.,. Lis Moines, la. Orortfla. GREAT S0UT1I GEORGIA Travel sed by the ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM A ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands, aospiubl to tha wld-sl rang oi crops. Ail Hie money crops of the buutu plentifully produi ed. For HtHratur tisst. ing witn this couiing ruuntry, lis suit, cib ii .a is. ctiuivii anu school aUvautsgs w rile W. 11. LI-UHT, DEPT. K. ufciierai 4'aseuger Aaiil, slUsU li A I- lorliln. 1101 ONE THOUSAND i'OI.LAR.i tl.m M O N 1 1 Y -0 1..' 1 1 ( i I ' A R A N T E I',- M UN E Y Just a li'tlo money down, a little money each mouth, buy sn nb ul home In an ideal i-llirute, mar Palm Hoacli. Florida. Conn- In uiil Id us tell you ubout 11, and on investigation, U' you do Put lind it a;, go. d, oi b.-iier iiian r. ihi-hi iiiii you will ii-.msu UM. 1,111 "" ol' write Woo. I ward Hi Company, 714 umaha Nat'l Hum!.. (,.001 ACRES prairie laud, DeSoto eoiiniy, 1'loriua, well drained. , nrui- Arcuuiu, K )o I lu ml. Only (4 per aoi,- int. It tukeii ul once Mne cyloiur.si i.oi piop.)-Jack-.on, 1.2; l-'ii st Nat'l Klllon. J l.uui. Bl.ig-, Chi --ago. Idaho, CO ACHE." of "10 '"'st 'anils In lha Pavelle und Snuke river valleys for uale III twenty, folly end el,;!ily; one bundled lu.r liacls at ii loos that will make, ur.H v,-rv reaiiiueratixe in vt HtTiients. In Urge trai ts will consider one-half of purchase price,' lu otner uas'ialilo prop- nty. If Interetert In .rociulng lands In (he very best portion of llieso Irrigated lund Willi best of water rights for in t:u t luii wrili- rue ul t'ayvtlv, Idaho. A. E. Wood, Owner. t I tv ruiiri.it i v cult svif. l In nrsnta. I'D!; . M.E- I'nn'iiy. garden, d.i n and kl'llln f lttl! neur Si Vilol. btltMiliu pl'li i s. us- i.'iin-. Iinploie.l hi: I iiiimpi-.'."i d. i him a-'re on elcclllc rnr Hoc to a s.-cip n i dc 'lor IKt niiil Infortnatioti. I1 .1. I'nnipoell, ili Ploinci Rlilit, St. I aul, ,Miio. lexlen. MEXICO A plme to tn.ik.' bl, m mcv If von have some inntirv In llivi'.-l. Tlie i llinnle In ile I Ik. tit I ill end lirnlt'ifii1, no cold nor trees Ins weather. i on can buy rli-li. black land for Jl.' iv per acie, rny teims. in an Aini'i lean coloni. iicni lailtoa.l. and one rrip of coin more tlim pa f -r tlie Ininl n no fur in,, labor lo piO.liKi' It. Native labor very cheap cents per d iv If on win mi Willi us next Tuesday down to Tanipl.o. on the east gulf coa-'l, V"i will sv Hie coin In the Held Hull will make what we have plated aboi c. Y.at will .-eo the oiam.es, lemons and grspe iriiil on tlie trees Von cm see tame masses slv to cislit Icet high that was piHiUiil tills Near. You will ,-ce the fiber 1,1.-, Ilie o.vneis Ol W ll. I'll a. an. 11. from H to $1 gold per ncre annuuiiv. 10o acres set to tlber will make you wealthy and ln.le en. enl for lire. Next exclusion !Sov. i. jiaiiroao nne from niiialia to Tiimplcit and return. $4'.' 2a. nte for lltei alin e. Chocoy Land Co. f,4 lli-an.lels Bldu ,. ttinnhii. Neb. SeOriiabn. Free list of Improved Howard, Greeley, Valley, Sherman aim Luster couniy fauns, for people ol iiniucu imans warn ing Home on easy tvi in. v.. iuuic. Wuibacn, fttu. ROM I STEAD -1120 acres for $173, nhout 0 nines out, n.'l. Ijiioi iaii.1, not land. Was ail old entry n.iw cancelled Worm ion. J. A. 4 racy, ivinioan, ,cu. WELL imrioved Frontier county, Ne- uavli.. tainis lor sine or iiaoe, in to iiino loWll pi.'e..i. ,o ....... ... ...,,m,,. D. F. Johnston. Box 2. i iiilis. Neb. tie IMPROVE!' lOncie truck farm, near Tekainah, Neb. Auurvs joe joiuan. ie kuniah, Neb. SMALL farm for rent or sale. South 111.NH'. Charles Voir.. Doug, lata or North Carolina. i.-aijm f,. uroflt In Eastern North Caro lina, the nation s (lumen spot, i.eansoiner localities lor Vcgei nines, iruiis aim iii"c, ....... o.r ,,n Miiuili i annul. I lomeseckei s Ac investors w ri i o Caiolinii Trucking Devel opment Co.. K24 So. Bldg., Wilmington, N.O Oklahoma. EVERY person know who n. j O'Brien Is beeauso he. nns nuuio Omnhit f, in, .us w It Ii bis ciinuy. ii mrs, W. H. Wilcox. i!17 N. 1li St., will come lo The n ,,rrii.. within t ire-e nays we win give her an order for a Wl-ceut box of O Brlen candy free. ' I'ritant Advertising Big Returns. I tha Road to Wisconsin. Must o SokTU.'JUO Acres In one body of level land 3 mile of Black River Falls, Wis.; no stone, no overflow no gumno. no nai.ipao. no slkall, no quack gruss or cockleburs. There I niver iiiumh ih.i,iiiih through one corn 'f of this laud. About one-half of this trnri lias tiiiica son two to four feel deep, in urn orsi ki.iii mini in the statu with mull umount of ditch ing The balance is clinico level upland, good soil, grows to finest kind of grass; This tract can he boiigut for less than $20 per acre If tiike.ii soun. Will pay com illusion. Wisconsin Drained Land Co., 124 West Third St., Davenport, la. " 1 1 !; A 1 j 1 1M T A T I0 1XANB WAN 1H.D -'ty loans W. Farnam smith Co., auii wajrania. U2U Faiuaiu at OMAHA Property and Neorasaa Lanus. O KEE1. E KJSAi. ESTATti CO.. 101 New umaha Nat'l liauk Bunding. MONEY TO lAJAN-iayu Xnv. Co. WANTliD City ion ns. Palais Trust La, nug to ui,uuo inau prOinpLy. F. U. VViad. Wead BlU;.. loth aud Farnam. WANTlfcD-FARM LOANti. tiueiil cuinpaiiy, Umaha, iwiok la- LOW RATiud. LEMlb-CAltLUERG wO., Ilu-Ull Bfanuel Theaisr Biug. FARM LOANS; no Commission; optional uavilicllls; Clieap iooowj , iimt. service. Merrill. 121J City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. MONEY to loau on business or real deuce propsriies, l,ouo to juu,uw0. V. U THOMAS. LIW First NaU Bank Uldg. loans. .hm anu up. luaua al I iians.. LARUE LOANS, municipal bonu. luori- kks uougut anu sold. s't LLi. illtua. FOR a dainty dessert us Dalxell Ice er. aiii. It jwis. A. til cell. Ml N. iwtll St w in come to 1 ho lieu oil Ice within three uays we will give nil an otuer lor u .ait brick of nils lino Ice cream. I-Oli H.ll.U OK KAtllAMiK FOR SALE Oil EA.CHA,Ge. A.falta iiiii.i ,n Ine lumoiis Ai'Kunsu valley to ex cnangu lor siock ol goiais or' securities; i anil H per cent 111 si uiol lgagu for Sale on good improveu property, hollclt co ooeiMi.on ul agents, .'jiddiess Cook & o isnil, llox ttui, Laiiiur, Colo. 1-OR EXCHANGE-2U0 acres ' adjoining a town ol l.iiou popuiution in soutuuaslein rvamao; no Hone; luir improvement, uui loin land. PI ice i.',40u; luorlgago. $2,&o0 want murcliaiidlso or men hanuifc aim buildings, or clear rental property, Iowa, Illinois, eastern Nebiussa or north Mis souri lund tur eiiuity. What have you to olfer? Address tha Allen County invest nient Co., Longton, Kan. TO Hade for general merchandise, acres of land Willi or without $2.M 320 lii- cumbranc. Lock Box 41, Clearwater, Neb. I HANDLE exchange everywhere. Fo. results see lua. Dean, (117 Buu Bldg. D. 121 VH exchange properties of merit. C. W Welsh. 12-13 O N. Blk Uldg. Doug. 7iiia. Exthaiiges-Jewell, U d of Trade, D. 1117. FOR TRA LE Good 4sl)-aere ranch In Soutii Trii'p County, Souui Dakoia. Ail fenced. Wells Running water. Voung tlinber. Lund roiling. Some broke, m.iiio boll.oifcS. i.hool on laud. V milu Ironi Inland poslotttcu and store, i nines Hum lailruad suivey want $a,uuo clean, up-to-uuto stock genual merchandise or doming. Address owner-Box 2a;. Gres- Ul 1 , !1. D "Volt EXCHANGE Mi-acre stock ranch. Over 2ik acres in alfalla. Threu sets ol Iniprovemcni. tine of the nest runclus lu soullieusierri Kansas. Price, $4.1,0011. liicumbiance. $lJ,.'sK. Will trad.) for clear property oniy. vunt good renuil proji nl. or lumut coii.-ider Iowa, Illinois or easiirn Nelnaska lund. Addiess 'ine Al len t utility Investment Co.. Lontitoii, Kali. EVERY person 1 111111 who D. J. (I linen is bi cause be lias made Oinului tamuiis wlih lu candy. ll Airs. S. Ir vine, 2121 Cuming St., will coinu to The lie., oli'i.e wit 1 1 1 1 1 tlnen tlays wo will gl.e her an order of a IkJ-cvlit box of ill, liens candy free. 1 1 i.N'l JiijJ.Ll.NG INTEREST lu Well es-l.ibli- bed business. Iiicoi imrate.l. For Hi.ii k u.-tl ni. W riln E-i,;il. Bee. SIKA.MSIIirS Anclior Lino Stcanisliips ;c,' Yoik, Loral uulerry and Glusgow. New York, I'ul '1'ino arm Naples. 1 Attractive rates for tickets between New ork und all Snitch, English, Irish, iiuttueinei und aleUilci 1 uinan points. ALCuiiiniHiuiions. Excellent Cui Sup. 1 tor slue, r.lii-iciii . 1, 't'ft iif.uiipiiy (or l'.-h. t . ut'011 10 local agent ol Anclior Line or 1 1. toiti ""ii biuiuvia, ueiiciai Aavlits. Chiotgo, til. WANTi:i TO 111 V fd-hani good. Kleser, 1020 Center. D-&6X2. WE PAY intliest price for men's Jd hand clothing. S. Nnilian. lo.i K U'D UANTI-.D ID BUY Between IS and ad acres of land within 1 mne of Omaha rsvr Inn . A 1.2,. I'-ce. VAMi;i MillAXlO.Nei FOR a filst class practical nurs. call Mis. lluyniou, H. HiJ, A-2,4. POSITION by experienced bookkeeper. fdures Y 11. l'.ee. liUiVbl.li washing wanted. Har. 637 L AMONG and curtains Hunt. 'p. H n.g WHITE lad), exceptionally neat and plain, wislies any Kind ul day woik. ,isi ney .vi. WASilINO or Ironing on Tuesday, i Inn. -uay und Friuuy . Chono SNtosiei' WANTED-Work uu nanny 4I2H. from 4 to s p. m. liO(i IM-.EPI-.H, wed experienced In luuioei, Keneral inei r haiio ise. Iianklng. .unit's Position, capable, energetic inun, oaiury leasoiiati.e; locate uuywiieie. 1'. II. BOX tils. iniiMtia. PiiSITIoN by und repair man, i ,iy. lull D. a;i...i. experienced chauffeur well acipjuinted witn EXPERIENCED party wants position In bank with view to Investment. Address 1' 21'. care Bee. A POSITION by third year high school boy. 111 work from 12 to 6.30 p. m. M 4"2, Bee. GERMAN lady cars if children. wants position taking 2.'i So. atiih. SCIlool. room and girl wants place to work board. Call Douglas 7114. for WOMAN want dav. 2.4H B. 12th. rlennlng D. 46. work by th WANTED lintel or restaurant work by man and wife, experienced, In or out of city. B, 6-S Bee. OUT-OF-TOWN position desired by Jt perieneed stenographer and bookkeeper) excellent references. Address 1, SS6, car Bee. WANTED-Posltlon, by ftrt-o!a miller; best of reference. Hastings, Neb., Box li.14. EVERY person knows who D. ,1. O'Brien Is because he ha made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. E. . Housh. r.:l H. S7th St.. will oomo to Tha" Bee office within three day we will give her an order for a 00-cent box of O'Brien' i inndy fre. WANTED Position as chauffeur In gurage or private. Have had experience driver and In repairing. Address J. A. . Johnson, care P. A. Ohlson, Burke. 8. D. TWO nlrls want work by the week. CaUi Webster ','IOS. OMAHA THK MAIIKKT TOWN 1 WEH.IVA lii.l. LO. gia.n ..lercnani. iU Brandela. consignments ohcitcsl. CAVElltJ ELEVATOR CO.. whoiaaala dealer in gra'. bay. coop f ssd. in bianuel Uldg. Nebrasks-lowa Grain Co. 7S4 BrandeiaV ROBERTS GRAIN CO.. grain oonala-n. metit solicited, grain boug.it to srnv lis Urandel. . THE UPDIKE GRAIN CO. Conslun. menla careluliy hanuied. Omaha. Nso. MVK HTOl'K MAItHKT OP WKHT Ship jour stock to Houtli Oraaliai ave mileaire anti khiTnatue; yodf coUHlKuiucnL receive pvuiupt ait-i larelul attrutlon. I.IVK STWK (X)MMISSIOX CHA.MS. ML1(. Byre Bros. Si Co. Huong and re.-ipnn.s1b!. WOOD BROS. 24-aV Exchange Uldg. Gisat West. Jam. Co., Omaha St Denvi. W. R. SMITH 6 BON just handle sneey. VV. F. DENNY & CO.. 2U Exch. Bldg, TAGG BROS, handle cattle, hogs, shaep. CLIFTON Com. Co., 222 Exchange Bldv- Donahue & Randall Co., m Exult. Bldif. Clay, Robinson & Co., 200 Exch. Uldg. Th Standard Com. Co.. Ill Exch. Bidg.- Inleratat Co. Belter results. Ship to us, . BURKE-RICKLY CO., 201 Exch. Bldg. Allen Dudley 4k Co., 2&-3I Exch. Bldg. L, E. ROBERTS & CO., 22S Excll. Bldg. Cox 4c Jenoa Com. Co., bunch of hustler. Farmer L. 8. Com. Co., Hu Exchange. Deposit proceed of hlpments In StocK Yaroj Nat'l Bank. Only uaiik at yards. WINN BROS. & CO., Exchang Bldg. LAVERTY BROS.. 138-40 Exch. Bid. Martin Bros. & Co., 2011-7 Exch. Bldg. Alex U. Buchanan St Son, lo4-6S Ex. Bldg. Paxton-Eckman Chein. Co. t'k ramedl. 1 sluon I St Fonda, liv iock oom. rnsr. LEGAL NOTICK. NOTICE OF BALE OP IU0AU KWTA.TE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In Re Estate of Gustavo 1-'. Ktepp, De censed. Docket 114, No. 70. Notice Is hereby given that by virtu of th authority given in, by an order Issued out of the above entitled court on (lie 2uth day ut May, ,1111, by his honor A. C. Troup one of tlie Judge of, suld court, authorizing the undersigned, a administratrix of said entitled estale lu sell the following real estate of the deceased, situated lu Douglas county, Ne braska, to-wlt: Lot seven (7), block one (1), In Itel vider Addition to tlie City of Omaha, as surveed, platted und recorded. In order to puy claims proven against, and the costs und expenses of administration lu ttio above cntliied estate. I will, in piirstiaiicu of such order, on Tuesday, the 21st day of November, lull, between the hour of 10 and Jl o'clock In th fore noon of said day fsald sule to lie kept open between the hours of 10 und 11 a. 111. of salil daj ; proceed to sell to the highest bidder for caall III band, tiiu' above described nul estate and a elwelw. ing thereon at No. DV44 Curtis avenue, such sales to be held and take place 8.L the east front door of the court house, ' of said I 'oulas county, Nebraska, at ami" between the hours ubovu stuted oil sai l uuy. A 1. 1.1 E V. STEPP. , Administratrix of the Estate of Gus tavo F. htepp. Deceased. " " Martin Langdon, 4li Uatii'ie Bld. Uniiiha, Nib., Attorney tor i.ie E.-tat,.. 1 1 . .. ypi. i ' IIN.MV UHIll..i..,iii.... i TO INVESTORS IN COUNTY llOXC-i" NO'l ICE is i.cieby gitcii inut aca.ed proposaia will be received bv t!:a iiinJat-. si,;iieii up to and until 12 o'clock (11001, 011 Saturduy. December 2int. Dll, lor Doug us County, Nebiuska, Court lluuni Equipment Bonds, issued Uctober 1st, nul, and mutiirlng October 1, luiil, in tku sum ut Two iluiulic, I '1 housnnd Dullaaa O.ik'.iiOu.iKi', with .nteivt at ihu rat et tour und oue-lialt t4V'i- per cent pei itmiuiii, payable seml-anniiully. SalJ, bonds are n-!.ue. I lu denomiualiDiis ..f $i,(sa,.uii iui h uud bids will be received ftu" uuy pcition or ull of said bonds. Dei I In . i s ut lionds to be tnadu not luter tharr 1 if eiiil'ir lutli. 1 all. - - The, right Is reserved lo reject any and all b ds. For additional lulurniatloli, ad-' uiiss the undersigned. Certified Checks njual to one per cent 'of Hie amount of Hie ','d'Jl be require to bo llcposiieil ii mm wiuu". , D. M. HAVERLY. Counlv Clerk, Iioiigla Couniy, Nebraska, Omaha, October pub, lull. M--J-iu . 7"