4 V 4 It Was Only a Dream TUT! tot : tot! EOK THE no no: no. no. ' tfEHT, EH i pio not cent to COM COUECT ANY RtNT fRPM YOO! I fltrtLY 'N tlT KAtUD TO SfE MOW COME fii w V WANT ADS ' J Want ads received at an time hot to Insure proper classification roust prewnteu oerore iz o'clock m, ror the evening edition and before 7:80 1 t. TH. for mornlnfi? a n1 tliimlir wt 1. J lions. Want ads received after such nourg will have their flrat In -on Ion tinder the heading 'Too liate to CUs-ify." CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Inncrtion 1 u rent per word and 1 cent I wr word for each subsequent insertion. P.acri insertion made on odd days 1M cent per word, fl.50 per line per montli. Ratea apply to either The Dally or Sunday Roe. Always count si words to a line. Want ads for The Bee mar be left at any of the following drug Htores one is your "corner drug(ri"t" they axo all branch offices for The Bee nd jour ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the same rates as at the main office In The Bee building. Beventeenth and Farnam streets: Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. laurn Dru Co.. 2031 N. 16th Ht. prison i'liarmacy, Beniion, Nfb. Itemls Park Pharmacy., Hid and Cuming iJranek. H. A., 1 xi H. 11th Bt. Ulak-Hradlah. 2 6hrman Ara. auahlln, C. K.. 4725 Itavanwarth. IViniak, Kmll. 1304 8. ISth Ht. Clifton 1IIII Pharmacy. 2213 Military Avs ooney pharmacy, t:'A 8. IHih St. rrley Pharmacy, Uih and Laka. Fhler & Co., 23 I.nvenworth, Koater A Araoldl. 113 N. 2Tith Ht. KrrytaR, J. J . 1914 N. 24th 8t. rrKfr lru Co., ISiU N. 18th 8t Florence lJru Co., Florence. Nb. flreen s Pharmacy, Park Ave. A Paolflo UraenouKh & Co., lii.'f, 8. loth Ht. Oreenough & Co., 10th and Hickory, (fcildman Tharmacy, th leaven worth Johanaon Drun Co., t4th and Hpalillng. Jhnon Pharmacy, fr.co Farnam. llanacom Park Phar., M01 H. iWth Ava. Mlnterlong Drug- Co., Slat Ava. Far. Hold, John, Cl4 8. ICth St. Huff, A. U., 2!24 Iavenworth King, II. H.. Hth and Farnam. Koiinua Place Pharmacy, 2.(03 N. Z4th. Ithrop Pharmacy, t4(h and Hamilton. Jiarea, Fred U, 201 Central Hlvd. Monmouth Pharmacy3d A Amea Ave. Patrick Iruit Co.. 1.W2 North J4th Ht Puratoa Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Hi hfr' Cut Price .Htore, loth A Chi. Walton Pharmacy, 2uth and Orace. Walnut Hill pharmacy, 40th A Cuming. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, UNDKR. TAKK1L emhalmer, 1614 Chlcairo Ht D. 1S."9. B-ltiftS. Iil'FEY & 11EAFEY rndertakera. Mil Farnam. A-X. H. ffOl. Ixrl UI.AS Pruning Co. Tel. Doug. Wl. OKT your dianiontl at Krotlpgaard'a. MOVING lrlure iDaciilnes and aupuiiea. Netiraka Film Co., 1318 1'arnaw. MONEY i- Tl LOAN-lA)W In auma to S1U Ilea illda. I'bona Douk. 2Hui. UNION IXJAN CO. AUCTION SALE Karh afternoon and evening coinmeno Itia WeonvsUay, Nov. 1. we will eell at publin auction the entire bankrupt atock of the Wcsturn Furniture Co., 171 Iaav enworth Ht. conHltlng of tCft worth of lilgh grade furniture, carpels, draper Ke, etc. 1715 Leavenworth St. BOLOlK, ahret Iron and tank work. Omaha Ktructural Strol Works. luiwUie phulajiuaiu. am H. i.uh Bt. B. K. VVatern. ct inrm con. luli NTauT V.'eJu fciouininK nn, i"u a y. Kck. l.oo Lav. fcui.n phune igo. btiuits liroa. liut Far. Van Qui dun hoi . dog hospTiaTTsiu, N. 2il Our letltr aupiicatlng work la uuexcelledT A trial will convince you. Moth phunea. 'i Duplicating Co.. 4' He Ultlg. John K. Hiinne, mt.ria. a.0 fuAtn Klk! 1 w enty prr cent paa than Omaha pr.cea." liUMK FLHiMlUltl.; Co.. Twenty-fourth and U tia.. fcjuth Omaha: Haipmrt. paprr hinilng. p.i.iu a. 11. jlui. 6. li cole higii t. u. jj. j, Ul i nam. fcUagaid Van A; Htoiage. ' Piuli71Iiove7 Horeand ahip 1. H. aooda. D. i4ou. U-U2. llHlMi on your grinning lo Ww7 Doun laa WK DO TIIK WuKIC ItWiHr uo lL. aiHaya U happy if your wed ding ring cornea from tiiodegaurd a, 11J a imh M. At tne amn ot the clown. Neb, iwtil to., Ha junvi. ll.,ih 'phunea," Mcbl bracer Jor men. Uray Sirv T-y-i PV.ls. ! per b'S, prepn:-j. shcraT-" A McConnell Drug t o'., tiniena. Neb.'"' UuLii A .SO uuVblt PLAil.NU. Caa fixture, bras beda. atove timuuinca aod tableware rep.ated as new. OMAHA PlATlNU CO., Eatahllslitd 1. Duug. ija. ijy Hr0,y tp..M,i ma. pifci.u. lull,. ip KarT Aau.liitA.S beif-Kenoveiiiig i.o. n. 4,4A lintKil Uiauuiacituea and rvpaira veui cle twa-liu LwttD worth. M. t: iiorri.1. ui,ua painu ti tirandaia 'i n J. F. O Daaxy lur miiw u .n. m. ao. otu. Jl,DDl.Nvj fclUlUMIIC4. lAiuiim tt. Co. "kJte typewriiien lei tor, made in lingual weatern letter factory. A4.ua otu A Co.. Punting. Hue Uooge. Both ytiouea. C. Smith, att'y at law. HI Ite. D. tiuT. ""leaiiiithlp tlcaeta; foreign touraT" " W. Id. book, luil Faruaiu Bt OfliX'KHV, price -''S If taken at once, luveetlgale. Webater fcou. 1 'i hurruk. gritvel, tar roof. 14 A 1 Ake. ! A.-T1C etockiiige. auppvrtere and LaniiK'n: ctot k alwayi neir. becauae we irr.i ai, many. Truaaea fitted, lull) ililng Kuarantr, tv. u. i leveiand 1'rug co (tie mK-wt surffkai supply bouae. 111-IS JiuMiry fcL t.Vy.HIC iMiiKon knowe who T. J. O ilrieo la Lecauee be ba made Omaha famous with l:i carnly. If Mra B. Laat. Cuming Ht.. will come to The bee office within three days we will give her an order fur a eO-ceut bog of O iirleu's caady free. WEIL. JUST KEEP THE KENT IT IN Yrtlf IVwVctII MEUO ! LITTLE OME! HOW Apr FOR Noli AIL MY! KHltPggM! AUTOMOBILES . HONK" "ss ."putoH0NK lv'fcpmnii wheel vavaa, HKItE'8 THE I; KMT PIACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND 1st tj and Harney Rts. Murphy did it "fBS MITCHELL MOTOR COM PA NT WANT AGENTS. Can make LITTLE Hlx. GOOD RESPONSIBLE Immediate delivery on Have ...me EXCEPTIONAL bargains In large and small eecond hand care. MITCHELL MOTOR COMPAN X TIRES OMAHA MUBJBKK COM PANY. Everything m rubber. M'lNTYUE AUTO CO. AUTO BAROAIN8 IN USED CAK5.n,m' l.JON care do most work for least money, ft H. Held. 4itw Brandela Hlda:. lJl ElFFEUuto-l carriage painung. " Hepalrlng. lav. U Htjl,hJf)AL.; prices on oil. Doug. &ig. hniw ui,!,, amo palrting. nw N. JUtrt. AUTO Tire Hanatrlnv mvi , -. . . . B - , VM rwiuin, OU nll lid .L.tUIKu. ... -I . . . w " urn o u tne work; bwit workmiin. Lowest price. Auie laanpe rp4.trei oniana Suver Co. YOII run 1. 1 1 w mt - ...... I . i ' TJ Pulok 6-pasenger car with all accoutre ments, In first clasa condition: alio a line limniiiln. hnitu ... ... . . ,. . sold within four days will be shipped. Addresa or call Room 401. Hotel Loyal. Omaha. h. V fc, It V HllllV .nmv. .n ... .... -ilu the Woodward Stock company at the Vi . rj. joiinson, ILM Wool worth Ave., will come to The - - - niiiiiu inrre oays we will gIVS v' m vmr lur a pair oi licaets. BLHKNKHS CHANCES To get in or out of buainesa call on OANUKHTAl). 4U4 Ilea Bldg., Tel. U. t47T. lt Tll HT. HUHlNfcSU A HKAL KttTATH f.XCHANGhl CO. Hardware, grocers, hotel, pool rooms, barber enop, aaloona, etc., for sale; some good bargains In real estate. 1U H. 14th St., second floor, rooms . nu m. tuunery, yresiuent FOIt HALk liiacksmith shoo dnlna good business In good location. Halo cheap. Owner has oinar biminaas. Ail. dress to Jonn B Hlmon, Ardmore, 8. 1), Automatic Hione Bus a. U, residence, II UOOD paying restaurant for sale in lively town, cbeap it taken soon. IS. O. Onouale. Htar Cate, Crawtord. Neb. huaiALriAM tor aaie cneao If taken at once. Jonn Morris, mlver creek, Neb, W'ANTKD Man with means, that would like to engage In a mining propo sition In Bonora, Mexico, With ItO.uu tor iiiuchlncry, can realise protiia ot from Uou to ouu daily, luch silver, lead, con centrating ore. For further figures and particulars addreaa Fred B. Roll berg, MuUhl. Nee, beven years In Sonora. a ioi' eaiwoisiisu ui estate and insurance buainesa; investment 01 l.VW required; must have ability. J U4, nee. CHOlCU Oeu t Mdse. stock, only Uen'l Mdse. stock In live coming town with a targe trade for sale: exceptional reaaobs for aelling; a fine opportunity; none bet ter In the northweat; about H.Ono required. Aourwi trst niats nana. Manaerson, 1 HAVbi vuinplete inuviog picture out- lit; am an Al operator; want partner witn some money to join me, either trav eling show or permanent theater; want to near oi gooa location ft. Davis, Dodg Hotel. Cah 4 to 4 p. m. NINKTKKN.HUUM hotel. furnished complete; five lots, only hotel In central Iowa nmln line town ot about ooO: Li.OuD cash. Write iox H, Omaha. TO UUY OK HULL, a business; call on Williams, 411 McCague bldg. Folt 8ALK Tlnner'a tools and stock. good reason for ae.llng. O t'W, Hee. "y'OH HA LK Barber shop. Reasonable price If takirn at unce. Zllb leavenw'th Ht, Haasalus; lloaaes for Sale. 1 1 1 1 1 i r.n.ii-n' 'oiu rvoinuig nouse suit of roomers. Will aell chsap It taken at once. t:l Farnam. Hnriiey iW71 iv , vv ... a " " j .ui,, v..w i ii, lop floor pays the rent, balance profit Good furniture. Hell cheap, liatt block north of aith and Farnam. . No. b, Ailh. LJUUgiae Bl'Hl.NKSS 1'EICSONALS Aeoasttc Cosapaales, ' GENERAL Acouii.c oompany: Instru ments for tne deaf. 4o Omaha Nat. bank. Aecoaataata. M. D. THOMAS, City Nat. Bank. Aaaaaeuteata. bEFORS and at. the shows visit the Oi.t MPia for Ice cieem and candi.a Ai'iiiiUiUtiA toner iiiia, uiuaia b Uiteue baud, eiegajit tloor and the beat saatea tlial mousy can buy. Doois pea piuuipuy at i.Ju, Aoinlaaion, iu. Arsbltvets. C. J. Uowell. a.c ..w ail Orandets Bldg. Arteelaa Weils. i i L K. NKHICUU..... Ml-lt City Nat'L Asphalt, Uravelemd nawtlagtt MICA rttX)FINtj vo., 1M aV llrth. Atteraeye. O. W, Khlelda at,..ey, tTT n. of Trade, uct bee. Analsii aad Teats. OMAHA Tent Co"! Tel. IU Douglas. ( ss4 Taalaaaa. TUB O.Mlf WAT. baggage ehecked to destination. Tail rata and touring care. 'ieU luualas tj. bag llsaslastarsn. BEMI3 OMAHA UU CO.. Omaha Neb. UIU Post leg;. OMAHA Bill Po.tu,g pp. Douglas t4. A. b. COliOB. bakery. Webelsr iluT" I HAVE I r- -v NO! I HAVE QUIT THAT! HERE AFTER. I PAY YdU FOR UVlM N MY HOUSE, HAVE YOU STOCKED BUSINESS PERSONALS Ualldlas; and Loan Assentations. NEBRASKA Savings A Loan Associa tion has never paid less than per rent dividends. Investments from 11 to &,000 received. IflOS Farnam St., Omaha Barber Shope. HAWK BROS.' barber shop, 2M5 Leav- enworth. Hee Bldg. barber shop, tonaortal artlate. Bicycles aadMotorcyclee. Omaha Bicycle Co., lth and Chicago. Indian motorcyclaa. Write for catalogue. Billiard aad Pool Holla. THE new Ak-8ar.Ben billiard parlors, Prop. lew nowara. t;nas. hi. JCbnson. I'rop. Bird Steree. BIRDS. dogs, gold fish, cages. Mas Oelsler Bird Co , isiT Farnam Ht. Oo aad Packaae. Maaafactarors. Wooden Box A Package Co. 1514 N 16th. Carpenter aad Contractors. W. P. Deverell, contractor. Ramre Bldg. Htevenaon, carpenter, cont. Both phones. A. Unborg, carpenter, contractor. H. 2471 Carpets, Haas and Draperies. J. II. Orrutt A Son o Mth A Farnam. POLCAlt & CO. $ lu" ru" r' "r- w pets, s.ia portiere, canet cleaning. 1B48 H. 24. D. tail, A-4J4&. Cklropodtata aad Masiloarlac. DR. ROY, chiropodist. 1506 Farn s m. Prof. J. Lund, chiropodist. 416Karbach. Monhoit Chiropodist, manicuring, h"r drrasing. hair good! City Kat lBank. Doug. Ind. A -2.13a. t Igare aad Tobacco. Tracy Bros. Co.. 1416 Douglas. La Truda high-grade Havana. Te-Be-ce cigar, to. TUB Sanitary Crown Pipe. 116 B. 14th. ""ilonnpole Cigar Kiore. Her Grand Hotel. . tlotblaa; Manafactarera. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. K. Smith Co. taal Uealere. Poware-Heafey Coal Co., Tel. D. W. Butter Feed A Coal Co.. ma Far. H 64u. Upu.ke qua Ity yd..' 46 A Dodge. K. 717. It h. k!1 11,' w .cmiuiuri cuir 'LET MS TELL TOU ABOUT IT. D. I5fct. C. A. WKSTKRriKLD, A-1RM. (' B. Johnson, coal, lmh lsard. I phones. NEW coal yard, 14th and Grand Ave. George K. Cobb, t.'oal Co., W. 641. GOAL At cut prlc All KINDS. We save You too to 11.60 per ton. "The Horns of (Jualltv fnm 1 Rosenblatt's Cut Prloo Coal Co., im Mrholaa St. Both Phones. OH! you Paradise Coal! The money savtr.. Jeff W. Jirdford Co. Both Phones. COATi by ton r basket; 6 bushels VVaT-U L Phon, u tvtO, B. iwoa. CITY COAL & SU1TLY CO. Alt ' kinds best coal. D. 2718. Ind. A -1402. UOoD basket coal, ine Crounss Coal Co., DougiMs 2M3. gulck delivery. lolfee, Tea, aloe aad Saaar. Moyune Tea Co., 4u4 N. 1. Both phones. treanerlee. Dairies aad Sapplles. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID CoLil 1,'hMUKHY COMPAN If KLUi.N banitary Dairy. iLODerson Bros.. fioprietots. Dougias cu. Milk Producers' Assn. D. 4lo. Coneetlaa-Ageacles. RUSSELL XDJUBXMENT CO., 221-21 First National bank. Douglas, y4l. JlMk.PH t I'lll.l.kM .ni...n..n. a t .11 kinds. lul City Nt I bank, D. tap, A-4444. ContpatlasT icalea Cesspaaay. MONEY Weight Hcaie Co.," 1117 Farnam. Coralce Aad Steel Ceilings. CARTER SUel Metal Works, Omaha. ' Deatlets. Bailey, the dentist, iv City NatT. D. tM lane oentai looms, lal7 Doug. D. HlksV hAt'it ei aat.14, en ti. s'aalou. D. luso. DR. lcKia.a, U4- CUy .al I Bk. blog. Dr. oaaiimai. dui ssetuuau, s ug. atore. ir. O. A. Usaiuiter, lle-U City Nat. P. 4aJl DR. DAH-.it Y, ool brandeis btdg. D. DR. i WILLIAMS, tv tl I t tlranuels Bdg DR. KLHTKIl, m City Nat l Bk. bldg. Daaclagr Aeadesules. Turpln's. KU Paxton Blk. Classes Mon , W ed. and Hat. Prlv. lessons daily. IX loW. Macale's Dancing Aoauemy, 1S1 Harney, Da.ly classes Mon., 'inure.. Hat. evenings. Mlse Jewel Himpaon. 'lei. Webster Ml., Mifts MAR. COLU WEb. 6uM. Moiaod a. Is A Harney. Dancing leaaons Munuay and 1 iday, k p. niA boia phonos. DrweaaaakiagT. Terry's Dressmskmg College, A Far. "TaTmaking byday. Phone Web. 1714. Dressmaking home or tamiusa. Had iia. ' r Ktee kiAkTN U by the oay. D. tlii. Draggtala. REX Drug Store. lth and California. Detect! vee. Omaha secret service detective aaency. Inc. bonded, cal l paxton bk. D. 1419. A-m. CAPT. T. CORMACK, HI Karbauh blk. JAR AU. AN. Neville blk. Tyler 11 Ju. Kverytklaa sCleetrtval. Burgess-Grandon Co., 1611 Howard. D. 481 Eleotrto lighting fix. wholesale and retail. HECOND-HAND F.LKCTR1C FANd, dynamos, Igtitting dynamos, tnotorg. re palra DeBrori. 114 8- Dlh dt. Doug. lift. U. J. CUHRAN, wiring. D. tel. Johneton Kleclrlo Co., 411 8. 10th. D. 464. Polh Kieo. Co. Motor repairing. D. Urocerlee aad Meats. Chapman's quality .maata 140S Cuming. AHaMu C ftva. 1 .h t ita. oOo. Ask grocer Feed MUUaad Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glencos alUls. 233 lsard. fl INSIST UPON PAYING Mf PfMT MERE! , TAKE IVJ w i r w ri r m u w a- -a, i uiu r ar im. Copyright, 1911, by International News Wt JCMTtH I". AMD PlH IT TM THC PAHLOR BI CARFPUL THAT Yau fto NOT H0T TflU Jiivrs! WHERE I.THg PIAN9 TOOL ILJ BUSINESS PERSONALS Florists. A. Donahue, 1607 Farnam. D. 1001. A-10M. HKH3 A BWOHODA. 1415 Farnam 8t. Stewart's, flor.at A seedsmen, lit N. 14. PAUI.SKN, Florist. 1712 brown St BRAN DEI 8 FLORIST, brandeis Hldg. L. HKNDKRHON, 16111 Farnam. D. la. BATH 8, FlXRIBTrt. uoyd 'i heater bdg. BENNKTTH, cut flowers. Doug, 137. PROHPECT Hill Florist. Wr. 4491. Foaadrles. McDonald brass and bronxe foundry, alu mlnum, tin, lead castings. 16th A Jackson. Faraiacea aad Stove Hepalrs. FURNACE AND bloVE REPAIRS to fit your stove or heater. New furnace, laundry tank heaters, gas heaters, ther mostat and Combination warm air and hot water heating, omaha Htove Repair Works. 1204-l.tw Douglas Ht. Tel. Douglas 900. Ind. A-3S21. A. MoNKOm, Agt or the Modern Nov elty warm air furnace; estimates cheer fully given. Doug. 4M. 408 H. lHth. Olson Bros., luinac.e iei;aira. ioiu i-eav'th. THUANM u c- -nipoeii. luinaces J.JJ.I.ViVnJi furnac, repairs. D. 2361. W. 8. Heaton, Amer. furnaces. H. Mxib. Kara. West. Fur. Co., repairs remodels. 1324 Far. Harness, Saddlery, Leather Uood.a FAMOUS Collins saddles. Alfred Cornish A Co., 1210 Farnam. Write for catalogue. Wlchert. harnows. u aii.er goods. ojO H. U. Hospitals. WISE MEMORIAL. 24th and Harney. Bethany hospital. ZuM Marcy. D. 2s4. SWEDISH MISSION HoSPlTAU Two phonee. 8708 N. 24th St. , Isisrssee. BiL BTRNE, surety bonds, Insurance. Tel. D. 1320, Ind. A-1503. 62 City Nafl Bk. INSURE in the Woodmen of the Hon world s greatest organisa- John Dale A Son. Insurance. 8ii Ramge. INSURE IN THE GLEN FALLS. Rhotlea-Montgomery Co. Ine. Ramge bk. TALK TO VEST, "the policy placer." Iron aad Wire Feaclna;, Anchor Fence Co., 207 N. it. Tel. Red B14 Jewelry, Dlamoade and Watches. OKT yotir bargains at Reynolds' Cut Rate Jewelry Store, 103 B. lth. OPEN up a.charge account with ua A. Mandelberg. Jeweler, 1621 Farnam. Jewelry and clothing bargains, gul 8, H. Laaadrlea. FRENCH Hand Ijtundry. Tel. H. 6834. l a Tu i.kuu i..."..-. r - -- , i, aua.ianiv.iu UrilT- rv' an short notice. Harney 4374. EMERSON Laundry, im N. 14th bt Both phones. GUARANTEE Laundry. High-grade work. Douglas S37S. " Llghtatas: nods. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co. MS N. 17th. Macaroni Manufacturers. Skinner's macaroni A spaghetti; pkg. 10c. Lantber. M. Gross Lumber A Wrecking Co. Bar gains In lumber, plumbing, macnlnery and steam fitting, list and Paul. Web. 1&4. Millinery. PRNNELL Millinery. Paxton Blk. Latest fall millinery. Rauber. 1424 8. 14th. Men...... M....l..e. J. F. Bloom A Co.. 17th and Cuming 8ts. Maslo, Art aad Uagugtt HANSEN' T. M.k . .1 I . . . . viaiioiirt and violin. (US. 8 H 6o09. STKAWiN' f- p,,ino ler. sight ... - ... .a, H. J. Book, singing, piano. Davldge Ml k . - w. - - .11. , im, M A WTI M H- HI ra 11 . wwdii, enamel ana or- i unmnge tug. Harney 8HS. Movln. Storage" and Cleanlae. OMAHA Van A Storage Co.. cleans your carpets on your tloors; electric vacuum cleaners, S04 a 16th; 3U9 S. 17th. MO VlNQPUuo nd '""'Iture, etor !, . " Douglas Express A bag gage Co. lim Ht Mary's Ave. D. 34S3. CALL Vernor for moving and fire proof storage. Office. A.JI57 A Doug. 115S- W a It k in M UK T.I.. hi, a. , . . ........ v. . , m J WWII Alia, J7-011S, furniture packing; fireproof storage, citv oftioe. 8. 17th. Doug. a4;' I nd. B-124 Twin City Expre 1314 Howard. Both Tel r uriiituie niuv., n.rn i pk m. .y,4s. Cole Express A Htorage Co., 1614 Cap. Ava Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, Mg- brsndels The. Bldg. Katneryn Nikuias, aai-e branueis T neater. Opticians. B. F. Wurn. fitting ai rep'g. 441 Brandeis. fcY'Kj EXAMINED, GLAftSEa FITTED -eaiiBiuvuwii giMiauieeu. xiuieson Opti cal Co.. lit ft. iuu bt OST your eyes examined by a licensed optometries save your eyesight, aiso money. Handwall Jeweiry Co.. ave 8. lath. MELT me at Aaron a. luih and FarnamT tTXTO ,",ed nd glasses ex n. Y H,wi pertly tilted. DEAN T. " -GREGG. Reg. Optician. Oysters. David Cole Oyster Co. Wholeeale only. Palais and bin as. Barker Bros. Paint Co., 1S0SH samam. Ind. A-l21; Douglas. 47SA. We do picture framing and glaxuig. Epeclal discount this month on Patut Uiaaa. Varnishse and Wall Paper. Paper lee panics. Westsrn Paper Co.. 16th snd Howard. laotogsaTners- SnppileZ THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. Ull-U Farnam, In their uew store; branuh atere, ad 8. lth. Pa teat e. HIRAM A. 9TURGE8. patent lawyer, U. 8, end foreign paienie. trademaras and copyrights; ti, years' txpenence, M braadeig I'Uuiti: Hid. Jti luu. Un. pr ai. Bervlca. rrou u NOT BE. TOM I 00 NOT WANT 10 BE ONCER NO OBUG.V NOW.. YOU WANT CLOTHES SHOES !And' hats for too TIONS TO WIFE AND THREE CHILDREN". NOgOOT! LfeH-iL DOCTOR SILL AND INSURANCE FWPL BUSINESS PERSONALS r tents. T. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Wlllard Eddy. U. 8. Pt attorney and solicitor 1.U0 City Nat. Bk. Tyler 1530. Phonographs. RDISON phonographs, Bchulti Bros., 1i4 Farnsm. . Phbtogrrophors. Rlnehart photogrSpher. 11th A Fftrnatn. bandberg's Studio 107 B. 14th. Take elsv. Rembrandt studio; portraits. KlA Farn. PltfyinS Birdie Porter Benedict mJi.KJi3 pnoto gallery st 8904 6. 14th St Highest grsda photo work. Csblneta, 12 snd i per dosen. Postcards, Hi for 11. Plans heirs. Omaha Plumbing Co., Hit Sherman Ate. Plumbing-Call Wessmsq, H. 8091. A-1027 Heverness A Ohye. Tyler 1877. A -182.1 Plurniing and lleating y11 REPAIR WORK. 170R Jacktaon St D. WL T. F. belle, plumbing and heatlna;. 1607 Howard St Tel. D. 741. Ind. A-274L Physlclana. DR. ELEANOR DAILET. U Wool worth. Red 6167. Platlnsr. OMAHA SILVER CO.. 114 8. 11th. Neb. Plaunr A W,l, din Cu.,134i Howard. Printing;. Lew. W. EaberTPrinter S;ugh?oni8 BEBBLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. AM. Prinuns t.u., .a i utn.ug u. 47, . phone ind. A-jtAi tor good printing. ht".i mum lo.. mtn at uapnoi Ave. Reis-Hali ptg. -o.. lo b. 14tn. Ind. A-3624 Restanraata. JOHNSON CAFE, under new manage ment; best 25c meal. 320 8. 19th St. UNlwUM. Restaurant. Ml b. 14th; first class chop suey house; Amerlean and Chinese dishes. Sam Joe, manager. Baxter's tine quick lunuh. Irtlfe Farnam GE1 the habit; eat iti I neeia. cap. Ave. New Eng. bskeiy. best luncn. 212 N Hith. EAT KObHEH AoMHi COOKING. ARK1N8. HI 8. 15th. Upstairs. MODEL rest., best service lads Howard. GONZALiuH, Hpanihh taie. lola Karnam. r.iuhi'u.1 i . . - - . - - --'.. w v.i,, iuainf , uuu Lous ing; fine liquors. Private dining rooms. liOg Farnam. Shoeaaaklnc and Shining- Parlors. C. Morgan, lst-clsss shoe repairs. ldo7 Leav Csonka bros., Macn. bnoe Repairs, til a. loin nt- L Sporting; Goads. NEW shopworn guns at low prices. Townsend Gun Co.. 1514 Farnam. Stammering; and StattertngT. STAMMERING and stuttering cured. JULIA VAUGHN. Ramge Bldg. Steel Task aad Calvert Cosapaales. NEBRASKA snd Iowa Steel Tank Company, 14th and Nicholas. D. 1889. Stenographers and Coart Reporters. MYRTLE A. KELLEY. depositions, etc. 70S Brandeis Theater. D. 66X2. Storm Doora aad Windows. Omaha Window Scrn. Co. 24 N. 1 D. 441 Tailoring;. WB are now located at 105 Paxton block, b. G. Ruffner Tailoring Co. HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall suit Dunham A Dunham,- $11 suits. Ill 8. 16. FOR TAILORS W's make high-class coats: reasonable prices. 209 Boston Store. R. A. Williams, clothee altered. 24 A Lake. D. TONGE. ladles' snd gents' tailor, 80$ I mniiu nrWlYl infanta malt,, wanlawt VI v .( rls, 11 Brown blk. Taxlderautats. Aulabaugh. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. SKI. Teats aad Avealngs. OMATTA Tent Co. Tel. 13 Douglas. Trnnks aad Salt Cases. Frellng A Stelnle. 1803 Farnam Bt. ' Tarklsh bathe. Ladles', gents.' Turkish baths. 16 a Doug. I Bsbrellaa. WESTERN Umbrella Co., 1H1 Farnam. Wis Maaafactarera. SEE Monbelt's wigs, toupees. 411 g. jg D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Freneer blk. Wlaee aad Llaaora. MAT A CO.. family liquors. 1108 Douglaa Automatic Phone Bus s. 12; resldsnoe. 11. T. J. Hart, liquors and cigars. 602 N. 14th. ED. DOTHEltYfc!;1"1', A,"v. cigars. Cafe In connection. Ill a 14th bt - ... ' - ..... EI Custl?k l.roa llmuir, - jii.K A.. .- , a . a.',u mi.va. C. Kngeiianuer. hpuois. clears, Itll Dodge. vtil.iajiiv springs oeer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. A lax Jataa . lloi iu,ui.. Loftman. 4-yr-old why, 10c drink. 14 A Har. Hansen's Family Liquors, ua Cklcago FOR a dainty dessert us lialaali' inm cream. If Mrs. T. Hoff. 137 8. 17th St. will corns to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine loe cream. EDUCATION A L HT. DEHCHMAN 8 Day Academy for young ladles. 17th and Bt Mary s Ava THE FALL) TERM OF " Boyles College N IS NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY TIME. Complete courses In Business. Bookkeep ing, Btenogrsphy, Telegrsphy. Civil Serv ice and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready snd free for the asking. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address H. U. boyles, president. Boyjtjj Cullqse BulidJnfc, Omaha. Neb. , ' NOW.YOM 'ill SEND uf THE coal right awat and MADAME THIS AUTO WILL CAU FOR 1aJ EVtRY PAY AT TWO AN TAKE YOU AND THF BABiEi FOR A RlDP ! NEVER MIN6 THE RENT! JUST DON'T MOVE OUT , CP HOUSE. I HATS i EDUCATIONAL OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST." Day snd evening sessions all the year. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. Ztrtman, Pres., 19th and Farnam. A. POPP, teacher writing, Latin, Ger man and cornet 1711 Dodge. D. 2171 EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN It. AZ1M, 1823 FABNAM ST. ORIENTAL BAZAAR Tour loapeotioa Invited to see the grand display of magnificent handwork. Our prices are extremely reasonable. One trial will convince you. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO., dress pleatlngs, buttons covered, all sizes and styles, Doug. Blk. Doug. 1930, A -19.. CHIODO. Ladles' Tailor. 214 8. lftth St LADIES' Beaver Hats Cleaned and Re blucked. RAMSER, HATTER, 220 8. 14th. SHERMAN, ladles' tailor. Hayden Bros. CURTAINS, BLANKETS. AND FINE LACE BED SETS CLEANED DOUG. 2733 PRIVATE economical cooking lessons. Webster 2230. HOUSEWIVES wanted to bring their old shears and knlveti to be sharpened by expert wortcmen. H'li Liougias, WASHING Rough dry. 2oo doz. Har ney 4129. IT'S an excellent show at the American theater. If Harry Steele, 1316 Park Ave., will come to The Bee Office withm three days we will give him an order for a pair of. tickets. TT?. A TTTiVITM We manufacture and iJaiUIillO renovate all kinds of p.llows, mattresses, and buy feathers. Omaha Flllow Co., 1721 Cuming. Switches from combings, 11.60; puffs, 15a Special attention to mall orders. Ce cilia Burns, 338 Paxton Blk. D. 6263. 3d fl. WILLOW plumes made from old or new feathers, guaranteed. 1953 S. 11th. D. 7463. HELP WANTED FEMALE Acents, Salesmen aad Solicitors. WORK In neighborhood: pleasant profitable. M 619, Bee. WANTED 10 ladles of good address to canvass the city; light work. Call at 1826 Farnam St. Tueeday morning. WANTED At once, experienced sales wt,man for perfume and toilet goods. Ap ply timekeeper. Id floor Bennett's. - ' Clerical and Office. T WANTED Saleswoman who has had experience In ribbon department Apply superintendent. Brandeis Stores. Factory and Trades. BEAMSTERS for alteration work; good wages, steady work. 2907 Leavenworth. WANTED a young girl to assist in gen eral housework; no washing or cooking. Call Harney 648. WANTED Girls to wrap Woodwarda Real Butter Ccotch and Woodward's Pure Sugar atlck candy. John G. Woodward A Co., Council Bluffs, la. b-APKKHiiNCiiO cnocoiate dipper; good wages; Steady work. Apply 1617 Burt bt WANT KM inimnll.. TTtTi 771 j ' making.- 407 So" 26th Avl r r" , Housekeepers and Domestics. GIRL for general housework; good WasCS. Small tmnllv AIR C a ,k WANTI.1I A al-l . At.l , J boarding house. Tel. Red 6472. W ANTED Experienced girl for general hOUBSWOrk lit n.r mraalr Pl.. second girl and washwoman are em- yioyeu. m a. aotn est A KW iFI H7l fr.m D n r I 1 . small family and good wages. US N. 88th GOOD girl wanted for general house work; small family; good wages; no wsshlng. Call South 21. WANTED A good steady girl for housework; can go home nights; rood Place. 17(18 Lake St " u Women for day work furnlBhed. D. 84. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED-The Bee will run your Domes tlo Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. GIRL for general housework; good wages. 20o South It-th Ave. Hsrney 64Ja. WANTED A good girl lor general housework; email family.- Mrs. B. A. Simon, 1316 8, 12d St Phone Harney 4101. w AM a. D Family wasuing und uay work. Harney Stxt. WANTED Girl for general housework good wagea. 1126 So. 29th. ' WANTED A girl for general house work., Douglas 60. WANTED A Hajh wnmaii i ........ Call W. 6S. WAN! ED A good girl for geneiai housework. 1014 N. 20th St., bo. Omaha Phone South 2317. . AM fc.D Neat girl foe general house work; unlesa f.rst-class cook, do not ap ply. 1314 Dewey Ave. Harnev 1763. WANTED 'two koou girls for cooking and housework. 4-U N. iwth St WANTED Experienced second girl ia Bt Mary's Ave. Douglas 471. WANTED A comDetent maid fne oral housework; no laundry. 634 8. 40th dl 1,1, naniay tju. WANTED Neat girl for general houae UrNo g4uth Bt Mi mUSt "'eeI ' h0m' MUcellaaeoaa. TOUIJO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding piaoee or otherwise assisted. Look tJr our travelers' guide at the Union Station. GIRLS to learn hairdressing; price reasonable. Oppenhelm, 124 City Nat'l bk EVERY person knows who 1) J O'Brien Is. If Mrs. L. A. Brownell 704 N. 10th St.. w;il come to The Bee office within three days ws will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. HELP WANTED MALE Agents. Salesmen and Solicitors. CTTT sslesmey. W. A. Hlxenbaush A Cs. 1114 Ht. VlarVs Ave.. Tel D ia.7. Blgseet and beet ton mania UW DodgrT SIDE LINE tor travehng salman. food seller. W7 liracdtis Tnsater. imaha Neb. SALESMEN Res uiu bring t.gu dy t . Y 1 By Winsor McCay ion! oh Ton'. WAKE UP! THE LANDLORD IS HERE FOR THE rQH WHY DIO YOU WAKE ME RENT MONtY, UP? HUH'. OH". WEIL ! Ml kEEHlMI- HELP WANTED MALE I I. .aft I LADIES AND GK.M LfeMEN. Look, . see. Tho Little Wonder gnse maker, be ing demonstrated at lull Farnam St. Own your own gas at one-half usual cost. IOWA and Nebraska salesmen wanted, representing western Oregon lands; high class subdivision fruit and garden tracts In Willamette Vall-y. Apply lo owners, 128 Brandeis Theater Bldg; AGENTS wanted to sell the beat selling article on the market. To see It Is to buy It. Address William Simmons, Roca, Neb. WANTED Salesmen to Interview tho voters In each county on an entirely new proposition; new census tlgures a fea ture; excellent remuneration; exclusive territory; training given. Address Hand, McNally A Co., Department B. Chicago, MEN wanted to sell trunks for an old established house. To travel In Iowa and Nebraska, Address Gamble, Tenth Floor, Equitable Bldg., bt Louis, Mo. SALESMEN to carry exclusively Im perial line calendars and novelties. "Tho Best." Liberal commission basis. Splen did earnings to men of Industry and brains. Hard workers for permanent business only ones wanted. Now making contracts for 1912. Write business experi ence promptly. Spotswood Specialty Co.. Lexington, Ky. Boys. GORDON press feeders at Lew Rabsrs. Bee Bldg. Clerical and Office. WANTED-6,000 men to bring their dull rasors to Undeland's, 1407 Douglas. Fartory and trades. Drug stores (snaps) jops. Knlest Bee b'g. HAKtlLK shop; baths; no waits, in No. llith. TAILORS wanted; two coatmakers and a man lo do repairing and pressing. Holmes broB., Ames, la. WAN TED Good all around blacksmith; good wages; steady work. National btona Colt 913 Omaha Nat Bank bldg. Miscellaneous. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for theU S. Murine corps, between the ages of 19 and Ho. Must be native born or have urst papers. Monthly pay 116 to 6u. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, cloth ing, quarters and medical attendance free. Alter 30 years service can retire with 76 per cent ot pay and allowances. Servlue on board ship and ashore In all parts of the wond. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Recruiting ofilce. 1406 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. - ABLE bodied men wanted for the U. 8. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 36. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly p y 115 to tti9. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 30 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Ma rine Corps Recruiting Oliice, 1406 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. "CANO' High grade positions. 400 bee. WANTED for U. 8. Army Able-bodied unmarried men. between ages ot Is and 16; citizens of United Slates, of good character and temperate habits, who caa speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to Re crultlng Officer, 13th and Douglaa Bt.. Omana, Neb.; 607 4tb Bt, Sioux City. la 180 N. 10th St Lincoln. Neb. Up 100 MONTH AUTOING. -vVAUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA, NEB. "w'uuarantee more actual reparlng man any other schools. Come see. vV Anl tu-Miu 10 piepa.e lor aulomo bile business, largest and best equipped .nqpe. Natl Auto tiainina Asn. Omaha. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Wo want plain people tor a plain business. For a bread winner you can't beat it. We teach by our own mothod that saves years of apprenticeship. Call or write. Moier barber College. 110 s. 14th bt. GOVERNMENT positions open; Hst showing salaries free. Franklin Institute Dept. H18-1V, Mochester, N. Y. WANTED Live, energetic young man to join me In selling western land; have well established business and a first class proposition; must be willing to come and see me at once and have 4509 to Invest; business will pay from start; act quick. Address Lock Box 22, Otis, Colorado. IOU alu waiiieu ior guvsruaitsut Job; M per month; send postal tor list of posi tions open. Franklin lnsutute. Dept 316 K. Rochester, N. Y. FOR a dainty de.sne.rt use Dalzell's ice cream. If Mrs. J. H. Jewett, 1314 Park; Ave., will come to The bee office within thre riava wa will civ hAi an r.rAm , . a Hum 1 ui ii. a j i una Line ice cream. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed von by both Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroad If you gain your trulnlng In U. P. Training School. Practice on R. K. wires. Address, for particulars, H. li. boyles. Pres. U. 1'. Telegraph School, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED GOOD chance fur man and wife, man as Janitor and lady to run dellcatteseru inquire, uross, tiui B. Lva bt LITE STOCK FOR SALE Horses Sail Vehicles. FOR SALS All klnos of giod horse. Ill N. list Ht. 'Hhors Douitlaa MHO. FOR SALE A good driving mure. b. A. Simon. 2315 S. 32d St. Harney 4101. FOR SALE Good saddler and driver: weight. 1,100 lbs. ' For Sale Good sadler; safe, sound and city broke; weight l.OnO lbs. For Sale Good, sound draft horse; weight, l.o'K) lbs. Just out of hard work. JONES STABLE. Hit Dodge St. FOR SALE A lot of new buggy wheels, 110 a set. Central Implement Co.. 1117 Farnam St LOST AND FOUND FOITNIl ln Teddy bear expert clean- rc.iiiij,a oavius ins1. aoine srilCiO would do well to call uo the office of tbe Omaha A Council bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether tbey left it In the rireet cars. Many articles each dav sre turned la end the company is anxious to restore them to the rlahlful cwnr.-. Call n,,,,.. las 48. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET Dili U'lV rmiD.ir. tn.w-.n. -V , f J. J. 1UL.ND-1 lie be.i plute in town for switches made of your own combing. Mrs. Fiwher. 6u6 H lfth. It. g. Doug. 1795. LOT-Thoroughbred EnKllsh bulldog. 1 year old. red brindle In color with black tiger marling, wearing collar engraved "Merlin-Mahomet. j02 So. fcd AvnT OrruU-a." 'Liberal reaard. Harney' niT V