Tin: m:i:: omaha. tiksdav. (HToium; umi. 7 BRIEF CITY NEWS "fTa OOt rlllt n Cft-yptian CbocolaWa BOc, Myers-Dillon. Oas, Elec ) lstnrea. Burg-eaa-Grandaa, Dang-nter at Hatfke Homa Charles Ilaffke, democratic candidate for dis trict Judge, I all smiles today. A baby daughter was hern to Mrs, Maftke this iroi nlnit. Biackenridge In Editorial Bartaw The Editorial Hevicw for Norrmhrr con tains an article ly llalph TV. Hrecken r i!f on "rrogress Toward Reform In the Administration of I,ow." Fartish Back on the Job K. V. l'ar r..h, man .er of the puhllclty bureau of the Omaha Commercial club, la' back on the Job after an Illness of several weeks, lie l still weak, but hopes to be able to take tare of his work. Taken 111 at runeral Mrs. J. .1. Part ridge of Twentieth and Kinney, Is ill as a result of her attendance on Miss Anna YVllsnn In the latter s last Illness. She attended tha Wilson funeral Sunday, but was taken 111 In the evening. On account of her advanced age considerable concern is felt for her. She la an old time resi dent of Omaha. Cathollo Student Club Meats Mem bers of the Cathollo club of Crelkhton met Sunday at the college building to reorganize for the winter months. This club is composed of students from the four professional departments. The club waa addressed by J. A. Ilennewitx of the law faculty and Paul Martin, dean of the law school. Monthly sessions are planned. Unique' Wedding least is Given at South Omaha John Papck and Eva Alexute were mar r'nii at 3310 T street, South Omoha, Sun day, with all the marriage rites of their J native Lithuania. One of the cuHtoms observed waa the , breaking of the plates by the throwing of silver dollars by the stuests. Each guest threw until he broke a plate. It he succeeded the first time, he was out fl; if ten shots were required, he waa out 10. The coins thrown by the male guests Went to the groom, and those thrown by the feminine guests belonged to the bride. The bride got about twice as much money as the groom, for the women were not as adept as the men in breaking the plates. All the plates In the house of the bride's parents were broken and a fresh supply was secured from neighbors. The broken plates filled a washtub. Five dozen chickens and large quantities of other eatables were consumed at the wed ding feast, which continued for hours. Woman He Sought M Housekeeper Disappointed and Goes Insane. AEEESIED ON FEDERAL CHARGE Doetnr Admits He H llnldnniet Man la Tan n anil that lie la i: to fiet Along Willi If He Hue Ilia . lr. Jerome Campbell, who admits that he is the handsomest man In Maxwell. Neb., has been arrested and taken to North Platte to stand trial for vending nonmailable matter through the mails. He was Indicted In Omaha a short time ago by the federal grand Jury. The doctor advertised for a house keeper, and among the replies was one from Mrs. Orace Deputy, who, at the time lived at 412 North eighteenth atreet In Omaha. Correspondence was ex changed between the two and some of the letters written by Campbell found their way Into the office of the V'nlted States district attorney. The indictment followed. For some reason an agreement was not rtaohed between Campbell and Mrs. Deputy and ahe brooded over the out come. It Is said, until she was driven In sane. At any rate an insanity charge was brought against her In district court on September I. It was found at the hearing that ahe was a resident of Lan caster county and she was ordered sont there, Fhe was taken In charge by her mother and Is now said to bo In the asylum at Lincoln. In dickering with Mrs. Deputy Camp bell said that he was easy to get along with as long aa he had his way, and, he Incidentally mentioned that he weighs J15 pounds, stands over six feetln height and Is admittedly the handsomest mun in town. It was not this statement, how ever, on which the Indictment hinges. He wanted Mrs. Deputy to take the place of his wife, who ha suid died some time ago, and he offered her the liberal remunera tion of $3 a week. She held out for S4. Knitting Fad Hits Omaha Women and Keeps Them Busy The kiiitt'ng craze has struck Omaha women. In fact they are In the f ml neck deep. tirandmother knitting a pair of red mittens for email Johnny Is a familiar sight. Hut this ye.ir knitting Is no longer confined to grandmother. All the. women are knitting -school g!i K debutantes, busy housewives and society matrons. The local stores cannot buy yarn fa.t enough to nie-t the dein.m'.a of the vic tims of the fad. One store recently sold $.M0 worth of yarn in one day. The clerk at the yarn counter in an other store says she is selling twice as much yarn this fall as he sold last e:ir at this time. In several of the stores there are demonstrators teaching an eager circle of women of various ages and station the art of crocheting and knitting with the gaily colored yarns. The yarns are of more brilliant and beautiful colors than ever. The greens, purines, reds and yellows are enough to make a humble woolly lamb wonder what the world Is coming to. All eorts of garments are helm? crocheted. It is possible for a girl to crochet her whole outside apparel and be In the height of style, for not only Jackets and caps, but also crocheted atoles and muffs are strictly "the thing." Sofa pillow tops, college robes and even gaily colored flowers uie crocheted. The crocheted handbag Is also the latest style. HOLD PARENTS RESPONSIBLE Chief of Police Donahue to Get After Offenders Hallowe'en. Hotel Clerk Held v on Perjury Charge James Wilson, clerk of the Llpsey room ing house at SOI North Sixteenth street. Lucky Woman Has Proposals to Wed Since Land Drawing Miss Elirabeth Crowe of 1.110 ' North Twenty-eighth atreet, an employe of the cloak department of Hayden Bros., has received four proposals of marriage since the fact became known that she drew No. 2,2Xi in the South Dakota land draw ing. One was from Womlnu, one from South Dakota and two were from Ne braska farmers. Miss Crowe is a sister of Policeman Mike Crowe. Crazed Passenger Flourishes a Gun Passengers on I'nlon Pacific passenger No. 10 were btidly frightened Sunday when Lulgl Lognmarslno, flourishing a revolver and muttering threats, tore through tho train. Luigl was given full sway of a car as soon as tho passengers could get out and he waa taken In charge by offi cers when the train reached Omaha. It is believed the high altitude of the moun tains affected his brain. He calmed down when ho reached the Omaha station, but was locked up for the night. WILL PROSECUTE OFFENDERS thief ihnt I'rnnk lime Oetel. oped Into Much n Nuisance that Something- Mnst lie Hone to Moo Them. Chlif of Pol ce Donahue will hold par nils responslbl for the actions of their children on Hallowe'en night, accord tig to a statement mado iy him. ' I rciiuest the people of Omaha t fur n.sh inn with the numts of the boys who are annoying or destructive," cald I'hcll Donahue, "and 1 will ho'd the parents responsible for the commit of their boys and 1 will not hesitate to piosecuto In the police court those win) refuse or neglect to comply wtlh this reasonable re qui st for keeping order. "The Halloween pranks of the boys of Omaha have developed Into such an In tolerable nuisance in disturbing the peace, creating anxiety and even In tha destruction of property that drastic meas ures must be taken to break them of tho habit. "I appeal to the parents of boys who are likely to be mischievous or destroy property Hallowe'en nig'it to keep them at home when mischievous pranks are anticipated." office building. ''HW, to stories high, on sixteenth, between Chicago and Cass The three struct lie will cost abuut Ko.iWi. HE REDUCED 57 POUNDS Nrn Method of Klesh Hednetlon I'rotra Astonlsliinttlr oeeessf nl. JOHNSTOWN. Oct. .V.-The truth of the : H. T. Ftetler of be reduced his j pounds In an In claim made by Johnstown, Pa. weight by fifty Hon. that seven Outbreak of Thefts Reported to Police The residence of J. D. Bowers, 30H1 Pop- pleton avenue, was robbed of Jewelry and and one of the registrars of the FirsfN clothes of the value of $100 Sunday night, precinct of the Third ward, was arrested on a warrant charging perjury and ar raigned before Judge Leslie In county court Monday morning. Ho pleaded not guilty and was released in 1100 ball, fur nished by M. J. Salvito, to appear for hearing Friday afternoon. The specific charge against Wilson Js that he "doctored" the rooming house register in order to aid the defense of Albert Anderson, charged with perjury for fraudulent registration, and then on the witness stand swore that the regis ter was correct. Anderaon was discharged in county court Friday. The complaint against Wilson la made by John J. Mahoney, democratio candi date for police Judge, and County Attor ney English. In the Anderson hearing it. was necessary for the prosecution to prove that Anderson registered aa living at the rooming house and that he did not live there. Neither charge was proven. The prosecution asserts its fail ure to prove the latter charge wua due to Wilson's "doctoring" of the register and his swearing that It was correct. Entrance was gained by cutting the screen from a front window. While waiting for a train in the Bur lington depot Sunday night John Pollard, 723 North Sixteenth street, fell asleep and awoke about an hour luter to find that he had been robbed of J2S and a watch. While the services were being held In the Jewish synagogue at Nineteenth and Burt streets Saturday night two over coats were stolen from tho cloak room. Tbe coats were valuable ones and be longed to L. Nathan and A. Kune. Kate Cataazo, 201S Martha street, re ported to the police that her home had been entered by burglars Sunday night and robbed of $10 In cash and several pieces of Jewelry. General Ray Dies in New York Home Mrs. W. B. Millard received a tele gram Monday morning announcing the death of General Patrick Henry Ray at his home Jn Youngstown, N. Y. No de tails were-, received other than the word that the burial would be In Arlington cemetery at Washington. General Ray was formerly stationed here, and his young wife and Mrs. Mil lard were close friends. About two years ago Mrs. Millard received a letter from Mrs. Ray, and at that time the general waa In good health. He was about 70 years old and had been retired for sev eral years. Slashed with a Htior, wounded with a gun, or pierced by rusty nail, Bucklen'a Arnica Salve heals the wound. Guaranteed. 2oC. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. mm It is the daty of every expectant mother to prepare her system for the coruinff of her little one : to avoid aa iar as possible the suffering of 6uch occasions, and endeavor to pass rough, the crisis with her health aud strength unimpaired. This 6he ni&7 do through the use of Mother's Friend, a remedy that has been bo long in use, and accomplished bo much good, that it Is in no sense an experiment, but a prepa atioa which always produces the best results. It is for e xenial application and bo pen etrating' in its nature as to thorottgldy lubricate every muscle, nerve and ten don involved durinj the period before bahycoines. It aids nature by ex panding the skin and tissues, relieves tenderness and soreness, and perfectly prepares the system for natural and safe motherhood. Mother's Friend has been used and endorsed by thou sands of mothers, and its use will rove a comfort and a benefit to any woman in need of each a remedy, Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for free book for expectant motli trs, which con tains much valuable Information. BXADflELD RLCL1A TOR CO.. JtWi, C MOTHER FREMONT WOMAN SEEKS HER MISSING HUSBAND Mrs. Lowry .lones of Frentrfht reported to the Omaha police that her husband came to Onuihu October 20 with 1200 and has not been heard from since. She said he came to Omaha to get a position as a cook. Information recurcd by the police brought nut tbe fact that Jones p pcand nt tho Reliable Employment agency and applied for work, but left wit hunt any success. CONTRACT IS LET FOR . THREE NEW BUILDINGS Architect Walilih of New York, acting fur H. 1". Kstabrook. ha let the contract to Ornnt I'aismia for the construction of three buildings for Mr. Kstabrook west of Jtffcrson (Muare. There will be two flat buildings, IftxliU, two stories hlKh. on Cass street, just east of I'nlty church, and a store and credibly shoit time has been fully estab I shed. The facts are. as proven !v a careful investigation, that Butler received, at his own renuest, on forty days' trial, from Prof. P. O Turns of No. IT West Thirty-eighth street, New York, ft simple. In lsible device, weighing less than one ounce, which when worn as directed, acts as an Infallahle flesh reducer, dispensing entirely with dieting, medicines and exer cises. The results with Pteiler. as with other prominent men and women, were gratifying and astonishing. It Is said that the offer to send these outfits for forty days' free trial has been extended for a time. .Mnrrlaae l icenses. Licenses to wed have been issued lo following: Name and Address. Aif-...i li...wl'W Miiuth Omnhn Flosslt Smith. South Omaha William K. Huff. Rhodes. la. ... Avelda Toedt, Adel. la Arthur Wilson. St. 1-ouls Lilanche Hranson. Rell. Mo Will Kell. Norfolk, Neb. Wllhelmlna Miller, Norfolk, Neb Arthur T. Albright. Harlan, la. Miiiiilo Terry. Auburn, Nob I.ouls Waltner, Omaha Katctina, Kamer. Omaha Kdward Carmody, Onmha Ooldle Shrpaid, Omaha the Age. Is .. 3i .. .. :vi .. 2t .. 23 .. 23 .. 21 .. 18 Klere AtsrU of malaria, liver derangement and kidney trouble Is easily cured by Klertric Tlltters. the guaranteed remedy. Boc. Tor sale by tlcaton lrug Co. iff A mm w ii. xm Omaha's I.nr a To Business Men In vour own tniBliifss you split tho ppimtcs 'till tha Indian yells for help --you prld o youraolf on being a good business nmn a gixd buyer. Anil you aro good In buslnrps. Hut whn It comes to buying the elotliea for jour ow n lint k you orn as helpless ns a bubo lit tho lunula of u high-priced tailor. Why don't yon apply Home? of your business nhillty to tlio hujlng of your own clothes? Why don't you inwHtlgtite the market? Why don't you come and ceo whether or not we can meet, your exRctliiR demands? A Matchless Overcoat Value $15 Talking about value here are ovorconta that have- no equal for tha price. They convincingly fiubstan tlato our oft repeute.l underselling claims. Nowhere in all Omaha can you obtain such genuine ovorcont value skillfully tailored through and throuRh styled to conform with fashion's Intent Ideas of strictly all wool materials. Including tho new "ruft" cheviots gest and ltest llqiilpiwd ClotlilnR Store. NEBRASKA ANDJ0WA PATENTS Offlclul Mat for Last Week la Issned Tliroufh Office of Wll lard Kddj. George Eay Attacks His Mother-in-Law While in a drunken rage at 2:30 Monday afternoon George Itay, 2S27 California street, assaulted his wife's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. John Stackpole, at their home, 2013 Cuming street, with a knife. He almost severed one finger from the right hand of Mrs. stackpole and choked her Into unconsciousness. He then turned on Mr. Stackpole and struck him on the head with the knife, cutting a small gash. The police were called and arrested the man on the complaint of his wife. Union Pacific Men - Are All on the Move Everything is In a bustle at the old Lnion racirie neadquartera. i.very one Is hurrying to and fro. getting every thing into shipshape to move into the new quarters, lieeks, chairs and all kinds ot fixtures are being packed into large vans an dtaken to the new building. At present the twelfth floor Is the only one occupied. This floor Is taken up by the office of President Mohler, the offloe of the vice president and general mait- ager and the offices of the general super Intendent and the superintendent of tranxportatlnn. All new fixtures have been installed on thlu floor. h 5. fl JU During the last week patents were is sued to the following NcbrasUans and lowans, leported by Willard Eddy, solicitor: To Albert K. Heall and C. P. Kkellen-gen-of Clinton. Ia., for vehicle wheel. To F.dgerly R. llatley of Clarlnda, la., for centrifugal separator. To Theodore Doll of Nora Bprlngs, la., for furniture caster. To Franklin I". Gable and A. C. Phutt man of GranJvlew, la., for horse detach ing device. To William GoRsett of Falls City, Neb., for extension step. To Thomas V. Grady of Dubuque, la., for fluo expander and header. To Hussell Hutten of State Center, la., for combined cranking and power shaft. To John Howard of Albion, Neb., for hay stacker. To William Morrison of Des Moines. Ia.. for binoxld of hydrogen electrodes. Nb., for alfalfa mill. To John II. Stewart and J. M. BchenK of Waterloo, Neb., for forncr-hcad for tilo machines. To Charles t Young of Des Molncs. la., for obstetrical forceps. To Charles V. Young of Broken Bow, Neb., for neckyoke. Nurse Robs Patient While Latter Sleeps Oust Andrern wanted an honest and re liable young man to attend him when he fell s'ck at hU home. 1701 South Sixteenth street, so he applied to the Young; Men's Christian association. A young man by the name ot Fred Canine was selected and he entered upon his duties in nurse Saturday even. I'.y 10 o'clock at night he managod to soothe IiIk patient t3 sleep, but when the sick man awakened two hours later hi attendant was gone. B-j waa hla pocketbook, containing 118. HYMENEAL Ulhnn-BraniDo. Mi's tUanehe n. liransun. daughter of Charles Kranson of Hell. Mo , and Mr. Arthur Wilson of St. 1auIs, Mo., were married by Hew Charles W. Pavidge a', his residence Saturday afternoon at 3. C'hapnin !! ubera. Mirs I'earl Hwanbcig of Houth Omaha, daughter of Charles Swanberg, and Charles 8. Chapman were married by Ilev. Charles W. Havidtie at his residence Sunday evening at S 30. The groom'k uncle, Mr. John vV. Ptin:;on, accompanied them. Miss Remington Says : "I can get more clean, legible copies at one writing from RED SEAL than from any other carbon paper." -B aV a. 11 1 s s Ke m t ng io?i operates nearly a mil lion typewriter?, and she ought to know. No other carbon paper mani folds like RED SEAL,orgives 6uch bright, clear impressions, or such good,all-around service. And, of course, it follows that no other sells like RED SEAL. Remington Typewriter Company (!ucjrporJ; PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Henry Haubens, president of the I. Ion Bonding and Hurety company, baa re turned from a three months' trip to Kurope H"bert Hlehlow. who accom panied Mr. Haubens, returned last week. V. Ml tM c Modern . t 4V. I Bl -i p ( m AA A 4 HOTEL GOTHAM A Hotel ofrefincc! el .egance. located in NevYork's social centre Easily accessible to tneatre and snoppind. districts, U SimtU Pooaa with Bath ro5?9 Wetherbee & Wood fifth Ave. tfRfV-fifih St., NEW YORK. CITY M33E3B80I Gray Hair Denotes Age. is Your Hair Faded or Streaked With Gray? How often one hears llio expression, "8hn Is grny and beginning to look old." It Ih true t lint urny hair usually denotes nire and Is iilwaya axmnluted with sue. You never heiir one referred to iih having nniv Im Ir nnd lookltiK Young. Tho hnlr In Bcnerally the Index of aire. If your lislr Is ariiy. you can't lilanie your friends for rcfcri-lna to you ns look ing old. You csn't retain a youthful ap pearnnce if you allow your hair to arrow may. Many persons of middle nire Jeop urdlxe their future simply hy iiIIowIiik the pray liulr to become, manifest. If your hnlr has become faded or amy, try Wyelh's HiiKe nnd (Sulphur Hair Itetn:dy, a preparation which a chemist hy the name of Wyeth devled a few years atrn. It Is simple, Inexpensive and practical, and will hnnlsh the array hnlrs In a few days. It I also tmnr.inteed to remove dandruff nnd promote the growth of the hnlr. It la a plensunt dronslng for the hnlr. and after usIuk It a few days Itching and i'ryness of the snalp entirely disappear. Don't neglect your hnlr. Htart using Wyeth's Huge and Sulphur today, and you will be surprised nt the quick repults. This preparation la offered to the pub lic at fifty cents a bottle, and la recom mended and sold by all druggists. Special agent, Hhernmn & McOonncll, Kith nnd Harney Hts., Itlth and Dodge His. BMurau-aiM mm, jimi VOST-High Grade Furs fl EXPERT REMODELING JLL t-ornor 20th and Turnnm. THophon DnnRlaa 3(MO. ...m',-,vVir.'-Vffmwi. 1619 Farnam Street. Douglas 1513. He Knows 5 Taw J Is Good Bee Is Good Beer because it's the good old German kind rich and meliow refreshing. Order a cold bottle just taste the rare, delicious tang of this genuine old German lager beer you'll be surprised how good it is. Pint bottles only of clear glass, so you can see it's clean and pure. The red or yellow wrapper keeps out the light, preserving the snap and the life. Splendid for home use no other beer can be purer none more delicious. Order a CRse sent home. Save the Caps from bottles of Old Fash ioned Lager Beer and - change them for valuable premiu m a our premium book illus trates and de- Aak fli scribes 2,400 premiums for U it's free. Douglas 1148 Cackley Brothers, Distributors Ind. A-2148. Wni. i. ItiMlcniuiin, (icii. Haley Au'nt, North hi vtecnt li St. im li 1 i 1 fflMmf. I . lf. Jl f1 CV- r-3 MAIL ORDERS for "Old Fashioned Lager Beer" filled the day received. Shipped everywhav