Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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tBailway Commission Issues Order
! Affecting State Business.
'Foar CVnt IledarOoa In Tariff oa
! Shipments Made from Kmrnrr
and Albion -r Trlc
phone Order.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. 28. tSpeclal.)-The
State Railway commission has Issued an
order reducing the rate on alfalfa meal 4
tents between Albion and Omaha, The
rate has been 12Va cents and the new rate
will be 8V4 cents. The latter rJtto Is the
present tariff on baled alfalfa hay from
Albion to Omaha. The commission also
names a rate of 10H cents on alfalfa meal
from Kearney to Omaha, making the
minimum weight' 30, 0) pounds. A sum
mary of the order, wrltted by Commis
sioner W. J. Furse. follows:
Rates on alfalfa m?al from Kearney to
Omaha and from Albion to Omaha vlu
Union Pacific lines found to be unreason
able and excessive. Reasonable rates
For the reason that no difficulty Is ex
perienced In loading the present minima
on baled alfalfa hay and jnmlxed alfalta
meal, and Inasmuch as tiici-e commodi
ties will rot load to the full carrying
capacity, the minima no win effect are
deemed reasonable and will not be dis
turbed. The order of the commission Is as fol
lows: It Is therefore ordered by the Ne
braska State Railway commission that
the I'nlon Racltlc Railroad company be,
and the same Is hereby directed, to cancel
Its present rates on unmixed alfalfa meal
between the stations of Albion and Omaha
and Kearney and Omaha, and to estab
lish and maintain a rate of KV4 cents per
100 pounds on unmixed alfalfa meal from
Albion to Omaha, and a rate of lOVfc cents
per 100 pounds on unmixed alfalfa meal
from Kearney to Omaha, minimum weight
ao.OW) pounds, said rates to become effec
tlre from and after publication and filing
with the commission of a lawful tariff
providing for same, but not later than
thirty days from date of this order, pro
vided that no higher rate shall be charged
from or to any Intermediate point.
The commission also has Issue an order
permitting the Mutual Telephone company
of Wilcox and Ash Grove to disconnect
its lines from the Wilcox Telephone com
pany. The mutual company has had con
nection with the Wilcox company's lines
under a contract that provided free Inter
change of traffic between subscribers of
both companies . The mutual is not a
public service company, giving service
only to Its members. Trouble over the
agreement resulted In the matter reaching
the commission.
T ECU MS EH, Neb., Oct. 28. (Speclal.)
Lleutenant Roderick Dew and Mrs. Dew
are here visiting the lieutenant's father,
Colonel J. S. Dew, and his sisters, Mrs.
P. A. Brundage and Miss Jessie Dew,
and other relatives and friends. Lieuten
ant Dew is a native of Tecumseh and he
Is enjoying marked promotion and success
in the army. He graduated from West
Point in 1904 and went at once to the bar
racks at Vancouver, B. C, to join the
Nineteenth Infantry. As a member of the
Twenty-third infantry, which had been
stationed in Texas, he sailed from Ban
Francisco la February, 1908, for duty In
the Philippine islands.' For a time he was
engaged in suppressing some mutineers.
In January, 1910, Lieutenant Dew went to
Manila, where he was engaged in the in
formation department of the army. A
few months later he was . stationed at
Hollo as assistant chief quartermaster
and then went back to his regiment at
Camp Joseman, near the point last men
tioned, on the island of Gulmaras.
Lieutenant Dew was married at Camp
Jossman September 3, 1910, to Miss Eliza
beth P. Nicholson of Laredo, Tex., whom
he had met while on duty in that state.
She went to the islands with friends,
Lieutenant F. II. Balrd and wife.
Nebraska Christian
Endeavor Union
Elects Officers
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. 2S.-(Sectal. Telegram.)
Over 1.600 delegates to the silver Jubilee
convention of the Nebraska union of
Christian Endeavor societies today
elected officers as follows for the coming
President, Rev. M. D. Berg, Hardy;
vice president, Paul Meyers, IJncoln; sec
retary. Mary V. Lee. Central City; treas
urer; Dr. Mabel Dixon, Hastings; super
intendent of missions, Rv. M. O. Mc
Laughlin, Omaha; superintendent citizen
ship, Rev. B. A. Shlvcly, Eustls; superin
tendent Juniors, Grace Hooper, Crete; su
perlntendent Tenth legion, Ouy Thomp
son, West Point; superintendent transpor
tation. Rev. R. O. Smith, Fairfield; su
perintendent of quiet hour; Glen Ken
nedy, St. Edward.
This morning's setslons were partici
pated in by Bishop W. H. Fouke of Chi
cago, Rev. A. D. Harmon of St Paul,
Buildings Burned
in Columbus
COLUMBUS. Neb., Oct. 2S.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Fire at 1:30 this morning d.
stroyed the Poesch candy factory and
Hecher, Hockenberger & Chambers' office
building. The structures were both frame
and bad been standing In the street all
summer while new brick buildings were
being erected by their occupants. The
fire originated in the Pocsrh building, the
contents of whleh were a total loss, but
Becher, Hockenberger A Chambers saved
their office fixtures and all papers.
Esperanto Catches
Many Endeavorers
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. 2S.-(8pecial.)-Several
delegates attending the silver jubilee con
vention of the Nebraska Christian En
deavor convention here are devoting a
great deal of time to the study of Esper
anto, the proposed universal languugo.
DeleffRtes from All Parts of Ne
braska Coming in November.
Improvements, Methods of Account
Ins, Itond llalldtna, Prevention
of Fires and Other Matters
Will He Taken I p.
The program for the meeting in Omiihn
of the League of Nebraska Municipalities
In Omaha, November 1.1, lti and 17, has
been sent out by Secretary Roscoe C.
Oilman of Lincoln. Among the addresses
and papers scheduled are:
"Purification of Water for City Use and
Gus Testing," '. V. t'rowlev, Omaha.
"Prevention of Flies in cities and Vil
lages," Clutrles Randall. Mate fire,
"Co-operation in Road Building by
Cities, Counties and Towns," Frank d.
Pierce. MarshHlltown, la.
"Hertlllon System of Identifying Crimi
nals." J. J. Ininnhuc, Onmlm.
"Bridges and Viaducts Over Rnllronds
and Public Safety," F. L. Burrell, Fre
mont. "Necessity of Strict Inspection of Steam
Boilers and Elevators," Robert V. Wolfe,
"Municipal Ownership of Public Utili
ties." Don I Love. Lincoln.
"Paving and Repavlng and Grading of
of the WorWa Cham
pionship Series appear
ing in our irindows.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. 28. (Special.) Dr. Q.
W. DIshong has declined the position of
superintendent of the Lincoln Hospital
for the Insane. Dr. DIshong Is now first
assistant at the Norfolk asylum and he
plans to leave the employ of the state,
having accepted a position under Dr.
J. L. Greene, formerly superintendent of
the Lincoln institution, but now with the
state hospital of Arkansas at Little Rock.
Dr. DIshong will be head of the clinical
department of the Arkansas institution.
It is now regarded certain that Gov
ernor Aldrlch will ask Dr. B. F. Wil
liams, assistant at the Lincoln institution,
to remain In charge, and that Dr. Wil
liams will soon announce minor appoint
ments. The governor has under con
sideration an exchange of positions be
tween the superintendents of the Lincoln
and Norfolk Institutions. Whether Dr.
Plllsbury is to be pathologist under the
new management will remain with Dr.
Williams. Dr. Anderson of Lincoln Is
acting first assistant at Lincoln, while
Dr. Carson at Norfolk is to succeed Dr.
DIshong as first assistant there.
Horse Stolen at Bancroft.
WEST POINT, Neb.. Oct. 28.-A sorrel
mare and saddle, the property of William
Tighe. a farmer of Bancroft township,
was stolen from his premises, and up to
this time no trace has been found of the
thief. Sheriff Herrmann has offered a
reward of W for the arrest and con
viction of the guilty party.
How to Drive Away
Wrinkles and Double Chin
(From Stage Review.)
The clever woman of today does
not sit .'.own and fold her hands
and resign herself to a wrinkled
face, double chin and enlarged
pores. Nor doer she try the num
erous and varied cold creams, lo
tions or powders on the market.
What the does do this clever
woman la to get of her druggist
an ounce and a half of thermodized
Jelly, rubbing half a teospoonful'
into her skin until it is absorbed
and then bathing her face with
cold water. This home renedy la
as simple as it Is effective. The
akin immediately feels taut and
refreshed the flesh firm and
One application worka a marked
Improvement in her looks. and
every lay her mirror tells her sho
1 growing younger and prettier.
lor filling out hollows lit the
neck, shoulders an'! arms, there is
nothing 1.0 effective as therino
diced Jelly.
One of the Leading Exhibits at Omaha Land Show
Take it from us, gentlemen-
Crawford Shoes will she you nil tho comfort, nil tlio style, nil
tho durability tliat nny shoos, no matter what the price, enn Rive.
Thvy also rIvj you Hint extreme patlsfactlon that comes front
knowing you have saved real, good, hard earned money.
Our Lina of Winter Shoei
at $2.50
Pits $ rt . T 0 sboes on your feet at n
dollar loss.
,2 2 ?
Minn., and Rev. XV. L. Gelston of Phila
delphia. Rev. Daniel Jenkins of Omaha
presided during the Hlble study hour.
The sessions will continue tomorrow and
Incoming trains are bringing more dele
gates and by tomorrow the registration
committee expects fully 2,200 delegates to
be In attendance at the largest Endeavor
gathering ever held In the Missouri val
ley. ..
R. W. Anderson Files Salt to lie
cover Land Traded to II.
F. Wilson.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb- Oct. 28.-
(Speclal.) Robert W. Anderson has filed
a suit in the district court against Henry
V and Loma C. Wilson. In his petition
he states that he traded with them for
l,9fi0 acres of land In Brown county, Ne
braska, with the understanding that the
land was worth $12 per acre. He traded
his IGO-acre farm in this county and gave
$1,200 to "boot" and before the deeds
were placed In the bank at Lincoln he
charges that the defendants placed a
mortgage of $2,000 on the land. Ho
charges that the land Is In the sand hills
and not worth over $3 per acre and that
when the deeds were placed in the bank
they were to remain until March 1, 1912,
and if things were as represented they
were to be delivered, but that the plain
tiffs, by fraud, secured possession of the
deed to his land. He wants his deed set
aside on the grounds of fraud and be
given Judgment for the money which he
paid the defendants. The plaintiff was
a well to do farmer and the land traded
is situated near Syracuse and considered
the best land In that section.
Frank Gorty, who some time since shot
his wife and then tried to end hie own
life by sticking forks in his left breast,
was taken before Judge Wilson yesterday
and after all of the witnesses had been
called waived his preliminary . hearing
and was bound over to the November
term of the district court In the sum of
$2,500, but being unable to furnish ball
wan. sent back to Jail. His wife has fully
recovered from her wounds and was able
to appear in court.
William Cavanaugh, who has been In
Jail sundry and divers "times for' various
offenses, was arrested again yesterday
and while being taken from the Jail to the
court room made his escape from the
officers and the last heard from had
crossed into Iowa and was heading for
the east.
Lemmie Cope and Miss Delia McGuIre
and George D. Bauer and Miss Hatel B.
Crouse, who were married at Lincoln,
were given a reception on their return
The fair and festival given by the
ladles of St. Benedict Catholic church last
evening at Eagle halt was a most suc
cessful affair and netted them something
like $100.
Joseph Miller, who had both eyes badly
burned by the explosion of a compound
with which he was cleaning some boilers,
at the Duff elevator, Is gradually recov
ering the sight .of one eye, but It Is
feared he will lose the sight of the other.
The body of Captain William C. Kidd,
who died at Excelsior Springs, Mo., were
brought to this city yesterday and burled
by the side of those of his son who died
several years ago. The services were
conducted by Rev. W. W. Barnes of St.
Mary's Episcopal church and the pall
bearers were Robert Payne, James S.
Miller, Henry Theile, William Brower, It.
F. Dennlson and C. A. Simon. He was a
member of the local Grand Army of the
Republic post and that body accom
panied the body to the cemetery.
Meetings for the purpose of prompting
the new language have been held in con
nection with the convention.
At a meeting held today Charles F.
Lang of Blair, Neb., declared that Esper
anto Is the simplest language in the
world and that it could bo learned in a
few weeks. In his address Mr. Lang dis
cussed the advantages of the new lan
guage, telling how it would simplify
travel and progress all over the world.
II Ian School Operetta.
DAVID CITY. Neb., Oct. 28.-(Speclal.)
The High school chorus organized last
year and, under the direction of Prof.
Everette M. Hosman, is to put on the
operetta "Sylvia" In the local opera house
during the next week. The chorus,' con
sisting of forty exceptional voices, with
the work they have put on the production
for the last eight weeks, expect to give
& concert that will be attended by a large
number of Butler county school children
and patrons.. The chorus appeared three
times last year, . and . each, time to . a
crowded bouse.
Woman Suddenly
Becomes Jnsane
BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 28. (Special.)
Mrs. Ida Lockwood, 28 years' of age, be
came violently insane yesterday at the
home of Newton Pence, ten miles north-
oast of Beatrice, and before Deputy
Sheriff Acton reached the Pence home
she had destroyed the window lights in
the house and torn nearly all her cloth
ing from her body. She attacked her aged
mother and the prompt arrival of Mr.
Pence, who was working In the field
nearby, saved her from serious Injury,
Mrs. Lockwood wad lodged In Jail and
placed in charge of a guard. She was
taken to the asylum today. She was
formerly employed as night operator at
the Bell telephone station here.
TV. V. Dillon was arraigned yesterday
before Judge Ellis on the charge of grand
larceny. He pleaded not guilty and his
case was set for November 1. In default
of $2,000 bond he was remanded to the
county Jail.
Streets and Manner of Taxing tho Cost,"
George W. Craig, Omaha.
"I'nlflcatlon of Municipal Accounting,"
Fred H. Cosgrove, Oiunati.
The league will be tendered a banquet
on tho evening of November 16 by the
Omaha Commercial club. The delegates
will visit the power plants of the water
company, electric light company and
street car company and the South Omaha
packing houses.
David City Man Hangs Self.
DAVID CITY, Neb., Oct. 28.-(Speclal.)
Joseph Kunce, who was formerly in the
harness shop at this, place, hanged him
self In an automobile garage Thursday.
Although a search was instituted his body
was not discovered until about 11 o'clock
yesterday morning. Coroner Baugliart
secured a Jury and held an Inquest. The
verdict was suicide during a temporary
fit of Insanity due to failing health and
financial affairs.
Elliott Has New Mascot.
WEST POINT, Neb., Oct. 28.-Mr.
James C. Elliott, wife of the republican
candidate for congress, gave birth to a
baby girl on Thursday evening. The col
onel regards this latest advent as a
genuine mascot. His family now consists
of three sons and a daughter. This happy
event, coupled with the encouragement
Mr. Elliott Is receiving all over the dis
trict, make ,him feel aa if the gods were
smiling upon Mm.
West Point Ships Apples.
WEST POINT, Neb., Oct. 28,-John El
Wlesner of this place has shipped two
carloads of Cuming county apples to
High more, S. . D., where the same were
disposed of at remunerative prices. This
Is the first carload shipment of apples
from this county which, up to the lust
few years, has been compelled to buy this
fruit from abroad.
How to Keep a Superb
The clever woman is aware that
it behooves her to know all about
her complexion needs. She has dis
covered that ' powders, lotions,
creams mxl cosmetics are only tem
porary aids makeshifts for leal
tnd natural beauty, and she harf
also discovered that the old-fashioned
Mint remedy, coleated bal
sam, will first of all remove every
blemish I'rom her complexion and
thereafter keep her skin fresh and
young mil blooming. The ii.1ftt.loii
of thiii simple though effective home
remedy is to attack the deadened
tnd discolored skln-partlcles clog
ging the outer cuticle and causing
all sorts of beauty ills like sallow
ness, pimples, liver pota, freckles,
etc. Those of you who hare tried It
know there is nothing like pure
coleated halsam to keep your face
young ami faultless. Therefore you
ran throw down the gauntlet to
Father Time and say to him, "Come
on and 'O your worst, tor you
know you can slip out to the drug
store and get an ounce tnd a half of
this old-fashioned remedy, and that
by applyi'ig It at night a wonderful
change wilt take place in your com
plexion. Perfect Health.
.-- -- - - - - - - - - -"--mr'injxnjuA-wijw4t
Accident Fatal to Child.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., Oct. 2S.-(Speclal.)
Edna, the littlo 14 months old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. McCourtney, who
was run over by a heavy wagon and se
verely Injured August SO, the day she was
1 year old, suffering a broken leg and
Internal Injuries, died at the home of her
parents In Table Rock Wednesday morn
ing, nearly two months from the date of
tho accident.
NEW YORK. Oct. 28.-A copy of the
complaint In the government suit for tho
dissolution of the Steel trust was served
today on Joun D. Rockefeller at his home
In Pocantlco. The service of he papers
was arranged for by Marshal Hcnkel and
when Deputy Marshal Crawford arrived
at Tarry town he found Mr. Rockefeller's
rig waiting for him. Tho deputy drove
over to the Rockefeller mansion, nerved
the papers on Mr. Rockefeller and re
ceived an Invitation to breakfast. The
deputy had already breakfasted and do-
cllned the Invitation.
Visit California Mow;
Autumn nud winter jm just as enjoy- ;
itble ns midsummer. Outdoor sports all tho
year round. Pleasant, um-lianin?: elimate
sea bathing, sea breezes and mellow sun- I
shine. ," -
(let the most pleasure out of your trip j
by taking the route that gives you the max- :
inium of travel eom forts and luxuries. i
Standard Route of tho West
Protected by Electric Block Signals, :
Excellent Dining Cars on all trains,. New
Steel Eiuipmcnt--I)ustless, Perfect track.
For California literature and informa
tion rolativo to fares, routes, stopovers, etc.,
call on any representative or address
L. BEINDORFF, C. P. & T. A.,
1324 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
Phones: Doug. 1828; Ind. A-3231.
Carpet Co.
Poster Bed Special
Eolid Mahogany, like cut This Is a heavy design, has pine
apple carved top posts. Dull finish, high grade. A $55 bed.
Special price $35
These are Special Bargains:
$62 Mahogany Napoleon nod, three-quarter size. Special J9
47 Mahogany Dresser, Colonial design, heavy, best construc
tion. Special $35
$4 2 Mahogany Chiffonier. Dull finish. Antique design. Solid
mahogany. Special $31
$46 Dresser, solid Mahogany, to match above Chiffonier. Dull
finish. Special $34
$39 Mahogany Poster Bed. Special $29.50
$62 Mahogany Napoleon Bed. Special $-19.00
$46 Mahogany Dresser. Special $31.00
$3 8 Mahogany Toilet Table. Special $1IS.50
$45 Mahogany Chiffonier. Special $32.00
$87 Mahogany Davenport. Special $09.00
$150 Mahogany China Cabinet. Special $100
$S0 Mahogany Shaving Stand. Special $10
$45 Mahogany Costumer. Special $27
Lace Curtains
"The newest In everything" Is our motto and considering
the qualities the prices are low.
Cluny Curtains, with wide hem and lace, per pair... $2.05
Scrim Curtains, hemstitched, linen lace, per pair ..$2.95
Etamlne Curtains, beautifully trimmed with filet luce, per
Pair $3.85
$5.00 Duchess Curtains, per pair $3.85
Scotch Net Curtains, per pair . ; $5.75
Extra fine Scrim Curtains, per pair $5.75
Couch Covers, 60 Inches wide, new, each $3.05
Many other styles from $4.50 to $10.00
Comfort, each, from $1.50 to $8.50
Blankets, per pair, from $1.25 to $11.50
Bed Spreads, per set, from $1.50 to $10.00
LiW if TV Woman favorite
I L f ft7 A
tf It pays to have a good talloiM
It pays to have a good talloik
behind you and before you
wbon you order attire! Because
quality in one'a attire In most
unquestionably IS economy of
the roundest sort.
And the MacCarthy-WIlson
customer always has a good
tailor back of him before him
and has the unquestioned,
always present quality of Map-Cartby-W'llsou
tailoring Ideals
and achievement with him.
Yet having one'a attire
made here, at Omaha's hctt
tailor shop costs only $20
to $45.
MacCarthy -Wilson
Tailoring Co.
304-300 South 10th St.
Five Steps South of Farnam.
can cover Omaha with
one paper THE BEE
Doug. 119; Ind. A-2119
Retail Dealen
Office-803 S. 7th St.
Egyptian Chocolates
Our Latest Creation
None Bettor at Any Price. Sold
lu 1 and 2 Pound Boxes Only.
l'rlce 80c and $1.00.
If By Moll 1.00 and $2.00.
Myers-Dillon PrpiCo,,
; 16th and Farnam Sti!7 i-Omaha.
Health and Beauty Answers
Violet: lly all means let face powder
alune, If you wunt u bcuullful complexion.
J'owdi-r vIuks up the ttkln pore. 'iluhiiu
ehlurKd pores, wilnkl s uml ruimh, U1h
culoriMl coinplnxlniiH. Tim only sufn unci
PHtUfurtory complexion ht-Riiufler 1 know
of Is muilu by illMholvliiK tour uiinws of
spurrnux In a half pint hot water, then
adding two tciiHpooof ul Klyrerlne. This
lotion will take away thut shiny, sallow,
KreiiMy look and make your ukln smooth,
soft and vilvety. It does not rub off so
easily aa powder does, anil (Ives that
inucli-dekltf.l, delicate, refined tonn to I ho
skin without an artificial, powdered look.
A. H. ('.: Stop worrying over surh a
trivial tlihiK and j(et an ounce of dolatono.
Mix enouKM Willi water to cover the halm
not wanted, and afer two or three mln
ules ruh off, then wauli the skin. Von
will find delatone the most sallHfartoiy
thlnir to uh for removing superfluous
halm; and even If It does ruxt a dollar an
ounce. It Is worth several times its price
lu have a nmoutti, hairless klu.
sallow, muddv. nlmnlv
. . . . i -
uue to impurities In the
Renal Your
complexion Is
bluod. To rid your system of these marks
or ill health, you can rind nothing better
than this old-fuxhloiied, home-made tonic:
11hho1va a half cup of hukst and one
ounce kardene In a half pint alcohol,
then add hot water to mukit a full ipiarl.
Tuke a tahletipoonf ul before each meat,
and you will he surprised at the wonder
ful hcalth-rcalorliiK qualities of this tonic.
It will jrlve you eneiKv, a sood appetite
and brliia" hack the glow of perfect health
to your cheeks.
Kllen: For your weak, tired, dull eyen
you need a xood strciiK' heidtur tonic. If
you will Ket from your dmnKlst an ounce
of rryHtoa and diHRolve It In a pint of
water, then put a few drops In each eye
once or twice a dav. your eyes will soon
ha clear of all Inflammation, feel strong
and ha bright and sparkling. This tonic
Is splendid for granulated cvelids and
will be found very soothlmt. The use of
this simple tunic hus enabled muiiy to
dlKptnse with wearing glasses.
,T. 8.: Von are only one of the millions
who have wasted ninny dollarx on nlcelv
perfumed hair tonics which did no good
xcept to enrich the manufacturer. For
your dandruff-laden, Itchv scalp, and
thlu, falling hulr, get a half pint alcohol
and one ounce of qulnsoln at any drug
store; mix these together, then add -i
half pint cold water. Two applications. Af
una ionic a week lo the scalp will do
IllOie IfOOtl Mmn Mil I hll ' ullru.KIIPn rom'.-
edlcH" on tlio market. It will put your
I air and scalp In a healthy condition and
you will then be pralHlntf this simple, ii
t.rimiYg iu your irieiius.
Mu.lorle: To reduce your weight qulckjr
and at mull cost, without resurtlnK to- s.
restricted diet and fallKulm; exercise
dlHHolve four ounces of parnotla In a plat
and a half of hot water ami take a taUJ
MKinful before each meal. 1 find this
simple, harmless remedy aenerallv takes
off fat rapidly, and thoxo who have tried
It tell me It Is a marvelous fat-reducer, as
It leaves the skin mnooth and unwrlnklcd.
iou can tet jai nulls at any druu stora.4
Nora: To have beautiful hair and "1
healthy scalp, you must keep your scalp
clean. All the hair tonic under the sua
will not keen your hair and scalp In a
healthy condition, unloss you shampoo
frequently and thoroughly. When waslr
Inu your hair, never uwe soap In anr
form, as the alkali In it streaks and dolls
tllA llfllr .ullui,i,r I. ... u,.l .. . ... .
" ....... . u ...... i .w ..t UIIU UC1 -OI1MI
brittle. No shampoo preparation I hav
ever seen Kives me nair much a
fluffy and healthy appearance as
MIOOIlful of ruilthro iIIuumIvaH I i
fit ,,, uului. l'l.l. .....u... .1...
..... .it...... a,, ia iiinnt-B uie iinetc
shampoo Imaginable and Is Inexpensive.
ii leuiuten an uwi anu uanuruxr, rinses
easily, dries quickly and adds a beauti
ful luster to the hair that you can't get
with any other shampoo. I consider It
Ibe only perfect shampoo.
P. T. W'.i You can et rl.1 of those
blackheads, freckles and large, dlrt-col-lecting
pores In your face, by using this
cream-Jelly: Stir together and let staud
over nlnht one ounce of almoxotn, two
teaspoonf uU glycerine and a half pint
cold water. This makes a Breasoless
cream that will not promote a arowth of
hair on the faro, use It for niasHut:ln
to clear and soften your skin, and you
will soon have Just aa fine and smooth
a complexion as most women many years
your Junior. For removing freckles, tan
and othir skin dlscoloratlons, it has no
Head Mrs. Mirtyn's book, "Beauty."
?5. Adv.