rill IJKK: OMAHA. MONDAY. OCTOHKR HO. 1011. the Oregorln university here 1I will succeed Cardinal Ftelnhuter a the rep resentative of thr Jesuits In the Fscre.1 college. Moni-lpnor H!elotl, the papal major dnmo. arrived here f.A evening from Vienna where he officiated at the marriage of Archduke Charles Francis. He was entirely unanare of tho honor aa-altlng Mm and the pope himself notl (14 him of his promotion. Farley It ears rw. NEW YOliK, Oct. JV Iilspatches from Rome announcing that ArchMfhop Farley would be created a cardinal were shown to his irrace at the archrplscopal resi dence this evening upon his return from a day's viHt out of town. "I cannot bcllee It." he paid, and evl I denced (treat surprise, at the news. "I cannot believe It." he repeated, "notwith standing that the news appears to be from a trustworthy correspondent whom I know well. However authentic It may be, you know It Is entirely unsafe to credit unofficial advices In a ms such aa this. It Is very unusual to announce uci matters whole month In a-lvance." The archbishop excused hlrnpclf, but returned a moment later wuh n, cable cram J'ift received from F.ome. which tea.. "Heartiest congratulations yoiir emi nence." It was pinned ' Moti:ilgnor O'Keely."' an lntimiite friend of the archbishop und editor, of ti e Home, an Knprllsh paper published tri tie vntlean city. Notwithstanding this aeemlr.R ronflrm alioa the archbishop was i.ot Inclined to accept the neivs as a fact, rcltiyating Hint, while If true. It o:i highly wel come, ha could not believe Iti TAFT TO REVIEW VESSELS, OF WAR (Continued from First Vane.) and headed down channel tor the open ! sea. The review will be an official one In ' every sense of the word and the prral- dent'a party on the Mayflower will be ' confined to lilmself, Secretary Meyer, one , 'or two aides, and Hecretary lllllls. The dispatch boat ltolphln will be taken alone , beside the Mayflower and will have a ' party of pc-i baps 100 on board. JOSEPH PULITZER IS DEAD (Continued from First Page.) but poor younr nien to acquire, a good education and a fair start In life. In 1"W ha established leu annual rnlleitlate scholarships fur the poorest. hi-lKhtcxt and most deserving boy graduate of New York publlo schools, giving to tha win ners In open competition Ji'iQ annually for seven years, to pay for the expense of a preparatory and college course. He also gave to Columbia university f 100 000 for free tuition to winners In prliie con test and established three frc scholar ships' In Barnard college. 1 , Probably the most Important of hi various educational gifts wa the dona tion. In 103. to Columbia university of II .000,000 for the establishment and main' tenance of a college of Journnllsm, to rsnk with the similar professional school of law, medicine, engineering and archi tecture. He also agreed to Increase hi endowment by another tl.900.ono, after tha aehool had been In operation and met with success three year. Ilia Home Life. Mr. PuHticr marrlel Mis Ksle Davis tir4 Washington, 1). C. shortly after hi return from the west and aha bore him two Son. Joseph Full tier. Jr.. and Ralph Fulltier. The latter had an excellent newspaper training under the direction of his father and showed suoh marked ability, that hi father. In 11(07, entrusted him with the niatinKCment of the New York World and the presidency of the ft. Jxjul Post-Dispatch company. Ralph Pulltaer married Mlu Frederic Vander bllt Wlb. the only daughter if Pr. W. Hewerd Webb, and a granddaughter of t! late Commodore Yimdei but, In J90S. Mr. Pulitzer was hUovs fond of out door life 'and, retained hi physical aertngth remarkably torn,-, notwlthstund Ing several rirrvou breakdown and a erious affliction of his eye which caused afinoet complete blindness during the latter part of his life. NEBRASKANS GOING HOME TO VOTE AT ELECTION (From a Blaff Correspondent.) . WASHINGTON, V. C. Oct. Sa.-fHpe-clal Tclegiam.-iiivral J. It. Webster left tonight for hi old homo at Lincoln, where be was Interested in a lawsuit. W. K. Andrew of the Treasury tleiartment. will go to Hasting aern to upend two weeks' vacation. A number of other of the Nebraska colony are to go home to vote. All bids received by the quartermaster general of Chicago for the hospital at Fort Robinson have been rejected. eu bus? MILLIONAIRETALKS TUESDAY Pl. A. Lorijr, Lamberman, Comet to Speak for Brotherhood Work. GIVES HALF TIME TO CHURCH Doaatea by Tea af Thoasaad af Oollara to Hospitals, and C her itable anil F.dnratlonal lastltof loas. It A. I.onif. the millionaire Kansas City lumberman wJio. wit h 1,1, assistants, will bold two nnrti.i( i in Omaha Tue!uy to Increase inwr.s: in tlio rm'n a brotherhood of the Hi-r lj,:, f Christ or Christian church. i'r;iiifS n unique position, not only ninoiv. i"in null of his oan denom ination. In;l union; all the rhiirrlimen of the 1'nlteil Mjln, Mr. I,on is ( largest Individual con tributor to t,m r- n. rovs missionary, edu cational, nr. 1 ;. nevolrnt Institutions of the l.'lplei ,.f ciirlst. and Is aald to i!cv,.ti n.4 :, of his time to church v ork a - ; - dues to his multiplicity of I Mo- i ;i:;oi-r. With the passing of li:no : 1 or I o l able to liift the bur den i ," hi-a'nos onto the shoulders of n.;r nun l.c will spend his entire time in ii h work. Mr. ling became a member of the !lsrlj,PK of Christ In Khelby county, Ken tiiclty. when 15 years of age. Ho was drawn to the church because then, as now. Its distinguishing features were the rejection of all human creeds-and de nomhiatlonal names, the recognition and practice of Immersion only as baptism, and advocacy of the union of all Chris tians In one church. Hlvlslons and sec tarianism are denounced not only as un desirable, but as sinful. First hare a Donation. Mr. Long's first lero donation was made In 1!sj to the church in which he held membership In Kansas City. Thouxh the building It then occupied was not old. It had been oul grown. Mr; Long donated I70.COO, the church to raise fjo.000 mors from the sale of the old building and erect a $lrtn.0n0 house of worship. Ktnce then Mr, Long ha contributed to the church and It institution In Increasing sums. Among his beneficiaries have been llethany college, Pennsylvania university, Oklahoma Christian university, Missouri I'.lhln coflcfie. William Wood college, and Christian college. Recently lie has made large donation for hospitals In the Phil ippine Islands and Japan, and for Young Men' Chrlstlnn association work In India. Mr. Long now devotes a twelfth of his time to tour In tlio Interest of the men' brotherhood of the Christian church. Tt Is '.Ills work which bring him here. The meetings will be held In the First Chrl tlan church. Twenty-sixth . and Harney street. Tuesday afternoon and evening at i: and ?:3n. The afternoon meeting will be for men. women and children; the evening meeting for men. Addresses will be given by Mr. Long, J. K. Bhellen berger, field secretary of the brother hood, and C. M. Chilton, president of the American Christian Missionary society. Holm will be given by W. K. M. Hackle man, who also will lead the congrega tional singing. Bryan and Stephens Avoj Wet Dptrict WEST POINT, Neb.. Oct. ,.-9peclJ.) The absence of Mr. Uryan In Cuming and certain other rountlea In the Third congressional district his failure to sup port Mr. Stephen In his canvass by hi presence on the platform Is regarded here aa highly significant, clearly proving that Mr. Stephens Is wise to the feeling existing In the democratic mind In thl and several other counties regiardlng tli "Peerless" leader. Mr. Stephens In ar ranging his Itinerary ha quietly cut out the peerless In those localities where It was surmised his presence would be hnrmful to tbe "cause." The halo of hi beneficent personality will be ahed only upon the so-called "dry" counties of the lUi-lrlct. according to the announced schedule. NEWS NOTES FOR PERU Mr. aaa Mrs. J a can boo Celebrate Their Uoldea Weddl- Asst. Ternary October Sfl. makes dazzling .white dishes If you could seo your dishes and household utensils through a micro scope you would realize that mere soap and water are insufficient todomore than wash off the surface. Cell Dust not only cuts dirt and grease with 'scarcely any rubbing, but is an antiseptic that goes deep aiter every hidden impurity and germ. Cold Dust sterilizes your Mtchen things, and makes them 'wholesome and sanitary. Cold Dust is the greatest labor-6aver known. PKRC, Neb., Oct 2.-(Kpecll )-Mr. and Mm. Jacob tiood celebrated their golden wcddin snnlversary oil Thursday October M, they luivlng been married fifty years on thst date. The eveut took the form of a dinner at which all their chil dren and grandchildren were present. Mr. and Mrs. Good were married In 1W1 In this county and have made It their home ever since, a goodly portion of the time being spent In Petu. On Tuesday evening a lodge of tha WomlnTii of the World was organised at the Kniuht of PythUs' hall. A previous mri 'tint had been held and a preliminary oi ganlxution effect v nud officers elected. Htute Manager Walsh of Omaha was present to Install the officer and t give I Instruction in the secret work, completing the oiKanltatlon. letter from Kucene Cole, a former Pent boy, now of F licnuint. K. I)., to his f:tlur. 1). C. CoV, la Peru, conveys the information that ho has m cured a patent on a railway train rcls-trr and signaling device which Is believed, by the railroads ti ls the best thing of the kind ever In vented He has been offered a large sum of money for It. West. Adolph Wetler, Mrs. P. Oiffen and Miss Ida lUrrl-ion. Mrs. K It rial- nraith sang a vocal aolo on friendship 5a. The toastmaater for the occasion was Wllbef W. Annes. At the close of the program Hon. James P. linker. In an eloquent and Impressive speech, presented to tho doctor and his family .In behalf of lumbar and comaiunUy tw Turkish leather r.ickln;? chnlrs. e'armer'a Hoy In TreaWe. HARLAN, la., Oct. .-(fptelal .) Charged with the crime of asnu!t upon Opal Oootlnc-r, the 13-year-old daughter of ii tvalthy farmer near lure, Kdward Hnrke, ed 21, son of W. I". Hurke, a prominent merchant 'of Walnut, la., I a fugitive from Jimtlce. The city marshal t Walnut arrested young Burke, hut as Marshal Vaughn wns conducting him to Jail Hurle brnkq awny from him and mad" gno-l his escape. Nothing has been heard of him since. W. F. Rurke, father of the young mnn. Informed Fherlff Me Mahon thst should his hoy return home ho would Immediately turn him over to tho authorities. Ante Aceldeat Mmy lie fatal. IIAIlVAntt. Neb., Oct. IS -(Special. ) As three person were attempting to cross the Burlington tracks In an auto mobile Inst night about 11:20. they ran Into the second engine of a double-headed fro I tr ti t train. The driver of the machine, raid to be Fred Iehan, living some twelve miles southeast from this city, was seri ously Injured about the Jiead, the other two CHcapIng with slight bruises. The Injured man Is In a critical condi tion and the extent of Injuries to his brain Is at this time hard to determine. CHALLENGERS WATCH THIRD Picked Men Declare Registration Was Without Irregularity. DEMOCRATS INSIST ALL SQUARE Itealstrat Ion Over tbe City I'nosn ally Heavy, and Especially Ho la tbe Third and Twelfth Wards. . Cold Dust 1 told in CO eize and large pack ?ge lite large package auam i eater eeaaoiny. iilii'JrxJjjr J "tel U COLD DUST TWINS 4 yr assr4" The Third ward. tht maligned baili wick, that Inglorlously humlilaled district, branded with Ignominy and flayed by the pen, rose Saturday to the dignity of a acred precinct, and demonstrated that Ita lntereti are thonu of the entire community. Baturday was tho l;.M day for registra tion, and everyone who wns able to be out qualified as a voter fur the next twelve months. Tills held true In prac tically every precinct In town. The renter of interest, though, wa In the Third ward, where everyone wa watched with hawk-like eyes. In every precinct of this ward there wa a system of double-cataloKue checkers, or chal lengers, and statements from them are to tho effect that everytnlng passed oft In ship-shape order. Challenger, for the most part, were elected from the rank of Crelghton dental and pharmaceutical students, who are personal chum of lie nominee of the democratlo ticket, which I monopo lised by graduates of that Institution. They were selected because they are not entitled to vote and are upposed to be disinterested. Coaler Day All Stralaht. Challenger Conley. in the First pre cinct of the Third ward, said: "I have been on only as a relief, but no lrregu larltie ' have been reported to me. Bo, I say If they want to 'holler1 let them do so, for they have not produced any thing yet. Personally, I have not seen a thing wrong today." J. A. Outtery of Crelghton Dental col leg was the only challenger on duty in the Second precinct of the Third when the Investigation wa made. "Every man ha been checked Off by me a he came In." said Outtery. "and I would go on the land and swear that everything that transpired here today wa regular and according to law. We have been treated properly and every sincere and honest man. who came In here was given, the same treatment' In the Third precinct of the Third ward W. W. Hoy, another Crelghton boy. pre sided for the democrat. "Kverythlng lu been on the square," said he. "There inta not been any Jugglery and every man who cam In here waa duly sworn." Ta Iavestlaate Transfers. J. II. Ixibb. a Crelghton pharmacy student, selected by the democrat, said that everything w as absolutely O. K. "There are several transfer that will be Investigated." lie said, "but I belieVe that everything ha been ctralght." C. C. Callati, pharmaceutical student also, presided for the democrats In the Fifth precinct of the Third ward. "There Is absolutely no Justification for th s saulta that have been made by the New and the World-Herald against thl pre cinct. I hve been here practically every minute and I would go on the stand and swear that everything has been regu lar." Harry Claiborne, on the republican e'lyllenge stsff. bore out these statements. ' -."ry man has htoj, properly sworn In . out a man hasVonre In here who ha not satisfied the law in every resjiect." licKlet ration In all of the ward wa heavy. In the Third, tor Instance, more than 600 qualified, while It was not ex pected that there would be more than 60u at the outside. In the Twelfth the registration will run beyond l.OnO. In the Fourth precinct alone the figures stood K7, with li republicans, seventy demo, rrats. twenty-four no choloe and three (ocialtsts, with no gain In the latter ranks. Kalrbury Farmer Uadly lajared. FAinpi'RV. Neb.. Oct. .-(Hpeiial.)-ticoige Hughes, one of the leading farm era in Jefferson rountv. Is confined to his room a a remit of Juhiplrg oft a hay rack onto the handle of a pitchfork which penetrated his body elffht Inches. Mr. HiiKliej lives rear Steele City In this county and wos helping bis brother to haul alfalfa. On arriving lit till field, lis threw out the fork and thtn Jumped off the wagon. In some manner he landed on the handle of the fork and the handle penetrated abdomen. I r. potter of Falrbury and Or. Taylor ,f Steele City were summoned and an 0ratlon per formed. ' Mr. Hughes stood the operation well, but It will be a crltiral period for several days and his friend and relative have grave doubt aa to hi recovery. Itaahar Dl Mar farewell. Iir.NDAB. Neh.. Oot. M.-(Hpec!l.)-Two-bundred bid tielhiior arid friends gav a farewell banquet to Dr. J. n. IJchtenwallner and family her lat Thuisday evening lu the opera house For fourteen er lie ha been Dunbar' f unity doctor but sul4 out recently and will aooii leave to make Omaha his future home. Among the many who spoke were Hon. H. 8. Weslbrook. R. K. W. lve M. T. llarrteon, ibex a Murray, C C Brief for Initiative Sent to Washington WASHINGTON. Oct. 29.-In the name of the state of California. Arkansas, Colorado. South Dakota and Nebraska Oeorge Fred Williams of Boston today sent to Washington a brief calling upon the supreme court of th I'nlted States to hold constitutional the Initiative and referendum method of legislation adopted by Oregon. Next week he cxpct to ask the court tor permission to file It on behalf of these states, wtien the Oregon case. Involving the constitutionality of the method, come up for oral argument before the court. Imperfect political con. tlition in thl country have led to a de mand for the Initiative and referendum method of legislation. Mr. Wflllama In forma th court. He speak of the de mand for It aa a part of th "reaction gainst tha, control of privilege." Ta IHaeoWa tha t alaa of stomach, liver and kidney trouble and cur biUnusiia and malaria, take Klec tilc 1 a iters. ' Uuaranteed. Wc. For ale by Beaton Drug Co. ' Bee Want Ad will boost your l.usl aes and cause It t grow. SOULS NEED STRENGTHENING Rey. V. T. Rouie Draw Strong1 Let in Learned at the Land Show. ELEMENTS OP SOUL CULTURE ay the Mall altar aad Meal t sl tere Hare Very Marh In torn mo with Many Interesting A naloales. S K. R M O N - T : A S T K R LI N J "I have learned at th Omaha Land exposition that thrr are many Interest ing analogies between noil culture and soul culture." said Rev. Frederick T. Rouse, speaking to a large audience at the First Congregational church PuniTay morning. Taking his text from Matthew 4 4 "Mn shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that rroceedeth out of the mouth of Ood." Rev. Rouse con tinued: "It la necessary for plant to find cer tain Ingredient In the aoll to make them grow thriftily and fit them for human food. The great and bountiful table that la set 30 000 relies long each day for fncle Sam's family Is laden with pro duct that draw from the soil and air these elements: Oxygen, sodium, cal cium, Iron, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine. Oxy gen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and sul phur make about !9 per cent of the sub stance. The remaining, composing to gether only about 1 per cent, are yet essential to healthy development. Klcraenta for Son! f'nltnre. "As the plant needs these various ele ments, so the soul for It substance needs certain moral elements which are requi site for its vitality. These are spoken of a "every word of Ood," that Is, the different element of God's truth. "These may be mentioned as elements for soul culture: "The esthetic, or love of tho beauti ful. A man who doe not love music or poetry or art should cultivate a llttlo music, or poetry or art, for It Is an es sential to the soul. The man. who does not consider the Illy ought to consider the Illy. "The practice of chadlty is essential to soul growth. The rich M. B. Dodne of New York, when he climbed five flights of stairs to carry some relief to a porr family, was asked why he did not send the office boy. He said: I need the help that It brings mo.' 'Truth and honor are fundamental ele ments of soul culture, and one doe well to rend the lives of those who have ex hibited those characteristics. 'Good cheer is an essential element. When Quesnle Jlrlggs in Minneapolis found ths.t her mates In a great factory fit! their lunch in silence and sullen ness, she organised a 'Laughing club,' with the motto: 'Jt Is better to be silly than lck.' The rule waa made that every girl should bring a funny story and laugh between every mouthful. The result wa that peal of merry laughter rang out. The girls actually began to gain tn weight, and those who had had to be careful In their diet found they could eat most anything..' "Devotion Is absolutely essential to soul life. This Includes worship, grati tude and trust. I notice In the offices that men' voice are growing metallic; great line of care and hardness are coming Into their face. They have no secret place for prayer. They do not heed the command, 'Be sstlU and know that I am Ood." True Devotion Needed.. "Twenty years ago I marked out a tennis court In Maine, making the lines with, slacked lime. '"After an Interval of twenty year I have marked that court again, and I did It by following the old lines, which I could distinguish by the grass being darker and stronger where a little lime waa added to the soil two de cades ago. "You will find, my friends, that where your soil Is parched and thin a little true devotion would renew it strength and tone.' t f i . Paul saldr 'Whatsoever things are honorable, true, pure, lovely and of good report,' think on these things.' "Too often In , our dally papers and other reading we feed our thouKhts on whatsoever thing are vile, dishonest, criminal, hateful and of bad report. "When I wa In Crete lat week I went Into the new science building, Into the chemical and biological laboratory. I can find more Illustrations for my reason in the scientific laboratory than I can In th museum of antiquities.' And I said. 'I am going to preach on Soil Culture and Boll Culture next Sunday and I want you to give me a good Illustration.' He said, 'Come Into my experiment room. Here are two plants, of the same kind, started the same way, nourished by exactly the same ingredients with one exception. This plunt is given a minute port ton of iron, and this hoa, none.' The first plant wa strong, deep colored and thrifty. The other wa pale, weak and t visibly smaller. "I ald, 'There I my lesson.' Every soul need a atrengthenlng element like iron. What I that but faith? A strong conviction that God I Ood, and right ta right, and right the day will win?" Shoemaker Turns Out to Be Woman After Many Years 8 ALT LAKE CITY. U tah. Oct. 29,-Hun-dreda of Malt Lake City people who have patronised "William" H. Cleery, a shoe maker, for twenty year, were aurprised to learn ' today that "William" Is a woman. Mrs. Cleery, who wa left a widow twenty year ago, succeeded to her husband' trousers and hi buatnesa, and It wa only when an observing by stander watched her alight from a street car that her sex waa discovered. So well did she preserve her disguise that she wa employed for year Instructor In th Industrial department of the' I'nl veraity of I'tah. and the Ogden aehool for the deuf aad blind. .' -y Mrs. Stannard Not ! Guilty of Murder ONTONAGON. Mich.. Oct. .-Mr. I. aura. Stannard tonight was acquitted of th charge of murdering her husband. Charles 8. Stannard of Greenland, last March, by strychnine poisoning. The Jury waa out an hour and ten minute.. Throughout th trial, which began on October lis Mr. Ptanuard professed the greatest affection -far her husband and declared that be was affectionate to her. except when he was drinking, and that then he became cruelly abusive. Her four children clung to tli prisoner dur ing bar trial with marked devotion. KTSSanajss s r n Jjawwi.aitaieMi.i.i.ssi an ' i ' i 1:1 iftHY LETT en n l J i sr-::.-::::: f t : J I :: -JLK nS II I - . V '-T37 3JLfc,r-lfiTIa r. : :-s r J. fx H f Supports and Reduces A Stout Figure HieBandlet of. Lastikopa Webbing is firm enough to . give ample support, and sufficiently elastic to insure perfect ease. No. 523-low bust$ff No. 522-mediumi O. A marvel of figure-reduc tion. Sizes 20 to 36. 5ELF-REDUCIND rj fsstrwwiM BANDLET New York; October 29, 1911. DEAR MADAM: We want to tell you some reasons why Nemo Corsets are so much more durable and comfortable than any others. You already know that they ARE, but prob ably you don't know just B)Vjj. In the first place, the very best of materials are none too good for the Nemo; and we have even had to invent neu) fabrics to get them good enough. Every yard of material is accurately , tested for strength, by means of specially devised instruments. As you know. Nemo Corsets never stretch and lose their shape. That is because the seams are sewed in such a way that there is no "give" to them. This is done by machinery of our own invention which is built in our own machine shops. Now you can understand why other manufacturers can't make corsets that won't stretch we invented and now own the only machines in existence that can do the work that way. Again: Every Nemo Corset must pass the eagle-eyes of no less than a dozen skilled inspectors before it can get into its box. The slightest imperfection shuts it out from all chance of ever reaching your hands. Nemo Corsets outwear all others because every Nemo represents at least twice as much value, in material and making, as any other corsets sold at the same prices. We can afford to give you double value because we make more high-priced corsets ($3.00 and upward) than all other American manufacturers combined. As for comfort, that is simply the result of skillful designing along correct physiological and hygienic lines, whereby the corset is made to fit the figure so that no steel or seam can press upon nerve, bone or artery. It takes years to master this art. It is simply impossible to imitate Nemo Corsets suc cessfully. Self-Reducing Corset No. 523 (pictured today) "is an example of that fact. No fabric except Lastikops Webbing can possibly be used for the Bandlet which makes this the greatest reducing corset ever con structed for women who need perfect abdominal support from underneath. No. 522 is a similar model, but with a slightly higher bust. These are the corsets which thousands of physi cians are heartily recommending and even "prescribing." Please think that over. KOPS BROS. (D , UfcAltl HtCOrtU. Mr. Ada Anansta gammons. 8IOUX FALLS, 8. D.. Oct. .-(Speclal.) At the family home In this city oc curred the denth of Mrs. Ada Augusta Robinson gammons, wife of George gam mons, and one of the best known pioneer residents of BIouk Falls and this part of South Dakota. Phe was born in New York state on August 11, 1S.17. and In 1873 fame to Sioux Falls with her husband and son, and resided here Continuously up to the time of her death. She Is sur vived by her hUKhand and a daughter and a on. The Sammnns home in the early days was the gathering place for the youug people of this entire section. Mrs. A lily 1'hurell. STUT.GIS, S. V.. Oct. 23. (Special Tele gram.) The funeral of Mrs. Amy ThAirell, aged 91 years and S months, took plnce this afternoon.- She died Friday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Helle Thravl, of old age. Ten children were born to her, seven of whom aro still living. Mrs. Thurell was a resident here over twenty-three year. I Natural Laxative Water 8peedy Sure Gentle Quickly Relieves CONSTIPATION Bfla OOO'OQH 000'009t wtuitj put -uo3 som v req ptre Ai -judos ojriTocq. spjojjv '93TAJ3S Sn03)Jtl03 pU9 JO -SJUBg IBUOlDI v ramnre wd g ICST AND HEAITH TO MOTHER AflO CHUB.' 'WilViKunw't Soot hi no bvare hi beva eveetorovet MXTY VKAKSbv MILLIONS of VoTHKKi .'or Ucir CHlLUttliN w U1LK s'aKTHl.NG, with PHRhKCT bUCCKSS. It WOtHW Ik CHILD.- ttoi-TKNa th l.L'M-L ALLAVaa'J A1N Ct'HhH WIND COL 1C, and u th uc.t remedy fur DlAKKHOiA. ll mu aolutriy barmlrM Be sure and ak for "Mr, lVinrft Toothing bvvup,- sod taa4 a9 Qiaaf fciuvk wax katua. 1 iii iii ii iniii ii ii ii mi i im mil iiiiiwH liiiiniiH iiiii hi Handsomer and more useful than ever The Bee IkdMing On account of changes perfecting the entrance the elevators, the lighting and interior decora tions. The outward appearance could not 1 improved, but the location is growing bolt, i and better every day. Think of the advantage of having an office in a building that is known, where your clients can easily find you, and every convenience is at your service, then ask us to show you the available space. You may find just the kind of quarters you have been wanting. . Light, janitor service, heat and water are all included , in the rental price of the office. Boom 44 Directly opposite th new Court House facing Farnam St Our front offices are much In demand on account of the prominent location. This room 1 lSVizltH ft in else, and Is subdivided with frame and glaaa partition, giving two office In one. Rental price, per TOxuth 930-00 Boom 330 la a cho'ce corner office having- a north and wast exposure, making this space attractive at any seavon of the year, on acoount of good light and ventilation. We will arrange tills space, 19x20, suitable for tenant, and there belli1 a vault in the room, it affjrJj extra protection for valuable. Kent, per month 940.00 Boom '40 Is a small well arranged room facing 17th atreet. having . splendid light and ventilation. . Th aize of room Is xl9-4, Kent, per month 916.00 Boom 4 1 81 1 as a south and west exposure which make a well lighted office, lixi0hi feet In alia. We aro only asking 7o a square foot for this space which la very cheap rent, considering location and all conveniences furnished by The Dee Building. trice per month 918.00 Boom 644 Face the east and is ao arranged that by putting In a parti tion, two Uealrablo rouuia could b made. There are til square feet Kent, per uiocth 930.C9 THE BEE BUILDING CO. Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts. To Street Car Patrons: Thi company is earnestly endeavoring to furnish tafe, efficient and pleasant trans portation to it$ patrons, and, with that end in view, requests passengers tm report to it any inattention to duty or discourtesy on the part of employes. -:- -:- -;- ;- n ,i Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company S3 II t i ii , I