Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 3, Image 15

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    the omaha sVxpay iu:r: octokku 20. 1011.
Omaha Grand Opera Study Club to Give Concert
Cf),jriS)f at
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The annual concert of the Omaha Orand
Opera Study club, directed by Millie
Ryan, will be given November 9 at the
"drandels theater. It will be an lnterest-
Women Are
Doing in the World
ONDAY will be "State Federa
ls iff 1 tton Day" at the meeting of
I the Omaha Woman's club, at
in first vongregauonai
church. The time of the meet
ing will be given to ten-minute
reports of the convention of the Ne
braska Federation of Women's Clubs at
Holdrege October 10 to 12.
The following delegates will speak on
the different sessions: Mrs. C. Vincent,
art and health sessions; Mrs. J. L. Nled
erst, social happenings and household
economics; Miss Josle McHugh, literary
and library extension; Mrs. Cadet Taylor,
Industrial and forestry; Mrs. R. E. Mc
Kelvy, civil service reform and club re
ports; Mrs. F. J. Blrss, educational and
civic; Mrs. M. D. Cameron, business ses
sions. Mrs. Cameron will also give a
general summary of the convention.
The household economics department of
the Woman's club will meet Thursday
morning at 10 o'clock. The meeting will
be followed by luncheon. The guests will
be Mrs. Charles A. Tracy, president of
the Benson Woman's club, and Mrs. F. S.
King of the Benson club. At the program
preceding luncheon, Mrs. King, who Is a
poultry expert, will read a paper on
The literature department of the Wom
an's club will meet Wednesday morning
at 10 o'clock, wltli Mrs. George B. Darr
as leader. The subject of study will be
"Three Phases of Grecian Tragedy
Aeschuyles, Bophocles, Euripides." A
paper on the lesson topic will be given
by Mrs. E. M. fyfert. Illustrative read
ings will be given by Mrs. Darr.
Tho oratory department of the Woman's
club will meet Tuesday morning at the
Metropolitan building.
Mrs. M. D. Cameron returned Friday
Trom Lincoln, where she attended the
state congress of Methodism as a dele
gate from Omaha. Mrs. Cameron was the
only woman called upon to respond to a
toast at the banquet Wednesday evening.
Her talk was on "Women of Nebraska."
The American Woman's league will
meet Thursday afternoon at the Union
putfltting company parlor.
The Woman Suffrage society will meet
.Wednesday at 3 p. m. at the parlor of
the Union Outfitting company store to
continue plana for the lecture of Mrs.
Kmmeline Fankhurst In Omaha Novem
ber 17.
The Society of Fine Arts will hold its
meeting Thursday morning in the public
library. Mrs. C. W. Axtell will be leader.
The topic of study will be "The Beginning
of British Landscape," with particular
attention to the paintings of Thomas
Gainsborough and Richard Wilson.
The Imogens club of Florence will meet
Thursday with Mrs. R. A. Goldlng and
Mrs. C. P. Richardson as hostesses. The
club is studying Shakespeare's "As You
Like If this season. Mrs. E. W. Grain
llch and Mrs. A. B. Hunt will report on
the act assigned for Thursday's lesson.
The Benson Woman's club will meet
Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
V. R. Shelley. Mrs. William Zimmerman
Will report on current topics.
The Story Tellers' league will meet
Thursday afternoon in the public library
with Miss Emma Roberts, leader. Mrs.
O. S. Chittenden" will talk on Homer's
"Odyssey." The stories of "Penelope''
and of the "Laocoon" will be told.
The Dundee Woman's club will meet
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. E. R. Hume. D. C. John will be
leader of the lesson which will be on
Thoreau's "Walden." Mrs. J. E. Dodds
will report on current topics.
Miss Mae Orris, chairman of the edu
cation committee of the Nebraska Fed
eration of Women's clubs, was a guest
of the South Omaha Literary club at last
week's meeting, at which she took part in
the program. -
Mrs. J. H. Carrlck of Culbertson, vice
president of the fifth district of the Ne
braska Federation of Women's clubs,
visited Mrs. F. II. Cole in Omaha last
The Nebraska Federation of Women's
clubs is in receipt of an announcement
that it will have the privilege of assign
ing a scholarship at the Kearney Military
academy. The announcement came from
Bishop George A. Beecher, bishop of
Kearney. The scholarship comprises
tuition and board at the academy for two
Ing one and will be Ftaed entirely by ; plderable trouble was encountered In se
ttle members of Mil'.le Ryan's classes, curlnff a theater In which to stage It.
who are all local people. It was originally The Uoyd was promised, but on account
scheduled for an earlier date, but con-1 of trouble with the orchestra, the change
years ending June, 1!13. The recipient
must be a Nebraska boy over 12 years of
age. Applications must be sent to Mrs.
F. H. Cole, chairman of the state scholar
ship committee, before December 1.
The' women's auxiliaries of the Episco
pal churches of Omaha, South Omaha
and Florence held their first monthly
meeting of the season Friday afternoon
at St. Mark's church In Florence. The
organization wijl study this year the
missionary movement In Mexico. At
Friday's meeting the physical geography
of the country. Its rivers, lakes, moun
tains, mines and Its cities, were studied.
The next meeting' will be held Novem
ber 24 at St. Matthias' church. At that
time the program will be furnished by
the women's auxiliary of St. Paul's
church. The early Inhabitants of Mexico,
ancient religion and religion brought by
the Spaniards will be studied.
The annual distribution of garments to
the charitable Institutions of Omaha by
the Needlework Guild will be held Thurs
day afternoon, November 9, at Jacobs
Memorial hall. It Is expected that 4,0W
new pieces of clothing and household
goods will be distributed. The pieces will
be arranged on tables, each table repre
senting one of the charitable institutions
and being presided over by a committee
of women.
Preceding the display a reception will
be held and musical numbers played.
The collection of garments will be made
November 8 following a businfess meeting
at 10 a. m.
Membership In the guild consists In
giving at least two new garments a year
for charity. Tnere are now 2,000 women
In the jrulld. 'i ne Omaha society is a
branch of the Needlework Guild of Amer
ica, with headquarters in Philadelphia,
and was started by Mrs. Humphrey, wife
of Major Humphrey, stajloneu here a
dozen years ago. Mrs. J. W. Van . No-
strand was one of the first members anu
Is now honorary president.
The American guild Is an orrsnooi oi
the Needlework Guild of England, started
many years ago by Lady Wilberton. It
Is said that Queen Mary Is so Interested
In the guild that the garments which she
contributes are made with her own
Following are the committees in charge
of tho distribution:
Executive Mrs. J. O. P.uulppl, Mrs.
A. P. Tukey. Mrs. Mary 13. Wade, Mrs.
J. Nicholson. Reception Mrs. Thomas
Kllpatrick, Mrs. J. W. Van Nostrand,
Mrs. Charles Johannes, Mrs. K. C. Moore.
Music Mrs. M. B. Newman, Mrs. George
Henderson. Receiving goods Mrs. W. O.
Templeton, Mrs. E. L. Stone. UlstriD
utlng Mrs. Templeton, Mrs. Stone, Mrs.
F. J. Adams.
The following ore In charge ' of the
tables: Associated Cnarltles-Mrs. Dow-
linn. Mrs. B. R. Hume, Mrs. Uross.
Child Saving Institute Mrs. W. A. Saun
ders, Mrs. C. Smith, Mrs. George Hen
derson. Clarkson Memorial hospital-
Mrs. T. H. E. Tracy. Mrs. W. II. Ban
ford. City Mission-Mrs. Mary McAus
land. Mrs. John W. Griffith. Christ
Child society-Miss Stella Hamilton. Miss
M.nL-aret McShane. Creche Mrs. R. -.
Moore, Mrs. J. W. Van Nostrand. Wise
Memorial hospital Mrs. M. B. Newman,
Mr3. Edward Rosewater, Mrs. H. L.
Heard. Salvation Army Rescue Home-
Mrs. Robert Cowell, Mrs. Fred Harris.
Wurkincmen's Home Mrs. Everson, Mrs.
Cllne. Detention Home Mrs. Fred Smith,
Mrs. Gecree Wilson. Emmanuel hospital
Mrs. C. B. Coon. House of Hope Mrs.
W. A. Smith, Mrs. Itappke. Methodist
hoBDital Mrs. J. Nicholson, Mrs. Hoff
man, Mrs. H. A. Whipple. Newsboys
club Mrs. Peters. Mrs. Garrett. Old
People's Home Mrs. Cadet Taylor, Mrs.
F I. Brvant. Social Settlement Mrs.
Thomas Kllpatrick. Mrs. A. P. Tukey.
St. James Orphanage Mrs. w. uerg.
Mrs. Nathan. St. Joseph's hospital Mrs.
Waterman. Mrs. J. L. Baker. Visiting
Nurse association-Mrs. W. W. Carmlch
ael, Mrs. T. Jennings, Mrs. Victor White.
(Continued from Page Two.)
from the fireplaces and windows, black
cats with blazing eyes crawled up and
down the portieres, staring owls and flap
ping bats startled folks from the comers.
Each one of the JO guests had his for
tune told by a mysterious gypsy, games
were played and a musical program was
given by Mr. James Colvln and Mrs.
Rtchabau. Apples, nuts, pie, doughnuts,
cider and other informal fare formed the
Wedding Bells
The wedding of Miss Maude Rock,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rock, to
Mr. Charles E. Martin of Council Bluffs,
was celebrated Saturday afternoon at
4 o'clock at the home of the fcilde s
parents. Rev. J. M. Kersey officiating.
The bride was gowned in white chiffon
over mescaline trimmed with pearls; she
carried a shower of bride's roses. Mrs.
P. B. Halght, aunt ut the bride, was ma
1 V n
- C vT,
tron of honor and wore a gown of hlte
hamr-embroldcred mull trimmed with lav
ender. She carried white chrysanthe
mums tied with lavender tulle. Ernest
Indstrom of Council Bluffs was best
man. The wedding march was played by
Miss Margaret Damm and Mrs. Zabriskie.
The rooms were decorated In green and
white and about ninety guests were
present. After a brief wedding trip the
young couple will reside in Council Bluffs.
Assisting at the reception were Mes
dames II. E. Bontrlght of Anita, la;
Elly Riley. Edgar Zabriskie, W. E. Dick
inson of Elva. 111.; MlBseS Fay Chamber
lain, Llta Lamb of Auburn, la., and Mar
garet Damm.
A wedding of Interest to residents in
Council Bluffs was that of Miss Patricia
Echo Shank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Shank of Stuart, Neb., and Dr.
Bernard Vincent McDermott, at St.
Patrick's church, Massena, La., Wednes
day morning.
Tho ceremony was performed by Rev.
Patrick N. McDermott, cousin of the
groom, assisted by the Very Rev. F. P.
McManus of Council Bluffs and Rev. P.
J. Casey of Reno. The ushers were Mr.
John E. McDermott of Des Moines and
Dr. Bernard A. McDermott of Omaha,
both uncles of the groom. Miss Mayme
Toller of Council Bluffs was muld of
Among the guests present were the
Very Rev. F. P. McManus of Council
Bluffs, Rev. P. J. Casey of Reno, la.;
Mrs. P. O. McDermott, mother of the
groom, and Raymond, Edward, Frank,
William and Pearl, brothers of the groom,
all of Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Hor
ace Shank, parents of the bride; Miss
Marion Shank and Mr. Linn Shank, Bister
and brother of the bride, all of Stuart,
Neb.; Miss Mayme Toller of Council
Bluffs, Mr. Henry F. Rohllng of Council
Bluffs, Mr, and Mrs. John E. McDermott
of Des Moines and Dr. and Mrs. Bernard
A. McDermott of Omaha, Neb.
Dr. and Mrs. McDermott will reside at
Stuart, Neb., where Dr. McDermott has
a large practice.
At the Country Club
The Country club season came to a bril
liant close Saturday with a table d'hote
dinner at the club. The new heating plant
has been installed and many informal
parties will be given at the club during
the winter season, last evening was one
of the most formal parties ever held at
the club, and several unusually largo din
ner parties were given.
Mr. Frank Colpetzer entertained at one
of the larger dinner parties last evening.
Covers pere placd for:
Miss Alice Landls,
M. and Mrs. G. W. Wattles,
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Barlow,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Caldwell,
Mr. and Mrs. Mosher Colpeizer,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Buriiham, of Lin
coln, Mr. Frank Colpetzer,
Mr. and Mrs. George Prtns had as their
guests MIbs Ella Mae Brown, Mr. Stock
ton lleth and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gil
bert of Washington, D. C.
Miss Katherlne Beeson entertained at
one of the dinner parties, her guests in
cluded: Misses
Dorothy Miller
Elizabeth Bruce,
of Lafayette, ind.,
Hal Brady.
John Daugherty,
Mr. and Mrs. A.
Wlllard Butler,
V. Klnsler had as
their guests:
Mr. and Mrs.T. L. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hosford.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kpens.
Mr. and Mrs, C. Y. Smith entertained as
their guests at dinner: Mrs. Harry Lock
man Street of Chicago, Mrs. Ben W. Cot
ton, Mr. Waddell of Chicago, Dr. Leroy
Crummer, Mr. Elmer Cope, Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin T. Bwobe and Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
Mr and Mrs. Robert Huntley had
as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Gould
Diets and Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. McCord entertained
at dinner for their guests, Mrs. James
McCord and Mrs. Samuel McCord of St.
Joseph. Twelve guests were present,
Frank Walters had twelve guests; J. C.
Klnsler, nine; W. T. Burns, eight; W. H.
Wheeler, eight; Walter Roberts, four;
Harry Burkley, twelve; Wylle Hater,
four; Luther Drake, eight; E. M. Fair
field, twelve; W. A. C. Johnson, six.
Personal Gossip
Mrs. A. I Meyer spent the day in Lin
coln with her sister, Mrs. Karl Gerber.
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. McCarthy have re
turned from a two weekB' eastern trip.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gilbert of Wash
ington, formerly of this city, are at the
Loyul for a few days.
Mrs. F. A. Brogan left Friday to spend
a few days at Excelsior Springs with her
mother, Mrs. Perley.
Richard Page, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter T. Page, is convalescing from an
operation for appendicitis.
Mrs. Sherman Can field and baby have
arrived from Sheridan and are with her
mother, Mrs. E. V. Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKeen, who have
been staying at the Rome since their
ft HP 4
i w t
f I 1 i
was made to the HrandoK
The celebrated quintet from "Melpler
Pliiger" will be sung for the first time In
Omaha ut this concert.
return from California, moved Thursday
to their new home on West Leavenworth
Dr. J. S. Goetz and his mother, Mrs. S.
Ooetz, will return Sunday night from a
threo months' trip to Europe.
Miss Ethel Hewitt of Des Moines Is the
guest of Mrs. Daniel Baum and will bo
one of Miss Boas Katun's bridesmaids.
Mrs. A. B. Hunt will leave November 4
for a three weeks' visit In St. Paul. Upon
her return ehe will give a lmislrule at her
Mrs. Frank Dafoe of Tecumseh has
been spending tho week In Omaha with
Mr. Dafoe, who is 111 In ono of the hos
pitals. Mrs. Henry D. Entahrook arrived Fri
day from New York and will remain until
Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Byrne have re
turned from their wedding trip to New
York and are at home at the New
Mrs. Charles H. Sawyer of Kansas City
Is vlKltlng her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth
Kleffner, and her sisters, Mrs. II. Lau
fenberg and Mrs. It. K. Booth.
Miss Margery Edwards of Chicago, ono
of the out-of-town guests for the Rouse
Baum wedding, arrives tomorrow and
will stgp with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mrs. F. S. Owen and Mrs. T. W. Mo
Cullough spent tho week end In Lincoln,
where they attended the foot bull game,
and visited Hubert Owen and Roger
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Funke and Mr. and
Mrs. S. H. Burnham of Lincoln will come
Wedncsduy to attend the Rouse-Kaum
wedding and will be the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Clement Chase.
Mrs. Clement Chase, who has been at
tending a meeting of the north . central
territorial committee of the Young
Women's Christian association ut Minne
apolis, returned Saturday morning.
Miss Margaret Adams of Jamestown, N.
Y., arrived " Satuiduy to spend a few
months visiting relatives. Miss Adams Is
the guest of Mrs. C. C. Rosewater and
will later visit Mrs. Nesbltt of Fort
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum will have
as their house guests Mr. William C.
Rouse, father of Mr. John Rouse, and
his daughters, Miss Evelyn and Miss
Roberta Rouse, who arrive Monday from
Baltimore for the wedding.
Miss Henrietta Rees, who is an in
structor in music at Mornlngslde college,
Sioux City, la., Is spending the week end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simuel
Rees. She. was accompanied by Miss
Dahl, secretary of the college.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Metz, Miss Gert
rude Metz and Mrs. Metz' cousin, Mrs.
I'omy Gray of Chicago, will sail from
New York January 25 on tho Cincinnati
for an extensive European trip. They will
be gone until about the middle of May.
Mr. Dudley Mason of Baltimore, Mr.
Sertell of Louisville, Ky., and Mr. Hubert
Carr of Richmond, Ind., who are to be
ushers at the Kuuse-Baum wedding, and
Mr. William Richardson of Philadelphia,
the best man, have arrived and are stop
ping at the Omaha club. "
Miss Olabell Hervey, Miss Elizabeth
Penny and Miss Anne Dennis are spend
ing the week-end with Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority sitters In Lincoln, having
gone to attend the Nebraska-Missouri
foot bull gume Saturday afternoon and
the party ut the Kappa house Saturday
Mrs. Samuel Rees returned Saturday
morning from a three weeks' visit In the
east, having gone to be present at the
eighty-fourth birthday of her brother In
Richmond, N. Y. Mrs. Rees was accom
panied home by Miss Grace Collan of
lllon, N. Y., who will spend the winter
us her guest. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rees,
jr., who went east with Mrs. Rees, huvo
also returned.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nash, Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Burgess and Miss Stella Hamilton
returned today from their private car
trip to Seattle and San Francisco. They
were accompunled on their return by
Miss Mildred Lomax, who Joined them
In San Francisco and who will be the
guest while here of Miss Mohler and Mis.
Charles Kountze. Mr. James Woodard
joined the party at Butte, Munt., going
us fur as Seattle with them.
Old Landmark is to
Be Torn Down Soon
A. P. Tukey & Son will move away the
old houso at the southeast corner of
Twenty-sixth urid Fainain and grade
down the lot, acting for the owner, E. F.
Riley, and will build to suit tenants.
The house is an old landmark. It was
built by the father of George Gibson so
long ago that It was too far out In the
country to get deliveries from the gro
ceries. There were no other houses near
It. The property has suen some ups and
downs In value. George II. Lane, Dr.
Sweetman, A. P. Tukey and W. F. Allen
paid $40,0X1 for it and Allen bought out
his partners on the basis of V),XM. E. 1'.
Riley, the present owner, paid UO.OjO.
Bee Want Ads will Boost your busi
ness and cause it to grow.
Every Eoy Always
Wants More.
It enn bo made up
Into fco many delicious
dishes that ho Is always
itsklUK mama to "huvo
Skinner's macaroni or
spnghrtti for dinner
and supper."
Sold in large sani
tary for 10t
Skinner's Is the kind
you buy again.
K r e c Mrs. MacMur
phy's book of 100 best
Skinner Manufacturing
At ymir grocers.
Special Millinery Sale
Monday and All Week
In order to make It known to the
ladles tit Omaha and vicinity tlutt
we have a bountiful stock of mil
linery, at prices ltsh than elsewhere,
we offer these nperlal prices for this
week, boglnnrng Monday;
OUR $6.00 HATS j250
OUR S15.b6: HATS $500
Millinery and Hair Goods
403 So. 16th St.
Ci j National Bank tuilding
Prices cut In same proportion ' on
all oilier hair goods.
We ell and do everything In tho
linn of liair goods, hair work and
littlr dressing.
It erlll pay you to look over our
took before 70a buy.
Diamoads (or the Bride
A piece of fine diamond Jewel
ry will plcane her next. It Ih more
appropriate ax a token of love,
admiration ami f rleiidxhlp, hut It
will lie tho moHt of all for
the beautiful sentiment It ex
presses. The finest stock In Omaha at
Omaha's finest Jewelrj store.
HI11KB of fancy clusters of lla
inomlH, rubies, applllrex, opal,
pcarla, turiolseh, emeiulclH, etc.
at U to 8&QO
IlrartM of pearlH, diamond cciiiith
at W33 to 78
Kar-riiiKH $J to 95.01)
lH.nnmi Necklace Jlu to 91,000
Jji viilllureB, all the precious cti s
' at 95 to 933
Jtruceleth set with dlannii'lM
ut 960 to 9100
Chatelaine watches net with
pearls anil diamonds, Ixailtll'ul
lnoilclc'l ciixca of flower iIcmIkii
and old liu-e coloiinif, riraK'm
cliu'fl.ilne 950 to 975
IlmoiheH of diamonds and pexrls
at 915 to 9750
IHamond solitaire engagement
rln K a 935 to 91.000
Tiffany wedding rinifH, all
weight 9X60 to 910
Wedding favors brooch rlriM, l)f
net ring, hut pins, mounted
combs, mi arf pins, cuff hulloim,
watch fob, rings set with gems,
ahtii K lAii i:vi:s
Made to order at our store, Nov.
'1, 3, 4. Writo or telephone for
particulars and appointment.
;M)iiK oiticai. en.
21H South Klllt ht.
Tel. IKmih. Ul 11. Ind. A-IU.
mt fatorabrr tht fir
stittrtrnt ijtmfcrr! miit tlritr n
T --' ' - G fRi'V.v. vr ..t.-v. 1
rJ- lit Vi
Least Expensive Car
To Own
Electric Garage Co.
Omaha Distributor
SIM 8-22 Farnaiu Ht.
To correct instances where parties from in and oat of town
are. dlreetptl to patronize my tailoring ONtaMlbliment And il1"tn
rind my locution, I wish to request my many patrons to take purlieu
lur note or tho address w hen recommending their sTrlends.
I uIhIi to maintain my Manduid of IiIk'i (loss tailoring nnd
liopo In this tvny to quiet numerous complaints of disHatinf action
which have reached mo recently mid which 1 rind after thorough
investigation should not he credited to me.
Humor that I have chunked locution or being connected with
firms or Mmilur naineH are mil rue und uro made Willi the intention
of confusing and misleading my put ions.
The Original L. Kneeter,
Omaha's Best Ladies' Tailor.
0041-8 Roulli 10th Street. Phone Douglas 0005.
Cleaning Heavy
Say for argument's sake, that ALL,
dry cleaning establishments ran do
equally sol clothes cleaning, dyeing,
etc, but tho cleaner who can put a
ruif, blanket,, etc., through tho san.
process used on a fine gown, are at
rare as 'hiMi's tpeth," fclmply becausa
their equipments wera nut planned or
hullt large enoaKli.
At Irehers everything is depart
inentlzed; thore Is a complete plant fur
the cleaning of clothes; there's another
for the cleaning of rues, etc.; there's
still another tor furs, blankets, pillows,
Comic Section
The Sunday Bee
Baker Electrics excel in low up
keep and in light consumption
of current. They are most eco
nomical to operate because the
motor develops most power from
a given charge and
The Noiseless
Devel-Gear Shaft Drive
transmits it with least ' friction
Mechanical refinement every
where eliminates waste.
Equipped with Special Elec
tric Pneumatic or Motz Cush
ion Tires.
I The Baker Motor-Vehicle Co.
1 Manufacturer!
' Cleveland. Ohio
Goods a
at Dresner Plant
etc.; In fact each department might ba
classed as a separate Institution. Ite
sponslblllty '.n thus placed upon the In
dividual departments.
Leave your work at Dresner's plant
at L'L'lt-:2n i-arnam Ht., or at their
branch In the I'ompelan Itoom of The
Iiramleis Stores, or at Dresner The
Tailors, Karnan.' St., or better
still, Just step to the phone and call up
ono of these numbers; Tyler 1300 or
Auto A-2225. Dresner's pay express one
way on out of town work where the
cleaning bill amounts to 'i or over.
With Happy Hooligan, Little
Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kids
and the whole interesting family