- A NIK OMAMA SUNDAY r.KK: niTOUKIi -!'. :i n mca CwwiJ bZ JCiiini3 X tHMi2( SaiMiK IiimmnS 1 ii CONTRACTORS MUST HAVE ROOM TO TEAR OUT WALLS TO CONNECT JEWEL THEATER BUILDING WITH STORE II Thousands of Dollars Worth of Merchandise Must Go y Monday Mop Basement and 2d THE RESERVE STOCK innings Octolbeir ale Start Floor Opening Will be IVSacIe IFvs'St OF BLANKETS AMD COMFORTS MUST GO n 0 D A few cases of high grade Maish Comforters, large size, 72x84: indies, cambric covering, long, clean cotton filliug and Laminated. Laminated means that the filling comes in sheets and is laid layer upon layer, insuring evenness and lasting quali ties; 4.00 was the price; Monday, each, $2.95 One lot of Stitched Comforters, cambric covering, pure white filling, 72x84 also; formerly $3.00 Monday $1.05 Hundreds of other Comforters, the value of which will he equal to those mentioned. Xo house in America has a more enviable reputation on Blankets than ours. "We are proud of it justly so we think for only the highest grade goods enter this section clean, reliable, perfect merchandise sanitary and hygienic. We have countless opportunities to buy imperfect, dis carded, refused merchandise but we shun it as we would the plague!'" You should, also, for the sake of your dear ones if not you own CLEAN, WHOLESOME bedding means so much. Cotton Blankets worth $:?, on sale Monday $1.95 $().50 all wool White Blankets, on sale Mondav at $4.25 $4.00 Wwol Blankets, white, gray and tan, plaids also; at $2.95 $4.00 White Blankets. 3-inch silk binding a beauty at $2.75 $12.00 fine wool, pure white Blankets, large and heavy, at $7.50 $10.00 all wool, made in the St. Mary mills, 72x84, at $G.75 Extra large, all cotton, but woolly to touch and heavy, worth $2.25, at $1.35 50c Baby Blankets: per pair, at 29 C A small lot of extra fine Blankets; indeed, nothing much finer made, St. Mary's cidelweiss; regular price $1!).00; will all go on Monday, pr., $12.50 Beacon Comfortables These need no descriptions. $4.50 was the price; Monday, each $2.95 The boarding is in place, the archways are al most completed in a week we'll be ready to move in on our SECOND FLOOR. Wo would crowd a week's business into one day for we must have room. Never a bettor chance for ou. Women's High Class Tailored Suits to go Monday. Cheviots, Plain Serges, Mixtures, Fan ciesnavy, black, brown, gray, etc. Perfect in construction, correct in stvlo--desirable in everv wav. THE KILPATKICKKIND PE1HIAPS EX PLAINS IT BEST, and to those who know, tells the whole story. About 100 Suits, should be $30, Monday, $18.75 Extra help for Monday, but come early. The Children's Section is at a disadvantage. Crowded now by the workmen. Business will be interfered with still more in a day or two and after that more room a bigger department to meet the needs of bigger business. If you need wearables for infants, missv or miss DON'T MISS THE SALE ON MONDAY. , : Wool Suits, ages 8, It) and 12; sold up to $18.00 to make room, each $5.00 Three -piece Suits, ages 10 to 15; Coats, ages 14 to 17 navy blue and mixtures medium weight sold up to $1!).00; mom making price. .$10.00 Children's Dresses of wool serge, ages 4 to 12 Momluy $5.00 Children's Caracul Coats, ages .' to 8; Monday, oacli $3.48 Two special lots of Sweaters for voung folks $1.93 and $1.00 (heat Sale of Waists Bonutil'ul goods and the dressy kind fine materials, sold, indeed, as high as $15.00-many of them Monday, each, $3.98 55 dozen pairs of fine (Jerman Lamb (lloves new goods, perfect and guaranteed, worth $1.25; to be sold at, per pair 98c If you want early delivery you must place your order for made-to-measure skirts very soon; business already crowding us. TttncDinniSLS IrCilpaftipS.'dts Ss. Co ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Wasa Lodge Will Be Celebrated. PROGRAM HAS BEEN ARRANGED Maple l.onf Lodge, Order of F.astern Mar, Given Delightful Musical rroicrama Happenings In Lodge Room, v Wasa lodge. No. 1X3, of the Independent prder of Odd Follows, will celebrate the twrnty-flret anniversary of Its Institu tion next Wednesday evening at Odd Fel lows hull. John Norberg will speak on Wana lodge and Its history, i A. Baum gurdner will give a talk on Odd Fellow ship, Mies Swanson will play a solo on the harp, the Norden Singing society will appear for a couple of songs, and the program will be Interspersed with or chestral music. After the above program has been concluded a lunch will be served In the banquet room, and the remainder of the evening will be devoted to dancing. Omaha lodge No. 2, will have work in the Initiatory degree next Friday night. K. II. Roberts, treasurer of South Omaha lodge, No. 148, broke both bones of his right arm last Thursday afternoon while ' cranking his automobile. Dannebrog lodge. No. 216. will put on the Initiatory degree work next Friday evening. ' Alpha Rebeckah lodge No. 44 will have degree work next Monday night. Maple Leaf I'roitraiiit Tho quartet composed of Miss Florence Jjiucasler, soprano; Mrs. P. W. McMul- Every woman's heart responds to the charm and sweetness of a baby's voice, because nature intended her for motherhood. But even the loving nature ot a mother shrinks from the ordeal because such a time is regard id as a period of. sufferings and danger. Women who use Mother's Friend are saved much discomfort and suffering, and their systems, being thoroughly prepared by thU great remedy, are m a healthy eoudition to meet the time with the least possible suffering1 and danger. Mother's Friend is recommended only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers ; it is ia no sense a remedy for various ills, but its many years of success, and the thousands of endorsements re ceived from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to he derived from its use. This remedy does not accomplish wonders but sim ply assists nature to perfect its work. Mother's Friend allays nausea, pre vents eating oi the breasts, and la every way contributes to ttrou-;, healthy motherhood. Mother's Friend is sold at drug ttores. Write for our free book f'r expectant mothers. . BRADnODRLCVUTQHCQ., Au.. C Mother. len, contralto; Charles Ilartzog, tenor, and John F. Barton, bass, assisted by Miss Helen Taylor, gave a concert Saturday evening at the Masonic temple for the Maplo Leaf chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. The program was arranged by Miss Florence Iancaster, the first point of the Star. The Program: Oh, Hush Thee, My Hable ...... Sullivan Quartet. Sister Awake Mlnltti Miss Florence Lancaster. Solo Selected Jo F. liarton. Pluno Solo Selected Miss Helen Taylor, Who Is Sylvia Schubert Charles Hertzes. The Voice of the Rain McCoy Mrs. I . W. McMullen. The Bonnie Hunks O'l.och Lomou Koddie Quurtet. miprrt Lecturer touting;. Sofia Stephall will deliver a series of "concert lectures" with Illustrative songs on musical subjects at Rarlght's hall, under the auspices of George Crook Woman's Relief corps, November 13 and 14. Her lectures are not only thoughful and suggestive but entertaining as well, and she everywhere charms large and enthusiastic audiences. Her songs, illus trative of a rich variety of pure and beautiful tones, are, through her magni ficent voice, sympathetic temperament and versatility, veritable tone paintings and show that besides careful training, she is richly endowed by nature, with both heart and voice. Modern Woodmen "Sla" Parly. B. M. camp No. M5, Modern Wood men of America, will hold a "stag" Hal lowe'en party Tuesday evening at Its hall that will bo considerably out of the ordinary. Several new and novel "stunts" will be put on. There will be short talk by prominent Woodmen and refresh ments will be served. The entertainment is for all members of the camp and their friends and Is given complimentary by the camp. Maccabees Initiate. Omaha Tent No. 75, Knights of the Maccabees, met Friday evening and there was a large attendance of Hit' Knights present. Several were initiated, the team exampllfylng the work in their usual delightful manner. The entertainment committee la now at work preparing a program for the entertainment ot the Sir Knights In tho near future. lien liar AollvIO, Mecca Court No. 13, Tribe of Ben Hur, had a large attendance at the meeting Thursday evening. Captain Rackley put on the degree work. At the next meeting light refreshments will be served, and November will be a benefit ball for a sick member. Achate Hallowe'en Party. Omaha Ixdge No. 1, Royal Achate will have a special social session Hal lowe'en. All member of sifter lodges are cordially Invited to be present. Refresh ments will be served. Ancient Order of Vnited Workmen. Omaha lodge. No. M, Ancient Order of Cnlted Workmen, will entertain South Omaha lodge. No. W. their degree staff and the Raxoo band on Tuesday evening, October 2L rirat Dims Aaaonnrrd. MoTKlaniiii lodge. No. lit Fraternal I'ctuu oT Ai-vloe. w'.ll give the fljv. dnnre ot tfee sea-ou at taefr ba.'f, Twen ty-fourth and Parker streets, Monday evening, October SO. Admission 20c. Would like to hear from all ex-members Jr. O. U. A. M. to organize new council, K. F. Wagener. Phone A-43S7. 709 South Twenty-seventh street. Grand Island Party in an Auto Wreck Screeching of automobile brakes, a crash and rattling of glass and the screams of two women near, sent the passenger of a westbound Farnam street car Into panic at 10:15 o'clock last night, when the machine coming south on Thirty-ninth street, turned tast and smnhed into the rear ot the car. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Hopkins and Mr. and Mrs. Louis I.. Moore, all of Grand Island, were thrown from the machine Into the wreckage on the pavement. Miraculously, however, none of the four was badly hurt. The women's clothing was badly torn and they suffered slightly from the shock, but otherwise they escaped Injury. The men were only slightly scratched and bruised. The wrecked machine was taken to the parkway at the aide of the street and left, while the party went to the depot to catch a train for Grand Island. MISS M'HUGH TALKS OF BOYS WHO WORK OUTSIDE The matter of high school students who work outside of school hours has been taken up with several students and par ents by Principal Mcllugh during this week but otherwise no definite action ha yet been taken. The double session arrangement of classes now In vogue at the school has made It possible for students to work as much as six hours per day outside of school in different ways. A great many of the lads are carrying morning and evening paper routes, others are working in offices about town during tho after noon and some are acting as ushers in the local theaters both In the afternoon and evening. Principal McHuch Insists that In order to curry on successful school work each student should devote at least three hours per duy I the preparation of lessons and that work outsido of school hours In some cases Interfere to a great extetit with the success of tlu student. Khe doe not object, however, to work outside of school provided It does not Interfere with levsons. "If a boy goes to school from 1:30 lit the morning until noon, taking part In at leust four recitations," said Miss Mc llugh Friday, "and then goes down town and work during the remainder of the Rfternoon, often until C o'clock, he has accomplished the comparative work of an ordinary man for one day. If he then puts in two or three hours of studying In the evening, he Is overtaxing his physi cal a well a his mental strength and Is unfit for good school work the next day. "I have taken the matter up person ally with several boy and also with some ot the parents and expect to ar rive soon at a lutrmonloux solution of the difficulty." To Die on 1st neafiola la painlers compared with the weak, lama back kidney trouble c-uaes. Kloctrlc Bit ters Is the remedy. Mc. Kor sals by Lent on Drug Co. H Wan! Ads will Mount your busl tad e-wt It to (row. ( TIT - s FLAND JO MS M2(Qr i s i s s 5 COUPE THE BAD WEATHER CAR E"Prrr sfiifraanaT i.jiih i i , , Yi II ll; 1 i f i i $1,090 Complete F. O. B. Omaha Extra Touring or Roadster body to fit same chassis if desired, giving you a winter and sum mer car at very little more than the price of one. The Elegance of This Coupe Will Surprise You THE E-M-F OMAHA COMPANY Ph.nM-S3J7 2020-2028 FARNAM STREET L. A. KELLER, Mjr. Direct Factory Branch Studebaktr Corporation, Detroit, Mich. II II 0 5