Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Wheat is Active FolIowinj General
Break and Contradictions.
Prices if Corn Have Xni Uecllaed a
laat ana M ill llardlr Break
I nil There U a Ilral In
rreaae la Motrmral,
omaha, tf. inn.
tiwirg to the M-ry contradictory new
uml gritr-THl upset conditions after yestei
ay's break t ! nhent market fhnitfl
i:uoit tn sctlin, with final figures
MBhilv lncli-r. The cmlted selling r
nuch In evidence yesterday wan entirely
o k'liii today ami h la.r upturn might
kh te-iili after six dnys' decline.
The pi Ices In rum have not declined so
n-i mid mil hardly break nnlll there
h i val Ini ri-Hsp in the movement of new
"in Tim general feeling of the 'tade
- t'lrn.Ilv In rum and the. latirr lono la
n;r 10 weak w heat.
Wheat broke enrlv In the session, hut
rJ-uN ftur estlj-fird anil late buying
rlnren viilueK alimit steady to a shads
t.-. ei yesterday' clot'e.
"urn lul l fairly Minna In face of bear-l-li
ni-v.s and the easy wheat market.
The rduli corn In the strength feature of
llf pure making. I
Primary wlinit lcielit were tit.Vfun
husheis snd shiripent were w;l,tmO hush
agninM rcrrlpls lust -sr of
uslieix am shipments of Z.") bushel.
Primary nun receipts were 4:7.ii hush-
"!s and shipments wero t'H.Kil bushels,
iKalnst receipts Im t year of bush
e, and shlpinrnl of 4i'.l,Qi'o bushels.
'"learant-ea were ll,fi bushels of rnrn,
'. ' busneis of ohIp Hml wheat and flour
i ''il to 1 ' bushel.
Liverpool closed unchanged to 'aid lower
on wheat and Vfl VI lower on rorn.
The following cash aiilea were leported:
Wheal: No. hind, a tars, SI No, S
hard. 1 rur. Sl.lU'.t: I rur, WM: No. 4 hard,
I car !sc. No. :i spring, I car, $1 111. No.
- mixed. 1 cm, SI.UI. (Aim: No. 2 white,
1 ear. uic. No, ,1 wnlte. rara, Sic. No. S
jelloa, 6 mr, No. 2 mixed, 1 car,
'sc. No. .1 mixed, 3 rara. iiMic; 8 cam,
' No. 4 mixed, 1 ear, W41'; car. Use.
Oats: No. 3 white. f rara, 4oi No. 4
white, 1 r. 4M-c; t ear, 4f.'r. No. 3
mixed, 1 car, 4j'-c. No. 4 yellow, 1 car,
Omaha l aid Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, WrflSl.03: No. 3
l ard. DnVtRtiS1.02H: N. 4 hard, McfyJl.OO;
,N'J 3 spring. 1 (i"-kfl.l'l.
CClKiV-Nii. i unite, GXV& (!9c-: No. 3
white, t"tH No. 4 while, OSVU'Vc;
No. 1 color, tivttAiSc; No. X ilow, tiXU'iJ
I.S'4e; No. X yellow, tK'1'Uimr; No. 4 yel
low, nviix4c; No. 2. aMVigtec; No. 3,
t ' ceiVc; No. 4, t-itjcUr.
tiATS-No. 2 white, Ji 4;'r-; atandonl.
4.'.'ji4t:: No. 3 white, 4iVn 4dVi': No. 1
jelluw, V.iUtf.'ir; No. 4 yellow, ib'oWc.
HAKI.KV-Maltlim, l.H)l.i; No. 1
le.d, Wcil,tlh.
ltVU-No. 2, WQtoc; No. S. IMfDIc.
Carlut uecelpla.
Vfheat. Corn. Oata
if. 1S3 VA
ii 32 23
I'hU'ano ....
Minn, apnlla
ciiicit.o grain a:i rnoviio
Kratari'i of the Trad 1 11 sj and Cloala
I'rlera cm tlonrd of Trade.
fHICAdd, CK-t. 2H Heactlon came to
Any 111 the wheict market after an all
week dodlne. The drop In prlrea had
fn. ally etiniiilated flour aalea and alao
'tnrtod a little bnalncas In rtiah wheat.
" ' reault, the rloae was romjnratlvely
Meady at fiicurea raimlnR from laat
ii'Hht a level to Vn1'' above. Other Rraln
aa well aa Imif produtla made an ad
tcinra all anmnil. Corn, Vnc to hie; oata,
'.n tn Sc, and provlMluna, 7Vi In Uc.
In decided contrast with yeaterduy the
loluine of trade In wheat waa not fame,
'.' the tone on ti whnle. waa materially
(nproved. There weie alana that ahoit
ici:iiiK nan been uverdoim and not a
e-.v .erultoia ventured a aralplng profit
nn tno lonir aide over Hunclav.
Wlnn:teit aent rumnra or export aalea
niul then rime newa nf Kooit aalea of
flour at MlnneHpnllH, where all tho mllla
I hat e'i reeenllv i loaid had reopened
rxrept one. IJbnnl rec-lpt.c gnrthweat,
11 wen 11 a tn ariitlr or the ateel rnr
.oration, were gradually foraotten and
aeaplte an early tmrkaet, the market
wound up In favor nf the bull side. De
roinber fluctuated between HifdHHto and
i"ir, ciomiK V',,o net higher at Ma
In corn the fart that country aalea
were not Inrne led to a good demand for
future. I in ember ranwed from (aVdifiMVe
to tnc. with the rloae a ahade net hlRher
at Wr. Cuali cradc were eaay, No. i
yellow wan ciuoted at 7vi74Hc
Coverlnc by aliurta rallied oata. lllah
and low prlrea touched for Iieceinber
vcera 471470 and 4rt"r with laat aalea
i 'no, a net Kaln of Vc,e.
Tliouah dull, nrovlalona ruled atrnnar.
Moat of the trade waa In lurd. At the
end or Ilia eenalon pork had rlaen 7Vr,
iwrij, iw in j-.r, ana rma, rtirvHC to luc,
Quotation of leadlnt product wri
I Open. I lIlh..Uw. Cloao.j Yea y
,1 oi'4 i im
Wheatl I
lr..'!!l x V: t "'I'
July. I U7S I 111
Vmu I
Ie.;K.1fli: 3:-i tVfj
May.iii.'v'ii tKi'i'uAil 1..',
July. I tkit 1 to 1 ,i,
Oeta 1 1 1
lec. 4;4(IT 47'4ll 4T
Ala ., 4'.- I 4!
40- I 4ti 4VwV!
I. ar.i
15 TO
n 7u
13 75 I 13 70
( SKI I I ST'il W 18 S'J'v'
:, CC, h 24
m; kirk i.i;i5nti. irki;t
qunlalloaa nf Ibe liar arlooa
C ommodlflea.
NOV Ycif'.K. l't. ?.-r'M)!'lt-Jiilel .
aprlna paietiia. S'..Ki.i Wl; winter ilraiKnt.
MofWM.ii,; winter pntr.nta, ti ST. ft 7, cprliu
c liara, 44 .ai4 ii0; w inter extraa No. 1. $!
4i3 winter exn No. 2, S3.4M:i.U; Kan
a alralahta. II 7f fi 4 sal live flour, steady,
fair to irixid, Knth.W; rhou-e 10 utivy.
I'UHNMKAI-Kltin: fine while and vel
low. 1 Hum I..'.; course, II 3.Vdl.wi, kiln
dried, .Vfi J.7.-I.
HVK-liiill; No 2, Sue nominal, r. I. f..
Hurfaln to aiTlce.
HAKI.KV-Steacly; maltltm. Sl.lMJ 1.25.
c. I f . Huffalo.
WHKAT-spot market, steady; No 2
red, !'i'y: r levator rxrwirt baals. and II. C)
f. h. afloat; No. I northern Ouluth.
Sl.l'.li I l'.. f. o. h.. afloat. Futures mar
Krt dxrhned under western selllna c loa
Ina; net uiirhatiKed to 'c lower, lierember
closed ll.'; My rinsed II. OS',.
c ii.- eiiot market, steady; No. 2 cot !
export. Hi nomiriMl. f o. b., afloat; fu
tuiea m.irki-t, nonilnHl.
OATS -Snot nmrki t steady: stonrlaid
white, f.j'.je, elcvntor; No. 2. .Mr; No. ;i.
WV1; No. 4. .'.:'r; natural while and w ftlte
nipped, id V'i'i'r, 011 track; futures mar
ket wax nominal.
HA Y .steady; prime, 1.30; No. 1, 1.:5
4(1 .;); No. 2, SI.3imi.2..
Hllil.M Klrm. Central America. 21c:
U"aoia, JoVnii'v.
l.KATIIKK- Kirm: hemloc k flrals. 2Vfi
27e: aeronds, ; thlnls, llMf-'lc; re-
Jert. 1.
I'HOVISIONH --rork. sleadv: iness.
Sld.7Mil7.3B; family. SI9.0Uitr2I.W; sbui t
rleais. t; 7,41 1; .vi lleef. firm; mess.
IS fto; family, 4)l3.iA1J 14.00; hef
hum. I2:i YiiM Mi Cut meats, quiet;
plrkled lielllea. 10 to 14 pounds, I0 2K'i
112.; plrkled hams. SI l.raari 11 2S. Lard,
firm: middle west prime, i .uvrtt.lS: re
fined, slradv; rontlnent. Sf; Houth
Amerlrsn. $10 40: compound. S7.2SJI7 M.
TAI.IOVV 1' irin. prime city, hhd..
J7r; country. V(j7r.
UrTTEIl V Irm; creamery. apeclals.
sriiU'-ir; extraa, SlfHc; firsts, Wit
30'tr; creamery, held speclala, SlSc;
extras. 2i'uiV'; Ilrels. 2iWJic; process.
specials, 24V'I"'; extras. Jlr; firsts, 22,
til'.V; fartory, current make, firsts, 21Vo.
( iir.KHi; f uni; skims, za U'c.
EtJcJH-Mrtn; fresh cathered, car
dox . 32fi .rir; ext'a firsts, tV0-nc; firsts,
2V.4ic; held, freah, poor to fair, IVSlfci;
fresh athered dirties. No. 1. I71l8c:
freah gathered ehecka. prime, 16c; fresh
gathered checks, poor to good, lOtflSo;
refrigerator, first, feaion torag
rh-cruea paid. JOySle.
rot l.TflT Alive, easier: western eh ck-
ena, ll4til2Vir; fowl, UHI13o: turkey.
lr; dressed, steady; western chickens.
7lc; fowls, 711 ll'te; turkey, broiling,
ac; others, jirI(znc.
let. I, aula (ieserav Market.
KT. UH'IH. Oct. 28 -WHKAT-Bteady:
track. ,0. 2 red, 9lkrS1.0l4; No. S hard.
$1.03411.12; lierember, WcSo; May, SI. MS.
COKN Week; track. No. 2. 7ivtc; No. 1
white. 724W7;iHc; I'eccinber, Wm'4o.
OATS-Weak: track. No. 2. 4'Wt'47c; No.
S white, 4Kr; liec-eniber, 47 '4c; May, 4al-r:.
rtYK I'nchanKecl, at VM:.
1'T.Ol'Il unlet: red winter patents.
14 .'int.WI; extra fancy lend etrnleht. I'L'JO
t)4 4'i; hard winter clears. $:! &-xti a.75.
1-y. y: 1 1 imotnv, via.ceru n...
(ViHNMK.Ue-W 3n.
tilt AN (Steady; sacked east track. St. 14
l If.
mat firm: Timothy, ;.ws .'t.w; prai
rie, $l3.nmtri.u0.
TWINIOHemp, 7'-c.
ritOVlSIONS Pork, unchanged: lob
bing, lc; lard, higher; prime steam, Is.Hrt
(ix.70; dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed
extra shorts, R'4ic; clear ribs, d'ic; short
clears, ic'dc; bacon, unchanged; boxed ex
tra shorts, '4,c; clear ribs, DTfcc; short
clears, ll'c.
folll.THY Weak; cbirkens, Sc; spring.
9c; turkeys, Htlldc; ducks, 12c; geoso.
HCTTKH Steady; cream-ry, 23i330c.
KUUK l'"lrm, at JCWil'ic.
Hecelpts. Shipment.
flour, bbls..., H.Wi) 14.n
Wheat, hu 41.000 4.1000
Corn, bu tw.onn
Oats, bu 40.0110 4),000
Cattle Mostly Quarter to Forty Cents
Lower for Week.
ftereicjtfl tree
Official MoiKl.r
Offlclol Tuesday
cirricai wedneaday.
(Iffirl'il 'rimrCv
Official Friday. ....
Kstlmate Hatiirdiv
I at abeeri and l.asnba Tea niaker for
Week, nut Feeder Kwe Hf
ee to Taratf Illaher
other feeders Steady.
HOUTIt OMAHA, Oct. 2S. Ulll.
Cattie. Hogs. Slieap.
..13.037 S.SHS 7 nn
. . U.4 .70 44 417
.. S044 bH"' SIH
.. S,7n 4.WU Vl.Wi
.. i,w 4. sr.' t.w
.. 12S 3.70m 3ml
fix ilava till weak..3n..VJ : i:xri.4'
Hsme davs last w eek. .:w.:v;l 2;."4I 170.71
Hume days 2 weeks ago.3l.VMI 24.41T. 1H7.W1
name day 3 weeks aau.4o.k2n l'l.:.l 1 s.04i
Kanie clay 4 weeks ago.HX.lo;! 2!',lci4 14o.477
oame clay last year. .:ji,4i U.U lu.cni
The follow 11. r tahle ,-,vra 11, e receipts
of cattle, hot: and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to dale, as compared with
loatvear: I'm ism Inc. He-v
Cattle 974.RI l.nlA.320 40.70J
Hogs l.1.113 1 4ci.W7 3.M.02
Sfieep 2.4J1.7W 2.472.522 l,f41
The following tail) shows the average
prices paid for hogs at Houth Omaha for
the laat few daya, with comparisons:
Data I mi. 191.llKO.HWi.!U07.i:06.19Cij.
S 44, T kit S3S S7I Ml
6 701 fl 1.1
Oct. 30.. I sovi S 871 7 411 5 22
Oct. 21.. I 6 W I 8 31 7 Ml S 291 S
cc t. iz.
Oct. 2.1
Oct 24.
Oct. 1:,.
Oct. i.
Oct. 27.
Oct. 2S..I
I t 181 5 14
w; 1
1 20
S4il I 7 62 S 42
2Ki S (01 I & 41
6 1HUI t 7 Ml t M
6 IX', I S l: 7 54, S A
1.11 I 14
S 471 131 S 10
a 13 i 01
S 45i 1 4 M
I 6 13 4 X3
n) X ;l 7 tU B io S 65 1 I 4 J
Hecelpts and dlsiMisitlon of live stock
at the I'nlon Block yard, for twenty-
inur noun ending at o'clock yesterday:
Cattle. Hoes, fiheeo. HVi.
C, M. A St. V 1 4
Mlesonrl I'aclflc 14 ..
C. A N. W. (eaat).. .. 2
C. aV N. W. (west I.. .. IS .. 0
C. XI, P.. M. O . 1 .1 1 ..
C, 14. tr Q. (easO 2
C H. A g. (weetl.. 2
C, It, I. A P. (eastl .. 3
C, It. I. p. fwet .. 3
Illinois Central 2 .. ,.
C O. W 1
Total receipts. 4
Omaha Pkg. Co.. J...
swift and Company....
Cudahy Pkg. Co
Armour A Co
Cudahy from 8t. Paul
Other buyer
1 1 0
Cattle. Hogs, bheep.
Totnl 5 4.2S.S
CATTLE As I always the case on a
Saturday, receipt of cattle were ex
tremely light, there not being- enough of
anything In sight to make n fisrkrt.
t or the wr. k. receipts foot up ::i.;t:i head,
betas; a fMiiIng off "f over l.i henl. a
comparc-d elm laat week snd of
head as compared with a year ago He
celpts. In fac t, have been the em:illrpt for
a number ot weeks ba-k. baring onlv
two weeks ajo when the arrivals dropicil
um Inw 91 hiiil haH
I I ' a I 1- n I... r lii.,a I.ut' lirn IsicmIu aim.
plied with rattle and It bus been very
apparent during the greater part of the
wek that more tattle were omlng for
ward tl;an were needed to fill the rur
rent consuming demand. As a result prices
have everywhere declined sharply. Reef
steers nt this point are geiieinlly ctuotted
ZAtV' lower than a week ago. The iseneral
run cif medium to good killing cows has
shoan the same decline as ticef steers,
being 2'.f4n: lower for the week and right
choice heifers have not shown very much'
decline and rennets have ehown less de
cline than the medium grades.
Too many stock cattle and feeders have
been coming forwsid and with fat rattle
lower the feeder market broke rapidly. At
the close of the week It Is safo to quota
Strickers ami feeders l.VIMCk; lower than
a week ago, except possibly on the very
best grades.
Quotatloiie on Native Catl'e Uood to
choice bef steer'. IfiVjf 7.i0; fair to gool
beef Users, fS.UIfr't.7.1; common to fair
beef steers, f4 75y5.75; K'-od to choice
heifer. S4.7na5.3fl; good to choice cows,
$4.2.Vo4.; fall- to Kood cows. :l 75 a 4. 25;
common to fair town, SJ.burgS .; veai
calves, 13.507.6(1.
Quotation.) on Rantfe Cattle flood to
rhoice beef steers S .Vjcj.iVi; fair to good
lieef strera. 14 755 .V; common to fair
beef hirers, 84.2"ft4.75: good to choke
heifers. I4.2nfie.00; good 10 choice cows,
S4.irt4.r0; fall- to good cows. $'l.75cjf 4.30;
good to choice stockers and feedei-s. 4.t.
45 75; fair to good storker and feedors.
l.2.V&4o; oominon to fair Mockers and
feeders. $3.401 4 10; stock heifer, $3.3J
4.2S; bulls, stags, etc.. S3. Sty. SO.
HOOH Buyers In the hog yards were
still aggressively ben Hah. insisting upon
adidtlonal decline of about n nickel. A
little business was transacted early by
one of the larger packers at steady prices,
but the demand from this quarter was
short-lived and trade quickly settled to a
lower basis. Movement during the major
part of the session had a quiet appear
ance, but the receipt were limited and u
very good clearance waa made before
111 o'clock.
Yard estimate placed the run at sixty
loads, th bulk consisting of heavy butch
ers and packing stuff, the same a r'
cently. Hacon animals, while usually
earning a small premium, did not show
any more freedom than the heavier
avade. quality being the first considera
tion. Shipping Inquiry proved lax. only
three or four load selling on outside) ac
count. Barring the few shipment that sold
early at 11.171. safes were largely
bunched at $J.12VrV-lS. The best quality
animal on sile dropped to $6.20, a nickel
undt r yester Jay's high price.
An Increase In receipt this week that
make the total 30.0(H) head, the largest
since the latter part of August, exerted
more or leas of a bearish Influence ou the
market and prices are closing lower. The
decline amount to about 20,'tf26c, a break
that finds reflection at most of tho other
primary hog centers.
representative ale:
He. A. Sb. Tt. Ne. Ar. 8k. r.
4 14S 4D 4 10 W 40 4 ,3'4
7 M0 !0 In o I1 40 H14
s am je 4 10 e2 M 4 m,
111 l 4 UUj 74 IMI 160 m,
71 3C-9 120 12' M tM 160 6 121,
tr, tm ko 4 12!, (ii tsi 411 121,
4 2,2 40 4 12' 137 27 41 12!,
l ....
in ....
1.?. . . . .
3 ....
a :
2.c i:u
.?4 :o
,.ws o
. .: 101
. .: to
. .2
4 I!',
a 12',
a M'i
4 1'.
a i",
4 l.'-
4 12-,
4 u'
. -oi
1 ,0
2 4
. -.-!-4
4 i :.
4 r.
4 1".
s i:t,
17 W
f r.'i
4 17.,
a :o
4 :i
May. I Itl'.W I ;',: a 17Sl
Ilil... I I I I I
Jn .1 S 13 1 S 13 ,S 12U1I.I S 15 I
May. I 7'4,i9 I'l'Ki, 1 , g I'iSJO,
1 0,1
13 62V,
la '. .Vx
I 72476
s IM
S 03
22 iiuotatlona were a follows:
I- LIU'K-Kasy ; winter patents. 4.vj
1.4i; siiulglus. 1.1 tuirii .Sim; siuing straights,
Iii.mMi4.isi; bukne, J m ti j 1-J.
HIK-No, t. I.S-.
ItAItLKY Keecl ci- mixing. JSicSl.W;
lull- tu c hoice malting. 4ll4jl 23.
hKfc-l'S 'j Intently, J13.iuli.j0; clover,
; in .. -
I'ltitVISlONH-Mra polk, per bbl..
tljuyil7j, lard. er 1 lbs., SS.SC',;
auorc riba. sides clcH.aek, $7.7riiK.2A.
Iota I c learaiicea of wht-ut and flour
wc-ie eqoul to 'i.ttau bu. Primary re
ceipt were bu.. coiiipaied wllh
h j.kvj bu. the col reMindlug day a year
I. Mi mated receipts for tomorrow:
Wheat. Ml curs. corn. 1&3 car; out. !
cm a. lings. n.un nrau.
ii.ruu ami j-ricte Wheat: No. t red
l"J',c-4,tM4; No. led, -.i'.4ic; N'4. ;
hard. l.ui (f 1 Ot,: No 3 hard, li.wxi l.m, No
1 northern, SLU'o 1.1.1; No. 2 northern. $1.09
si 1.12; No. a northern. Si 0. 1.10; No.
epiing. I10iull"; No. 3 spring, 41 04 -j 1.10;
o. 4 rpring, vcii.c; elv t chart, D0 y
fi t; durum. Doc (ali en. Corn: No. 2. 7i"
f 74c:; No. S while. 7,S;5',Ch No. 2 yellow.
'.4'u;4l-sc; No. J, 7374c; No. S white, 74'tTJ'
,4-4t-; P.O. yeuow, iajiisc; No. 4,
7-''c; No. 4 while, 7JiiSl74c; No. 4 whit.
new. 7itJc; No. 4 yellow, rjt73Hc; No.
4 yellow, new, bMubfcxv. Oste: No. 2.
47WH4X; No. 4 while. 4ci'-jii .''' : No. 4
white. 44'Hj4ie: atamlard. 47lv.-.
JtYK No. 2. KciVjc.
1 1 A V Timothy. $U OOj15.60. Clover,
f 14 mil lil h . ,
HA Ul.KV MtrJiSl 20.
HCTTKH Meady; creamerle. :4V,1j3lc;
uicirles. n'irlc.
l.clcjft ic-culpt, 3.S)7 case. Market
firm: at mark, cases Included, loailsc;
firsts !-: prune tusts,
ClitKelK hteadv; dabcloa. 144jl4'-;
tama. 14W14V: Young America, 14',4J
1 1 ., : lorg horns, HtillV-
1'ciTATOK.S l-'lrm; W'lac-oiiHln. 2tic;
M ri.iasn and Minnesota. 4uM7c.
-il KTi;Y Live, ateady; turkey. 14c;
rliii-kenn. Jt; spruiR. lo'ic
Vi:AK Meady; to tiO-lb. weights. S4i
!c; H to KVIb. weights, 'iilotc; ki to
1 -,. weight. 11c.
I, ally movement of produce:
Aitule. Hecelpts Shipment
rioiir. bbl W.iMi 1VVW
Wheat, bu c.4 M l
corn, bu 27.?.l nn.ouu
Oata, bu ..S-mi.i Jilauu
:f. bu Horn ll
1-larley. bu Ibe M0 21,io0
4'ar Iot Hecelpts: Wheat, 75 car, with
of contra, t grade. Corn, !8 rara, Willi
ij of contract giade. Oats, lul cars. Total
lecelfil of whent at Chicago, Mtnne
apoi'a and Duloth todav were CSS car.
otiipird with "M cars last week and 4o4
care 1I10 coreepondlng day a year ago.
Kansas I Ity 4, rain and ProTlalona,
changed to lo lower; No. 3 hard. $1.01W
I. ns; No. 3. $t.Oil.0t; No. 3 red, Wsciij,
II. 00: No. S. !i7(ti1ihc.
CoHN I'nchangecl to 4c lower; No. 2
mixed, tl4f"2Se; No. 3, TlWc; No. 2 White,
72c; No. a. 7IHc
OATH Unchanged ; No. 2 white, 4."y
4e; No. 3 mixed, 4647',tc.
KVE H7o.
HAY Meady; choice timothy, $19.S0(t
30.110; choice prairie. $13.v0
HUTTKH-Cieamery, 2sSc; first. IS'to;
seconds, 24Hc; packing stock, lo.
KOUS Kxtra. 2f-c; first, 23c; second.
Receipt. Shipment
Wheat, bu fc'iOO" 41.'i"0
Corn, bu lrt.iM) i:i.0
Oats, bu 13,00) 10.00U
Mlnneapnlla Uraln Market.
MINNKAPOUH. Oct. 2S-Wll EAT-De-cember.
$1.06: May, 81.10,; July, $1.12;
Cash. No. 1 liard. Sl.cfcV,: No. 1 north
ern. $1 . 07 V,(b 1.07V, No. 3 northern, $1.14W; No. 3. Ic1)$1.02'4.
HAHI.KY "niic.
COHN-No. II yellow, 7mr72c.
UATs-No. 3 white, 45Vfa 4iic.
MY K No. 2. HIV.
)UlAN-$22.0rtl 22 2I.
KLAJt It ! Irst patenta. 15.rtvni.r1O; sec
ond patents, 14 .WMt2j.Hi; first clears, 3.7(J
4.06; second clem a, $X.fltMf i.0U,
Peoria Market.
PKORIA. Oct. a-CORN-Uin-tr; No. 8
white, 71Wo; No. 3 yellow, 72,c; No. 3
yellow, T.ic; iso. 1 mixed, Vl',c; No. 4
mixed. 70Hc.
OATrt-ljwer: no. 3 white. 4JC1 stand
ard, 443Vc; No. 3 white, 4ii'4C
Liverpool ftrala Market.
nominal; futures sleadv; December, 7 3d;
March, 744d; Mav 73d.
CORN-Kpot. steady; American mixed,
C3d; future, easy; January, ( ',d; l'ch.
ruary, 6a 7d.
Mllwaakee tirala Market.
1 north. ! n. l.l."ft 1 1;1V No. t northern,
$l.lciil 13; No. 3 hard w inter, $l.vft I.4M;
lierember, SI .00; May, SI 0;iv,.
HAl 'sS-Mandard. 4H'-,(4ik-.
Dulalh tirala Market,
DCLUTH. 4Vt. 2S -WH1CAT -No. 1
hard. SIO's; No. 1 northern. $l.07T: No.
i northern, SLOT'S; Decembvi-, Sl.wi'k
asked; May. $1.1Q' asked.
Coffee Market.
NKW YORK. "rt. CoKKKK-Ku-lure
closed woak under liquidation with
price pi to IS points net lower. Total
Nates. O.2u0 bags; October and November,
14:K-; December, H2sc: Janiisrv, lX.Mo;
Kbluuarv. U.i.K-; March. l;l.2.'c; April,
1122c; May. 13 2c; June, lllilo; Julv,
1S.1V; August. 13. lap; trp(eniher, 13.1.V.
hpot, iUlet; No. J Klo, ljc: No. 4 San
tos. !0'c. Mild, quiet; Cordova. Unjlio
tottoa Mark;.
NEW YORK. Oct. XS. Futures rloaed
barely steady; closing bid, October, d.i.ic,
November, .07c; lecemler, .J2c; Janu
ary, Sfttc; Kehruary. H.unc; March, s.ljc;
April, .Mc; May, .27c: June, .30c: Julv
!-; August, v.Soc; September, S.2.M2. 8K1
nun, ft iKiints lower; middling uplands,
.4jc; middling gulf, S.7tlc; no sales.
Ilaak learluga.
OMAHA. c. 9.-Iank clearings for
today were and for the cor
responding day last year. S2.73cl.42. 20. The
clearina for the week amounted to $13.
371.040 31. and fur the same week laat )ear,
$l.tMU.U2 12.
Osiaaa liar Market.
OMAHA, Ort 2S HAY No. I, $12 JcVri
$13."m; No. 3. $11 JWilJcV; coarse. $IO.w
packing stock. 7 ws uci; alfalfa. $14.10.
Miaw: Wheat, $i iMnftuc, re and oats,
kagar Market.
NKW YORK, Oct. 2S.-M11 . R-Itaw,
quiet; Muscovado, K teat. & 23Vn.-; cen
trifugal, tsi teal, S.73',c; iuolaaea augar,
: tesi. 4 iC'r; refined, steady; cruaheci,
7 40i , granulated. .7vc; powdered. S.suc.
4 Contest
e Waut Ad bilng results.
Plust Remember
1 The last day for bringing in or sending your sets of
pictures and coupons is Saturday next, November 11. Sets
postmarked up to 6 p. m., November 11, will be accepted.
2 Place proper amount of postage on your sets. The sets
go as first class mail, and require 2 cents postage for
every ounce or fraction of an ounce. Get the sets weighed
and put the proper number of stamps on them. None will
be accepted with insufficient postage.
3 Send the sets in flat not folded or rolled.
4 Tie or bind or clasp the pictures together in some way
or other, just so that they will not scatter all over the
room when we open up the package.
5 Use the following address forms printed below. One
is to be pasted on outside of the packages; the other is
to be laid on top of picture and Coupon No. 1.
Oil a4 Stasia.
firm at 44,r.
ItoalN-Kirni; typa and Q. $.;,.
Waal Market.
J4T. I-Ol'IS. Mo. 0.rt. tt-WOOf-Ae-tive;
tarritory and wiaisrn mediuma. I7jt
flue medium, lwilitc; flue, lltilSo.
MneJ sisipeuiui) u per aeg 4i
jo suuime.j pv lus.w eqt U siwap
uiijx jo (ii oi aumuus a( nos a
Till oaS this address form a4 pasta it oa tks oatslds of your packkar
of pletores aad ooapoas.
imk)kloyi:rs contest editor.
Omaha Her,
Omaha, Xeli.
Ti e total number of pictures snd coupons In this et 1
Send or briny In your set of pictures und coupon during the
fourteen day beginning October 2 and ending November 11. Seta
postmarked up to t p. in., November 11, will be accepted.
If you mall In your set be sure It has the proper amount of postage.
Have the package weighed.
Trim picture and coupona neatly.
Mend f nthese picturca and coupons flat. Soiled or folded pictures
aaa coupons wtU sot ko accepted.
Till out tals adtUoas form aad lay tt oa top of plotaro amtt eoaptra Ko. 1.
Tho Omaha 3)s,
Omaha, Sfsbraska,
The total number of pictures and coupona In this set Is
Kend or bring In your set of picture and coupon during the
fourteen daya beginning October 2 and ending November 11. iSeia post
Inarkcxt up to p. in , November II, w ill be accepted.
If you mall In your set be aura it liaa tho proper amount of postage.
Have the package weighed.
Trlii.' pictures and coupona neatly.
Mend in tliPM plcturea and coupons flat. Boiled or folded pictures
sag soapoaa will aet aocepte.
rimaT ixoTum tvmwmxu avovwt is.
so octobbb a.
44 M . . 3 09 1" ... t to
SH KKI" Ntithlnic f lie- c-jn"eqiienra
arrived In the wav en smrp cr lamh.o
nnd ss sisle iiff". icss we re entirely he -king,
the market remained tloininnt end
nominal. liailv clearances In every
broncli nf ti-aide this u-ee-U were very
satlsfactotT and the number of holdovers
will be negligible, even thouch specu
lators' stuff Is considered.
Werk' entire receipts, belns largi and
heavily freighted w ith fe'-der clasi, s. oe
calHlell more or less surprise In trnde
circles. It amounted to about l.iS.COO head,
s-.veiilng tho month's marketing enough
to break all previous records, not except
ing the remarkable remrtl claimed hv
October .last year. Wyoming sent In the
big bulk of offerings and Isrser runs
Included n ambulance ot common and
trashy stock. Iei-s than b) enrs of sheep
and lambs are in sight at pre'ent and
It la probable that next week's supply
will slutiallste the beginning of the end
of the range reason.
niiKlncs'S In fat stork this week started
out tn very fair condition, closing about
a dime higher all nlunc the lino. Tho
finish found choice western lambs up to
$o.7f-W.W. with nn isolated sale nf fed
natives nt $j.on. Not much good fed
matcrlHl was available, however, Snd a
modept supply of unattractive warmed up
grades met with buying prejudice, being
lioiiiitful dressers. Good lambs moved
largely around S 50. and prime 120-pound
wethers from Montana closed well at
Jtt.To. Kat ewes are selling up to gl.TiO,
but 33.1W(3.2- quality Is more plentiful.
In feeders, the country demand centered
upon weighty offerings suitable for dry
lots, and tho plain, little lamb were
usually rather slow sale. Speculators
have almost withdrawn their support, and
aa the cheaper kinds formerly moved Into
speculative channels first, the 35 and 45
pounder had to be peddled in most in-
6 Coupons and catalogues may be secured at business
office of The Beo. Coupons sell for one cent each; set 75c.
The catalogues are priced at 25c, by mail 30c. All orders
must be accompanied by remittances.
Msnres. F;v rry thlnn cleared well at
ateady price?. linn ever. and current
prices, wllh tbe exception of feeder ewe
cables, rule about steauy with thoe of
a w eek agn. Feeder ewes, selling for 3-' 5f'
1Jt2."i dnwn to $. for noorrst mils, shocv
Inoderale srlvanre. Feeder lambs also
appear h be e a M v worth the money,
trong tvpabt golnc st S4 snd better,
while pee.we.'- isnard largely under the
4 .CO nini l.. VceU s p irchsses cf feeders
"n eoun:rr art-m:nl rmo-ints to about
U'.totf br.B,i.
QuotMttnt.s f.n rberri nod lambs: l.snib.
rnnri to c hoic e. t'j.T' ",: ; fair to cond.
1. 'i"'ir.r.'; feeders 3! '.'.'.lit.". Yearlli:
Food to chnlrr. VW.fM.l.',; feeders, ':' 1" i
17:.. v'..lins. l-.rrdi. ft 4ty ...; heavy.
3.10fi l.4n; feeders, fibril? :;,. "i;nes, roihI
to clioN e. llt- 3' : fair to rood, $:.!.
W: brceclei s. Si; feeders. J2.1t''tf
2. :.:. 31. ."oil 2.10.
Il l ie-ctitatl.e rales:
4SI Wyoming Ismhs ,
KS4 Wyoming Inmbs
2u Wyomlnr; Inmb-c
1". Wyoming lambs
Ml Wyo. lambs. fcU..
lo Wyoming ewes ..
. M
.. M
. H
. 4 1
. v. -1
s ss
r. S
:, r,
4 n'l
4 CO
5 11
(IIICARO mvi: SlorK Mlllld'.T
stendy and ."c lower: plus and lights
34.?fi't 3u. packers. fJ. l-.'ii d.CO; hutch"!
and bet lieavv. S i Kij !. 4c.
r'HKtP ANI I.AMUi'-nerelpts M
head: market steady; nstlve mutton
tXXtlS.'y. lambs. M c ill's am
bucks. tl.2vXM; stockers. liylt4).
Kansas CIT Lire Stock Market.
KANSAS f'lTV. Mo.. Oct. 25-t'ATTI.I
Hecelpts. 4m head, no southerns; mark
steadv; dressed beef and export steert
$7 OMfiS.T.V fair to good. 3..M,Mi&!; westsn
steers. ll.oy((7..V; stockers and fcedeii
7.".i 5.7".; southern steer. 3i.7.ti".l
soiitbrrn cows. 32.7.Vii 4 .2ii; native cowl
I2.40l4.;ri: native heifers, $4.0-y i.5; bull!
3.j.Oiij4.0; calves. 34.n"f?';.2."..
1 lOGS-neceipts, S.OW head; market 3
lower; bulk of sales. f'i.7.vw4l.!5: heavj
J-sji fi.:sr: packers and butchers. I.U'I
.:: Ilchts. :-i75ti.20; pigs, $4.2.'.'ci5.2;.
SH KSF AND I , AM Hl Hecelpts, non
market stendv; lambs. 3 4. 2 ti S.fC.; jesi
lings, t? fiOfi4.2:.; wethers. 3.Wfl.T; ewet
2 7.W,'-.2.1; stockers and feeders, $2,251
Demand for Cattle anil Hon steady
Slieep Weak.
CHrCAOO. Oct. IS CATTl.K-Ro elpts
estimated t l.ism head: market slow and
steadv; beeves. $4!inWs?5; Texas steers,
34-iuTiu.SO: western stceis. 1 4.1.Vft7.". gt'-wk-ers
and feeders. 3?.lrtiii.7.'; rows and heif
ers. $l.iiii5 Xi; ralvea.' 3."i.n0cig.T..
HOlig-Kerelpts estimated at 10.010 head:
market sleadv to el mum lights. t1.75tf
8 40; mixed. JoSCVaSB": heavy. $5.7S''aii.5o;
rough. 3."..7Vu",.(io. good to rhoice heavy,
.0r?it.6.,; pigs, H oCaS K; hulk of s lies.
SHER1' AND lAMrlP-Rerclpts efti
mated at 1i0 hficd; mwrket weak: native.
l'J.lSfiJ."i.; western. $2.4'tJ3W: venrllns
32.3l34.2R; lambs, native. W.&Ofdfi.OO; west
ern, SJ.TCSti.lo.
M. .Inseph l ive stock Market.
ST. JOSF.rH. Mo.. Oct. 2.-4."ATTl.K-Jterelpts
lit) head; market steady; steen
H.Fsj7J4.t: rows mid heifers. 3n.ftHj7.0l
calves. J4.04"ci 7 .j0.
HOOS Hecelpts. 2.?00 head; markt
Steadv: top, . :4l ; bulk of sales. tC. pVfl l.:4
riUKKJ- AND Receltts. II
head; market steady; lambs. $:..'KV( i.8D.
St. Loula Iire Murk Market.
ST. I.OKIS. Oct. 2S. CATTLE re
ceipts, l'.iK") hesd, Including 2(10 Texans;
market steady; nntive shipping and ex
port steert. $7.2o4iK.r.4); dressed snd
butcher steers. f.'.M'i7.n; steers under
1.0O pounds. ?'iS.2o; stockers and feed
ers, 33.2.Vn.i.7f; cows unci heifers, tl OO'ip
7.00; canners. Sl.notoJ.tK); bulls, $J.7Vo.2'i;
calves, 34.CSH-O9 00; " Texas and Indian
steers, 34.0O37.00; cows and heifers, U.oO-iJi
HGCa Receipts. 7.000 head; market
Stock In Slghl.
Receipts of live stock at the five
cipal markets yesterday:
Cattle, llotfs. t
South Omaha 126 S.ioo
ft. Joseph 1I 2.X0U
Kansas City 4 H0i
St l.ouls 1."4) 7.UO0
Chicago l.W) 10.
. .
.3.225 W.rX) 1,'S
t'.vaporatecl Apple and Dried Fro 1 1
ATPLKS Steady with a fair Jobhln
trade; on the spnt fancy, lO'iilOHc; cholc
IvaliiV: prime. S'itiSc.
t'RIKD KRllTS 1'runes. qiilet hi
firm In absence of pressure, from tr
coast, quotations ratmliig from 7ft12'f
for California up to 40-Jcs and ltuii M1;
for OreBons. Aprlrot, dull and bnrel
ste:cd ; choice, IfVfi l.'i'.c- extra choice. !
i7lbc; fancy. lTdilXc. Peaches, quiet an
Meaclv; choice, ll'n'ftll'ic; extra cholc
lW'wlfr: fancy, 12li'n 12ltc. Raisins, f In
with light offerings from the coast: loin
muscatels, 8H-1'7p; choice to fancy seedoc
74c?isVtc; seedless, tH'7c; London layer
Magnet was not man enough
for Marjorie, but he was
the only man she knew until
Trafford dropped from the sky in the nick of time
And so Marjorie married, but did they live happily
forever after? You dont know Wells. This was
merely the beginning of "Marriage," H. G. Wells'
story in The American Magazine. For Marjorie was
frightfully extravagant; Trafford was not rich, and
soon there was the butcher, the baker, the candle
stick maker as well as the devil to pay. All the
humor and drama and human nature that made
"Tono-Bungay" and "Mr. Polly" the best books
you ever read, make "Marriage" a better book than
- either.
H. G. Wells
makes money the
master motive in
Money, the most talked about in life, the least
discussed in fiction, of all the many sources of
trouble between husband and wife. In a thoroughly
unexpected and Wells-like manner the author
solves it, not by abolishing Marjorie's extravagance
or TrafTord's indigence. No! By abolishing the
butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, and the
dressmaker and jeweler as well. How? That's the
story, a story so natural and yet so surprising that you
will exclaim, "How true, and yet how interesting!"
The first chapters of this
novel begin in the November
Now on tale at all newt-atanJa.
15 cent a Apy; $1.50 c year