Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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(Continued )
WANTED FARM 1X1 A.N a. felon in-seatim-m
Company, Ouialia.
IK'-tU Brandt-la iht-aier Didg.
FARM LOANS; no comml.lon; optional
pat omits, cheap money , quick en ire.
Cir'ui t. Morrill. 121., City Nut I Ilk. Lidn.
MO.NKY lo loan on business or re'.
tui'.K properties. Jl.i-w to W. 1L
liio.MAS. M First .NtU li.nk Lidg.
oAiivix iIko .v:;;?
LAKGK LOANS, municipal bond, mort
game bou,nl aini auM. S1Ul,L BRuS.
K. ilAMjba- A. C. .it an, iljal d ui
tlo. i. !..
Foil a ilulhty dessert use Dalxcll Ice
Ciraiu. it. aim. c .utile i. ungual , (.a
N. lii M . will rome to J he min e
within tniee. uas we win nitt ner an
oiuii t"i u iuail buck vi tula linu In
u i uai.
Foil TRADE l.iiuity of f.i.6"0 In quar
ter ll llliil I I iU i.' l lmllll, .-uliill I 'a ,
Ir prt'iniy or mdso. in Omaha or Coun
cil i.i-iiin. Ounei, cut Ave. ii, Council
xuuiih. ia.
laidi in tuc lahiuos Arkansas vancy to ex
cnanmi lor Mm 4 ut goons or n uiui(,
1 at. (i per rent inn nun tor
on good iinpiukni propcro. riolicit co
oiieiai.un 01 kimi. jtddM-s t.ook v
Ci fil, Box i l.iinuir, coin.
Foil i.XCilA.E-L"0 sires adjuiniiig
a town of l,n"i population 1:1 iilheaiei 11
Krtin-as; no stone; inir improvements, hni
torti land; price fii'.4'., inornate,
vmil inei tliaiuilse or 1111 -rcnanitis aim
buildings, or clear rental pi nperty. Iowa,
JlllnoiB. eastern Nebraska or north Mis
1101 1 land (or equity, v lint have you to
oftrr? Addreas the Alli'ii County Invest
ment Co., 1-onni'iii, Kan.
.' TO trade for general merchandise, I'M
-acres ot land Willi nr without 92.5U0 In
Icumbranre. 1ock Box 41. Clearwater, Neb.
I HANDLE exchange everywhere. Ko.
; result me. Dean, 617 Bee Hid. D. Unl
" k v. irhmii nronertles of merit. C. W
T HAW. for Irala near loud town lit
TXxlka county, Nvbraaka, clone to Umaha,
40 acre of a i;ood corn land aa llieru 11
In the atata. Want 7 or a room modern
liouae; munt b well located ana clear o(
..Dcuinlirancea. Charlen Hanley, Al., In;
M. luth bl.. Uinahi, Nab.
: KOll SAI.F, OH TIIADK Fine atock
ami grain num. HA) acreM. Two mllea iroin
linawa, la. htiKrinaii Melaon, owntr,
IMurce fit., riloux City. la.
, .A SECTION of land In McThnraon
county tor real calaia. Tol. Harney
' J21I
Kxchaiiatta Jewell, li d ot Trade, 1. 1KJJ.
"TOIl TnAPH?ood 4H0-acr ranch In
Pouth Tripp County, South Dakota. All
lenced. Wella Kunninu water. Younk
timber. Iml mllliik. Home broke. Some
ruillillnga. hrhool on land. ' mils from
inland poKtofllce and atore. X mllea from
railroad arvey Want IH.Ono clean, up-to-data
atock general iiierchandia or
clotlilntf. Addreaa ownerllox iiW, Urcg-
' ury, 8. D.
FOR KXCHANaK M3-acre etork ranch.
' Over 2i0 acre in alfalfa. Three art of
Improvemenia. One of the oent ranrhe
In noutheaalcrn KanHna. 1'rlne. $40.0(10.
"junilnanre. lU.nnil. Will trade tor clear
l.i perty only. Want good rentiil prop-
erty, or mlxnt conalder Iowa, Illinois or
eastern Nebraska land. Address The Al-
' Jen County Investment Co.. l.ongton, Knn.
t ' -j
Anchor Lino Steamships
Mew York, I,ondonderry and Olasiraw.
New York, i'alernio and Naples.
Attractive rales for tickets between New
York and all Bcotrh, KnKllh, Irish,
Continental and Mediterranean point.
Buperlor Accommodations, lxreilent Cul
lne, Kfflclent Service. Apply promptly
for Reservation to local agent ot Anchor
Line or "Henderson brothers, Ueneral
Akenta. ChlcKkn, HI.
td-hand foods. Kleaer, 10.'0 Center. D-Mtx
WE PAY lilvheet price for men' td
hand clothing. M. Nathan. 10J H. UtU.
' WANTK.l) TO BUY Rrtween 15 and iO
teres of land within 1 tnlle ot Omaha car
line. A C1J1, Hue.
' 'WANTK1 Hy a responsible young cou
ple, no children, nicely furnished room or
I auite with furnace beat, in prlvale fain-
' 11 y. with good board, or the same Hear
by; undobirably located or poorly fur-
; ulnhed need not rexpond; references ex
chanced. Adurens t lil. care llee.
! OENTLEMAN desires room with prU
' irate family; West rurnam district pre
lerred. K m. lie:
WANTED To rent e-room bouse, part
modern, lu auy pait ut city. Addree
M. 4A Use.
FOR a first clasa practical nurse, cU
'ilr, iioymoa, li. 14, i, A-i4.
YOINU lauy, wiin Invu sonool educa
tion, values a poallion. U HX. lice.
WAN and wife, very capable, desires
employment; experienced aa uiatiaaar
bnd bouseaeeper. AUdreas, U-ttHi, Iim.
' MAN wants poalUnn as Janitor; food
iretaiences. Add rem to-SM. caie liee.
--OUT-OF-TOWN position desired by ex
"TjBliced BienoKTapuer ana buokkeepur:
irXccituil rulerenccs. F Uil, live.
l'OtslTlO.N by experiuiiced buukkmn... Y 21. llee. ' '
.WANTED 1'lace on I arm for boy 1)
lirats old. b , Xiae.
" WANTEIj Fufeitioa as 000k. Call at
lfll& Ch'CJUO tic
. 1 1. M I I Iwiimun utImIih, . . I , .
. , . " All'
' UL'M'l.K wiibhmg wanted. liar. 4J74.
. S A.SlilNO and ourmina done. T. Il l.v
," CALL, the Y. M C. A. employment de--r.artuieiit
when lou need capatjie, re
liable men (or an poMUona. cuarae
l ji this service. flllnx clerk, tvnlat.
; Willis pomnon; collcku man; can bandit work. 1' k.:, Lie.
. WHITE lud , exceptionally neat and
piaiu, wikiicb auy ainu ot aay work.
ATTORNEY of experience wun'i uosl
tn .11 with law llrm, whjtrul house or
iiiiu txaiiiiiier, 101 loiiti or triibt cum
pi-ny. Audi cmi T--'i, liee.
. WAS111NO ur Ironiiik on TumUv
Thuiua KJld Frlduy. 1'hone Wt-bsler
WANTED Work float lo
fun luiuty iit.
I p. in,
IKJOKKEEl'ER. well eierlenred In
lumber, fcchciul merctianUibe, banking,
wmnes pokiiuui; callable, eiieiKrtlu man;
e.iiuiy reasonable; locale anywhere. F.
O. llox tils. Oil. aba.
I'Ot'lTlON by experienced chauffeur
and repair inun, well acquainted with
cuy. Cull D. ia.i.
K VERY person knows who D. J.
O'Hrien U beraue be his made Omaha
fumourt with lus randv ir Mr. II. Kauf
Ina'i, H. J7ili will come to The lire
.ft.c within Ibr.-e das we will Kut her
an for a bo-cvnl box of o lli leu's
candy llee.
-.A I'l.ltl h.Ni KIt party wants poHltlon
In ldi,k wnh view lo Investment. Aildrraa
Y care liee.
Taint Strength Shown in Wheat Hai
Entirely Disappeared.
Corn Market la lloldln I p Better
Than Antlrlpaied In Fare of the
neatness In Wheat lie.
laa (' lrencth.
OMAHA, Oct. 31, 1911.
Tl faint MreiiKth snovin in wheat ye
teruSy b,id nitiiely lia. peered this and pit bears controlled tne mar
act, eendint! pi IceH down.
KeortM fiom Arkentina are very flat
lerniK and tnu fmeikn markets reflect
lliene beailKh condltioiis.
It will take a decidedly a nod rneh wheat
demand to keep the values of futures
mm aunK Mill lower.
The coin inurket Is holdinit up better
than should bH expected In the fare of
the Wfiiknem In wheut This eirenvih Is
duo f'tinrciy to the Onayeil movement of
Ihn new crop and the stoitHtfn In local
P!ok lire so liRbt that caah prices are
Well maintained.
Hheat wus derldedly weak today on
lower cnl.ies. bearlnh Arxeritlne news and
heavy eellin by pit beur. Cash wheal
sold 'i,?ilr lower.
Com held t.rm on llnht rerelpia and
.ooii tiinn ileo.iiml. 1 oraiile weavner
linn delayed the movement of new corn
anil 101 al storks are IlKht.
i il-iBi.' lie, 1 1, , ,. 1 vet i nso nori
bus-hel. and flilpmei.ti w; re 305,0)0 bushel
MKBiii.-i iei ei,,, i 14,. , . .,1 ,j,iai
bunlii'ls and mui menn 01 ui.t.i'K) bu.hel.
I'ltinarv coin lecelols were iill mxi
IniHheU and kIi pments were nt2.0-X buneli
H-.HioHt rei einis ihhI year of liM.uuu
oiihheiM and fhlpineinn of Xif,.ft hiiMheln.
Clearanrex with 2,oii0 buchelH of torn,
notie of oaiN and wneat and flour equal
10 iC.iMI IlllHhelK.
Liverpool i i.mrd 'Yad lower on wheat
nd unrhiitiKed to 'd higher on corn.
TI10 followlnx ciisli Hales were reported:
WHEAT .No. 2 hard: & ram. Miu No
3 hard: 2 cars, II. 0 '; 2 cars, toe. Rejected:
A I'OSI riON bv third vear lilirh irhnnl
hoy. Will work from 12 to 6;J0 p. m.
M 42. Ilee.
OERMAN lady -runts position taking
care uf children. Z.Vi Ho. ;th.
e.. ii... nj airi WK111H iiaen in worn lor
room and board. Call lmil!iS 734.
WOMAN wants rleanlna work bv tha
day. 2744 S. 12th. I. 4'Xi6.
WANTlCl-Hotel or restaurant work
by man and wife, experienced, In or out
r city, n, 62)1 nee.
OUT-OF-TOWN position desired bv ex
perienced MenoRrnplier and bookkeeper;
excellent refei enree. Address L Jks, care
WANTF.n-l'osltlon. by first-class
miller; best of references. Hanttnus,
Neb., nox H.14.
Ship your atock to South Ornaba;
aave inileagB nd ahrlnkagei our
consignment recelvt prompt anil
tarefui attention.
Oyeei Bros. & Co. 8trons and responsible.
WOOD UUOS. 2S4-3S Kxchange Uldg.
Uicat West Com. Co., Omaha St Denver.
W. R. SMITH & SON Juat handle cheep.
W. F. DENNY CO., 234 Exoh. Uldg.
TACIU RROa handle cattle, hogs, sheep.
CE1FT0N Com. Co., 222 ISxehanae Rldg.
Donahue ft Randall Co., 20 Exch. Uldg.
Clay, Robinson aV Co., ZOO Exoh, Uldg.
The Standard Com. Co.. 115 Exch. Uldg.
Interstate Co. Uetter results. Hhlp to us.
RL'RKE-RICKLY CO.. 201 Exch. Uldg.
Allen Dudley & Co., 235-37 Exoh. Uldg.
U K. ROBERTS & CO., 22 Exch. Uldg.
Cox eV Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustlers.
Farmers 1 B. Com. Co., 2uw Kxohange.
Deposit proceed of shipments In Htock
Yards Nat l Hank, only bank at yards.
WINN HRO8. &. CO.. Exchange Uldg.
DAVERTY llROS.. 13K-40 Kxch. Uldg.
Martin Uroa. & Co., 20.V7 Kxch. Uldg.
Alex A. Uuchanan 6 Boo. 1C4-W Ex. Uldg.
Faxlon-Eckiuan Chent. Cu. at'k remedlea,
llaltton It Fonda, live atock com. mtr
WKEK8 UKA1N CO., grain aierohanla,
eonaigiimeuls solicited. Urandela.
Nebraska -Iowa Oraln Co. ;4 Braodaia,
T111U UFD1KE CI RAIN CO. Consign,
aienta caret uliy hauoied. Ouiaha. Neu.
dealers In greva, bay, coop teed, iu
kiiaJiuela Uldg.
ROUERTS GRAIN CO., grain ooaalga
menta auiicited, giaia iMugui to arnr
la Urandwa,
Clothing Chief Quartermasters Office,
Federal llullding, Chicago, 111., October
M, lull. Sealed propoaals. in triplicate.
subjuct to the usuul comjitior.s, will te
received here until 1 o clock p. in , No
vember 13. 1911. and then opened for
manufacturing and delivering at either the
New Voik, I'hliadelphla or Chicago depot
of the Onartertiiaite r'e Department: ei.000
Olive Drab Cotton Coats and lvH.Ood pairs
(live Drab Cotton lireeches, Foot. The
Olive Drab Cotton Uniform Cloih, Olive
Drab Klleela. Urunse Huttons and Kpllt
RIiiks will be fnrnlxhed by this Depart
ment, uuantltlea to be mibject to In
crease of not to exoeed 60 per cent. If
desired by this Department. The right
la rexerved to reject or accept any or all
proposHla or any part thereof. Prefer
euce will be given to artlcleti of domestic
manufacture, condition of quality and
price (Including In the price of loreikn
production or maiiufacturea the duty
thereon) being equal. rUundard sample
can be seen, and apecif ications, blanks
tor proposals and full Information will
b furmshrd upon application at this of
fice. EnveloM'S containing proposals to
be endnised ''I'ropoaala for Manufacture
of 1 loihing, to be Opened November 23,
Hill." CoL JNO. L. CLd-:M. chief guar
terinustei'. O31-N1-2-3-30-:!
Coids Chief cjuarlermaster a Ofllce,
Fedeiai Kuildlng. Chicago, 111., October
1. Inll.-Souled proposals, In triplicate,
subject to the usuul condition, will be
received at this office until 12:00 o'clock
m., October ou. r.Hl, and then opened, tor
furnishing and delivering at either the
lloslon, New York. I'hliadelphla. St.
lvouls or Ch:caiio depot of the Quarter
luasler's Department: .00u pairs- lg
lima, Canvas, and lU'.ouu Cords. Hat.
subject to in. reaee ot not to exceed in)
per cent, If desired by this Department,
Right la reenved to reject or accept any
or all propoxaia or any part thereof.
Preference will be given to articles of
domeatlu manufacture. conditions of
quantity and price (including In the price
of foreign productions t manufactures
the duty I hereon! being equal. Standard
temples can be seen, and upeclf lcatlon,
blanks for proposals and full Information
will be fuinlehed upon eppilraltou at
this olfl.'e. EnveloiM-i conlulnliijc nro-
iBUlns and Hal Cords, to be Opened
( (. ii. 1I11." (UK J No. U CLEM, Chief
Qtiartei inaaier.
The blue United above for V0 0uO pain
lexaina will be opened January J, lali.
iuueud uf October 30. lull.
Nuv. 1 S-13 --laj 13 30-:T
1 car, Mr; l car, J; No. i mlxel: 1 car,
II. vi': No. 1 mixed: 1 rar, V.i'V-
CORN No. t white- 1 rsr. (.',c. No. i
yellow; 2 cars, 9r. No. 2 mixed. 3 earn,
(Wc; No. t tnlned: I rnr, Ktc, No. 4 mixed:
1 rar bV- No grade: 1 rar, ks'c.
OATS No. 3 white: 1 cars, 4.'Hc
Omaha Cash Prices.
WH EAT No. 1 hard, We tl .!; Ko. 3
hard, lewtl$ oS4; No. 4 hard. !4i$l
(JOHN No. 2 white, ''i"4r; No. 3
while, tfty 'ai4f ; No. 4 white, Mvi": No.
2 yellow, 6tfc: No. S jellow,;
No. 4 yellow, (iti'ti ; No. 2, a"";
No. 3, 6t'u-ic; No. 4, wVjWv,c; no grade,
OA1S No. 2 white, 40'4'ir; standard,
V.'ti&r; No. 3 white, t.eM-'iVic; No. 4
whim, 44Vu4tV4r;; No. 2 yellow, UMiVic;
No. 4 yellow, 44'ii(4,c.
UA RI.KY Mailing, 1.15'(tl 2T.; No. 1
feed, 4'i 11.09.
RYE N o. 2, rHJSc; No. 3. 0&97c.
Carlot Kerelpts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
I. A 27
4t 17 n
Chicago ....
Almnen polls
CHICAGO t;it i anu rnovisiots
Features of the Trading; and f loslea
I'rlree on Hosril of Trade.
C'H K'AOO, Ort, 31. Biifplrlon was ram
pnnt today that the leading long In
wheat had been letting go of a big part
Of their holdings. In consequence the
maiket broke sharply In tan last hour of
trading and finished 2'itr, lower than
last night. Other cram, loo, showed a
net loss corn l'tflUo and oats fttrlVfcc.
'1 he end of the flay left hog products
varying from unchunged figure to a de
cline of loc.
One plausible theory to explain the sup
ported action of the, bull leaders was that
the unloading of the December option
was for the putpottn of shitting to May
at a lower level fur the latter. Aside
Iroin any such maneuver, though, de
velopment durlnx the day were dlnrour
mkIiik cnoiikh. Northwestern receipt were
on a huge arale and cash demand
wretched. Kenides, European markets
weie, disappointing, as they lanored yes
terday a advance, here. Australia re
ported the crop situation relieved by
tlmeiy rains and there were diapatrhe
trom Argentina tending to confirm esti
mate that the yleid In that country ex
ceeded the bumper year of 1W7. Extreme
upper and lower levels touched by De
cember proved to be Hxc and Ko-V-', with
the close : a net loss of
Corn was orukged lower maiiiiy hy the
break In wheat. December ranged from
to 1M0, and cloned heavy, I'-tiO down
at iKk. Casn graues were weak. No. 2
yellow was quoted at 7(k,c.
Oat were heavy lrom the start. Top
and bottom figure for December were
4i'c ami 4So with the none, at the last
named level, a net loss ot Ptflftu.
Provisions, despite buying on the part
ot a local packer, euccuinned to the in
fluence ot heavy receipts ot hogs. In
the end pork was oft luc, lard txiittc, to
7sc and rib trailing trom last night's
figure to a nickel uecllne.
Quotation on leading product were!
Artlc'ej Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Sat'y.
; I I
IM 99 iHM fiW
it mau: 1 mui 1 02 1 1 (u
1 04H
I (!-il oHI I-jH
idl, t
Ai.A.. 1 a .A I
16 70 1 16 62H 16 62H, 15 72
U 8. Hi lb Hf
't 16 b7Vi
S2 n K
8 87H
liVil g 10
t 11 l10-12Hi S 10 1 8 10 8 16
Cakh quotation were a follow;
FLOUR Eaay; winter patents, 34.30
(.40; (tralghta, IXWttu.w; spring straighl,
il.Mo4j4.!M; bakers, H.wui.iu.
RYE No. 3, Wc,
UA RLE Y Feed or mixing, 76cfi$L01;
fair to choice malting, tl.14ful.23.
8KEDH 1 ttnoihy, eiXovu ui.oO; clover,
I'ltov imONS Mes pork, per bbl.,'y. Lard, per UK) lbs., n.m.
Hhori ribs, side (loose), $7. Vfrs.Ui; short
clear aides (boxedj iJi.aiiis.rii.
'lolal clearances of wneat and flour
were equal to 3', 00 bushel. Primary
receipts were l.twu.ouo buaheis, compared
with iu6,0iio bushels the currenponding day
a year ago. Estimated receipt tor lo
morrow: Wheat, lii car; corn, 244 cars;
oat. lii cars, nogs, si.wv need.
.ulcaao uh t-ilces tvheai: No. 2 red.
WtVU'sI .00; No. 3 red, wcduc; No. 2 haid.
4i.ui'ul.t; no. a naro, vacuii.tM; No. 1
northern, LK(1 U; No. 3 northern, U.0i'4i'
l.ll; No. 8 northern, jLUiifl.Hi; No. 2
spring, ll.O-'mU't, No. 1 sluing, ll.0uul.07;
No. 4 spring, HOcgl.(t;,veivot chaif, )Wc(
l(7; durum, Hocal.u. Cam: No, 2, 13
U'.iSe; no. 3 white, 7',W"c; No. 2 yei-
Iow7ro; No. 8. 1174c; ,NO. 3 white. 74V
W74SO, No. 3 yellow, 74vtt74c; No. 4,
,iHM'i''-c; ro. 4. uew, ewuikiso; No. 4
white, i4tf74Vc; No. 4 white, new, i.Y
7o; No. 4 yellow, JJVtjic; No. 4 yellow.
now, W'uei'to. oats: no. 1 wmte, 4. 14.
7Sc; No. a, 45S'(i4oc; No. 3 white, 4tiWii4
474u: No. 4. 41'u4iWti; No. 4 white. 4mov
4fo; standard, 4m'h7So. Rye; No. 3,
HOVic. tiariey; nay; Clover.
i4.rSl!.oo, imiotny, 4U.0C'U 40.
UUTTE11 Creameries, Sp'jllc; dairies,
!2'U me.
EU(J J-Sledy; receipt, 4.(18 case; at
mark, case Included, PtylTc; firsts, 23c;
prime firsts, 24o.
CU KUS M-Bieady: daisies, 14V(!fl4V4c;
tWibs, ItnlCto; young Americas, 14V4J
144o; long horn, 14j14SiO.
I-cTATOKt tHeauy; choice to fancy,
(Mfloc; fnlr to good, tfciitac.
POULTRY steady; turkeys, 14o; chick,
tns, He; springs. 10c.
VKAL Rteady; 60 to aO-lb, wts., 89c;
(0 to HVIb. wts., rHtjlOSic; gi to Utf-lb.
wts., He.
Dally movement of produce:
Article. Receipt. Shlpm't.
Flour, bhls, 24.300 27, 0
Wheat, bu. lo,0i 40.0OO
Corn, bu. M ..24.0.10 307.0OJ, bu. 2fi,fH) 1&6.MQ
Rye, bu. 12,(W B.ooO
Rarley. bu Sol.two e.doO
Carlot Receipts Wheat, lbft car, with
30 of contract grade; corn, 292 curs, with
Mg of contract grade; oata, 27 car. Total
receipt of wheal at Chicago. Minneapolis
and Duluth tcnlay were DM car, compared
with lus car laat week ana 4ts curs for
the corresponding day a year ago.
Kansas City tirala and Provisions.
Cash, steady; No. 1 hard. I1.00ii l.On; No.
3. -t)3l.0; No. 2 red, 99c; No. 3,
!o ; December. 97c; May, I1.01U.
CORN Ho lower; No. 2 mixed, i2c; No.
3, 70c; No. 3 white, 72c; No. 3. 71Sc; De
rem tier. t2l;uJ,c; May, ta!,o04c; July,
1ATS Unchanged No. 3 Whit. 4S
4ti,c; No. 2 mixed, 4SUTe.
Jl'i K efniseir.
1LVY-Stedy: choice timothy. 119.601
20. do; choir pialrl. 313 OonJl.l.W.
IIUTTKR-Crtainerr. 80c; first. 28c:
Secohda, liO; packing slock. 19'v'.
KUU8-Extra. 2m:: iirsts. :9Viu: seo-
onds, 17c.
Receipts. Shipment.
Wheal, btl 4.(MI 62,0ii0
Corn, bu 20,000 20.00)
Oau, bu B.000 ,ooo
Minneapolis Grain Market.
ufvVE'iiinr.N ru.i xi u-iivit
Cloae, $l.wl; May, II 0V. July, (1.10.
Caul). No. 1 hard, (l.otiS; No. 1 northern,
tl .OGSCH 0H; No. t northern. (l.wJV
l.vts. ro. o wuear,. eo-.ecvf4.v17a.
RA Kl.K Y tOc'fltl 30.
CoHN No. 3 yellow, trT0c
OATS-No.' 3 w hite, 4i4tic.
RYE No 1 IV".
F1AIR First palenla. 3.V10ti3.40: -
ond patents, (4.70it&.00; first clears, tU-30
tji. second clear. 2.SOu2.a
Philadelphia Prodneo Market.
Firm, Ho to lo higher; extra western
creamery, (4Hc; nearby prints, 34o.
fcXXlsi-Flriu; Peniisylvania and other
nearby first, f. c, t 40 per case; cur
rent receipts, f. a. 87. M per case; west
ern firsts, f. c. t40 per cane; currant
receipts, f c , t7UVj7M per ease.
CHKESK-Sleady; New York full
cream, fancy, loc; fair to good, 14gl4Hc.
I.lerpMl tlraln Market.
T.IVKRrOOU Oct. tl.-WHKAT-Spot,
tteady; No. 3 Manitoba. Ts J; future,
easy; Iieeember, 7s 4-d; March, 7s 3'd;
Msy. 7a 3Sd.
CORN rpot. steady; American mixed,
(a 1, future, dull; lanuary. 6Sd; Feb
! ruarv, la VJ.
Fricei Rite Towardt Clote of Dull
Session on Exchange.
H Irkmatm'i Wllllnraesa to Ac
cept Reora-aunlsatloa iehentj with
Modification regrarded aa
of Larue Importanre.
NF.W YORK. OrL 31.-Prlres rose In
spirited faahlun on the stock exchange
today toward the close of what up to
that time had been a dull resiion. The
rise apparently was based on Wall
street's construction of the day devel
opments In the Amerlrsn Tobacco hear
ing. This and the uncertainty a to the
result of the United State Bteel cor
porations quarterly meeting held after
the clou ot the stock market were the
main factor of the day Price held
firmly and toward the clone the upward
movement became pronounced, with the
Inquiry much wider.
Attorney General W Irkersham willing
ness to accept the Tobacco reorganisa
tion plan provided It be mod 1 1 led in
acrordunre with hi proposal was re
garded In the street a of large Impor
tance, 'the opinion . gaining ground
that the scheme of reorganisation as
Ultimately accepted will not be as onerous
to holder ot the net unties as was
feared by some Interest.
Derasratlon of the usual dividend on
United mates Steel was expected In
spite of the condition In the Iron and
steel trade. The quarterly earnings of
tiH.dno.iioo were unexpectedly good, some
estimate having run n low as i.j,uw.
1 he standard railroad stork led the
market. Union Pacific was especially
active and strong, advancing 2'fc points.
while most of tne high priced issue,
Includible Northwestern. Canadian Pa-
ciuc, Northern Pacific and Lehigh Val
ley, gamed a point or more.
Among the Industrials attention was
centered on the American Tobacco Issue
and United ritate Hteel. Tne Tobacco
securities rose sharply In the afternoon
following thn attorney general state
ment of hi position. '1 he preierred stock
gained three points, the tl ier cent bonds
nearly en much and the 4s a point. On
the "curb" the common stock shot up 34
points. '
United Plate Fteel roe nearly two
point. The copper stocks wers active
and strong, sentiment toward these issues
being improved by the attorney general
statement that no dissolution suit agatnxi
the American Smelting and Rettmng com
pany had been piepared. American
Cotton Oil fell 8 to 42ft, it lowest price
uf tne year.
Rep-uns of a number of western rail
road tor September were received today,
and In almost every rase an unfavorable
Sbow'ng was made. Northern Pacific re
ported a drop of t09,Oou In gross receipts
'loledo, St. Louis A Weitern, Rock
Island, Bt. Louis A Han Francisco and
Minneapolis fit St. Iyouia reported shrink
ages. A gain of 4Vl,i In the hepiember
net Income ot the National Railways ot
Mexico was followed by an advance In
the second preferred stock.
Trading In bond wan quiet aside from
the American Tobacco Issue. Issues
were well maintained. Total sales, pax
value, fct,A.'i3,0uo. United Mates bond un
changed on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stock were aa follows:
Balsa, lllch. Low. Clom.
Allis-Chalmers pM lo
Amalgamated (kipper ... 10.7W) ltd 11 (1
American Atrlruilural .. 11)0 41 41 411
Am. lieot Hugar 3,9uO M? UH H
Amariran Can 914
Amarlran C. K 300 4 47 47H
Am. Cotton Oil 3,400 4 4m 4314
Amarlran It. at L. pld 20
Am. l.a Baourltl too 11 11 17
Amarlran Llnaeed PC 14 ISa
Amarlran Locomotive ... 1"0 g' !2'k 11
Amarlran 8. it H 40.100 : to IH
Am. 8. It. pfd 1.1U0 99 99 9IV9
Am. Rtael Koundrlaa 2
Am. Nugar Hcflnlax 100 111 lit 115
Amrkn T. a. T 3,100 l:li4 Ul'i 1S1
Amarlran Tobacco pld..., 1.700 97 95 -a IW7
American Woolan SO
Anaconda Mining Co.... 400 1.1-4 Si KV,
Atchlaiin 2,100 ll 1'A PW
Atchlaon ptd 15 '4
Allantlo Coaat Una 900 111 IM Ut
Haltlmora Ohio l.!"0 97(4 n 97
tiathleliam BUwl 100 Mi t-4 li
llrooklyn Rapid Tr "0 74 744 74
Canadian I'aclll t.loo t3'4 139 2S4
(antral brathar 104 l' M(4 90
Central Leather pfd 100 9'4 9 91
Central ot New Jeracy... IM
Cheeapeake Ohio 900 U 714 71
Clllcaao A Alton ..4 55
CliUago U. W., new 19
Chlraao U. W. pfd 0 37 974 17
Chlcaao 4t N. W (00 1464 143(4 149
Chicago, 91. A 8, P 1.900 lull -4 10714 I'M1
c. (.'.. C, at. L....i 93
Colnrado F. A 1 10 tttt t'1
Onlorado A Southern.... too 4Sa 44 49
Ciineolldalwl Uaa 3.HM 134 137 H7
l"urn 1'ruduita 100 111 10 10
Delaware A lludeon 4ii0 14C4 14 H52V4
Henter A Hlo Uranda.... tno 14 29
Denver A It. 0. pfd l' 49 49 49
DUtillera' 8urltlea .... 8i 30 10 9
Erie 19.700 .V.'S. SIS 934
Kris let pfd 1.900 92V4 91 (,
Kria Id pfd 9n0 42 41 42
O-enerel Klectrtc 14N 147 14
Great Northern pfd 0 194 114 14
(ire.1 Northern Or ctft.. 1,900 42 41 41
llllnola Central 13
Interhnrough Mat. 900 14 14 14
Int. Met. pfd 44
International llarveater.. 700 105 109
Inl. Marina pfd 14
International Paper 10
International Pump 400 11 19 24
Iowa Central , ...... , 17
Kanaaa City Southern 1
K. (' 80. pfd o
Laclede Qaa 14
Ixiuiavlll NethYllle.. 700 147 144 144
Minn. A 8t. Louie 94
M . 8t. P. A 8. 8. M... 900 199 131 11U
Mlaaourl. K. A T 900 tl 90 90
M . K A T. pfd
ktlaaourl Pad lie 1.909 41 41 41
National meruit 11
National Lead 1"0 41 41 44
N. B K. of M. hi pfd.. l.l'io 91 99 91
New York Central 1,000 104 109 liK
N Y . U A W 100 99 99 94
Norfolk A Westers , 909 109 199 109
North America , 4(10 Tl 71 71
Northern Pacifl , 2.900 117 117 117
Facttio Mall 400 11 14 rs'
P.nnnrlY.nla 1.100 123 111 lt'
People-e Uaa 100 104 lo ln
P , C, C. A Bt. L 109 99 94 99
Pltuburgh Coal 17
Preaaad Bteelj.'ar 900 99 19 9u
Pullman Pal, Oar. e-d.. 199
Rallaar gtaal Spring 14
Reading 90,709 139 1M 13
Repuhlla Hteel Dal 11 11 19
Kepur.Ho Steal pfd f t 71 74 17
Hock I. land Co 400 29 29 r
Rock laland Co. pfd 4U0 49 4T 41
SUA F. Id pld 40
t. Louia W 9
Ut. L 8. W. pfd...,w. u 49
Hloee-8heUleld 8. A 1 40
uuihars Paclflo I.4. 109 1 lo
Southern lUtlway .l Zt t'i .!
Kuutbem Hallway pfd... 90 10 Tu 70
Tenneaae Cupper 909 94 14 14
Teaaa A Pa. 1 lie 14
T.. St. U A W 109 11 1T4 11
T . Bt. I. A W. pfd 3O0 43 41 41
Vnloo Paclflo 49.400 144 143 13
t'nion raclfle pfd 11
I lilted Klatea Kealtr 99
t'nited State 11 libber.... 1.4) 41 4f 42
United States Bteel 13.-9 65 b.1 44
V 8. IHeel ptd T.7H0 1 14 lt6
Utah Copper 2.1V0 44 44 44
Vs. -Carolina Chemical .. 1,400 47 44 47
W.tia.h e. 11
Wabaek pld 900 94 24 14
Weatern Maryland Sno (4 94 94
WeftlnghouM klactrla .. 4e0 U 3 41
W Micro l uloo 1.4U0 7 77 i
Wheeling A L B i
Uhigh Vallny 1.100 la. 144 146
Total galea far tha day, 491.10 abara.
New York Money Market.
call, steady, at t'nlk per rent; ruling
rate. I'i per rent; closing bid, 3H per
cent: offered at 2- per rent. Time loan,
steady; sixty day, twos' per rent;
ninety days. SHbSH. per cent; six months,
3V4 Per cent.
4 tier cent.
actual buslneea in bankers Mils at (4.o&5
for nxty-day bill and at 34 hois) for de
mand: commercial bills, (4 83.
rilLVFR Uar, bc; Mexican dollars,
IiONDt) Government and railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
a follows:
t. 8. ref la, rag...l90lnt. M If. 4s... 94
do ooupoa 19uJapea 4a k7
V. 8. aa rag 14! So 4a M
do coupon IIK. C So. let la... Tl
V. 8. . rag m L. 8. dek. 4a 111.. 9.
do eoupos 119 L A N. unl. 4a..., ',
Allla-Chal. let 9a... 94 M. K. A T lat 4s.. 97
Aaier. Ag ta lt de gen. 4a 97
A. T. A T. cv. 4..14 Paclflo 4a 13
A at 4 91N. KR ( M 4s 41
do a 111. N T. 11. g. 1.... ga
aArawar A Co. 4a 91 i0 dak. 4a u
Atchlao gea. 4a.... 4,N Y . N. U. A H.
.lo ct 4a. t4ig re. e 1M
da cv. 9a I.i4 ax A w. i ( u
a. C. L let 4a.... do c 4a 10:4.
Pal. A Ohio ta WNo Pacific 4 10)
ad 4 91 da ta a
ado . W. 9a ... auijaa g u rtdg 4e.. ko,
Pnxik. Tr 0. 4a... 94 peon, e. 9s 1919.. 9T
i-.a. ot ua. 9a PM do eea. 4a. 109
('a. Leather 9a 94 Reading gea. 4a. 91
.' ol N. J g 9a. Ill '4 L 4 I T. (g 4s 7
Che. A Ohio so gea. 4e 47
a cv. 4a 99gi L g. W a. 4a.. !
CVlcaso A a. Ia.. 9 aa M 4 u ... m
. A L. ail. 9a...
So. Pac. col. 4a ....
do lt ref. 4a
. MS
F. Railway 9....
. 79
do g.n. 4a
t'aion Pacirie 4a...
flo cv. 4a
do let A raf. 4a.
I'. 8. Rahher li...
I'. 8 Bteel 2d tl...
Ve.-Cgr. Chem. 9a.
Wabah lrt 9a ...
do lat A ej 4a...
Wem.m M4. 4....,
Weet. Elec. c. 61
Wla. lntral 4s
Mo. Pac cr. 4i
do gen. 4a 74
do ce. 4a, ear. A.. 9S
do aeries R 774
Oen. tlee. c. 9a.. 145
III. C'O lit ref. 4a 94't
Inl Met. 4e 71
Panama 3a
-uia. - uircrea.
London Htock Market.
IX5NDON. Oct. 31. American rurltle
were quiet and steady during the fore
noon. Price ranged from unchanged to
V higher than yesterday's New York clos
ing. London cloning stock quotations:
Conaola, money ..79 H-14 Inullrllle A Naah..l0
do aceonnl 7 Mo., Kan. A Tn.. Sl
Amal. Copper 91 New Tnrk Central. .107
Anaconda : 9 4 Norfolk A Weatern. Ill
Atchlnon 109 do pfd 91
ao P'd I'"l Ontario A Wester. 19
naltlmore A Ohio . 49 renni.rlr.nla 93
Canadian Pacific ..HI R.nd Mlnea 4
Chenapeake A Ohio.. 73 Reading 71
(hi. Ureal Weatern. 1'4 Southern Ry 9
Chi , Mil. A Bt. P.llft d pfd 71
l'e Foere 14 li Southern Paclflo ...112
Denver A Rio Q.... It HI 11 ion Paolflo 197
Pfd 44 do pfd 94
Erie .11 V. 8. Hteel 95
do lat pfd (.3 do pfd 107
3" P' 43 tVebaih 12
Clr-and Trunk 2714 do pfd 24
llllnola Central 142
flLVKR Bar, uteady at 25 l-18d per
MONEY-142li ppr rent.
The rate of discount In .the open mnr
ket for short bill 1 8 l-lV-i-Vi. per cent;
tor three months' bid, 4 i-lioJ's per
stock were
A Hones
Amal. Copper
A. Z. L A g
Arlfnna Com
K A C. C. A fl. M
Ilutt Coalition ...
Cel. A Arltona....
Stock Market
31. Cloning quotatl
on on
. 11 Mohawk
,. 92 Nevada Con. ....
. 12 Nlplaaina Mines
. 45 North finite ....
. t North Lake ....
. 19 Old Iominlon ..
. 4oareola
.30 Parrott 8. A C
. 9 Qulncy .,
. SI8hannon
. In superior
. 4 superior A B. M
3 9-141'amarark
.. 40
.. 14
.. 17
.. 14
.. 4
.. 39
.. 94
.. 9
.. 99
Ca I. A llccle
Cop. Ilanje C. C
Kaat nutt C. M...
(llroui Con
Uranby Con
Oreena Cananea ...
lal Hoyala Copper.
Kerr Uke
Lake Copper
I fie He Cniuuir
. 27 I'. 8. 8 R. A M
... 91
, do pfd
. 11 Utah Con
. 1- Utah Copper Co.
. 17 Winona
.. 45
.. r.
.. 44
.. 4,
.. II
4 Wolverine
Miami Copper
New York Mining; Stock.
NEW YORK, Oct. 31 -Cloning quota
tion on mining stock were:
Allc lio Little Chief I
Com. Tunnel stock.. 19 M lcan 170
do bonda 14 Ontario 100
Con. Cal. A Va 79 Ophlr 190
Horn Silver B Standard li
Iron Silver 95 Yellow Jacket 40
Leadvllle Con. .... 10
Hank Clearing.
OMAHA. Oct. 31 Bank clearing for
today were t2,13l,S40.K! and for the corre
sponding day last year, t2,9o!),r3:(.34 The
clearings for the month amount' to
t. 277.Ho. 37 and for the same month last
annotation of the Day oa Varloo
NEW YORK, Oct. 31.-FLOUR-Oulet;
spring patents, (r,.80(u.o.50; winter straights.
44.O0Vci4.5O; winter patents, 84.35S4.70; spring
clears, 34.30414.00; winter extras No. 1, t3.0
t3.k; winter extras No. 3, t3.45ffiS.55; Kan
sa straight. 34.7fiff4.Mr. Rye Hour, firm;
fair to good, 35.005.20; choice to fancy,
CORNMEALSteady; fine white and
yellow. tl.fiOifl.fifi; coarse, (1.351.80; kiln
dried, l3.ot4l3.75.
RYE-Dull; No. 2, flto nominal, c. L'f,
Buffalo to arrive.
UARLEY Firm; malting, $1.171.25,
c. I. f.. Buffalo.
WHEAT Spot market weak; No. ! red,
98'Ac, elevator, export basis, and 984o f.
o. b. afloat; No. 1 northein Duluth, (1.14H
f. o. b. afloat. Future market wa weak
under heavy selling on the favorable for
eign crop, situation, especially In Argen
tina, and influenced by the outside mar
kets and poor cash demand, closing tc
net lower. December, tl-OlHffll.OS 3-l;
closed at tl 01H; May, tl.08 11-164) l-Otij;
closed at (1.08 11-18. Receipts, 301,800 bu.;
shipment. 1I1,5(8 bu.
CORN Spot market barely steady; ex
port No. 2. SOc. nominal, f. o. b. afloat.
Future market nominal. Receipts,
uu.; snipmeni, 1,( DU.
OATS fpot . market steady. Futures
market nominal. Receipts, 77,775 bu.
HAY Steady, prime, (1.30; No. 1, (1.25
1.50; No. 2. tl.2tvjTl.25.
HIDES Steady; Central America, 21c;
Bogota, 30H(cl'23t4iO.
LEATHER Steady; hemlock flrwts. 25
27c; second, iZlfHc; thirds, lffl21c; re
jects, 15c.
PROVISIONS -Pork, teady; megs,
t16.75&l7.25; family, tlS-OOiglil.OO: short
clear, f 1(1.754, 17.50. Beef, quiet; mess,
tl2.o0tj;l3.00; family, (18.BOfi 14.00; beef
ham. (.T.(Ka31 .60. Cut meat, quiet;
pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, (10.2,V(i
11.23; pickled hams, (11.0011.25. Lard,
steady; middle west prime, p.txWrD.lS; re
fined, steady; continent, 19-80; Pouth
American, fit. 40; compound, (7.25.00.
TALLOW Firm; prime city, finds.,
the: country, 6(ff7e.
BUTTER Firm; creamery special, 33(f
33 c; extras, 32iu3iHc; firsts, 2ti'30Hc;
creamery, held pec!;i. Slifesmc; extras,
2lV630c; first, 28crji(c; r.ate dairy, tuba,
finest, 8V5Jlc; process, specials, 23c; ex
tras, 24Tji4Vic; factory, current make,
firsts, 3c.
CHEESE Steady; skims, 1512Ho.
EGOS Steady; fresh gathered, extras,
33a&4c: extra firsts, K08lc; firsts, 2o'28c;
held fresh, poor to prime, lr'y-2lc; re
frigerator, first season's storage charge
paid, Jvtillc; refrigerator, flrt, on dock.
lltjk-; western gathered whites, 2jj38c.
POULTRY Alive, steady; western
chickens. imei3Vic; fowls, HtTlio; tur
keys, Pic; dressed, qutet; western chick
e' , 7(fic; fowls, 7<v1oj turkeys, broil
ing, 23c; others, UiiMc.
St. I.onle General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. tl.-WHEAT-Cash.
lower; track, No. 2 red, 9Sti9!t'4jc; No. i
hard, 9SVjci(ti.Uii; December, 974c; May,
CORN Steady: track. No. 2, 71l472c;
No. t write, 734j73Sc; December Wl'ac;
May. 64 c.
OATS-Steady; trsck. No. 2. 4R'4C4l4c;
No. 3 white, 47fi47;c; December, 440.
RYE Unchanged, at 9t4c
FIAJUR Steady ; red winter patents,
t4.Wfi4.90: extra fancy and straight, U.30
tj-4 40; hard winter clears. t3.6(;t.T j.
SEED Timothy, tl2. 00 11.50.
CORNMEALr 33.80.
KRAN Firm; sacked east track, (1.13
HAY Lower; timothy, (18.0OQC3.00;
prairie. tlL'.Oo-aie.OO.
BAtKllNO 8c.
1IK..MH TWINE :4e.
PROVISION Pork, unchanged; Job
bing, lis On. Lard, lower; price steam,
t4.7SH(do.57V. Dry salt meats, unchanged;
boxed extra short, 9T4u; clear ribs, K'c;
short dear, c. Bacon, unchanged;
boxed extra shorts, SV'; clear ribs? 7(,c;
hort clears. 10c.
P4)ULTRY Bteady; chickens, 8o;
spring, 9c; turkeys, 14316c; ducks, 1-c;
geese, 8'0.
BUTTER Higher; creamery, 211J31c.
EGGS Higher, at 21TjWo.
Peer In Market.
PEORIA, Oct. tl. No. 3 white, new.
7Wc; No. 2 yellow, old, "Sc; No. 3 -el-low,
7JHc; new. tPc; No. 4 yellow, new,
ir4V: No. 3 mixed, 71c; new. C7c; No. 4
mixed, oli, "0c; new, 64 He; sample, new,
. OATS-Steady; No. 3 white, old, 41c.
Oils aad Raala.
4.'u46-,c ; aalea, 115 bbl.; receipt, H4 bhl ;
hlpment. 1.444 bbl.: stocks, 36.42 bbl.
ROBIN Firm; sales, t,S73 bill.: re
ceipt, 1.818 bbls. ; shipment. 923 bbls. ;
storks, 81,190 bb'.s. Quote B. to; D,
fiiSt); k, (5 37H: F, O. H, K, M, to. 45, N.
(4 46; W, O. t7 .25; W W. tT.50.
Mllwankee Crala Market.
1 northein. tl Osfu 1.13; No. f northern, 11.04
tjl 10; No. 1 hard winter, 1.04t1.0o; De
cember, C7Sc: May, tlcrj.
OATS-Slandard. 47V-
BARLEY Malting, (1.1261 23.
C. B. A Q. ). 4i ... 9
do gen 44 H
f. M. A 8 P. d. 4a 94
C. R. I. A P. c. 4a. 11
do rfg. 4a
Colo ind 4a 11
t 010 Mid. 4a n
C. A . r A 4a 9;
I). A H. er. 4a.... 9(
l A It. 0. 4a 90
do rf. 4e 11
rummers' 9a T4
Krle p. I. 4 44
Onsk Hey Market.
OMAHA, Oct. tl HAY No. 1. flt.SOf
11.00; No. I. fit So 11 0t: coarse. 1.0 1;
packing stock. f7.tars.u: alfalfa. t!4.e.
Straw; W heat. (j.v9o4 50; rye and ost.
t 50.
Cattle Ten to Fifteen Higher for
Two Days.
Fat Iambs Ten Cents lower Than
Monday, with Fat Sheep and
Both Feeder Sheep and
Lamb Steady.
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 31. 1911.
Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheop.
Offical Monday ll.irTS 2.i:t.! 3o,:KX
Estimate Tuesday 0.2W 6.3nO 3 ,000
Two days this week. .17.273 8.W2 638
Same day lost week. .21.745 ld.klS ll.n4j
Same days 2 w ks axo.l.i'M (i.iiiai MJ.ifti
same day 3 w ks go.l;,'ii9 n.iiM H4,-('3
bnme days 4 w'k ago.i,o.'7 6.0JSI pp",l:o
Same days last year ...nol ft.iitf ;,i9
The following table shows the receipts
or cattle, hotjs and sheep at South umaha
for the yearTo date, as compared with
last year: mil iiniv me lier.
Uattle 9M1.IHW l.d.!i.l 2i.3,J
Hogs 2.IIUMHI 1 tU,. ikX .t:.4 i,
tjirpP 2.5o4,lli4 2,oW.4i 40,ii2
ihe followinu taoie shows the averakc
prices paid for hoks at Mouth Omaha lor
the last few days, with comparisons.
fate. 19H. 1910. 11909. 19o8. 1 107 . 1 11045. 1JG.
Oct. 23..
Oct 1:4. .
uct. a,..
Oct. a..i
Oct. 2;.. i
Oct. 6..
Oct. L9..
Oct. Mi..
Oct. 31..
34 7 62 1 5 4 6 70 C l.". 6 14
(1 iWiiai 8 f0 5 41 1 6 4i 6 121 5 lo
0 2o a 4, 7 (6 5 o9 6 ia o 01
6 IS Sal 8 2rJ 7 b 6 54 5 4u, 8 1H 4 94
0 lsygi 8 o 7 64 6 W) I b 1J 4 (si
0 14 ' O wO I t4 0 ill 5 5il I 4 VI
I 8 Li 7 bi 6 bUi 6 4S 6 15
6 loHl 7 701 5 b0 6 60 C6 4 94
I 8 01 1 5 6o 5 bJ, 0 0- 4 -
Sunday. and disposition of live stock
at tne Union Stock yarus, for twenty
tour hours ending at 3 o clock yesteruuy;
Cattle. Hotra. Rhnnn. tf'r'a
m. or. ot. 1-..., i
Missouri Pacific. ... 5
Union Pacltic 58
4 2..
is ti . ''i
w 1 ..
17 Zi ,.
0 .. e.
IS 19
93 IZi 1
C. it N. W., east.. 3
C. or. N. W. west.. 61
C, Ht. P., At. & O.. 3
C, U. ot g., east.. 1
C, B. Ac (J., west. .130
C, 1L 1. Ac P., east 3
Illinois central 1
U. O. W 1
Cattle Hoes. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co 623 l.ooa 222
oiii aim company.... 1,140 I.jiO Z.oiu
Cudahy Packing Co.. ..1,232 2,2:'h' 3,i51
Armour & Co l.o4 x.011
cicuw ariz-uuicn Co....
W. B. Vaosant Co
Benton, Vansunt & JU 14
inn & Hon
F. B. 1ewis
Huston fc Co
J. B. Root & Co 17
J. H. Buna , 2ti5
i-. r. iluss 106
U Wolf id
AicCreary & Kellogg.... 311
Wertheinier Ac Deaen.. lnrl
H. F. Hamilton su
Le i-iutnscliild
A10. 6c Kan. calf Co.... loi
Cline & ennsty
. 4
oiner buyers
Totals 8,771 7.274 32,714
in. ueceipin 01 cainu luuuy
111. iel tor a xuesuay 111 a long 11111
ufK. mo total tor tnu two nays tn.o
eek foota up oniy li, nead, wlncn it,
oer 4,ouo beau suiaiier tnun lust wet.
and over o.ovo neau amauer man tor tne
-ine two days luai year, in oilier worua,
.1 was tnu hiiittnesi two ua run 10
ceived at this point In a good many week.
.b iiie aauuvj t,m laiciu naa a fcoou uuj
... ueiutuu, and wun oluer inaraeta
uioderaieiy supplied price here iirtneu
up rapidiy, toe irade being ooih active
nd higuer. It will be remembered mat
-ne in.iaet yesieruay was yuoieu a litiie
stronger, and li would be sale to quoit
a.l desirable kinas 01 cattle, both knler.
and teeueis, loiuloc higher than iasi
week's close. A a matter of fact It was
possiuie to find salesmen who thougiu
uiai on especially desnable cattle they
secured even more advance tnan tnai.
common, Inferior cait.e, as a matter 01
course, did not share In the improvement
to the same extent as the better grades,
practically everything was cleaned up in
very talr season.
Wuotatlons on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, (t).76(&7.iiO; fair to good
beef steers, 34.7fxu6.75; good to choice
heifers, Ri&'a&.30; good to choice cows,
f4.254t4.90; fair to god cows, f3.754.2o;
common to fair coWs, f2.604f3.65; veal
calves, f3.504f7.50.
Quotations on range cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, fb.oiKfjtj.&O; fair to good
beef steer, f4.ftxii5.60; common to fair
beef steers, (4 254.75; god to choice
heifers, f4.25(S'5.00; good to choice cow,
f4.35(d4.90; fair to good cows, f3.754.30;
god to choice stockera and feeders, f4.66
06.75; fair to good Blocker and feeders,
f4.25frj-4.65; common to fair Blocker and
feeder. (3.4(Ku,4.20; stock heifer. (3.25(34.25;
bulls, stags, etc., f3.264.90.
HOGS Surface of hog trade had sev
eral new wrinkles. Receipts showed a
substantial gain, amounting to about 100
loads and the run brought in quite a
respectable delegation of pigs. In the
face of aupply figure a well as bearish
reports from eastern centers, packers all
Insisted upon cheaper cost and hammered
the trade for big nickel declines.
Slunipy trend to values was not at
tended by very much dullness, however,
and Instead of dragging along to a tame
finish, the market was fairly active and
closed early in good shape. Yards were
almost entirely cleared of offerings at
10:30 o'clock. Big bulk wa purchaed
for local slaughter, but shippers and
peculator furnished fair support, buy
ing almost a dozen loads In all.
Packing stuff, claiming the heaviest
bUBines, sold largely at (6.12",, and the
tc.10ta0.15 spread Included all but a tew
odd sales of hog weighing about 250
pounds and better. Good bacon varieties
commanded small premiums, but indif
ferent quality was avoided and had to
move on a par with ordinary lard classes
Best quality stock reached f6.20. Identical
wtili yetserday's high price.
More or less sorting wa necessary In
order to get action on pig stuff, only two
or three load coming straight. Almost
everything In this line looked healthy, 60
to 90 pounder selling around f4.50. with
W0 to 140 averages trom t4.90 up to f5.50.
The unexpected presence of so many pig
In today's receipts is not regarded a
very significant, a report ot disease in
Nebraska and Iowa at present are tew
and Isolated.
eiur.r-itt bile and character, the
.reiiii supply of shuep and lambs was de
cidedly suggestive ot marketing during
me oinan-up period of range trade, unlj
0,000 head arrived, and tne big bulk 04
ouerlnga lacked liniah, uiawum an In
quiry only trom country buyers.' Lambs
proved lue general ruie, the same a re
cently, and aside trom a coupie of loppy
shipments ot a standard brand, there was
nothing very attractive on sole In the
way of fat stufr. Very little "scenery
ted" stock from the corn belt was avail
able and no ono regretted It absence.
Fat lambs, despite a rather slim supply,
showed inure or lea weakness. Early
sales inuicated a uime lower In im.
.iincli ot ihe trado, but even after this
loss Is subtracted, it is apparent thai
local values are still relatively high as
compared with those In force at eastern
points. The Kinney lambs, topping at
toko yesterday, bad to sell with practi
cally the kaum sort at (5.75, and other
varieties were cheapened accordingly.
Matured mutton in good flesh acted
well from the start, ruling fairly active
and just aboL't steady. Desirable ewes
were wanted around 43 25, and very good
handy wether moved scaleward at f3.4fi-u
J.tA Something prime In this line would
probably touch (3 75, but quality rather
than weight Is the first consideration.
Ma.1 a to order yearlings are quotable up
to (4-25, some 70-pounder bringing that
figure yesterday-
Feeder trade preserved It healthy ap
pearance and firm prices were usually
paid all along the line, hupport rame al
most entirely from country buyer or
their broker, as the speculative outlet Is
becoming more restricted ach day.
Weighty lambs for a dry lot quick turn
were favored, selling from f 4 do upward
A big strink of no-rounder wnt out
irsterday at t'i 4t). but thrifty lamb thai
are properly feedera ran b purchaxe.i
at tt 50 and 1es. Feeder ewes are still laiaely under ine f 3 uu mat a. Ua
trrday lolal purchase on coumry ac
count amounted to 2.1. hut head.
Quotations on (heep and Iambs-Lambs.
good to choice. t'i.fiv.i.W.; !amti. fair to
good, f." .it.iii6.iKi; la tub, ferttcts, IJ.M't
4.i; yearliiiK. good to -hoir, f : yi 4 i-;
yearlinKS, feeders, f.1 V 1 7f : wethen,
good to choice. f.i :1i 3. 16; wethers, fair to
good, f. 1.251 3. 50; wethers, feeder. $2.'K
8 2n; ewes, pood to choice, t-i - '!! ; we,
fair to good, (S i'ltS -i; ewes, breeders,
t-1 .2r.ir34.0O; ewes, feeders, UX.-jiM; ewes,
culls, fl.35y;.15.
Demand for Cattle Slow Hog
Weak Sheep Strong.
CHICAGO, Ort. 31. CATTLE Receipt''.
".SO head; market slow and steady;
beeves. f4.1W1K.8n; Texas steers. fl loyoiW;
western steers. 1.15'i7.o0; Blockers and
feeders, fj.8iti5.75: cows and heiftrs, fiiW
tin. 15: calves, f."..0(HjS.50.
Hi GS Receipts. head; market
weak; light. V' Tolifi J5. mixed. f.775'u4j.5t;
heavv, f5.iVtiti.fiO; rough. f.V7.VH.0o; good
to choice heavy. .KO'.iti.rnl; pigs, 'i-da
5. 'In; bulk of sales, t'i li"ini.3..
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. .10,000
head; market strong; native, f.' 00'i i.Tn;
western, fi3"(j 3.75; yearlings, t-1 50'i I. -0;
native lambs, (3.505.75; western, f3.7c'
St. I.onls Live Stork larket.
ST. 1X)U1S, Oct. 31. CATTLE Receipts,
5,SM head. Including 174 Texans; market
strong, lot; higher: native shipments and
export Meers, t;i. Jruk.75: dressed beef and
butchers' steers, .i.Oiu7.;0; steers under
l.lioO pounds. 14.iKi'ii8.25. stockers and feed
ers, (3.:!5(i5.75; cows and heifers, n.odfn ;.();
canners,; bulls. (:l.iiVn.vjft; caives.
$l.("j'uS.50; Texuns and Indinn steers, (1.00
S7.00: cows and heifers. t4.50-n7.uO.
HOGS Receipts, 13. 7M head; market
steady, shade lower; plus and Hunts, fl.50
tiij.40; packers, (fi. 01 I'll 0.25; butchers' and
best heavy, fii.2Ti3jd.50.
SHEEP AND LAMUS-lleceipts, 4.703
head; market steady; native muttons,
tXSi'Ui.iTi; lambs, tl.OMii.i.V. culls and
bucks, fl.25'u3.50; stockeivt, il.M'uO.
Kansas City l ive Mock Market.
Receipts, li.vOu, Including 5W southerns;
market steady to Wo hiKiier. dressed beef
and export steers, 7.(n( it .oil; fair to good,
to.tK(itj.75; western steers, f4.15'ui.7u; Block
ers and feeders, f4.Wii6.iO; southern steers,
f3.ti')Q.ii(; soiitliern cows, t- ""i l.-i; native
cows, fJ.T.ViiD.OO; native helfois, ja.uOU' 7.00;
bulls, t3.Liili3.5o; calves, tl.oj-ii7.50.
L HOGS Receipts, 17.00o head; market
steady to loc lower; bulk ot sales, f5.tlV8
6.3Z'-t.; heavy, ti.15'ui).3rj; packers and
butchers,; liglits, to.mi$.f,
plK. tl 'VKiS.OO
head; market strong, lambs, 4.iv,m.(io;
yeurlings, t:io4.50; wethers, f3.otKu3.HD;
ewes. tJ.25'u3.2o: Blockers and feeders.
fl. 753.75.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
Receipts 2.000 head; market strong to 10o
higher; steers, f4.60ty7.55; cows and heif
ers, f2.75,'n'00; calves, f.(Wi7.50.
HOGS Receipts 8,000 head; market Wo
lower; top, fii.3o; bulk of sales, ft,.oo(S6.iU
SHEEP AND LvAMttS Receipts 8,000
head, market Btrong; lambs, f4.5oii35.S5.
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal markets yesterday:
came. nogs, fciieep.
South Omaha 6.200 .) 3."K)
St. Joseph 2.000 8.0OI) 3.000
Kansas City ,. 17.m) 17. 001 Won)
St. Iiuis n;0 13.H0U 4.700
Chicago v.... 7.500 26.000 30,010
... 38,000 11,100 60,700
Coffee Market.
tures opened steady at an advance ot
20j33 points, inresponse to higher Euro
pean cables, Bteady firm otters from
Brazil and realizing by shorts, following
tho recent sharp decline. Business was
quiet, active and the market gained
strength during the day on estimates on
smaller Brazilian receipts during Novem
ber, rontlnued covering, buying by trade
Interests and a renewal of bull support.
Fluctuations In December were irregu
lar and that position showed relative
weakness at times as the result of liqui
dation, but closed within four points ot
the best. The final tone was firm and
from 20 to 42 point net higher. Sales
162,500 bass. November and December,
fl4.29; January, L3.91 ; February, (13.71,
March, (13.61; April, 313.47; May and June,
fl3.43; July, 13.42; August, fl3.41; Septem
ber, tl3.40.
Havre, 2tj2,4 francs net higher. Ham
burg was 1 pfg. net higher. ILio, 200 relg
lower, at SfikiO; Santos, 4s. 100 rei lower,
at 9100; 7s, 100 rels higher, at Kt'4X. Re
ceipts at the two Brazilian potts, 9S.0K)
baits, against 55,000. Jundiahy, receiyts,
6,000 bags, against 3S.O00 last year.
Today's special cable from Santos re
nnrted nominal, and Sao Paulo receipts.
64,000 bags, against 67,000 last year. Private
cables estimate Santos receipts for No
vember at 900.000 bags. Rain was reported
in nil districts of Sao 1'aulo. anu private
cables from Havre attributed the advance
there partly "to reports ot uniavorauie
weather. ....
Spot coffee, steady; Rio, No. 7. lAc;
Santos, No. 4, lGSc Mild, quiet; Cor
dova, 17(ijl9c, nominal.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 31. MET
Kinnriard Conner, weak: spot end futures.
fll.VOijrl2.15; London, market firm; spot,
55 Ss 9d; futures, as uu. i-aae cupper,
locally, fl2.50fitl2.ii2'j; electrolytic, (12.37',
612.60; casting fl2.12H'i I2.2n. Tin sieaay;
spot and futures. f4l.2y 42.00. lxmdon,
market steady; spot 190; futures, iiwi 5s.
Lead, steady; t4.LT.fli 1.30, New York; fLKKijl
4 15, East St. Louis; London,. 15 his.
Spelter, nominal, 10.30(110.50, New York,
fti.25iUti.50, East St. Louis; London, 28
12s d. Antimony, coonson h, .
lwnn r'lAi.elnnri warrants, tfs 3d In ln-
don. Ixioally, Iron was quiet; No. 1
foundry northarn, fl5.00'n.l5.50; No. 2, tl4.76
4(15.25; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern
soft fl6.0K6 15.60.
St. LOUIS, Oct. 31 METALS Lead,
firm; (4.l2Vi''d4.15. Spelter, firm; (ti.20.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts
vmin -vtviji.- nn4 51 V.V A PORA TK 19
1 mii t.o utu,i'ir u-ith litrht offerlnest
on the spot, fancy, 10ujl2c; choice,
prime. 8i'8c. .a
LKlr,lJ MU.11H uiri, uuv .
with little pressure to sell; quotations
70 tn iu.r fur Callfomlas UD
to 40-5 rs and HV13o for Oregon.
Apricots, quiet but firm; choice. 15'u15Hc;
extra choice, iwuio'ac, iiibu,
t. .Ai.A. .tdnHv hut initrtive: choice. llVa
rr.ui.iica nvtwv., - .....
fiimc; extra choice, UVtilL'c; fancy, 12',,
4il2c. Raisins, quiet, with local buyers
Indifferent; loose muscatels quiet ut 6Vi
7ic; choice to fancy seeded, l'Wi?:',
seedless, fr(j7c; London layer, (l.tol.tu.
'Wool Market,
x. n., at win 11. Heavv tran-
iiuaio1'! v.-1. - -
saciion In wool are reported by all
dealers, wltn recent weekly transfers
- AinWl i,nnnJ, ValllMfl
ranging up 10 i.wv.ww ,....... . .
continue atrong and fractional advance
have been ooiaineu on rnmw n"
half-blood commons, 'c; Wisconsin quarter-blood
I elllng tor 24c, while consid
erable quarter-blood has
changed hands at 21c; Pulled woo Is
also fairly active, but the procign product
Is quiet. .. -rc-tr-it r-.i,.
BT. UJCia, -tci. oi. 1 "
territory snd western mediums, l.yArc;
fine mediums, ltrtilsc. fine. H'uIjC
Dry tiouda Market.
-.t t- r. "1 nnv nnnns
The carpet auction ot 100.0"0 bales and
roll started In this city today and at-
j . 1. ...... 1 u uuuiulil m um et tinvnra
trai l eo tno in'r- ' , " J
een here In years. 1 railing wa Bteady
and active an uuy mm pi ivitb laupcn
10 to 12W per cent under the spring list
- , I'nltnn . ,11,1 M t TH il-
1 1 1 uril r, uiiiiwuu, . ....... ,
lng I steady. Jobbers are doing a steady
house iraue, wun mom uupm-mo
. s t.ii... .. unrlntf miir.
rorwarci 110111 inaun , w,, D . . .
chandlxe. Holiday purchaslnit Is also ex
panding in the primary markets.
Cotton Market.
x-Tr vfiiiir ri.. 31 COTTON Pool
cloaed quiet, 6 points higher; middling
uplands. 40c; middling gull, .65c; sales,
J.0'8 bales. . ,
Future closed barely steady. Closing
bids- November, 9c; December, 9.15c; Jan
uary. 8.ic; Feliruary. 8imc; March. 01e;
April, 8.06c; May,; June. 9.15c; July,
.2oc; August, 9.15c; September, .02c.
linear Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 31 SUG AR-Ra w,
quiet; Muscovado, 4 teat. 5L'3'rc; cen
trifugal, M test. 5 73ltc; inola-ise sugar.
h test, 4.97Hc; refined, ta.-y.
(tils and Itualn.
Firm; 4'ir.
KuSI.N Firm; type F, ; 55; G, ('i ';.
rart Arrlvtd
TltltiTE Vilnius. ...
LIP 4 1' ..
NAI 1 14
. . . . Fan (i lot abul.
. . . . aaapio.
I OlDKALTAR lUmaolc.