s T LOST AND FOUND LOST A deed for Kcllcy, 4 No. 20th SL lot. Cornelius FOUND rhe Teddy Rear export clean. PERSONS hiving Inst some artlci would do well 1,1 cu.l no the edfice of the Omaha & Council Blutls Street Railway company to Si"i:mn wbelher they left It in the sire t cars. Many arm-lea each day are turned In lid li. t company ,i r.iloi: to restore them to tii itghiful owner. Call Doug las 4S. OMAHA & COUNCIL FLUFFS STREET KAILWAV COMPANY. FOUND The best place In town for witches made of your own combings. Mm. Fisher, 606 S. l'th, It. i. Doug. l.'Ji. l.i 1ST-A pnir of Indies' glasses, on Cal ifornia ft. Please return to 711 N. 1Mb LOST Thoroughbred English bulldog, 1 yinr old, rod bundle In co'or with black tiger marking. yyeuiing collar engraved ".Merlln-.Ni.ihonK't, l.'K'J So. r.2d Ave, Omaha." Liberal reward, Harney 717. LOST A red covered pocket hook con taining Inlaws of Chicago Federation Musicians, also J,", hill and $loo cluck signed hy It. Straiten and several re cetpta and addresses of importance. Lib eral reward for its return to G. R. Loin Imrdo, 403 Boyd Theater Hldg. LOST Gold f ib, Underwood monogram, name II. 1. Sdtton engraved. Reward. Keturn lfijl Farna-n. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattel. $1,000,000. $i,oeO not). $l,ooo.ouo. WE HAVE tU,mi TO LOAN OUT to the people of Omuha before Chi lstma.4 on FURNITURE. PIANOS. WARE HOVSK RECEIPTS. FIXTURES. REAL ESTATE, HOUSES, WAGDXo, etc.. or on YOLK PLAIN XOTU If steadily em ployed. Same old low rate umi cuth transaction sirlctiy private. Wa make mora loans than all ot the others. There's a reason. If you cau use a piece of this MUNET-wiiy, Just call on the largest, highest and best. REL1A RLE CREDIT CO.. Third Floor, 30i l'nxiou Block, 217 S. PUft Phones Douglas 14U and A-1411. D1AMONO loans at ii and o per cent. V. C. Flaiau. 1514 Lodge. Hed foil. WE LOAN MONEY" to any working man or woman on Just a personal note; no security or lndorser required. Why mortgage ycur personal belongings when YOLK CREDIT IS GOOD IIERE7 All transactions confidential. Com in and sea or phone us. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 437 board of Trade Bldg. Fourth Floor. Bell Phone Douglas illl. CHATTEL LOANS AT lir.-uM INARI.E U.il'lii NEBRASKA LOAN CO., IX! Bee Bld. Dougias UM, A-liii. Hank biui;.. formerly N. 1. Lilu Bldg. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping hou-o and others; w ithout se curity; euty payments. Offices In 07 prin cipal cities, Touuun. 60S Omaua Nat 1 SEE Miss Lang In "The Wolf" at the American theater. If Mrs. J. 11. Kracht, 724 N. HOtli St., will come to The Reo otflce wilhm threo uavs we will give her un order lor a pair of tickets. OFFERED FOR RENT HourU mill Rooms. O. M. K. hanlj trunks. D. 611. A-26U. LARGE furnished alcove front room, also otiier ruuiua, with board; references. US Soutli 2ji!i Ave. Porto. u. family hutel. Situ A v. & liar. LARGE, pleasant nicely furnished room Willi best board, tor two; in private family. Call iiuiney 4u. The Shriller, 2U llarney; room & board. THE HOTEL BERKLEY. 24TH AND llurney, two ronis with board, suitable lor two couples. Furnished Loom. t E10 N. l'jlh S'.., nieciy furnished, mod el n room... GOOD loom.;, reasonable. 1202 Douglas. Dewey Luropeun Hotel. Ulh & Fur nam. 220 NORTH 25d; neatly furnished, mod c'u, bieaiii, niaied looms. MODERN, lurnished room for one or two youim ladns, near Urownell Hall, with family of two. Address 11 4uJ, car liee. 411 N. 19th, furnished loon. a for rent. FOR, RENT one or two rooms. Ladles preferred, only small family, il.t S. 24lh 2J1 N. 21T1I, nicely furnished modern rooms with steam heat. Flat 6. LARGE front room, suitable for two or four. 1'honu Doug. ollJ. STEAM-HEATED l'hono ayler llwu. downtown room. looa S. 2(JTH Two suites of light liouse keeping rooms on second noor; gas lunge; modern; walking distance. 1KC 8. 33d St., desirable room; gentle men preferred. Tel. 11. 4215. 2010 FAKNA.U Warm, clean and very reasonable rooms. VERY desirable room, with hoard if de sired; private tainily; strictly modern, fine location, wallung distance. Telephone llarney uui. NICELY fm nif hed rooms; all modern conveniences; closu In; references re guiied. 2oi0 Jones street. ItDOM in good family, walking ins tance; pleasant, v. arm; plenty of hot water. Telephone. Cull llarney fcJiS o." Douglas B2U South 17th Ave. Thre lovely rooms In new fiat; pn a'.u family; reasonable. HARNEY SVI2 Three furnished rooms, heated and lighted, bath. Hi per month. 2i'17 . HARNEY ST. Well fumLed roo.Ti ,:rictiy modem, private family. '1 ln.ne Red " l.'.'j. NEATLY fui niched loom, sej arate i n nance, JI.Tj weelc. K4" Ko. 24th St. NEWLY fiirnt.-hed front room. Zi Sn. 2.".th st. Don;', 5:j !o. 27th Kt.: itrictly Modern fur nlshi'd rooty,!-; iiivutd family. Harney tililii. WO rotim: S'J So. 2!st St. THREE neii'lv furriisln d rooms In modern hnui-e pil.nie family; prices reasonable. 1,25 So. 17th Ave. THREE t atl- fiiml-hed rooms In modern house, m S). l'Jth St. IM'RNISID'D riom in private fam.Iy. 717 8. 1Mb St, Fariilhei lfoi-s.lerpixig Itnoius. TWO fuini r-f.il tionis for l!;bt haJit I tep'.ng. 721 N. 21:-1. YOUNG widow. w ihes to share par! c( a 6-room ii.uai leaud apartmeni, references uq.iin..; with.n nulling uis tar.ee. A.!-.'reso. !x 2.. lite. IAP.UE roomy p.irior. two bed. 1514 Lcge. . Ri a.onahle. TWO or three nicely furnished house keeping room 2"i Da. venport. THREE well f ill nislud Mil-floor rooms for h ousekeoping ; al.-u front bed uoni, bath loom liooi ; furnace bet; all mod em; leusoiiub.e rent. 2,0." Doute Si. Use of phone'. '.o(0 FARNAM. 2 rooms completely fur nished for Unlit housekeeping. l.ios FARNAM St.. Igrgo front room, two eio-eu, ibeup. Th Manuel and HowairV 21 & Howard, ' I and t-ini. hky. apis., $:J tu $J. OFFERED FOR RhNT Famished lltMisekecplTig Rooms. FRONT rooms ai-d alcow S. 24th Ave. $3 week, ,M0 I .irilhrd fioutri. Nicely furnished nun'ern house. D. 3(77. FMHT-nOOM furnlthed liousn. West Fainam district. T:!. ilartiry IH'2. Hotels ntid Apartment. NICFLY Ffr.XtSHF.r ROOMS frr gen tlemen. THE C1IA1TIAM. 110 s. Ulh St. PALM HOTEL, l.Mb Dougla-i. newly fuini!.hed looms. W cents; weekly. U up; tleum heat. F.Ik hotel, rooms Sic and We. S17 N. ltith. Hub hotel, steiiin heated. l&X Doug. St. Till.-. Si'HLlTZ HOTEL. Our 25c ilit dinner the lest in ilia city. Excellent meals, 3o3 N. Kin. So. Omaha, DODGl-1 HOTEU llilh and Dodffr; all cool oul-i'l rooms; special week rate. Howard Hotel, elegant rs. 1U02 Howard. HOTEL ALllANY: luovt rleunt rooms. bot and cold water; fireproof; prion . (ruso'iable, both pnoiies. lilt I'oug.a Grand Hotel, rooms &c up. t 8. lUb. Till.-. Iltvixil vi.)2 Leavenwurih: first. clas room and board. OXFORD and A cade, apecial w'kly rata. NEW oltK. hotel, ran, TaIc. WIS Doug. Hotel Antler, alegaut rooms. ulUSa 8, 10th. llottl Lyons, rooms Due up. 113 N. 13th. Oirilpn Untol Council Uluffs. Rooms UgUeil ilOlCl 2 uo to ; u0 per weeg. llurlington, nica rooms, 1 block to depot. CASS HOTEL, nice rooms. 17US Cass EL WINDSOR HOTEL Rooms 60c to Jl.. Apnrtiueu nuU Flats. 7-rooni flat on Si.erman Avf. Web. t.7Si. CHEAP RENT. Fine large full modem, s-room house, built for home, No. lfil.t. 2uth Kt.; newly decorated Inside and out, walking dis tance. ;. If tenant does his part, takes good cate ol property, -5 will tie deduct ed trum last month of year. T. J. Hook, office llul No. isth at., TAiiNf- & SLATEK CO., Omaha Nat. Lk. Kldg. THREE and six-room flats. MartU block, liith and Webster. " FULLY modern. 6-room, heated apart ment In the exclusive West Farnam dis inot; very choice. JOHN W. RoUUINS, 1102 Farnam St. STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS "Til E STANDARD." SEPARATE HOMES. Six fine decorated, large, lull, modern rooms, Inside hull, bam, shades, gas range, free hot water all ear, Janitor; walking distance; references required. Winter one at $:12. another another i; summer, 1U lens. More for money than elsewhere. For special Inducements call and see this office In person. I'AYNE & SLATEK CO., Sole Agents, tit li floor. Omaha iatlonal Rank Luildlng. niOSIHAHLE 4-ROOM APARTMENT " SEE JAN1- IN "THE CALIFORNIA TOR. D. 1.2J7. F1VE rooms, 1S07 Farnam, modern, suitable location for offic. studio, dental r.i. n r.;mji u mi? rooms, etc.: for tenants wishing homes adjoining Thos. F. Hall, 4Jb Kamge WKIg. Doug. in, or a-w. STEAM HEATED FLATS THE STANDARD. ti.. i.iirV. .innrinrHv fine deenratlonv. 6 largo rooms, free hot water all ye:ir, walking distance, GIVE more for money than found anywhere eise; an uuumt corner, winter; $25 Mimmer. Refer ences required. For special Inducements call and see this office In person. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Sole Agents, Cth floor. Omaha National Bunk Building, - I nfurulshed Rooms. THREE or four unfurnished rooms or apartments. Walking distance preferred. Duugias 7791. FOUR rooms for r. nt. 1912 So. 10th. lloukrs niul Cottages. MOD. 0-room cottage, fine rep'r. II, 3644. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, for Warued; cheap freight rates, moving and ktorlng. Lxpiessiiion's Delivery Co. 'isi. Doug. Xi. Cllj oltutt 21k a. l.o. Ol., umi Uiug. Flve-ioom cottage, modern but heat, warm, fine lepaii. Harney Mi. tiouser. Ins. llingwalt. lirandeis Th. Uldj. FIVE rooms upstairs. 1 K1 So. Oth St. 7-room house, J24; S-roo -.1 house, 32. Haiikcoin purk aistiKt. All modern. I'hone llarney HCu. MODERN 10-room house, &31 Bo. 22d El. Itiquira next ooor south. I'micna Prts of the city. Crelgn Foil KENT J-room tnodern house, hot water heat, fine neighborhood, newly painted and papered; rl Chicago. If taken at once, ;.6U. Rest house in city lor money, 'i'houe Benson I'M V. 3116 Taylor St., 6-r., new, mod. except heat, SIS. 2111 N. 27th Ave . 6-r., mod. ex. heat, Jli. J. W. RASP CO. Doug. 1&3. FIVE fine new bungalows will be completed and ready for occupancy this wet-k at 2bili artel Frunklin. Size 24xJri. Five large rooms and bath; good closets, tloored aitlc with sta.rway. Most mod ern plumbing, combination fixtures, polished floois, cemented brick cellars. All handsomely decorated. Creating a new neij; hlioi hood to themselves, one now rented. Want four other small congenial lamllles. F. 1 1. WEAD, 1S01 Farnam St. FOR llENT-SIx room house at 2414 Caldwell St. Modern except f urnui u. Good cellar. Cistern pump In kitchen sink. Near cur line and rlo.e to school. Key next door. Telephone Harney 4oJ or enquire at S21S W ebster St. 672 So. 2Mh St.. 8 rooms, completely modern. i'M.M. Hall, 4X1 Ramge. D. 74oii, A-4404. 4-ROOM modern brick. 1102 N. 22d. J16. Om. Van &c Storage Co., pad s, moves, (lores nouseiiold goods. FlrepruoC slo: kge. bo4 S. lGih. Li alien, ej S, l.tli 'll. D. 41C3. A-lli 1 MODERN 6-room house, 2710 Capitol Ave. I hone Harney 14U1. RR1CIC iious", 2I1IS Dewey Ave., seven rooms, modern, Nov. 1. Moyer Slit. Co., liilti Farnam St. 4 ROOM Gas and water, J'JH Bancroft L'JN DEE Seven rooms, strictly mod ern; it'ar car; pave-d street; chea;i to Permanent tenant. Phone Harney 217. OMAHA EXP. CO.. moving vans and (forage. Trunks, baggage del. L. ut 414 N. 17th. I'OIt RENT Modern apartmnt. i rooms, two bath luniiw, apartment 4 Tha Clannda. mm and Farnam. $13. 00-N. :Mb. l'-r., art modern. 14.i -!: N. 2ttn, i-io.,;n, piit modern, l i.'-'.- l'MiS Miami, f.-i oom, iuii m ult rn. lv.O'.i l.y1 I'tii by, 7-i ooin. ji t model n, il!! Dodge, li-i'oom, part modern. jlff w. H!-:i i-" i:rj t ., :t"0 I'.rardeis Theater. i wallas 3371 $J0-7-room, nil niodirn r tii lenee, near 411 and Cass. Phone llarney 4''.",. WALL PAPER. painl'M,'. paper hanginc;, gigging. M Jiiboti. soli Pari. Ave. 1! Y Cap Ave. 11 rooms, 6. 2"o7 I'n mam, 0 rooms, mod.. $42 Vj. SI2S Chicago. $ rooms mod . barn, $13. CM N. 23d St.. S roo.ns. mod., $10. 2 Cup. Ave . 7 rooms, mod., $!. , Lurt. 0 rooms. $16. ' Hamilton. 0 roonis, $lj. :! Clark ) r oms, $n. RIN U WALT BROS., Biundeia The. Bldg. llonaea and (iitlaars luai la aed IU'nutiful Homo for Kont, Ton Days Kent Five! Fecaupe resent icciipants w ill move out li) days l-fore 1 expected. 1 will gle new tenant 10 days' tent FREE, commencing with next Tuesday. October ol. Kesiderue is one of most handsome structures overlooking Omaha's beauti ful boulevard located at 710 North 27th Ave. ltoulevard all modern conveniences rent, $.i."i.OO per month. House npcti for inspection Pcrv !nv. Itoth phones. 11.15. BOYLKS, Uoyles, College. l"ith and Harney St. HALF MONTH OFF ON THESE: K-r., mod., -new. select. N. t'on. Blvd. Close In, 1 block to car, net $.17i. 5- r.. mod., good repair. 22ik Maple, $20. 4-r., city water, lllo Phelps. K 6- r., city water, S3 S. l.th. fl". f.-r. Sr. 4-r. 6-r. P-r. 6-r. 6 r. -r r. 6-r. mod. ifor colored). 140.1 N. lsih. partly mod.. H Hamilton, flii. He mod., choice, 2I..IS Seward. $20. mod., close .n, 1.124 N. 2'ith. $l. mod., close In, 2,12 Caldwell. $22. W. city w., barn. 4I0l N. 2Mli Ave.. $10. c. w, will repair. 721 Hunci-oCt, $10. mod., best repair, hint Corby, $14. will repair, 2220 Meredith Ave , $1H. c. w.. will repair. l'2:t Mint hie. $l.ri. t-r., pa artly mod. tfor coloredi, 2407 Grant. $14 S-r mod., choice. 290K Franklin. $2-V Also seeral others. $ iii. Douglas STi" RUSSELL At. McK 1TRICK CO.. 4? 3 Raingu Kldg. lot It and Harney Sts 6-ROOM cottage; modern except heat. $20(io per month. 2412 Decatur St. Phone Red lw0. SIX and seven-room modern flat, ht water heat, for $40. Tel. Webster ir.lS. NEWLY finished, elegantly furnished 10-room house, hot water heat and good yard and barn. $75 to right party for the winter. References. Phone Harney 13(1 or Inquire at 1XH S. 32d St. FOR RENT Five room house, modern except heat; convenient location. ebstet sn;i. 61H S. 27TII ST., 6-room flat. $. 012 S. 27th St., 6 room flat. $20. ;22M S. 2"2d St., i and 0-room flats. both 2Mti Woolworth Ave., S rooms, modem, $2.'.. 27.22 Rers St.. 6 rooms, $10. f2d and Military Ave,, ft rooms, $10. HEMIS-OARLRERO CO.. 310-312 Itrandeis Theater. S ROOMS, 1KI3 So. IMh St.. modern except furnace. Walking distance. Kent 2o,mio. MODERN fi-rootn brick house, 1111 N. 2.1d St.; owner pays water rent; $2j per month. Phone Harney DM). $20 00 7-room and bath; modern except heat; close In; good neighborhood. 1 ill N. lsth St. Harry Schmidt, Co. Rlulfs. EVERY' person knows who D. J. O'Hrien is because he has made) Omaha famous with his candy. If Lulu Har rison, 641 S. 27th St., will come to The Heu office within three days wo will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O Hrlen's candy free. 2tmi Parker 7-r., mod. ex. heat, $20. 2ii23 Caldwell, tl-r.. mod. ex. heat, $!. 34t2 Ames Ave., 3-r., mod. ex. heat, $10. New 6-r house and barn, nine acres of ground, II blocks from Forest Lawn car line, $.0, 371S N. 2Sd. 8-i-., mod. ex. heat, $2'.. 2f."5 N, 2ilh, 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $18. 8117 Ohio, i;-r.. mod. ex. heat, $18. 1K2S N. 24th, H. Om., 6-r.. mod, ex heat. $14. 3V 10 8. nth. 6-r., part mod. $1:1. 30o2 Chicago, 7-r., all mod, hot water heat, 127.60. 1702 Dorcas, 4-r. city water, $11. BIRKKTT & TEURENS, 423 Ilee Hldg. I'honos D. 4754, A-1764. FOR RENT Nine-room house, strictly modern, oak finish, on 24lh and ValleV Sts., block from car line. Inquire 3610 So. 24th St. Phono Douglas 1061). NICE large five-room cottagp, except heat. 2M0 N. 2Tth St. modern $10. 4-ronm house, 2614 Hlnney St. $12 3-room apartment. 2210 No. 21st. $22 6-room, modem cottage and barn, Uul No. 21st. $.') 2-room, 1704 Clark St. ROH1NSON .si WOLF. 425 Taxtoti Blk. Phone Doug. 2418. 6-ROOM modern cottage, with furnace heat, f22.o0 per month. 037 Cullfonla St. $.12..ri0, S. 2MII modern St. 8-room brick house. 1301 ROOMY modern house west of hi school; new rurnace, etc., only $27.60. 12U4. $20.00624 N. 41st, 6-r., modem. $26.m-ii20 N 41st. 6-r., modern. He .( 2."io2 N. Irlth. 8-r., modern. Sll.r.c ll.i 8. IDth. 6-r., modern. $tc.ui 1301 S. asth Ave., S-r., mod., new. Will decorate throughout. FLATS. $27.602612 Sherman Ave., 6-r., modern. $30.001733 Georgia Ave., 6-r., modern. PAYNE IN VESTMENT CO., Six-room cottage, modern except heat, in good repair, located at tMD N, 2uth St., fju per iiiouiii. VINCENT r. DERMODT, Tel. Do'jg. 1M. 1514 City Nat l Rank Bldg. 4-ROOM house, rear 2"10 California St, Inqulro 2ul0 California bt. 11C S. 10T1I 6-room, heat-$15.60. all modern except S9TH AND Cass. 1 block to west Farnam line; 8 rooms and hall; newly decorated; combination rixtures; garage; $40. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 6-ROOM house, all modern, 2514 S. 20th Ave. 'I'iono Douglas uio3. X.ROOM modern house, exrept heut Lil Miami. J-room flat nice wood work, 2424 Leav. I. J. KEMP, 2iil2 Ixiavenworth. 'I'hones; Douglas lS; Ind. A-10S8. x-ROOM house for rent, partly modern, 1T.I2 fherman Ave.; very cheap rent. Tel. Benson 3u5 W. '.i-UoOM brick house, modern. Har. 47. f,-Uii(i.M all Meredith Ave. modern cottage. 2S09 MuDERN K-ronin flat, facing Hanscom Park. $0. 1701 1'ark Ave. Stores and Offices. WEIRICH Fixture Co.. high grads mill work; morel S4eh. Webster 2t77, UL" ,o lth St. AT 700 8. HTH ST.-Roim 20x60. sup plied with steam heat, now being put In line condition:, price reasonable. PETERS TRUST CO., 17th and Farnain. OFFICE to rent. Mulligan, 210 8. Uth. Wish to sublet suits of City National Bank Hldg. five rooras In Call I). 412. I OFFICE and rtccptlon. 404 Bee Bid. FOR. RENT Desk room. 300 Bee Hldg. Halls. WASHINGTON H A I.L lodses. dsnc.t banquets. C. C. Horenien. D. 2-25. A-ai25. Burns. FOR P.ENT At 2 Dodge but ii. t j be used for garage, llarney HOI. clt., a good Telephone OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. WISHING to leuve the cltv will i-.a frl -flee furniture of ti-rooui house for $10. house tnoderii except furnace; $J0 r"tit, easy walking distance; good place fur loomclg. J 2-1, Lee. ONE leather davenport and rocker, tables, etc., pi .icttcally new, rheup. H. 2I77. SIX-HOLE lunge, l'hono Wib. 4 4I. llitill HH.ALTH-Mui sell my furnl tore, good as new. today last oppui tunlty. ti ii. Si'th St. Harney t. 67. FURNITURE of five-room hours foi OFFERED FOR SALE 1 srsllsre 4 on 1 1 nurd. AFTER Monday, .oemler I. the fiunl tuie ol my t-i.vin bouse, a,. In xoo.t con dition. Including p. iino, .M.nesitc range and New Home sewing machine; also some rugs and dining table. Call JV S. Clinton Ate., mornings and eveintigs. Phone Person Sis W. T e rlters. RENT an Olive.' tvpewrlter ftoin the Ullur Tpewrler Co, Tel. Doug as 2.M.I. FOX typewriter. ISOo I'urna'n St. LIGHT tomh Monarch Visible for rent. The Monarch Typewriter Co. 411 S. 1Mb St. Phone l'oug. lot1. SM! I'll PREMIER mod -Is No. 1 or No. 4. In excellent condition, rehteel three months for SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER O.. li'th and Douglas. TV PEW R1TEI1S -Special sale fir a short time en all makes. See window I r big price reductions. It. F. Swanson Co. liilti Farnam St., Omaha. THE ROYAL Is king of typewriters- Musical instruments. LEAVING THE CITY-WILL SELL ONCE. SACRIFICE, a Stelnway piano. I.athrop. Webster 3t)!5. AT 140' PIANO bargains. 108 N. IMh. 1. 1102. l'lanos, wholesales pis. 2'1 Hoston Store. I'lANO slightly used, at n hnrgaln. Segerstrom Piano Mfg. Co., li'th and Far nam Sts. VIOLIN repairing; done and guaianteed. all work promptly ;;n"4 so. 14th si. M Iseellunrous, SAFES Overstocked with second-liand safes, all sixes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. 15 DIAMONDS, horseshoe pin, solitaire diamond ring; will snctiflee at u big bar gain. Address S 210, Uee. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, for sale at $10 Apply, George W. Wright, Hep Publishing Co. TWO good second-hand National cash registers for sale nt n bargain and on easy terms. 11. 11. W'hltehouse, 404 S. th St. BARGAIN'S In store fixtures at less than cost of material; small lot of nearly new store shelving and store, enclosure, six-drawer counter especially suitable for grocery business. Central Supply Co., 1117 Farnam. $12 BUYS almost new dress suit, only worn a few times; tall and silin. Addresi. SEVERAL standuid makes of pianos wbl bn disposed ot lor storage and re pair rharges; will fell or trade. Cull mornings, Chas. II. Thatcher, piano fac lory, lm Harney St. Ft Hi SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tallies. We lead the world In cheap bar tixtures; easy payments. lirunawick-Rlulie-Collender. 407 S. loth St. 100 STEAM RADIATORS. SOME PIPE, some cast. N. Steinberg, 101'.) Harney. FOR SALE Two scholarships In the Omaha Commercial college and one in Uoyles college, liusinesa olfice, ouiana Hte. PARTY gone out of business wishes to sell a 4-llght gas plant. Phone v ao. rilKAP, one electric piano, 8 music boxes and W) vending maehlniia. 3124 Leavenworth. H. 243; Ind. A-2433. MILK M EN INVESTIGATE. Dairy, modern throughout, 23 cows, DO tons hiv at the barn. 7 horses and 6 wagons, with splendid route. See J. P. Jackson. Kill Frederick St. Phone Doug. 4X33 at 7 a. m. or 7 p. m. IT'S an excellent show at tho American theater. If George Preston, 718 N. Sain St., will come lo The Bee offloa within three (lays we will give him an order for a pair of tickets. Kindling, $1 load. H. Gross. W 2SH4. FOR SALE Practically sell cheap. Call Harney new 1058. gnu stove, PERSONAL MAXWELL cures piles. 408 Om. Nat. Hk. R3-DAY HLOOO REMEDY. Cloddish Pharmacy. L'th and Dodge. KARSTON TONSETH. Swedish move ment and massage' graduate of Dr. Kell- berg Inst.. Stockholm. Sweden; uay phone D. "If.; night, D. 34n4; 403 Om Nut. Punk Kldg. Automatic Phone Rus h. $2; residence. $1 it i;u.p,P Hath, nalt glow aromatic &li.00AUl- .,eaim).nt. Mule. Allan of Chicago. Iuj a. Lth bt., firt Hour. U. 766t. FOR curies of Bluts Heer Tel. Doug. 1081. FOR ELECTRIC OA RPF.T CLEANING PHONE 1). D2-J3. PRICES REASONABLE. Elec. Vac. Cleaner, rent, $1.76 day ; W. 20fi8 MRS. C. W. CHAPMAN. H. KMrt. Hair goods, all descrlitlons; combings made up Massage, ltlttenhouse. 3o8 Old Boston Hid. Dr. Burke. Women's Diseases, 41 Dgls. Blk ,1 A M ES CORK-ELECT RlfTcOM PA N Y Moved to 203 S. mh St. Douglas 1311. 7; LAUNDRY rough dried. Clark St. Adellght hair food grows hair. Mme. Eruyer, Megealh Sla. Co., Kith and Fam. Mrs. Pierce, shampoo, halrdresslng and manicuring. i:il Farnam. H. BOH, A-14IK. YOUN'l WOMEN coining to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Youna Women's Christian association building nt Seventeenth St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boaidlng places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at tho Union station. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brnce, strengthen, 50c. BELL DRUG CO. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-ia, Douglas 1013. NEBRASKA CYCLE Co., l.'ilh and Harney Sis. MAKSA(LT- fstment. Mrs. H. L'th. 2d floor, Steels, rin. 5. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing. In fact, anything ou do not need. We collect, repair and aell, at 111 N. 11th St., for nut nf colic, lion, to the worthy por. Call phone Douglas 4l-'u uud wagons v.i.l call. Ml ijiJ I ' I.' Path, rait glow ummatle .ti-l.iiltiL treatment. Mme. Allen of Chicago, 109 S. 17th St., 1st floor. D. 7i. MA(iXETicr"j. E. Brott, 10 floor. D. 7!i. MASSAGE Swedish inocement; nothing bettet for rheumausm. Indies, $1; gentle men, $1.5). Apt. 2. ln2 Fun. am, D. is '21. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $lii oiders; calu'ogue fret. Sherman tk McCotinell Diug i o., On.uha, Neb. JiTTA GOLl'SBUltY bus o.ened hahdi rs-lng parlors at Ito; Neville. D. new Lr Buike, nervous diseases. 41 Doug. U;k. WIT A AJ P If 1 (realm Is. Mrs Steele, ex- 1 " 'peri oper t r IOi S. li. 2 fi. Fi iR a dalntv dessert use D.ilzi ll's Ice mum. If Mrs. A Ttaynor, lil Cuhfor nlu St., will come to The Bee off.ee wltnln iliieo days we will give her an order fo. a uuait Irl'k i f Ibis fine Ice cream. Mrs. t'uy'lei, Swed sh massage, baths, radiator a.nl vibrator treatment. The Duiisaiiy. rial 8, loth and PiceCe. D. 4tMj. PiAIUKS HOARDED A former Methodist deaconess in a nice homo of her own wishes to boaid a few babies. Web. 64.10. Write & N. nth St. Key lu lb situation-Be Want Ads. REAL ESTATE riTY PHOI'KHIV $-4111 Hl.li tContlnui d ) "Newton Addition" On the Florence Boulevard 24th Street And Ogdcn Street temp (hock norm or bolt strct from LA K11-: LOTS LOW ."0x 1 40 $70(1 oiM.ni ifTiM ;:;x.77 $1.0110 CKMFAT WALKS. CITY WATKU AND SKWF.lt KOU KYKUY LOT r.K vr I'll-ri. siiadk ti;i:i:s. $100 Will make (he rir:it imyinotit on jny lot In ' .M:VTl).," litlnine In monthly pgynienti of $lb.uo to H'0.00. SPLKXniI) CAM SKKVH'K Tho West end of ' NKWTDN" Is only ono-lutlf lil.n U from 2 1th street enr line, with good through toivloe down (own. COMF, OIT TODAY Take 24th street tar. Rot off Bt 24th street ntid Fort slveet, wnlu one Mock north. All lots gtakeJ niul ntnnheretl. ONLY ;:o And they will he quickly sold. If addition, at a low juice, buy in "N'KWTON." COMLOI T N0RRIS & Phones, IiotiKlait 4270; lnd. A-4 270. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Till HlOt '(1 H HH ED S. C. Rhode Island Red chicken, old and young; take Ames Ave. car to 4nth and Grand. Call at IMi. FLOOR sweepings, good chicken feed, IMh. $1.00 per hundred. Wagner, mi .. REAL ESTATE A nTli At TH l)F TITI.K. Frank J. Norton, 1! It S. 17tlt. Roe "There s a Reason." "I minimise title troubles." lloth phones. nidtf. your Midland Guar. 11. Neale, pies. ; Trust On., ( 'amphcll, 1714 Far. II. sec. D. 2,Mln. Peter .lessen, Jr., Co., Tel Doug. 22:12. Reed flee in Abstract Co., ohleid abstract of Nehraslia. 1KV1 liiandels Theater. GUARANTEE , Patterson Hilt. A USTHAi T CO., room Abstracts, M. T. Urennnn, 31'4 Urandels Th M l I ltl .lt N' I FOIt 1 ATION , Electric, gut fixtures. Omaha Sliver Co. Plutto Gravel A Washed Sand Co. 442 lleo Ideal Cement Stone Co.,., 17th and Cuming Amer, Suly. Co., rouf'K. paints, 1108 Nlch. Fuehs, Son Ullnd, palling decorating, WAVTKI) TO niV. LIST your city property for sain Vogel, 400 Karbtich Hldg. with CITY PHOPEItTY FOIl I,K. FOUR ROOM house, partly modern, with two lots; small fruit trees; rhlcksn yard, fenced; half block from car line. S404 N. 27th St. HY OWNER. Strictly modern five-room cottage, two and one-half Llocks from Farnnin Bl.: only 12 minutes' walk from 10th and Furr.ani. Stairs leaitlng up to second story; enough, space for two large rooms and closets. Tile hath, coiubinatuin fix tures; cemented basement; newly painted, also new walk and steps; hardwood fin ish throughout .House Is only three years old and a perfect gem Inside. So if you want an Ideal home drop out and look It over. Rents fur $32.M. At 2N23 Capitol Ave. Only $3,400. part cash on terms tJ suit. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Hrien Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. K. Lem lev, fi27 S. 27th St., will come en The Heo office wilhln three days we will give her an order for a lio-ccnt box of O' Hrlen's cundy free. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. Is ROOMS, ALL MODERN. $ii.000. We have a two-upartinent house, con taining K( rooms, two bath rooms, seven bed rooms, with parlor, dining room and kitchen in each apartment, with new plumbing and good healing plant. This property Is loo large for personal owner and It Is a splendid proposition for some one who will by It and divide It Into four three room apartments, owing to tho arrangement of the house this work can be done at a very small ex pense and when completed the t apart ments will rent for $& each. The buyer can live in one apartment, rent the real the rest and make a good Investment out of your home. The building is well built and In good condition; only thirteen minutes rldo (n the center of the city; one block from the Dodge street car line und In good resi dence district. THE NUMBER IS TAX N. 20TH St. It l lust north of Ohio on (he Flor ence Blvd. A good six or seven-room modern house will be (alien In exchange at the right price. This proposition Is certainly worth looking at. NORRIS MARTIN. 400 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4270, A. 4270. 2 VACANT LOTS On Spencer, went of 24th. 33x140 ft. each. Shade trees only M''0 each. On easy payments. W. 11. OATE8, C4 4 New Omaha Nat l Hank Hldg. 'Phone Douglas 1 294. Just Completed a'22 Seward St., ii-room. two story, sliietlv all modern dwelling, nalt finish first floois all largo rooms, sleeping porch lot 43xi:i2. pile, only $Hio, $.0li cash, balunco $4o u month. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 310-312 Urandels Theater. I'li'ivors'ity Plaoo Homo Eight-room house. strictly modern; downstairs Just being completed now, Hum will be finished In ouk: upstairs finished n inuple and birch; full Imse meiii, large lot; owner ban bought a f nui and will sell for $T!0 less thun house o ml (JALLA(!HE1 & NELSON, 41KI Bi andels Bldg. Phone I niuglas .'! "n:'.' t-t.'M BI'VS new-, 7-root'i, all inol.n. home, near W'ind-or school. asy term . jr lot or vmull house taken In exchange tL'.hiO bins almost new f,-n o n cotta (e uiodiin except heal fto-fooi easl front lot I cur Ames Ave.; about IIO cash will do, or what have you to exchange. See J. W. RASP CO.. irCI Biandeta Bldg. "0OxlW, Willi Improvements; right down town; (heap at $I2.FI. Lusv terms or good ex hanwe cotoicoiei. Also ruiiii'ng auto business: lioo hill" shop and tour ing car, for good reasons, at $2 On e What have you to offer for If.' J. W. RASP Co., itt-D lirandeis Bldg. HALF acre. 1 room house well, bare and chicken house, at 3t'l2 Vernon Ave Today at $..'0. $16 cash anil $16 per mo, or .. bi.M i',oi lo KetiuiiUM J. W. ItASH Jt CO., 09 Bikndels Bld REAL ESTATE i t rttori.u i v $ iiii (Continued f ti l; 2 1th Hiroct lo th V PliU'KS. - KASY o onr boutrvitnl ) Tl'.liMS LOTS you want a hlg lot In a restricted TODAY MARTIN too llee nuildiiiR. 16th Street lU'SINKNS IMt'OIMlUTY IXYLST.MLXT LOCATION Two blocks from City Na tional bank building, adja cent lo one of Omaha's re full stores. LOT 44 feet frontage on loth St., with alley on north. HIT I LDINU 3 slorv and basement, sub stantial brick, on which about $.'i,0nO has Just been ex pended lor putting In new modern store fronts, new plumbing and wiring through out, new roof, new sewer connections and concrete Hoots in haiiomcnls, and gen erally leriulHhlug building from top to bottom. Price, $45,000 TERMS $15.00i) CASH. 1IALANCE easy payments. (IKOXS INCOME About $4.oiiO per annum, should net between ii ami 7 per cent on the Invest ment. We bell.' .'O the 41 feet ex clusive of Improvements, will soon be worth $l4,0ii. Present value of I ho build ing Is about $23,000. This Is an opportunity to make an Investment on Omaha's best retail street, near the retail center, on very favorable lerms. For fin t her Information, cull or uddres.4 George & Company City National Hank Huildiiw. NEW 7-KOOM HOUSE Owner must sell (Ills fine homo und will take $1,000 cusli, bitluncu monthly. Price. l,S(4). This house is strictly modern, finished In oak downstairs, le-umnd celling, pan eled dining room and plain rail; 3 huge bedrooms and hath, six closets, large floored attic; fine basement, latindrv, vegetable room and coal bin: press liihk foundation: sand finish plaster; elegant llaht fixtures, aereens and storm win dows; cement walks; fHl foot lot; one block to Dundee car. It can't he lieut for the price. P. O. N1ELSON & CO. 703 Omuha Nut. Hunk. Tel. I). 2204. EVERY plumber Is not a robber; If any thing happens phono Doug. IMS, Ouod Plumbing Co. AfllKAGIl l-Olt MALE. BUV ACinoT'ROl'ERTY CIoso to OMAHA ml You Will Be IT in Time to Come HERE ARE SOME BARGAINS 158 acres about four miles from omuha; lund lays practically level, haw small orchard and grove; fair house, two lurge barns, coiuriih, etc. This would make an Ideal feed yurd, us there are two railroads running dose to the buildings. Ask us about plica and terms on this place. 20-a ere fruit farm, about four miles from city limits, one mile from paved road. It Is my Judgment that more revenue can be derived, yea" lu and year out, from this orchard than those high priced ones that you read about In otegon and California, am It cau be bought for oue-hulf 1 1 in price. The owner will lake some good city prop erly as part of the pu" huso price. 10 ai l es, one mile south of i lly limits of South Oinshu; has bond five-room bouse, well, barn, etc. Price $!i,t00. This Is u real snap. b uctrs Just soutli of Albright, splendid 0-room House, two cisterns, iota of hum room, lots of fiull of ull kinds and fine vim-yard. I his Is but a short distance from tha street cur and cun be bought for $1,0H0. O'Ncil s Ron! Estate & Ins. Agency, Tels : Tyler 1021; Ind A-'.::;n. Ijo.i Furnuni St. 012 North 24th St , South Omuha. Tela.: South 1DJ; liul. F-1IH2. REAL ESTATE FA It II - It AM It I.AM) Mill s: ( unadu. MILD CLIMATE-NO EXTREME'; LAND CLOSE To SPLENDID MAR KEi'S In lld2 the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY will be completed, opening up the rich agricultural districts of CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA. Thousand are im.v buying land in nlu fertile ul!es of the ! OUT (IKIHIHK DISTRICT, tho Nlv-Hoeo VALLEY and Ihe BUCK LEY ALLEY. This laud will double Mild treble In value ns soon us the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC provides transportation faclM'bs. Write todJ for booklet desi ribing this wonderful counirv. B. M EY I.L. DISTRICT SALES AGENT. I. Hi-11 FAXTON BLOCK OMAHA. NEB. Culnrudo. land bargains. 1122 l urnuin. Intermountain Phone D. 4o.j. Bargains- Fruit land. ur,2 Bi audels Bldg Isws. THE eai les wuy to find a buyer tof , 'ji farm Is tu ni.iei t u tmail ant a l ,u tne Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In tie stutc of Ion. 43f dully, ihe Cupiiui Is : I'uil by and Lelleeed In bf tho kiuiidi.alleis of luwa. who s loply rr I use tu permll anv other puier in thd! .umes. Kates. 1 irni a word a day; 1 -J , tr line per loon; u; count six ordinary ..urde to U J Olio. Address L'l loiucl v.Ulita, Lts Voll.es, la. REAL ESTATE HOI A HAM II I. AMI FUlt S A 1,17 (Conlmued ) Florida. IF YOU ;fo f-oni Mb I .11 M1M In I 'I ionil and hrtVr lo br Ptiown ni 1 1 tn t on our lllvcrvif itiila yon cull prnduco two l mi th( famr iiiiif'i the il I In .v i i mihh' liar, and bv iroper lotatlot the land Is Improved and not impoverlslvd. That anyone of the.e ctois will bring hi luge returns as anyone of tho usiiu' lldil i l ips of the north. Thai, In our locality, .!0 to RO bushcH of corn are r uluei d to tho acre, a.nl this corn in riiiitii between ri winter and a f.ill crop That this coin luiugs a higher price than In the so-called corn states. That the corn Is probably the least profitable crop of tho thiee. That no one crop country can compete Willi a country tint I produces two and three crops. i'hut the climatic cond Hons arc better for all kinds of live slock. That Is Is not inrriiiry to own or cul- thate as larce uu urea as In a one i ron . country. . .. That the summers arc cooler and the , wlnteis warmer. " If we cannot show you. It Is worsn than foolish on our part to pay money tor this advertisement, or to Induce ou ; to tew our land. If we can show you. It Is ns foolish on -your part not to Invcitlgitte If you want ; laud for a tual use or for on Investment. Excursions to Rivet view Farms the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Call . on us or write Mr fuller Information. UIVERVIEW FARMS COMPANY. 012 Puxton Hlock, Omaha. Neb. lTtONE THOUSAND DOLLARS $1,000 . MONEY - OFIl GUARANTEE MONEY : Just u little money down, u little mone each month, buys an Ideal home In air ideal climate, near Palm Reach, Florida; Come In nnl lot us tell you about It, and , on Investigation. If you do not find It a ; good, or belter than represented you wllL, receive $1.m. Call on or write Wood., ward A Company, ill Omaha Nat l Hank..' li.noo ACRES prairie lund, IeSoto, count v, Florida, near Arcadia, good land., well drained. Onlv $4 per aero net, 1, tuken al eitice. Flue colonization propo sition. J. C. Jackson. 1732 First, NaCVV hiinli Hldg.. Chicago. .''' y Oeors;l. ;;. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA! 't Traversed by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM' ATLANTIC RAILROAD. , Lands adaptable to the widest rang ol crops. All tha money crops of tha Soutn plentifully produced. For Hteratura treajt -tug wlin this coming country. Its sou, ell. mats, church ana school advantages, rU W. II. LEAHY, DEPT. K. liauerai Passenger Agent, ... ,. A'l LAMTA. UA. . Idaho. tliiO ACRES of the best lands In thei Payette and Sn: k river valleys for sala In twenty, forty and eighty; one hundred luigcr tiacts at prices that will maks " safe und very remunerative Investments, in large tracts will consider one-half of purcbaso price. In other desirable prop.., ' 'i't' lnterested In procuring lands In th ,J very best portion of these irrigated .., lands villi best of water rights for Irrlga tlon write mo ut Payette, Idaho. A. K. , Wood, owner. ' Mexico. MEXICO A place (o make big money If you havft , some money to Invest. The climate is de lightful and healthful, no cold nor f reel ing weather. You can buy rich, black land for $12 Is) per acre, easy tel ins. In an American colony, near railroad, and olio crop of corn more than pays for the land anil for the uumr in piouoeu . nuj labor very cheap m cenis jier imj. o you will go Willi us nexi i n. u..-.. to Tumpleo, oil (tie easi gun co.e-i. iw will sec (he corn in tho Held Hint will make what we have stated iibovo. Y.m will see the oranges, lemons und grap, -fruit on Ihe trees. You can see tunm grasses six to eight icci iimn mm planted last year, l ou win nee me ,i.-i pliilil", too ix.oeis ol whicn am oulu n , from $! to $Uii) gold per acre annually. 100 acres set lo tlher will make ;.ou wealthy and Independent for life. Next excursion Nov. 7. Railroad fare from Oinahu to Tumpleo und return, $l2.2i. Witlo for Illeruture. Chocoy Land Co. Grit Hrandels Hldg., Omuha, Neb. rbraskn. Free list of Improved Howard, Greeley, Valley, Sherman and Custer county farms for people of limited unans want ing Humes on easy terms. C. Brauiey, Vvoibueti, Neb. HOMESTEAD 320 acres for $U7i; about 20 miles out, rich tarm land, not land. Was an old entry, now cancelled. Worit f'uon. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb. WELL Improved Frontier county, Ne- brasku, farms tor sule or tradu; flu to $oo; isn town properties In towns of certain, ties. D. F. Johnston, Box I. Curtis. Neb.. ,,. IMPROVED 10-ucrs truck farm, near I Tekamah, Nel). Address Joe Jordan, Tqt,r. kamah, Neh. "lOO-ACUE furm near Benson for eala,' " cheap. Owner has Incurable sicklies,;'. Ju-nulrs room H. Brown block. EASTERN Neo and Iowa, farms to L xchange for uusoim iuu. . ,aM Brandies theater. Omaha. lll'i ONK of the finest ranches In Nebraska, ';' no acres; well watered; 200 acres under !- nun acres .. ..... to uil) tons ot nay, a iiouaes. hams and sheds; fenced; plenty ot pas. turage P" 1 '" ' ai P1" u,e-: h red C. Shields. 310 Itamga Block, Oman,, Neb. SMALL farm for Vols, Doug, JDIS or rent or sale. South 13M. Charles ... Oklahoma. FROM 20 to S20-acre tracts from 1S" to $06 per acre. b Vogel. 4o9 Karbaoo r bik. "2J-. ' persistent Advertlsln pig Beturus. Is th Road t- WTaconsln. Must He SoUl 1,200 AcreslL In ona. body of level laud 3 miles 4f Pluck River Falls, Wis.; no stone, no overflow no gumbo, no hurdpan. lii., ulkali no quack gruss or cockleburs. i'hiie Is nt ier lulling running water, s. through one corn'r of (his land. Ahmit--one-huif of tld U-uvt has black soli twu to four feet deep, Is the best grain land""- in the stalet with small amount of dltelw i mg The balance is choice level upland, Kood soil, grows tu finest kind of grua.p 7 This tract cun be bougnl for less man $ii per acre if tuktu soon. Will pay coi.'i" mission. , . . ' Wisconsin Drained Land Co.. 121 West Third St., ... Davenport, lu. THE be-;t treat for wife und baby ! If Sol t . ,HOi or I'UI.ens ii-e eieuio Kiisetiberg. '.'" N. 2oth Si 1 ,e Bee otflce wilhln (In. will come t ' days we wi.l u.it br.ck of give this Imn an oiuer mi u tine i. e cream. - - y RlAIESTATERjENJ L I ariu U I'd lo ;ieU l.iinda. im arres Irrigated. 4 mll.-s from Wheat, land Wyo. : all In aifaltu; 1 section 1 miles Bom Ktmball, Neb.; 2j0 acr biuken; fine lai.dl and 10.' acres U uillea from Atkinson, Neb. II. Gross. 501 S. 22d. REAL ESfATt LOANS WAN 1 ED Cny loans . Co.. and warraois. 1J Fai uiu u Y. i-ainaui Miuili C1AHA l':operty and Nebraska Lands. O KEEFE REAL EbTATla CO.. j.jij w oinaba Nat l Bank Bunding. MONEY TO LOAN Pay n lav. Co. WANTED City losiia. Peters Trust (la. .,ai to $lu,uo0 made prouipuy. r. Wead. W tad Bid-, istU mwl a ariuk U