Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    Till-; HKIi: .LIL. TUKSDAV. (XTOj.EII :M. 11)11.
Tun Omaha Daily Bkk
fovndkd hy kdwakd ik kwateh.
Fntered at Omaha poetofflce as secortd
elasa matter.
Funday bee. one year 12 V
Faturday Hr, me year 1 .VI
Dally Kee in Ithout Sundayl, one ( nr. 4.'
I'Blljr Tice a. ml Sundav, one year "n)
Kvenlng l're i It'i Sundn vt. per month. 2V
Daily Hee (including unday), per mo..W
I II v Hep (without Sunday), per mr Cc
Artdrrra nil rompln Int. of Irregularities
In delivery to City 'Irrnlnt Ion Dept.
Remit by dralt. enpres or postal order.
payable to The Pee )uMihltig company
t-nly -cent stamps received In payment
of umall account. I'ersnnal check, ex
cept on Omaha and eniitern exchange, not
Omaha The Hee ri ii I let I p k.
P'vKh Omaha 2:"S X St
Council Kuiffs-l.i Scott St.
1 Incoln '.H l.lttle Mulldins
I'htraso 1M Marquette Hulldin.
Kansas City Reliance IIiiIIiI.iik
New York-34 WeM Thirty-third.
Washington 7.S Fourteenth HI., X. W.
PommunlcatiwiH relating In news and
editorial matter should he addressed
Omaha Ree. Kdltorlal Department.
Plata of Nebraskn. Otuntv of Polish!, as.
Dwlsht Wllliama. circulation manager
of The Tlee FubllshlntT company, hclna;
duly sworn, says that the avcriiKe dally
circulation, lean spoiled, unused and re
turned coplon for the month of rieptcmbcr,
1911. was
cirniUtlon Miihaner.
Subscribed In tnv prewnee and stforn to
before me this 2-1 dnv of October. 1"ll.
(Seal.) ItOHKRT 111 NTFIl
Notary llihllp.
ofcsorlhera ten Inn (lie rllf
temporarily ahonld ha Tae
nee mulled In them. Addreaa
will le rlianard na nfleu
It In "out again, In again" for
friend Mabray, all right.
"Why do they'call It Indlnn Hum
mer? Because It used to be.
Evidently Mr. Hearat took a rata
check when h left the democratic
Wild gecue are going south. The
democrats will be likewise arter
Joseph Pulitzers life Is another
argument against antl-lmmlgratlon
"Ten Helow In Montana." Yes,
but wait till the fusxy style strikes
Medicine. Hat. -
Ferhapa they do not have spikes
ia the game of politics, but they
have steam rollers.
That California duck that, swal
lowed gold nuggets really has some
thing to quack about.
"Tammany will be beaten, unless
i all signs fall," says Hearst. And In
I dry weather, all signs frequently fall.
j The author of "Sweet Marie" Is
:ow aa Indigent patient In a Boston
hospital. Still, we are sorry for him.
Jack Johnson was . arrested and
fined 37 for breaking up his Lon
don landlady's furniture. Breaking
Into print again.
Dr. Cook used gum drops to charm
the north pole natives, but he prob
' ably borrowed the Idea from some of
; our gumshoe politicians. .
It Is Just as well that, even in
these piping times of peace, we line
' out our navy now and then In re
view before the head of the nation.
' President Tuft has. still another
supreme court appointment to make
, and no matter whom he names prob
ably make It without pleasing Mr.
No, we do not believe the people of
Omaha are quite ready to give "Char
ley" Kannlng's bookkeeper a com
mission as police iuagtutrate for the
next two years.
Our old frleud, Kdgar Howard,
s!ls it "mud-splashing." For a fine
example of it all he has to do Is to
watch the local democrat organ In
Douglas county.
The way to stop the raids on the
county treasury la to take the control
of county affairs away from the
odious democratic combine running
the county board.
Jacob M. Dickinson drew the com
plaint for the government In the
teel trust suit. Evidently his retire
ment as war secretary did not mean
his complete retreat.
Muiphy lu.l'lea and J.uuh-!
iionx. Headline.
Now, if blu name were only Mike,
hey might have said: "Mean,
vu-iizly Mike Murphy Bullies and
:Juthers the Brpux." '
Look out for roorbacbs and fukes
iprung by our two ycllyw Journals,
fhey started iu early this season
Aith their political fiction factories,
md have betn repeatedly caught w 1th
he foods, but the habit is eo strong
but they keep right at it, and their
if-s are fluet-footed.
A fatal wreck on the Union Patl
: if, In Iplte of all its splendid system
; f l!fe-savlag and accldent-prevent-.
ng device., goea only to show that
. here' la something in the theory of
resident Bush of the Missouri Paci-
ie after all the theory of "humuu
; fclllbllty" as the explauatlou of
:muy fcuih disaster.
Joseph Pulitzer.
With Joseph Pulitzer has pushed
one of the giants of American Jour
nalism. Historians will place him
In the very front rank of the brillsnt
galaxy of men who have mad" the
newspaper what It Is today in (hi
country. He has Impressed hla per
sonality on the type of modern Jour-
nailsm as has no other one person
and his Influence upon its future Is
sure to be potent and lasting.
As usual In the capo of truly great
men, thTe are npparcnt paradoxes In
Mr. Pulitzer's life work. Acclaimed
as the originator and sponsor ot so
called "yellow Journalism," his
newspapers today are counted among
the Ftrong factors for stability and
steady progress. Starting out as a
republican, the protegn of Carl
Schurz, ho Joined the democratic
forces behind Tllden and later be
came one of Cleveland's jnost active
supporters, but refused to accept, the
nomination of Bryan and stood out
strong for honest money and busi
ness Integrity.
In many points, the career of Jo
seph Pulitzer of the World closely
resembles that of Kdward Rosewater,
founder and during his lifetime edi
tor of The Bee. Both came to this
country from Kurope ns poor boys
nnd were thrown upon their own
resources. Both volunteered in the
service of their adopted country for
liberty and against disunion. Both
were of Jewish pnrentage und both
built up grenl newspapers after la
borious efforts to gain a foothold.
Both achieved success In Journalism
In an acquired language and also re
tained the same facility In their na
tive tongues. After his triumph In
Kt. Louis Mr. Pulitzer launched Into
the limitless newspaper field at New
York, while Mr. Itosewator, despite
tempting orfers, atald to his death
with Omaha to which ho was rooted
and with The Bee to which he was
Inseparably devoted. Both died nt
approximately the samo age with- a
monumental life work completed.
Bringing Hussia to Time.
An aroused public conscience calls
upon the United States government
td denounce and abrogate the Husso
Amerlcan treaty of 1832 or finally
compel Russia to observe It, as this
country Iisb always done. Senator
Penrose has declared that soon after
congress convenes In December he
win take up the matter with the
president and secretary of state and
urge Immediate action. Congress
Suiter, chairman of the house com
mittee on foreign affairs, went so far
as to Introduce a bill at the last ses
sion to terminate the treaty.
Under this treaty the United Slates
and Itussia agree to admit without
discrimination the citizens of each
country having passports. The
United States has invariably com
plied with these terms, while Russia
has never done so with respect to
American citizens who- happened to
be Jews. No matter how eminently
respectable, or how conspicuous, the
traveler, If a Jew, is denied the
rights this treaty vouchsafed to him
and enjoyed by every other American
citizen. Our inaction has been de
fended on the ground that It Is bet
ter to retain certain other advantages
this treaty gave than to abrogate It
on this one account. This argument
no longer sounds tenable.
A great mass meeting Is to be held
in Washington soon to give expres
sion to America's' determined feeling
upou this Important matter and pro
cure definite and decisive action by
our government this winter. We owe
nothing to Russia and ueed not toler
ate Insults at Its hauds. We owe
everything to our own citizens and
we cannot afford to permit any for
eign nation to discriminate agulnst
Checking Danger of Tire.
New York now has a law that
glvea the fire commissioner of New
York City authority to close up fac
tories In which imminent peril of
fire exists, so that the commissioner
becomes responsiblelfor bad condi
tions. After the commissioner has
acted an uppeal goes to a board of
survey end If that board sustains the
commissioner the place must be vaT
cated until that official decides it
may reopen.
This law, which is the outcome of
the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire,
iu .w hich so many working girls lost
their lives, may appear at first
glance as stringent, but as a mutter
of fact, the New York authorities
regard it ns but the beginning of
rcBtrlctlxe legislation. Governor
Dlx, hltusuif, in signing the bill,
stated that, while it was good so far
as it went. It did not go far enough
and that ho will demand still larger
powers reposed In the fire Inspec
tors. Nebraska's law enables the state
labor commissioner to ordr places
such us moviug picture shows, closed
where they are not complying with
the laws governing fire link, but be
Is given uo such latitude aa the New
York fire commissioner enjoys. Ot
cuurtc, the need of such a law is
row here near as urgent In a state
like Nebraska or a city like Omaha
as iu Nuw York, yet there is room
and reason for much Improvement
and strengthening of our fire pro
tection measures. At the very bot
tom of all must He the very best
building laws aud, what Is more,
their rigid enforcement.
Leglslatlou like this in New York,
r hpetUll as backed by the public
officials, Is another unerring indica
tion of our growing concern for
those unable to protect themselves.
Fire protection laws loglcslly and
properly follow sanitary legislation
and all go to show how much is be
ing done to Improve the lot of the
toiler, man nnd woman, and this
ought to make for a better feeling
between (he clnsacs.
Money Value of Smcke.
Cincinnati, one of the cities
wrestling with the smoke nuisance
or problem, has a smoke Inspector
who states that the smoke that es
capes from the stacks tlroughout
(he country In one year Is worth
$1,100,000,000. In other words,
that much gns or fuel waste goes out
through the Industrial chimneys of
the country every year. In Cleve
land the smoke committee of the
Chamber of Commerce recently re
ported that the direct financial loss
from smoke waste every year In that
city amounted to $12 per oaplta of
Its population. If not twice that
amount. The report went on to show
what. If this wante was avoided, it
would mean in the matter, for In
stance, of taxation.
These figures are very large and
possibly more or less speculative,
nevertheless they go to show whnt
shocking waste there Is in smoke, de
shocking waste there Is In smoke, de
tories nnd other big buildings al
ready have In URe some sort of smoke
consumers. Cities, on the other
hand, have their nmoUe ordinances,
yet the smoke nuisance or problem,
as the viewpoint may be, continues
unabated, and for two reasons,
chiefly, first, the smoke consumers
that have been devised are not ef
fectual and, second, this Is another
one of those problems not susceptible
to solution by city ordinance or leg
islative statute. When It Is solved it
will be because of the economic
No one, who has given the mat
ter any thought doubts that tre
mendous waste goes out Iu smoke
and with our keen economic
sense the wbnder is that somebody
has not. overcome It by a definite
method long ago. If the waste is
whnjj this Cincinnati expert estimates
It to be. there is one ot tho first
places for us to begin the work of
economic reform. Dr. Tesla says that
the gases given off annually by the
great steel plants, if harnessed,
would produce from 23,000, 000 to
60,000,000 horsepower, worth, about
$450,000,000. These authorities nre
serious and reliable enough to force
this matter upon the attention of
business men. Not only financial
savings might be effected, but sani
tary Improvement could be accom
plished as well. The benefits would
be felt by everybody, no matter
whether he had to do with a largo In
dustrial plant or not.
Down In Plattsmouth, K. O. May
field, who has taken over the News
Herald of that town, devotes a col
umn to telling "What I Crow For,"
and among other things "I am crow
ing for people who do not go to
Omaha to trade." It'a a good slo
gan, but It won't stop Tlattsmouth
people from trading in Omaha any
more than would The Bee's buzzing
ttop Omaha people from trading in
Chicago when they think It is to
their advantage to do so. It is for
u to convince home folks that It Is
not to their advantage to' go else
whero to trade and to persuade
people outside that It is to their ad
vantage to come here. Lot tho uood
work go on.
Senator Hitchcock calls on all de
cent republicans to repudiate a bad
School board nomination, but our
"hlgh-intnded" senator still claspa to
his bosom an equally Immoral misfit
on the democratic ticket. With Sen
ator Hitchcock, the democratic label
rovers all moral delinquencies.
Governor Aldrlch is for La Follette
for the presidential nomination and
saya he doesn't rare who knows it.
But he does not see how any Ne
braska Insurgent republican can help
La Follette by voting to put demo
crats into power In the state house
That Union Pacific wreck was also
due to the "fallibility of man,", which
accounts for most such caBaunlties.
People Talked About
Mrs. Howard A. Colby of i'lainflfld, N.
J., Is auld tu b llie flrat woirin to use
colored photography In the Maine wooda.
She lias made five ilcunm tit a pair of
w Lid mooae.
The wine of Joy leave gome, dregu Iu
the glti!t. Hy a ruling of the attornty
Kenrial of California, women must tell
their rial asa when they ask to be
r sintered aa voters.
A railroad pacaenKer in lona; lland
liua won a li'Ka'. victory in a suit brought
liecaui.e he practically proclaimed ihe
principle of "No scut, no fare." There la
yet hope for Ihe urban straphanger.
The king of Italy Is an lnpalone
automoblllat. Moreover, lie la, perhaps,
Ihe only one among j;reat rulers that has
pa -id a (hotouKh examination In driv
ing and repairing, tie Is a akllled
mechanic and ran repair Ma car readily
whenever troublo comes.
August Wilcox, the oldeat resident of
Hilawasvre county, Michigan, who for
nearly aeventy years haa been trying to
collect 1601 from the United eUaiea, has
at lust succeeded-mlnua the Interest, Mr.
Wilcox waa postmaster at Undue water.
Mich., under President Tyler, and some
time after he waa succeeded Ui the poal
tlon li U-arued lie had some money com
i.ig to 111 in.
Booking Backward
'lllhD.iv inOmnl in
v i m mm mw i
r compiled moM pr.r, files S
1-t-1 OCT. LJ
Thirty Years Ago
In an Interview Captain liovton ex
plain I) In hurry to complete' his floating
down the Mlaaotirl n dire lo dealre to
eonpe the approaching cold weather and
the cloalng of navigation. He resumed
hla trip today expix-tlng to complete It
In three weeks, with but two landings.
one at Ht. Joseph and the other at Kansas
City. In order to give every one n chance
to see thn stort without mkxlng work
or athool hours, "fie was to leave the foot
of Fa ma in street nt K':r)0 noon, Tifcsday.
incldently while In Omaha Captain Hoy
ton was presented with an elegant brandy
flask by Captain Ingh-hart of the Monster
Whnle party.
At 0:rw a. m. the first steamer of the
season from the. upper Missouri, the C.
K. Peck, landed nt the foot of Farnam
street, having left Yankton Friday. The
C. K. Peek Is In charge of Captain W.
Fisher, with Captain W. It. Maasey aa
pilot, John R. McLane as engineer and
"Orandnop" 61ms as steward. The
steamer is the biggest boat on the river
except tho Dakota.
A. Crtil'kshank He Co. advertise that on
and after November I, "we will close
our store evenings at 6;30 except Satur
days, and respectfully Invite our lady
friends to assist us in this new move
ment." The carpent-ra at work on the Millard
hofl have received on advance of 20
cents on wages, and now get 13 a day.
One of Omaha's modest beHea failed
to see Hoy ton in the water Sunday, re
fueling to accompany her escort past
dray's yard "because the lumber wasn't
Attention ia called to the absence ot a
crossing on the Intersection of Nineteenth
street and Capitol avenue, where the 400
school children who attend Central school
have lo flounder through the mud.
Hupcrintendent Kd Dickinson of the
I'nlon Pacific left for Laramie for his
headquarters. "The same announcement
has been made every iluy for a week,
but ho always got left. This time It is
a fact.
Twenty Years Aa
Mr. and Mrs. I.ouls Rothschild cele
brated their silver wedding at their
home, l North Twenty-third street. Dur
ing the evening Mr. Martin Cahn ren
dered several choice musical selections
and Miss Carrie Goldsmith sang beauti
fully. Mr. and Mrs. Rothschild were
assisted in entertained by their children,
Mr. and Mrs. Sampson and their daugh
ters. Misses Nettle, Flora and F.lmer.
Mrs. Haas csme from Chicago. TIiohb
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cahn.
Mrmnd Mrs. It. R. Orotte, Mr. and Mrs.
n. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Degan, Mr.
Ocorge Hecker, Mrs. Anspacher. Mrs. C.
Hnns of Chicago, Mrs. J. Haas of Pitts
burgh. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hass, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lob
man, Mrs, B. Freauman of Pittsburgh,
Mrs. Freedy Rothschild, Mr. and Mrs. N.
I. Henson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Drelfus, Mr.
and Mrs. V. A. Pampson, Miss nettle
Haas, Miss Carrlt Goldsmith, Mr. Fmnk,
Rabbi Roaenau, Mr. A. Rosenau, Miss
Cora Decker, Miss Newman, Mr. Jake
Rothschild, Mr. J. Newman. Mr. L.
Rocker, Mr. II. Anspacher, Miss F. Ans
pacher and Jktr. Nathan Rothschild.
The marriage of Mrs. Alice Page and
Mr. Wallace Croxson was solemnized at
17(17 Cass street by Rev. W. J. Harsha.
The groom was employed by V, 8.
Democracy was given a parting broad
side for the campaign by some big guns
of the republican ranks at the Grand
Opera houae, where standing room waa
Searce. Among the orators were W. J.
Connell, John M. Thurston, John L. Web
ster. George P. Remls (candidate for
mayor and elected), Cunningham R.
Scott and Kdward Rosewater. Smaller
flrea were sent in by Frank K. Moores,
J. W. Eller and George R. Rennet. Dave
Mercer, county chairman, presided.
Pauline. 2-year old daughter of Paul
and Amelia Ilroveleit, First atrect and
Woolworth avenue, died at home.
City Attorney A. J. Poppleton gave nn
official opinion to the effect ehat women
could not vote at the school board elec
tion. Ten Years Ago
A preliminary nieetlna called for heln In
securing the missionary convention of
the Chrlstlun church In Omaha wn held
at the Commercial club. Among the cltl-
Sens invited to address was Edwaid Rose,
water. Short talks were also made by
John E. I'tt. secretary of ihe Commercial
club; Sumner T. Martin. W. T. Hilton, H.
H. Tyler of Denver and I. W. Carpenter.
In preparation for Senator MHlnrd'a
absence front the bank during Ms term at
Washington, fbe directors elected William
Wallace first vice president: C. F. Me.
Grew, national bank examiner, second
vice president; C. B. Anderson of Crete,
cashier to succeed Mr. Wallace.
The Auditorium directors authorised
the building and ground committee to blgn
a contract with John Latanaer as the
architect of the Auditorium, which was to
cost not more than tlSO.ouo, and to ad
vertise for bids for the excavation.
Captain Joatah H. Redfleld. T2. died at
hla home, IT'S Ontario street, at 4 45 p.
m. from a stroke of paralysis that enme
on early Iu the morning. It was at Cap
tain Redfleld a office. In 1871, that the
Initial edition of The Ree was printed.
Mrs. Mary Kelkenny, "8, died at the
family home, 2.10 Capitol avenue. The
end had been hastened from an accident
sustained some months tie fore In a run
away. Congressman William Neville of the
Sixth district stopped In Omaha on his
return from Hot Springs, Ark. He was
much Improved in health.
Daniel iUirrls, waa another witness to
Identify Jim Callahan aa one of the
Cmloliy kidnapers.
Mrs. Wlltam K. Guthrie was hostess at
a 6 o'clock tea, given In honor of her
guests, Mrs. Silas Guthrie and Mrs.
Hewitt of Ienver and Mta. Charies Hewitt
of Dcs Molnea. Mesilauiea Jordan, Lind
say, Davis, Dempster, Potter, 4)gden,
Hunker, Clapp and Alien assisted the
Ictlus sf Skort Meauorea.
Sioux City Journal.
The Insurgents, Including Mr. Rryan,
are trying to make It appear that the
appointments of Mr. Taft to the supreme
court, of democrats and republicans, have
beeu pollt leal-Mr. Rryan aa( In the ln
tereat ot the trusts. Rut all the Insur
gents, lucludtng Mr. Rryan. oerflow
with piatse of the late Justice liar an
Wnen President Hayes appointed Mr.
Hurtan to the court It was bitterly
charged by the friends of Mr. Tilden that
the appointment Waa a po!ttlcalv reaard
for fcrrvice on the LuuUlana commission
Around New York
lllpplea on rue Current of l.lfe
aa Seen In (he (irrat Imrrlrin
Metropolis from liar o liar.
Movlna- Scene of Mac's anil Mr's.
Aa fine a bunch if Mae's and Mc's as
ever sailed on mlt water hove to In New
York from IiiKlonderry, Ireland, last
Saturday. There, wire thirty-seven of
them, young and old, aud they had
enough baKpage to attruct the inquisitive
eyes and fingers of Collector Limb's
show mc's. Jtint as the party was lined
up and the baggan opened for Inspec
tion a nearby water pipe llttrst and yhot
it sooner or spray Into the Macs ami
Mc's. This Is what happened on th?
spot as sketched by the
Then there was cursln' by Mcpherson
and McCauI let out a bawl, nnd Mc
Oonlgnl through his monocle n glancln'
began pram In' roitnd MeCracken, who
said he'd blacl.eri the rye of Jllll Mc
Cuitln if he did not stop the spurtln'
and Mclntyre said there was no fire
burning, and he could not see the use of
turning on the ho;'t and McXamee said
we got enough of that nt sea, and Mc
Swivel said yc can all go to the
And Just then somebody cut off the
water. McAllister said he did not cure
so much about his baggage In general,
hut why should the water be turned on
Just as his bagpipe was being examined
by an Inspector. He feared that the in
strument had been ruined. After the
Mac's nnd Mc's had b"cn separated the
business of the customs men proceeded.
;liiuc nt of Fashion.
Tho old-time ferry-boat, so lonir n
familiar object in New York harbor Is
going out of fashion. With the opening
of the tubes beneath the rivers, and new
bridges above them, has come a revolu
tion in the harbor traffic. Scores of
ferry-boats have lost their useful ness in
the passenger-carrying traffic. The dis
posal or these craft, many of which me
very valuable, is a serious problem. They
are not worn out and their machinery Is
efficient, and yet even In this busy har-
oor it is difficult to find use foe them
Several of these ferrv-boats nre now
doing service as hospitals. Equipped with
tieus and kitchens, thev move verv eoomv
and inviting. Another use is to tear out
i ne partitions and use them for ferrying
cattle about the harbor. Several of the
boats, again are used for excursions up
and down the river. In a number of
cases, ferry-bonts for which no use can
ne round have been sent to the Junk
heup on the shore of Long Island Sound.
Mak lua; n Law Ridiculous.
T!ie new concealed weannn In W in V o Mr
York state Ih causinir many cnmnlientlona
Perhaps the most unusual of them has
Just came to light in the arrest In West
i.nester, a suburban town, of Rnvmnnd
T. Dltmars, curator of the Bronx Zoo
logical gardens and a well-known sci
entist. He was taken Into custody by a
county constable, while returnl nor fmm
an automobile trip. Trailing behind his
macnine was a truck, upon which was
mounted a small cannon, nearly a
hundred years old, which he was taking
to the zoological gardens to be used to
decorate a lawn there. The cannon was
covered with a Piece of canvas
'W'hut la that thlna vnu've irnt itnn.
behind?" asked the constable, after halt
ing Mr. Dltmars.
Mr. Dltmars promptly explained that It
was an undent cannon.
"It's a concealed weapon." declared the
Constable, "and you are violation- ih.
Mr. Dltmars accompanied the constable
to the nearest village and obtained his
release after a lonir aeries of nnrumentu
before the local authorities.
Explanation and Apolog).
One hundred and Twentv-fitth .tret
Seventh avenue was Jammed out to the
car tracks with fans watching a bulletin
board for tho play of one of the world's
series games. A big touring car with a
big man and a pretty little woman In the
front seat halted In the cur track. The
bulletin bourd interested the pair and the
automobtlo stood till warned to move on
by the clung of a trolley car conz he-
An effort to eturt the machine showed
that the engine was dead. The bit nmn
was shame-faced and annoyed as the
pretty little woman got out and cranked
the engine and the crowd cave her
rousing cheer. Then as she mounted the
step and the car started she turned to
tne crowd and cried out:
'Don't blame my huabnnd: he's crin-
pled and has to be lifted in and out of
the car."
Thousands of Accidents.
Figures given out by the rulilie Service
commission showed that in August there
were &.SR4 accident of all kinds on the
rapid transit lines of the city, against
5,(H3 and 6.15 In the samo month of l'.W
snd li'10 respectively. In these accidents
2.4S4 punengers were Injured, against 8,310
and 2.3S0 In 1'J and liHO. und 6:8 em
ployes, against 44 und OA In 1909 and
11110. In addition UI other persons were
Injured, as- compared with 5:3 and ,VM.
Laat August there were 24 persons killed,
against 31 and 3.", In Augiiht, 1'hi9 and 1HI0.
and "10 killed or seriously injured, against
204 and ITS In the last two years.
neroril of Don II I tea.
Twenty-five hundred persons were bit
ten by dogs In New York City during the
first eight months of the present year,
according to returns made by the De
partment of Health. Of the persona bit
ten 1.S..0 were mules and U.V0 females.
Children were the greatest sufferers 1.SO0
aa ugulnst 7(0 udults. Twenty-five per
sons were bitten more than once.
Inatlon of those cniinala which were killed
and sent to the department, showed 112
rabid dogs. The net remit was seven
fnt.Tl cases of human rabies.
Intutnnc lo Maarnnttoii,
Cleveland Plain Dealer. 1
America is the most discontented nu
tlon on the globe, rays a foreign editor
That's It that's It. The divine dis.on- 1
tent Is what' keeps us ahead of the smug
and satisfied nations and they la i t !
see it.
inns for rear.
MlnneaiHilla Journal.
If you are ever worried about an In
come tax, remember that Cie census
shows that 75 per cent of the adult males
In the United States have nn Incune of
less than M a year. Most of us are Lm
i.iune. t,uol t srj In Close t.sisr, j
tirooklyn Kagle. j
Kor ways that are dark and for trl. ks '
that are vain the rebel Chinese are pet'u- '
liar. Their careful protection of foreign 1
ii.isttoiiarlee wax a mighty g. cud to
play in a close gam. , J
Welcome Words of Appreciation
RYRo.V. Neb.. Oct. W To the Kdltor
of The Ree: Permit me to commend you
upon the pait your paper has taken In the
exposure of the fake perpetrated unon
the poor and suffering humanity by one
"Dr." Veno. To prey uisin a suffering
humanity as Is done in this Instance Is
nine mort of criminal.
I have been reading The Reo ever
since i became a citizen of NebrusUa
now nearly four years sco. and I om
pleased to si.y that your paper hns been
singularly free from objectionable tnedl advertising. Were more of our bet
ter papers to lake the same stand such
I art lea as "Dr." Veno would not be able
to ply ther nefarious trade much longer.
This letter is not written for publication
nnd you will please consider It fis private.
I Just wish to take this means of show.
Ing my appreciation and to commend you
upon the stand you havo taken in regard
to this matter.
I'len for the Old Men.
OMAHA. Oct. a.-To the Kdltor of The
Ree: Why Is It that our street railways
and our United states congress snd sen
ate have combined to kill off the old men.
The street car company by freezing us to
death and congress by not passing a re
tirement civil service bill and letting the
old men out so thut the may have a few
years longer on a little something rather
than turn them out to go to the poor
hou.'c. as the wages paid is not even suf
fident to live on and lay up anything for
A Ileal Kdurator.
OMAHA, Oct. 2S. To the Editor of The
Dec. Tho Land show has in my estima
tion been a great educator, and to the
careful observer It must be evident that
much of the praises and aonirs n hone
of the great and wonderful Pacific west
una their permanent echoes In our own
fair stale.
It was a matter of satisfaction to me
to go from the western exhibits to that
of our own Douglas county and find n.
good and as great variety in vegetables
aim apples as any other exhibit. Fur
thermore, our apples have the flavor that
many of the irrigated varieties lack, and
I believe if our fruit growers went about
it hs systematically and as thoroughly
as do the western growers we would not
be j-hlpplng in the great quantity of west
ern ruit mat we now do.
3319 Cuming Street.
-Mauln for Morbid Souvenirs.
Raltimore American.
It is difficult to understand the mania
for souvenirs of a morbid Incident aoeh
as the death of Aviator Ely. One callous
fiend. It Is said, even unbuttoned the col
lar of the dying man and pocketed it.
Policemen should be unsparing In their
use of clubs sgalnst souvenir hunters
who have no reverence nor respect for
the dead.
'Absolutely Purd
To have pure and wholesome
food, be sure that your baking
powder is made from cream
of tartar and not from alum
Tho Label will gufdo you
Royal is the only baking
powder made from Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar
No Alum No
They strike the
loud pedal for
comfort and
style the new
Crossetts. For in
stance, here is a
patent colt that
sings right out.
Looks different
feels different a
$4. to $6. mverywherm
Lewis A. Crossett, Inc.
( cTlfaJter
North Abington, Mass.
f jd
Is " T I LI 44
Kansas City Times: Mr. "Rig- Six"
i Matliewson nnvr assumes the proportions
of a two-cylinder runabout,
j Wall Street Journal: Chinese imperial
army at Hankow fixed cannon balls inade
of wood. No wonder the pro tres-ilv.
want something a bit mors up to i.ate.
Raltimore American: A street raliron.l
In Philadelphia will lower its iar steps
to accommodate the hobble rkirt. Feins
a tiling feminine, the hobhle skirt has
borne sneers and jeers, but U v. on lis
Ro-ton Transcript: Colonel Roosevejj's
decision to refrain from speaking during
the next campuign will probably not
dehor him from writing things calculated
to insure passionate eloquence on tho
puit of others.
Houston Post: One of the chief elbow
rrookrrs of the Sons of Rest tells us he
would rather be Raker of the Athletics
than president of the' United States. Rut
Haker Is not permitted to take the free
drinks that nre at his disposal.
New York Tribune: The challenging of
a Juror simply because he hud listened
to a funeral sermon by Rev. Robert .1.
Riudette Is a tribute to the preacher
which might well have formed the theme
of one of the genial "Rob's" best humor
ous essays.
Raeon Why, according to the plans the
architect has prepared that house will
cost you 115,000.
I.gbert W ell, I want something I can
get a good mortgage on when I do buy an
automobile, don t 1? Yonkers Statesman.
In honor of Aunt Ann's birthday Uncle
Jerry 1'eebles hud just bought a bunch of
American beauties.
Her Spouse Why do yon choose to
lunch so often at your club?
Mrs. Leeder lou don t know how much
enjoyment there Is in bossing and hector
ing a man cook! Chicago Tribune.
'I would like to engage your choir
soloist not the tenor for our local nine."
"What makes you think he would be a
good player?"
He has such a strong bass bawl de
livery." Baltimore American.
One with the smile that Is Joy to see.
One with the sneer that Is friendship s
One with" the clasp that Is Sympathy,
One with the fist of the furtive blow.
Roth on their fateful Journey go,
Always together whate er betuio.
Partners the strangest for weul or woe
Dr. Jckyll and Mr. Hyde.
One with the hall that Is melody.
One with the hiss of the viper low;
One with the love that would virgin be.
One with the lust that the vultures
Roth In the daylight and darkness go,
Round to each other while Hie ab'ilo.
Cronies the queerest the world can show -
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
One In the dream and the ecstacy,
One on the dunghill, to reap and sow.
One like the lark with his song set frev;
One like the hawn with his loot In to'V.
Roth In the shadow and sunshine go
Soulful and sordid, and side by side.
Weirdest of wayfarers, to and fro,
Dr. Jekyil and -Mr. Hyde.
One like the hawk with his loot in tow,
one like the lark with his song flung
Cronies the queerest the world can show
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Chicago. JAMES C. M'NALLY.
Unto Phosphates
Sole Omaha Agents