THE BKK: OMAHA. MONDAY. OOTOBKR r.i. lull. i MONEY 10 LOAN Salary aad kntlrlt (ontlmrj, WE LOANMONEY lo any working man or woman on lusf personal note; no security or Indorser Why montage your persoua. belongings when YOUR CRKDIT tS GOOD UKRKT Alt triniaiiluiii confidential. Com in and see or phone us. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 437 board of Trade Bldg. Fourth Fiour. bell phone Douglas ill' CHATTEL LOANS NEBRASKA LOAN CO., P Bee itiug Bank BUIg.. IHluKliu Ljt., A iM formerly N. 1. Life Bldg. MONET loaned salaried people, womri keeplag liou. and ot tiers, wltiiout se curity; easy payments. Offices In (T prin rival cities. Toiman. tn'ti V'niaha Nat OFFERED FOR RENT U.MiU mud Mounts. O. M. E. hauls trunki.v D. 611. A -Mil. PRIVATE family, close In, rreierred. Pnone Harney 1202. gentlemen , : l.AP.OE furnished alcove front rm-,m also other rooms, with board, references! 123 south 2o tn Ave. Portoia, lainuy hotel. Mh A v. & Har THE HOTEL BERKLEY, 24 TH AND Harney, two rooms witn boaid, suuaole tor two couples. LAKUK, pleasant nicely furnished room with bent board, tor two; in private family, ('ail llainey 45. ... ... . . S MODERN rooms, with first-class Hoard; one titled tor thiee gentlemen; IIS each. 2u6 S. 25th Ave. The Shrlner. 26 & Harney; room & board. Famished liooro. 616 N. 19th rrn rocnu St.. nicely furnished, mod- NEWLY furnished front room, tilth St. Doug. 8257. 218 80. GOOD rooms, reasonable. 1202 Douglas. Dewey European Hotel. 13th A Farnam. 220 NORTH 23d; neatly furntshaC. mod tiu, bmuiu huaied rooms. MODERN, furnished room for one or two young ladles, near Brownell Hall, wllb, family of two. Address U 4c2, cars Bee. til N. 18th. furnished rooms for rent. FOR RENT One or two rooms. Ladles preferred, only small family. 11424 S. 24th. LARGE front bedroom, for two gentle men; .hot water heat, electric light, gas, hath; breakfast If desired. 3504 N. 2tn St. Dodge or 24th street car. 'Phone Webster 3-M16. 271S Hickory St., front room, large rloset, lurnace heat, bath: one block from Hanscom park car. Phone Hurney 5362. 21 N. 24TH. nicely furnished modern rooms with steam heat, r iat a. NICELY furnished modern rooms, pri vate family, gentleman, $!. 24"? Daven port COSY, pretty south front room; prlvi tamlly. 2KJ0 Capitol Ave. LARGE front room, suitable for two or lour. Phone Doug. 6143. ' STEAM-HEATED Phone Tyler 1636. downtown room. 1002 S. 20TH Two suites of light house keeping rooms on . second floor; gas range; modern; walking distance. HARNEY 3H2 Large, newly furnished room in modern house; two ladles with downtown positions; light housekeeping It' desired. 10."t Park Ave. 905 men S. 33d St., preferred. desirable Tel. H. 4: r,oom ; gentl&r 2577 HARNEY Pleasant front rooms, bath room floor; strictly modern; suit able for three young men. $1.50. 2008 fit. Mary's Ave., large, pleasant, modern room for gentleman; private fam ily. ROOM for gentleman, private family. modern house. l.'a South 27th St. Phone Bed 7148. 2040 FARNAM Warm, reasonable rooms. clean and very ONE large modern room $10, private family for 1 or 2, also 1 small room for S Tel. Harney 6433. VERY desirable room, with board If de tred: private family: strictly modern fine location, walking distance. Telephone Harney 64&0. NICELY furnished rooms; all modern :onveniences; close In: references re quired. ' iiS Jones street. ROOM In good family, walkine dls lance; pleasant, warm; plenty of hot water. Telephone. Call Hurney 62i8 or Douglas 32. 626 South 17th Ave. l new flat; private Three lovely rooms family; reasonable. Pnrnlthed Hopwknpios Rooms. TWO furnished rooms for llgbt house, keeping. 724 N. 21st, Tbs Manuel and Howard. 21 A Howard. I a lid 4-rm. dkpg. apta.. $23 to $40. YOUNG widow, 29. wishes to share part of a 6-rooni steam heaud apartmsal, reference required; within walking ais lance. Address. N 369, Pes. LARGE roomy parlor, two beds. Dodge. Reasonable. 1S14 TWO or three nicely furnished house keeping rooms, 2018 Davenport. LARGE unfurnished front parlor In all modern house for housekeeping. Wfiit I'ark Ave. Harney a2. THREE well furnished .Id-floor rooms for housekeeping; also front bed room, ath room floor; furnace heat: all mod ern; reasonable rent. 2707 Dodge St. Use if phone. 2040 FARNAM. 2 rooms completely fur lithed for light housekeeping. 1908 FARNAM St., large front room, two closets; 1 heap. Furnished Houses. Nicely furnished modern house. D. 3477. ON Farnam car line; all or part: all furnished hoUBe for winter. Call Har ney 2M1. EIGHT-ROOM furnished house. West Farnam district. Tel. Harney I0u2. Hotels and Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen lUruen. THE CHATHAM. B0 ti. lata ot. PALM HOTEL. 1206 Douglas, newly furmahed looms. W tsuis. weekly, u Up; ileam heat- Elk hotel, rooms 35c and 60c. 817 N. 16th. Hub hotel, steam heated. 130s Doug. St THE SCHLITZ HOTEL. Our 860 plat linnar th best in the city. Excellent meals, 8u3 N. 26th. Bo. Omaha. Dt'DGsl HOTEL, 13tn aud Dodge; tool outbid routus; special week rata. Howard Hotel. aWgant rs. lttl Howard. HOTEL ALBAN ; mot eiegant rooms, act and cold aur; fireproof; prices icaao .utile; uota paonca. lill Duugias Grand Hotel, room JSc up. (20 8. Uio. Vlecoa. mod., reasonable. 1011-li Kara. THE IRVING. XVn Leavenworth; tlass room and board. tirat- OXFORD and Arcada. special w kly rata. a.VY YOR& hotel, riua, 6vc 1U18 Duia OFFERtU FOR RfcNT Hotels ana Assrlmeati Poatlnaed. Hotal Antler. egant roorrs. UOH S. lOia. Hotel Lyons, rooms Sue up. 1U N. Uia. Offden Hotol Counc".B,uft"- Koom Vgueil AlUltl Mu) lo j M WMg, Burlington, nlco rooms. 1 block to depot. CA!S HOTEL, nlcs rooms. 1708 Cass ft WINDSOR HOTEL, Rooms toe to $i.. Assrlnesn aad flats. room flat on Sl.eiman Ave. Web, 874. 8TEAM HEAT. ONE C-rooni up-to-dats apartment. .11. N. bill bt Tel. D. 414. No. THREE and m-rtom block, lbth and ebaler. flats. Marua FULLY modem. 8-room, hented apart ment In the exclusive W est Farnam dn ,nct; very choirs. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1S02 Farnam St. DUNDEE. 5-room flat, 4!15 Webster St. Furnace, poree.aln bath, electric lights, window shades, small family, $18. llainey tfciHl. FIVE rooms, 1S07 Farnam. modern, suitable location for otflc. studio, denial or uressmaMiig rooms, etc.; tor tenants ttifthlng loouin adjoining. 1 hos. A. itali, 4311 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7400, or A-W. 1007 N. 29th: 7-room. all modern, brick flat, fine repair; easllv healed, $.t. nice 4-room cottage. 2 lols; 4024 Camden Ave.; electric If desired, O. E. TUR KINGTON, 602 Boa Bldg. CIiSE In. apartment, five Isrga rooms modem except heat. 023 Cass. I nf nralslieri Room, THREE or four unfurnished rooms or apartments. Walking distance preferred. Duug ias 7791. KS SOUTH 2TH AVE. Lower lint, 0 rooms and reception hull. Call Douglas 6451. Ilonsra and Cottaes. MOD. S-room cottag. fine rep'r. H. 3641 HOUSEHOLD UUUUB packed, for Miutu, cheap freigiit rates, moving and norm. Exuessnmn s Delivery Co. Duug. ut cay uiiics xis a. iat. eu. tin mdg. 6KVEN-ROOM modern house, fins lo cation; paved street, coiner lot: -. I'lioiiu Webster iwi. .MCE, large, b-rnom cottage, all mod ern except heat. 2o0 N. luth rit. 4-ROOM modern brick. 1102 N. 22d. $16. Houses, Ins. Ringwait. Brsndels Th. Bid. FIVE rooms upstairs. 1401 So. 5th St. 7-room house. $24: 8-room house. $32. Hanscom park district. All modern. Phone Harney 1565. MODERN St. Inquire 10-room house, 521 So. 22d next door south. llmiKon in all parts of the city. Creigu FOR RENT 7-room inodein House, hot water heat, fine neighborhood, newly palmed and papered; .kj2 Chicago. li laken at once, iji.&o. Best house In city tor money. 'Phone Benson V0 W. 3116 Taylor St., 5-r.. new. mod.'exceut heat. $18. 114 N. 27th Ave., 6-r., J. W. RASP CO. mod. ex. heat, Jll Duug. 1658. FOR RENT Six room house at 2414 Caldwell St. Modern except furnace. Good cellar. Cistern pump In kitchen sink. Near car line and close to school. Key next door, 'telephone Harney toM or enquire at 3218 Webeter St. t72 So. 28th inouern, KM.uu. A-4406. St., 8 rooms, completely Hall, 43J itainge. u. Om. Van ifc Storage Co., packs, tnovss, stores nousuiiuid ;uous. Fireproof, siur ag. . HU4 a. loih. Branch, sua B. jum ioi. D. 4164, A-UJi. MODERN S-room . house, 2710 Capitol Ave. Phoue Harney 14U4. Five-room cottage, modern but heat, warm, tine repair. Harney Mi. BRICK nous. 11618 Dewey Ave., seven rooms, iuousrn. .Nov. 1. Aloyer bta. Co., 1616 i'aruaau 6k 4- ROOM Gas and water, l'JU Bancroft DUNDF.E Seven rooms, strictly mod ern; near car; paved bireei; cheap 10 permanent tenant. Pliotio Havrney 3317. OMAHA EXP. CO., roovlttg vans and Hoiate. Truuas. baggage del. u, ik 1.6 .. 17th. IX) ll RENT Modern apartment, I rooms, two path looms, apartment 4 ill clai'iada, .Ust and Farnaiu. 8-RuoM niouern house, except beat, .d.aini. 6-1 00m, strictly modern, 2-1 1C Jonas. J. I. KEMP. 2bi2 Leavenworth. 'I hones: Duugias ls; lnd. A-lVitS. 81U1 13.0027H6 N., 6-r., part modern. 14.00 21l N. 2iiih, 6-room, part modern. ImM Miami, 6-room, part modern, l.oo lsiiO Curoy, 7-room, part modern. 22. id 2iii Dodge, l-rnom, part monorn. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, ') Urandels, Theater. Douglas 8376. 6-ROOM cottage; modern except heat. t2ol er inoniu. 2412 Decatur St. Phone iwd l.WJ. Modern eight-room furnished house. West iarnuiu district. 2o.vo. Phone Harney 4o3!l. 7-ROOM house, 212& Charles, modern except furnace, in good repair, inquire 223 Charles St. 1903 Cap. Ave. 10 rooms, $50. 2,07 Farnam, 8 rooms, mod., $42.50. 3128 Chicago, 8 rooms, mod., barn, H2 N. 23d St., 8 rooms, mod., $10. $10. 24 tap. Ave., 7 rooms, mod., -. 2v hurt, 6 ruoum, $16. 2iim Hamilton, 6 rooms, $15. 2222 Ciark, 3 rooms, 10. R1NUWALT BRiiS., Braudels The. Bldg. 8 ROOMS, modern. 1C12 Lothrop, $27.50. 8-K0OMS. barn and three acres ground, ibt)u Florence Bid., $3u.O0. W. H. GATES. 644 New Omaha Nat 1 Bank Bldg. D. 12U4. SIX and seven-room modern flat, hot w?i ?r heal, for 140. Tel. Webster 14H8 tlF. VEN-ROOM, strictly modern. 641 B. 27th , $27.50. J. 1., 2..13,ii. NEWLY finished, elegantly furnished 10-room house, hot water heat and good yard and barn. $75 to right Party tor the winter. References. Phone Harney 1344 or Inquire at 1301 S. 32d St. FOR RENT Five room house, modern except heat; convenient location. Webster 3161. 8 ROOMS. 1913 So. 15th St.. modern except furnace. Walking distance. Rent 2U,0U0. 8-ROOM house for rent, partly modern, 1512 Sherman Ave. Very cheap rent. Tel. Benson 3oo W. MODERN 5-room brick house, 1111 N. 23d St.; owner pays water rent; $25 per month- Phone Harney HhO. $110.00 7-room and bath: modern except heat; close In; good neighborhood. 15tl N. 18th St. Harry Schmidt, Co. Bluffs. HOUSE at 2426 Caldwell Si. Six rooms i.M. ,ai..; tuinaee an i good cehar. One block from car line. Rent $2fi. $10. 4-room house. 2614 Rlnney St. $12 3-room apartment, 2210 No. list $22 6-room, modem cottage and barn, 15.1 No. 21st. $5 2-room. 1704 Clark St. ROBINSON at WOLF. 4X5 Paxtnn Blk. Phone Doug. 2418. 8-ROOM modern cottage, with furnace heat. $22.50 per month. 3037 Callfonla St. $32 H. S. 2.lh modern St. 8-room brick house. 1301 ROOM Y modern housa school; new furnaca, ic, west of hlith only 127.50. D. OFFERED FOR RENT Itcaaea as! Coltnaes CowtlaaeJ Roautiful Home for Kent, Ten Days lfrnt leo! Recause present occupants will move out 10 days before I Expected. I will glva new tenant 10 days rent r'ltEE commencing with next Tuesday, October 31 Residence Is one of most .-tructures ove' looking Omaha a beauti ful boulevaid located at 710 North 27th Ave. llou.evaid all modern conveniences rent. .iM per month. House open fjr inspection cxery day. Roth phones. II. B. I30YLES, Iloyles, Collge, lsth ami llainey Sts. Six-rooin rotiaHe, modern except heat, .n goou ippalr, KKSted ai H9 . J,th m., per month. VliM'ciNT f. DF.RMODT. Tel. Do'lg. 7vi. 1614 City al I Hank llldg. 4-ROOM house, rear 2010 California Inqulro J"10 caliiorma St. St. 3410 Hurt S'... 7-ioom mod. 101 chickens, $20.00. cottage. barn 207 So. 2Mh Ave., 10-rooni cepi heat, $.00. 211 So. Ave., 6-room ex. heat, $100. mod. cot., mod. S01S tan uc, 10-room, all mod. $4n.00. house. MIJ Fianklln, 4 large rooms, $10 00. 3214 Fiaiiklm, 4-ioom cottiiKc, Jn.OO, J. II. SIIKKWOOD, 1117-18 City Natl liank ItldB. 1M16 H. WTH 6-room, all modern except lieat 6-ROOM house, all modern, 2.V14 S. 20th Ave. 'Phone Douglas Cltsi. Stores anil Offices. WEIRICH work; f.orm .U St. Fixture Co., high grade mill sah. Webater 2077. 1317 No AT 70,-, S. lfiTH ST. plled with steam heat. Room 20xi. sup- now being put in line condition:, price reasonable PETERS TRUST CO., 17th and Fainnm. OFFICE to rent. Mulligan, 210 S. 13th. Wish to sublet suit of City National Bank Bldg. five rooms in Call D. 4128. OFFICE and reception. 404 pee Bldg. FOR RENT Desk room. KM Bee Bldg. Halls. WASHINGTON H A LL Trfd(ies, dances, banquets. C. C. Snrensen. D. 1328. A-2326. Darns. FOR RENT At 2."a DodRe St.. a good barn, to be used for garage, 'telephone Z Harney 1161. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. WISHING to leave the city will sacri fice lurniture of 6-rooin house for $HW, house modern except lurnace, .u rem, easy walking disiunce, good piace tut roomers. J tTi. Beu. ONE leather davenport and rocker, tables, etc., new, cheap. K. nil. SIX-HOLE tango. Phone Web. 4W4. t ypenrrlters. RENT Oliver typewriter from tba Oliver 'typewriter Co. lei. Dougias Jll. FOX type wiuer. it Barnaul 6t. t-Mlill i models No. 4 or No. 4, 111 ekoeueul cuiiuuiou, r ell lea iuivs "il! TivMlKR TYPEWRITER CO., ism and Duugias. TYPEWRIT Eiti-Special hurt nine 1111 all luaki.4. sale for a bee wmduw lor big price reductions. B. t bkiuiiua CO.. lain f ' nam ci. Omaha. THa; ROYAL IS king ot typewriters im, LIGli'i' touch Monarch vw.uies tor ruu;. Tb Monaicn lipev, nitf v-o., ui 4. ij.a bl. Pnoiis Dou. 41J. Musical lu.trunieuts. riANO bargains. lix N. loth. y. Uvl LtAlMG Tliai CITY WILL b&lM AX Uii-E. SACRIFICE, a Biemway piauo. im Loimop. v e osier ua. Pianos, wnolesaiia bis. -Ml Boston biora, PIAXO. siigiuly uaee, ai a brg,o. 1 wiiii Ui.. v.u., iin una VIOLIN repairing; ull work promptly Oono alio guai anleed. 3t4 bo. Hill ot. UPRIGHT pluuo tor nearly your own price. uU -no. miu. Mlaoelluneous. SAFEb Overblockid Willi second band sales, ail sixes ana makes; nargaiua American aupp.y .u., um rainam ou la DIAMONDS, horsesiioe pin, suiuaire diamoiiu I ins, will sacriiice ui big u, gain. Auoress, 116, Bee. blX-irOOl' bookkeeper's ueak, oak flu itu, lor sals ai alu.iM. Apply, Ueoige tt, Vvnglii, Bee publishing Co. TWO good (tgiaioia lor eay Miritis luiU St secouu-iiand National casa am al a uaiaaiu uii ua it. u. vv nutiiv'ujtf, wi o. BARGAINS In store fixture at less than cost ot material, email 101 oi litany new store shelving and store enclosure, sia-diaver couniei fcacau au.uiois lor grocery bUHinean, Central ouppiy CO., lit, t arntuu. 115 BUVS almost new dress suit, only worn a few uruus; tail and sum. AddruW. NEW and move, cheap. old umber, and bouses Dworak Lumber Cr.,1.6 a SEVER. VL stai.duid makes of pianoa will be disposed of lur storage and re pair dial sea, Will sell or tiaue. Call murninss, chas. 11. 'lhatuiiur. p.auu lau tory. VJtv llainey St , FOR SALE-Nsw and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments, bruiikwick-ualke-i-viieiider, a. lutn ou Kindling. W. 2s4. $4 loaa U Gross Wrecking. 100 STEAM RADIATORS. HOME PIPE, some t-ust. N. bleiiibuig, U'ij Harney. for Omaha boy lea bea. KALE Two scholarships commercial college and cjlle.'e. Busiuess oflice. In the two in Ouia.ia PARTY gone out of business wishes to sell a 4-light gas p.anl. l'nono Web. U'ji. CHEAP, one electric piano, 3 musle boxes and 50 vending machines. $124 Leavenworth. 11. 243. lnd. A -2133. SHOW cases, counters, tables and flx t ires from th) O'C'onnell siore In Coun cil Bluffs all on sale Tuesday, Oct. 31st, at the O'Connell store. FOIl QUICK BALF Kitchen utensils, table ana wishes, 2 sanitary couches. 3 rocking malm, one dresser, 2 rugs. 117 Park Ave., Apart. 4, or call Harney 3D28. MILKMEN INVESTIGATE. Dairy, modern throuHhout, 23 cows, 5u tons hay at the barn, 7 horses and 6 wagons, with splendid route. See J. P. Jarkson, ltll Frederh k St. Phone Doug. 4n:4 st 7 a. m. or 7 p. ni. LISONAL MAXWELL cure Piles. 408 Om. Nat bk. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladdish Pharmacy, 12th and Dodga KAR8TON TON8KTH. Swedish move ment and mssssce; graduate of Dr. Kelt. berg Inst. Stockholm. Swedsn; day phone D 71; night, D. $404 ; 4l Om. Nat. Pank bidg. Automatic Phone Bus's. $2: residence. $1 tl l inl' Path, talt glow aromai.e 1"00'' " treatment Mme. Alien rf Chicago. M a- 17lk tot. tir.i floor. D. llMs, PtribONAL (Continued FOR eases of Wats Haer Tal. Doug. 1ML Mechano Therapv msassge treatment, Nervous lehllltv. Pr. Maipsret Hslloian. 1.11 Nevtl-s U a. D. T761. Open after . JTiR FT.FCTRTr CAH'KT CI.F.ANING MIONK I) &L PRICED MKASONABLB. t:iec. Vac. Cleaner, rent, $1.75 day; W. !SM MRS. C. W. CHAPMAN. II. (240. Hair auod. all dsscrlpnor1; combings mads up Masag. Rlttsnhous. $v Old Roston Bid Dr. Rurka, Women's Diseases, tl Dgl- Um JAMES CO 11 R KLECTKIO COMPANY -Mov.d to -VJ ri. UU bU Doug, as Lill. LAUNDRY rough dried. 1910 Clark St Adelight hair tood glows ha... Mina Kiayvi, Megealh bta. Co., IjIii and fcaio. Mrs. Pierce, shampoo, halidresslng and mBiiicut ing. 2:l Farnam. it. mam. a-14:. YOUNG no.IKN coming 10 Omaha at sustikeis aie iiiviivn 10 visit me loung Women a Christian a.-sociatiou nuuaiiig at bet riueeiilh M. and St. Marys Ava. whero Ibey will bu directed to suitable boitiMing piacea vr oth.rwise asaisird. Look tor our uavviers aiu at iue tioioa vtallon. HINDOO TABLE IS euc. BEl.l. wi.l build, blacs, PKbti CU. tiengthen. Al 1 SS vembt.r SN 1. out ot city until No- WE rvi.i and rcpa.r ail kinds of sewuif macUdie lnd. a-ivw, Dvugms ! NEIIIt.tol'v A t-lt bit CO., U1 11 auu laiuy ms. l lllk' irsauuent Mra. Steals, 1 HE SAI-VAll'liN ARM t' SOIIOIIS cast- Oil 111 ia.i, an you uo not lietd. We coiievL, lepau ana seit, at ,4 N. lllh bl., tor cost ul coiiecituu, la uie nuriliy pour. Con p.ione puui bu ana fc,uns Win vaiL l A SiS A ( 1 10. Pkih. salt glow aiomailo luaooauu treatment Mine. Allen ui Chicago, luu b. liih ot, ll tioor. u. .iwa MAIS ii 1 1 ' iicaiineni. E. Broit, ill MAbBAtiE Swedish luovnment; Homing belter tor Mieuiuatisui. i-auies, 41; gaut.a uieli. 41.u0. API. . Wui JamaiU. U. SthJ. DRUGS at cut prices; li eight paid on (lu oiueis; caiaiuaus tree, cheiuian U McConuei Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ETTA GOLDSBURY has opened new liKuuiesning panors ai 80K Neville. U. nasi. Dr. Burks, nervous diseases. 41 Doug.Bia. KM A M I (toatin'la. Mis. bleeis, ex- YOU are Invited to danco with Blue Duck club Tuesday nikhi at Fraternity hall; door admission tree; line music. UA1UES KOAHDED A former Methodist deaconess now In a nliti home of her own Wishes to board a few babies. Web. 5430. write 6o22 N, 2ith. N. 27lh St POULTRY AND PET SiOCK FLOOR sweeping, guod chicken (eed, il.uu per hundred. Wagner. 601 No. lain. THOROUGHBRED S. C. Rhode Island Red cli'ckeua, old and young; lake Ames Ave. car 10 4otn ana Uiami. can at 8M,' TWO beautifully marked Boston Terrer puppies 6 months old. G. 11. Moon. 2622 Maple St. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT! Of TITLfci. Frank J Norton, 216 S. 17th, Pes Bldg "'Ihcres a Reason. '1 minimise your title troubles. Both phones. Miuiaiid Guar. & Trust Co., 1714 Far. H. H iseaie, pres.; J. Campbell, sea u. 2mw l'eler Jessen. Jl.. Co., lei. Doug. 22J2. Reed Absliact Cyo., oldest abairact I Brandels 't heater. 111 .woiAaa. ku6 GUARANTEE ABSTRACT 7, 1 utiei son Blk. CO., room BUILDERS' INFORMATION. Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Platte Ciavel & Washed Sand Co., 442 Use ideal Cement bioiio Co.. li'lh and Cuming Ainer. bpiy. Co., ruoi g, paints, lltw isivn. r ucna, bon at Blind, painting decoiaung. WANTliU TO UUY. LIST our city property tor sal ltb uel, tea ivarbach Bldg. CITY l-llOl'EKtY FOR SALK. BARGAIN Choice lot on California St clone to i-th St. Address, M 500, Bee, INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. 13 ROOMs, ALL MODERN tn.WJO. VNe have a iwo-abariiiieui house, 00 a laimng U rooms, two bah rooms, ssven bed rooms, wun pauor, dining room and kitchen 111 fcacii apailiuent wua ns piuuiunig ana gaud neatlng plant 'this property Is 100 taise tor present owner anu it Is a splendil proposition foi Some one who will buy 11 and divide 11 into tour inrue-iooin aparimema. owing lo lha arraOgemeni 01 me nu uu woia caa be uoue at a vary small expense and wnen coiupieiou the apaniuenis will rant lur 825 eat-11. ine bt.yr tail nvs lu ous apartuiuni, rent the rest a.iu majte a good Uiveiiiioiii oui it your hums. ine budding is well bant and In good tonuiiiuii, omy thirteen uunuiea' ride 10 in center or ins city, one oiocg from lbs Duuae sneui car iiue auu lu good t e4-nt-a uisirict iilE NUMBER IS 291$ N. 30 ill sr. It Is Just norm ui 01110 on the Florencs Blvd. A good six or seven-rocin modem bouse will be taken lu exchange at ins r is n 1 price. I'll pi oiui uoii i cat uuuiy wuriU looking at oKKli Ai MARTIN. uv Bee bids. DauMiaa .;. A 4278. DO YOU WANT A COUNtIjY HOME! We have a beautiful Hurt of a acres In Keyslonu Paik, with a good s-iooin house, barn cistern, etc. The owner can not woik the land und will sell tor $i'.'i0 or take a hnusii in umolia worm tl.iKs) as part of the purchase price; long time on the balance. I'Ai'NE INVESTMENT CO., BUNGALOW AND ACRES. TWO" At 87th and Newport Ave. we have a brand new b-i 00111 bungalow, beautifully located, overlooking the surrounding country In all directions; plenty of young trull sta.led. and Just the piaca for a man who wants to larnl a Utile and cuu t.nue his work downtown. Pries, umy W,WJPAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. SOUTH FRONT IMPROVED lot In Dundee; also 7-room partly mod cm house on a beautiful ioi lu I'ailiedial district Tel. H-34u, Evening or C'-siu Bee. FOUR ROOM house, partly modern, with two lols; small fruit trees; chicken yard, fenced, half block from car line. 54U4 N. 2th St. BY OWNER Mrlctly inodei 11 nvt-ioom cottage, two and one-half blocks from Farnam Hi.; inly 12 minutes' walk from lUi and 1-arr.ain. biairs leading up to second story; enough space for two large rooms and c.os.-.. 1 ic. 1. a 11. culmination t, lures; cemented basement; newly painted, also new wa.k and steps; hardwood fin ish throughout. House is only Hire years . Id and a perfect gem Inside, bo If you want an Ideal home drop out and look it over. Rents for :I2 50. At 223 apitol Ave. Ouly pail au tiu Uiiu to suit RFAL ESTATE city rnorparv for mi (Continued House Bargains T-rootn modern cott.iRf, with 50 foot lot, south front, on Marcv street, lnt west of 30th St. This Is a comfortable, well kept home. In a convenient location ami a nood reshlenre district. The owner has outgrown It and w ill sell at 4 200. It Is a comparatively new house and was built by present owner. Has unusually pretty yard. Another house on same street with one more bed room, seme price. In lest part of South I'msha and con venient for both cities we have n 7-room modem and verv complete homo on choice lot for $4 200 It Is a full two story square house. For special reasons owner has put this price very low Act quickly. 8 rooms, modern, on north side, with so.foot lot, large shndn trees and Sumo fruit In yard. Oak finished bouse, with mantle and fireplace and Mood, liuse rooms. This Is on paved street, a block and a half from 24th St. cnr. Owner a nonresident makes very low price of '4 0011 for quirk sate. Harrison & Morton New Homes West lluve you seen the new houses In our newly developed block on SMh street, north of DodgeT You will be surprised. We want to start two or thrre more this fall and have them ready In the spring. If you want a good bouse wo will build there for you, Harrison & Morton NEW BUNGALOW AND TWO FIXE ACHES Only fl blocks from the car at 37th and Newport; one of the prettiest places In this county. The price Is very low; only $1,100. l'AYXE INVESTMENT CO., EVERY plumber Is not a robber; If any thing happens phone Doug. IMS, Uood 1 lumblhg Co. ArilKAIlK FOIl NAI.K. BUY ACKeT'KOPEKTY Close to OMAHA and You Will Be IT in Tirao to Come HERE AKE SOME BAKOAINS 158 acres about four miles from Omaha; land lay.t ractlcally level, has small orchard and grove: fair house, two Inrce barns, rornortn, eto. This would make an Ideal feed yard, as there are two railroads running close to the buildings. Ask us about price and terms on thin place. 20-aere fruit farm, about four miles from city limits, one mile from paved road. It Is my Judgment that more revenue, can be derived, year In and year nut, from tins orchard than those high priced ones that you read about In Oregon and California, and It can be bought tor one-half the price. The owner will take s uns good city prop erty as part of the purchase price. 16 acres, one mile south of illy limlla of South onpiha; has bond five-room bouse, well, barn, etc. Price $,"i,j00. This Is a real snap. 5 acres Just south ot Albright, splendid 6-room house, two cisterns, lots of barn room, lots of fruit of all kinds and fine vineyard. This Is but ft short distance from the street cnr and can be bought for $4,000. 's Keai instate tV J ns. Agency, Tela.: TvleivliVI; lnd. A-3313. 1i'i05 Farnam SI. 512 North 24lh St., South Omnlui. Tela.: Bouth 192; lnd. F-1 1112. REAL ESTATE ' FARM A It AM II l.A .M FOR MAI.K Canada. MILD CLIMATE NO EXTREMES LAND CLOSE TO SPLENDID MAR KETS. In mi the OIlANl) TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY will be completed, opening up the rich agricultural districts Of CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA. Thousands are now buying land In the fertile valleys of the FORT GEORGE DISTRICT, the NEHMOCO VALLEY and the BUCKLEY VALLEY. This land will double and treble In value as soon as the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC provides transportation facilities. Write today for booklet describing this wonderful country. B. MEYEL, DISTRICT SALES AGENT, .10-lt PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA, NEB. Colorado. IF YOU want to buy good farm land at $10.0u to $16.00 per acre, or want a good homestead relinquishment writs to or call on The Matiusun-Purdy Land Company, Otis, Colo. FRUIT Land Co. land bargains, lutermountaiu 1123 I'sriiain. Phone D. uii. Bargains Fruit land. b82 Brandels Bldg, Oeoratla. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by th ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM 4 ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to th widest rang ol crops. All the money crops of the Houta plentifully produced. For literature trsai Ing with this coining country, Its soil, dp mate, church and school advantage rtl W. II. LEAHY. DEPT. K. General passenger Agent, A l LAaiTA. GA. funs. THE easiest way to find a buyer tor our laini Is lu iliderl a mau tsaiit aj 111 Hie Des Moines Capital. Largest cli tulailou In tlio aiate ot Iowa, 43,ouu daiiy. ihs i.apuai la lead by and bulluvrd in by th siandpatlera of Iowa, who luply r luse 10 penult any other paper lu the.! i.wmee. llaita, i cent a uid a. day; $1. . per line per uiuuili; count sis onbnai wolds lu tba -Hie. Address DCS MulJivl tapii.i. t's Moines, la. Idaho. iwfl ACRES of the best lands In (ho PuMilie and Snake liv.r alleys for sale 111 twenty, forty and elKhly; olio hundred lamer tracts ut prices that will make Main and very remunerative invest nit-nts. in large tracts will consider oue-half of purchaso price. In other available prop ertv. if Interested In procuring lands In the very biKi portion of these irriguted Inn. Is wlih best of water rights for lirlka lion write ms at Payette, Idaho. A. E. Wood, owner. Florida. 10 ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS $1000 MONEY OUR GUARANTEE MONEY Just a little money down, a little money each mount, buys an ideal home 111 an ideal ciunatu. near palm Beach. Florida. Come in Hid let us tell you about It, and on Investigation, If you do not find it aa good, or belter than represented you win receive $1,0011. Cad on or write Wood ward A Company, 714 Omaha Nat l Ban!. 6.000 ACRES prairie land. DeSoto rouriiv. Florida, near Arcadia, good land well drained. Onlv $4 pur acre net. If taken at once, i Ine oulonlxatlon propo sition. J. C. Jackson, J732 First Nat l i-aiik Bldg.. Chhugu. Nebraska. Frea list of Improved Howard, Greeley, Valley, Sherman auu cuinr county fainut, for people oi imiutu means waui ll. g homes on easy terms. C. Urauiey vtuibach, Neb, HOMKBTEAI 820 acres for $175; about 20 miles out, ricl. larm land, not tand t as an old entry naw cam elled. Worib 12.UOJ. J. A. iraey. ivinioan. isd. NEBRAoKA and grt Branueis Plug. Oisgun laud. Is u.i. WELL improved Frontier county, Ne biaaka, faims lur sale ol Hade, lj to -j, aiBu town propvrlles in lowns or cerium tics. J, F. Jwbrialon, Bon 2. Curtis, Neb. REAL ESTATE F ARM A It . M il I.A.MI FOIl KI.K Meliraska I ontlnard. IMPROVED lOscre truck farm. ner Trkamah, Neb. Addrv.'s Jco JortUn, Te kan.ah, Neb. 100 ACRE tirm near Unison for te e rheap. Owner has Incuiab'e iicklieic in-qulre loom ioc Ores 11 block. F.A STERN Nen, and Iowa, farms tt eachanga for Dakota lands. Salker to., oV Uiandles tneatei, Omaha. ONE of th finest ranches In Nebraska, Pud acres; well watered, 2ii acres undei plow; 4t X'i '"0 tons ol h.. ii.ii-,!., barns and shedt; leneetl; plenty i f turaue. Piped right at per ncie. Fred O. Shields SH Itaingo Biock, Ofiaha, Neb. SMALL farm for Vom, I 'mm, liis or rent or sale South Uvi. Oniric Oklahoma. FROM M to lo pv per acre, blk. S.M-aire tracts from I'.S be Yogel, 4ie Karbaco persistent Advert. sing Hlg Returns. la the Road U llreaaa. VISIT the Willamette Valley exh'blt at the ljind Show slid see what we grow, then come and see us and let us led you all about the count iy. Wo aro here to serve you. The World Invesunont Co., Ki4 I'landeta Bldg., omnha. Neb. Albany. Eugene. I'orvallis and Salem, are center of construction f two trunk trolley ..ystems and two new steam rail ways, opening up splendid rich count! NO IRRIGATION here. liaidenltm. poultry, fruiu dull u s and general faun. Ing. Call at Willamette Vullny display ami ask us. Nothing for bale See this countiy the land values are 'rising. Detail llteiature for the ask ing. v rite secietary Commercial clubs in towns named. Utah. INVESTIGATE- We want men with capital, also homescekers, to Investigate the best Irrlg-ited lain! proposition In Utah. Wo own the land and water. You can get In on the ground floor. C. K. LUCE. S.11 Chamber of Commerce, Omaha. lUl Dooly Block, Salt Ijike City. Wlaconsla, Must B SoliT4,,J(K) Acres In one body of level Inml 3 miles of Black River Falls, Wis.; no stone, no overflow no gumbo, no hardpan, no alkali, no tiunck grass or cockleburs. There la never falling running water through one ot this land. About one-half of this tract hns black soil two lr four feet deep. Is the best gram land in the stats with small amount of ditch ing. The balance is choice level upland, good an II, grows to finest kind of grass; This tract can be bought for less than $20 per acre It taken soon. Will pay com mission. Wisconsin, Drained Land Co., 124 West Third St, Davenport, la. REAL ESTA1E FOR RENT Farm and Itnni'li I.Matls. IM arres Irrigated, 4 mtl.s from Wheat land, Wyo.; all In alfalfa; 1 section 1 miles from Kimball, r-eu.; 2ik acres broken: fins lanu; ana iw acres 13 miles from Atkinson, Neb. H. Gross. $01 H. 3Jd. REAL tiilAlt LOxaiS WANiED cuy W. Farnam bnilih loans At Co., auu warrants. laM Farnam st OMAHA Property and rinaKa canua OKH.rj.rl'. itbAn r-oiAia, v.u.. 1016 New Omaha rai I ituna uuiiuiag. MONEY TO LOAN Payue inv. Co. WANTED City loans. Altars Trust t o. wo to Aif.ouO made promptly. F. U WeaJ. Wtaii Bldg., 18lh aid Farnam. WAN TED-FARM LOANS. Kloke la- vskiuieiil Company, tiinaua. l nw tlA'lES. LEAAii-CW RLBERG LU. llu-iU BianUela 1 healer Blug. FARM LOAN'S; no commission; optional payments; cheap money; muck service. Oiln b. Merrill, iu uuy rvai i tut. Bidu. MONEY to loaD tin business or Issi- deuce properties. $1,000 to 3iiu,ouo. v.. it THOMAS, 1.03 First Nat Bank Bidg. FU.ST TRUbT C0u: 'x 3ARVLN BROr,- llsAi and up. nana .sal I Bank. I AiuliJ LOANS. iiionlcii,i bunds, iiuirt gages bought and sold. ST ULL BROS. OhiALEORJEJ KXCHAN'iES -A. C. Jewell, Uaaid ui trade. D. 163. CITY property for land, If price right. IMS Dodge St. 1 DANDLE exchanges everywhere. Fo. rtsulls ste me. Dean, 611 Bes Bldg. D. IJJi. WE em-hang properties of merit. C. V Welsh, 812-18 O N. Blk Bldg. Doug. 78tw. I HAVE for trade mar good tuwn in Dodge county, Nebraska, close to Omaha, 10 acres of as good corn Isnd as there is In the stale. Waui 7 or 8 room modern bouse; must be well located and ciuar ut encumbrances, c mines iiaiuey, ti., iv. b. 1-.1I1 Omaha, JNeb. FOR SALI-; OR 'TRADE Miiu slock and grain lanu. .V acies. lwo miles irum, la. biiermaii .Nelson, owihi, 2:1, Pleico St, Sioux city, Aa. x i.noli lots in Ralrflo;! fur sale. w 111 ex, l"i' looming house, 1 km.. In. 11, A SECTION of laud In Mcl'herson county lof teal estate, int. iiauiey 1218. TRADES if you have anytlniig t trade wrlia ma. At. E. Walt, all Bee Bid Exchuiilii Jewell, li'd ot Tiade, D. luJi. FOR TRADE Good 4HH acre ranch In South Tripp County, South Dakota. All liinced. U ells Running waier. Voung iIiiiIht. Lund rolling. Homo broke. Somu biilltiings. School on land. mile from Inland postoftice and store. 3 nines trom railroad survey Want $:i.0! clean, up-to-date stock geneisl iiiirclianilis" or clothing. Address owner Box 2HJ, lirsg oiy, S. D. FOR EXCHANGE Mi-aero stock ranch. Over 2oO acres in alfalla. Tlireo rets of Improvements, ono of the. oest rnuches In soullieaaiern Ka.iKas. Price, IH'UOO. IneuiiibiaiK'e. V.'.. Will trade for clear property only. VVunt good piup ertv, or might consider Iowa. Illinois nr eastern Nebiuska land. Addiess The Al lm t ouniy Investment Co., Long-ion, Kan. -. zt STEAMSHIPS Aruhor Lino Steamships New York, Londonderry snd Glasrmw. New York, I'alerruo and Naples. Attractive rales for tickets between New York and ull Scotch, English, Irish. Continental und Mediterranean points. Superior Accommodations, Excellent Cul slne. Efficient Service. Apply promptly fur Reservation to local ugcnl oi Anchor Line or Henderson Brothers, Gcnuial Agents. Chicago. III. ViMMfED TO aUY d-band goods. Kleser, 1020 Center. D-6662. WE PAY highest piles for mens hand clothing. M. Nathan, ion h. Win 2d GOOD medium sire, flat top, trunk; mast be in koort lepalr and cheap for rash, no common canvas covered wanted, lei. Harney WANTED TO RENT WANTED By a lespoiihlble young cou ple, no rhl.dren, nicely furnished room or suite wlili furnacu heat, lr. private fam ily, with good board, or the same Heat hy: undesirably located or poorly fur nished need not respond; references ex clutnged. Addiess S 824, care Bee. WANTLD-T0 RENT t('orttriue1 COUPLE desiring rooms fur light boiiekeet Ing, with pi'vste fsmlly sku fn-nlfh flrst-rlas autflt P. All. How. WANTED To '-ndi'in. 10 any N 4 .A lies. rent I 100m hous. part patt of cl;. Addrsss Vim . LU SITUATIONS FOR a fT.'t Mts. Hoynton. N v 1 1 , lad . '.Ion tvisius a class prsrllciil nurso. 11. 1473, A-ftil. call i n Id, po-it)un. h r.-no"l educ J 321. Bee. MAN it ants position as Janitor; gi4 rele, tut ra. Addiess II-3-M. caia Be. MAN and wits, vniy cspsMa, desires ini'lot cieni , ex erienced as manager and hui.M keeper Addiess, Jl )t. OUT-OF-TOWN posit. 011 ilei ,re,1 lv ex pel i, u. e, l si enoariiidier und bookkeeper; cxtilimt references. F lad, Bee. POSITION by experienced bookkeeper. Address Y 21. lUe W A.N I I lists old I -Place on b 3.M. Bee. taim fur buy U WANTED I916 i' Position St. as cook. Call at GOOD diess K peltiunii H Bee. wishes position. Ad- BUNDLE wiishlng wanted. Har. GJi. WASHING and curtains done. T. ll t.'i WANTED lly n lesnec'Tnio vounir widow 2i years old with fin m life N- peilinci, ns lioiiseKcepir tor far'ner'o- wldowei; one looking lor u good he!,. mate; exchange t en rences. K. hi7 l ee. POSITION av. hmisekf-etHti' ti- f..ili,til hidy. Best of reCei nco fin . Ad dress L ff.i lice. CALL the Y. M. C. A. enip'oymcnt Uc Piirinient when you need ciumlile, re liable men for nil positions. So htr,p tor this service. EXPERIENCED filing clerk. np!t. wnnis position; college man, can handle oil ice work. P r.22. Bee. WHITE lad y, exeeptloiiBlly nent ami liny lilnd ot day work. plain, wishes llainey ;ii,. A TTORN ICY of experience wanti posi tion with law firm; wholesale house or tille. examiner, for loan or tripit mm psnv. Address Ti'5, I lee. WASHING or Ironing on Tuesday. Thursday and Friday. Phone Webster 4207. ulVL STOCK MARKET OF WEST KIilp your gtoik to Botitli Utnalia; anve mllcano and ahrlDkage; your roiislgntnonta revel prompt aunj tarcful attnUoD. 1 LIVE STOCrTcOMMISSION MERCHANTS Byeg Bros. & Co. Strong and responsible. W OOD BROS. 4 38 Exchange Bldg. Gleat West Jam. Co.. Omaha ft Denver. W. R. SMITH & SON Just haudls shep! W. F. DENNY CO., 233 F.xch. Bldg. TAGG BROS, handle cattle, hogs, sheep. CLIFTON Coin. Co.. 222 Exohange Bldg. Donahue & Randall Co., 203 Exch. Bldg. Clay, Robinson & Co.. 200 Kxoh. Bldg. The Standard Com. Co., US Exch. Bldg. Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to us. BURKE-RICKLY CO., 201 Exoh. Bldg. Allen Dudley AY. Co., 235-27 Exch. Bldg L. E. ROBERTS tk CO., 228 Exch. Bid,;. Cox Jones Com. Co., bunch ot bustlers. Farmers L. S. Coin. Co., 209 ICxuhange. Deposit proceeds ot shipments In Stook Varus Nat I Bunk, only bank at yards. WINN BROS. & CO., Exchange Bldg. LAVERTY BROS., 138-40 Exoh. Bldg. Martin Lrus. &. Co., 20.1-7 Exch. Bldg. Alex O. Buchanan & Son. 1M-66 Ex. Bldg. Paxtun-Eckman Chem. Co. st'k remedies. Jtaltton & Fonda, live 'ock com. roer. bAHA TliElriTETfol WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain -DerchanlS. conslgL lent axiliclteJ. ilu Biaudsia. Nebraska -Iowa Grain Co. 764 Brandeia THE UPDIKE GRAIN CU. Consign uisms carefully hanuisd. Oiuaba, Nat, CAVkRii ELEVATOR CO.. wbo.esais dsaisis In gra'c bay, cuup tacd. iil liiaiiuuis Blug. ROBERTS GRAIN CO., grain consign ments solicited, grain bougtu to arnva 728 Brandels. OMAHA GtCKKII A I. II A IlKKT BUTT Ell-No. 1, 1-lb. carton. 31u; No. I, ni iiO-lb tubs. iWc; No. i, 2.V1C pack- lllg. 17'Ac. CHEESE Imported Swiss, J2cj Ameri can Swiss, 22c; biocl; Swiss, i.-; twins, IC'uc; daisies, 17c; triplets. I.e. blue label brn k, 17c; Inubeigci, i-ib., 1m.-; Inn btiiger, 1-lb., luc. POULTRY Lrolleis, lbc; tpiliigs, 12c; liens, 12a;; coks, c; ducks, 12c; geuse, lis ; turkeys, 2t.c; pigeons, pr lion., i.-.'' Alive; brulleis, i-',c. In 11a, 8u. oid luoHlois and stags, au; old dinks, tub Icai hei etl. Hi.; geeaii, full lcaiheiud. Its:; lurki, lo.:; guinea lowis, :.,c cacl. ; inaioua, per dux., ikc; lionieis, per dux., 1. '.ji., miuabs. No. 1, tl tio; No. 2, ixK:, FISH-A'tcwerul, lie; w hito, iu alo..-;plke, )j( , li oul, lit) l.ic; lurgu ciappics, i.ij.l6c; Spanish iiiackuial, ljc; eel, haddocks, idt: ;, l,lc; leen catiisti, Jinluc; 100 iiiiad, l.oo catli, shad lur, per pair, Wc; salmon, 13c; tiui.oui, so, yellow perch, bo, buiiaio, fc... buiihcaus, 14c. i.r.i.c v ii a iiiox . .iu. i, itc; So. 2, I2'v ; No. 2, a-gc. Louis; .So. 1, i'J'do; No. 2, 1.1'ic; No. 2, lMtc. 1 liucks; No. 1, 7V;; No. 2, u,c; No. J, t'.c. Rounds: No. 1, lie; No. 2, ai,c; No. J, U. i'Jaies: No. 1. i.e. No. 2, tt.u; No. 2, 4'c. FRUIT Apples: Cooking varieties, per obi., t-.Ti.; jonullibii, per bbl., $4.00; Cali loruia Billetlowcr, per box, $1 36; Colo rado Jonathan, extra fancy, per box, $2.26; ; lien Datls, per bbl., f .' W. Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, $2.2(.ru 2.t0; Jumbo, pe: bunch, 3.7". t'lai.ben les: Wisconsin fancy, per bbl , S.'2i; per box, $3.00. liates: Anchor lutmu, new, 20 1-lb. pkgs., In boxes, per box, $2.2."t. Figs: California, per case of 12 12-ux. pkgs.. .''; H-r cuse of Ml 12-oz. pltgs., $2 Ml. per iae of W fl-ux. pats,. $2. 'W; new Turkish. 5-crown. In 2'i-lb. boxes, per lh., lc; u-crown. In 20-lb. boxes, tier II), hie; 7-crown, In aO-lb. hoxes. per ll.. lie. tnapea. Now York and Mlchinan Concords, per 7-lb. basket, 20e; California. Tokays, per 4-basket .rate, $1.2".; In bbls., $1004(6.00. Lemonu: l.lmont iru. brand, extra fancy, SMi-:i(ji slxe.i, I er box, fi,.70; ilxunu Llrnon elra, fiincy. Sou-"!! sizes, per box. $8. fx); 240 nnd 4.0 MZrs, :e per box less. Oranges. NlaKiira Reiilunds Valencias, 96-126 sixes, per box. $V2Si; i;.0-178-'-DO--.'li;-25') sixes, per box. $" Peaches: Culifornia und Colo iiidt, per box. $100. Pears California Duchess, 11. llurdy and H. I'larigeau. pe.-rn-.h box, 12 7"': I.utvience, ier box, $.1 w. Vi:CiETAULES-iiean; String and wax, pr e inaiket l.a-iki t, $1 I 25. Cstbuge: Wb-rolislii, Per lb.. I'.JIlSc. Csleiy: Mmhigan. per dos., Va?; Col.nudo Jumbo per don.. Sk'. Cucumbers: Hot house, pei dux., $1 TS. F.Kg plant: Fancy Florida, per tlox., $! vl. Garlic: Extia fancy,,,, per lb.. V-c. Lettuce: Extra fancy lesf per dox., 4i.f. Onions: California, whl,., Per lh , $c; Wisfonaln, yellotv and red, In sacks, per lb. 2"c: Spanish, per crate. $1.75. Parsley: Fancy home-grow n. per do, bunches. 4 V. Potatoev: M!nrtii:.i Early OI1I0, per bu., .".c; Wisconsin whit 1 stock, per bu , f0i ; in lo-i-ark 'ts s: less. Sweet Potatoes: Virginia, per bbl.. $.1.50; per bu. brk., $1 35. Rutabagas; In racke. per lh . P4c. Tomat oes: l all.'orni. crate, $160. If you hats anything to sell or exchanite advertise it In the Wunt Ad Columr.a ot 1'hs Bee and get tmmcdlale rexulta.