Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tin; omaha. wkdnkkday. m j;.ui5ijk i. i:n.
Decision in Safety Appliance Act
Foreshadow! Thii.
J tic Yanderenter Hold Tkal
Art Applies la All Kejalpmeat
am lllnhvmr Inter
state Com merer.
WASHINGTON. Oct St. Comflete rnn
trol ftf the, rallroada of the country hy
the Interstate Commerce commission and
virtual elimination of the state commls
alone from auch control In foreshadowed
In an opinion glin yesterday by th
auprem court of tha t'nlted Ftate. The
"court htld that hereafter all locomotive,
cara or other equipment used on any rail
road which la a highway of Interstate
commerce must comply with the federal
afety appliance act.
In Ita opinion tha court held lhat com
pliance., with federal law la compulsory
on all rallroada which are engaged In the
transportation of persons or freight from
one state to another, elaborating thin,
howev.r. It held lhat the cars or equip
ment f-such road?, even IT engraved in
auch transportation within the confines
of a ataU. munt be considered ait pnrt
and parcel of the road, and therefore
completely under the Jurisdiction of the
federal corr,mislon.
rtulln luanloinaa.
Members of the Interstate Commerce
commlaalon, who have been embarrassed
on numerous occasions by clashes of au
thority with, state commissions are Jubi
lant at the ruling of the supreme court,
which waa unanimous.
Referring to the court's opinion. Com
missioner Franklin K. Lano declared It
meant, eventually, that there Is to be no
dual control of Interstate carriers.
Tha determination of this mooted ques
tion was laid down In an opinion by Jus
tice Vandevanter ,n a case Instituted by
the government asalnst the Houlhern rail
way. The point at Issue waa whether the
federal act applied In the case of a ship
ment from one point In Alabama to an
other point In the same state, the ship
ment being in an Improperly equipped
car. The Jower Courts held that there
had been a delation of the law and their
Judrmeut waa sustained by the supreme
Iphold Matetr Appliance Act.
Justloe Vandevanter held that tha law
applied to all equipment on a highway
of Interstate commerce, whether at the
tlma It was carrying Interstate or Intra,
state commerce. He then held and was
sustained by the court's unanimous opin
ion that the safety appliance act waa
"Speaking only of rallroada which are
highways of both Interstate and Intra
state commerce," says Justice Vande
vanter, "these thing are of common
knowledge-both classes of traffic are at
timet carried In the aame car and when
thla la not the case the cars In which
they. Are carrleu are frequently commin
gled la the same train and In tha switch
ing and other movements at terminals,
t'ara are seldom set apart for exclusive
use n moving either class of traffic, but
generally are used Interchangeably In
moving" both, and the situation Is much
the same with trainmen, switchmen and
Ilk employes, for they usually if not
necessarily have to do with both classes
of traffic. Besides, the several trains on
tbe same railroad are not Independent In
point of movement and safety, but are
intendependent; for whatever brings delay
or disaster to one, or resutta la disabling
me of Its operatives, Is calculated to Im
ped the progress and Imperil tha safety
of otbfr trains. And so the absence of
appropriate safety appliance from any
lart of any train Is a manaoe, not only
to that train, but to others."
The decision of the court' Is generally
regarded as of far-reaching Importance. It
will enable the commission to enforce,
practically without question, Its orders
based upon that law.
Hat Caaes Not Involved.
Those who casually examined the opin
ion were divided as to Its bearing on th
litigation as to whether a state may regu
late freight and passenger rates on Intra
state traffic when such Regulation Inter,
teres, or might interfere, with Interstate
commerce. The supreme court Is to con
sider the question next January, when
It hears tbe Minnesota and Kentucky
rate t-aaes. It la the best Judgment of
those conversant with the situation, how.
ever, that today's decision has little It
any bearing upon th rate case.
More or less friction has arisen between
the Interstate Commerce commission and
various state railroad commissions, which
has rendered It embarrassing to th fed
ral body la Ita work of Interstate regu
lation. I'pon this point Commissioner
2an said:
"Tha supreme court could say, and I
believe It will say eventually, that an
Intel ft Vie carrier cannot be controlled
by a' state commission la any way that
would prefer Intrastate over Interstate
traffic In other words, the federal
authority cannot permit a state to build
a wall around Ita borders that would
aftqrtf tha people within that wall a
greater advantage In commerce than In
enjoyed by the people of another state
outside the wall. We cannot have sep
arated, articulated arterle of com
merce. 'Wants . at tonal Itegalatloa.
"W must hav a national system of
railroad under national control and reg
ulatJon. I believe that finally the gov
eminent will determine, a the govern
ment af Canada, for Instance, determines,
whether a proposed line of railroad shall
be constructed. The building and opera
tion, of a new line of railway may put
out of business another line that Is
equipped to supply all the needs of the
territory traversed. It Is folly to con
struct the nw line, because Its oeratlon
means simply a division of the traffic
between two lines, where one Is amply
able to carry It. and that In turn means
Warm it
up for a Snack.
Skinners mararonl is a
satisfying dish for a light
lunch or basty report, and It
ran be warmed up in Just a
few minute
lit th health rood be
cause it Is made In th clean
est factory In the world.
Sold In large, sanitary
pacRagrs for 10 cents.
Skinner Is tbe kind you
buy again.
Writ for Mrs. MacMur
phy s book of 100 best
raclpeg. Frj.
sn eventual boosting of the rates an that
both lines mny live. This manifestly Is
a disadvantage to the shipper, A mnltl
pllclty of railways In the samo territory
makes against the Interests of tha ship
per." Mr. Kane said he was gratified thnt
tbe supreme court had rendered the de
cision, because It mnde for better, safer
and more economical operation of the
railway systems of the country.
Fleet Assembles for
Review by President
NEW YORK, Oct. 21.-Wlth searcli-
liglits flashing and hulls and rlKKlng out
lined In myrlud Incandescent lkhts, the
vessels of America's great fleet assem
bled here for presidential review pre
sented a picture of marvellous beauty
tonight. The Hudson river, whure the
warships He, was Illumined as never be
fore by night.
The battleship line was extended to Its
full length today whtn the last of the
hraflRhtiTs assigned to take part In
the review the dtendnougbt Florida
steamed slowly from Its berth at the
Ilrooklyn navy yard on Ita first trip tinder
Its own steam. Crashing salutes from
the other ships greeted the new fighter.
It loomed high above the smaller fight
er of the line for there was only one,
the Utah, to compare with It.
Adventists Criticise
the Catholic Church
WASHINGTON. Oct. HI. Criticism of
the activities of the Roman Catholic
church In the United Btatea waa made
Ih a report adopted tonight by the full
council of the general conference com
mittee of the Heventh Day Adventists.
What was termed "widespread apnstary"
from I'rotestantlsm waa also considered
in th following terms:
W sincerely regret that widespread
apostary from those principles of truth
which we vindicated at much coat In the
reformation of th sixteenth century and
we generally deplore the fact that this
apostacy gives so much plausibility to
th oft-repeated claim of the Roman
hierarchy that rrntestantlHin la dead
and that In Romanism alone does Chris
tianity survive."
HT. I.OCIS. Oct. Jl.-Mis l.ulit I,ong,
noted Kansas City horsewoman, took the
most honors tonight at the opening of
the Ht. I.ouls Horse show, which has bpen
revived after two years. Her Kymokam
was first In the five galled saddle class,
and her Rovelutton, driven by herself,
brought the S.OOO persons In the col
iseum to their feet by the excellent ex
hibition in th class for high stoppers In
harness. Miss Long's Consternation was
second In this event. In the horse-in-harness
event. Miss Long's Ileaucalre
took, third prise.
Th Venator, owned, by William Mar
shall of Chicago, vjen third prise In the
high atepplng event, and Marshall took
second ribbon In the four-ln-hund-to-brake
class and third prise in the event
for tandem teams
John and Klisubeth Alden, recently pur
chased by O. J. Moore of Columbia. Mo.,
from Lawrence Jones of Louisville, won
tlio second pr'iu In the tandem team
J. It. Vciik and inn of Winchester, 111.,
took two tibbon In the roudster evnt.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 31. -Naval officer
will have to take the prescribed walki (la
test more often than In the past In ui.i
puanre with order made put lc at the
Navy department tjday. I nder the new
ord-v a'l officer not physically
;aeitaled. will be required to walk ten
mile In one day, once a nwnili. They
mukt an a me their time so as to consu.v..
not less than three and u half nor mom
than four hour In the lest, etccpt In
tropical climates, when the distance and
time lll be two-thirds of the above.
I'nuer the old order the nun Were re
quired to walk twenty-live mile in two
days once in every three months.
Terrible cesulta often cOine from
neglected kidneys cr bladder, i'alm l.-i
the Lack, frequtnt detlre to urinate,
highly colored or Scalding urine, rheu
Inatlu aln in h Joints, dlxalneaa. ar
th ir.oet comm'on symptoma ef kidney
trouble. A. sure - ajul reliable remedy
should le secured at tnc. The follow
ing formula la considered one of the
best known, del from any good drug
store a half ounce package Murax com
pound, half nine fluid extract Buchu
and ajx ounces best gin. Mix these to
gether and take one to two UapKn.
tula of the fixture after each meal
and at bed time.
1 he fuiH tiu i of Hie kidney Is to
separate and ;iltr poiaonoua oust mai
ler arid uric .icid from the blood 'f
ney become k or inactive, the.
Impurities ire not thrown off u tney
a.i.uul'1 Le. hU consequently cause
kcr oja trou-.le The above formula
tne knii y lu proper ouditivu to
uo i.tcir wora lruprl. Adv.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 51. Ir. Hnrve
W. Wiley, chief vt the Itureau of Chem
istry, today put aside a signal lion ir
when he decllued to piesldu at a c n
grese to be held In 'Loudon nest Murch
by the I'ure Food and Health socic.y
of Ortat lirltkln. The purpose of the
Conference as stated In the Invitation
to lr. Wiley la "to consider iiietliotU
for ovsiUaulInK our preaent aullquaiej
and Inefficiently administered food
Commercial Club Takes Up the Hat- j
tr snd Standi Back of It. j
Invites llenl I;. tale Diclmnae, ,
tlnli anil AU-Onr-llcn to
point onimllirra to Con
fer w llh ( lull.
A buy again.
j Writ for Mm. MscMur
phy a book of 100 best
rsjclpe. Frj.
OipkIm9s OoiLagjIai SsStL Store
Ief nlte s-hnpe wan Klvin to t'i'i aaitii
l!nn for a better svnen of d., in -t.j . n
Mw til In K when the Com mi leial chili exe I
live cr.nmilttre Tuesdaj decided to Invite
the lienl KhIhI. cv liiii'jH, KnUh'S of
Ak-S',ir-I'tn the mjh.-iIvi Ad e.uh t-
appoint ' omii.itti-i's t.i mnier v. It ft i
municipal aff'tirs cumtiilttee ef the e' .h
In nn effort t I'cv.fe a v o: knoli: plan.
lilKli fm'Aer IikIiIm, seveial to 1 1 1 - hloi k
Inoi: n t -! on hi n.i in' nial metal standnnls.
are i otiteiuplH'ed.
M.iJ'fir I i.'ili!riiiin nnd fl e counellriu n
were ireH nt t, nrk tl;e Cominei elnl c!uh
to ;ie a ilinrnr for the Nel.t iijI;ii I.entie
of M unlcl uli' le Inn that body i on
velieH here, NfinliiT n, Pi unl 17. In
conNifleiMtlon of the f.iet that the liaur
hus alieady annouieel In Iti proirt.-im
that the dinner will be given, the club ilc
i Idtd to m il e good.
Ilnhlman llefore the Inh,
Club members brought up the pnlijer-t
of ctreet fIhiwIh. An ordinance was
nn'Kid two or three jcars dk b nllilni!
them from the atreets, hut they have
ere t In iina.n Mayor Puhlinan tolil tin
club Hint three to wlihli IiIh attention
had been called recently, had been re
moved, but several had been located li
alleys nnd the ordinance ('id not cover
these. The club committee will draft a
new onllnntico aim ine council 10
pas It.
It was the ronncnMiK of opinion that
the mayor should compel contractors to
obey exlKtlmr ordlnnnces. ripei lal attcn-
thin whs called to the court housn con- j
tiaetors and the, contractor who are
erecting the Keellne building, iicrie 3
Seventeenth street from the court house.
Neither firm hits built a temporary Hide,
walk, us required by ordinance.
President I "livid I'ole of the dub will
recruit a party of Omaha boosters to at
tend a meeting In l'lHttsnioutli about the
mlddlo of November to celebrate the com
pletion of the Omahu-riittUmuuth I'luttu
river brldgo.
ilored S
nits and C
For Women and Misses at Reasonable Prices
DAYS of irrcatfht eiitlmsinrtn! Days of liveliest selling! For who can resist the appeal of the charmiu. new
nioiles of Autumn when eoupletl with such attractive "Oikiirs Douglas Store" Prices! This is the ONE store shows ALL that's new. Stunning Tailored Suits and Coats that will make the fashionable figure LONGER
AND STRAIGHTER THAN EVER, "Grace Creating" .Models improving the figure as well as fitting it. This is
the one store that meets all women's style-ambitious, while satisfying their economical desires. See what we'll
Women s Smart
Women's and Misses
Charming Suits
j Up to 536 Values j
Over Five Hundred Handsome
Suits of the Highest Tailored Ele
gance. Suits that save you $10.00
because we bought them that way.
Many are manufacturer's sam-
jili'8 and model linos. Forty or more
Btyles In imported broadcloths, black,
navy and colors, finest rough cheviots
In Folid colors and two-tones; also Eng
lish whipcord and novelty cloths and
i.i'iKi'H. Strictly tailored and fancy
trimmed efforts.
Women's Elegant!
Tailored Suits
Up to $40 Values
First Aid Lectures
Given to Employes
The I'tilon l'uiiflc Kn I'roxn rar In
parked south of the 1'nloii station unci Ip
it first aiil lecturpH urn hcliiK K-von iluili
by Dr. M. W. (IIrhkow, 'J'ho inirposn Is
to Klvo Instructions to employes In first
old to the Injured. Kvoryono, though, 's
Invited to attend llieso lectures. There
will ho a inecttiiR thla cvriilni; lit ":!'
o'clock and ilenioin-trartlons will lo
Riven with n llvltiK suhjcit.
Dr. Olastiow, Kenktni; of his work,
says: "The fled Cross is carrying on this
work ' nlonK Immune and philanthropic
lines. Dui'liitf the Inst two years, through
the efforts of tho I ted Cross, firm aid
Instructions havo been well orKanlr.ed in
most of the m nliiK KcctloiiH of the I'nlteil
KtiiteK. and durliiK my campaign throiiKh'
the far went I hud mauy demands for
the liiHtructlons mnonK the metal miners
and lumber workers."
The republicans of Florence precinct held
a liuKe and etitlniNlatlc mci tlni? Montla;.
nUht In KhkIcs hull. The crowd not onlv
flllt'd the hull, but overflowed Inio Hie
Htiteroom and ' plainly showed Its predi
lection for republican prlnclplea and men
by the ovation nlvcn eicli speaker. Mayor
K. S. Tucker preKldi d mill In a reminis
cent milliner Introduced each speaker.
JudKe Hen linker wive the principal ud
drrsH of the evenitnr, outllnliiir the-
nchleveinenta of tho republican p.'rty anl
wlndlnK up by comparing min fur muii
on the twi tickets. He WR: lollowed by
Frank Duwey, Wlllla I'roiby, CeorK'i Mi;
llrlde, W. A. Yodcr, Kiel lloe, A. U.
llarte. Frank Ileal nd William L're.
Ilulltllnur I'e rm I Is.
Mis. KllMibeth t'allnlmn, California,
frauia dwelllut;. US; H ' LHuioiid. 4.11
Grand axeniie, frame dwelling. I-1 ivi;
Hcott & 11111, 1410 Kinuiet. frame dwelling.
12.WH); Scott & Mill, Imi;, Ijnie. frame
dwellliiK. U.UM; J. 1". Vuilunder, ;rj;i South
Thirty-second alreet, traino ilwellliiu.
li.IiUl; W. SliibniiHh, ZiVi Lnfayetlo,
frame dwelling,
Suits that will satisfy every
.woman's fondest desires. Those
Vsuits that, are elaborately trim
med and those that are severely
plain tailored with large flaring
collars and rovers. Made of ele
gant chiffon, broadcloths, fancy
rough finished worsteds and diag
onals, camel's hair woolens and man
nish tweeds In every fall shade, and
s Douglas iStpet
Long Coats
Up to $29.73 Values
The New Reversible Coats
that are as fine inside out as
they are outside, in really
two coats in one. Rich, Soft
Knglish reversible material
with reverse side of coronation
or Edison Rough Scotch Coat
ings in greys and tans with
broadcloth trimmings. Hand
some Meltons with embroidered
Collar and Cuffs, Plain Tailored
Coats In rich herringbone weaves.
Dressy Imported Herges and many
other stunning styles.
Handsome Chiffon
Broadcloth Coats
Up to $3 S Values
i Rich and elegant are these
coats, four different styles of
severely plain tailomTmodels
lined with Skinner's satin or
colored silk, three styles; are made
with large shawl collar of velvet, and
scores of styles are trimmed with
braid and velvet, In fact, our stock
of $25 coats Is by far the largest
assortment to be found In Omaha.
iiasitiaTiV m , , v
i I nil II i I II si 1PI I III! I II HI 111 II II II lam IIITIUJssaill mi l msl miai n i T 1
I 1 St ' ,r v
Klnyhalt Anderson,' un elderly man
with u flowiiiK white beard, who was ar
rested nt 4 o'clock Tuesday nioriilns.
broke up court when he was broutflit out
for trial before Judge Crawford. Ander
Fou nave one look at the JudKo when he
cunie from the iiioiirners' bench and lxl
out an umurthly yell which could be
heard for to bloekH. "Take him away,
tnko him iiwny," he shouted, and then
Htiirted fi r the door. He was captured
by (Iff leer Joo lleil and brought buck.
He however becumo frantic and it ro
quired two officera to lake him to a cell
niul put a Mrult Jacket on him.
"rallied hy Menm
cr Kcurched by a fire, opply Hueklcn's
Arnica Sn'.ve. Cures piles, too, und the
voit ForcM. ilunruiiti'cd. Uic. b'or sale
by lteuton I'mK Co.
The Omnha I'resby terlul Union of the
Women's Missionary society of Omaha
mid vicinity will hold its quartet ly m?et
Inn Thuri-day, November 2, in tlte Dundee
Prcsbj teiian church.
Tho inornlii( service will bcsln at 11
o'clock with devotionals. The women of
the church will serve a luncheon at noon
and at 1:30 o'clock tho afternoon program
.will bejrin. A number of wqmarr' promi
nent tn missionary work will fcpeak.
Key to the Situation Bee Want ' Ads.
Careless Treatment
Ruins Complexion
(From Woman's National Journal.)
Wrinkles and other telltale niarka of
advunrlng or premature uire, are fre
quently cauaid through the excessive
use of powders ami cosmetics, which
cIor pores and cause tho surface skin to
Krow Hallow und HftdesH. "Crow's feet,"
wrinkles and othe- complexion faulta
can be made U vanish quickly, by mas
sauinif a plain niuyntone lotion Into the
.skin until It diHappcai'M.
To make the lotion, dlusolve a small
original package of mayatone In a half
pint of witch-hazel and It Is ready. Us
ing this gradually removes wrinkles and
blemishes and leaven the akin soft,
smooth and exquisitely beautiful. Tho
mayatone lotion Is nplendid for remov
ing pore obstruction, and pimples, as
well as to dlacourage hairy growths.
rOair Irwier Free
A 25c Bottle of "Swissco" Hair and Gcalp Remedy to Be
Given Away. Take the Coupon to Sherman & IVIcCon
nell Drug Co. and they Will Give You a25c Bottle Free.
"Swissco" Grows Hair, Brings Back Its Original Color, and
Removes Dandruff and Scalp Diseases.
-buy- i :
This is a red hot burner in range, for laundry stoves,
soft coal heaters and Mime use it in furnaces.
Our llarirnin Coal. In liumlreilN of homes Kconoiny
ra! Is the one KHtifd'nctory fuel. The larger sizes of
Kconoiny Coal- egg and lump are also $(J.50 ton.
j E HARD COAL $10.50
Wo buy and sell only tho very host Hard Coal and
we know tho difference. All siws of hard coal to )
suit your needs.
llil I HAUXKV.
VHOlTESt Doug". 1153; ,
en poweptc
Few. U any. mrdle o. tiav. met with
ih. unifurm auriais that has attrndt-d tht
lis f I'hambu Iain's Colic. Cliol. i. ,,,4
Diarrhoea ILmedy. Th. r.maikahl. cur,
of oollo anJ Ulorrlioa whUlj it ,f.
tvcltd in almost vry n.lshborhooj ha
B vo it a lda rpuvattoa. ('ur Ly
uil a'r
The free :.'io bidlie of "riwls-i o" Hair and Sonlp He'iiedy.
If ed as dim-led. Will astonish :, 1 it is a MEW XBMEBT,
tho lutia and l t ire uratlon lu'toru the publie. It Is tho
result 01 y eur. of liivt-ttKutton and reittrih Into tho roaso?i
why so iiiji y of the hair preparm'ona have fulled In the rust
ta do tho work demanded if th.-in. It ! m.urlou.H in Its a'
llon, and tlioiisanda have received tiiiiminK results JiuU from
th. free hotlle kive ll em for the uskint!.
iit aiis yo.i miy not have rcivived n-y relief fru'ii s n e
thtiiH ou hut'tt triea, .lnn't t' li lilt ti.i..(:ii 10 i-i 111 :i t-v-er
liiiiiji I'tnu. lull wiU i'e Kreai 01 lit-f 11.1 vi hy Itir tv-v Out
litf we nive you.
rivtlMM'o," f.Oo and l Hi) a oo'.lle, is f r s.ile and re i:n
lllendeil l.y all df'Kt M 1 liite -tulItU f I' who ru:inot
all at fl frniun v Mvi oi'iifli lrtin o , 4 uli rrs. 1 1 1 1 and itttr
ney. Itth and I o.t.'. i",- S lull ami ;4.n and Karnani mh.
lll linrlVtf a fire iH'llle, re'Ul.t. ttl relti-l if t.'tl elit Mi
laini'.-t or H.Uer, (o l.i lp . over -mh. e t 1 ... kiu. ete . hy
uu'l.r.Mi'k' din it to lie SM 1.110 Hair la'ilul) Co, tl;'k 1'. O Ciui li.outl. nnl .
1 j-. J3 j
ViJ. iJ
Faf th Week
y tn
Third Week
1ool for on. SSe lottl jniy, at Hherman A MoCon
nell lruK 10. 4 Korea, and Harney, 16th and
Ho.Iko, J7-! N. Kth, and lllh and I'urnain tit... when
1 .uiu. and address U iropeny tilled in on doited lliiea
helow. Thuw ou'side of (.linaha will Ret a flex bottle
l.y jnduB ten cents, tn KMmns or silver one. I 10
!a.l'.l Hair Keineiiv i'o. I4vi V O f.uar. t'lnclii
1, all. ulilo, to helf cover espuis ef la.klri. etc.
I have never tried 'His.o" Hair and Soalp lm
e.1v. hut if you wlli .upi'ty a iac botti free, as alve.
1 v.111 Lse 1L
il'H' f.;ll addreat; write ;dtiuly.
When You Buy a Fibbon
Do you know that you are going to get the results
you want? If your typewriter is not equipped with
the ribbon that gives the best results you can over
coire your troubles by consulting our Supply De
partment. For many years this Company has manufactured
its own ribbons and carbon papers, and their sala
is supervised by experienced men. We have n de
partment that can tell you what your needs ai'
and feupply those needs. We handle no cheap good
Only the best materials go into the manufactures
of our goods and we do not sell our goods on a
cheap "catchy" scheme.
f you have ribbon troubles call us. If you are not
getting the service you think you should have from
your typewriter ribbons let us consult with you.
Our ribbons sell at 7"c each, $3.50 per half dozen,
fG.OO per dozen. All goods guaranteed and replaced if for
any reason unsatisfactory.
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
Branches in
Modern Offtru Supplies
10th aud Uouglna Sia.
Oiiiitha, Neb.
Teleiil.oneii Ih.uj. l-'SI; Ind. A.1CXI.