Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
Thirty Twenty Ten Years Ago
See Editorial Page of each lssut
Snow; Colder
VOL. XLI-XO. 118.
Chinese Leader Recalled from Exile
Will Reorganize the Gov
New Premier Will Conduct Negotia
tions in Person.
It Amounts to Union of the Govern
ment and Revolutionists.
Xht Premier ia Commanded to
Carry Out Reform in Pol
ities and All Other
FEK1XG, Nov. l.-Yunn-Shl-Kal has
been appointed premier of China and he
will organize a new cabinet as soon an
lie assumes his post.
Meanwhile Prince Chine, whom Yuan-Shl-Kal
succeeds, will continue his duties
as acting premier and have as associate
premiers Na-Tung and Hsu-Shlh-Chang,
who up to the present have been vice
presidents of the cabinet.
Prince Chlng has been made president
of the privy council and Na-Tung and
Hsu-Shlh-Chang vice presidents. Wei
Kuang Tao, formerly viceroy of Kwang
Tung province, becomes viceroy of IIu
Feh and IIu Nan provinces, to which
office Yuan-Shl-Kal was elevated when
he was recently recalled from official
banishment ' to restore the Imperial au
thority In the southern provinces.
In the redistribution of offices the
present minister of war. General Yin
Tchang, who was In supreme commund
of Imperial troops until he was super
ceded by Yuan-Shl-Kal, Is made chief of
the general staff.
This much of the program hastily con
structed by the throne in the hope of
appeasing the revolutionists, was made
effective by an imperial edict promul
gated today. Earlier In the day a tele
gram had been received from Yuan-Shl-Kal
In which he asked that he be ap
pointed acting premier and set forth his
Immediate plans for restoring peace. He
Intends to halt all the imperial forces
and order all aggressive campaigning
against the rebels stopped at once. TJien
he proposes to enter without delay Into
negotiations with LI Yuan Ileng, the
head of the revolutionary forces, with a
view to establishing a permanent peace.
' He plans to make his overtures directly
to General Li. and If a personal parley
Is unobtainable In any other way he will
visit the rebel headquarters at Wu
Yuan's proposals amount practically to
union between the government and the
Ilrslernstlons Are Accepted.
The edict accept the resignations of
the ministers, which were tendered fol
lowing the acquiescence of the throne In
the demands of the national assembly and
the. army league. Reference to, Yuan Shi
Kai's future pre-eminence Is made as
"When be has arranged matters a little
In Hu-Pch province, let him come to
Peking and organise a complete cabinet
and carry out immediate reforms In pol
itics and all other matters."
The leaders of the national assembly
met with Yuan's close friends today and
decided that the government should be
required to accept all the demands of the
army league as issued from Lanchau on
October 9. It was also decided to re
ijulre the appointment to high offices of
General LI Yuen Ileng, the rebel com
mander, and Tang-Hua-Lung, the rebel
governor of Hu-Peh.
RAPID CITY, S. D., Nov. 1. That resi
dence upon and cultivation of a home
stead must be made by the heirs of a
claim holder who djes before bis resi
dence time Is up, U the decision of the
secretary of the Interior in a land case
here. The case was the contest of WII
lium Bartseh against the -claim of the
heirs of Thomas Brown. The heirs did
not live on the homestead for more than
a year afxer Brown's death.
The Weather
For Nehraska Generally fair, except
unsettled south portion.
For Iowa Generally fair; colder east
and central portions.
Temperature lit Omaha Yesterday
5 a. m
U a. m
7 a. m
8 a. m
9 u. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m
2 p. m
3 p. m
4 p. m
o p. in
6 p. m
7 p. m
p. m
... 24
... 22
... W)
.... Local Record.
1911. 1910. 1909. 19'.
Highest yesterday 53 lil M
lowest yesterday 2J 41 Xi
Mean temperature 2'. W rJ 41
Precipitation il .00 .M .0)
Temperature and precipitation depart
ure from the normal:
Normal t mpei ami e 4S
Ueflclency fur the day , .
J'olal excess since March 1
Normal precipitation Inch
I tendency for t tit; day 05 inch
TuMI rainfall sine March 1....12.M Inches
I'.eficlency fines March 1 14 4'5 Inches
Ieflclenry for cor. pel lod, l'OO. .13.S4 Inches
'Ueficlency for cor. peiiod, 1WJ.. l.L's Inches
Reports from Stations at T I. M.
Btatlon and State Temp. High- Rain
Of Weather. 7 p. in. est. (all.
Che-nne. snowing 12 1H .on
1'avenport. clear 24 .'! .flu
I'enver, snowing 1H 2! .ul
'leu Moines, c.oudy 24 . T
T'odge City, snowing 23 Hi .52
1-ander clear 24 2'! .01
North Platte, part cloudy IS 22 T
fmiaha, clear 22 ?4 .01
Pueblo, suowinrr 22 3') ."2
Rapid City, clear 14 it .'!
Fait LnKe, clear 4X It .)
Kama b'e, cloudy i T
Sheridan, clear 22 ?l .OH
Sioux City, clear 14 ? .10
Valentine, clear 14 1
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation,
Indicates below sero.
i A. Welsh, LouU Forecaster.
Stephenson Says
Evidenco Against
Him Proves Nothing
MILWAUKEE, Nov. l.-The Vnlted
States senate committee which for a
month has been Investigating charges of
bribery In the election of Senator Isaac
Stephenson, today adjourned Its hearings
In Milwaukee, to meet later In Washing
ton. Edward Hlnes, the lumberman, today
again denied before the committee that
he had anything to do wrongfully with
the election of Senator Isaac Stephenson.
"A story has been told before this com
mittee that you attempted to obstruct the
'election of Mr. Stephenson with a view of
obtaining money from him; that you
went to Washington and suggested he
put up half of the 1110,000 to put thv
election over. Is that true?" Mr. Maes
was asked.
"It's absolutely untrue." replied Mr.
"It has been stated that you had a
dispute with Robert J. Shields over the
amount of money Shields was to get for
putting over Benator Stephenson's elec
tion; that in that dispute you threatened
to send Shields to the penitentiary and
that when so threatened Shields replied
to you: "I have burnt your buildings for
you, have bribed the assessors for you
and committed every crime In the cal
endar for you except murder, and If I
go to the penitentiary you will have to
go too.' Did any such dispute take
"I never had a dispute with Shields
over Senator Stephenson's election, nor
did I ever pay him any money In con
nection with It."
Senator Stephenson, the last witness,
repeated nls former testimony that while
he expended $107,793 In the primary cam
paign of 1908 for nomination he had given
little attention as to how the money Was
The senator declared he never knew
Robert J. Shields and that he never had
had any political dealings with Kdward
Senator Stephenson said after adjourn
ment: "I am confident there has not been
presented any evidence on which to sus
tain any of the charges."
Buffalo Bill Will
Spend Remaining
Years in Big Horn
RICHMOND. Vs., Nov. 1. Col. Wil
liam F. Cody, "Buffalo Bill" to all the
world, retired from public life tonight.
His show .was packed off to winter quar
ters and his Indians will return to their
tepees in what Is left of the red man's
land, while "Buffalo Bill" Intends to
spend his remaining years in the Wyom
ing Big Horn, where he helped mako
American hlrtory.
Purine a career which began as a
pony express rider, led him through more
Indian battles -than any - other living
white 'man, and Included twenty-eight
year as a showman, Colonel Cody be
came known as one of the most pic
turesque figures of American frontier
life. .
The sobriquet "Buffalo Bill" he earned
In the early 0'a, when he contracted to
furnish, buffalo meat to the laborers on
the building of the Kansas Paclfio rail
road, and In less than eighteen months
he killed 4,280 bison.
Body of Pulitzer
Is Laid to Rest in
Woodlawn Cemetery
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. The Episcopal
church performed the last rites this af
ternoon over Joseph Pulitzer, tha dead
newspaper publisher. Burial was ut
Woodlawn cemetery. The choir of St.
Thomas', where the services were held,
sang the music of which Mr. Pulitzer,
during his lifetime was most fond. The
mourners Included so many of his former
employes and personal friends that there
was little room for the public. The hon
orary bearers were Nicholas Murray But
ler, Lewis L. Clarke, Colonel George B.
Harvey, Frederick H. Judson, General
John B. Henderson, Seth Low, St. Clair
McKelway, Georgo L. Rives, Dr. James
W. McLane and J. Angus Shaw.
If. was planned that for five minutes at
the funeral hour the machinery in the
offices of the New York World and the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch would stand still.
Subpoenas Served
On Steel Magnates
NEW YORK. Nov. l.-6ubpoenaa In the
government's dissolution suit have been
served against the United States Steel
corporation on J. P. Morgan, Charles
Steele, Andrew Carnegie, James Gayley,
Edmund C. Converse, Daniel G. Held,
Norman B. Ream, John D. Rockefeller,
Jr.; James X. Hill, E. II. Gary, the
United flatea Steel corporation, Fed
eral Steel company. Lake Superior Con
solidated Iron mines and the Union Steel
company. John TV Rockefeller will be
served at his home In Pucantlco Hills.
DENISON, la., Nov. l.-(Speclal.)-The
city authorities of Denlson believe they
have hilpd to solve the problem of pre
venting the malicious mischief usually
done by the boys and young men on Hal
lowe'en. It is by arranging another at
traction for the boys that evening.
Last year damage was done In this city
to the amount of over 11.000 by overturn
ing and burning up sheds and outbuild
ings, damage to buggies and anything
movable. For this year the mayor, coun
cil and publlc-mlnded citizens arranged a
big gathering of the young men In the
assembly room of the city hall. Provision
was made for an orchestra, music, enter-
tailing Kiwukeis, clears and tables for
caids. The boys entered into the spirit
of the occasion ami helped provide the
cofce and supper. So with muuV, singing,
speeches, story telling, duno'n;; mid ghmes
some were so Interested tiny did not go
home until after 1 o'clock In the morn
ing. The morning of November 1 arrived
nd the community awoke to find no
damage, and the boys declared they liked
the new way much better.
Secretary of Nary Says Effective
ness of Organization Has
Been Proved.
Greatest Mobilization in History of
United States.
Naval Officers Favor Creation of
Vice Admiralship.
Secretary Meyer Kas Mobilisation
Demonstrates eed for Greater
IS amber of Knllttvtt Men
for Reserve Fleet.
NEW YORK, Nov. l.-"The fleet has
demonstrated Its preparedness for any
emergency and has Known the effective
ness of the present organization."
George Von L. Meyer, secretary of the
navy, smiled as he made this statement
tills evening on board the president's
yacht Mayflower, after having Inspected
ninety-nine fighting ships of the Atlantlo
fleet assembled In the Hudson river for
the greatest mobilization In the history
of the American navy. President Taft
will review the fleet tomorrow as It
passes out to sea and, though the Pali
sades and the shores of the Hudson will
-echo back a greater number of salutes
than was accorded the secretary today,
Mr. Meyer says he Is satisfied with what
he saw today.
' Meyer Visits Flaarshlnn.
Leaving the Mayflower In a speedy
launch, after having received on board
Rear Admiral Oslerhaus, the commander
In chief, and the division commanders,
the secretary paid visits to the flagships
of the fleet, standing erect In the launch
with silk hat held firm and frock coat
flopping as he sped from ship to ship
In the face of a twenty-mile nor' by
nor'west wind. The Mayflower fired a
salutt of nineteen guns as he left her
side and this salute was repeated by
each of the seven flagships that he
boarded, beginning with the little Dixie,
tender of the torpedo fleet.
His calls completed, the secretary re
boarded the Mayflower, which had
steamed to the upper end of the seven
miles of warships and passed slowly
southward along the entire line, each
ship saluting nineteen times as he passed.
The echoes roared back from the New
York shore after an interval so long
that It seemed as If a second bombard
ment were going on ' In the streets of
Harlem. It was 5:10 o'clock when he
repassed the Connecticut on hla return
trip, marking the end of -the day's for
malities. Would IJnv Vice
Members of the house committee on
naval affairs followed the secretary on
his visits to each' flagship and were
honored with a salute of seventeen guns.
They, too, were gratified with- the ap
parent efficiency and preparedness of
the fleet and when the party reassembled
on fno Mayflower' hope was expressed
that congress mig-h-t see fit to create the
position of vice admiral.
"The rank of the commandcr-tn-chlef
should bo commensurate with his great
responsibilities," said Secretary Meyer,
"and it is due his position that he should
have the rank of vice admiral."
Rear Admirals Walnwright, Vreeland,
Potter and Fletcher, acting as the secre
tary's aides, endorsed this expression and
hoped also that the position of vice
admiral would be created.
"This mobilization also has demon
strated," continued Secretary Meyer,
"that for our reserve fleet we should
have a greater number of eulisted men.
I have anticipated this In part by asking
for 2,000 more men In this year's esti
mates,, which have now gone to the
Treasury department. These estimates
provide for the maintenance and addi
tion of these men, but they are no larger
than those of last year."
JVoted Visitors Present.
Besides the congressmen and other
prominent guests aboard the Mayflower
this afternocn, attaches of four foreign
nations were present. They were Captain
O. F. G. Sowerby of England, . Com
mander Retzman of Germany, Com
mander Tokutaro Hlraga of Japan and
Commander Vassllleff of Russia. There
were also present Senators Root and
O'Uorman of New York, Mayor Gaynor,
Attorney General Wlokersham, Secretary
of the Interior Fisher and others. The
two latter accompanied Mr. Meyer on
his visit to the flagships.
Two slim-nosed destroyers, painted
green, patrolled the courso during the
inspection and there was no untoward
Incident throughout. About 200,000 per
sons witnessed the spectacle from the
New York shore and gaily decked har
bor craft boro other thousands up and
down the line. Each warship crashed
forth the "Star-Spanglsd Banner" when
either the secretary's Large or the May
flower drew neir, the crews manned the
rails and those ships which he boarded
hoisted the secretary's flag with Its blue
fieid, white anchor and iour stars.
It was announced early In the day
that all the fleet would not salute the
secretary as he passed back along the
line, but these arrangements were
changed as the Inspection progressed.
The ships did not dress in rainbou- colors
as had been expected, but reserved this
hoiur for t'.e president.
EAST ST. LOflS. III., Nov. l.-Twenty
t'nlted States deputy marshals relieved
the local police today as guards of the
Illinois Central - property during the
strike. Th railroad;) also dispensed with
the 'services of Ilia special guards. Fcd
eial Intervention Is the result of Judge
Wright's -decent order restraining the
sti liters from damaging the property.
MILWAUKEE, Nov. l.-.Mra. Lillian
M. N. Stevens of Portland, Me., was
today re-elected to tine presidency of the
National Woman's Christian Temperance
union. The ether officers were also reelected.
From the St. lunula Times.
Lawyers in Lorimer Case Have Vio
lent Verbal Bouts.
State's Attorney Darke of Spring
field Questioned A boat Holts
law's Appearance Before
the Grain 4 Jury..
CHICAGO, Nov. l.-Attorney Hanecy
of counsel for Mr. Lorimer and Attorney
Healy of counsel "for the committee
clashed sharply and were reprimanded
by Chairman Dillingham today before the
federal senatorial committee Investigating
the Lorimer election, - '
The verbal bout between the two law
yers occurred during the cross-examination
of State's Attorney Burke of Spring
field, . and continued several minutes,
while Senator Dillingham rapped ; for
order and directed the attorneys to cease
the exchange of personalities.
The trouble began when Attorney Healy
Interrupted Attorney Hanecy by saying:
"The witness has answered that ques
tion a doien times and I make objection
to this delay."
Hanecy: "t want to say that I Intend
to get these answers In chronological
order and I Son't Intend lo be suppressed
by this person over here," (Indicating At
torney Healy).
Healy: "Well, I think the chairman
should suppress counssl for Mr. Lorimer."
Hanecy: "You cr.n't suppress me, and I
will get these answers."
Healy: "I think such tactics should be
eliminated from the hearings."
Hanecy: "Well, I want to say that
you can't suppress me or railroad me, and
further, I want to deolare myself now.
that you are not going to railroad my
Client, either."
Questions About Waron.
Asked about the actions of State's At
torney Wayman of Cook eounty, Burke
"I wish to say In Justice to Mr. Way
man and to Attorney General Stead that
at the time they may have thought I was
trying to build a 'back fire against the
lnestigatlon In Cook county. That may
explain their attempt to head me orr in
Sangamon county."
Attorney Hanecy. "Were you, as a
matter of fuct, trying to interfere with
the Investigation In Cook county?"
"No, sir, I was not."
Burke then told that former State Rep
resentative Michael Link was called be
fore the court at Springfield and ordered
under threat of contempt proceedings to
testify before the grand Jury. Link then
appeared and was asked only one ques
tion. 'Link was asked If he had been of
fered or had received money In Sanga-
. - ; . : I J l.l
mon county to vote tor mmiuhi "
he had not." wald the witness.
Attorney Hanecy asked the witness If
It were not true that when State Sen
ator Holstlaw was offered Immunity It
was on the direct understanding that
Holstlaw would admit receiving money
for his vote for lorimer.
"No, Ihut Is not true." replied Burke.
He asked to return to tho gtand Jury
room nd correct his testimony In rela
tion to the furniture deal, wherein he
had sworn that he had not written a let
ter to the agent for the C'hirafcu firm."
Burke later denied that the question of
the senatorial election was nanud spe
cifically In discussions with Holstlaw's
attorneys regarding Immunity for tlulr
LAS PALMAS, Canary Islands, Nov. 1.
Twenty-four persons were drowned
when the French steamer Iilollbali sank
at sea. The I!ollbah was ' towing the
Fronch steamer Uberla for Marseilles
when the latter fouled It. The Liberia
was picked up by the German steamer
Elmshorn and towed in here today In a
dangerous condition.
More Black Hand
T V 9
Two Men Killed
and One Wounded
by Deer Hunter
MAYS LANDING, N. J., Nov. l.-Mls-taken
for deer In the gloom of the early
dawn. Constant Steelman and John Yost,
business men of Pleasantvltle, were killed
and William Jarvls of the same plaoe
was Injured today when a hunter fired
at them at Weymouth, six mile from
here. Tha man alleged to have made the
fatal mistake Is said to be Charles
Nprcroas, ft stranger In the neighborhood.
Steelman Is In the oil business, Yost, a
furniture dealer, and Jarvla, left I'leas
antvllle at midnight with two friends
to hunt deer. The deer season opened
today and- hunting Is permitted only on
Wednesdays In November, consequently
the woods were filled with sportsmen.
The party spent the night In the woods
near Weymouth and about daybreak the
hunters were walking down a road
toward their stand. Without warning a
shot was fired from the heavy under
brush on the roadside and Steelman, Yost
and Jarvis fell. A moment later the man
who fired the buckshot stepped Into the
road. '
The hunter who fired the fatal shot Is
under surveillance and can be taken Into
custody at a moment's notice in cuse the
police want him.
Says the President
- Will Have Salaried
Publicity Agent
DES MOINKS. Nov. l.-"The time will
come' when the president of the United
States will have a trained and salaried
publicity agent," declared George E.
Itoberts, director of the mint, In an ad
dress before the D.'S Moines Ad Men's
club last night.
Mr. Itoberts eulogized President Taft,
expressing the conviction that the chief
executive would be renominated and re
elected next year. He declared that Taft
was misunderstood throughout the middle
west and that factionalism In the re
publican party was responsible for it.
"When prosperity came back to the
country after McKlnloy's first election,"
said Mr. Itoberts, "the di-mocratio party
almost disappeared as a factor In affairs,
and nuturully all political controversies
developed within the republican party."
Motion to Expedite
Suit Against Ohio
Coal Railroads
COHIHl.'S. O., Nov. 1. Determined to
follow President Tuft's policy of quick
action in the anti-trust cases, Attorney
General Wlckerslium today filed a certi
ficate of expedit.on In tho I'nlted Stales
court here that the canes against tlio
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern and
other railroads and coal companies who
were charged with violating the Sherman
anti-trust law In a suit brought several
weeks ago by the government be given
precedence over other rases and be tried
at once.
Madero's Train is
Wrecked Near Torren
TOJIUICON. Mexico, Nov. l.-The special
train on the. Mexican Central railway
canylng Pres dent-elect M micro and Ids
party from Chihuahua to the capital
collided head-on with a freight train near
Gomes Palaclo early today. The Madero
party escaped unharmed, but Trainmaster
Alberto Sanchex of Gov.iez I 'a I a do was
killed. With Madero were Alberto Madero
and his wife. Governor A brain Gonzales
of Chihuahua and General paaqual
Executive Makes Address at Uni
versity of West Virginia.
Governor Glassroek and Staff
Participate In the F.sercUrs
Will Talk More of the
,. Treaties.
MORGANTOWN, W. Va . Nov. !.
President Taft and his part arrlyved here
at 3 o olock a. m. from Pittsburgh to par
Helpate In the Installation of Thomas R
Hodges as president of the Vnlverslty of
nest Virginia. The president left his
car at o'clock and was met by a com
mittee from tho Morgantown and West
Virginia, Boards of Trade, and Governor
Olassoock and his staff, who escorted him
to the residence of Dr. White, where he
breakfasted. At 11 o'clock he addressed
the student body from the steps of Mar
tin hull.
From now on the president will dovote
inucn nine to speaking about the treaties
And It IS known that V, ho. .nllalaA Bno-
retnry of State Knox In the fight to have
me senate raitry tliem.
Mr. Knox will make a speech about tho
peace pacts n Cincinnati next week,
probably after Mr. Tft hi..if i ihnr.
lo vote and to keep a'speaklng engage
ment, j ne president may refer to tho
treaties In hla ninclnnsti AAr.. xr-
Knox Is expected to go thoroughly Into
me suujeci or arbitration.
Between the time ha aDcaks In C nrln.
tiafl and tho ouenlnv nf rnmrr... in De
cember the secretary of state probably
will have additional opportunities to make
clear his views on the treaties which he
drafted for the United Rtateu T'r m
more than a dosen United States senators
uuve expressed their Intention of voting
for the treatbiH and thm I.,..
- .... I.L.IUCII, nu,e
to Increase that number before he reaches
rvaiiiHgton late next week.
The program for the president's nnv in
Morgantown, ""the first West Virginia
town on nts schedule, was not long. It
Included an autrmoblle ride through the
city, an address, and Mr. Taft's presence
ut the Inauguration as DreMl.lini ,r u,
university of West Virginia of Thomas
II.... V i
uuugrs. leaving mere the president will
go by special train to Washington en
route to New York.
New Orleans Negro
Killed After He Had
Shot Two Policemen
.Mi.N OHbKANS. Nov. 1. Two nulrnl.
men were moi-tally wounded and several
persons nurt when an unidentified nccro,
who was later shot to death, tun wild
on an Algiers fcrrybout toduy. As tho
ferry approached the Algiers landing the
negro apilcared on deck a'ld declared he
was "going to get a white man," where
upon hn began firing. Policemen Georgo
A. ItuHscll and Jovenli l a I Inter
fered anil they wrro shut down. Immedi
ately a crowd cloned In on the negro, who
was killed after he had wounded several
of the crowd, using his gun as a club.
Double Suicide
at Wooster, Ohio
WOOSTlCIt, Ohio, Nov. l.-What ap
pears to have been u double suicide de
veloped today when Lewis Billiard, aged
3'i yeurs old, wus found dead In Wooster
cemetery with an empty bottle which
contained Ktrychnlne by Ills side. Mlas
Cuniien Humphrey, aged 10 years, to
whom Billiard was engigeri, died In con
vulsions last night at her home after
attending a Hallowe'en party witli Bil
liard. In a notebook found in Billiard s room
he had written:
"Dtar Mother Forgive me.' Bury us
together. HUFL'B."
Police in Chicago Investigating Pev
cnliar Series of Demises of Rela
tives and Friends.
Policeman Sweetheart's Sadden
Passing Arouses Suspicion.
Three Children and Two Husbands
Lose Their Lives.
Positive F.ldenee of Any Crime
Yet IHsenvered and Widow Pro.
tests Hresnut she Is llelil
I mlrr Nurvrllnnee.
CHICAGO. Nov. 1. Chicago police to-l
day pursued their Investigation Into the
deaths of nearly half a score of relative
and Hcnunlntum-es of Mrs. Louise Veil
nnlya to make certain whether the slml
liar demises constituted only a remarkl
able series of coincidences, as Mrs. Ver-
nillya asserts. f
Nine deaths are Included In the l
list with which Mrs. Vermllya's name hi
been connected. Including two htmhatvl
two tsep-chlldren, three children and tv
roomers at boarding houses she kept.
rending the report or toxicoiogisis wu m
are examining the viscera of the last of 1
ifio irrnMun wiinpt! m'Hinfl nave uixuucu
beneath Mrs. Vermllya's roof, the police
have made no arrests. No positive evl
dence of crime bus been uncovered.
New Fnets Disclosed.
From letters received by Hie police and
from separate Investigations the following
new facts became known today:
That while Mrs. Vermllya has said one
of the members of the death roster, Rich
ard T. Hmith, a conductor, was only a
boarder at her home, a former roomer
asserts the two claimed previously to
have been married and that they lived
together as man and wife.
That while the woman told the police
she had assisted an undertaker at Crystal
Lake, a former home. In embalming
bodies, the undertaker there denies she
ever nad any such experience. She gave
thla as a reason why she could d Incuse
the deaths with composure.
That H. N. Brulngton, a photographer
of Peoria, and brother-in-law of . the
conductor. Smith, had made love to the
widow following Smith's death so as to
Investigate suspicions he then had about
the reason for his relative's demise. That
the widow had told him part of her
matrlmoniul history, which he desired to
give to the coroner.
That Smith died during convulsions
and after drinking some substance, but
that tho doctors gave the cause of death,
from descriptions of symptoms given by -the
widow, as acuta gastritis.
Wldon- Talked of Death.
Photographer Bruington'a story relat
ing tho confidential talks he had with
the widow while he was courting her
was expected to develop new Interest. In
a talk with the police of Peoria he said
Mrs. Vermllya had periods of mental
depression In which she wus fond ot
talking of death and the many visits
It had made to thoso near and dear to
her. Ho said to the police:
"She told me It seemed strange to her
that nearly everyone she knew well and
cared for died, and asked me if I was
afraid of death."
A new coincidence developed today, fol
lowing the sudden Illness of Mrs. Ver
mllya herself, when a sister living In
the house adjoining, Mrs. Mary Duchholx,
suddenly became 111.
Mrs. Vermllya told Inquirers today she
had never studied medicine nor sought
to become a nurse, as had been reported,
but that she had some little knowledge
of medidne that she had acquired to
enable her to bo of aid to neighbors and
relatives In time of Illness. She asserted
she was Innocent and condemned the po
lice for maintaining a surveillance over
her. ,
Pecnllar Deaths.
The deaths which are being looked Into
Fred Brlnkamp, first husband of Mrs.
Vetmilya, died on farm near Bairlng
ton, 111., after brief Illness.
Charles Vermllya, second husband,' died
after six days' Illness of "gastritis" at
Maplewood, 111.
Florence Brlnkamp, 4-year-old daugh
ter, died at Harrington.
Cora Brlnkamp, 8-year-old daughter,
died at Harrington.
Harry C. Veiin.lya, stepson, 35 years
Lillian Brlnkamp, stepdaughter, 20 years
Frank Brlnkamp, son, died of pneu
monia in Chicago.
ltlchard T. Smith, conductor, and re
ported to be third husband. He boarded
at her home.
Arthur Biftsonnette, policeman, roomer,
to whom she was engaged to be married,
died of "gastritis" last Thursday.
It was the suddenness ot Blssonnette'a
death, coupled with tho widow's state
ment that ho was addicted to drink,
win leas members ot the police force had
known him as an abstainer, that
prompted the Investigation and a deter
mination of the coroner to have the
policeman's viscera examined by a toxi
cologic. Professor Walter Haines, a
poison expert, who testified In the Hyde
murder trial at Kansas City, Is makint
the examination, and expects to report
by Friday, he announced today.
The coroner left today for Harrington.
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