Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 7

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Is Simply Trying to Jlay Folitica at
Expense of Judge Leilie.
Dfinnrmllc ruu I'ulllh-a Ml
IrndltiK Slntcmrnt KnulUh
Sa leu'le t'oulil ot Ha
Real motive cf the fraudulent rfgliitra
tlon agitation started hy John J. Mahoney.
Charles Fnn:il:iK s bookkeeper, democratic
lamlklutp for .,.i;v Jurtju-, become ap
parent when the di muenitic ur(jn:i put),
lisheil a misleading riiio.t of the trial
cf Albei t Anderson for pel jury and of his
discharge by futility JiuIko Leslie, a re
publican cumliilat'.- for dlwlrit t P'.icli.c.
The imriiofo was to mnko tlie fraudulent
rcKiatratiLn castes so weak that Judge
I.eeile. us an holiest un.l fair judni-, ;;u
erned by the statutes and the rules of
evidence, would have to dlseh.iriti! the
defendants and then to attack h.m for
failing to hold the defendants.
Under the special statute on fraudulent
reKlstrallon the. Hate might pofsihly have
secured con k Urns, but th complaints
asalnst Anderson and others charge per
Jury, that is, f:iise PwenriiiK.
A ahowlns that Anderson reGlstcred
where he did iut live would hava been
sufficient to convict him of fraudulent
registration, but to warrant holding An
derson for perjury the state had to show
that he actually took oath and awura
falsely that he lived in a certain precinct
and ward. The registrars wire unable, to
awear positij'ly that Anderson was
placid under oath at all. There waa
nothing for Judpe Leslie to do but to dis
charge the defendant. 114 he choten to
disregard the law in order to play to the
gallery he might have held Anderaon for
trial. The democratic organ then could
not huve. attacked lilm.
If bo, however, there Is absolutely no
question but that Anderson's attorney
would have appealed, ami the appeal
would have betn sustained in all the
higher courts. County Attorney English
himself admitted Saturday morning; that
Judge Leslie's action was the only action
that could be taken in the circumstances
by an honest Judge.
An Appreciation Worth While
'V Ttr'. i ' r
iAt it . ' :
. J. . .
A pleasant and unusual event took p'ljc?
at the office of the 8tor Mrcwlng com
pany ot Omaha. Suturd ly morning. lVt'
ber li Whn Mr. t'harles I. Weymullrr.
sure, lie found his desk decorated wfilt
flowers; an enKinsed lel'.er of uppree a
tlon of his wrvU'na. o I'.iumonil studded
locket, bclits a miniature i eireun(atlin
secretary of the company, arrived at li'.a of the Klorx trademark; and a check rr
desk to celebrate the twenty-fifth annl S.t, H the Klfli f Mr. nnttlieb S'.orx.
VKraary of his connection with the Hlora president of the Storr lirewmg coin-
company he was surprised beyond mea- ' pany.
Burlington Employe Meets Instar,-!:
Death at Foot of Pierce St.
Gnat Ilnknrrt Unit Hern in Employ
ot Iload Sis Mouth to n Day
Coroner llaa Xot Tct
Found Ills Hcln tiros.
Plan is Considered .
for Better Lights
Charles W. Martin, Fred Pufrene, Fred
D. Wead and V. T. Oraham are heading
a movement for a system of ornamental
lighting on Farnam street, from Six
teenth to Twentieth. 3dr. Jlartln says he
may call a meeting soon of Interested
property holders, to talk over the propo
sition. '
Mr. Martin believes in having three to
five hli;h power lights to the block,
mounted on ornamental Iron posts. An
effort will be made to Interest every
property owner in the four blocks in
volved. At a meeting Friday of the Omaha
Manufacturers' association. It was sug
gested that Omaha made posts should be
used if the scheme Is adopted. A. J. Vier
llng had at this meeting the design of an
Omaha made post.
The association recommended that the
Cofnmeicjal club, Ad club and Ileal Es
tate exchange Join forces In a movement
for a better lighting system for the entire
downtown district.
Larse - Crowd Attracted 1F Fine
rhoiiournph Muklc In 11 ran.
ilela Store.
Many people were pleased with delight
fully excellent music that was played in
the assembly room of the Prandela store
Saturday afternoon by tte Victor phono
graphs In a recital conducted by the Ne
braska Cycle company, Omaha agents for
Victor records and instruments. A largo
number of selections Were played on
these excellent Instruments and frequent
eneores were made that certain pieces
might be heard a sufficient number of
times to please those with whom they
were favorites. A complete miniature
stage was set up and dressed in beautiful
scenery. The entertainments are free
and will be held at 3 o'clock each after
noon. Earnest John, special representa
tive of the Victor Talking Machine com
pany, in in charge.
Oust Pakaert, aKed 32 years. 1011 North
Twenty-sixth street, South Omaha, met
Instant death at 10 o'clock Saturday morn
ing when his skull was crushed between
the draw ban of a coal and a freight
car. The accident occurred at the foot
of Pierce streets.
Haltaert was employed by the Burling
ton as a car repairer and was engaged
in this line of work when the fatal ac
cident occurred, lie was kneeling on the
track repairing the draw bar of a freight
car when he was caught by a con! car
pushed by a switch engine ot which Wil
liam Christy Is engineer.
W. H. Downing, a switchman, who saw
the enr repairer at work, did not notice
the engine on the same track until tno
car was almost on the unknowing work
man. Downing gave a yell and sprung
to the assistance of Uukuei't, but did not
reach the spot until the workman was
caught between the two couplers, liakaort
waa dragged a distance of about twenty
feet before Pownlrjfl could get to the en
gineer to stop the engine. Downing then
dragged the body from between tho coup
lers. Tho body was taken in charge by
the coroner, who will hold an Inquest
Monday morning.
Bakaert had been In tho employ of the
Burlington company exactly six months,
having gone to work on the morning of
April t3. lie is unmarried and as yet
the coroner lias been unablo to locate any
of his relatives.
Teachers Are Coming
to the State Meet
i mi h
Superintendent of Hchools E. U. Oraff,
who is in charge of local arrangement)!
for the convention of the Nebraska
Teachers' association, received notice
Saturday that a large delegation of teach
ers from Sutton, Neb., wuld bo here
during the entire convention. Yesterday
Mr. Oraff received a similar notice from
the teachers of Mldcn, Neb., and before
the end of the month It is billeved that
over Z.Ooi) teachers will have notified the
local committee of their intentions to
come here.
A llrcak for Liberty
from stomach, liver and kidney trouble
is made when a &c box of Dr. King s
New Life I'ills Id bought. For sale by
Btaton Drug Co.
Have Engaged Counsel to Fight Oc
cupation Tax Ordinance.
Small Coal !-nler Say It l Scheme
on the Part of llltr Fellovis to
Dreak I p lIukliicN on
Hinull t Hultl.
Park Board Accepts
Public Playground
from Dr. Gifford
Dr. Harold Clifford has addressed a
communication to the Park, board In re.
gard to the donation of the strip ot land
for a public playground, in which he aski
that the city aacept the land for the
children and to spend some money on
It for swings, etc., In order to mako the
playgrounds a success. Dr. Gilford be
lieves that the city needs at least ten
playgrounds for the children and he
thinks that it the first one la a success
other persons who take pride In Omaha
will follow with like donations. Tho
Park board will Improve the grounds
given by Dr. Clifford and will place
merry-jo-rounda, swings, seesaws and
the like there within the next few months.
While; the board was In session Friday
It waa decided to make an eishtaan-hole
golf course at Font entile put and also
U buitd a ball diamond there.
Asserting Hint an ordinance passed by
the city council three 'Weeks ago provid
ing for an occupation tax on dealers In
fuel, hay, ke and grain, who sell less
than carload lots, Is nothing more than
a high-handed attempt to drive the small
dealers out of business, a number of coal
and feed men banded together and en
gaged Attorney W. J. Connell to fight
the ordinance to a finish.
The feed and coal men are headed by
J. I. Kemp of i.'ili Leavenworth street,
and Mr. Kemp says that he will suffer
arrest ten times a day rather than to
pay tho "occupation tux." Tho ordinance
which has aroused the Ire of tho coal
men provides that a tax be laid on all
persons, forms or corporations engaged
In selling hay, grain or fuel or lee In less
than carload lots and by weight- The
persons, firms or corporations engaged
and grain are required to pay a tax of ;
$10 per year; those engnged In the build
ing material business aro taxed $20; lee
men aro taxed IHS and fuel dealers are
also required .to pay jar. Violation ot the
ordinance is punishable with arrest and
fines not exceeding 1W or less than j,
and the ordinance is to go into effect
November 1, lull.
The attorneys who are representing tho
firms who arc golnu to fight the ordt.
nance state that tho clause providing
for punlfhment l unlawful, and that the
council has exceeded Us authority by
passing such an ordinunce. Mr. Connell
says the whole law Is unjust and leaky,
and when the matter comes tj a head
he expects it to bo repeuled.
"The man who deals In coal -who op
erates only one 'wagon Is compelled to
pay a l.r tax, and the man who operates
fifty or a hundred wagons gets off with
the same amount," said J. 1. Kemp. "It
is unjust, und if It Ih allowed to stand,
a number of smaller firms will be sorely
The following are some of the firms
who are preparing to fight the ordinunce
and who have banded together and se
cured the services of Mr. Connell: J. I.
Kemp, 2313 Leavenworth; 14. A. Winn,
Thirty-ninth and Leavenworth; Sutter
Feed and Coal company. Twenty-ninth
and Farnam; (Jeotge Howell, Thirteenth
and Mason; Henry Foley. Twenty-fourth
und Uurdette. and Joe iieatty, Twenty-
fourth and Franklin.
Tells the Jury He is an Expert at
Beauty Culture Game.
TrIU that II row it Offrrrtl llrr
for llrr Sim If Would tio
h Wllnrit Mnml l
III llcbalf.
How to transform a mouth that looks
like a knothole In the hoard fence around
the ball park Into a hettultful piilr ot
Cupid's bow lips was denomsinxlrd by
Harry Hoyd Brown Saturday morning in
Judge Sutton'a court lirforo the Jury that
is hearln Mrs. Lillian Hell s :.,(Ml libel
suit against lrown, J. W. F.lwnod and
the Madame Josephine Boyd beauty cul
ture system.
This .md the testimony of Miss M.iy ilmir gti at the lief (Land hotel.
that Idowii orfrrtd her ' for her time"
if Hhn would testify for the defense Were
the fealuio of Saturday mornim; s sit
ting. To combat tho testimony of the prone,
cution that no one connected with the
Uoyd system was competent to Instruct
on beaut v culture Brown took tho stand
and declared himself an ixport. For halt
an hour Brown wonted nls lunula In
demonstration of the varloui movements
cini'lc etl, he sa.d. In maltim: Cupid s l ow
lips. As he worked he explained Just
hotv, ii his opinio:!, the movements would
produce, the desired results.
Hated n Snlirn.
Miss Dineen had retimed to come Into
coin t unlesi Biibpoenaed and rame finally
as an unwilling witness. Cross-examined,
she said Urown came up ti her
counter, bought n cigar, smiled a little
and asked hor if she wanted to make
sumo easy money. She said she told
him she guessed If there were any easy
money to be made he would make It.
.Miss lUncon said she paid no ninro at
tention to Urown at this time, as rho
meets people like that every day. Later,
ho came again, she said.
"He offered me -S for my time." s:ild i'lneen, '"not to testify, but for my
tlmo. 1 told him I didn't the money
and didn't want to testify. 1 didn't want
to get into this thing at all. 1 don't want
any newspaper notoriety or whatever It
Is. I never expected him to pay me any
money and he hasn't paid me any."
The testimony ot Mins Ulneen which
Urown desired was to the effect
she saw Mr. Urown show Mrs. Hell
proof sheets of the pamphlets In which the
Hoyd system used her picture and Mrs.
Hell made no objection. Miss Dineen said
die saw Urown Hhow Mrs. Hell some
paper with her picture on It, but she
didn't know what the paper was and
didn't hear any of the conversation be
tween XI rs. Uell and Hrown.
A. W. Jeffcrla, attorney for the de
fendants, objected continuously when
Amos E. Henley, attorney for Mrs. Hell,
was examining Miss LHncrn about the t-"
proposition. "Don't get excited," Henley
repeatedly advised Jefferls. "1 m nut
hiirglng you with this. 1 know it's a sur-
tlse to you."
Wave Root Wtnt It
Xrypttaa Cooeolntse tor, Nfver IMIIon
Oss, r.lec. Ixtnree, Ituxnesi (ir: ilin
Keep Tour Money und Valuables in tin'
Ameilenn s.ife Ivpi sit ii It l:i The Hoc
building. Hoxch lev.i ;or f.l per y,ni.
Jswlsh Cbnrlttrs to Keet The As.o
ciatol Jew.:i t'hiuiti.s Will hold their
annual business met t im Sut-dny at in
a. m. at the Chexra I'm I Ihi.h1 m na
gogue. Tourist Blecpcrs Continued Tho sue
cits of l,i Hri lli-.uton Sunt. i touilst
sleepers that wore lint to 1 ,os Angeles
durim; the recent colonist period bus re
sulted In u permanent we-kly nrt align
ment of ttuo igh touil't sleepers from
(mnlia l I. oh Ans' e". These tourist
I sleeper excursions will he In charge of
! sci ciil londiictois Tho first through
I sleeper will leave Omaha Tue"d ijr night.
November T. and ra It Tuesday there-
M ft I t.
Rummare Bale Wednesday The 'Wo
man's auxiliary of All Paints' church will
hold a tinnniage site at .t?.';l South
Twentv -foirlii street Wednesday, No
vember 1,
Sergeant Ordered West Sergeant
Wesley .1. I'.illlnns of the signal corps at
Fort On iiloj has been ordered to the com
mundim; officer nt the l'tesldlo, Snn
Finnelsco upon hi re eullstineiil.
Commercial Delegates Warned -Mayor
Janes C T'ahlnian has appointed a com
mittee of prominent men to represent
omnhii at tho TiansmlsslsMppl Com
mercial congress to t he'd In Kana
City November 14 to 17. The following:
names were announced at the. mayor's
office Saturday: O. W. Wattles, Luther
I'take. Luther Koiintno, A. J. Love, W.
11. llucholx, It. T. Clarke. William Olaa,
tlould IMets, T. C. Hyrne and A. C.
Leaves rilling Sewers Trouldn l
coming in buncoes tor City Sireel Com
missioner Flynn, for he has not only to
battle contlniioindy with flocks and regi
ments nf leaves which litter up the
streets, but he also finds It hard to Keep
them from filling the sowers. An n.iny
of "white wings" mo working tin ougho it
tho eltv In an attempt In clean up tho
street, but the buttle Is a hard one, :.vfi
Mr. Flynn.
Bee Want Ads will Hoobt your busi
ness and caute it to grow.
II. E. Ilursh, . It. Strayer and Nelson
Taylor, representing Arlsuna at the Land
Show, have a booth near the center of
the Coliseum, where they aro exhibiting
fruits and grains from the Halt itlver
Irrigation section near 1'hoenlx, which la
one of the most fertile in the west. Liter
aiure compiled by experts in the employ
of the United States government, has
bten distributed to hundreds ot people,
telling accurately and truthfully of the
opportunities for capital In the bait River
valley, where great reeervolrs store up
water and lave the rich lands until they
burst into blooni with all the fruits and
gialns of the temperate and semi-tropical
First New Corn is
Received in Omaha
The fit sit new corn of the season ar
rived on the Oinahu market Saturday
There were two cars, the coin, however,
belnil mixed with old corn. Chief In
speetor Powell of the Omaha Grain ex
change pronounced the grain of tine
quality. More new corn Ih expected within
the next week.
Tho Prulrlc Park club will hold Its
second annual banquet at the Paxton
hotel Monday evening. The function will
bo In the naiure of a Hallowe'en party
and thu tublci will be decorated with a
view accepting that Idea. This
club Is devoted to booHtlng "The City
Beautiful," and the talks to be delivered
by the speakers at the banquet will be
along that lino. A program Is set for ti:3!.
In the Fifteenth stret window of tho
Nebraska Clothing company may be Been
life sise boys and girls preparing to use
their loe skates fur the first time this
season. Tho display represents a winter
scene In one of the Oniuhu parks. The
snow, ice and leafless trees are so ar
ranged as to make ono believe that win
ter Is here. The Nebraska Clothing com
pany is using this novel display to bring
to our minds thst winter is approaching
and winter shoes will soon be necessary.
luuerKoll Mat ue 1 iivelled.
PF.OIIIA, III., Oct. '.'S. Former admirers
fiom ull over the I'nlted States today at
tendid the unveiling of a statue in honor
of Robert O. lngeraoll. Charles Frederick
Adams of Boston was the chief speaker.
Building; I'ertiills.
Frwln I.und company, brick stove bed,
ir,i North Twenty-fourth, V,'M) Arch
Harvey, repairs on dwelling, Jua l'ltik-
ney, (iii: n. u. Steele, tai-n nouin iwenty
thlrd, cement dwelling, 16,000.
Man only thinks he is the lord of crea
tion. Ills. In reality, Is the puppet crown.
The power behind the throne pulls the
strings. Woman rules by wit, by art, by
subtlety; but chief of her weapons are
beauty of fuco and grace of line.
Women l'ecl their sovereignty grow
less sovereign, therefore, as their weight
Increases. This Is a fatal error. To pre
vail, woman must be graceful. Man will
not ehcape slavery, but ho will be some
one elHe's slave. That'u the. rub.
Lomlnute your figure bjr means of
Murmola Prescription Tablets. Heduce
it. if iieceKsary, or hold Its trltpnesM in
tac t. You tun do so by taking a tablet
after every meal and at bedtime. That is
the I' requirement, No exercising Is
lieeenaiy, no dieting nd be done The
tablet, imaMc'l, will tuKu uir a pound a
day. and. heal of all. first of ull, whole
it bliuws thu 'iiul, an on chin, abdomen,
nips, etc.
Anticipate -to 111 effects, only ad vim
tage and a strengthening of your bondage
over aome man, '1 he tablets are Inexpen
sive, one lurga ease I obtainable of the
Murmola Co.. '. J It Fanner Hhlg., lietroit.
Mich., or tiny goo. I druggikt) coUng
only seventy-five cents, and they are
also noninliirlouH, being n.uile exuetly in
accordance wlt'l the famous fashionable
formula, il mi Murmula, n ox. I'M. Fx.
("uvara Aromatic, oi. Peppermint
vt aier. aov.
Deserves something better than is depicted on the left.
Perfectly illustrates what a "1SC0" will do to lighten the
burden of the housewife's daily toil.
These two ilustratiom tsll a story that should
bt food for thought for evtry man in every
householdwhere a woman does the washing.
31.25 PER .WEEK - 551.25
"1900" WASHER CO.
30S South I8th Street
Wo are noiv dcmonttiBflc; ".Simple" Ironing nincMnen.
You aro Invited to cM, If possible, or write for literature.
yry-ff-r'-r '." 'f'"ir 1
--. y, ?ri .f ..V
I lril e&TU
Rugs of Oriental character at
much less than Oriental prices
One gazes upon beautiful rugs displayed in our
show rooms marvels of entrancing colorings, harmon
izing with the surroundings and expects to pay Ori
ental rug prices for them. He is pleasantly surprised to
learn that these are not Orientals, but Whittall's domes
tic rugs, the finest domestic floor coverings made and
'that though they possess the deep pile fabric with the
mellow, soft tones and the inexpressible beauty of the
riclioist Oriental yet lliey me priced far below Orientals. They have tho proa test gootl
finalities and express, in every weave, the most wonderful worth, TJ 1 10 Y KNOW NO
KQITALS IN AT$Y 1WUT OP TIIK WOIHJ). They aro hotter mado than Orientals,
for they are woven, not by hand, but by Whittall'rt looms, the machines that cannot
err. They do not cost one-tenth the price of an Oriental, yet possess all the beauty
lustre and wearing (ualities. Their excel leneo and grace make them harmonize
with the best surroundings, for following out the scetne of attractive interior,
decoration, there are no better anywhere. In our department of interior decoration'
the place where ideas for homes beautiful are conceived these rugs are used .in
forming the bewitching plans for making every home a more comfortable and in
viting place. The whole scheme of decoration can bo changed by our experts, so that
with the aid of domestic rugs, newest wall paper, and draperies, beauty and harmony
will come out in every room.
These rugs satisfy the artistic, conception of every homo and conform to the
requirements of every room. They fit into placo properly and wear like tho befct
Our stock includes Anglo-Persian, Jfoyal Wiltons, Axminsters, Body Brussels
and Herman Saxony rugs. Some are specially priced for thia week. The Anglo-Persians
are the-finest WhittiiU weave quality, made in patterns of many colors. They
arc suitable for any part of the home. The Hoyal Wiltons possess the most exacting
requirements and have extreme beauty. There fabric equal to the Brussels.
Barely will one find such bargain quality in these rugs, as we offer. Our new Axiniu
ster rugs have every requisite of the best quality rugs, with rich hues harmoniously
blended. . ,
If you are to get the perfect harmonious effect in your home, ou must 'buy1"
where you havu confidence in your dealer aiid where you aro competently guided to a
wise choice. We take you through our rugs and give you every bit of assistance that
one unfamiliar with rugs needs. We see that you get high quality rugs which will ef
fectively aid in creating beauty,' comfort and harmony in your home.
Specially priced for a few days are the following:
Anglo-Persian Wiltons
Anglo-Persian Wilton Rug
Acglo-Pereian Wilton Rug
Anglo-Persian Wilton Rug
Anglo-Persian Wilton Rug
Anglo-Persian Wilton Rug
40x7-C $21.00
Anglo-Persian Wilton Rug
Cx! $37.00
Anglo-Persian Wilton Rug-
Made in sizes up to 11-3x13. .$110.00
Royal Wilton Rug-J7x.r4 $5.50
Royal Wilton Rug MxC"! $7.50
Royal Wilton Rug 1 ;x7 C. . .$15.00
Royal Wilton Rug $25.00
The) will be made to order in any size.
Royal Wilton Rugs
Royal Wilton Rug-s Uxlo ;. .$37.50
Royal Wilton Rug !xl:i $10.00
Royal Wilton Rug 10 Cxi l. .$50.00
Royal Wilton Rug-10 f!xlJ-(j. $57.59
German Saxony Rug Bargains
For this week only we have placed a special price of $75 on German Saxony
Bugs. These coverings wear for years und hold their bounty ami luster like much
higher priced rugs. They express great bargain quality in every way.
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co.
Tag-Policy House
Established 1834 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street